Basic Recording Example#

Recording Terminology#

  • Case: A Case stores a snapshot of all the variable values, metadata, and options of a model, or a sub-set of a model, at a particular point in time

  • Case Recorder: An OpenMDAO module used to store a snapshot of a model before, during, or after execution in an SQL file.

  • Sources: The OpenMDAO object responsible for recording the case. Can be Problem, Driver or a specific System or Solver identified by pathname.

Basic Recording Example#

Below is a basic example of how to create a recorder, attach it to a Problem, save the information, and retrieve the data from the recorder. list_outputs is a quick way to show all of your outputs and their values at the time the case was recorded, and should you need to isolate a single value OpenMDAO provides two ways to retrieve them. To view all the design variables, constraints, and objectives, you can use their methods like the example below.

from openmdao.test_suite.components.sellar_feature import SellarMDAWithUnits
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om

# build the model
prob = om.Problem(model=SellarMDAWithUnits())

model = prob.model
model.add_design_var('z', lower=np.array([-10.0, 0.0]), upper=np.array([10.0, 10.0]))
model.add_design_var('x', lower=0.0, upper=10.0)
model.add_constraint('con1', upper=0.0)
model.add_constraint('con2', upper=0.0)

# setup the optimization
driver = prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver(optimizer='SLSQP', tol=1e-9, disp=False)

# Create a recorder variable
recorder = om.SqliteRecorder('cases.sql')
# Attach a recorder to the problem


# Instantiate your CaseReader
cr = om.CaseReader(prob.get_outputs_dir() / "cases.sql")
# Isolate "problem" as your source
driver_cases = cr.list_cases('problem', out_stream=None)
# Get the first case from the recorder
case = cr.get_case('after_run_driver')

# These options will give outputs as the model sees them
# Gets value but will not convert units
const = case['con1']

# get_val can convert your result's units if desired
const_K = case.get_val("con1", units='K')

NL: NLBGS 1 ; 29.0742299 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 2.26505979 0.0779060975
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.0438762115 0.00150911001
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.000867730413 2.98453446e-05
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 1.715381e-05 5.90000492e-07
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 3.39109478e-07 1.16635756e-08
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 6.70377103e-09 2.30574328e-10
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 1.32523072e-10 4.55809395e-12
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 2.62038164e-12 1
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 19.1706591 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.13589624 0.0592518093
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.0406301437 0.00211939211
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.00140619452 7.33513916e-05
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 4.87225696e-05 2.54151771e-06
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.68809957e-06 8.80564178e-08
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 5.84879658e-08 3.05091053e-09
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 2.02644495e-09 1.05705544e-10
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 7.02105639e-11 3.66239698e-12
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 5.26036062 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.514550635 0.0978166083
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.0258623712 0.00491646354
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.00126421196 0.000240328002
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 6.18806611e-05 1.17635777e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 3.02873598e-06 5.75765845e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 1.48241324e-07 2.81808292e-08
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 7.25566271e-09 1.37930899e-09
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 3.55128357e-10 6.75102682e-11
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.07485557 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.0990937833 0.0921926498
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.00548653523 0.00510443949
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.000301840405 0.0002808195
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 1.66114932e-05 1.54546282e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 9.14179754e-07 8.50514039e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 5.03100777e-08 4.68063608e-08
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 2.76871581e-09 2.57589567e-09
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 1.52370833e-10 1.41759355e-10
NL: NLBGS 10 ; 8.38508293e-12 7.80112523e-12
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.158851235 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.015354566 0.0966600355
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.000862519812 0.00542973314
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 4.8401591e-05 0.000304697607
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 2.71628247e-06 1.70995364e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.52436453e-07 9.5961768e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 8.55466141e-09 5.38532888e-08
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 4.80083221e-10 3.02221901e-09
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 2.69419589e-11 1.6960497e-10
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.0172187065 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.00168376513 0.0977869697
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 9.47059838e-05 0.00550017993
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.32629055e-06 0.00030933163
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 2.99553925e-07 1.73970051e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.68470947e-08 9.78418133e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 9.47490739e-10 5.50268244e-08
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 5.32877417e-11 3.0947587e-09
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.00175633489 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.000171891791 0.0978695987
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 9.66953315e-06 0.00550551789
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.43939913e-07 0.000309701707
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 3.05982528e-08 1.74216506e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.72124338e-09 9.80020035e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 9.68247166e-11 5.51288466e-08
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.000177747673 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.73975926e-05 0.097878033
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 9.78689658e-07 0.00550606173
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.5055453e-08 0.000309739375
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 3.0971034e-09 1.74241573e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.74225412e-10 9.80183927e-07
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 9.80113177e-12 5.51407038e-08
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.79815247e-05 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.76001162e-06 0.0978788866
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 9.90083751e-08 0.00550611678
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.56965516e-09 0.000309743208
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 3.1331762e-10 1.7424419e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 1.76256505e-11 9.80208895e-07
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.8163361e-06 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.77781071e-07 0.0978789503
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 1.00009665e-08 0.00550612108
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.62598486e-10 0.000309743602
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 3.16491348e-11 1.74247128e-05
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.85896329e-07 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.81954097e-08 0.0978793381
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 1.02357168e-09 0.0055061425
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.75801779e-11 0.000309743491
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.88099812e-08 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.84097393e-09 0.0978721832
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 1.03563111e-10 0.00550575302
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 5.82600946e-12 0.00030972968
NL: NLBGS Converged
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 1.89912911e-09 1
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 1.85875293e-10 0.0978739635
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 1.045628e-11 0.00550582891
NL: NLBGS Converged
# list_outputs will list your model's outputs and return a list of them too
5 Explicit Output(s) in 'model'

varname   val                prom_name
--------  -----------------  ---------
    y1    [3.16]             y1       
    y2    [3.75527777]       y2       
  obj     [3.18339395]       obj      
  con1    [-1.68550507e-10]  con1     
  con2    [-20.24472223]     con2     

0 Implicit Output(s) in 'model'

[('con_cmp1.con1', {'val': array([-1.68550507e-10]), 'io': 'output', 'prom_name': 'con1'}), ('con_cmp2.con2', {'val': array([-20.24472223]), 'io': 'output', 'prom_name': 'con2'}), ('cycle.d1.y1', {'val': array([3.16]), 'io': 'output', 'prom_name': 'y1'}), ('cycle.d2.y2', {'val': array([3.75527777]), 'io': 'output', 'prom_name': 'y2'}), ('obj_cmp.obj', {'val': array([3.18339395]), 'io': 'output', 'prom_name': 'obj'})]
# This code below will find all the objectives, design variables, and constraints that the
# problem source contains
objectives = case.get_objectives()

design_vars = case.get_design_vars()

constraints = case.get_constraints()