Source code for openmdao.solvers.linesearch.backtracking

A few different backtracking line search subsolvers.

BoundsEnforceLS - Only checks bounds and enforces them by one of three methods.
ArmijoGoldsteinLS -- Like above, but terminates with the ArmijoGoldsteinLS condition.


import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.analysis_error import AnalysisError
from openmdao.solvers.solver import NonlinearSolver
from openmdao.recorders.recording_iteration_stack import Recording
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning, SolverWarning

def _print_violations(outputs, lower, upper):
    Print out which variables exceed their bounds.

    outputs : <Vector>
        Vector containing the outputs.
    lower : <Vector>
        Vector containing the lower bounds.
    upper : <Vector>
        Vector containing the upper bounds.
    start = end = 0
    for name, val in outputs._abs_item_iter():
        end += val.size
        if upper is not None and any(val > upper[start:end]):
            msg = (f"'{name}' exceeds upper bounds\n  Val: {val}\n  Upper: {upper[start:end]}\n")
            issue_warning(msg, category=SolverWarning)

        if lower is not None and any(val < lower[start:end]):
            msg = (f"'{name}' exceeds lower bounds\n  Val: {val}\n  Lower: {lower[start:end]}\n")
            issue_warning(msg, category=SolverWarning)

        start = end

[docs]class LinesearchSolver(NonlinearSolver): """ Base class for line search solvers. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Options dictionary. Attributes ---------- _do_subsolve : bool Flag used by parent solver to tell the line search whether to solve subsystems while backtracking. _lower_bounds : ndarray or None Lower bounds array. _upper_bounds : ndarray or None Upper bounds array. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Options dictionary. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # Parent solver sets this to control whether to solve subsystems. self._do_subsolve = False self._lower_bounds = None self._upper_bounds = None
def _declare_options(self): """ Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method. """ super()._declare_options() opt = self.options opt.declare( 'bound_enforcement', default='scalar', values=['vector', 'scalar', 'wall'], desc="If this is set to 'vector', the entire vector is backtracked together " + "when a bound is violated. If this is set to 'scalar', only the violating " + "entries are set to the bound and then the backtracking occurs on the vector " + "as a whole. If this is set to 'wall', only the violating entries are set " + "to the bound, and then the backtracking follows the wall - i.e., the " + "violating entries do not change during the line search.") opt.declare('print_bound_enforce', default=False, desc="Set to True to print out names and values of variables that are pulled " "back to their bounds.") def _setup_solvers(self, system, depth): """ Assign system instance, set depth, and optionally perform setup. Parameters ---------- system : System pointer to the owning system. depth : int depth of the current system (already incremented). """ super()._setup_solvers(system, depth) if system._has_bounds: abs2meta_out = system._var_abs2meta['output'] start = end = 0 for abs_name, val in system._outputs._abs_item_iter(): end += val.size meta = abs2meta_out[abs_name] var_lower = meta['lower'] var_upper = meta['upper'] if var_lower is None and var_upper is None: start = end continue ref0 = meta['ref0'] ref = meta['ref'] if not np.isscalar(ref0): ref0 = ref0.ravel() if not np.isscalar(ref): ref = ref.ravel() if var_lower is not None: if self._lower_bounds is None: self._lower_bounds = np.full(len(system._outputs), -np.inf) if not np.isscalar(var_lower): var_lower = var_lower.ravel() self._lower_bounds[start:end] = (var_lower - ref0) / (ref - ref0) if var_upper is not None: if self._upper_bounds is None: self._upper_bounds = np.full(len(system._outputs), np.inf) if not np.isscalar(var_upper): var_upper = var_upper.ravel() self._upper_bounds[start:end] = (var_upper - ref0) / (ref - ref0) start = end else: self._lower_bounds = self._upper_bounds = None def _enforce_bounds(self, step, alpha): """ Enforce lower/upper bounds. Modifies the vector of outputs and the step. Parameters ---------- step : <Vector> Newton step; the backtracking is applied to this vector in-place. alpha : float Step size parameter. """ system = self._system() if not system._has_bounds: return options = self.options method = options['bound_enforcement'] lower = self._lower_bounds upper = self._upper_bounds if options['print_bound_enforce']: _print_violations(system._outputs, lower, upper) if method == 'vector': _enforce_bounds_vector(system._outputs, step, alpha, lower, upper) elif method == 'scalar': _enforce_bounds_scalar(system._outputs, step, alpha, lower, upper) elif method == 'wall': _enforce_bounds_wall(system._outputs, step, alpha, lower, upper)
[docs]class BoundsEnforceLS(LinesearchSolver): """ Bounds enforcement only. Not so much a linesearch; just check the bounds and if they are violated, then pull back to a non-violating point and evaluate. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Options dictionary. """ SOLVER = 'LS: BCHK' def _declare_options(self): """ Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method. """ super()._declare_options() opt = self.options # Remove unused options from base options here, so that users # attempting to set them will get KeyErrors. unused_options = ("atol", "rtol", "maxiter", "err_on_non_converge", "restart_from_successful") for unused_option in unused_options: opt.undeclare(unused_option) def _solve(self): """ Run the iterative solver. """ self._iter_count = 0 system = self._system() u = system._outputs du = system._doutputs if not system._has_bounds: u += du return self._run_apply() norm0 = self._iter_get_norm() if norm0 == 0.0: norm0 = 1.0 self._norm0 = norm0 u += du with Recording('BoundsEnforceLS', self._iter_count, self) as rec: self._enforce_bounds(step=du, alpha=1.0) self._run_apply() norm = self._iter_get_norm() # Save the norm values in the context manager so they can also be recorded. rec.abs = norm rec.rel = norm / norm0 self._mpi_print(self._iter_count, norm, norm / norm0)
[docs]class ArmijoGoldsteinLS(LinesearchSolver): """ Backtracking line search that terminates using the Armijo-Goldstein condition. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Options dictionary. Attributes ---------- _analysis_error_raised : bool Flag is set to True if a subsystem raises an AnalysisError. """ SOLVER = 'LS: AG'
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._analysis_error_raised = False
def _line_search_objective(self): """ Calculate the objective function of the line search. Returns ------- float Line search objective (residual norm). """ return self._iter_get_norm() def _iter_initialize(self): """ Perform any necessary pre-processing operations. Returns ------- float initial error. float error at the first iteration. """ system = self._system() self.alpha = alpha = self.options['alpha'] u = system._outputs du = system._doutputs self._run_apply() phi0 = self._line_search_objective() if phi0 == 0.0: phi0 = 1.0 self._phi0 = phi0 # From definition of Newton's method one full step should drive the linearized residuals # to 0, hence the directional derivative is equal to the initial function value. self._dir_derivative = -phi0 # Initial step length based on the input step length parameter u.add_scal_vec(alpha, du) self._enforce_bounds(step=du, alpha=alpha) try: cache = self._solver_info.save_cache() self._run_apply() phi = self._line_search_objective() except AnalysisError as err: self._solver_info.restore_cache(cache) if self.options['retry_on_analysis_error']: self._analysis_error_raised = True else: raise err phi = np.nan return phi def _declare_options(self): """ Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method. """ super()._declare_options() opt = self.options opt['maxiter'] = 5 opt.declare('c', default=0.1, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, desc="Slope parameter for line of " "sufficient decrease. The larger the step, the more decrease is required to " "terminate the line search.") opt.declare('rho', default=0.5, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, desc="Contraction factor.") opt.declare('alpha', default=1.0, lower=0.0, desc="Initial line search step.") opt.declare('retry_on_analysis_error', default=True, desc="Backtrack and retry if an AnalysisError is raised.") opt.declare('method', default='Armijo', values=['Armijo', 'Goldstein'], desc="Method to calculate stopping condition.") def _single_iteration(self): """ Perform the operations in the iteration loop. """ self._analysis_error_raised = False # Hybrid newton support. if self._do_subsolve and self._iter_count > 0: self._solver_info.append_solver() try: cache = self._solver_info.save_cache() self._gs_iter() self._run_apply() except AnalysisError as err: self._solver_info.restore_cache(cache) if self.options['retry_on_analysis_error']: self._analysis_error_raised = True else: raise err finally: self._solver_info.pop() else: self._run_apply() def _stopping_criteria(self, fval, method): """ Sufficient decrease criteria for the line search. The initial line search objective and the step length parameter are stored in the class instance. Parameters ---------- fval : float Current line search objective value. method : str, optional Method to calculate stopping condition. Can be "Armijo" or "Goldstein". Returns ------- bool Stopping condition is satisfied. """ method = method.lower() fval0 = self._phi0 df_dalpha = self._dir_derivative c1 = self.options['c'] alpha = self.alpha if method == 'armijo': return fval <= fval0 + c1 * alpha * df_dalpha elif method == 'goldstein': return fval0 + (1 - c1) * alpha * df_dalpha <= fval <= fval0 + c1 * alpha * df_dalpha def _update_step_length_parameter(self, rho): """ Update the step length parameter by multiplying with the contraction factor. Parameters ---------- rho : float Contraction factor """ self.alpha *= rho # update alpha def _solve(self): """ Run the iterative solver. """ options = self.options maxiter = options['maxiter'] rho = options['rho'] method = options['method'] system = self._system() u = system._outputs du = system._doutputs # Newton step self._iter_count = 0 phi = self._iter_initialize() phi0 = self._phi0 # Further backtracking if needed. while (self._iter_count < maxiter and (not self._stopping_criteria(phi, method) or self._analysis_error_raised)): with Recording('ArmijoGoldsteinLS', self._iter_count, self) as rec: if self._iter_count > 0: alpha_old = self.alpha self._update_step_length_parameter(rho) # Moving on the line search with the difference of the old and new step length. u.add_scal_vec(self.alpha - alpha_old, du) cache = self._solver_info.save_cache() try: self._single_iteration() self._iter_count += 1 phi = self._line_search_objective() # Save the norm values in the context manager so they can also be recorded. rec.abs = phi rec.rel = phi / phi0 except AnalysisError as err: self._solver_info.restore_cache(cache) self._iter_count += 1 if self.options['retry_on_analysis_error']: self._analysis_error_raised = True rec.abs = np.nan rec.rel = np.nan else: raise err # self._mpi_print(self._iter_count, norm, norm / norm0) self._mpi_print(self._iter_count, phi, self.alpha)
def _enforce_bounds_vector(u, du, alpha, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """ Enforce lower/upper bounds, backtracking the entire vector together. This method modifies both self (u) and step (du) in-place. Parameters ---------- u :<Vector> Output vector. du : <Vector> Newton step; the backtracking is applied to this vector in-place. alpha : float step size. lower_bounds : ndarray Lower bounds array. upper_bounds : ndarray Upper bounds array. """ # The assumption is that alpha * du has been added to self (i.e., u) # just prior to this method being called. We are currently in the # initialization of a line search, and we're trying to ensure that # the u does not violate bounds in the first iteration. If it does, # we modify the du vector directly. # This is the required change in step size, relative to the du vector. d_alpha = 0 # Find the largest amount a bound is violated # where positive means a bound is violated - i.e. the required d_alpha. du_arr = du.asarray() mask = du_arr != 0 if mask.any(): abs_du_mask = np.abs(du_arr[mask]) u_mask = u.asarray()[mask] # Check lower bound if lower_bounds is not None: max_d_alpha = np.amax((lower_bounds[mask] - u_mask) / abs_du_mask) if max_d_alpha > d_alpha: d_alpha = max_d_alpha # Check upper bound if upper_bounds is not None: max_d_alpha = np.amax((u_mask - upper_bounds[mask]) / abs_du_mask) if max_d_alpha > d_alpha: d_alpha = max_d_alpha if d_alpha > 0: # d_alpha will not be negative because it was initialized to be 0 # and we've only done max operations. # d_alpha will not be greater than alpha because the assumption is that # the original point was valid - i.e., no bounds were violated. # Therefore 0 <= d_alpha <= alpha. # We first update u to reflect the required change to du. u.add_scal_vec(-d_alpha, du) # At this point, we normalize d_alpha by alpha to figure out the relative # amount that the du vector has to be reduced, then apply the reduction. du *= 1 - d_alpha / alpha def _enforce_bounds_scalar(u, du, alpha, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """ Enforce lower/upper bounds on each scalar separately, then backtrack as a vector. This method modifies both self (u) and step (du) in-place. Parameters ---------- u :<Vector> Output vector. du : <Vector> Newton step; the backtracking is applied to this vector in-place. alpha : float step size. lower_bounds : ndarray Lower bounds array. upper_bounds : ndarray Upper bounds array. """ # The assumption is that alpha * step has been added to this vector # just prior to this method being called. We are currently in the # initialization of a line search, and we're trying to ensure that # the initial step does not violate bounds. If it does, we modify # the step vector directly. # enforce bounds on step in-place. u_data = u.asarray() # If u > lower, we're just adding zero. Otherwise, we're adding # the step required to get up to the lower bound. # For du, we normalize by alpha since du eventually gets # multiplied by alpha. change_lower = 0. if lower_bounds is None else np.maximum(u_data, lower_bounds) - u_data # If u < upper, we're just adding zero. Otherwise, we're adding # the step required to get down to the upper bound, but normalized # by alpha since du eventually gets multiplied by alpha. change_upper = 0. if upper_bounds is None else np.minimum(u_data, upper_bounds) - u_data change = change_lower + change_upper u_data += change du += change / alpha def _enforce_bounds_wall(u, du, alpha, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """ Enforce lower/upper bounds on each scalar separately, then backtrack along the wall. This method modifies both self (u) and step (du) in-place. Parameters ---------- u :<Vector> Output vector. du : <Vector> Newton step; the backtracking is applied to this vector in-place. alpha : float step size. lower_bounds : ndarray Lower bounds array. upper_bounds : ndarray Upper bounds array. """ # The assumption is that alpha * step has been added to this vector # just prior to this method being called. We are currently in the # initialization of a line search, and we're trying to ensure that # the initial step does not violate bounds. If it does, we modify # the step vector directly. # enforce bounds on step in-place. u_data = u.asarray() du_data = du.asarray() # If u > lower, we're just adding zero. Otherwise, we're adding # the step required to get up to the lower bound. # For du, we normalize by alpha since du eventually gets # multiplied by alpha. change_lower = 0. if lower_bounds is None else np.maximum(u_data, lower_bounds) - u_data # If u < upper, we're just adding zero. Otherwise, we're adding # the step required to get down to the upper bound, but normalized # by alpha since du eventually gets multiplied by alpha. change_upper = 0. if upper_bounds is None else np.minimum(u_data, upper_bounds) - u_data change = change_lower + change_upper u_data += change du_data += change / alpha # Now we ensure that we will backtrack along the wall during the # line search by setting the entries of du at the bounds to zero. changed_either = change.astype(bool) du_data[changed_either] = 0.