Raising an AnalysisError#

This example demonstrates the effect of raising an AnalysisError in your Component’s compute function. The result depends on which driver and optimizer is used. The SNOPT and IPOPT optimizers, used in conjunction with pyOptSparseDriver, are good options if your model has invalid regions.


For this somewhat contrived case, we will assume some range of input values to our Component is invalid and raise an AnalysisError if those inputs are encountered. We will use the Paraboloid as the basis for our example, modifying it so that it will raise an AnalysisError if the x or y inputs are within a specified range.

First, we will define a function to create a Problem instance while allowing us to specify the optimizer and the invalid region:

import openmdao.api as om

from openmdao.test_suite.components.paraboloid_invalid_region import Paraboloid

def setup_problem(optimizer, invalid_x=None, invalid_y=None):
    # Paraboloid model with optional AnalysisErrors
    model = om.Group()

    model.add_subsystem('p1', om.IndepVarComp('x', 50.0), promotes=['*'])
    model.add_subsystem('p2', om.IndepVarComp('y', 50.0), promotes=['*'])

    comp = model.add_subsystem('comp',
                               Paraboloid(invalid_x, invalid_y),

    model.add_subsystem('con', om.ExecComp('c = - x + y'), promotes=['*'])

    model.add_design_var('x', lower=-50.0, upper=50.0)
    model.add_design_var('y', lower=-50.0, upper=50.0)

    model.add_constraint('c', upper=-15.)

    # pyOptSparseDriver with selected optimizer
    driver = om.pyOptSparseDriver(optimizer=optimizer)
    if optimizer == 'IPOPT':
        driver.opt_settings['file_print_level'] = 5
    driver.options['print_results'] = False
    driver.options['output_dir'] = None  # will put the optimizer output file in the current directory

    # setup problem & initialize values
    prob = om.Problem(model, driver)

    prob.set_val('x', 50)
    prob.set_val('y', 50)

    return prob, comp

Example using IPOPT#

First we will run the Paraboloid optimization as normal, without raising any errors. In doing this, we can see the nominal path that the optimizer follows throught solution space to arrive at the optimum. For this initial case, we will use the IPOPT optimizer:

prob, comp = setup_problem('IPOPT')

for (x, y, f_xy) in comp.eval_history:
    print(f"x: {x:9.5f}  y: {y:9.5f}  f_xy: {f_xy:10.5f}")
x:  49.50000  y:  49.50000  f_xy: 7471.75015
x:   1.91747  y: -25.87525  f_xy:  427.08359
x:  10.04882  y: -10.64684  f_xy:  -16.12184
x:   9.14631  y:  -9.47131  f_xy:  -21.91518
x:   7.28379  y:  -7.95036  f_xy:  -26.95255
x:   7.18531  y:  -7.85195  f_xy:  -27.06436
x:   7.16735  y:  -7.83402  f_xy:  -27.08265
x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333

Now, we will define our invalid region as x between 7.2 and 10.2 and y between -50 and -10. This region was chosen as it is crossed in the course of the nominal optimization from our chosen starting point at x=50, y=50.

invalid_x = (7.2, 10.2)
invalid_y = (-50., -40.)

We will recreate the problem using this invalid region and see that the optimizer’s path to the optimum now must reroute around the invalid values. It will take many more iterations to get to the solution, but IPOPT still gets there in the end:

prob, comp = setup_problem('IPOPT', invalid_x, invalid_y)

for i, (x, y, f_xy) in enumerate(comp.eval_history):
    print(f"{i:2d}  x: {x:9.5f}  y: {y:9.5f}  f_xy: {f_xy:10.5f}")
 0  x:  49.50000  y:  49.50000  f_xy: 7471.75015
 1  x:   1.91747  y: -25.87525  f_xy:  427.08359
 2  x:  10.04882  y: -10.64684  f_xy:  -16.12184
 3  x:   5.98314  y: -18.26105  f_xy:  100.01816
 4  x:   9.26294  y:  -9.65590  f_xy:  -21.22839
 5  x:   7.62304  y: -13.95847  f_xy:   11.13770
 6  x:   6.80309  y: -16.10976  f_xy:   48.51363
 7  x:   8.56687  y:  -8.93122  f_xy:  -24.20564
 8  x:   7.68498  y: -12.52049  f_xy:   -4.67191
 9  x:   7.24404  y: -14.31513  f_xy:   17.71439
10  x:   7.02356  y: -15.21244  f_xy:   32.06239
11  x:   8.01980  y:  -8.42815  f_xy:  -25.78517
12  x:   7.52168  y: -11.82030  f_xy:  -10.30586
13  x:   7.27262  y: -13.51637  f_xy:    7.51714
14  x:   7.14809  y: -14.36441  f_xy:   18.94949
15  x:   7.63794  y:  -8.12375  f_xy:  -26.53291
16  x:   7.39302  y: -11.24408  f_xy:  -14.35239
17  x:   7.27056  y: -12.80424  f_xy:   -0.34162
18  x:   7.20932  y: -13.58433  f_xy:    8.64389
19  x:   7.17871  y: -13.97437  f_xy:   13.63168
20  x:   7.40133  y:  -7.95811  f_xy:  -26.86226
21  x:   7.29002  y: -10.96624  f_xy:  -16.01136
22  x:   7.23436  y: -12.47030  f_xy:   -3.53886
23  x:   7.20654  y: -13.22233  f_xy:    4.45916
24  x:   7.19262  y: -13.59835  f_xy:    8.89860
25  x:   7.26649  y:  -7.87450  f_xy:  -27.00529
26  x:   7.22956  y: -10.73642  f_xy:  -17.35104
27  x:   7.21109  y: -12.16739  f_xy:   -6.30064
28  x:   7.20186  y: -12.88287  f_xy:    0.78038
29  x:   7.19724  y: -13.24061  f_xy:    4.70984
30  x:   7.19562  y:  -7.85876  f_xy:  -27.05540
31  x:   7.17091  y:  -7.82964  f_xy:  -27.08301
32  x:   7.16638  y:  -7.83363  f_xy:  -27.08333
33  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
34  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
35  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333

We can see how many times our Component raised an AnalysisError and at which iteration they occurred:

print(f"Number of errors: {len(comp.raised_eval_errors)}")
Number of errors: 21
Iterations:[2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28]

Looking at the IPOPT output file (IPOPT.out) will reveal what happened when the optimizer encountered these bad points. Here we just show a relevant subsection of the file:

with open(prob.get_outputs_dir() / "IPOPT.out", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    IPOPT_history = f.read()
beg = IPOPT_history.find("iter    objective")
end = IPOPT_history.find("(scaled)", beg)
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  7.4717501e+03 1.50e+01 1.52e+02   0.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
   1  4.2708359e+02 0.00e+00 3.76e+01   1.3 7.54e+01    -  8.53e-03 1.00e+00f  1
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   2  1.0001816e+02 0.00e+00 1.84e+01   1.1 1.52e+01    -  9.05e-01 5.00e-01f  2
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   3  4.8513633e+01 0.00e+00 1.41e+01  -0.2 8.61e+00    -  9.89e-01 2.50e-01f  3
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   4  3.2062390e+01 0.00e+00 1.24e+01  -0.9 7.18e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.25e-01f  4
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   5  1.8949488e+01 0.00e+00 1.09e+01  -2.0 6.78e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.25e-01f  4
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   6  1.3631680e+01 0.00e+00 1.02e+01  -2.2 6.24e+00    -  1.00e+00 6.25e-02f  5
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   7  8.8986042e+00 0.00e+00 9.58e+00  -2.3 6.02e+00    -  1.00e+00 6.25e-02f  5
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
   8  4.7098388e+00 0.00e+00 8.98e+00  -2.3 5.72e+00    -  1.00e+00 6.25e-02f  5
   9 -2.7055396e+01 0.00e+00 3.56e-02  -2.4 5.41e+00    -  1.00e+00 9.96e-01f  1
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  10 -2.7083014e+01 0.00e+00 1.63e-02  -4.2 5.58e-02    -  1.00e+00 9.65e-01f  1
  11 -2.7083330e+01 0.00e+00 9.09e-04  -6.1 4.68e-03    -  1.00e+00 9.67e-01f  1
  12 -2.7083333e+01 0.00e+00 3.13e-08  -8.0 2.95e-04    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
  13 -2.7083333e+01 0.00e+00 1.50e-11 -11.0 2.10e-08    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1

Number of Iterations....: 13


Specifically, we can see the following message when IPOPT changes its search in response to the bad point:

Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
count = 0

for line in IPOPT_history.split('\n'):
    if 'Cutting back alpha' in line:
        count = count + 1

print("\nNumber of times IPOPT encountered an evaluation error:", count)
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error
Warning: Cutting back alpha due to evaluation error

Number of times IPOPT encountered an evaluation error: 21

Example using SNOPT#

We can exercise the same model using SNOPT as our optimizer, with similar results. First we will run the nominal case, and then again with the invalid region:

prob, comp = setup_problem('SNOPT')

for i, (x, y, f_xy) in enumerate(comp.eval_history):
    print(f"{i:2d}  x: {x:9.5f}  y: {y:9.5f}  f_xy: {f_xy:10.5f}")
 0  x:  50.00000  y:  50.00000  f_xy: 7622.00000
 1  x:  49.99997  y:  49.99997  f_xy: 7621.99165
 2  x:  50.00000  y:  49.00000  f_xy: 7465.00000
 3  x:  50.00000  y:  48.00000  f_xy: 7310.00000
 4  x:  17.50000  y: -12.75000  f_xy:   60.68750
 5  x:   8.77419  y:  -9.05425  f_xy:  -23.55699
 6  x:   7.15642  y:  -7.84358  f_xy:  -27.08302
 7  x:   7.16633  y:  -7.83367  f_xy:  -27.08333
 8  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
 9  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
prob, comp = setup_problem('SNOPT', invalid_x, invalid_y)

for i, (x, y, f_xy) in enumerate(comp.eval_history):
    print(f"{i:2d}  x: {x:9.5f}  y: {y:9.5f}  f_xy: {f_xy:10.5f}")
 0  x:  50.00000  y:  50.00000  f_xy: 7622.00000
 1  x:  49.99997  y:  49.99997  f_xy: 7621.99165
 2  x:  50.00000  y:  49.00000  f_xy: 7465.00000
 3  x:  50.00000  y:  48.00000  f_xy: 7310.00000
 4  x:  17.50000  y: -12.75000  f_xy:   60.68750
 5  x:   8.77419  y:  -9.05425  f_xy:  -23.55699
 6  x:  16.62742  y: -12.38043  f_xy:   47.08356
 7  x:   7.15642  y:  -7.84358  f_xy:  -27.08302
 8  x:   7.16637  y:  -7.83363  f_xy:  -27.08333
 9  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
10  x:   7.16667  y:  -7.83333  f_xy:  -27.08333
print(f"Number of errors: {len(comp.raised_eval_errors)}")
Number of errors: 1

In this case we can see that we raised a single AnalysisError. We can again find evidence of SNOPT encountering this evaluation error in the SNOPT_print.out file, but still finding the solution. For SNOPT, we are looking for the D code at the end of an iteration. Here again we just show a relevant subsection of the file:

with open(prob.get_outputs_dir() / "SNOPT_print.out", encoding="utf-8", errors='ignore') as f:
    SNOPT_history = f.read()
beg = SNOPT_history.find("   Itns Major Minor")
end = SNOPT_history.find("Problem name", beg)
   Itns Major Minors    Step   nCon Feasible  Optimal  MeritFunction     L+U BSwap     nS condZHZ Penalty
      1     0      1              1  3.0E-01  1.1E+00  7.6220000E+03       1                              _  r
      1     1      0 6.7E-02      2  2.8E-01  1.1E+00  2.1353000E+04       1                      1.3E+02 _  rl
      3     2      2 7.1E-02      3  2.6E-01  7.4E-01  2.0440000E+04       1            2 1.1E+01 1.3E+02 _s  l
      4     3      1 1.0E+00      4 (0.0E+00) 1.4E+00  6.0687500E+01       1     1      2 1.1E+00 1.1E+01 _
      6     4      2 1.0E-01      6 (0.0E+00) 1.4E+00  4.7083562E+01       1            1 6.2E+00 1.1E+01 _   D
      7     5      1 1.0E+00      7 (2.3E-16) 3.1E-02 -2.7083019E+01       1            1 6.2E+00 1.1E+01 _
      8     6      1 1.0E+00      8 (2.3E-16) 9.0E-04 -2.7083333E+01       1            1 6.0E+00 1.1E+01 _
      8     7      0 1.0E+00      9 (2.3E-16)(1.8E-15)-2.7083333E+01       1            1 6.0E+00 1.1E+01 _
 SNOPTC EXIT   0 -- finished successfully
 SNOPTC INFO   1 -- optimality conditions satisfied

count = 0

for line in SNOPT_history.split('\n'):
    if line.endswith(' D'):
        count = count + 1

print("\nNumber of times SNOPT encountered an evaluation error:", count)
      6     4      2 1.0E-01      6 (0.0E+00) 1.4E+00  4.7083562E+01       1            1 6.2E+00 1.1E+01 _   D

Number of times SNOPT encountered an evaluation error: 1


Not all optimizers will respond as nicely to an AnalysisError as the two demonstrated here (IPOPT and SNOPT). Some optimizers may fail to navigate around the bad region and find a solution at all. Other may find an incorrect solution. It is important to understand the capabilities of your chosen optimizer when working with a model that may raise an AnalysisError.