"""Define the base System class."""
import sys
import os
import hashlib
import pathlib
import time
import functools
import textwrap
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from enum import IntEnum
from io import StringIO
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from numbers import Integral
import numpy as np
from openmdao.core.constants import _DEFAULT_COLORING_DIR, _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, \
from openmdao.jacobians.jacobian import Jacobian
from openmdao.jacobians.assembled_jacobian import DenseJacobian, CSCJacobian
from openmdao.recorders.recording_manager import RecordingManager
from openmdao.vectors.vector import _full_slice
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI, multi_proc_exception_check
from openmdao.utils.options_dictionary import OptionsDictionary
from openmdao.utils.record_util import create_local_meta, check_path, has_match
from openmdao.utils.units import is_compatible, unit_conversion, simplify_unit
from openmdao.utils.variable_table import write_var_table, NA
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import evenly_distrib_idxs, shape_to_len, get_errors
from openmdao.utils.name_maps import name2abs_name, name2abs_names
from openmdao.utils.coloring import _compute_coloring, Coloring, \
import openmdao.utils.coloring as coloring_mod
from openmdao.utils.indexer import indexer
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning, \
DerivativesWarning, PromotionWarning, UnusedOptionWarning, UnitsWarning, warn_deprecation
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import determine_adder_scaler, is_undefined, \
format_as_float_or_array, all_ancestors, match_prom_or_abs, \
ensure_compatible, env_truthy, make_traceback, _is_slicer_op, _wrap_comm, _unwrap_comm, \
_om_dump, SystemMetaclass, add_border
from openmdao.utils.file_utils import _get_outputs_dir
from openmdao.approximation_schemes.complex_step import ComplexStep
from openmdao.approximation_schemes.finite_difference import FiniteDifference
from openmdao.visualization.tables.table_builder import generate_table
_empty_frozen_set = frozenset()
_asm_jac_types = {
'csc': CSCJacobian,
'dense': DenseJacobian,
# Suppored methods for derivatives
_supported_methods = {
'fd': FiniteDifference,
'cs': ComplexStep,
'exact': None,
'jax': None
'wrt_patterns': ('*',), # patterns used to match wrt variables
'method': 'fd', # finite differencing method ('fd' or 'cs')
'wrt_matches': None, # where matched wrt names are stored
'per_instance': True, # assume each instance can have a different coloring
'coloring': None, # this will contain the actual Coloring object
'dynamic': False, # True if dynamic coloring is being used
'static': None, # either _STD_COLORING_FNAME, a filename, or a Coloring object
# if use_fixed_coloring was called
_recordable_funcs = frozenset(['_apply_linear', '_apply_nonlinear', '_solve_linear',
# the following are local metadata that will also be accessible for vars on all procs
global_meta_names = {
'input': ('units', 'shape', 'size', 'distributed', 'tags', 'desc',
'shape_by_conn', 'compute_shape', 'copy_shape', 'require_connection'),
'output': ('units', 'shape', 'size', 'desc',
'ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref', 'distributed', 'lower', 'upper', 'tags',
'shape_by_conn', 'compute_shape', 'copy_shape'),
allowed_meta_names = {
resp_size_checks = {
'con': ['ref', 'ref0', 'scaler', 'adder', 'upper', 'lower', 'equals'],
'obj': ['ref', 'ref0', 'scaler', 'adder']
resp_types = {'con': 'constraint', 'obj': 'objective'}
class _MatchType(IntEnum):
Class used to define different types of promoted name matches.
NAME : int
Literal name match.
RENAME : int
Rename match.
Glob pattern match.
NAME = 0
class _OptStatus(IntEnum):
Class used to define different states during the optimization process.
PRE : int
Before the optimization.
During the optimization.
POST : int
After the optimization.
PRE = 0
POST = 2
[docs]def collect_errors(method):
Decorate a method so that it will collect any exceptions for later display.
method : method
The method to be decorated.
The wrapped method.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
if env_truthy('OPENMDAO_FAIL_FAST'):
type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
if isinstance(exc, KeyError) and self._get_saved_errors():
# it's likely the result of an earlier error, so ignore it
self._collect_error(str(exc), exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb)
return wrapper
[docs]class System(object, metaclass=SystemMetaclass):
Base class for all systems in OpenMDAO.
Never instantiated; subclassed by <Group> or <Component>.
In attribute names:
abs: absolute, unpromoted variable name, seen from root (unique).
rel: relative, unpromoted variable name, seen from current system (unique).
prom: relative, promoted variable name, seen from current system (non-unique for inputs).
num_par_fd : int
If FD is active, number of concurrent FD solves.
**kwargs : dict of keyword arguments
Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the System options.
name : str
Name of the system, must be different from siblings.
pathname : str
Global name of the system, including the path.
_comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm>
MPI communicator object.
options : OptionsDictionary
options dictionary
recording_options : OptionsDictionary
Recording options dictionary
_problem_meta : dict
Problem level metadata.
under_complex_step : bool
When True, this system is undergoing complex step.
under_finite_difference : bool
When True, this system is undergoing finite differencing.
iter_count : int
Counts the number of times this system has called _solve_nonlinear. This also
corresponds to the number of times that the system's outputs are recorded if a recorder
is present.
iter_count_apply : int
Counts the number of times the system has called _apply_nonlinear. For ExplicitComponent,
calls to apply_nonlinear also call compute, so number of executions can be found by adding
this and iter_count together. Recorders do not record calls to apply_nonlinear.
iter_count_without_approx : int
Counts the number of times the system has iterated but excludes any that occur during
approximation of derivatives.
cite : str
Listing of relevant citations that should be referenced when
publishing work that uses this class.
_full_comm : MPI.Comm or None
MPI communicator object used when System's comm is split for parallel FD.
_solver_print_cache : list
Allows solver iprints to be set to requested values after setup calls.
_subsystems_allprocs : dict
Dict mapping subsystem name to SysInfo(system, index) for children of this system.
_subsystems_myproc : [<System>, ...]
List of local subsystems that exist on this proc.
_var_promotes : { 'any': [], 'input': [], 'output': [] }
Dictionary of lists of variable names/wildcards specifying promotion
(used to calculate promoted names)
_var_prom2inds : dict
Maps promoted name to src_indices in scope of system.
_var_allprocs_prom2abs_list : {'input': dict, 'output': dict}
Dictionary mapping promoted names (continuous and discrete) to list of all absolute names.
For outputs, the list will have length one since promoted output names are unique.
_var_abs2prom : {'input': dict, 'output': dict}
Dictionary mapping absolute names to promoted names, on current proc. Contains continuous
and discrete variables.
_var_allprocs_abs2prom : {'input': dict, 'output': dict}
Dictionary mapping absolute names to promoted names, on all procs. Contains continuous
and discrete variables.
_var_allprocs_abs2meta : dict
Dictionary mapping absolute names to metadata dictionaries for allprocs continuous
_var_abs2meta : dict
Dictionary mapping absolute names to metadata dictionaries for myproc continuous variables.
_var_discrete : dict
Dictionary of discrete var metadata and values local to this process.
_var_allprocs_discrete : dict
Dictionary of discrete var metadata and values for all processes.
_discrete_inputs : dict-like or None
Storage for discrete input values.
_discrete_outputs : dict-like or None
Storage for discrete output values.
_var_allprocs_abs2idx : dict
Dictionary mapping absolute names to their indices among this system's allprocs variables.
Therefore, the indices range from 0 to the total number of this system's variables.
_var_sizes : {'input': ndarray, 'output': ndarray}
Array of local sizes of this system's allprocs variables.
The array has size nproc x num_var where nproc is the number of processors
owned by this system and num_var is the number of allprocs variables.
_owned_sizes : ndarray
Array of local sizes for 'owned' or distributed vars only.
_var_offsets : {<vecname>: {'input': dict of ndarray, 'output': dict of ndarray}, ...} or None
Dict of distributed offsets, keyed by var name. Offsets are stored in an array
of size nproc x num_var where nproc is the number of processors
in this System's communicator and num_var is the number of allprocs variables
in the given system. This is only defined in a Group that owns one or more interprocess
connections or a top level Group that is used to compute total derivatives
across multiple processes.
_vars_to_gather : dict
Contains names of non-distributed variables that are remote on at least one proc in the comm
_conn_global_abs_in2out : {'abs_in': 'abs_out'}
Dictionary containing all explicit & implicit connections (continuous and discrete)
owned by this system or any descendant system. The data is the same across all processors.
_vectors : {'input': dict, 'output': dict, 'residual': dict}
Dictionaries of vectors keyed by vec_name.
_inputs : <Vector>
The nonlinear inputs vector.
_outputs : <Vector>
The nonlinear outputs vector.
_residuals : <Vector>
The nonlinear residuals vector.
_dinputs : <Vector>
The linear inputs vector.
_doutputs : <Vector>
The linear outputs vector.
_dresiduals : <Vector>
The linear residuals vector.
_nonlinear_solver : <NonlinearSolver>
Nonlinear solver to be used for solve_nonlinear.
_linear_solver : <LinearSolver>
Linear solver to be used for solve_linear; not the Newton system.
_approx_schemes : dict
A mapping of approximation types to the associated ApproximationScheme.
_jacobian : <Jacobian>
<Jacobian> object to be used in apply_linear.
_owns_approx_jac : bool
If True, this system approximated its Jacobian
_owns_approx_jac_meta : dict
Stores approximation metadata (e.g., step_size) from calls to approx_totals
_owns_approx_of : list or None
Overrides aproximation outputs. This is set when calculating system derivatives, and serves
as a way to communicate the driver's output quantities to the approximation objects so that
we only take derivatives of variables that the driver needs.
_owns_approx_wrt : list or None
Overrides aproximation inputs. This is set when calculating system derivatives, and serves
as a way to communicate the driver's input quantities to the approximation objects so that
we only take derivatives with respect to variables that the driver needs.
_subjacs_info : dict of dict
Sub-jacobian metadata for each (output, input) pair added using
declare_partials. Members of each pair may be glob patterns.
_approx_subjac_keys : list
List of subjacobian keys used for approximated derivatives.
_design_vars : dict of dict
dict of all driver design vars added to the system.
_responses : dict of dict
dict of all driver responses added to the system.
_rec_mgr : <RecordingManager>
object that manages all recorders added to this system.
_static_subsystems_allprocs : dict
Dict of SysInfo(subsys, index) that stores all subsystems added outside of setup.
_static_design_vars : dict of dict
Driver design variables added outside of setup.
_static_responses : dict of dict
Driver responses added outside of setup.
matrix_free : bool
This is set to True if the component overrides the appropriate function with a user-defined
matrix vector product with the Jacobian or any of its subsystems do. Note that the framework
will not set the matrix_free flag correctly for Component instances having a matrix vector
product function that is added dynamically (not declared as part of the class) and in that
case the matrix_free flag must be set manually to True.
_mode : str
Indicates derivative direction for the model, either 'fwd' or 'rev'.
_scope_cache : dict
Cache for variables in the scope of various mat-vec products.
_has_guess : bool
True if this system has or contains a system with a `guess_nonlinear` method defined.
_has_output_scaling : bool
True if this system has output scaling.
_has_output_adder : bool
True if this system has scaling that includes an adder term.
_has_resid_scaling : bool
True if this system has resid scaling.
_has_input_scaling : bool
True if this system has input scaling.
_has_input_adder : bool
True if this system has scaling that includes an adder term.
_has_bounds : bool
True if this system has upper or lower bounds on outputs.
_has_distrib_vars : bool
If True, this System contains at least one distributed variable. Used to determine if a
parallel group or distributed component is below a DirectSolver so that we can raise an
_owning_rank : dict
Dict mapping var name to the lowest rank where that variable is local.
_filtered_vars_to_record : Dict
Dict of list of var names to record
_vector_class : class
Class to use for data vectors. After setup will contain the value of either
_problem_meta['distributed_vector_class'] or _problem_meta['local_vector_class'].
_assembled_jac : AssembledJacobian or None
If not None, this is the AssembledJacobian owned by this system's linear_solver.
_num_par_fd : int
If FD is active, and the value is > 1, turns on parallel FD and specifies the number of
concurrent FD solves.
_par_fd_id : int
ID used to determine which columns in the jacobian will be computed when using parallel FD.
_has_approx : bool
If True, this system or its descendent has declared approximated partial or semi-total
_coloring_info : tuple
Metadata that defines how to perform coloring of this System's approx jacobian. Not
used if this System does no partial or semi-total coloring.
_first_call_to_linearize : bool
If True, this is the first call to _linearize.
_is_local : bool
If True, this system is local to this mpi process.
_tot_jac : __TotalJacInfo or None
If a total jacobian is being computed and this is the top level System, this will
be a reference to the _TotalJacInfo object.
_saved_errors : list
Temporary storage for any saved errors that occur before this System is assigned
a parent Problem.
_output_solver_options : dict or None
Solver output options if set_output_solver_options has been called.
_promotion_tree : dict
Mapping of system path to promotion info indicating all subsystems where variables
were promoted.
_during_sparsity : bool
If True, we're doing a sparsity computation and uncolored approxs need to be restricted
to only colored columns.
compute_primal : function or None
Function that computes the primal for the given system.
_jac_func_ : function or None
Function that computes the jacobian using AD (jax). Not used if jax is not active.
[docs] def __init__(self, num_par_fd=1, **kwargs):
Initialize all attributes.
self.name = ''
self.pathname = None
self._comm = None
self._is_local = False
# System options
self.options = OptionsDictionary(parent_name=type(self).__name__)
self.options.declare('assembled_jac_type', values=['csc', 'dense'], default='csc',
desc='Linear solver(s) in this group or implicit component, '
'if using an assembled jacobian, will use this type.')
self.options.declare('derivs_method', default=None, values=['jax', 'cs', 'fd', None],
desc='The method to use for computing derivatives')
# Case recording options
self.recording_options = OptionsDictionary(parent_name=type(self).__name__)
self.recording_options.declare('record_inputs', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record inputs at the system level')
self.recording_options.declare('record_outputs', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record outputs at the system level')
self.recording_options.declare('record_residuals', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record residuals at the system level')
self.recording_options.declare('includes', types=list, default=['*'],
desc='Patterns for variables to include in recording. \
Uses fnmatch wildcards')
self.recording_options.declare('excludes', types=list, default=[],
desc='Patterns for vars to exclude in recording '
'(processed post-includes). Uses fnmatch wildcards')
self.recording_options.declare('options_excludes', types=list, default=[],
desc='User-defined metadata to exclude in recording')
self._problem_meta = None
# Counting iterations.
self.iter_count = 0
self.iter_count_apply = 0
self.iter_count_without_approx = 0
self.cite = ""
self._solver_print_cache = []
self._subsystems_allprocs = {}
self._subsystems_myproc = []
self._vars_to_gather = {}
self._var_promotes = {'input': [], 'output': [], 'any': []}
self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list = None
self._var_prom2inds = {}
self._var_abs2prom = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2prom = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_discrete = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_discrete = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2idx = {}
self._var_sizes = None
self._owned_sizes = None
self._var_offsets = None
self._full_comm = None
self._vectors = {}
self._inputs = None
self._outputs = None
self._residuals = None
self._dinputs = None
self._doutputs = None
self._dresiduals = None
self._discrete_inputs = None
self._discrete_outputs = None
self._nonlinear_solver = None
self._linear_solver = None
self._jacobian = None
self._approx_schemes = {}
self._subjacs_info = {}
self._approx_subjac_keys = None
self.matrix_free = _UNDEFINED
self._owns_approx_jac = False
self._owns_approx_jac_meta = {}
self._owns_approx_wrt = None
self._owns_approx_of = None
self.under_complex_step = False
self.under_finite_difference = False
self._design_vars = {}
self._responses = {}
self._rec_mgr = RecordingManager()
self._conn_global_abs_in2out = {}
self._static_subsystems_allprocs = {}
self._static_design_vars = {}
self._static_responses = {}
self._scope_cache = {}
self._num_par_fd = num_par_fd
self._has_guess = False
self._has_output_scaling = False
self._has_output_adder = False
self._has_resid_scaling = False
self._has_input_scaling = False
self._has_input_adder = False
self._has_bounds = False
self._has_distrib_vars = False
self._has_approx = False
self._vector_class = None
self._assembled_jac = None
self._par_fd_id = 0
self._filtered_vars_to_record = {}
self._owning_rank = None
self._coloring_info = coloring_mod.Partial_ColoringMeta()
self._first_call_to_linearize = True # will check in first call to _linearize
self._tot_jac = None
self._saved_errors = None if env_truthy('OPENMDAO_FAIL_FAST') else []
self._output_solver_options = {}
self._promotion_tree = None
self._during_sparsity = False
if not hasattr(self, 'compute_primal'):
self.compute_primal = None
self._jac_func_ = None # for computing jacobian using AD (jax)
if _om_dump:
def comm(self):
Return the wrapped MPI communicator object for the system.
Wrapped MPI communicator object.
return _wrap_comm(self._comm, self.msginfo)
def comm(self, comm):
Set the MPI communicator object for the system.
comm : MPI.Comm or DebugComm
Wrapped or unwrapped MPI communicator object.
self._comm = _unwrap_comm(comm)
def comm(self):
Return the MPI communicator object for the system.
MPI communicator object.
return self._comm
def comm(self, comm):
Set the MPI communicator object for the system.
comm : MPI.Comm
MPI communicator object.
self._comm = comm
def under_approx(self):
Return True if under complex step or finite difference.
True if under CS or FD.
return self.under_complex_step or self.under_finite_difference
def msginfo(self):
Our instance pathname, if available, or our class name. For use in error messages.
Either our instance pathname or class name.
if self.pathname is not None:
if self.pathname == '':
return f"<model> <class {type(self).__name__}>"
return f"'{self.pathname}' <class {type(self).__name__}>"
if self.name:
return f"'{self.name}' <class {type(self).__name__}>"
return f"<class {type(self).__name__}>"
def _get_inst_id(self):
return self.pathname if self.pathname is not None else ''
[docs] def abs_name_iter(self, iotype, local=True, cont=True, discrete=False):
Iterate over absolute variable names for this System.
By setting appropriate values for 'cont' and 'discrete', yielded variable
names can be continuous only, discrete only, or both.
iotype : str
Either 'input' or 'output'.
local : bool
If True, include only names of local variables. Default is True.
cont : bool
If True, include names of continuous variables. Default is True.
discrete : bool
If True, include names of discrete variables. Default is False.
if cont:
if local:
yield from self._var_abs2meta[iotype]
yield from self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[iotype]
if discrete:
if local:
prefix = self.pathname + '.' if self.pathname else ''
for name in self._var_discrete[iotype]:
yield prefix + name
yield from self._var_allprocs_discrete[iotype]
def _jac_of_iter(self):
Iterate over (name, offset, end, slice, dist_sizes) for each 'of' (row) var in the jacobian.
Name of 'of' variable.
Starting index.
Ending index.
slice or ndarray
A full slice.
ndarray or None
Distributed sizes if var is distributed else None
toidx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx
sizes = self._var_sizes['output']
total = self.pathname == ''
szname = 'global_size' if total else 'size'
start = end = 0
for of, meta in self._var_abs2meta['output'].items():
end += meta[szname]
yield of, start, end, _full_slice, sizes[:, toidx[of]] if meta['distributed'] else None
start = end
def _jac_wrt_iter(self, wrt_matches=None):
Iterate over (name, offset, end, vec, slc, dist_sizes) for each column var in the jacobian.
wrt_matches : set or None
Only include row vars that are contained in this set. This will determine what
the actual offsets are, i.e. the offsets will be into a reduced jacobian
containing only the matching columns.
Name of 'wrt' variable.
Starting index.
Ending index.
Vector or None
Either the _outputs or _inputs vector if var is local else None.
A full slice.
ndarray or None
Distributed sizes if var is distributed else None
toidx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx
sizes_in = self._var_sizes['input']
tometa_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']
local_ins = self._var_abs2meta['input']
local_outs = self._var_abs2meta['output']
total = self.pathname == ''
szname = 'global_size' if total else 'size'
start = end = 0
for of, _start, _end, _, dist_sizes in self._jac_of_iter():
if wrt_matches is None or of in wrt_matches:
end += (_end - _start)
vec = self._outputs if of in local_outs else None
yield of, start, end, vec, _full_slice, dist_sizes
start = end
for wrt, meta in self._var_abs2meta['input'].items():
if wrt_matches is None or wrt in wrt_matches:
end += meta[szname]
vec = self._inputs if wrt in local_ins else None
dist_sizes = sizes_in[:, toidx[wrt]] if tometa_in[wrt]['distributed'] else None
yield wrt, start, end, vec, _full_slice, dist_sizes
start = end
def _declare_options(self):
Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method.
This is optionally implemented by subclasses of Component or Group
that themselves are intended to be subclassed by the end user. The
options of the intermediate class are declared here leaving the
`initialize` method available for user-defined options.
def _have_output_solver_options_been_applied(self):
Check to see if the cached output solver options were applied.
for subsys in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
if subsys._output_solver_options: # If options dict not empty, has not been applied
return False # No need to look for more
return True
[docs] def set_output_solver_options(self, name, lower=_UNDEFINED, upper=_UNDEFINED,
Set solver output options.
Allows the user to set output solver options after the output has been defined and
metadata set using the add_ouput method.
name : str
Name of the variable in this system's namespace.
lower : float or list or tuple or ndarray or None
Lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound.
Default is None.
upper : float or list or tuple or ndarray or None
Upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound.
Default is None.
ref : float
Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
ref0 : float
Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
res_ref : float
Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output's residual
when the scaled value is 1. Default is None, which means residual scaling matches
output scaling.
# Cache the solver options for use later in the setup process.
# Since this can be called before setup, there is no way to update the
# self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] values since those have not been setup yet.
# These values are applied in the System._apply_output_solver_options method
# which is called in System._setup. That method is only called by the top model.
output_solver_options = {}
if lower is not _UNDEFINED:
output_solver_options['lower'] = lower
if upper is not _UNDEFINED:
output_solver_options['upper'] = upper
if ref is not _UNDEFINED:
output_solver_options['ref'] = ref
if ref0 is not _UNDEFINED:
output_solver_options['ref0'] = ref0
if res_ref is not _UNDEFINED:
output_solver_options['res_ref'] = res_ref
self._output_solver_options[name] = output_solver_options
def _apply_output_solver_options(self):
Apply the cached output solver options.
Solver options can be set using the System.set_output_solver_options method.
These cannot be set immediately when that method is called because not
all the variables have been setup at the time a user could potentially want to call it.
So they are cached so that they can be applied later in the setup process.
They are applied in System._setup using this method.
# Loop through the output solver options that have been set on this System
prefix = self.pathname + '.' if self.pathname else ''
for name, options in self._output_solver_options.items():
subsys_path = name.rpartition('.')[0]
subsys = self._get_subsystem(subsys_path) if subsys_path else self
abs_name = prefix + name
# Will need to set both of these dicts to keep them both up-to-date
# _var_allprocs_abs2meta is a partial copy of _var_abs2meta
abs2meta = subsys._var_abs2meta['output']
allprocs_abs2meta = subsys._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
if abs_name not in abs2meta:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Output solver options set using System.set_output_solver_options for "
f"non-existent variable '{abs_name}' in System '{self.pathname}'.")
metadatadict_abs2meta = abs2meta[abs_name]
metadatadict_allprocs_abs2meta = allprocs_abs2meta[abs_name]
# Update the metadata that was set
for meta_key in options:
if options[meta_key] is None:
val_as_float_or_array_or_none = None
shape = metadatadict_abs2meta['shape']
val = ensure_compatible(name, options[meta_key], shape)[0]
val_as_float_or_array_or_none = format_as_float_or_array(meta_key, val,
# Setting both here because the copying of _var_abs2meta to
# _var_allprocs_abs2meta happens before this. Need to keep both up to date
meta_key: val_as_float_or_array_or_none,
meta_key: val_as_float_or_array_or_none,
# recalculate the _has scaling and bounds vars (_has_output_scaling, _has_output_adder,
# _has_resid_scaling, _has_bounds ) across all outputs.
# Since you are allowed to reference multiple subsystems from set_output_solver_options,
# need to loop over all of the ones that got modified by those calls.
# Loop over all the options set. Each one of these could be referencing a different
# subsystem since the name could be a path
for name, options in self._output_solver_options.items():
subsys_path = name.rpartition('.')[0]
subsys = self._get_subsystem(subsys_path) if subsys_path else self
# Now that we know which subsystem was affected. We have to recalculate
# _has_output_scaling, _has_output_adder, _has_resid_scaling, _has_bounds
# across all the outputs of that subsystem, since the changes might have
# affected their values
subsys._has_output_scaling = False
subsys._has_output_adder = False
subsys._has_resid_scaling = False
subsys._has_bounds = False
abs2meta = subsys._var_abs2meta['output']
for abs_name, metadata in abs2meta.items(): # Loop over all outputs for that subsystem
ref = metadata['ref']
if np.isscalar(ref):
subsys._has_output_scaling |= ref != 1.0
subsys._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref != 1.0)
ref0 = metadata['ref0']
if np.isscalar(ref0):
subsys._has_output_scaling |= ref0 != 0.0
subsys._has_output_adder |= ref0 != 0.0
subsys._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref0)
subsys._has_output_adder |= np.any(ref0)
res_ref = metadata['res_ref']
if np.isscalar(res_ref):
subsys._has_resid_scaling |= res_ref != 1.0
subsys._has_resid_scaling |= np.any(res_ref != 1.0)
if metadata['lower'] is not None or metadata['upper'] is not None:
subsys._has_bounds = True
# Clear the cached to indicate that the cached values have been applied
self._output_solver_options = {}
[docs] def set_design_var_options(self, name,
scaler=_UNDEFINED, adder=_UNDEFINED,
Set options for design vars in the model.
Can be used to set the options outside of setting them when calling add_design_var
name : str
Name of the variable in this system's namespace.
lower : float or ndarray, optional
Lower boundary for the input.
upper : upper or ndarray, optional
Upper boundary for the input.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of design var that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of design var that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
# Check inputs
# Name must be a string
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError('{}: The name argument should be a string, got {}'.format(self.msginfo,
are_new_bounds = lower is not _UNDEFINED or upper is not _UNDEFINED
are_new_scaling = scaler is not _UNDEFINED or adder is not _UNDEFINED or ref is not \
_UNDEFINED or ref0 is not _UNDEFINED
# Must set at least one argument for this function to do something
if not are_new_scaling and not are_new_bounds:
raise RuntimeError(
'Must set a value for at least one argument in call to set_design_var_options.')
if self._static_mode:
design_vars = self._static_design_vars
design_vars = self._design_vars
if name not in design_vars:
msg = "{}: set_design_var_options called with design variable '{}' that does not exist."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name))
existing_dv_meta = design_vars[name]
are_existing_scaling = existing_dv_meta['scaler'] is not None or \
existing_dv_meta['adder'] is not None or \
existing_dv_meta['ref'] is not None or \
existing_dv_meta['ref0'] is not None
are_existing_bounds = existing_dv_meta['lower'] is not None or \
existing_dv_meta['upper'] is not None
# figure out the bounds (lower, upper) based on what is passed to this
# method and what were the existing bounds
if are_new_bounds:
# wipe out all the bounds and only use what is set by the arguments to this call
if is_undefined(lower):
lower = None
if is_undefined(upper):
upper = None
lower = existing_dv_meta['lower']
upper = existing_dv_meta['upper']
if are_new_scaling and are_existing_scaling and are_existing_bounds and not are_new_bounds:
# need to unscale bounds using the existing scaling so the new scaling can
# be applied. But if no new bounds, no need to
if lower is not None:
lower = lower / existing_dv_meta['scaler'] - existing_dv_meta['adder']
if upper is not None:
upper = upper / existing_dv_meta['scaler'] - existing_dv_meta['adder']
# Now figure out scaling
if are_new_scaling:
if is_undefined(scaler):
scaler = None
if is_undefined(adder):
adder = None
if is_undefined(ref):
ref = None
if is_undefined(ref0):
ref0 = None
scaler = existing_dv_meta['scaler']
adder = existing_dv_meta['adder']
ref = existing_dv_meta['ref']
ref0 = existing_dv_meta['ref0']
# Convert ref/ref0 to ndarray/float as necessary
ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
# determine adder and scaler based on args
adder, scaler = determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)
if lower is None:
# if not set, set lower to -INF_BOUND and don't apply adder/scaler
lower = -INF_BOUND
# Convert lower to ndarray/float as necessary
lower = format_as_float_or_array('lower', lower, flatten=True)
# Apply scaler/adder
lower = (lower + adder) * scaler
if upper is None:
# if not set, set upper to INF_BOUND and don't apply adder/scaler
upper = INF_BOUND
# Convert upper to ndarray/float as necessary
upper = format_as_float_or_array('upper', upper, flatten=True)
# Apply scaler/adder
upper = (upper + adder) * scaler
if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray):
if np.all(scaler == 1.0):
scaler = None
elif scaler == 1.0:
scaler = None
if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray):
if not np.any(adder):
adder = None
elif adder == 0.0:
adder = None
# Put together a dict of the new values so they can be used to update the metadata for
# this var
new_desvar_metadata = {
'scaler': scaler,
'total_scaler': scaler,
'adder': adder,
'total_adder': adder,
'upper': upper,
'lower': lower,
'ref': ref,
'ref0': ref0,
[docs] def set_constraint_options(self, name, ref=_UNDEFINED, ref0=_UNDEFINED,
equals=_UNDEFINED, lower=_UNDEFINED, upper=_UNDEFINED,
adder=_UNDEFINED, scaler=_UNDEFINED, alias=_UNDEFINED):
Set options for constraints in the model.
Can be used to set options that were set using add_constraint.
name : str
Name of the response variable in the system, or alias if given.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
equals : float or ndarray, optional
Equality constraint value for the variable.
lower : float or ndarray, optional
Lower boundary for the variable.
upper : float or ndarray, optional
Upper boundary for the variable.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
alias : str, optional
Alias for this response. Necessary when adding multiple constraints on different
indices or slices of a single variable.
# Check inputs
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError('{}: The name argument should be a string, '
'got {}'.format(self.msginfo, name))
if alias is not _UNDEFINED:
warn_deprecation("Option 'alias' of set_constraint_options is deprecated. "
"If the constraint has an alias, provide that as the "
"'name' argument to set_constraint_options.")
name = alias
are_new_bounds = equals is not _UNDEFINED or lower is not _UNDEFINED or upper is not \
are_new_scaling = scaler is not _UNDEFINED or adder is not _UNDEFINED or \
ref is not _UNDEFINED or ref0 is not _UNDEFINED
# At least one of the scaling or bounds parameters must be set or function won't do anything
if not are_new_scaling and not are_new_bounds:
raise RuntimeError(
'Must set a value for at least one argument in call to set_constraint_options.')
# A constraint cannot be an equality and inequality constraint
if equals is not _UNDEFINED and (lower is not _UNDEFINED or upper is not _UNDEFINED):
msg = "{}: Constraint '{}' cannot be both equality and inequality."
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name))
if self._static_mode and self._static_responses:
responses = self._static_responses
responses = self._responses
if name not in responses:
msg = f"{self.msginfo}: set_constraint_options called with " \
f"constraint '{name}' that does not exist. If the constraint was provided " \
f"an alias, use that in place of its name for set_constraint_options."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
existing_cons_meta = responses[name]
are_existing_scaling = existing_cons_meta['scaler'] is not None or \
existing_cons_meta['adder'] is not None or \
existing_cons_meta['ref'] is not None or \
existing_cons_meta['ref0'] is not None
are_existing_bounds = existing_cons_meta['equals'] is not None or \
existing_cons_meta['lower'] is not None or \
existing_cons_meta['upper'] is not None
# figure out the bounds (equals, lower, upper) based on what is passed to this
# method and what were the existing bounds
if are_new_bounds:
# wipe the slate clean and only use what is set by the arguments to this call
if is_undefined(equals):
equals = None
if is_undefined(lower):
lower = None
if is_undefined(upper):
upper = None
equals = existing_cons_meta['equals']
lower = existing_cons_meta['lower']
upper = existing_cons_meta['upper']
if are_new_scaling and are_existing_scaling and are_existing_bounds and not are_new_bounds:
# need to unscale bounds using the existing scaling so the new scaling can
# be applied
if lower is not None:
lower = lower / existing_cons_meta['scaler'] - existing_cons_meta['adder']
if upper is not None:
upper = upper / existing_cons_meta['scaler'] - existing_cons_meta['adder']
if equals is not None:
equals = equals / existing_cons_meta['scaler'] - existing_cons_meta['adder']
# Now figure out scaling
if are_new_scaling:
if is_undefined(scaler):
scaler = None
if is_undefined(adder):
adder = None
if is_undefined(ref):
ref = None
if is_undefined(ref0):
ref0 = None
scaler = existing_cons_meta['scaler']
adder = existing_cons_meta['adder']
ref = existing_cons_meta['ref']
ref0 = existing_cons_meta['ref0']
# Convert ref/ref0 to ndarray/float as necessary
ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
# determine adder and scaler based on args
adder, scaler = determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)
# Convert lower to ndarray/float as necessary
if lower is None:
# don't apply adder/scaler if lower not set
lower = -INF_BOUND
lower = format_as_float_or_array('lower', lower, flatten=True)
if lower != - INF_BOUND:
lower = (lower + adder) * scaler
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'lower' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can not "
"specify a variable as lower bound. You can only provide constant "
"float values".format(lower))
# Convert upper to ndarray/float as necessary
if upper is None:
# don't apply adder/scaler if upper not set
upper = INF_BOUND
upper = format_as_float_or_array('upper', upper, flatten=True)
if upper != INF_BOUND:
upper = (upper + adder) * scaler
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'upper' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can not "
"specify a variable as upper bound. You can only provide constant "
"float values".format(upper))
# Convert equals to ndarray/float as necessary
if equals is not None:
equals = format_as_float_or_array('equals', equals, flatten=True)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'equals' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can "
"not specify a variable as equals bound. You can only provide "
"constant float values".format(equals))
equals = (equals + adder) * scaler
if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray):
if np.all(scaler == 1.0):
scaler = None
elif scaler == 1.0:
scaler = None
if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray):
if not np.any(adder):
adder = None
elif adder == 0.0:
adder = None
new_cons_metadata = {
'ref': ref,
'ref0': ref0,
'equals': equals,
'lower': lower,
'upper': upper,
'adder': adder,
'total_adder': adder,
'scaler': scaler,
'total_scaler': scaler,
[docs] def set_objective_options(self, name, ref=_UNDEFINED, ref0=_UNDEFINED,
adder=_UNDEFINED, scaler=_UNDEFINED, alias=_UNDEFINED):
Set options for objectives in the model.
Can be used to set options after they have been set by add_objective.
name : str
Name of the response variable in the system, or alias if given.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
alias : str
Alias for this response. Used to disambiguate variable names when adding
multiple objectives on different indices or slices of a single variable. Deprecated.
# Check inputs
# Name must be a string
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError(f'{self.msginfo}: The name argument should be a string, got {name}')
if alias is not _UNDEFINED:
warn_deprecation("Option 'alias' of set_objective_options is deprecated. "
"If the objective has an alias, provide that as the 'name' "
"argument to set_objective_options.")
name = alias
# At least one of the scaling parameters must be set or function does nothing
if (
and is_undefined(adder)
and is_undefined(ref)
and is_undefined(ref0)
raise RuntimeError(
'Must set a value for at least one argument '
'in call to set_objective_options.'
if self._static_mode and self._static_responses:
responses = self._static_responses
responses = self._responses
# If the name is not in responses, which are keyed by alias, then it was given
# as the actual variable name but the variable has a different alias.
if name not in responses:
msg = f"{self.msginfo}: set_objective_options called with " \
f"objective '{name}' that does not exist. If the objective was provided " \
f"an alias, use that in place of its name for set_objective_options."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# Since one or more of these are being set by the incoming arguments, the
# ones that are not being set should be set to None since they will be re-computed below
if is_undefined(scaler):
scaler = None
if is_undefined(adder):
adder = None
if is_undefined(ref):
ref = None
if is_undefined(ref0):
ref0 = None
# Convert ref/ref0 to ndarray/float as necessary
ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
# determine adder and scaler based on args
adder, scaler = determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)
if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray):
if np.all(scaler == 1.0):
scaler = None
elif scaler == 1.0:
scaler = None
if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray):
if not np.any(adder):
adder = None
elif adder == 0.0:
adder = None
new_obj_metadata = {
'ref': ref,
'ref0': ref0,
'adder': adder,
'total_adder': adder,
'scaler': scaler,
'total_scaler': scaler,
[docs] def initialize(self):
Perform any one-time initialization run at instantiation.
def _configure(self):
Configure this system to assign children settings.
def _get_approx_scheme(self, method):
Return the approximation scheme associated with the given method, creating one if needed.
method : str
Name of the type of approxmation scheme.
The ApproximationScheme associated with the given method.
if method == 'exact':
return None
if method not in _supported_methods:
msg = '{}: Method "{}" is not supported, method must be one of {}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.msginfo, method,
[m for m in _supported_methods if m != 'exact']))
if method not in self._approx_schemes:
self._approx_schemes[method] = _supported_methods[method]()
return self._approx_schemes[method]
[docs] def get_source(self, name):
Return the source variable connected to the given named variable.
The name can be a promoted name or an absolute name.
If the given variable is an input, the absolute name of the connected source will
be returned. If the given variable itself is a source, its own absolute name will
be returned.
name : str
Absolute or promoted name of the variable.
The absolute name of the source variable.
prom2abs = self._problem_meta['prom2abs']
except Exception:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: get_source cannot be called for variable {name} "
"before Problem.setup has been called.")
if name in prom2abs['output']:
return prom2abs['output'][name][0]
if name in prom2abs['input']:
name = prom2abs['input'][name][0]
model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
if name in model._conn_global_abs_in2out:
return model._conn_global_abs_in2out[name]
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: source for '{name}' not found.")
def _get_graph_node_meta(self):
Return metadata to add to this system's graph node.
Metadata for this system's graph node.
return {
'classname': type(self).__name__,
'implicit': not self.is_explicit(),
def _setup_check(self):
Do any error checking on user's setup, before any other recursion happens.
def _configure_check(self):
Do any error checking on i/o and connections.
def _get_approx_subjac_keys(self):
Return a list of (of, wrt) keys needed for approx derivs for this system.
All keys are absolute names. If this system is the top level Group, the keys will be source
names. If not, they will be absolute input and output names.
List of approx derivative subjacobian keys.
if self._approx_subjac_keys is None:
self._approx_subjac_keys = list(self._approx_subjac_keys_iter())
return self._approx_subjac_keys
[docs] def use_fixed_coloring(self, coloring=_STD_COLORING_FNAME, recurse=True):
Use a precomputed coloring for this System.
coloring : str
A coloring filename. If no arg is passed, filename will be determined
recurse : bool
If True, set fixed coloring in all subsystems that declare a coloring. Ignored
if a specific coloring is passed in.
if coloring_mod._force_dyn_coloring and coloring is _STD_COLORING_FNAME:
self._coloring_info.dynamic = True
return # don't use static this time
self._coloring_info.static = coloring
self._coloring_info.dynamic = False
if coloring is not _STD_COLORING_FNAME:
if recurse:
issue_warning('recurse was passed to use_fixed_coloring but a specific coloring '
'was set, so recurse was ignored.',
if isinstance(coloring, Coloring):
approx = self._get_approx_scheme(coloring._meta['method'])
# force regen of approx groups on next call to compute_approximations
if recurse:
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
s.use_fixed_coloring(coloring, recurse)
[docs] def declare_coloring(self,
Set options for deriv coloring of a set of wrt vars matching the given pattern(s).
wrt : str or list of str
The name or names of the variables that derivatives are taken with respect to.
This can contain input names, output names, or glob patterns.
method : str
Method used to compute derivative: "fd" for finite difference, "cs" for complex step.
form : str
Finite difference form, can be "forward", "central", or "backward". Leave
undeclared to keep unchanged from previous or default value.
step : float
Step size for finite difference. Leave undeclared to keep unchanged from previous
or default value.
per_instance : bool
If True, a separate coloring will be generated for each instance of a given class.
Otherwise, only one coloring for a given class will be generated and all instances
of that class will use it.
num_full_jacs : int
Number of times to repeat partial jacobian computation when computing sparsity.
tol : float
Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is nonzero during sparsity determination.
orders : int
Number of orders above and below the tolerance to check during the tolerance sweep.
perturb_size : float
Size of input/output perturbation during generation of sparsity.
min_improve_pct : float
If coloring does not improve (decrease) the number of solves more than the given
percentage, coloring will not be used.
show_summary : bool
If True, display summary information after generating coloring.
show_sparsity : bool
If True, plot sparsity with coloring info after generating coloring.
if method not in ('fd', 'cs', 'jax'):
raise RuntimeError(
"{}: method must be one of ['fd', 'cs', 'jax'].".format(self.msginfo))
self._has_approx = True
# start with defaults
options = coloring_mod.Partial_ColoringMeta()
if method != 'jax':
approx = self._get_approx_scheme(method)
options.update({k: v for k, v in approx.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.items()
if k in ('step', 'form')})
if self._coloring_info.static is None:
options.dynamic = True
options.dynamic = False
options.static = self._coloring_info.static
options.coloring = self._coloring_info.coloring
if isinstance(wrt, str):
options.wrt_patterns = (wrt, )
options.wrt_patterns = tuple(wrt)
options.method = method
options.per_instance = per_instance
options.num_full_jacs = num_full_jacs
options.tol = tol
options.orders = orders
options.perturb_size = perturb_size
options.min_improve_pct = min_improve_pct
options.show_summary = show_summary
options.show_sparsity = show_sparsity
if form is not None:
options.form = form
if step is not None:
options.step = step
self._coloring_info = options
def _finalize_coloring(self, coloring, info, sp_info, sparsity_time):
# if the improvement wasn't large enough, don't use coloring
info.set_coloring(coloring, msginfo=self.msginfo)
if info._failed:
if not info.per_instance:
# save the class coloring so resources won't be wasted computing
# a bad coloring
fname = self.get_coloring_fname(mode='output')
coloring_mod._CLASS_COLORINGS[fname] = None
return False
sp_info['sparsity_time'] = sparsity_time
sp_info['pathname'] = self.pathname
sp_info['class'] = type(self).__name__
sp_info['type'] = 'semi-total' if self._subsystems_allprocs else 'partial'
ordered_wrt_info = list(self._jac_wrt_iter(info.wrt_matches))
ordered_of_info = list(self._jac_of_iter())
if self.pathname:
ordered_of_info = self._jac_var_info_abs2prom(ordered_of_info)
ordered_wrt_info = self._jac_var_info_abs2prom(ordered_wrt_info)
coloring._row_vars = [t[0] for t in ordered_of_info]
coloring._col_vars = [t[0] for t in ordered_wrt_info]
coloring._row_var_sizes = [t[2] - t[1] for t in ordered_of_info]
coloring._col_var_sizes = [t[2] - t[1] for t in ordered_wrt_info]
coloring._meta.update(info) # save metadata we used to create the coloring
if info.show_sparsity or info.show_summary:
print("\nColoring for '%s' (class %s)" % (self.pathname, type(self).__name__))
if not info.per_instance:
# save the class coloring for other instances of this class to use
ofname = self.get_coloring_fname(mode='output')
coloring_mod._CLASS_COLORINGS[ofname] = coloring
return True
def _perturbation_iter(self, num_full_jacs, perturb_size):
Iterate over random perturbations of the inputs array.
For implicit components, we also randomize the outputs. The perturbation is relative
to the starting value of the input or output, unless that value is 0.0, in which case
the perturbation is absolute. The final value of the input or output is the perturbation
multiplied by a random number between 0 and 1 added to the starting value.
Inputs, outputs, and residuals are all restored to their starting values at the end of
the iterations.
num_full_jacs : int
Number of full jacobians to compute.
perturb_size : float
Size of relative perturbation. If base value is 0.0, perturbation is absolute.
The current iteration number.
from openmdao.core.group import Group
is_total = isinstance(self, Group)
use_jax = self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax'
is_explicit = self.is_explicit()
starting_inputs = self._inputs.asarray(copy=True)
starting_outputs = self._outputs.asarray(copy=True)
starting_resids = self._residuals.asarray(copy=True)
# compute perturbations
in_offsets = starting_inputs.copy()
in_offsets[in_offsets == 0.0] = 1.0
in_offsets *= perturb_size
if not is_explicit:
out_offsets = starting_outputs.copy()
out_offsets[out_offsets == 0.0] = 1.0
out_offsets *= perturb_size
for i in range(num_full_jacs):
# randomize inputs (and outputs if implicit)
if i > 0:
self._inputs.set_val(starting_inputs +
in_offsets * np.random.random(in_offsets.size))
if not is_explicit:
self._outputs.set_val(starting_outputs +
out_offsets * np.random.random(out_offsets.size))
if is_total:
with self._relevance.nonlinear_active('iter'):
if not use_jax:
for scheme in self._approx_schemes.values():
scheme._reset() # force a re-initialization of approx
elif is_explicit and not is_total:
self._apply_nonlinear() # need this to get the output values into the resids
yield i
if not use_jax:
# revert uncolored approx back to normal
for scheme in self._approx_schemes.values():
# restore original inputs/outputs/resids
[docs] def compute_sparsity(self):
Compute the sparsity of the partial jacobian.
The sparsity matrix.
Metadata about the sparsity computation.
use_jax = self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax'
if not use_jax:
approx_scheme = self._get_approx_scheme(self._coloring_info['method'])
save_first_call = self._first_call_to_linearize
self._first_call_to_linearize = False
# for groups, this does some setup of approximations
# tell approx scheme to limit itself to only colored columns
if not use_jax:
self._during_sparsity = True
save_jac = self._jacobian
# use special sparse jacobian to collect sparsity info
self._jacobian = _ColSparsityJac(self)
from openmdao.core.group import Group
is_total = isinstance(self, Group)
for i in self._perturbation_iter(self._coloring_info['num_full_jacs'],
if use_jax:
sparsity, sp_info = self._jacobian.get_sparsity()
elif is_total:
sparsity, sp_info = self._jacobian.get_sparsity()
else: # for components
# this avoids calling any compute_partials/linearize methods which will fail
# because _ColSparsityJac only supports set_col and not dict access.
sparsity, sp_info = self.compute_fd_sparsity()
self._jacobian = save_jac
if not use_jax:
self._during_sparsity = False
self._first_call_to_linearize = save_first_call
return sparsity, sp_info
def _compute_coloring(self, recurse=False, **overrides):
Compute a coloring of the partial jacobian.
This assumes that the current System is in a proper state for computing derivatives.
recurse : bool
If True, recurse from this system down the system hierarchy. Whenever a group
is encountered that has specified its coloring metadata, we don't recurse below
that group unless that group has a subsystem that has a nonlinear solver that uses
**overrides : dict
Any args that will override either default coloring settings or coloring settings
resulting from an earlier call to declare_coloring.
list of Coloring
The computed colorings.
if recurse:
colorings = []
my_coloring = self._coloring_info.coloring
grad_systems = self._get_gradient_nl_solver_systems()
for s in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
if my_coloring is None or s in grad_systems:
if s._coloring_info.coloring is not None:
coloring = s._compute_coloring(recurse=False, **overrides)[0]
if coloring is not None:
coloring._meta['pathname'] = s.pathname
coloring._meta['class'] = type(s).__name__
return [c for c in colorings if c is not None] or [None]
info = self._coloring_info
use_jax = self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax'
if info['method'] is None and self._approx_schemes:
info['method'] = list(self._approx_schemes)[0]
if info.coloring is None:
# check to see if any approx or jax derivs have been declared
for meta in self._subjacs_info.values():
if 'method' in meta and meta['method']:
else: # no approx or jax partials found
method = info['method']
if self._subjacs_info:
for meta in self._subjacs_info.values():
meta['method'] = method
else: # declare all derivs as approx
if not (self._owns_approx_of or self._owns_approx_wrt):
issue_warning("No approx or jax partials found but coloring was requested. "
"Declaring ALL partials as dense "
prefix=self.msginfo, category=DerivativesWarning)
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method=info['method'])
except AttributeError: # assume system is a group
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.core.indepvarcomp import IndepVarComp
from openmdao.components.exec_comp import ExecComp
for s in self.system_iter(recurse=True, typ=Component):
if not isinstance(s, ExecComp) and not isinstance(s, IndepVarComp):
s.declare_partials('*', '*', method=info['method'])
if not use_jax:
approx_scheme = self._get_approx_scheme(info['method'])
if info.coloring is None and info.static is None:
info.dynamic = True
coloring_fname = self.get_coloring_fname(mode='output')
# if we find a previously computed class coloring for our class, just use that
# instead of regenerating a coloring.
if not info.per_instance and coloring_fname in coloring_mod._CLASS_COLORINGS:
info.coloring = coloring = coloring_mod._CLASS_COLORINGS[coloring_fname]
if coloring is None:
print("\nClass coloring for class '{}' wasn't good enough, "
"so skipping for '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, self.pathname))
info.static = None
print("\n{} using class coloring for class '{}'".format(self.pathname,
# force regen of approx groups during next compute_approximations
if not use_jax:
return [coloring]
sparsity_start_time = time.perf_counter()
sparsity, sp_info = self.compute_sparsity()
sparsity_time = time.perf_counter() - sparsity_start_time
if use_jax:
direction = self._mode
direction = 'fwd'
coloring = _compute_coloring(sparsity, direction)
if not self._finalize_coloring(coloring, info, sp_info, sparsity_time):
return [None]
return [coloring]
def _setup_approx_coloring(self):
[docs] def get_coloring_fname(self, mode):
Return the full pathname to a coloring file.
mode : str
The type of coloring file desired. Must be either 'input' or 'output'.
Full pathname of the coloring file.
prob_coloring_dir = self._problem_meta['coloring_dir']
if mode == 'output' or prob_coloring_dir is _DEFAULT_COLORING_DIR:
directory = self.get_outputs_dir('coloring_files', mkdir=True)
elif mode == 'input':
directory = pathlib.Path(prob_coloring_dir).absolute()
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: get_coloring_fname requires mode"
"to be one of 'input' or 'output'.")
if not self.pathname:
# total coloring
return directory / 'total_coloring.pkl'
if self._coloring_info.per_instance:
# base the name on the instance pathname
fname = 'coloring_' + self.pathname.replace('.', '_') + '.pkl'
# base the name on the class name
fname = 'coloring_' + '_'.join(
[self.__class__.__module__.replace('.', '_'), self.__class__.__name__]) + '.pkl'
return directory / fname
def _save_coloring(self, coloring):
Save the coloring to a file based on this system's class or pathname.
coloring : Coloring
See Coloring class docstring.
# under MPI, only save on proc 0
if ((self._full_comm is not None and self._full_comm.rank == 0) or
(self._full_comm is None and self.comm.rank == 0)):
def _get_static_coloring(self):
Get the Coloring for this system.
If necessary, load the Coloring from a file.
Coloring or None
Coloring object, possible loaded from a file, or None
info = self._coloring_info
coloring = info.coloring
if coloring is not None:
return coloring
static = info.static
if static is _STD_COLORING_FNAME or isinstance(static, str):
std_fname = self.get_coloring_fname(mode='input')
if static is _STD_COLORING_FNAME:
fname = std_fname
fname = static
print(f"{self.msginfo}: loading coloring from file {fname}")
info.coloring = coloring = Coloring.load(fname)
if fname != std_fname:
# save it in the standard location
if info.wrt_patterns != coloring._meta['wrt_patterns']:
raise RuntimeError("%s: Loaded coloring has different wrt_patterns (%s) than "
"declared ones (%s)." %
(self.msginfo, coloring._meta['wrt_patterns'],
approx = self._get_approx_scheme(info['method'])
# force regen of approx groups during next compute_approximations
elif isinstance(static, coloring_mod.Coloring):
info.coloring = coloring = static
if coloring is not None:
info.dynamic = False
info.static = coloring
return coloring
def _get_coloring(self):
Get the Coloring for this system.
If necessary, load the Coloring from a file or dynamically generate it.
Coloring or None
Coloring object, possible loaded from a file or dynamically generated, or None
coloring = self._get_static_coloring()
if coloring is None:
if self._coloring_info.dynamic:
self._coloring_info.coloring = coloring = self._compute_coloring()[0]
if coloring is not None:
if not self._coloring_info.dynamic:
return coloring
def _setup_par_fd_procs(self, comm):
Split up the comm for use in parallel FD.
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm>
MPI communicator object.
MPI.Comm or <FakeComm>
MPI communicator object.
num_par_fd = self._num_par_fd
if comm.size < num_par_fd:
raise ValueError("%s: num_par_fd must be <= communicator size (%d)" %
(self.msginfo, comm.size))
self._full_comm = comm
if num_par_fd > 1:
sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(num_par_fd, comm.size)
# a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
# an entry for each processor it will be given
# e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
color = np.empty(comm.size, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
for i in range(num_par_fd):
color[offsets[i]:offsets[i] + sizes[i]] = i
self._par_fd_id = color[comm.rank]
comm = self._full_comm.Split(self._par_fd_id)
return comm
def _setup_recording(self):
Set up case recording.
if self._rec_mgr.has_recorders():
myinputs = myoutputs = myresiduals = []
options = self.recording_options
incl = options['includes']
excl = options['excludes']
# includes and excludes for outputs are specified using promoted names
# includes and excludes for inputs are specified using _absolute_ names
abs2prom_output = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']
# set of promoted output names and absolute input and residual names
# used for matching includes/excludes
match_names = set()
# includes and excludes for inputs are specified using _absolute_ names
# vectors are keyed on absolute name, discretes on relative/promoted name
if options['record_inputs']:
abs2prom_inputs = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input']
myinputs = sorted([n for n in abs2prom_inputs if check_path(n, incl, excl)])
# includes and excludes for outputs are specified using _promoted_ names
# vectors are keyed on absolute name, discretes on relative/promoted name
if options['record_outputs']:
myoutputs = sorted([n for n, prom in abs2prom_output.items()
if check_path(prom, incl, excl)])
if self._var_discrete['output']:
# if we have discrete outputs then residual name set doesn't match output one
if options['record_residuals']:
contains = self._residuals._contains_abs
myresiduals = [n for n in myoutputs if contains(n)]
elif options['record_residuals']:
myresiduals = myoutputs
elif options['record_residuals']:
myresiduals = [n for n in self._residuals._abs_iter()
if check_path(abs2prom_output[n], incl, excl)]
# check that all exclude/include globs have at least one matching output or input name
for pattern in excl:
if not has_match(pattern, match_names):
issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: No matches for pattern '{pattern}' in "
for pattern in incl:
if not has_match(pattern, match_names):
issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: No matches for pattern '{pattern}' in "
self._filtered_vars_to_record = {
'input': myinputs,
'output': myoutputs,
'residual': myresiduals
self._rec_mgr.startup(self, self._problem_meta['comm'])
for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc:
def _reset_setup_vars(self):
Reset all the stuff that gets initialized in setup.
self._first_call_to_linearize = True
self._is_local = True
self._vectors = {}
self._full_comm = None
self._approx_subjac_keys = None
self.options._parent_name = self.msginfo
self.recording_options._parent_name = self.msginfo
self._design_vars = {}
self._responses = {}
def _setup_procs(self, pathname, comm, prob_meta):
Execute first phase of the setup process.
Distribute processors, assign pathnames, and call setup on the component.
Also reset internal data structures.
pathname : str
Global name of the system, including the path.
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm>
MPI communicator object.
prob_meta : dict
Problem level options.
self.pathname = pathname
def _setup_var_data(self):
Compute the list of abs var names, abs/prom name maps, and metadata dictionaries.
self._var_prom2inds = {}
self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_abs2prom = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2prom = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_discrete = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
self._var_allprocs_abs2idx = {}
self._owning_rank = defaultdict(int)
self._var_sizes = {}
self._owned_sizes = None
cfginfo = self._problem_meta['config_info']
if cfginfo and self.pathname in cfginfo._modified_systems:
def _setup_global_shapes(self):
Compute the global size and shape of all variables on this system.
loc_meta = self._var_abs2meta
for io in ('input', 'output'):
# now set global sizes and shapes into metadata for distributed variables
sizes = self._var_sizes[io]
for idx, (abs_name, mymeta) in enumerate(self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].items()):
local_shape = mymeta['shape']
if mymeta['distributed']:
global_size = np.sum(sizes[:, idx])
mymeta['global_size'] = global_size
# assume that all but the first dimension of the shape of a
# distributed variable is the same on all procs
mymeta['global_shape'] = self._get_full_dist_shape(abs_name, local_shape)
# not distributed, just use local shape and size
mymeta['global_size'] = mymeta['size']
mymeta['global_shape'] = local_shape
if abs_name in loc_meta[io]:
loc_meta[io][abs_name]['global_shape'] = mymeta['global_shape']
loc_meta[io][abs_name]['global_size'] = mymeta['global_size']
def _setup_driver_units(self, abs2meta=None):
Compute unit conversions for driver variables.
if abs2meta is None:
abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
has_scaling = False
for name, meta in self._design_vars.items():
units = meta['units']
meta['total_adder'] = meta['adder']
meta['total_scaler'] = meta['scaler']
if units is not None:
# If derivatives are not being calculated, then you reach here before source
# is placed in the meta.
units_src = meta['source']
except KeyError:
units_src = self.get_source(name)
var_units = abs2meta[units_src]['units']
if var_units == units:
if var_units is None:
msg = "{}: Target for design variable {} has no units, but '{}' units " + \
"were specified."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name, units))
if not is_compatible(var_units, units):
msg = "{}: Target for design variable {} has '{}' units, but '{}' units " + \
"were specified."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name, var_units, units))
# Derivation of the total scaler and total adder for design variables:
# Given based design variable value y
# First we apply the desired unit conversion
# y_in_desired_units = unit_scaler * (y + unit_adder)
# Then we apply the user-declared scaling
# y_opt = declared_scaler * (y_in_desired_units + declared_adder)
# Thus
# y_opt = declared_scaler * (unit_scaler * (y + unit_adder) + declared_adder)
# And collecting terms
# y_opt = [declared_scaler * unit_scaler]
# * (y + unit_adder + declared_adder/unit_scaler)
# So the total_scaler and total_adder for the optimizer are:
# total_scaler = declared_scaler * unit_scaler
# total_adder = unit_adder + declared_adder / unit_scaler
unit_scaler, unit_adder = unit_conversion(var_units, units)
declared_adder, declared_scaler = determine_adder_scaler(None, None,
meta['total_adder'] = unit_adder + declared_adder / unit_scaler
meta['total_scaler'] = declared_scaler * unit_scaler
if meta['total_scaler'] is not None:
has_scaling = True
resp = self._responses
type_dict = {'con': 'constraint', 'obj': 'objective'}
for name, meta in resp.items():
units = meta['units']
meta['total_scaler'] = meta['scaler']
meta['total_adder'] = meta['adder']
if units is not None:
# If derivatives are not being calculated, then you reach here before source
# is placed in the meta.
units_src = meta['source']
except KeyError:
units_src = self.get_source(meta['name'])
src_units = abs2meta[units_src]['units']
if src_units == units:
if src_units is None:
msg = "{}: Target for {} {} has no units, but '{}' units " + \
"were specified."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, type_dict[meta['type']],
name, units))
if not is_compatible(src_units, units):
msg = "{}: Target for {} {} has '{}' units, but '{}' units " + \
"were specified."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, type_dict[meta['type']],
name, src_units, units))
unit_scaler, unit_adder = unit_conversion(src_units, units)
declared_adder, declared_scaler =\
determine_adder_scaler(None, None, meta['adder'], meta['scaler'])
meta['total_scaler'] = declared_scaler * unit_scaler
meta['total_adder'] = unit_adder + declared_adder / unit_scaler
if meta['total_scaler'] is not None:
has_scaling = True
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
has_scaling |= s._setup_driver_units(abs2meta)
if (self.comm.size > 1 and self._subsystems_allprocs and
has_scaling = bool(self.comm.allreduce(int(has_scaling)))
return has_scaling
def _setup_connections(self):
Compute dict of all connections owned by this system.
def _setup_vectors(self, root_vectors):
Compute all vectors for all vec names and assign excluded variables lists.
root_vectors : dict of dict of Vector
Root vectors: first key is 'input', 'output', or 'residual'; second key is vec_name.
self._vectors = vectors = {'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'residual': {}}
# Allocate complex if root vector was allocated complex.
alloc_complex = root_vectors['output']['nonlinear']._alloc_complex
# This happens if you reconfigure and switch to 'cs' without forcing the vectors to be
# initially allocated as complex.
if not alloc_complex and 'cs' in self._approx_schemes:
raise RuntimeError("{}: In order to activate complex step during reconfiguration, "
"you need to set 'force_alloc_complex' to True during setup. e.g. "
if self._vector_class is None:
self._vector_class = self._local_vector_class
vector_class = self._vector_class
vectypes = ('nonlinear', 'linear') if self._use_derivatives else ('nonlinear',)
for vec_name in vectypes:
# Only allocate complex in the vectors we need.
vec_alloc_complex = root_vectors['output'][vec_name]._alloc_complex
for kind in ['input', 'output', 'residual']:
rootvec = root_vectors[kind][vec_name]
vectors[kind][vec_name] = vector_class(
vec_name, kind, self, rootvec, alloc_complex=vec_alloc_complex)
if self._use_derivatives:
vectors['input']['linear']._scaling_nl_vec = vectors['input']['nonlinear']._scaling
self._inputs = vectors['input']['nonlinear']
self._outputs = vectors['output']['nonlinear']
self._residuals = vectors['residual']['nonlinear']
if self._use_derivatives:
self._dinputs = vectors['input']['linear']
self._doutputs = vectors['output']['linear']
self._dresiduals = vectors['residual']['linear']
for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter():
subsys._scale_factors = self._scale_factors
def _setup_transfers(self):
Compute all transfers that are owned by this system.
def _setup_solvers(self):
Perform setup in all solvers.
# remove old solver error files if they exist
if self.pathname == '':
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank if MPI is not None else 0
if rank == 0:
for f in os.listdir('.'):
if fnmatchcase(f, 'solver_errors.*.out'):
if self._nonlinear_solver is not None:
self._nonlinear_solver._setup_solvers(self, 0)
if self._linear_solver is not None:
self._linear_solver._setup_solvers(self, 0)
for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc:
def _setup_jacobians(self, recurse=True):
Set and populate jacobians down through the system tree.
recurse : bool
If True, setup jacobians in all descendants.
asm_jac_solvers = set()
if self._linear_solver is not None:
nl_asm_jac_solvers = set()
if self.nonlinear_solver is not None:
asm_jac = None
if asm_jac_solvers:
asm_jac = _asm_jac_types[self.options['assembled_jac_type']](system=self)
self._assembled_jac = asm_jac
for s in asm_jac_solvers:
s._assembled_jac = asm_jac
if nl_asm_jac_solvers:
if asm_jac is None:
asm_jac = _asm_jac_types[self.options['assembled_jac_type']](system=self)
for s in nl_asm_jac_solvers:
s._assembled_jac = asm_jac
if self._has_approx:
# At present, we don't support a AssembledJacobian in a group
# if any subcomponents are matrix-free.
if asm_jac is not None:
if self.matrix_free:
raise RuntimeError("%s: AssembledJacobian not supported for matrix-free "
"subcomponent." % self.msginfo)
if recurse:
for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc:
def _get_promotion_maps(self):
Define variable maps based on promotes lists.
dict of {'input': {str:(str, info), ...}, 'output': {str:(str, info), ...}}
dictionary mapping input/output variable names
to (promoted name, promotion_info) tuple.
from openmdao.core.group import Group
def split_list(lst):
Yield match type, name/pattern/tuple info, and src_indices info.
lst : list
List of names, patterns and/or tuples specifying promotes.
match type
name or pattern string
(str, _PromotesInfo)
name/rename/pattern, promotion info (src_indices, etc.)
for entry in lst:
key, pinfo = entry
if isinstance(key, str):
# note, conditional here is faster than using precompiled regex
if '*' in key or '?' in key or '[' in key:
yield _MatchType.PATTERN, key, entry
yield _MatchType.NAME, key, entry
elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2:
yield _MatchType.RENAME, key[0], (key[1], pinfo)
raise TypeError(f"when adding subsystem '{self.pathname}', entry '{key}'"
" is not a string or tuple of size 2.")
def _check_dup(io, matches, match_type, name, tup):
Report error or warning when attempting to promote a variable twice.
io : str
One of 'input' or 'output'.
matches : dict {'input': ..., 'output': ...}
Dict of promoted names and associated info.
match_type : intEnum
Indicates whether match is an explicit name, rename, or pattern match.
name : str
Name of promoted variable that is specified multiple times.
tup : tuple (?, _PromotesInfo)
First entry can be name, rename, or pattern depending on the match type.
If True, ignore the new match, else replace the old with the new.
old_name, old_key, old_info, old_match_type = matches[io][name]
_, info = tup
if old_match_type == _MatchType.RENAME:
old_key = old_using = (old_name, old_key)
old_using = f"'{old_key}'"
if match_type == _MatchType.RENAME:
new_using = (name, tup[0])
new_using = f"'{tup[0]}'"
diff = info.compare(old_info) if info is not None and old_info is not None else ()
if diff:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: {io} variable '{name}', promoted using "
f"'{new_using}', was already promoted using '{old_using}' "
f"with different values for {diff}.")
if old_match_type != _MatchType.PATTERN:
if old_key != tup[0]:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't alias promoted {io} '{name}' to "
f"'{tup[0]}' because '{name}' has already been promoted "
f"as '{old_key}'.")
if old_using != "'*'" and new_using != "'*'":
msg = f"{io} variable '{name}', promoted using {new_using}, " \
f"was already promoted using {old_using}."
issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo, category=PromotionWarning)
except Exception:
type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
self._collect_error(str(exc), exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb)
return False
return match_type == _MatchType.PATTERN
def resolve(to_match, io_types, matches, proms):
Determine the mapping of promoted names to the parent scope for a promotion type.
This is called once for promotes or separately for promotes_inputs and promotes_outputs.
if not to_match:
# always add '*' so we won't report if it matches nothing (in the case where the
# system has no variables of that io type)
found = {'*'}
for match_type, key, tup in split_list(to_match):
s, pinfo = tup
if match_type == _MatchType.PATTERN:
for io in io_types:
if io == 'output':
pinfo = None
if key == '*' and not matches[io]: # special case. add everything
matches[io] = pmap = {n: (n, key, pinfo, match_type) for n in proms[io]}
pmap = matches[io]
nmatch = len(pmap)
for n in proms[io]:
if fnmatchcase(n, key):
if not (n in pmap and _check_dup(io, matches, match_type, n,
pmap[n] = (n, key, pinfo, match_type)
if len(pmap) > nmatch:
else: # NAME or RENAME
for io in io_types:
if io == 'output':
pinfo = None
pmap = matches[io]
if key in proms[io]:
if key in pmap:
_check_dup(io, matches, match_type, key, tup)
pmap[key] = (s, key, pinfo, match_type)
if match_type == _MatchType.NAME:
found.add((key, s))
not_found = set(n for n, _ in to_match) - found
if not_found:
if (not self._var_abs2meta['input'] and not self._var_abs2meta['output'] and
isinstance(self, Group)):
empty_group_msg = ' Group contains no variables.'
empty_group_msg = ''
if len(io_types) == 2:
call = 'promotes'
call = 'promotes_%ss' % io_types[0]
not_found = sorted(not_found, key=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else x[0])
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: '{call}' failed to find any matches for the "
f"following names or patterns: {not_found}.{empty_group_msg}")
prom2abs_list = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list
maps = {'input': {}, 'output': {}}
if self._var_promotes['input'] or self._var_promotes['output']:
if self._var_promotes['any']:
raise RuntimeError("%s: 'promotes' cannot be used at the same time as "
"'promotes_inputs' or 'promotes_outputs'." % self.msginfo)
resolve(self._var_promotes['input'], ('input',), maps, prom2abs_list)
resolve(self._var_promotes['output'], ('output',), maps, prom2abs_list)
resolve(self._var_promotes['any'], ('input', 'output'), maps, prom2abs_list)
return maps
def _get_matvec_scope(self):
Find the input and output variables that are needed for a particular matvec product.
(set, set)
Sets of output and input variables.
return self._scope_cache[None]
except KeyError:
self._scope_cache[None] = (None, _empty_frozen_set)
return self._scope_cache[None]
def _unscaled_context(self, outputs=(), residuals=()):
Context manager for units and scaling for vectors.
Temporarily puts vectors in a physical and unscaled state, because
internally, vectors are nominally in a dimensionless and scaled state.
outputs : list of output <Vector> objects
List of output vectors to apply the unit and scaling conversions.
residuals : list of residual <Vector> objects
List of residual vectors to apply the unit and scaling conversions.
if self._has_output_scaling:
for vec in outputs:
if self._has_resid_scaling:
for vec in residuals:
if self._has_output_scaling:
for vec in outputs:
if self._has_resid_scaling:
for vec in residuals:
def _scaled_context_all(self):
Context manager that temporarily puts all vectors in a scaled state.
if self._has_output_scaling:
for vec in self._vectors['output'].values():
if self._has_resid_scaling:
for vec in self._vectors['residual'].values():
if self._has_output_scaling:
for vec in self._vectors['output'].values():
if self._has_resid_scaling:
for vec in self._vectors['residual'].values():
def _matvec_context(self, scope_out, scope_in, mode, clear=True):
Context manager for vectors.
Return vectors that use a set of internal variables that are relevant to the current
matrix-vector product. This is called only from _apply_linear.
scope_out : frozenset or None
Set of absolute output names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
scope_in : frozenset or None
Set of absolute input names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
mode : str
Key for specifying derivative direction. Values are 'fwd'
or 'rev'.
clear : bool(True)
If True, zero out residuals (in fwd mode) or inputs and outputs
(in rev mode).
(d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals) : tuple of Vectors
Yields the three Vectors configured internally to deal only
with variables relevant to the current matrix vector product.
d_inputs = self._dinputs
d_outputs = self._doutputs
d_residuals = self._dresiduals
if clear:
if mode == 'fwd':
else: # rev
if scope_out is None and scope_in is None:
yield d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals
old_ins = d_inputs._names
old_outs = d_outputs._names
if scope_out is not None:
d_outputs._names = scope_out.intersection(old_outs)
if scope_in is not None:
d_inputs._names = scope_in.intersection(old_ins)
yield d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals
# reset _names so users will see full vector contents
d_inputs._names = old_ins
d_outputs._names = old_outs
def _call_user_function(self, fname, protect_inputs=True,
protect_outputs=False, protect_residuals=False):
Context manager that wraps a call to a user defined function.
Protect any vectors that should not be modified to help prevent user error
and add information about the system to any errors that don't have it already.
fname : str
Name of the user defined function.
protect_inputs : bool
If True, then set the inputs vector to be read only
protect_outputs : bool
If True, then set the outputs vector to be read only
protect_residuals : bool
If True, then set the residuals vector to be read only
self._inputs.read_only = protect_inputs
self._outputs.read_only = protect_outputs
self._residuals.read_only = protect_residuals
except Exception:
err_type, err, trace = sys.exc_info()
if str(err).startswith(self.msginfo):
raise err_type(
f"{self.msginfo}: Error calling {fname}(), {err}").with_traceback(trace)
self._inputs.read_only = False
self._outputs.read_only = False
self._residuals.read_only = False
[docs] def get_nonlinear_vectors(self):
Return the inputs, outputs, and residuals vectors.
(inputs, outputs, residuals)
Yields the inputs, outputs, and residuals nonlinear vectors.
if self._inputs is None:
raise RuntimeError("{}: Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been "
return self._inputs, self._outputs, self._residuals
[docs] def get_linear_vectors(self):
Return the linear inputs, outputs, and residuals vectors.
(inputs, outputs, residuals): tuple of <Vector> instances
Yields the linear inputs, outputs, and residuals vectors.
if self._inputs is None:
raise RuntimeError("{}: Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been "
return (self._dinputs, self._doutputs, self._dresiduals)
def nonlinear_solver(self):
Get the nonlinear solver for this system.
return self._nonlinear_solver
def nonlinear_solver(self, solver):
Set this system's nonlinear solver.
# from openmdao.core.group import Group
# if not isinstance(self, Group):
# raise TypeError("nonlinear_solver can only be set on a Group.")
self._nonlinear_solver = solver
def linear_solver(self):
Get the linear solver for this system.
return self._linear_solver
def linear_solver(self, solver):
Set this system's linear solver.
self._linear_solver = solver
def _force_alloc_complex(self):
return self._problem_meta['force_alloc_complex']
def _use_derivatives(self):
return self._problem_meta['use_derivatives']
def _local_vector_class(self):
return self._problem_meta['local_vector_class']
def _distributed_vector_class(self):
return self._problem_meta['distributed_vector_class']
def _recording_iter(self):
return self._problem_meta['recording_iter']
def _relevance(self):
return self._problem_meta['relevance']
def _jax_group(self):
return self._problem_meta['jax_group']
def _jax_group(self, val):
self._problem_meta['jax_group'] = val
def _static_mode(self):
Return True if we are outside of setup.
In this case, add_input, add_output, and add_subsystem all add to the
'_static' versions of the respective data structures.
These data structures are never reset during setup.
True if outside of setup.
return self._problem_meta is None or self._problem_meta['static_mode']
def _mode(self):
Return the current system mode.
The current system mode, 'fwd' or 'rev'.
return self._problem_meta['mode']
def _orig_mode(self):
Return the user specified system mode.
The system mode specified during setup, 'fwd', 'rev', or 'auto'.
return self._problem_meta['orig_mode']
def _set_solver_print(self, level=2, depth=1e99, type_='all'):
Apply the given print settings to the internal solvers, recursively.
level : int
iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1
to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing
except for failures, and set to -1 to disable all printing including failures.
depth : int
How deep to recurse. For example, you can set this to 0 if you only want
to print the top level linear and nonlinear solver messages. Default
prints everything.
type_ : str
Type of solver to set: 'LN' for linear, 'NL' for nonlinear, or 'all' for all.
if self._linear_solver is not None and type_ != 'NL':
self._linear_solver._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_)
if self.nonlinear_solver is not None and type_ != 'LN':
self.nonlinear_solver._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_)
if self.pathname.count('.') + 1 >= depth:
for subsys, _ in self._subsystems_allprocs.values():
subsys._set_solver_print(level=level, depth=depth, type_=type_)
if subsys._linear_solver is not None and type_ != 'NL':
subsys._linear_solver._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_)
if subsys.nonlinear_solver is not None and type_ != 'LN':
subsys.nonlinear_solver._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_)
def _setup_solver_print(self, recurse=True):
Apply the cached solver print settings during setup.
recurse : bool
Whether to call this method in subsystems.
for level, depth, type_ in self._solver_print_cache:
self._set_solver_print(level, depth, type_)
if recurse:
for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc:
[docs] def set_solver_print(self, level=2, depth=1e99, type_='all'):
Control printing for solvers and subsolvers in the model.
level : int
Iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1
to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing
except for failures, and set to -1 to disable all printing including failures.
depth : int
How deep to recurse. For example, you can set this to 0 if you only want
to print the top level linear and nonlinear solver messages. Default
prints everything.
type_ : str
Type of solver to set: 'LN' for linear, 'NL' for nonlinear, or 'all' for all.
if (level, depth, type_) not in self._solver_print_cache:
self._solver_print_cache.append((level, depth, type_))
def _set_approx_partials_meta(self):
# this will load a static coloring (if any) and will populate wrt_matches if
# there is any coloring (static or dynamic).
def _get_static_wrt_matches(self):
Return wrt_matches for static coloring if there is one.
list of str or ()
List of wrt_matches for a static coloring or () if there isn't one.
if (self._coloring_info.coloring is not None and
self._coloring_info.wrt_matches is None):
# if coloring has been specified, we don't want to have multiple
# approximations for the same subjac, so don't register any new
# approximations when the wrt matches those used in the coloring.
if self._get_static_coloring() is not None: # static coloring has been specified
return self._coloring_info.wrt_matches
return () # for dynamic coloring or no coloring
[docs] def system_iter(self, include_self=False, recurse=True, typ=None):
Yield a generator of local subsystems of this system.
include_self : bool
If True, include this system in the iteration.
recurse : bool
If True, iterate over the whole tree under this system.
typ : type
If not None, only yield Systems that match that are instances of the
given type.
type or None
if include_self and (typ is None or isinstance(self, typ)):
yield self
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
if typ is None or isinstance(s, typ):
yield s
if recurse:
for sub in s.system_iter(recurse=True, typ=typ):
yield sub
def _all_subsystem_iter(self):
Do nothing.
An empty tuple.
return ()
def _create_indexer(self, indices, typename, vname, flat_src=False):
Return an Indexer instance and it's size if possible.
indices : ndarray or sequence of ints
The indices used to create the Indexer.
typename : str
Type name of the variable. Could be 'design var', 'objective' or 'constraint'.
vname : str
Name of the variable.
flat_src : bool
If True, indices index into a flat array.
The newly created Indexer
int or None
The size of the indices, if known.
idxer = indexer(indices, flat_src=flat_src)
except Exception as err:
raise err.__class__(f"{self.msginfo}: Invalid indices {indices} for {typename} "
# size may not be available at this point, but get it if we can in order to allow
# some earlier error checking
size = idxer.indexed_src_size
except Exception:
size = None
return idxer, size
[docs] def add_design_var(self, name, lower=None, upper=None, ref=None, ref0=None, indices=None,
adder=None, scaler=None, units=None, parallel_deriv_color=None,
cache_linear_solution=False, flat_indices=False):
Add a design variable to this system.
name : str
Promoted name of the design variable in the system.
lower : float or ndarray, optional
Lower boundary for the input.
upper : upper or ndarray, optional
Upper boundary for the input.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of design var that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of design var that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
indices : iter of int, optional
If an input is an array, these indicate which entries are of
interest for this particular design variable. These may be
positive or negative integers.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before applying scaling.
parallel_deriv_color : str
If specified, this design var will be grouped for parallel derivative
calculations with other variables sharing the same parallel_deriv_color.
cache_linear_solution : bool
If True, store the linear solution vectors for this variable so they can
be used to start the next linear solution with an initial guess equal to the
solution from the previous linear solve.
flat_indices : bool
If True, interpret specified indices as being indices into a flat source array.
The response can be scaled using ref and ref0.
The argument :code:`ref0` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 0.
The argument :code:`ref` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 1.
if name in self._design_vars or name in self._static_design_vars:
msg = "{}: Design Variable '{}' already exists."
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name))
# Name must be a string
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError('{}: The name argument should be a string, got {}'.format(self.msginfo,
if units is not None:
if not isinstance(units, str):
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: The units argument should be a str or None for "
f"design_var '{name}'.")
units = simplify_unit(units, msginfo=self.msginfo)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"{str(e)[:-1]} for design_var '{name}'.")
# Convert ref/ref0 to ndarray/float as necessary
ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
# determine adder and scaler based on args
adder, scaler = determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)
if lower is None:
# if not set, set lower to -INF_BOUND and don't apply adder/scaler
lower = -INF_BOUND
# Convert lower to ndarray/float as necessary
lower = format_as_float_or_array('lower', lower, flatten=True)
# Apply scaler/adder
lower = (lower + adder) * scaler
if upper is None:
# if not set, set upper to INF_BOUND and don't apply adder/scaler
upper = INF_BOUND
# Convert upper to ndarray/float as necessary
upper = format_as_float_or_array('upper', upper, flatten=True)
# Apply scaler/adder
upper = (upper + adder) * scaler
if self._static_mode:
design_vars = self._static_design_vars
design_vars = self._design_vars
if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray):
if np.all(scaler == 1.0):
scaler = None
elif scaler == 1.0:
scaler = None
if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray):
if not np.any(adder):
adder = None
elif adder == 0.0:
adder = None
if indices is not None:
indices, size = self._create_indexer(indices, 'design var', name,
size = None
design_vars[name] = {
'adder': adder,
'scaler': scaler,
'name': name,
'upper': upper,
'lower': lower,
'ref': ref,
'ref0': ref0,
'units': units,
'cache_linear_solution': cache_linear_solution,
'total_scaler': scaler,
'total_adder': adder,
'indices': indices,
'flat_indices': flat_indices,
'parallel_deriv_color': parallel_deriv_color,
'size': size,
[docs] def add_response(self, name, type_, lower=None, upper=None, equals=None,
ref=None, ref0=None, indices=None, index=None, units=None,
adder=None, scaler=None, linear=False, parallel_deriv_color=None,
cache_linear_solution=False, flat_indices=None, alias=None):
Add a response variable to this system.
The response can be scaled using ref and ref0.
The argument :code:`ref0` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 0.
The argument :code:`ref` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 1.
name : str
Promoted name of the response variable in the system.
type_ : str
The type of response. Supported values are 'con' and 'obj'.
lower : float or ndarray, optional
Lower boundary for the variable.
upper : upper or ndarray, optional
Upper boundary for the variable.
equals : equals or ndarray, optional
Equality constraint value for the variable.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : upper or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
indices : sequence of int, optional
If variable is an array, these indicate which entries are of
interest for this particular response.
index : int, optional
If variable is an array, this indicates which entry is of
interest for this particular response.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before applying scaling.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
linear : bool
Set to True if constraint is linear. Default is False.
parallel_deriv_color : str
If specified, this design var will be grouped for parallel derivative
calculations with other variables sharing the same parallel_deriv_color.
cache_linear_solution : bool
If True, store the linear solution vectors for this variable so they can
be used to start the next linear solution with an initial guess equal to the
solution from the previous linear solve.
flat_indices : bool
If True, interpret specified indices as being indices into a flat source array.
alias : str or None
Alias for this response. Necessary when adding multiple responses on different
indices of the same variable.
# Name must be a string
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError('{}: The name argument should be a string, '
'got {}'.format(self.msginfo, name))
# Type must be a string and one of 'con' or 'obj'
if not isinstance(type_, str):
raise TypeError('{}: The type argument should be a string'.format(self.msginfo))
elif type_ not in ('con', 'obj'):
raise ValueError('{}: The type must be one of \'con\' or \'obj\': '
'Got \'{}\' instead'.format(self.msginfo, name))
if units is not None:
if not isinstance(units, str):
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: The units argument should be a str or None for "
f"response '{name}'.")
units = simplify_unit(units, msginfo=self.msginfo)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"{str(e)[:-1]} for response '{name}'.")
resp = {}
if (name in self._responses or name in self._static_responses) and alias is None:
typemap = {'con': 'Constraint', 'obj': 'Objective'}
msg = ("{}: {} '{}' already exists. Use the 'alias' argument to apply a second "
"constraint".format(self.msginfo, typemap[type_], name))
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(name))
resp['name'] = name
resp['alias'] = alias
# Convert ref/ref0 to ndarray/float as necessary
ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, val_if_none=None, flatten=True)
# determine adder and scaler based on args
adder, scaler = determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)
# A constraint cannot be an equality and inequality constraint
if equals is not None and (lower is not None or upper is not None):
msg = "{}: Constraint '{}' cannot be both equality and inequality."
if alias is not None:
namestr = f"'{name}' (alias '{alias}')"
namestr = name
raise ValueError(msg.format(self.msginfo, namestr))
if type_ == 'con':
# Convert lower to ndarray/float as necessary
if lower is None:
# don't apply adder/scaler if lower not set
lower = -INF_BOUND
lower = format_as_float_or_array('lower', lower, flatten=True)
lower = (lower + adder) * scaler
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'lower' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can not "
"specify a variable as lower bound. You can only provide constant "
"float values".format(lower))
# Convert upper to ndarray/float as necessary
if upper is None:
# don't apply adder/scaler if upper not set
upper = INF_BOUND
upper = format_as_float_or_array('upper', upper, flatten=True)
upper = (upper + adder) * scaler
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'upper' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can not "
"specify a variable as upper bound. You can only provide constant "
"float values".format(upper))
# Convert equals to ndarray/float as necessary
if equals is not None:
equals = format_as_float_or_array('equals', equals, flatten=True)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Argument 'equals' can not be a string ('{}' given). You can "
"not specify a variable as equals bound. You can only provide "
"constant float values".format(equals))
equals = (equals + adder) * scaler
resp['lower'] = lower
resp['upper'] = upper
resp['equals'] = equals
resp['linear'] = linear
if indices is not None:
indices, size = self._create_indexer(indices, resp_types[type_], name,
if size is not None:
resp['size'] = size
resp['indices'] = indices
else: # 'obj'
if index is not None:
if not isinstance(index, Integral):
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: index must be of integral type, but type is "
index = indexer(index, flat_src=flat_indices)
resp['size'] = 1
resp['indices'] = index
if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray):
if np.all(scaler == 1.0):
scaler = None
elif scaler == 1.0:
scaler = None
resp['scaler'] = scaler
resp['total_scaler'] = scaler
if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray):
if not np.any(adder):
adder = None
elif adder == 0.0:
adder = None
resp['adder'] = adder
resp['total_adder'] = adder
resp['ref'] = ref
resp['ref0'] = ref0
resp['type'] = type_
resp['units'] = units
resp['cache_linear_solution'] = cache_linear_solution
resp['parallel_deriv_color'] = parallel_deriv_color
resp['flat_indices'] = flat_indices
if self._static_mode:
responses = self._static_responses
responses = self._responses
if alias in responses:
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Constraint alias '{alias}' is a duplicate of an "
"existing alias or variable name.")
if alias is not None:
responses[alias] = resp
responses[name] = resp
[docs] def add_constraint(self, name, lower=None, upper=None, equals=None,
ref=None, ref0=None, adder=None, scaler=None, units=None,
indices=None, linear=False, parallel_deriv_color=None,
cache_linear_solution=False, flat_indices=False, alias=None):
Add a constraint variable to this system.
name : str
Name of the response variable in the system.
lower : float or ndarray, optional
Lower boundary for the variable.
upper : float or ndarray, optional
Upper boundary for the variable.
equals : float or ndarray, optional
Equality constraint value for the variable.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alternative to using ref
and ref0.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before applying scaling.
indices : sequence of int, optional
If variable is an array, these indicate which entries are of
interest for this particular response. These may be positive or
negative integers.
linear : bool
Set to True if constraint is linear. Default is False.
parallel_deriv_color : str
If specified, this design var will be grouped for parallel derivative
calculations with other variables sharing the same parallel_deriv_color.
cache_linear_solution : bool
If True, store the linear solution vectors for this variable so they can
be used to start the next linear solution with an initial guess equal to the
solution from the previous linear solve.
flat_indices : bool
If True, interpret specified indices as being indices into a flat source array.
alias : str
Alias for this response. Necessary when adding multiple constraints on different
indices or slices of a single variable.
The response can be scaled using ref and ref0.
The argument :code:`ref0` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 0.
The argument :code:`ref` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 1.
The arguments (:code:`lower`, :code:`upper`, :code:`equals`) can not be strings or variable
self.add_response(name=name, type_='con', lower=lower, upper=upper,
equals=equals, scaler=scaler, adder=adder, ref=ref,
ref0=ref0, indices=indices, linear=linear, units=units,
flat_indices=flat_indices, alias=alias)
[docs] def add_objective(self, name, ref=None, ref0=None, index=None, units=None,
adder=None, scaler=None, parallel_deriv_color=None,
cache_linear_solution=False, flat_indices=False, alias=None):
Add a response variable to this system.
name : str
Name of the response variable in the system.
ref : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
ref0 : float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
index : int, optional
If variable is an array, this indicates which entry is of
interest for this particular response. This may be a positive
or negative integer.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before applying scaling.
adder : float or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder
is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
scaler : float or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler
is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref
and ref0.
parallel_deriv_color : str
If specified, this design var will be grouped for parallel derivative
calculations with other variables sharing the same parallel_deriv_color.
cache_linear_solution : bool
If True, store the linear solution vectors for this variable so they can
be used to start the next linear solution with an initial guess equal to the
solution from the previous linear solve.
flat_indices : bool
If True, interpret specified indices as being indices into a flat source array.
alias : str
Alias for this response. Necessary when adding multiple objectives on different
indices or slices of a single variable.
The objective can be scaled using scaler and adder, where
.. math::
x_{scaled} = scaler(x + adder)
or through the use of ref/ref0, which map to scaler and adder through
the equations:
.. math::
0 = scaler(ref_0 + adder)
1 = scaler(ref + adder)
which results in:
.. math::
adder = -ref_0
scaler = \frac{1}{ref + adder}
if index is not None and not isinstance(index, int):
raise TypeError('{}: If specified, objective index must be '
'an int.'.format(self.msginfo))
self.add_response(name, type_='obj', scaler=scaler, adder=adder,
ref=ref, ref0=ref0, index=index, units=units,
flat_indices=flat_indices, alias=alias)
def _update_dv_meta(self, meta, get_size=False, use_prom_ivc=False):
Update the design variable metadata.
meta : dict
Metadata dictionary that is populated by this method.
get_size : bool
If True, compute the size and store it in the metadata.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Determines whether return key is promoted name or source name.
model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
pro2abs_out = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']
abs2meta_out = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
prom_name = meta['name']
if prom_name in pro2abs_out: # promoted output
src_name = pro2abs_out[prom_name][0]
meta['orig'] = (prom_name, None)
else: # Design variable on an input connected to an ivc.
pro2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']
src_name = model._conn_global_abs_in2out[pro2abs_in[prom_name][0]]
meta['orig'] = (None, prom_name)
key = prom_name if use_prom_ivc else src_name
meta['source'] = src_name
meta['distributed'] = \
src_name in abs2meta_out and abs2meta_out[src_name]['distributed']
if get_size:
if 'indices' not in meta:
meta['indices'] = None
abs2idx = model._var_allprocs_abs2idx
sizes = model._var_sizes['output']
if src_name in abs2idx: # var is continuous
vmeta = abs2meta_out[src_name]
indices = meta['indices']
if indices is not None:
# Index defined in this design var.
# update src shapes for Indexer objects
indices = indices.shaped_instance()
meta['size'] = meta['global_size'] = indices.indexed_src_size
if meta['distributed']:
meta['size'] = sizes[model.comm.rank, abs2idx[src_name]]
meta['size'] = sizes[model._owning_rank[src_name], abs2idx[src_name]]
meta['global_size'] = vmeta['global_size']
meta['global_size'] = meta['size'] = 0 # discrete var
return key
def _check_voi_meta_sizes(self, typename, name, meta, names):
Check that sizes of named metadata agree with meta['size'].
typename : str
'design var', 'objective', or 'constraint'
name : str
The name of the variable. May be an alias.
meta : dict
Metadata dictionary.
names : list of str
The metadata entries at each of these names must match meta['size'].
if 'size' in meta and meta['size'] is not None:
size = meta['size']
for mname in names:
val = meta[mname]
if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and size != val.size:
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: When adding {typename} '{name}',"
f" {mname} should have size {size} but instead has size "
[docs] def get_design_vars(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True):
Get the DesignVariable settings from this system.
Retrieve all design variable settings from the system and, if recurse
is True, all of its subsystems.
recurse : bool
If True, recurse through the subsystems of a group and return the path of
all design vars relative to the this system.
get_sizes : bool, optional
If True, compute the size of each design variable.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Use promoted names for inputs, else convert to absolute source names.
The design variables defined in the current system and, if
recurse=True, its subsystems.
out = {}
for name, data in self._design_vars.items():
if 'parallel_deriv_color' in data and data['parallel_deriv_color'] is not None:
self._problem_meta['has_par_deriv_color'] = True
key = self._update_dv_meta(data, get_size=get_sizes,
if get_sizes and data['source'] in self._var_allprocs_abs2idx:
'design var', name, data,
['ref', 'ref0', 'scaler', 'adder', 'upper', 'lower'])
out[key] = data
except KeyError as err:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Output not found for design variable {err}.")
return out
def _update_response_meta(self, meta, get_size=False, use_prom_ivc=False):
Update the design variable metadata.
meta : dict
Metadata dictionary.
get_size : bool
If True, compute the size of each design variable.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Use promoted names for inputs, else convert to absolute source names.
prom2abs_out = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']
prom2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']
model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
conns = model._conn_global_abs_in2out
abs2meta_out = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
alias = meta['alias']
prom = meta['name'] # 'usually' a promoted name, but can be absolute
if alias is not None:
if alias in prom2abs_out or alias in prom2abs_in:
# Constraint alias should never be the same as any openmdao variable.
path = prom2abs_out[prom][0] if prom in prom2abs_out else prom
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Constraint alias '{alias}' on '{path}'"
" is the same name as an existing variable.")
meta['parent'] = self.pathname
if prom in prom2abs_out: # promoted output
src_name = prom2abs_out[prom][0]
elif prom in abs2meta_out:
src_name = prom
elif prom in prom2abs_in:
src_name = conns[prom2abs_in[prom][0]]
else: # abs input
src_name = conns[prom][0]
if alias:
key = alias
elif use_prom_ivc:
key = prom
key = src_name
meta['source'] = src_name
meta['distributed'] = dist = \
src_name in abs2meta_out and abs2meta_out[src_name]['distributed']
if get_size:
sizes = model._var_sizes['output']
abs2idx = model._var_allprocs_abs2idx
owning_rank = model._owning_rank
if src_name in abs2idx:
out_meta = abs2meta_out[src_name]
if 'indices' in meta and meta['indices'] is not None:
indices = meta['indices']
indices = indices.shaped_instance()
meta['size'] = meta['global_size'] = indices.indexed_src_size
if dist:
meta['size'] = sizes[self.comm.rank, abs2idx[src_name]]
meta['size'] = sizes[owning_rank[src_name], abs2idx[src_name]]
meta['global_size'] = out_meta['global_size']
meta['size'] = meta['global_size'] = 0 # discrete var, don't know size
return key
[docs] def get_responses(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=False):
Get the response variable settings from this system.
Retrieve all response variable settings from the system as a dict,
keyed by either absolute variable name, promoted name, or alias name,
depending on the value of use_prom_ivc and whether the original key was
a promoted output, promoted input, or an alias.
recurse : bool, optional
If True, recurse through the subsystems and return the path of
all responses relative to the this system.
get_sizes : bool, optional
If True, compute the size of each response.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Translate ivc names to their promoted input names.
The responses defined in the current system and, if
recurse=True, its subsystems.
out = {}
# keys of self._responses are the alias or the promoted name
for name, meta in self._responses.items():
if 'parallel_deriv_color' in meta and meta['parallel_deriv_color'] is not None:
self._problem_meta['has_par_deriv_color'] = True
key = self._update_response_meta(meta, get_size=get_sizes,
if get_sizes:
resp_types[meta['type']], name, meta, resp_size_checks[meta['type']])
out[key] = meta
except KeyError as err:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Output not found for response {err}.")
return out
[docs] def get_constraints(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True):
Get the Constraint settings from this system.
Retrieve the constraint settings for the current system as a dict,
keyed by variable name.
recurse : bool, optional
If True, recurse through the subsystems and return the path of
all constraints relative to the this system.
get_sizes : bool, optional
If True, compute the size of each constraint.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Translate ivc names to their promoted input names.
The constraints defined in the current system.
return {
key: response for key, response in self.get_responses(recurse=recurse,
if response['type'] == 'con'
[docs] def get_objectives(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True):
Get the Objective settings from this system.
Retrieve all objectives settings from the system as a dict, keyed
by variable name.
recurse : bool, optional
If True, recurse through the subsystems and return the path of
all objective relative to the this system.
get_sizes : bool, optional
If True, compute the size of each objective.
use_prom_ivc : bool
Translate ivc names to their promoted input names.
The objectives defined in the current system.
return {
key: response for key, response in self.get_responses(recurse=recurse,
if response['type'] == 'obj'
[docs] def run_apply_nonlinear(self):
Compute residuals.
This calls _apply_nonlinear, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state.
with self._scaled_context_all():
[docs] def list_vars(self,
Write a list of inputs and outputs sorted by component in execution order.
val : bool, optional
When True, display output values. Default is True.
prom_name : bool, optional
When True, display the promoted name of the variable.
Default is True.
residuals : bool, optional
When True, display residual values. Default is False.
residuals_tol : float, optional
If set, limits the output of list_outputs to only variables where
the norm of the resids array is greater than the given 'residuals_tol'.
Default is None.
units : bool, optional
When True, display units. Default is False.
shape : bool, optional
When True, display/return the shape of the value. Default is False.
global_shape : bool, optional
When True, display/return the global shape of the value. Default is False.
bounds : bool, optional
When True, display/return bounds (lower and upper). Default is False.
scaling : bool, optional
When True, display/return scaling (ref, ref0, and res_ref). Default is False.
desc : bool, optional
When True, display/return description. Default is False.
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions
Default is False.
tags : str or list of strs
User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only outputs with the
given tags will be listed.
Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags.
print_tags : bool
When true, display tags in the columnar display.
includes : None, str, or iter of str
Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to include. Default is None,
which includes all output variables.
excludes : None, str, or iter of str
Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to exclude. Default is None.
is_indep_var : bool or None
If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs.
If True, list only outputs tagged `openmdao:indep_var`.
If False, list only outputs that are _not_ tagged `openmdao:indep_var`.
is_design_var : bool or None
If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs.
If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables.
If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables.
all_procs : bool, optional
When True, display output on all processors. Default is False.
list_autoivcs : bool
If True, include auto_ivc outputs in the listing. Defaults to False.
out_stream : file-like
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
print_min : bool
When true, if the output value is an array, print its smallest value.
print_max : bool
When true, if the output value is an array, print its largest value.
return_format : str
Indicates the desired format of the return value. Can have value of 'list' or 'dict'.
If 'list', the return value is a list of (name, metadata) tuples.
if 'dict', the return value is a dictionary mapping {name: metadata}.
list of (name, metadata) or dict of {name: metadata}
List or dict of output names and other optional information about those outputs.
if (self._problem_meta is None or
self._problem_meta['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP) and val:
issue_warning("Calling `list_vars` before `final_setup` will only "
"display the default values of variables and will not show the result of "
"any `set_val` calls.")
if return_format not in ('list', 'dict'):
badarg = f"'{return_format}'" if isinstance(return_format, str) else f"{return_format}"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value ({badarg}) for return_format, "
"must be a string value of 'list' or 'dict'")
keynames = ['val', 'units', 'shape', 'global_shape', 'desc', 'tags']
keyflags = [val, units, shape, global_shape, desc, tags or print_tags]
keys = [name for i, name in enumerate(keynames) if keyflags[i]]
if bounds:
keys.extend(('lower', 'upper'))
if scaling:
keys.extend(('ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref'))
if all_procs:
local = True
local = False
outputs = self.get_io_metadata(('output',), keys, includes, excludes,
is_indep_var, is_design_var, tags,
rank=None if all_procs or val or residuals else 0,
metavalues = val and self._inputs is None
keyvals = [metavalues, units, shape, global_shape, desc, tags or print_tags]
keys = [n for i, n in enumerate(keynames) if keyvals[i]]
inputs = self.get_io_metadata(('input',), keys, includes, excludes,
is_indep_var, is_design_var, tags,
rank=None if all_procs or val else 0,
# filter auto_ivcs if requested
if outputs and not list_autoivcs:
outputs = {n: m for n, m in outputs.items() if not n.startswith('_auto_ivc.')}
# get values & resids
if self._outputs is not None and (val or residuals or residuals_tol):
to_remove = []
print_options = np.get_printoptions()
np_precision = print_options['precision']
for name, meta in outputs.items():
if val:
# we want value from the input vector, not from the metadata
meta['val'] = self._abs_get_val(name, get_remote=True,
rank=None if all_procs else 0, kind='output')
if isinstance(meta['val'], np.ndarray):
if print_min:
meta['min'] = np.round(np.min(meta['val']), np_precision)
if print_max:
meta['max'] = np.round(np.max(meta['val']), np_precision)
if residuals or residuals_tol:
resids = self._abs_get_val(name, get_remote=True,
rank=None if all_procs else 0,
if residuals_tol and np.linalg.norm(resids) < residuals_tol:
elif residuals:
meta['resids'] = resids
# remove any outputs that don't pass the residuals_tol filter
for name in to_remove:
del outputs[name]
if val and self._inputs is not None:
# we want value from the input vector, not from the metadata
print_options = np.get_printoptions()
np_precision = print_options['precision']
for n, meta in inputs.items():
meta['val'] = self._abs_get_val(n, get_remote=True,
rank=None if all_procs else 0, kind='input')
if isinstance(meta['val'], np.ndarray):
if print_min:
meta['min'] = np.round(np.min(meta['val']), np_precision)
if print_max:
meta['max'] = np.round(np.max(meta['val']), np_precision)
# remove metadata we don't want to show/return
to_remove = ['discrete']
if not print_tags:
if not prom_name:
for _, meta in chain(outputs.items(), inputs.items()):
for key in to_remove:
del meta[key]
except KeyError:
variables = set(outputs.keys()).union(set(inputs.keys()))
var_list = []
var_dict = {}
var_list = self._get_vars_exec_order(inputs=True, outputs=True,
variables=variables, local=local)
for var_name in var_list:
if var_name in outputs:
var_dict[var_name] = outputs[var_name]
var_dict[var_name]['io'] = 'output'
var_dict[var_name] = inputs[var_name]
var_dict[var_name]['io'] = 'input'
if not (all_procs or self.comm.rank == 0):
out_stream = None
write_var_table(self.pathname, var_list, 'all', var_dict,
True, print_arrays, out_stream)
if not (outputs or inputs) or (not all_procs and self.comm.rank != 0):
return {} if return_format == 'dict' else []
return var_dict if return_format == 'dict' else list(var_dict.items())
[docs] def list_outputs(self,
explicit=True, implicit=True,
Write a list of output names and other optional information to a specified stream.
explicit : bool, optional
Include outputs from explicit components. Default is True.
implicit : bool, optional
Include outputs from implicit components. Default is True.
val : bool, optional
When True, display output values. Default is True.
prom_name : bool, optional
When True, display the promoted name of the variable.
Default is True.
residuals : bool, optional
When True, display residual values. Default is False.
residuals_tol : float, optional
If set, limits the output of list_outputs to only variables where
the norm of the resids array is greater than the given 'residuals_tol'.
Default is None.
units : bool, optional
When True, display units. Default is False.
shape : bool, optional
When True, display/return the shape of the value. Default is False.
global_shape : bool, optional
When True, display/return the global shape of the value. Default is False.
bounds : bool, optional
When True, display/return bounds (lower and upper). Default is False.
scaling : bool, optional
When True, display/return scaling (ref, ref0, and res_ref). Default is False.
desc : bool, optional
When True, display/return description. Default is False.
hierarchical : bool, optional
When True, human readable output shows variables in hierarchical format.
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions
Default is False.
tags : str or list of strs
User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only outputs with the
given tags will be listed.
Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags.
print_tags : bool
When true, display tags in the columnar display.
includes : None, str, or iter of str
Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to include. Default is None,
which includes all output variables.
excludes : None, str, or iter of str
Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to exclude. Default is None.
is_indep_var : bool or None
If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs.
If True, list only outputs tagged `openmdao:indep_var`.
If False, list only outputs that are _not_ tagged `openmdao:indep_var`.
is_design_var : bool or None
If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs.
If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables.
If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables.
all_procs : bool, optional
When True, display output on all processors. Default is False.
list_autoivcs : bool
If True, include auto_ivc outputs in the listing. Defaults to False.
out_stream : file-like
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
print_min : bool
When true, if the output value is an array, print its smallest value.
print_max : bool
When true, if the output value is an array, print its largest value.
return_format : str
Indicates the desired format of the return value. Can have value of 'list' or 'dict'.
If 'list', the return value is a list of (name, metadata) tuples.
if 'dict', the return value is a dictionary mapping {name: metadata}.
list of (name, metadata) or dict of {name: metadata}
List or dict of output names and other optional information about those outputs.
if return_format not in ('list', 'dict'):
badarg = f"'{return_format}'" if isinstance(return_format, str) else f"{return_format}"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value ({badarg}) for return_format, "
"must be a string value of 'list' or 'dict'")
keynames = ['val', 'units', 'shape', 'global_shape', 'desc', 'tags']
keyflags = [val, units, shape, global_shape, desc, tags or print_tags]
keys = [name for i, name in enumerate(keynames) if keyflags[i]]
if bounds:
keys.extend(('lower', 'upper'))
if scaling:
keys.extend(('ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref'))
outputs = self.get_io_metadata(('output',), keys, includes, excludes,
is_indep_var, is_design_var, tags,
rank=None if all_procs or val or residuals else 0,
# filter auto_ivcs if requested
if outputs and not list_autoivcs:
outputs = {n: m for n, m in outputs.items() if not n.startswith('_auto_ivc.')}
# get values & resids
if self._outputs is not None and (val or residuals or residuals_tol):
to_remove = []
print_options = np.get_printoptions()
np_precision = print_options['precision']
for name, meta in outputs.items():
if val:
# we want value from the input vector, not from the metadata
meta['val'] = self._abs_get_val(name, get_remote=True,
rank=None if all_procs else 0, kind='output')
if isinstance(meta['val'], np.ndarray):
if print_min:
meta['min'] = np.round(np.min(meta['val']), np_precision)
if print_max:
meta['max'] = np.round(np.max(meta['val']), np_precision)
if residuals or residuals_tol:
resids = self._abs_get_val(name, get_remote=True,
rank=None if all_procs else 0,
if residuals_tol and np.linalg.norm(resids) < residuals_tol:
elif residuals:
meta['resids'] = resids
# remove any outputs that don't pass the residuals_tol filter
for name in to_remove:
del outputs[name]
# remove metadata we don't want to show/return
to_remove = ['discrete']
if not print_tags:
if not prom_name:
for _, meta in outputs.items():
for key in to_remove:
del meta[key]
except KeyError:
rel_idx = len(self.pathname) + 1 if self.pathname else 0
if not (all_procs or self.comm.rank == 0):
out_stream = None
states = set(self._list_states())
if explicit:
expl_outputs = {n: m for n, m in outputs.items() if n not in states}
self._write_table('explicit', expl_outputs, hierarchical, print_arrays,
all_procs, out_stream)
if self.name: # convert to relative name
expl_outputs = [(n[rel_idx:], meta) for n, meta in expl_outputs.items()]
expl_outputs = list(expl_outputs.items())
if implicit:
impl_outputs = {}
if residuals_tol:
for n, m in outputs.items():
if n in states:
if residuals_tol and 'resids' in m:
if np.linalg.norm(m['resids']) >= residuals_tol:
impl_outputs[n] = m
impl_outputs[n] = m
impl_outputs = {n: m for n, m in outputs.items() if n in states}
if not (all_procs or self.comm.rank == 0):
out_stream = None
self._write_table('implicit', impl_outputs, hierarchical, print_arrays,
all_procs, out_stream)
if self.name: # convert to relative name
impl_outputs = [(n[rel_idx:], meta) for n, meta in impl_outputs.items()]
impl_outputs = list(impl_outputs.items())
if not outputs or (not all_procs and self.comm.rank != 0):
return {} if return_format == 'dict' else []
if explicit and implicit:
outputs = expl_outputs + impl_outputs
elif explicit:
outputs = expl_outputs
elif implicit:
outputs = impl_outputs
raise RuntimeError('You have excluded both Explicit and Implicit components.')
return dict(outputs) if return_format == 'dict' else outputs
def _write_table(self, var_type, var_data, hierarchical, print_arrays, all_procs, out_stream):
Write table of variable names, values, residuals, and metadata to out_stream.
var_type : 'input', 'explicit' or 'implicit'
Indicates type of variables, input or explicit/implicit output.
var_data : dict
dict of name and metadata.
hierarchical : bool
When True, human readable output shows variables in hierarchical format.
print_arrays : bool
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions
Default is False.
all_procs : bool, optional
When True, display output on all processors.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output.
Set to None to suppress.
if self._outputs is None:
var_list = var_data.keys()
inputs = var_type == 'input'
outputs = not inputs
var_list = self._get_vars_exec_order(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, variables=var_data)
write_var_table(self.pathname, var_list, var_type, var_data,
hierarchical, print_arrays, out_stream)
def _get_vars_exec_order(self, inputs=False, outputs=False, variables=None, local=False):
Get list of variable names in execution order, based on the order subsystems were setup.
outputs : bool, optional
Get names of output variables. Default is False.
inputs : bool, optional
Get names of input variables. Default is False.
variables : Collection (list or dict)
Absolute path names of the subset of variables to include.
If None then all variables will be included. Default is None.
local : bool, optional
Get variables from local subsystems only. Default is False.
list of variable names in execution order
var_list = []
real_vars = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta
disc_vars = self._var_allprocs_discrete
# variable order: real inputs, real outputs, discrete inputs, discrete outputs
var_dicts = []
if inputs:
if outputs:
if inputs and disc_vars['input']:
if outputs and disc_vars['output']:
# For components, self._subsystems_allprocs is empty.
if self._subsystems_allprocs:
if local:
from openmdao.core.component import Component
it = [s.pathname for s in self.system_iter(recurse=True, typ=Component)]
it = self._allprocs_exec_order()
for path in it:
prefix = path + '.'
for var_name in chain(*var_dicts):
if variables is None or var_name in variables:
if var_name.startswith(prefix):
for var_name in chain(*var_dicts):
if variables is None or var_name in variables:
return var_list
[docs] def run_solve_nonlinear(self):
Compute outputs.
This calls _solve_nonlinear, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state.
with self._scaled_context_all():
[docs] def run_apply_linear(self, mode, scope_out=None, scope_in=None):
Compute jac-vec product.
This calls _apply_linear, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state.
mode : str
'fwd' or 'rev'.
scope_out : set or None
Set of absolute output names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
scope_in : set or None
Set of absolute input names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
with self._scaled_context_all():
self._apply_linear(None, mode, scope_out, scope_in)
[docs] def run_solve_linear(self, mode):
Apply inverse jac product.
This calls _solve_linear, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state.
mode : str
'fwd' or 'rev'.
with self._scaled_context_all():
[docs] def run_linearize(self, sub_do_ln=True):
Compute jacobian / factorization.
This calls _linearize, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state.
sub_do_ln : bool
Flag indicating if the children should call linearize on their linear solvers.
with self._scaled_context_all():
self._linearize(self._assembled_jac, sub_do_ln=self._linear_solver is not None and
if self._linear_solver is not None and sub_do_ln:
def _apply_nonlinear(self):
Compute residuals. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state.
raise NotImplementedError(self.msginfo + ": _apply_nonlinear has not been overridden")
[docs] def check_config(self, logger):
Perform optional error checks.
logger : object
The object that manages logging output.
def _iter_call_apply_linear(self):
Return whether to call _apply_linear on this System from within parent _apply_linear.
True if _apply_linear should be called from within a parent _apply_linear.
return True
def _apply_linear(self, jac, mode, scope_in=None, scope_out=None):
Compute jac-vec product. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state.
jac : Jacobian or None
If None, use local jacobian, else use assembled jacobian jac.
mode : str
'fwd' or 'rev'.
scope_out : set or None
Set of absolute output names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
scope_in : set or None
Set of absolute input names in the scope of this mat-vec product.
If None, all are in the scope.
raise NotImplementedError(self.msginfo + ": _apply_linear has not been overridden")
def _solve_linear(self, mode, scope_out=_UNDEFINED, scope_in=_UNDEFINED):
Apply inverse jac product. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state.
mode : str
'fwd' or 'rev'.
scope_out : set, None, or _UNDEFINED
Outputs relevant to possible lower level calls to _apply_linear on Components.
scope_in : set, None, or _UNDEFINED
Inputs relevant to possible lower level calls to _apply_linear on Components.
def _linearize(self, jac, sub_do_ln=True):
Compute jacobian / factorization. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state.
jac : Jacobian or None
If None, use local jacobian, else use assembled jacobian jac.
sub_do_ln : bool
Flag indicating if the children should call linearize on their linear solvers.
raise NotImplementedError(self.msginfo + ": _linearize has not been overridden")
def _list_states(self):
Return list of all states at and below this system.
List of all states.
return []
def _list_states_allprocs(self):
Return list of all states at and below this system across all procs.
List of all states.
return []
[docs] def load_model_options(self):
Load the relevant model options from `Problem._metadata['model_options']`.
This method examines each path filter and corresponding options in
self._problem_meta['model_options']. If this System's pathname matches
the given path filter, it will assume the value for each given option
which it possesses.
model_options = self._problem_meta['model_options']
for path_filter, path_options in model_options.items():
if fnmatchcase(self.pathname, path_filter):
for option, val in path_options.items():
if option in self.options:
self.options[option] = val
[docs] def add_recorder(self, recorder, recurse=False):
Add a recorder to the system.
recorder : <CaseRecorder>
A recorder instance.
recurse : bool
Flag indicating if the recorder should be added to all the subsystems.
if MPI:
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo + ": Recording of Systems when running parallel "
"code is not supported yet")
if recurse:
for s in self.system_iter(include_self=False, recurse=recurse):
[docs] def record_iteration(self):
Record an iteration of the current System.
global _recordable_funcs
if self._rec_mgr._recorders:
parallel = self._rec_mgr._check_parallel() if self.comm.size > 1 else False
do_gather = self._rec_mgr._check_gather()
local = parallel and not do_gather
options = self.recording_options
metadata = create_local_meta(self.pathname)
# Get the data to record
if self._recording_iter.stack:
stack_top = self._recording_iter.stack[-1][0]
method = stack_top.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
if method not in _recordable_funcs:
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: {method} must be one of: "
if 'nonlinear' in method:
inputs, outputs, residuals = self.get_nonlinear_vectors()
vec_name = 'nonlinear'
inputs, outputs, residuals = self.get_linear_vectors()
vec_name = 'linear'
# outside of a run, just record nonlinear vectors
inputs, outputs, residuals = self.get_nonlinear_vectors()
vec_name = 'nonlinear'
discrete_inputs = self._discrete_inputs
discrete_outputs = self._discrete_outputs
filt = self._filtered_vars_to_record
data = {'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'residual': {}}
if options['record_inputs'] and (inputs._names or len(discrete_inputs) > 0):
data['input'] = self._retrieve_data_of_kind(filt, 'input', vec_name, local)
if options['record_outputs'] and (outputs._names or len(discrete_outputs) > 0):
data['output'] = self._retrieve_data_of_kind(filt, 'output', vec_name, local)
if options['record_residuals'] and residuals._names:
data['residual'] = self._retrieve_data_of_kind(filt, 'residual', vec_name, local)
self._rec_mgr.record_iteration(self, data, metadata)
# All calls to _solve_nonlinear are recorded, The counter is incremented after recording.
self.iter_count += 1
if not self.under_approx:
self.iter_count_without_approx += 1
def _clear_iprint(self):
Clear out the iprint stack from the solvers.
def _reset_iter_counts(self):
Recursively reset iteration counter for all systems and solvers.
for s in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
s.iter_count = 0
s.iter_count_apply = 0
s.iter_count_without_approx = 0
if s._linear_solver:
s._linear_solver._iter_count = 0
if s._nonlinear_solver:
nl = s._nonlinear_solver
nl._iter_count = 0
if nl.linesearch:
nl.linesearch._iter_count = 0
[docs] def get_reports_dir(self):
Get the path to the directory where the report files should go.
If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
The path to the directory where reports should be written.
return self._problem_meta['reports_dir']
[docs] def get_outputs_dir(self, *subdirs, mkdir=True):
Get the path under which all output files of this system are to be placed.
*subdirs : str
Subdirectories nested under the relevant problem output directory.
To create {prob_output_dir}/a/b one would pass `system.get_outputs_dir('a', 'b')`.
mkdir : bool
If True, attempt to create this directory if it does not exist.
The path of the outputs directory for the problem.
return _get_outputs_dir(self, *subdirs, mkdir=mkdir)
def _set_finite_difference_mode(self, active):
Turn on or off finite difference mode.
Recurses to turn on or off finite difference mode in all subsystems.
active : bool
Finite difference flag; set to True prior to commencing finite difference.
for sub in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
sub.under_finite_difference = active
def _set_complex_step_mode(self, active):
Turn on or off complex stepping mode.
Recurses to turn on or off complex stepping mode in all subsystems and their vectors.
active : bool
Complex mode flag; set to True prior to commencing complex step.
self.under_complex_step = active
if self._doutputs._alloc_complex:
if self.nonlinear_solver:
if self.linear_solver:
if isinstance(self._jacobian, Jacobian):
if self._assembled_jac:
for sub in self._subsystems_myproc:
[docs] def cleanup(self):
Clean up resources prior to exit.
# shut down all recorders
# do any required cleanup on solvers
if self._nonlinear_solver:
if self._linear_solver:
def _get_gradient_nl_solver_systems(self):
Return a set of all Systems, including this one, that have a gradient nonlinear solver.
Set of Systems containing nonlinear solvers that compute gradients.
return set(s for s in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True)
if s.nonlinear_solver and s.nonlinear_solver.supports['gradients'])
def _jac_var_info_abs2prom(self, var_info):
Return a new list with tuples' [0] entry converted from absolute to promoted names.
var_info : list of (name, offset, end, idxs)
The list that uses absolute names.
The new list with promoted names.
new_list = []
abs2prom_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input']
abs2prom_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']
for tup in var_info:
lst = list(tup)
if tup[0] in abs2prom_out:
lst[0] = abs2prom_out[tup[0]]
lst[0] = abs2prom_in[tup[0]]
return new_list
def _abs_get_val(self, abs_name, get_remote=False, rank=None, vec_name=None, kind=None,
flat=False, from_root=False):
Return the value of the variable specified by the given absolute name.
abs_name : str
The absolute name of the variable.
get_remote : bool or None
If True, return the value even if the variable is remote. NOTE: This function must be
called in all procs in the Problem's MPI communicator.
If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part
of the value that's on the current process for a distributed variable.
If None and the variable is remote or distributed, a RuntimeError will be raised.
rank : int or None
If not None, specifies that the value is to be gathered to the given rank only.
Otherwise, if get_remote is specified, the value will be broadcast to all procs
in the MPI communicator.
vec_name : str
Name of the vector to use.
kind : str or None
Kind of variable ('input', 'output', or 'residual'). If None, returned value
will be either an input or output.
flat : bool
If True, return the flattened version of the value.
from_root : bool
If True, resolve variables from top level scope.
object or None
The value of the requested output/input/resid variable. None if variable is not found.
discrete = distrib = False
if from_root:
all_meta = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()._var_allprocs_abs2meta
my_meta = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()._var_abs2meta
io = 'output' if abs_name in all_meta['output'] else 'input'
all_meta = all_meta[io]
my_meta = my_meta[io]
io = 'output' if abs_name in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] else 'input'
all_meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io]
my_meta = self._var_abs2meta[io]
vars_to_gather = self._problem_meta['vars_to_gather']
# if abs_name is non-discrete it should be found in all_meta
if abs_name in all_meta:
if get_remote:
meta = all_meta[abs_name]
distrib = meta['distributed']
elif self.comm.size > 1:
if abs_name in vars_to_gather and vars_to_gather[abs_name] != self.comm.rank:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Variable '{abs_name}' is not local to "
f"rank {self.comm.rank}. You can retrieve values from "
"other processes using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=True)`.")
meta = my_meta[abs_name]
distrib = meta['distributed']
if distrib and get_remote is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Variable '{abs_name}' is a distributed "
"variable. You can retrieve values from all processes "
"using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=True)` or from the "
"local process using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=False)`.")
discrete = True
relname = abs_name[len(self.pathname) + 1:] if self.pathname else abs_name
if relname in self._discrete_outputs:
val = self._discrete_outputs[relname]
elif relname in self._discrete_inputs:
val = self._discrete_inputs[relname]
elif abs_name in self._var_allprocs_discrete['output']:
pass # non-local discrete output
elif abs_name in self._var_allprocs_discrete['input']:
pass # non-local discrete input
elif get_remote:
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't find variable named '{abs_name}'.")
typ = 'output' if abs_name in self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'] else 'input'
if kind is None:
kind = typ
if vec_name is None:
vec_name = 'nonlinear'
if not discrete:
vec = self._vectors[kind][vec_name]
except KeyError:
if abs_name in my_meta:
if vec_name != 'nonlinear':
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't get variable named '{abs_name}' "
"because linear vectors are not available before "
val = my_meta[abs_name]['val']
if from_root:
vec = vec._root_vector
if vec._contains_abs(abs_name):
val = vec._abs_get_val(abs_name, flat)
if get_remote and (distrib or abs_name in vars_to_gather) and self.comm.size > 1:
owner = self._owning_rank[abs_name]
myrank = self.comm.rank
if distrib:
idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[abs_name]
sizes = self._var_sizes[typ][:, idx]
# TODO: could cache these offsets
offsets = np.zeros(sizes.size, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
offsets[1:] = np.cumsum(sizes[:-1])
if is_undefined(val):
loc_val = np.zeros(sizes[myrank])
loc_val = np.ascontiguousarray(val)
val = np.zeros(np.sum(sizes))
if rank is None: # bcast
if distrib:
self.comm.Allgatherv(loc_val, [val, sizes, offsets, MPI.DOUBLE])
if not flat:
val.shape = meta['global_shape'] if get_remote else meta['shape']
if owner != self.comm.rank:
val = None
# TODO: use Bcast if not discrete for speed
new_val = self.comm.bcast(val, root=owner)
val = new_val
else: # retrieve to rank
if distrib:
self.comm.Gatherv(loc_val, [val, sizes, offsets, MPI.DOUBLE], root=rank)
if not flat:
val.shape = meta['global_shape'] if get_remote else meta['shape']
if rank != owner:
tag = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[abs_name]
# avoid tag collisions between inputs, outputs, and resids
if kind != 'output':
tag += len(self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'])
if kind == 'residual':
tag += len(self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'])
if self.comm.rank == owner:
self.comm.send(val, dest=rank, tag=tag)
elif self.comm.rank == rank:
val = self.comm.recv(source=owner, tag=tag)
return val
[docs] def get_val(self, name, units=None, indices=None, get_remote=False, rank=None,
vec_name='nonlinear', kind=None, flat=False, from_src=True):
Get an output/input/residual variable.
Function is used if you want to specify display units.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before return.
indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional
Indices or slice to return.
get_remote : bool or None
If True, retrieve the value even if it is on a remote process. Note that if the
variable is remote on ANY process, this function must be called on EVERY process
in the Problem's MPI communicator.
If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part
of the value that's on the current process for a distributed variable.
If None and the variable is remote or distributed, a RuntimeError will be raised.
rank : int or None
If not None, only gather the value to this rank.
vec_name : str
Name of the vector to use. Defaults to 'nonlinear'.
kind : str or None
Kind of variable ('input', 'output', or 'residual'). If None, returned value
will be either an input or output.
flat : bool
If True, return the flattened version of the value.
from_src : bool
If True, retrieve value of an input variable from its connected source.
The value of the requested output/input variable.
abs_names = name2abs_names(self, name)
if not abs_names:
raise KeyError('{}: Variable "{}" not found.'.format(self.msginfo, name))
simp_units = simplify_unit(units)
if from_src:
conns = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()._conn_global_abs_in2out
conns = []
if from_src and abs_names[0] in conns: # pull input from source
src = conns[abs_names[0]]
if src in self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']:
caller = self
# src is outside of this system so get the value from the model
caller = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
return caller._get_input_from_src(name, abs_names, conns, units=simp_units,
indices=indices, get_remote=get_remote, rank=rank,
vec_name=vec_name, flat=flat, scope_sys=self)
val = self._abs_get_val(abs_names[0], get_remote, rank, vec_name, kind, flat)
if indices is not None:
val = val[indices]
if units is not None:
val = self.convert2units(abs_names[0], val, simp_units)
return val
def _get_cached_val(self, name, abs_names, get_remote=False):
# We have set and cached already
for abs_name in abs_names:
if abs_name in self._initial_condition_cache:
return self._initial_condition_cache[abs_name][0]
# Vector not setup, so we need to pull values from saved metadata request.
model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
conns = model._conn_abs_in2out
except AttributeError:
conns = {}
abs_name = abs_names[0]
vars_to_gather = self._problem_meta['vars_to_gather']
units = None
meta = model._var_abs2meta
io = 'output' if abs_name in meta['output'] else 'input'
if abs_name in meta[io]:
if abs_name in conns:
smeta = meta['output'][conns[abs_name]]
val = smeta['val'] # output
units = smeta['units']
vmeta = meta[io][abs_name]
val = vmeta['val']
units = vmeta['units']
# not found in real outputs or inputs, try discretes
meta = model._var_discrete
io = 'output' if abs_name in meta['output'] else 'input'
if abs_name in meta[io]:
if abs_name in conns:
val = meta['output'][conns[abs_name]]['val']
val = meta[io][abs_name]['val']
if get_remote and abs_name in vars_to_gather:
owner = vars_to_gather[abs_name]
if model.comm.rank == owner:
model.comm.bcast(val, root=owner)
val = model.comm.bcast(None, root=owner)
if val is not _UNDEFINED:
# Need to cache the "get" in case the user calls in-place numpy operations.
self._initial_condition_cache[abs_name] = (val, units, self.pathname, name)
return val
[docs] def set_val(self, name, val, units=None, indices=None):
Set an input or output variable.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the system's namespace.
val : object
Value to assign to this variable.
units : str, optional
Units of the value.
indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional
Indices or slice to set.
post_setup = self._problem_meta is not None and \
self._problem_meta['setup_status'] >= _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP
if post_setup:
abs_names = name2abs_names(self, name)
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Called set_val({name}, ...) before setup "
has_vectors = self._problem_meta['setup_status'] >= _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP
value = val
model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
conns = model._conn_global_abs_in2out
all_meta = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta
loc_meta = model._var_abs2meta
n_proms = 0 # if nonzero, name given was promoted input name w/o a matching prom output
ginputs = self._group_inputs
except AttributeError:
ginputs = {} # could happen if this system is not a Group
if abs_names:
n_proms = len(abs_names) # for output this will never be > 1
if n_proms > 1 and name in ginputs:
abs_name = ginputs[name][0].get('use_tgt', abs_names[0])
abs_name = abs_names[0]
raise KeyError(f'{model.msginfo}: Variable "{name}" not found.')
set_units = None
if abs_name in conns: # we're setting an input
src = conns[abs_name]
if abs_name not in model._var_allprocs_discrete['input']: # input is continuous
value = np.asarray(value)
tmeta = all_meta['input'][abs_name]
tunits = tmeta['units']
sunits = all_meta['output'][src]['units']
if abs_name in loc_meta['input']:
tlocmeta = loc_meta['input'][abs_name]
tlocmeta = None
gunits = ginputs[name][0].get('units') if name in ginputs else None
if n_proms > 1: # promoted input name was used
if gunits is None:
tunit_list = [all_meta['input'][n]['units'] for n in abs_names]
tu0 = tunit_list[0]
for tu in tunit_list:
if tu != tu0:
model._show_ambiguity_msg(name, ('units',), abs_names)
if units is None:
# avoids double unit conversion
ivalue = value
if sunits is not None:
if gunits is not None and gunits != tunits:
value = model.convert_from_units(src, value, gunits)
elif tunits is not None:
value = model.convert_from_units(src, value, tunits)
msg = "A value with no units has been specified for input " + \
f"'{name}', but the source ('{src}') has units '{sunits}'. " + \
"No unit checking can be done."
issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo, category=UnitsWarning)
if gunits is None:
ivalue = model.convert_from_units(abs_name, value, units)
ivalue = model.convert_units(name, value, units, gunits)
value = model.convert_from_units(src, value, units)
set_units = sunits
src = abs_name
if units is not None:
value = model.convert_from_units(abs_name, value, units)
set_units = all_meta['output'][abs_name]['units']
except KeyError: # this can happen if a component is the top level System
set_units = all_meta['input'][abs_name]['units']
# Caching only needed if vectors aren't allocated yet.
if not has_vectors:
ic_cache = model._initial_condition_cache
if indices is not None:
self._get_cached_val(name, abs_names)
cval = ic_cache[abs_name][0]
if _is_slicer_op(indices):
ic_cache[abs_name] = (value[indices], set_units, self.pathname, name)
except IndexError:
cval[indices] = value
ic_cache[abs_name] = (cval, set_units, self.pathname, name)
cval[indices] = value
ic_cache[abs_name] = (cval, set_units, self.pathname, name)
except Exception as err:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to set value of '{name}': {str(err)}.")
ic_cache[abs_name] = (value, set_units, self.pathname, name)
myrank = model.comm.rank
if indices is None:
indices = _full_slice
if model._outputs._contains_abs(abs_name):
distrib = all_meta['output'][abs_name]['distributed']
if (distrib and indices is _full_slice and
value.size == all_meta['output'][abs_name]['global_size']):
# assume user is setting using full distributed value
sizes = model._var_sizes['output'][:, model._var_allprocs_abs2idx[abs_name]]
start = np.sum(sizes[:myrank])
end = start + sizes[myrank]
model._outputs.set_var(abs_name, value[start:end], indices)
model._outputs.set_var(abs_name, value, indices)
elif abs_name in conns: # input name given. Set value into output
src_is_auto_ivc = src.startswith('_auto_ivc.')
# when setting auto_ivc output, error messages should refer
# to the promoted name used in the set_val call
var_name = name if src_is_auto_ivc else src
if model._outputs._contains_abs(src): # src is local
if (model._outputs._abs_get_val(src).size == 0 and
src_is_auto_ivc and
pass # special case, auto_ivc dist var with 0 local size
elif tmeta['has_src_indices']:
if tlocmeta: # target is local
flat = False
if name in model._var_prom2inds:
sshape, inds, flat = model._var_prom2inds[name]
src_indices = inds
elif (tlocmeta.get('manual_connection') or
src_indices = tlocmeta['src_indices']
src_indices = None
if src_indices is None:
model._outputs.set_var(src, value, _full_slice, flat,
flat = src_indices._flat_src
if tmeta['distributed']:
src_indices = src_indices.shaped_array()
ssizes = model._var_sizes['output']
sidx = model._var_allprocs_abs2idx[src]
ssize = ssizes[myrank, sidx]
start = np.sum(ssizes[:myrank, sidx])
end = start + ssize
if np.any(src_indices < start) or np.any(src_indices >= end):
raise RuntimeError(f"{model.msginfo}: Can't set {name}: "
"src_indices refer "
"to out-of-process array entries.")
if start > 0:
src_indices = src_indices - start
src_indices = indexer(src_indices)
if indices is _full_slice:
model._outputs.set_var(src, value, src_indices, flat,
model._outputs.set_var(src, value, src_indices.apply(indices),
True, var_name=var_name)
issue_warning(f"{model.msginfo}: Cannot set the value of '{abs_name}':"
" Setting the value of a remote connected input with"
" src_indices is currently not supported, you must call"
" `run_model()` to have the outputs populate their"
" corresponding inputs.")
value = np.asarray(value)
if indices is not _full_slice:
indices = indexer(indices)
model._outputs.set_var(src, value, indices, var_name=var_name)
elif src in model._discrete_outputs:
model._discrete_outputs[src] = value
# also set the input
# TODO: maybe remove this if inputs are removed from case recording
if n_proms < 2:
if model._inputs._contains_abs(abs_name):
model._inputs.set_var(abs_name, ivalue, indices)
elif abs_name in model._discrete_inputs:
model._discrete_inputs[abs_name] = value
# must be a remote var. so, just do nothing on this proc. We can't get here
# unless abs_name is found in connections, so the variable must exist.
if abs_name in model._var_allprocs_abs2meta:
print(f"Variable '{name}' is remote on rank {self.comm.rank}. "
"Local assignment ignored.")
elif abs_name in model._discrete_outputs:
model._discrete_outputs[abs_name] = value
elif model._inputs._contains_abs(abs_name): # could happen if model is a component
model._inputs.set_var(abs_name, value, indices)
elif abs_name in model._discrete_inputs: # could happen if model is a component
model._discrete_inputs[abs_name] = value
def _get_input_from_src(self, name, abs_ins, conns, units=None, indices=None,
get_remote=False, rank=None, vec_name='nonlinear', flat=False,
Given an input name, retrieve the value from its source output.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
abs_ins : list of str
List of absolute input names.
conns : dict
Mapping of absolute names of each input to its connected output across the whole model.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before return.
indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional
Indices or slice to return.
get_remote : bool
If True, retrieve the value even if it is on a remote process. Note that if the
variable is remote on ANY process, this function must be called on EVERY process
in the Problem's MPI communicator.
If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part
of the value that's on the current process for a distributed variable.
If None and the variable is remote or distributed, a RuntimeError will be raised.
rank : int or None
If not None, only gather the value to this rank.
vec_name : str
Name of the vector to use. Defaults to 'nonlinear'.
flat : bool
If True, return the flattened version of the value.
scope_sys : <System> or None
If not None, the System where the original get_val was called. This situation
happens when get_val is called on an input, and the source connected to that input
resides in a different scope.
The value of the requested variable.
abs_name = abs_ins[0]
src = conns[abs_name]
if src in self._var_allprocs_discrete['output']:
return self._abs_get_val(src, get_remote, rank, vec_name, 'output', flat,
is_prom = len(abs_ins) > 1 or name != abs_ins[0]
if scope_sys is None:
scope_sys = self
abs2meta_all_ins = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']
# if we have multiple promoted inputs that are explicitly connected to an output and units
# have not been specified, look for group input to disambiguate
if units is None and len(abs_ins) > 1:
if abs_name not in self._var_allprocs_discrete['input']:
# can't get here unless Group because len(abs_ins) always == 1 for comp
units = scope_sys._group_inputs[name][0]['units']
except (KeyError, IndexError):
unit0 = abs2meta_all_ins[abs_ins[0]]['units']
for n in abs_ins[1:]:
if unit0 != abs2meta_all_ins[n]['units']:
self._show_ambiguity_msg(name, ('units',), abs_ins)
is_local = abs_name in self._var_abs2meta['input']
src_indices = vshape = None
if is_local: # input is local
vmeta = self._var_abs2meta['input'][abs_name]
if vmeta.get('manual_connection') or not is_prom:
src_indices = vmeta['src_indices']
vshape = vmeta['shape']
vmeta = abs2meta_all_ins[abs_name]
distrib = vmeta['distributed']
vdynshape = vmeta['shape_by_conn']
for n in abs_ins:
if abs2meta_all_ins[n]['has_src_indices']:
has_src_indices = True
has_src_indices = False
if is_prom:
# see if we have any 'intermediate' level src_indices when using a promoted name
n = name
scope = scope_sys
while n:
if n in scope._var_prom2inds:
_, inds, _ = scope._var_prom2inds[n]
if inds is None:
if is_prom: # using a promoted lookup
src_indices = None
vshape = None
has_src_indices = False
shp = inds.indexed_src_shape
src_indices = inds
has_src_indices = True
if is_prom:
vshape = shp
parent, _, child = n.partition('.')
if child:
s = scope._get_subsystem(parent)
if s is not None:
scope = s
n = child
if self.comm.size > 1 and get_remote:
if self.comm.rank == self._owning_rank[abs_name]:
self.comm.bcast(has_src_indices, root=self.comm.rank)
has_src_indices = self.comm.bcast(None, root=self._owning_rank[abs_name])
model_ref = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
smeta = model_ref._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'][src]
sdistrib = smeta['distributed']
dynshape = vdynshape or smeta['shape_by_conn']
slocal = src in model_ref._var_abs2meta['output']
if self.comm.size > 1:
if distrib and get_remote is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Variable '{abs_name}' is a distributed "
"variable. You can retrieve values from all processes "
"using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=True)` or from the "
"local process using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=False)`.")
if sdistrib and not distrib and not get_remote:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Non-distributed variable '{abs_name}' has "
f"a distributed source, '{src}', so you must retrieve its value "
"using 'get_remote=True'.")
# get value of the source
val = self._abs_get_val(src, get_remote, rank, vec_name, 'output', flat, from_root=True)
if has_src_indices:
if not is_local:
val = np.zeros(0)
elif src_indices is None:
if vshape is not None:
val = val.reshape(vshape)
var_idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[src]
sizes = self._var_sizes['output'][:, var_idx]
if distrib and (sdistrib or dynshape or not slocal) and not get_remote:
# sizes for src var in each proc
start = np.sum(sizes[:self.comm.rank])
end = start + sizes[self.comm.rank]
src_indices = src_indices.shaped_array(copy=True)
if np.all(np.logical_and(src_indices >= start, src_indices < end)):
if src_indices.size > 0:
src_indices = src_indices - start
val = val.ravel()[src_indices]
fail = 0
fail = 1
if self.comm.allreduce(fail) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't retrieve distributed variable "
f"'{abs_name}' because its src_indices reference "
"entries from other processes. You can retrieve values "
"from all processes using "
"`get_val(<name>, get_remote=True)`.")
if src_indices._flat_src:
val = val.ravel()[src_indices.flat()]
# if at component level, just keep shape of the target and don't flatten
if not flat and not is_prom:
shp = vmeta['shape']
val.shape = shp
val = val[src_indices()]
if vshape is not None and val.shape != vshape:
val.shape = vshape
elif not is_prom and vmeta is not None and val.shape != vmeta['shape']:
val.shape = vmeta['shape']
if get_remote and self.comm.size > 1:
if distrib:
if rank is None:
parts = self.comm.allgather(val)
parts = [p for p in parts if p.size > 0]
val = np.concatenate(parts, axis=0)
parts = self.comm.gather(val, root=rank)
if rank == self.comm.rank:
parts = [p for p in parts if p.size > 0]
val = np.concatenate(parts, axis=0)
val = None
else: # non-distrib input
if self.comm.rank == self._owning_rank[abs_name]:
self.comm.bcast(val, root=self.comm.rank)
val = self.comm.bcast(None, root=self._owning_rank[abs_name])
if distrib and get_remote:
val.shape = abs2meta_all_ins[abs_name]['global_shape']
elif not flat and val.size > 0 and vshape is not None:
val.shape = vshape
elif vshape is not None:
val = val.reshape(vshape)
if indices is not None:
val = val[indices]
if units is not None:
if smeta['units'] is not None:
val = self.convert2units(src, val, units)
except TypeError: # just call this to get the right error message
self.convert2units(abs_name, val, units)
val = self.convert2units(abs_name, val, units)
elif (vmeta['units'] is not None and smeta['units'] is not None and
vmeta['units'] != smeta['units']):
val = self.convert2units(src, val, vmeta['units'])
return val
def _retrieve_data_of_kind(self, filtered_vars, kind, vec_name, local=False):
Retrieve variables, either local or remote, in the filtered_vars list.
filtered_vars : dict
Dictionary containing entries for 'input', 'output', and/or 'residual'.
kind : str
Either 'input', 'output', or 'residual'.
vec_name : str
Either 'nonlinear' or 'linear'.
local : bool
If True, only local values should be saved in each proc.
Variable values keyed on absolute name.
prom2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']
conns = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()._conn_global_abs_in2out
vdict = {}
variables = filtered_vars.get(kind)
if variables:
vec = self._vectors[kind][vec_name]
rank = self.comm.rank
discrete_vec = () if kind == 'residual' else self._var_discrete[kind]
offset = len(self.pathname) + 1 if self.pathname else 0
if self.comm.size == 1:
get = vec._abs_get_val
srcget = self._vectors['output'][vec_name]._abs_get_val
vdict = {}
if discrete_vec:
for n in variables:
if vec._contains_abs(n):
vdict[n] = get(n, False)
elif n[offset:] in discrete_vec:
vdict[n] = discrete_vec[n[offset:]]['val']
ivc_path = conns[prom2abs_in[n][0]]
if vec._contains_abs(ivc_path):
vdict[ivc_path] = srcget(ivc_path, False)
elif ivc_path[offset:] in discrete_vec:
vdict[ivc_path] = discrete_vec[ivc_path[offset:]]['val']
for name in variables:
if name in self._responses and self._responses[name]['alias'] is not None:
name = self._responses[name]['source']
if vec._contains_abs(name):
vdict[name] = get(name, False)
ivc_path = conns[prom2abs_in[name][0]]
vdict[ivc_path] = srcget(ivc_path, False)
elif local:
get = self._abs_get_val
vdict = {}
if discrete_vec:
for name in variables:
if name in self._responses and self._responses[name]['alias'] is not None:
name = self._responses[name]['source']
if vec._contains_abs(name):
vdict[name] = get(name, get_remote=True, rank=0,
vec_name=vec_name, kind=kind)
elif name[offset:] in discrete_vec and self._owning_rank[name] == rank:
vdict[name] = discrete_vec[name[offset:]]['val']
for name in variables:
if vec._contains_abs(name):
vdict[name] = get(name, get_remote=True, rank=0,
vec_name=vec_name, kind=kind)
elif name in prom2abs_in:
ivc_path = conns[prom2abs_in[name][0]]
vdict[name] = get(ivc_path, get_remote=True, rank=0,
vec_name=vec_name, kind='output')
for name in variables:
vdict[name] = self.get_val(name, get_remote=True, rank=0,
vec_name=vec_name, kind=kind, from_src=False)
return vdict
[docs] def convert2units(self, name, val, units):
Convert the given value to the specified units.
name : str
Name of the variable.
val : float or ndarray of float
The value of the variable.
units : str
The units to convert to.
float or ndarray of float
The value converted to the specified units.
base_units = self._get_var_meta(name, 'units')
if base_units == units:
return val
scale, offset = unit_conversion(base_units, units)
except Exception:
msg = "{}: Can't express variable '{}' with units of '{}' in units of '{}'."
raise TypeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name, base_units, units))
return (val + offset) * scale
[docs] def convert_from_units(self, name, val, units):
Convert the given value from the specified units to those of the named variable.
name : str
Name of the variable.
val : float or ndarray of float
The value of the variable.
units : str
The units to convert to.
float or ndarray of float
The value converted to the specified units.
base_units = self._get_var_meta(name, 'units')
if base_units == units:
return val
scale, offset = unit_conversion(units, base_units)
except Exception:
msg = "{}: Can't express variable '{}' with units of '{}' in units of '{}'."
raise TypeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, name, base_units, units))
return (val + offset) * scale
[docs] def convert_units(self, name, val, units_from, units_to):
Wrap the utility convert_units and give a good error message.
name : str
Name of the variable.
val : float or ndarray of float
The value of the variable.
units_from : str
The units to convert from.
units_to : str
The units to convert to.
float or ndarray of float
The value converted to the specified units.
if units_from == units_to:
return val
scale, offset = unit_conversion(units_from, units_to)
except Exception:
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't set variable '{name}' with units "
f"'{units_from}' to value with units '{units_to}'.")
return (val + offset) * scale
def _get_var_meta(self, name, key):
Get metadata for a variable.
name : str
Variable name (promoted, relative, or absolute) in the root system's namespace.
key : str
Key into the metadata dict for the given variable.
The value stored under key in the metadata dictionary for the named variable.
if self._problem_meta is not None:
model_ref = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
model_ref = None
if model_ref is not None:
meta_all = model_ref._var_allprocs_abs2meta
meta_loc = model_ref._var_abs2meta
meta_all = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta
meta_loc = self._var_abs2meta
meta = None
if name in meta_all['output']:
abs_name = name
meta = meta_all['output'][name]
elif name in meta_all['input']:
abs_name = name
meta = meta_all['input'][name]
if meta is None:
abs_name = name2abs_name(self, name)
if abs_name is not None:
if abs_name in meta_all['output']:
meta = meta_all['output'][abs_name]
elif abs_name in meta_all['input']:
meta = meta_all['input'][abs_name]
if meta:
if key in meta:
return meta[key]
# key is either bogus or a key into the local metadata dict
# (like 'val' or 'src_indices'). If MPI is active, this val may be remote
# on some procs
if self.comm.size > 1 and abs_name in self._vars_to_gather:
# TODO: fix this
# cause a failure in all procs to avoid a hang
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msgifo}: No support yet for retrieving local "
f"metadata key '{key}' from a remote proc.")
elif abs_name in meta_loc['output']:
return meta_loc['output'][abs_name][key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: Metadata key '{key}' not found for "
f"variable '{name}'.")
elif abs_name in meta_loc['input']:
return meta_loc['input'][abs_name][key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: Metadata key '{key}' not found for "
f"variable '{name}'.")
if abs_name is not None:
if abs_name in self._var_allprocs_discrete['output']:
meta = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'][abs_name]
elif abs_name in self._var_allprocs_discrete['input']:
meta = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'][abs_name]
if meta and key in meta:
return meta[key]
rel_idx = len(self.pathname) + 1 if self.pathname else 0
relname = abs_name[rel_idx:]
if relname in self._var_discrete['output']:
meta = self._var_discrete['output'][relname]
elif relname in self._var_discrete['input']:
meta = self._var_discrete['input'][relname]
if meta:
return meta[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: Metadata key '{key}' not found for "
f"variable '{name}'.")
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: Metadata for variable '{name}' not found.")
def _resolve_ambiguous_input_meta(self):
def _generate_md5_hash(self):
Generate an md5 hash for the data structure of this model.
The hash is generated from an encoded string containing the physical model hiearchy,
including all component and variable names, and all connection information.
The hash is used by the n2 viewer to determine if a saved view can be reused. It is not
intended to accurately track whether a model has been changed, so no options/settings are
The md5 hash string for the model.
data = []
# Model Hierarchy.
for system in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
# System name and depth.
pathname = system.pathname
if pathname:
name_parts = pathname.split('.')
data.append((name_parts[-1], len(name_parts)))
data.append(('model', 0))
# Local (relative) names for Component inputs and outputs.
except AttributeError:
# All Connections.
# Note: dictionary can be in any order, so we have to sort.
for key in sorted(self._conn_global_abs_in2out):
hash = hashlib.md5(str(data).encode(),
usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest() # nosec: content not sensitive
except TypeError:
hash = hashlib.md5(str(data).encode()).hexdigest() # nosec: content not sensitive
return hash
def _get_full_dist_shape(self, abs_name, local_shape):
Get the full 'distributed' shape for a variable.
Variable name is absolute and variable is assumed to be continuous.
abs_name : str
Absolute name of the variable.
local_shape : tuple
Local shape of the variable, used in error reporting.
The distributed shape for the given variable.
if abs_name in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']:
io = 'output'
scope = self
elif abs_name in self._problem_meta['model_ref']()._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']:
io = 'output'
scope = self._problem_meta['model_ref']()
io = 'input'
scope = self
meta = scope._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io][abs_name]
var_idx = scope._var_allprocs_abs2idx[abs_name]
global_size = np.sum(scope._var_sizes[io][:, var_idx])
# assume that all but the first dimension of the shape of a
# distributed variable is the same on all procs
shape = meta['shape']
if shape is None and self._get_saved_errors():
# a setup error has occurred earlier that caused shape to be None. Just return (0,)
# to avoid a confusing KeyError
return (0,)
high_dims = shape[1:]
sz = shape_to_len(shape)
with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm):
if high_dims:
high_size = shape_to_len(high_dims)
dim_size_match = bool(global_size % high_size == 0)
if dim_size_match is False and sz > 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: All but the first dimension of the "
"shape's local parts in a distributed variable must match "
f"across processes. For output '{abs_name}', local shape "
f"{local_shape} in MPI rank {self.comm.rank} has a "
"higher dimension that differs in another rank.")
dim1 = global_size // high_size
return tuple([dim1] + list(high_dims))
return (global_size,)
def _has_fast_rel_lookup(self):
Return True if this System should have fast relative variable name lookup in vectors.
True if this System should have fast relative variable name lookup in vectors.
return False
def _collect_error(self, msg, exc_type=None, tback=None, ident=None):
Save an error message to raise as an exception later.
msg : str
The connection error message to be saved.
exc_type : class or None
The type of exception to be raised if this error is the only one collected.
tback : traceback or None
The traceback of a caught exception.
ident : int
Identifier of the object responsible for issuing the error.
if exc_type is None:
exc_type = RuntimeError
if tback is None:
tback = make_traceback()
if self.msginfo not in msg:
msg = f"{self.msginfo}: {msg}"
saved_errors = self._get_saved_errors()
# if saved_errors is None it means we have already finished setup and all errors should
# be raised as exceptions immediately.
if saved_errors is None or env_truthy('OPENMDAO_FAIL_FAST'):
raise exc_type(msg).with_traceback(tback)
saved_errors.append((ident, msg, exc_type, tback))
def _get_saved_errors(self):
if self._problem_meta is None:
return self._saved_errors
return self._problem_meta['saved_errors']
def _set_problem_meta(self, prob_meta):
self._problem_meta = prob_meta
# transfer any temporarily stored error msgs to the Problem
if self._saved_errors and prob_meta['saved_errors'] is not None:
self._saved_errors = None if env_truthy('OPENMDAO_FAIL_FAST') else []
def _get_inconsistent_keys(self):
keys = set()
if self.comm.size > 1:
from openmdao.core.component import Component
if isinstance(self, Component):
for comp in self.system_iter(recurse=True, include_self=True, typ=Component):
myrank = self.comm.rank
for rank, proc_keys in enumerate(self.comm.allgather(keys)):
if rank != myrank:
return keys
[docs] def is_explicit(self):
Return True if this is an explicit component.
True if this is an explicit component.
return False
[docs] def best_partial_deriv_direction(self):
Return the best direction for partial deriv calculations based on input and output sizes.
The best direction for derivative calculations, 'fwd' or 'rev'.
return 'fwd' if len(self._outputs) > len(self._inputs) else 'rev'
def _get_sys_promotion_tree(self, tree=None):
Return a dict of all subsystems and their promoted inputs/outputs.
tree : dict
A dict of subsystems and their promoted inputs/outputs.
A dict of subsystems and their promoted inputs/outputs.
if tree is None:
tree = {}
tree[self.pathname] = {'proms_out': defaultdict(set), 'proms_in': defaultdict(set)}
parent = self.pathname.rpartition('.')[0] if self.pathname else None
if parent in tree:
parent_node = tree[parent]
out_promotions = parent_node['proms_out']
in_promotions = parent_node['proms_in']
maps = self._get_promotion_maps()
for prom_out, tup in maps['output'].items():
out_promotions[tup[0]].add(self.name + '.' + prom_out)
for prom_in, tup in maps['input'].items():
in_promotions[tup[0]].add(self.name + '.' + prom_in)
for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc:
return tree
def _get_promote_lists(self, tree, abs_vnames, io):
Return a list of (sysname, varpath, prom_name) tuples.
tree : dict
A dict of subsystems and their promoted inputs/outputs.
abs_vnames : list of str
List of absolute variable names.
io : str
'in' or 'out'
list of (str, str, str)
List of (sysname, varpath, prom_name) tuples.
promotion_list = []
if abs_vnames:
node_proms = f'proms_{io}'
for abs_vname in abs_vnames:
# starting vname is just the local
vname = abs_vname.rpartition('.')[2]
# systems from the bottom up
slist = list(all_ancestors(abs_vname))[1:]
if not self.pathname:
slist += ['']
for spath in slist:
sname = spath.rpartition('.')[2]
node = tree[spath]
proms = node[node_proms]
for pname, subs in proms.items():
if vname in subs:
promotion_list.append((spath, vname, pname))
vname = sname + '.' + pname
vname = sname + '.' + vname
return promotion_list
def _sorted_sys_iter(self):
yield from ()
[docs] def load_case(self, case):
Pull all input and output variables from a Case into this System.
Override this method if the System requires special handling when loading a case.
case : Case or dict
A Case from a CaseReader, or a dictionary with key 'inputs' mapped to the
output of problem.model.list_inputs and key 'outputs' mapped to the output
of prob.model.list_outputs. Both list_inputs and list_outputs should be called
with `prom_name=True` and `return_format='dict'`.
[docs] def comm_info_iter(self):
Yield comm size for this system and all subsystems.
A tuple of the form (abs_name, comm_size).
if MPI:
yield (self.pathname, self.comm.size, self.comm.rank, MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank)
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
yield from s.comm_info_iter()
[docs] def dist_size_iter(self, io, top_comm):
Yield names and distributed ranges of all local and remote variables in this system.
io : str
Either 'input' or 'output'.
top_comm : MPI.Comm or None
The top-level MPI communicator.
A tuple of the form ((abs_name, rank), start, end).
sizes = self._var_sizes
vmeta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta
topranks = np.arange(top_comm.size)
myrank = self.comm.rank
toprank = top_comm.rank
mytopranks = topranks[toprank - myrank: toprank - myrank + self.comm.size]
for rank in range(self.comm.size):
for ivar, vname in enumerate(vmeta[io]):
sz = sizes[io][rank, ivar]
if sz > 0:
yield (vname, mytopranks[rank]), sz
[docs] def local_range_iter(self, io):
Yield names and local ranges of all local variables in this system.
io : str
Either 'input' or 'output'.
A tuple of the form (abs_name, start, end).
vmeta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta
offset = 0
for vname, size in zip(vmeta[io], self._var_sizes[io][self.comm.rank]):
if size > 0:
yield vname, offset, offset + size
offset += size
[docs] def get_var_dup_info(self, name, io):
Return information about how the given variable is duplicated across MPI processes.
name : str
Name of the variable.
io : str
Either 'input' or 'output'.
A tuple of the form (is_duplicated, num_zeros, is_distributed).
if io is None:
io = 'output' if name in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] else 'input'
idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[name]
except KeyError:
if name in self._var_allprocs_discrete[io]:
return False, 0, False
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: {io} variable '{name}' not found.")
nz = np.count_nonzero(self._var_sizes[io][:, idx])
if self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io][name]['distributed']:
return False, self._var_sizes[io].shape[0] - nz, True # distributed vars are never dups
return nz > 1, self._var_sizes[io].shape[0] - nz, False
[docs] def get_var_sizes(self, name, io):
Return the sizes of the given variable on all procs.
name : str
Name of the variable.
io : str
Either 'input' or 'output'.
Array of sizes of the variable on all procs.
return self._var_sizes[io][:, self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[name]]
[docs] def get_self_statics(self):
Override this in derived classes if compute_primal references static values.
Do NOT include self._discrete_inputs in the returned tuple. Include things like
self.options['opt_name'], etc., that are used in compute_primal but are assumed to be
constant during derivative computation.
Return value MUST be a tuple. Don't forget the trailing comma if tuple has only one item.
Return value MUST be hashable.
The order of these values doesn't matter. They are only checked (by computing their hash)
to see if they have changed since the last time compute_primal was jitted, and if so,
compute_primal will be re-jitted.
Tuple containing all static values required by compute_primal.
return ()
def _setup_jax(self):
def _sys_tree_visitor(self, func, predicate=None, recurse=True, include_self=True,
yield_none=False, *args, **kwargs):
Yield the result of applying the given function to each System that satisfies the predicate.
The object yielded must be picklable if any System is running in a different process.
func : callable
A callable that takes a System and args and kwargs and returns an object.
predicate : callable or None
A callable that takes a System as its only argument and returns -1, 0, or 1.
If it returns 1, apply the function to the system.
If it returns 0, don't apply the function, but continue on to the system's subsystems.
If it returns -1, don't apply the function and don't continue on to the system's
If predicate is None, the function is always applied.
recurse : bool
If True, function is applied to all subsystems of subsystems.
include_self : bool
If True, apply the function to the Group itself.
yield_none : bool
If False, don't yield None results.
args : tuple
Additional positional args to be passed to the function.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword args to be passed to the function.
The result of the function.
if include_self:
pred = 1 if predicate is None else predicate(self)
if pred == 1:
if yield_none:
yield func(self, *args, **kwargs)
res = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
if res is not None:
yield res
elif pred == -1:
if recurse:
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
yield from s._sys_tree_visitor(func, predicate, recurse=True, include_self=True,
*args, **kwargs)
for s in self._subsystems_myproc:
if pred is None or predicate(s) == 1:
if yield_none:
yield func(s, *args, **kwargs)
res = func(s, *args, **kwargs)
if res is not None:
yield res
def _allprocs_exec_order(self):
Return a list of system pathnames in order of execution across all processes.
list of str
List of system pathnames in order of execution
from openmdao.core.component import Component
seen = set()
for path in self._sys_tree_visitor(lambda s: s.pathname,
predicate=lambda s: isinstance(s, Component)):
if path not in seen:
yield path
def _deriv_display(self, err_iter, derivatives, rel_error_tol, abs_error_tol, out_stream,
fd_opts, totals=False, show_only_incorrect=False, lcons=None):
Print derivative error info to out_stream.
err_iter : iterator
Iterator that yields tuples of the form (key, fd_norm, fd_opts, directional, above_abs,
above_rel, inconsistent) for each subjac.
derivatives : dict
Dictionary containing derivative information keyed by (of, wrt).
rel_error_tol : float
Relative error tolerance.
abs_error_tol : float
Absolute error tolerance.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output.
Set to None to suppress.
fd_opts : dict
Dictionary containing options for the finite difference.
totals : bool
True if derivatives are totals.
show_only_incorrect : bool, optional
Set to True if output should print only the subjacs found to be incorrect.
lcons : list or None
For total derivatives only, list of outputs that are actually linear constraints.
sort : bool
If True, sort subjacobian keys alphabetically.
from openmdao.core.component import Component
if out_stream is None:
# Match header to appropriate type.
if isinstance(self, Component):
sys_type = 'Component'
sys_type = 'Group'
sys_name = self.pathname
sys_class_name = type(self).__name__
if totals:
sys_name = 'Full Model'
num_bad_jacs = 0 # Keep track of number of bad derivative values for each component
# Need to capture the output of a component's derivative
# info so that it can be used if that component is the
# worst subjac. That info is printed at the bottom of all the output
sys_buffer = StringIO()
if totals:
title = "Total Derivatives"
title = f"{sys_type}: {sys_class_name} '{sys_name}'"
print(f"{add_border(title, '-')}\n", file=sys_buffer)
parts = []
for key, fd_opts, directional, above_abs, above_rel, inconsistent in err_iter:
if above_abs or above_rel or inconsistent:
num_bad_jacs += 1
of, wrt = key
derivative_info = derivatives[key]
# Informative output for responses that were declared with an index.
indices = derivative_info.get('indices')
if indices is not None:
of = f'{of} (index size: {indices})'
# need this check because if directional may be list
if isinstance(wrt, str):
wrt = f"'{wrt}'"
if isinstance(of, str):
of = f"'{of}'"
if directional:
wrt = f"(d){wrt}"
abs_errs = derivative_info['abs error']
rel_errs = derivative_info['rel error']
abs_vals = derivative_info['vals_at_max_abs']
rel_vals = derivative_info['vals_at_max_rel']
denom_idxs = derivative_info['denom_idx']
steps = derivative_info['steps']
Jfwd = derivative_info.get('J_fwd')
Jrev = derivative_info.get('J_rev')
if len(steps) > 1:
stepstrs = [f", step={step}" for step in steps]
stepstrs = [""]
fd_desc = f"{fd_opts['method']}:{fd_opts['form']}"
parts.append(f" {sys_name}: {of} wrt {wrt}")
if not isinstance(of, tuple) and lcons and of.strip("'") in lcons:
parts[-1] += " (Linear constraint)"
for i in range(len(abs_errs)):
# Absolute Errors
if directional:
if totals and abs_errs[i].forward is not None:
err = _format_error(abs_errs[i].forward, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Absolute Error (Jfwd - Jfd){stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {abs_vals[i].forward[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {abs_vals[i].forward[1]:.6e} '
if ('directional_fd_rev' in derivative_info and
err = _format_error(abs_errs[i].reverse, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(' Max Absolute Error ([rev, fd] Dot Product Test)'
f'{stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
fd, rev = derivative_info['directional_fd_rev'][i]
parts.append(f' rev value: {rev:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {fd:.6e} ({fd_desc}{stepstrs[i]})\n')
if abs_errs[i].forward is not None:
err = _format_error(abs_errs[i].forward, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Absolute Error (Jfwd - Jfd){stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {abs_vals[i].forward[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {abs_vals[i].forward[1]:.6e} '
if abs_errs[i].reverse is not None:
err = _format_error(abs_errs[i].reverse, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Absolute Error (Jrev - Jfd){stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' rev value: {abs_vals[i].reverse[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {abs_vals[i].reverse[1]:.6e} '
if directional:
if ('directional_fwd_rev' in derivative_info and
err = _format_error(abs_errs[0].fwd_rev, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Absolute Error ([rev, fwd] Dot Product Test) : {err}')
fwd, rev = derivative_info['directional_fwd_rev']
parts.append(f' rev value: {rev:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {fwd:.6e}\n')
elif abs_errs[0].fwd_rev is not None:
err = _format_error(abs_errs[0].fwd_rev, abs_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Absolute Error (Jrev - Jfwd) : {err}')
parts.append(f' rev value: {abs_vals[0].fwd_rev[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {abs_vals[0].fwd_rev[1]:.6e}\n')
divname = {
'fwd': ['Jfwd', 'Jfd'],
'rev': ['Jrev', 'Jfd'],
'fwd_rev': ['Jrev', 'Jfwd']
for i in range(len(abs_errs)):
didxs = denom_idxs[i]
divname_fwd = divname['fwd'][didxs['fwd']]
divname_rev = divname['rev'][didxs['rev']]
divname_fwd_rev = divname['fwd_rev'][didxs['fwd_rev']]
# Relative Errors
if directional:
if totals and rel_errs[i].forward is not None:
err = _format_error(rel_errs[i].forward, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error (Jfwd - Jfd) / {divname_fwd}'
f'{stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {rel_vals[i].forward[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {rel_vals[i].forward[1]:.6e} '
if ('directional_fd_rev' in derivative_info and
err = _format_error(rel_errs[i].reverse, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error ([rev, fd] Dot Product Test) '
f'/ {divname_rev}{stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' rev value: {rel_vals[i].reverse[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {rel_vals[i].reverse[1]:.6e} '
if rel_errs[i].forward is not None:
err = _format_error(rel_errs[i].forward, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error (Jfwd - Jfd) / {divname_fwd}'
f'{stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {rel_vals[i].forward[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {rel_vals[i].forward[1]:.6e} '
if rel_errs[i].reverse is not None:
err = _format_error(rel_errs[i].reverse, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error (Jrev - Jfd) / {divname_rev}'
f'{stepstrs[i]} : {err}')
parts.append(f' rev value: {rel_vals[i].reverse[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fd value: {rel_vals[i].reverse[1]:.6e} '
if rel_errs[0].fwd_rev is not None:
if directional:
err = _format_error(rel_errs[0].fwd_rev, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error ([rev, fwd] Dot Product Test) / '
f'{divname_fwd_rev} : {err}')
rev, fwd = derivative_info['directional_fwd_rev']
parts.append(f' rev value: {rev:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {fwd:.6e}\n')
err = _format_error(rel_errs[0].fwd_rev, rel_error_tol)
parts.append(f' Max Relative Error (Jrev - Jfwd) / {divname_fwd_rev} : '
parts.append(f' rev value: {rel_vals[0].fwd_rev[0]:.6e}')
parts.append(f' fwd value: {rel_vals[0].fwd_rev[1]:.6e}\n')
if inconsistent:
parts.append('\n * Inconsistent value across ranks *\n')
comm = self._problem_meta['comm']
if MPI and comm.size > 1:
parts.append(f'\n MPI Rank {comm.rank}\n')
with np.printoptions(linewidth=240):
# Raw Derivatives
if abs_errs[0].forward is not None:
if directional:
parts.append(' Directional Derivative (Jfwd)')
parts.append(' Raw Forward Derivative (Jfwd)')
Jstr = textwrap.indent(str(Jfwd), ' ')
fdtype = fd_opts['method'].upper()
if abs_errs[0].reverse is not None:
if directional:
if totals:
parts.append(' Directional Derivative (Jrev) Dot Product')
parts.append(' Directional Derivative (Jrev)')
parts.append(' Raw Reverse Derivative (Jrev)')
Jstr = textwrap.indent(str(Jrev), ' ')
fds = derivative_info['J_fd']
except KeyError:
fds = [0.]
for i in range(len(abs_errs)):
fd = fds[i]
Jstr = textwrap.indent(str(fd), ' ')
if directional:
if totals and abs_errs[i].reverse is not None:
parts.append(f' Directional {fdtype} Derivative (Jfd) '
f'Dot Product{stepstrs[i]}\n{Jstr}\n')
parts.append(f" Directional {fdtype} Derivative (Jfd)"
parts.append(f" Raw {fdtype} Derivative (Jfd){stepstrs[i]}"
parts.append(' -' * 30)
if not show_only_incorrect or num_bad_jacs > 0:
def _deriv_display_compact(self, err_iter, derivatives, out_stream, totals=False,
show_only_incorrect=False, show_worst=False):
Print derivative error info to out_stream in a compact tabular format.
err_iter : iterator
Iterator that yields tuples of the form (key, fd_norm, fd_opts, directional, above_abs,
above_rel, inconsistent) for each subjac.
derivatives : dict
Dictionary containing derivative information keyed by (of, wrt).
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output.
Set to None to suppress.
totals : bool
True if derivatives are totals.
show_only_incorrect : bool, optional
Set to True if output should print only the subjacs found to be incorrect.
show_worst : bool
Set to True to show the worst subjac.
tuple or None
Tuple contains the worst relative error, corresponding table row, and table header.
if out_stream is None:
from openmdao.core.component import Component
# Match header to appropriate type.
if isinstance(self, Component):
sys_type = 'Component'
sys_type = 'Group'
sys_name = self.pathname
sys_class_name = type(self).__name__
matrix_free = self.matrix_free and not totals
if totals:
sys_name = 'Full Model'
num_bad_jacs = 0 # Keep track of number of bad derivative values for each component
# Need to capture the output of a component's derivative
# info so that it can be used if that component is the
# worst subjac. That info is printed at the bottom of all the output
sys_buffer = StringIO()
if totals:
title = "Total Derivatives"
title = f"{sys_type}: {sys_class_name} '{sys_name}'"
print(f"{add_border(title, '-')}\n", file=sys_buffer)
table_data = []
worst_subjac = None
for key, _, directional, above_abs, above_rel, inconsistent in err_iter:
if above_abs or above_rel or inconsistent:
num_bad_jacs += 1
of, wrt = key
derivative_info = derivatives[key]
# Informative output for responses that were declared with an index.
indices = derivative_info.get('indices')
if indices is not None:
of = f'{of} (index size: {indices})'
if directional:
wrt = f"(d) {wrt}"
err_desc = []
if above_abs:
err_desc.append(' >ABS_TOL')
if above_rel:
err_desc.append(' >REL_TOL')
if inconsistent:
err_desc.append(' <RANK INCONSISTENT>')
err_desc = ''.join(err_desc)
abs_errs = derivative_info['abs error']
rel_errs = derivative_info['rel error']
abs_vals = derivative_info['vals_at_max_abs']
rel_vals = derivative_info['vals_at_max_rel']
steps = derivative_info['steps']
# loop over different fd step sizes
for abs_err, rel_err, abs_val, rel_val, step in zip(abs_errs, rel_errs,
abs_vals, rel_vals,
# use forward even if both fwd and rev are defined
if abs_err.forward is not None:
calc_abs = abs_err.forward
calc_rel = rel_err.forward
calc_abs_val_fd = abs_val.forward[1]
calc_rel_val_fd = rel_val.forward[1]
calc_abs_val = abs_val.forward[0]
calc_rel_val = rel_val.forward[0]
elif abs_err.reverse is not None:
calc_abs = abs_err.reverse
calc_rel = rel_err.reverse
calc_abs_val_fd = abs_val.reverse[1]
calc_rel_val_fd = rel_val.reverse[1]
calc_abs_val = abs_val.reverse[0]
calc_rel_val = rel_val.reverse[0]
start = [of, wrt, step] if len(steps) > 1 else [of, wrt]
if totals:
table_data.append(start +
[calc_abs_val, calc_abs_val_fd, calc_abs,
calc_rel_val, calc_rel_val_fd, calc_rel,
else: # partials
if matrix_free:
table_data.append(start +
[abs_val.forward[0], abs_val.forward[1],
abs_val.reverse[0], abs_val.reverse[1],
abs_val.fwd_rev[0], abs_val.fwd_rev[1],
rel_val.forward[0], rel_val.forward[1],
rel_val.reverse[0], rel_val.reverse[1],
rel_val.fwd_rev[0], rel_val.fwd_rev[1],
if abs_val.forward is not None:
table_data.append(start +
[abs_val.forward[0], abs_val.forward[1],
rel_val.forward[0], rel_val.forward[1],
table_data.append(start +
[abs_val.reverse[0], abs_val.reverse[1],
rel_val.reverse[0], rel_val.reverse[1],
assert abs_err.fwd_rev is None
assert rel_err.fwd_rev is None
# See if this subjacobian has the greater error in the derivative computation
# compared to the other subjacobians so far
if worst_subjac is None or rel_err.max() > worst_subjac[0]:
worst_subjac = (rel_err.max(), table_data[-1])
headers = []
if table_data:
headers = ["'of' variable", "'wrt' variable"]
if len(steps) > 1:
if matrix_free:
headers.extend(['a(fwd val)', 'a(fd val)', 'a(fwd-fd)',
'a(rev val)', 'a(rchk val)', 'a(rev-fd)',
'a(fwd val)', 'a(rev val)', 'a(fwd-rev)',
'r(fwd val)', 'r(fd val)', 'r(fwd-fd)',
'r(rev val)', 'r(rchk val)', 'r(rev-fd)',
'r(fwd val)', 'r(rev val)', 'r(fwd-rev)',
'error desc'])
headers.extend(['a(calc val)', 'a(fd val)', 'a(calc-fd)',
'r(calc val)', 'r(fd val)', 'r(calc-fd)',
'error desc'])
_print_deriv_table(table_data, headers, sys_buffer)
if show_worst and worst_subjac is not None:
print(f"\nWorst Sub-Jacobian (relative error): {worst_subjac[0]}\n",
_print_deriv_table([worst_subjac[1]], headers, sys_buffer)
if not show_only_incorrect or num_bad_jacs > 0:
if worst_subjac is None:
return None
return worst_subjac + (headers,)
class _ErrorData(object):
__slots__ = ['forward', 'reverse', 'fwd_rev']
def __init__(self, forward=None, reverse=None, fwd_rev=None):
self.forward = forward
self.reverse = reverse
self.fwd_rev = fwd_rev
def __iter__(self):
yield self.forward
yield self.reverse
yield self.fwd_rev
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(forward={self.forward}, reverse={self.reverse}, " \
def max(self):
ret = 0.0
for err in self:
if err is not None:
if isinstance(err, tuple):
for e in err:
if ret < np.abs(e):
ret = np.abs(e)
if ret < np.abs(err):
ret = np.abs(err)
return ret
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return tuple(self)[idx]
class _MagnitudeData(object):
__slots__ = ['forward', 'reverse', 'fd']
def __init__(self):
self.forward = 0.
self.reverse = 0.
self.fd = 0.
def __iter__(self):
yield self.forward
yield self.reverse
yield self.fd
def __repr__(self):
return f"_MagnitudeData(forward={self.forward}, reverse={self.reverse}, fd={self.fd})"
def max(self):
ret = 0.0
for mag in self:
if mag is not None and mag > ret:
ret = mag
return ret
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return tuple(self)[idx]
def update(self, J, Jtype):
if J is not None and J.size > 0:
if Jtype == 'fwd':
self.forward = max(self.forward, np.max(np.abs(J)))
elif Jtype == 'rev':
self.reverse = max(self.reverse, np.max(np.abs(J)))
elif Jtype == 'fd':
self.fd = max(self.fd, np.max(np.abs(J)))
def _print_deriv_table(table_data, headers, out_stream, tablefmt='grid'):
Print a table of derivatives.
table_data : list
List of lists containing the table data.
headers : list
List of column headers.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output.
Set to None to suppress.
tablefmt : str
The table format to use.
if table_data and out_stream is not None:
num_col_meta = {'format': '{: 1.4e}'}
column_meta = [{}, {}]
column_meta.extend([num_col_meta.copy() for _ in range(len(headers) - 3)])
print(generate_table(table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt,
column_meta=column_meta, missing_val='n/a'), file=out_stream)
def _compute_deriv_errors(derivative_info, matrix_free, directional, totals):
Compute the errors between derivatives that were computed using different modes or methods.
Error information in the derivative_info dict is updated by this function.
derivative_info : dict
Metadata dict corresponding to a particular (of, wrt) pair.
matrix_free : bool
True if the current dirivatives are computed in a matrix free manner.
directional : bool
True if the current dirivtives are directional.
totals : bool or _TotalJacInfo
_TotalJacInfo if the current derivatives are total derivatives.
The norm of the FD jacobian.
Jforward = derivative_info.get('J_fwd')
Jreverse = derivative_info.get('J_rev')
fdinfo = derivative_info['J_fd']
steps = derivative_info['steps']
except KeyError:
# this can happen when a partial is not declared, which means it should be zero
fdinfo = (None,)
steps = (None,)
derivative_info['abs error'] = []
derivative_info['rel error'] = []
derivative_info['magnitude'] = []
derivative_info['vals_at_max_abs'] = []
derivative_info['vals_at_max_rel'] = []
derivative_info['denom_idx'] = []
derivative_info['steps'] = []
abs_mags = _MagnitudeData()
abs_mags.update(Jforward, 'fwd')
abs_mags.update(Jreverse, 'rev')
abs_errs_fwd_rev = abs_vals_fwd_rev = rel_errs_fwd_rev = rel_vals_fwd_rev = None
fwd_rev_didx = 1
if matrix_free:
derivative_info['matrix_free'] = True
if directional:
if Jforward is not None and Jreverse is not None:
mhatdotm, dhatdotd = derivative_info['directional_fwd_rev']
(abs_errs_fwd_rev, abs_vals_fwd_rev, rel_errs_fwd_rev, rel_vals_fwd_rev,
fwd_rev_didx) = get_errors(dhatdotd, mhatdotm)
elif not totals:
(abs_errs_fwd_rev, abs_vals_fwd_rev, rel_errs_fwd_rev, rel_vals_fwd_rev,
fwd_rev_didx) = get_errors(Jforward, Jreverse)
for i, Jfd in enumerate(fdinfo):
abs_errs = _ErrorData()
abs_vals = _ErrorData()
rel_errs = _ErrorData()
rel_vals = _ErrorData()
denom_idxs = {'fwd': 1, 'rev': 1, 'fwd_rev': fwd_rev_didx}
step = steps[i]
abs_mags.update(Jfd, 'fd')
if directional:
if Jforward is not None:
if totals:
mhatdotm, dhatdotd = derivative_info['directional_fd_fwd'][i]
(abs_errs.forward, abs_vals.forward,
rel_errs.forward, rel_vals.forward, didx) = get_errors(mhatdotm, dhatdotd)
(abs_errs.forward, abs_vals.forward,
rel_errs.forward, rel_vals.forward, didx) = get_errors(Jforward, Jfd)
denom_idxs['fwd'] = didx
if Jreverse is not None:
mhatdotm, dhatdotd = derivative_info['directional_fd_rev'][i]
(abs_errs.reverse, abs_vals.reverse, rel_errs.reverse, rel_vals.reverse, didx) = \
get_errors(mhatdotm, dhatdotd)
denom_idxs['rev'] = didx
if Jforward is not None:
(abs_errs.forward, abs_vals.forward, rel_errs.forward, rel_vals.forward, didx) = \
get_errors(Jforward, Jfd)
denom_idxs['fwd'] = didx
if Jreverse is not None:
(abs_errs.reverse, abs_vals.reverse, rel_errs.reverse, rel_vals.reverse, didx) = \
get_errors(Jreverse, Jfd)
denom_idxs['rev'] = didx
if Jfd is not None and Jforward is None and Jreverse is None:
(abs_errs.reverse, abs_vals.reverse, rel_errs.reverse, rel_vals.reverse, didx) = \
get_errors(np.zeros_like(Jfd), Jfd)
denom_idxs['rev'] = didx
if abs_errs_fwd_rev is not None:
abs_errs.fwd_rev = abs_errs_fwd_rev
abs_vals.fwd_rev = abs_vals_fwd_rev
rel_errs.fwd_rev = rel_errs_fwd_rev
rel_vals.fwd_rev = rel_vals_fwd_rev
derivative_info['abs error'].append(abs_errs)
derivative_info['rel error'].append(rel_errs)
return max([err.max() for err in derivative_info['abs error']])
def _errors_above_tol(deriv_info, abs_error_tol, rel_error_tol):
Return if either abs or rel tolerances are violated when comparing a group of derivatives.
deriv_info : dict
Metadata dict corresponding to a particular (of, wrt) pair.
abs_error_tol : float
Absolute error tolerance.
rel_error_tol : float
Relative error tolerance.
True if absolute tolerance is violated.
True if relative tolerance is violated.
abs_errs = deriv_info['abs error']
rel_errs = deriv_info['rel error']
above_abs = above_rel = False
for abs_err in abs_errs:
for error in abs_err:
if error is not None and not np.isnan(error) and error >= abs_error_tol:
above_abs = True
if above_abs:
for rel_err in rel_errs:
for error in rel_err:
if error is not None and not np.isnan(error) and error >= rel_error_tol:
above_rel = True
if above_rel:
return above_abs, above_rel
def _iter_derivs(derivatives, show_only_incorrect, all_fd_opts, totals, nondep_derivs,
matrix_free, abs_error_tol=1e-6, rel_error_tol=1e-6, incon_keys=(),
Iterate over all of the derivatives.
If show_only_incorrect is True, only the derivatives with abs or rel errors outside of
tolerance or derivatives wrt serial variables that are inconsistent across ranks will be
derivatives : dict
Dict of metadata for derivative groups, keyed on (of, wrt) pairs.
show_only_incorrect : bool
If True, yield only derivatives with errors outside of tolerance.
all_fd_opts : dict
Dictionary containing the options for the approximation.
totals : bool
True if derivatives are totals.
nondep_derivs : set
Contains the of/wrt keys that are declared not dependent or not declared at all.
matrix_free : bool
True if the system computes matrix free derivatives.
abs_error_tol : float
Absolute error tolerance.
rel_error_tol : float
Relative error tolerance.
incon_keys : set or tuple
Keys where there are serial d_inputs variables that are inconsistent across processes.
sort : bool
If True, sort the derivatives alphabetically.
The (of, wrt) pair for the current derivatives being compared.
The FD options.
True if the current derivatives are directional.
True if the differences for the current derivatives are above the absolute error tolerance.
True if the differences for the current derivatives are above the relative error tolerance.
True if the current derivative was computed where some serial d_inputs variables were not
consistent across processes.
keys = sorted(derivatives) if sort else derivatives
for key in keys:
inconsistent = False
derivative_info = derivatives[key]
if totals:
fd_opts = all_fd_opts
_, wrt = key
fd_opts = all_fd_opts[wrt]
if key in incon_keys:
inconsistent = True
directional = bool(fd_opts) and fd_opts.get('directional')
max_mag = _compute_deriv_errors(derivative_info, matrix_free, directional, totals)
# Skip printing the non-dependent keys if the derivatives are fine.
if key in nondep_derivs and max_mag < abs_error_tol:
del derivatives[key]
above_abs, above_rel = _errors_above_tol(derivative_info, abs_error_tol, rel_error_tol)
if show_only_incorrect and not (above_abs or above_rel or inconsistent):
yield key, fd_opts, directional, above_abs, above_rel, inconsistent
def _format_error(error, tol):
Format the error, flagging if necessary.
error : float
The absolute or relative error.
tol : float
Tolerance above which errors are flagged
Formatted and possibly flagged error.
if np.isnan(error) or error < tol:
return f'{error:.6e}'
return f'{error:.6e} *'