Some miscellaneous utility functions.
- class openmdao.utils.general_utils.ContainsAll[source]
A fake dictionary that always reports __contains__(name) to be True.
- __contains__(name)[source]
Return if the named object is contained.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the object being looked up.
- Returns:
- bool
Always returns True.
- class openmdao.utils.general_utils.LocalRangeIterable(system, vname, use_vec_offset=True)[source]
Iterable object yielding local indices while iterating over local, distributed, or remote vars.
The number of iterations for a distributed variable will be the full distributed size of the variable.
None will be returned for any indices that are not local to the given rank.
- Parameters:
- systemSystem
Containing System.
- vnamestr
Name of the variable.
- use_vec_offsetbool
If True, return indices for the given variable within its parent vector, else just return indices within the variable itself, i.e. range(var_size).
- Attributes:
- _vnamestr
Name of the variable.
- _indsndarray
Variable indices (unused for distributed variables).
- _var_sizeint
Full size of distributed or remote variable.
- _startint
Starting index of distributed variable on this rank.
- _endint
Last index + 1 of distributed variable on this rank.
- _offsetint
Offset of this variable into the local vector,.
- _itermethod
The iteration method used.
- __init__(system, vname, use_vec_offset=True)[source]
Initialize the iterator.
- __iter__()[source]
Return an iterator.
- Returns:
- iterator
An iterator over our indices.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.add_border(msg, borderstr='=', vpad=0, above=True, below=True)[source]
Add border lines before and/or after a message.
- Parameters:
- msgstr
The message to be enclosed in a border.
- borderstrstr
The repeating string to be used in the border.
- vpadint
The number of blank lines between the border(s) and the message.
- abovebool
If True, add a border above the message.
- belowbool
If True, add a border below the message.
- Returns:
- str
A string containing the original message and border(s) before and/or after.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.all_ancestors(pathname, delim='.')[source]
Return a generator of pathnames of the starting object and all of its parents.
Pathnames are ordered from longest to shortest.
- Parameters:
- pathnamestr
Pathname of starting object.
- delimstr
Delimiter used to split the name.
- Yields:
- str
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.call_depth2indent(tabsize=2, offset=- 1)[source]
Return a string of spaces corresponding to the current call depth.
- Parameters:
- tabsizeint
Number of spaces per tab.
- offsetint
Offset to add to the call depth.
- Returns:
- str
A string of spaces.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.common_subpath(pathnames)[source]
Return the common dotted subpath found in all of the given dotted pathnames.
- Parameters:
- pathnameslist or tuple of str
Dotted pathnames of systems.
- Returns:
- str
Common dotted subpath. Returns ‘’ if no common subpath is found.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.convert_src_inds(parent_src_inds, parent_src_shape, my_src_inds, my_src_shape)[source]
Compute lower level src_indices based on parent src_indices.
- Parameters:
- parent_src_indsndarray
Parent src_indices.
- parent_src_shapetuple
Shape of source expected by parent.
- my_src_indsndarray or fancy index
Src_indices at the current system level, before conversion.
- my_src_shapetuple
Expected source shape at the current system level.
- Returns:
- ndarray
Final src_indices based on those of the parent.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.dbg(funct)[source]
Do nothing.
- Parameters:
- functfunction
The function being decorated.
- Returns:
- function
The function.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.default_noraise(o)[source]
Try to convert some extra types during JSON serialization.
This is intended to be passed to json.dump or json.dumps as the ‘default’ arg. It will attempt to convert values if possible, but if no conversion works, will return ‘unserializable object (<type>)’ instead of raising a TypeError.
- Parameters:
- oobject
The object to be converted.
- Returns:
- object
The converted object.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler)[source]
Determine proper values of adder and scaler based on user arguments.
Adder and Scaler are used internally because the transformation is slightly more efficient.
- Parameters:
- ref0float or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.
- reffloat or ndarray, optional
Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.
- adderfloat or ndarray, optional
Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence.
- scalerfloat or ndarray, optional
Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence.
- Returns:
- tuple
Adder and scaler, properly formatted and based on ref/ref0 if provided.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If both ref/ref0 and adder/scaler were provided.
The response can be scaled using ref and ref0. The argument
represents the physical value when the scaled value is 0. The argumentref
represents the physical value when the scaled value is 1.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.do_nothing_context()[source]
Do nothing.
Useful when you have a block of code that only requires a context manager sometimes, and you don’t want to repeat the context managed block.
- Returns:
- contextmanager
A do nothing context manager.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.dprint(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Print only if OM_DBG is truthy in the environment.
- Parameters:
- argslist
Positional args.
- kwargsdict
Named args.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.ensure_compatible(name, value, shape=None, indices=None)[source]
Make value compatible with the specified shape or the shape of indices.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the value.
- valuefloat or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable
The value of a variable.
- shapeint or tuple or list or None
The expected or desired shape of the value.
- indicesIndexer or None
The indices into a source variable.
- Returns:
- ndarray
The value in a shape compatible with the specified shape and/or indices.
- tuple
The resulting shape of the value.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If value cannot be made to conform to shape or if shape and indices are incompatible.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.env_none(env_var)[source]
Return True if the given environment variable is None.
- Parameters:
- env_varstr
The name of the environment variable.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the specified environment variable is None.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.env_truthy(env_var)[source]
Return True if the given environment variable is ‘truthy’.
- Parameters:
- env_varstr
The name of the environment variable.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the specified environment variable is ‘truthy’.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.find_matches(pattern, var_list)[source]
Return list of variable names that match given pattern.
- Parameters:
- patternstr
Glob pattern or variable name.
- var_listlist of str
List of variable names to search for pattern.
- Returns:
- list
Variable names that match pattern.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.format_as_float_or_array(name, values, val_if_none=0.0, flatten=False)[source]
Format array option values.
Checks that the given array values are either None, float, or an iterable of numeric values. On output all iterables of numeric values are converted to a flat np.ndarray. If values is scalar, it is converted to float.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The path of the variable relative to the current system.
- valuesfloat or numpy ndarray or Iterable
Values of the array option to be formatted to the expected form.
- val_if_nonefloat or numpy ndarray
The default value for the option if values is None.
- flattenbool
Set to True to flatten any ndarray return.
- Returns:
- float or np.ndarray
Values transformed to the expected form.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If values is Iterable but cannot be converted to a numpy ndarray
- TypeError
If values is scalar, not None, and not a Number.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.get_connection_owner(system, tgt)[source]
Return (owner, promoted_src, promoted_tgt) for the given connected target.
Note : this is not speedy. It’s intended for use only in error messages.
- Parameters:
- systemSystem
Any System. The search always goes from the model level down.
- tgtstr
Absolute pathname of the target variable.
- Returns:
- tuple
(owning group, promoted source name, promoted target name).
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.get_max_widths(rows)[source]
Determine the maximum width of each column.
- Parameters:
- rowslist of list of str
List of rows, where each row is a list of strings.
- Returns:
- list of int
List of maximum widths for each column.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.get_rev_conns(conns)[source]
Return a dict mapping each connected output to a list of its connected inputs.
- Parameters:
- connsdict
Dict mapping each input to its connected output.
- Returns:
- dict
Dict mapping each connected output to a list of its connected inputs.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.inconsistent_across_procs(comm, arr, tol=1e-15, return_array=True)[source]
Check serial deriv values across ranks.
This should only be run after _apply_linear.
- Parameters:
- commMPI communicator
Communicator belonging to the component that owns the derivs array.
- arrndarray
The array being checked for consistency across processes.
- tolfloat
Tolerance to determine if diff is 0.
- return_arraybool
If True, return a boolean array on rank 0 indicating which indices are inconsistent.
- Returns:
- ndarray on rank 0, boolean elsewhere, or bool everywhere if return_array is False
On rank 0, boolean array with True in entries that are not consistent across all processes in the communicator. On other ranks, True if there are inconsistent entries.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.is_truthy(s)[source]
Return True if the given string is ‘truthy’.
- Parameters:
- sstr
The name string being tested.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the specified string is ‘truthy’.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.is_undefined(obj)[source]
Return True if the object is _UNDEFINED.
This function should be used instead of {obj} is _UNDEFINED, which is not reliable across processes. The use of {obj} == _UNDEFINED will fail if obj is an array.
- Parameters:
- objany
Any python object.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the obj is not an array, and obj == _UNDEFINED.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.make_serializable(o)[source]
Recursively convert numpy types to native types for JSON serialization.
This function should NOT be passed into json.dump or json.dumps as the ‘default’ arg.
- Parameters:
- oobject
The object to be converted.
- Returns:
- object
The converted object.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.make_serializable_key(o)[source]
Recursively convert numpy types to native types for JSON serialization.
This function is for making serizializable dictionary keys, so no containers. This function should NOT be passed into json.dump or json.dumps as the ‘default’ arg.
- Parameters:
- oobject
The object to be converted.
- Returns:
- object
The converted object.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.make_set(str_data, name=None)[source]
Construct a set containing the specified character strings.
- Parameters:
- str_dataNone, str, or list of strs
Character string(s) to be included in the set.
- namestr, optional
A name to be used in error messages.
- Returns:
- set
A set of character strings.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.make_traceback()[source]
Create a traceback for use later with an exception.
The traceback will begin at the stack frame above the caller of make_traceback.
- Returns:
- traceback
The newly constructed traceback.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.match_includes_excludes(name, includes=None, excludes=None)[source]
Check to see if the variable name passes through the includes and excludes filter.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name to be checked for match.
- includesiter of str or None
Glob patterns for name to include in the filtering. None, the default, means include all.
- excludesiter of str or None
Glob patterns for name to exclude in the filtering.
- Returns:
- bool
Return True if the name passes through the filtering of includes and excludes.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.match_prom_or_abs(name, prom_name, includes=None, excludes=None)[source]
Check to see if the variable names pass through the includes and excludes filter.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Unpromoted variable name to be checked for match.
- prom_namestr
Promoted variable name to be checked for match.
- includesiter of str or None
Glob patterns for name to include in the filtering. None, the default, means to include all.
- excludesiter of str or None
Glob patterns for name to exclude in the filtering.
- Returns:
- bool
Return True if the name passes through the filtering of includes and excludes.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.meta2src_iter(meta_iter)[source]
Yield the source name for each metadata dict in the given iterator.
- Parameters:
- meta_iteriter of dict
Iterator over metadata dicts.
- Yields:
- str
The source name for each metadata dict.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.om_dump(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Do nothing.
- Parameters:
- *argslist
Positional args.
- **kwargsdict
Named args.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.pad_name(name, width=10, quotes=False)[source]
Pad a string so that they all line up when stacked.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The string to pad.
- widthint
The number of total spaces the string should take up.
- quotesbool
If name should be quoted.
- Returns:
- str
Padded string.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.pattern_filter(patterns, var_iter, name_index=None)[source]
Yield variable names that match a given pattern.
- Parameters:
- patternsiter of str
Glob patterns or variable names.
- var_iteriter of str or iter of tuple/list
Iterator of variable names (or tuples containing variable names) to search for patterns.
- name_indexint or None
If not None, the var_iter is assumed to yield tuples, and the name_index is the index of the variable name in the tuple.
- Yields:
- str
Variable name that matches a pattern.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.printoptions(*args, **kwds)[source]
Context manager for setting numpy print options.
Set print options for the scope of the with block, and restore the old options at the end. See numpy.set_printoptions for the full description of available options. If any invalid options are specified, they will be ignored.
>>> with printoptions(precision=2): ... print(np.array([2.0])) / 3 [0.67] The `as`-clause of the `with`-statement gives the current print options: >>> with printoptions(precision=2) as opts: ... assert_equal(opts, np.get_printoptions())
- Parameters:
- *argslist
Variable-length argument list.
- **kwdsdict
Arbitrary keyword arguments.
- Yields:
- str or int
See also
Set printing options.
Get printing options.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.remove_whitespace(s, right=False, left=False)[source]
Remove white-space characters from the given string.
If neither right nor left is specified (the default), then all white-space is removed.
- Parameters:
- sstr
The string to be modified.
- rightbool
If True, remove white-space from the end of the string.
- leftbool
If True, remove white-space from the beginning of the string.
- Returns:
- str
The string with white-space removed.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.run_driver(prob)[source]
Call run_driver on problem and capture output.
- Parameters:
- probProblem
An instance of Problem.
- Returns:
- bool
Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
- string
Output from calling run_driver on the Problem, captured from stdout.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.run_model(prob, ignore_exception=False)[source]
Call run_model on problem and capture output.
- Parameters:
- probProblem
An instance of Problem.
- ignore_exceptionbool
Set to True to ignore an exception of any kind.
- Returns:
- string
Output from calling run_model on the Problem, captured from stdout.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.set_pyoptsparse_opt(optname, fallback=True)[source]
For testing, sets the pyoptsparse optimizer using the given optimizer name.
This may be modified based on the value of OPENMDAO_FORCE_PYOPTSPARSE_OPT. This can be used on systems that have SNOPT installed to force them to use SLSQP in order to mimic our test machines on travis and appveyor.
- Parameters:
- optnamestr
Name of pyoptsparse optimizer that is requested by the test.
- fallbackbool
If True, fall back to SLSQP if optname can’t be found.
- Returns:
- object
Pyoptsparse optimizer instance.
- str
Pyoptsparse optimizer string.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.set_trace_predicate(funct)[source]
Set the function that determines which methods will be traced.
- Parameters:
- functfunction
Set of functions to be traced.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.shape2tuple(shape)[source]
Return shape as a tuple.
- Parameters:
- shapeint or tuple
The given shape.
- Returns:
- tuple or None
The shape as a tuple or None if shape is None.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.strs2row_iter(strs, colwidths, delim=' ')[source]
Yield rows of strings formatted into columns.
- Parameters:
- strslist of str
List of strings to be formatted into columns.
- colwidthslist of int
List of column widths.
- delimstr
Delimiter to use between columns.
- Yields:
- str
Formatted row of strings.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.vprint(it, end='\n', getter=None, file=None)[source]
Iterate over the given iterator and print each item separated by end.
- Parameters:
- ititer
Iterator to be printed.
- endstr
String written after each item.
- getterfunction or None
If not None, only print the part of each item returned by getter(item).
- filefile-like or None
File to write to. If None, use sys.stdout.
- openmdao.utils.general_utils.wing_dbg()[source]
Make import of wingdbstub contingent on value of WING_DBG environment variable.
Also will import wingdbstub from the WINGHOME directory.