Source code for openmdao.utils.general_utils

"""Some miscellaneous utility functions."""
import os
import re
import sys
from types import TracebackType
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from io import StringIO
from numbers import Integral
from inspect import currentframe, getouterframes, stack, isfunction, ismethod

from import Iterable

import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.constants import INF_BOUND, _UNDEFINED
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import shape_to_len

_float_inf = float('inf')

[docs]def ensure_compatible(name, value, shape=None, indices=None): """ Make value compatible with the specified shape or the shape of indices. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the value. value : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable The value of a variable. shape : int or tuple or list or None The expected or desired shape of the value. indices : Indexer or None The indices into a source variable. Returns ------- ndarray The value in a shape compatible with the specified shape and/or indices. tuple The resulting shape of the value. Raises ------ ValueError If value cannot be made to conform to shape or if shape and indices are incompatible. """ if isinstance(value, Iterable): value = np.asarray(value) # if shape is not given, infer from value (if not scalar) or indices if shape is not None: if isinstance(shape, Integral): shape = (shape,) elif isinstance(shape, list): shape = tuple(shape) elif not np.isscalar(value): shape = np.atleast_1d(value).shape if indices is not None: if not indices._flat_src and shape is None: raise RuntimeError(f"src_indices for '{name}' is not flat, so its input " "shape must be provided.") try: indshape = indices.indexed_src_shape except (RuntimeError, ValueError, TypeError): pass # use shape provided or shape of value and check vs. shape of indices later else: if shape is not None and shape_to_len(indshape) != shape_to_len(shape): raise ValueError(f"Shape of indices {indshape} does not match shape of {shape} for" f" '{name}'.") if shape is None: shape = indshape if shape is None: # shape is not determined, assume the shape of value was intended value = np.atleast_1d(value) shape = value.shape else: # shape is determined, if value is scalar assign it to array of shape # otherwise make sure value is an array of the determined shape if np.ndim(value) == 0 or value.shape == (1,): value = np.full(shape, value) else: value = np.atleast_1d(value).astype(np.float64) if value.shape != shape: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible shape for '{name}': Expected {shape} but got " f"{value.shape}.") return value, shape
def _subjac_meta2value(meta): """ Convert subjacobian metadata to value, rows, cols. Parameters ---------- meta : dict Metadata dict. Returns ------- ndarray Value of the subjacobian. ndarray or None Row indices of nonzero values in subjacobian. ndarray or None Column indices of nonzero values in subjacobian. """ val = meta['val'] if 'val' in meta else None rows = meta['rows'] if 'rows' in meta else None cols = meta['cols'] if 'cols' in meta else None if rows is not None: if val is not None and np.isscalar(val): val = np.full(len(rows), val) elif np.isscalar(val): shape = meta['shape'] if 'shape' in meta else None if shape is not None: val = np.full(shape, val) else: val = np.atleast_2d(val) elif val is not None: val = np.atleast_2d(val) return val, rows, cols
[docs]def determine_adder_scaler(ref0, ref, adder, scaler): r""" Determine proper values of adder and scaler based on user arguments. Adder and Scaler are used internally because the transformation is slightly more efficient. Parameters ---------- ref0 : float or ndarray, optional Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver. ref : float or ndarray, optional Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. Returns ------- tuple Adder and scaler, properly formatted and based on ref/ref0 if provided. Raises ------ ValueError If both ref/ref0 and adder/scaler were provided. Notes ----- The response can be scaled using ref and ref0. The argument :code:`ref0` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 0. The argument :code:`ref` represents the physical value when the scaled value is 1. """ # Affine scaling cannot be used with scalers/adders if ref0 is not None or ref is not None: if scaler is not None or adder is not None: raise ValueError('Inputs ref/ref0 are mutually exclusive ' 'with scaler/adder') if ref is None: ref = 1.0 if ref0 is None: ref0 = 0.0 # Convert ref/ref0 to scaler/adder so we can scale the bounds adder = -ref0 scaler = 1.0 / (ref + adder) else: if scaler is None: scaler = 1.0 if adder is None: adder = 0.0 adder = format_as_float_or_array('adder', adder, val_if_none=0.0, flatten=True) scaler = format_as_float_or_array('scaler', scaler, val_if_none=1.0, flatten=True) return adder, scaler
[docs]def set_pyoptsparse_opt(optname, fallback=True): """ For testing, sets the pyoptsparse optimizer using the given optimizer name. This may be modified based on the value of OPENMDAO_FORCE_PYOPTSPARSE_OPT. This can be used on systems that have SNOPT installed to force them to use SLSQP in order to mimic our test machines on travis and appveyor. Parameters ---------- optname : str Name of pyoptsparse optimizer that is requested by the test. fallback : bool If True, fall back to SLSQP if optname can't be found. Returns ------- object Pyoptsparse optimizer instance. str Pyoptsparse optimizer string. """ OPT = None opt = None OPTIMIZER = None force = os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_FORCE_PYOPTSPARSE_OPT') if force: optname = force from unittest.mock import Mock try: from pyoptsparse import OPT try: opt = OPT(optname) OPTIMIZER = optname except Exception: if fallback and optname != 'SLSQP': try: opt = OPT('SLSQP') OPTIMIZER = 'SLSQP' except Exception: pass else: if fallback and isinstance(opt, Mock): try: opt = OPT('SLSQP') OPTIMIZER = 'SLSQP' except Exception: pass except Exception: pass if isinstance(opt, Mock): OPT = OPTIMIZER = None if not fallback and OPTIMIZER != optname: raise unittest.SkipTest("pyoptsparse is not providing %s" % optname) return OPT, OPTIMIZER
[docs]def format_as_float_or_array(name, values, val_if_none=0.0, flatten=False): """ Format array option values. Checks that the given array values are either None, float, or an iterable of numeric values. On output all iterables of numeric values are converted to a flat np.ndarray. If values is scalar, it is converted to float. Parameters ---------- name : str The path of the variable relative to the current system. values : float or numpy ndarray or Iterable Values of the array option to be formatted to the expected form. val_if_none : float or numpy ndarray The default value for the option if values is None. flatten : bool Set to True to flatten any ndarray return. Returns ------- float or np.ndarray Values transformed to the expected form. Raises ------ ValueError If values is Iterable but cannot be converted to a numpy ndarray TypeError If values is scalar, not None, and not a Number. """ # Convert adder to ndarray/float as necessary if isinstance(values, float): if values == _float_inf: values = INF_BOUND elif values == -_float_inf: values = -INF_BOUND elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray): if flatten: values = values.flatten() elif values is None: values = val_if_none elif isinstance(values, Iterable) and not isinstance(values, str): values = np.asarray(values, dtype=float) if flatten: values = values.flatten() else: try: values = float(values) except Exception: raise TypeError(f'Expected values of {name} to be an Iterable of ' 'numeric values, or a scalar numeric value. ' f'Got {values} instead.') return values
[docs]class ContainsAll(object): """ A fake dictionary that always reports __contains__(name) to be True. """
[docs] def __contains__(self, name): """ Return if the named object is contained. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the object being looked up. Returns ------- bool Always returns True. """ return True
_contains_all = ContainsAll()
[docs]def all_ancestors(pathname, delim='.'): """ Return a generator of pathnames of the starting object and all of its parents. Pathnames are ordered from longest to shortest. Parameters ---------- pathname : str Pathname of starting object. delim : str Delimiter used to split the name. Yields ------ str """ while pathname: yield pathname pathname, _, _ = pathname.rpartition(delim)
[docs]def find_matches(pattern, var_list): """ Return list of variable names that match given pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern : str Glob pattern or variable name. var_list : list of str List of variable names to search for pattern. Returns ------- list Variable names that match pattern. """ if pattern == '*': return var_list return [name for name in var_list if fnmatchcase(name, pattern)]
[docs]def pattern_filter(patterns, var_iter, name_index=None): """ Yield variable names that match a given pattern. Parameters ---------- patterns : iter of str Glob patterns or variable names. var_iter : iter of str or iter of tuple/list Iterator of variable names (or tuples containing variable names) to search for patterns. name_index : int or None If not None, the var_iter is assumed to yield tuples, and the name_index is the index of the variable name in the tuple. Yields ------ str Variable name that matches a pattern. """ if '*' in patterns: yield from var_iter else: if name_index is None: for vname in var_iter: for pattern in patterns: if fnmatchcase(vname, pattern): yield vname break else: for tup in var_iter: vname = tup[name_index] for pattern in patterns: if fnmatchcase(vname, pattern): yield tup break
def _find_dict_meta(dct, key): """ Return True if the given key is found in any metadata values in the given dict. Parameters ---------- dct : dict The metadata dictionary (a dict of dicts). key : str The metadata key being searched for. Returns ------- bool True if non-None metadata at the given key was found. """ for meta in dct.values(): if key in meta and meta[key] is not None: return True return False
[docs]def pad_name(name, width=10, quotes=False): """ Pad a string so that they all line up when stacked. Parameters ---------- name : str The string to pad. width : int The number of total spaces the string should take up. quotes : bool If name should be quoted. Returns ------- str Padded string. """ name = f"'{name}'" if quotes else str(name) if width > len(name): return f"{name:<{width}}" else: return f"{name}"
[docs]def get_max_widths(rows): """ Determine the maximum width of each column. Parameters ---------- rows : list of list of str List of rows, where each row is a list of strings. Returns ------- list of int List of maximum widths for each column. """ if not rows: return [] for irow, row in enumerate(rows): if irow == 0: widths = [len(val) for val in row] else: for i, val in enumerate(row): widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(val)) return widths
[docs]def strs2row_iter(strs, colwidths, delim=' '): """ Yield rows of strings formatted into columns. Parameters ---------- strs : list of str List of strings to be formatted into columns. colwidths : list of int List of column widths. delim : str Delimiter to use between columns. Yields ------ str Formatted row of strings. """ for row in strs: yield delim.join(f"{val:<{width}}" for val, width in zip(row, colwidths))
[docs]def add_border(msg, borderstr='=', vpad=0, above=True, below=True): """ Add border lines before and/or after a message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to be enclosed in a border. borderstr : str The repeating string to be used in the border. vpad : int The number of blank lines between the border(s) and the message. above : bool If True, add a border above the message. below : bool If True, add a border below the message. Returns ------- str A string containing the original message and border(s) before and/or after. """ width = max(len(line) for line in msg.split('\n')) border = width * borderstr # handle borderstr of more than 1 char border = border[:width] uborder = border if above else '' lborder = border if below else '' upadding = '\n' * (vpad + 1) if uborder else '\n' * vpad lpadding = '\n' * vpad if vpad else '\n' return f"{uborder}{upadding}{msg}{lpadding}{lborder}"
[docs]def run_model(prob, ignore_exception=False): """ Call `run_model` on problem and capture output. Parameters ---------- prob : Problem An instance of Problem. ignore_exception : bool Set to True to ignore an exception of any kind. Returns ------- string Output from calling `run_model` on the Problem, captured from stdout. """ stdout = sys.stdout strout = StringIO() sys.stdout = strout try: prob.run_model() except Exception as err: if not ignore_exception: raise err finally: sys.stdout = stdout return strout.getvalue()
[docs]def run_driver(prob): """ Call `run_driver` on problem and capture output. Parameters ---------- prob : Problem An instance of Problem. Returns ------- bool Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful. string Output from calling `run_driver` on the Problem, captured from stdout. """ stdout = sys.stdout strout = StringIO() sys.stdout = strout try: failed = not prob.run_driver().success finally: sys.stdout = stdout return failed, strout.getvalue()
[docs]@contextmanager def printoptions(*args, **kwds): """ Context manager for setting numpy print options. Set print options for the scope of the `with` block, and restore the old options at the end. See `numpy.set_printoptions` for the full description of available options. If any invalid options are specified, they will be ignored. >>> with printoptions(precision=2): ... print(np.array([2.0])) / 3 [0.67] The `as`-clause of the `with`-statement gives the current print options: >>> with printoptions(precision=2) as opts: ... assert_equal(opts, np.get_printoptions()) Parameters ---------- *args : list Variable-length argument list. **kwds : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Yields ------ str or int See Also -------- set_printoptions : Set printing options. get_printoptions : Get printing options. """ opts = np.get_printoptions() # ignore any keyword args that are not valid in this version of numpy # e.g. numpy <=1.13 does not have the 'floatmode' option kw_opts = dict((key, val) for key, val in kwds.items() if key in opts) try: np.set_printoptions(*args, **kw_opts) yield np.get_printoptions() finally: np.set_printoptions(**opts)
def _nothing(): yield None
[docs]def do_nothing_context(): """ Do nothing. Useful when you have a block of code that only requires a context manager sometimes, and you don't want to repeat the context managed block. Returns ------- contextmanager A do nothing context manager. """ return contextmanager(_nothing)()
[docs]def remove_whitespace(s, right=False, left=False): """ Remove white-space characters from the given string. If neither right nor left is specified (the default), then all white-space is removed. Parameters ---------- s : str The string to be modified. right : bool If True, remove white-space from the end of the string. left : bool If True, remove white-space from the beginning of the string. Returns ------- str The string with white-space removed. """ if not left and not right: return re.sub(r"\s+", "", s, flags=re.UNICODE) elif right and left: return re.sub(r"^\s+|\s+$", "", s, flags=re.UNICODE) elif right: return re.sub(r"\s+$", "", s, flags=re.UNICODE) else: # left return re.sub(r"^\s+", "", s, flags=re.UNICODE)
_container_classes = (list, tuple, set)
[docs]def make_serializable(o): """ Recursively convert numpy types to native types for JSON serialization. This function should NOT be passed into json.dump or json.dumps as the 'default' arg. Parameters ---------- o : object The object to be converted. Returns ------- object The converted object. """ if isinstance(o, _container_classes): return [make_serializable(item) for item in o] elif isinstance(o, dict): return {make_serializable_key(k): make_serializable(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return o.tolist() elif isinstance(o, np.number): return o.item() elif isinstance(o, (str, float, int)): return o elif isinstance(o, bool) or isinstance(o, complex): return str(o) elif hasattr(o, '__dict__'): try: return o.to_json() except AttributeError: return o.__class__.__name__ else: return o
[docs]def make_serializable_key(o): """ Recursively convert numpy types to native types for JSON serialization. This function is for making serizializable dictionary keys, so no containers. This function should NOT be passed into json.dump or json.dumps as the 'default' arg. Parameters ---------- o : object The object to be converted. Returns ------- object The converted object. """ if isinstance(o, str): return o elif isinstance(o, np.number): return o.item() elif hasattr(o, '__dict__'): return o.__class__.__name__ else: return str(o)
[docs]def default_noraise(o): """ Try to convert some extra types during JSON serialization. This is intended to be passed to json.dump or json.dumps as the 'default' arg. It will attempt to convert values if possible, but if no conversion works, will return 'unserializable object (<type>)' instead of raising a TypeError. Parameters ---------- o : object The object to be converted. Returns ------- object The converted object. """ if isinstance(o, _container_classes): return [default_noraise(item) for item in o] elif isinstance(o, dict): return {make_serializable_key(k): default_noraise(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return o.tolist() elif isinstance(o, np.number): return o.item() elif isinstance(o, (str, float, int)): return o elif isinstance(o, bool) or isinstance(o, complex): return str(o) elif hasattr(o, '__dict__'): return o.__class__.__name__ elif o is None: return None else: return f"unserializable object ({type(o).__name__})"
[docs]def make_set(str_data, name=None): """ Construct a set containing the specified character strings. Parameters ---------- str_data : None, str, or list of strs Character string(s) to be included in the set. name : str, optional A name to be used in error messages. Returns ------- set A set of character strings. """ if not str_data: return set() elif isinstance(str_data, str): return {str_data} elif isinstance(str_data, (set, list)): for item in str_data: if not isinstance(item, str): typ = type(item).__name__ msg = f"Items in tags should be of type string, but type '{typ}' was found." raise TypeError(msg) if isinstance(str_data, set): return str_data elif isinstance(str_data, list): return set(str_data) elif name: raise TypeError("The {} argument should be str, set, or list: {}".format(name, str_data)) else: raise TypeError("The argument should be str, set, or list: {}".format(str_data))
[docs]def match_includes_excludes(name, includes=None, excludes=None): """ Check to see if the variable name passes through the includes and excludes filter. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be checked for match. includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for name to include in the filtering. None, the default, means include all. excludes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for name to exclude in the filtering. Returns ------- bool Return True if the name passes through the filtering of includes and excludes. """ # Process excludes if excludes is not None: for pattern in excludes: if fnmatchcase(name, pattern): return False # Process includes if includes is None: return True else: for pattern in includes: if fnmatchcase(name, pattern): return True return False
[docs]def meta2src_iter(meta_iter): """ Yield the source name for each metadata dict in the given iterator. Parameters ---------- meta_iter : iter of dict Iterator over metadata dicts. Yields ------ str The source name for each metadata dict. """ for meta in meta_iter: yield meta['source']
[docs]def match_prom_or_abs(name, prom_name, includes=None, excludes=None): """ Check to see if the variable names pass through the includes and excludes filter. Parameters ---------- name : str Unpromoted variable name to be checked for match. prom_name : str Promoted variable name to be checked for match. includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for name to include in the filtering. None, the default, means to include all. excludes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for name to exclude in the filtering. Returns ------- bool Return True if the name passes through the filtering of includes and excludes. """ diff = name != prom_name # Process excludes if excludes is not None: for pattern in excludes: if fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or (diff and fnmatchcase(prom_name, pattern)): return False # Process includes if includes is None: return True else: for pattern in includes: if fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or (diff and fnmatchcase(prom_name, pattern)): return True return False
_falsey = {'0', 'false', 'no', 'off', 'none', ''}
[docs]def is_truthy(s): """ Return True if the given string is 'truthy'. Parameters ---------- s : str The name string being tested. Returns ------- bool True if the specified string is 'truthy'. """ return s.lower() not in _falsey
[docs]def env_truthy(env_var): """ Return True if the given environment variable is 'truthy'. Parameters ---------- env_var : str The name of the environment variable. Returns ------- bool True if the specified environment variable is 'truthy'. """ return is_truthy(os.environ.get(env_var, ''))
[docs]def env_none(env_var): """ Return True if the given environment variable is None. Parameters ---------- env_var : str The name of the environment variable. Returns ------- bool True if the specified environment variable is None. """ return os.environ.get(env_var) is None
[docs]def common_subpath(pathnames): """ Return the common dotted subpath found in all of the given dotted pathnames. Parameters ---------- pathnames : list or tuple of str Dotted pathnames of systems. Returns ------- str Common dotted subpath. Returns '' if no common subpath is found. """ if len(pathnames) == 1: return pathnames[0] if pathnames: npaths = len(pathnames) splits = [p.split('.') for p in pathnames] for common_loc in range(np.min([len(s) for s in splits])): p0 = splits[0][common_loc] for i in range(1, npaths): if p0 != splits[i][common_loc]: break else: continue break else: common_loc += 1 return '.'.join(splits[0][:common_loc]) return ''
def _is_slicer_op(indices): """ Check if an indexer contains a slice or ellipsis operator. Parameters ---------- indices : ndarray Indices to check. Returns ------- bool Returns True if indices contains a colon or ellipsis operator. """ if isinstance(indices, tuple): return any(isinstance(i, slice) or i is ... for i in indices) return isinstance(indices, slice) def _src_name_iter(proms): """ Yield keys from proms with promoted input names converted to source names. Parameters ---------- proms : dict Original dict with some promoted paths. Yields ------ str source pathname name """ for meta in proms.values(): yield meta['source'] def _src_or_alias_item_iter(proms): """ Yield items from proms dict with promoted input names converted to source or alias names. Parameters ---------- proms : dict Original dict with some promoted paths. Yields ------ tuple src_or_alias_name, metadata """ for name, meta in proms.items(): if 'alias' in meta and meta['alias'] is not None: yield meta['alias'], meta elif meta['source'] is not None: yield meta['source'], meta else: yield name, meta def _src_or_alias_dict(prom_dict): """ Convert a dict with promoted input names into one with source or alias names. Parameters ---------- prom_dict : dict Original dict with some promoted paths. Returns ------- dict New dict with source pathnames or alias names. """ return {name: meta for name, meta in _src_or_alias_item_iter(prom_dict)}
[docs]def convert_src_inds(parent_src_inds, parent_src_shape, my_src_inds, my_src_shape): """ Compute lower level src_indices based on parent src_indices. Parameters ---------- parent_src_inds : ndarray Parent src_indices. parent_src_shape : tuple Shape of source expected by parent. my_src_inds : ndarray or fancy index Src_indices at the current system level, before conversion. my_src_shape : tuple Expected source shape at the current system level. Returns ------- ndarray Final src_indices based on those of the parent. """ if parent_src_inds is None: return my_src_inds elif my_src_inds is None: return parent_src_inds if my_src_inds._flat_src: return parent_src_inds.shaped_array(flat=True)[my_src_inds.flat()] else: return parent_src_inds.shaped_array(flat=False).reshape(my_src_shape)[my_src_inds()]
[docs]def is_undefined(obj): """ Return True if the object is _UNDEFINED. This function should be used instead of `{obj} is _UNDEFINED`, which is not reliable across processes. The use of `{obj} == _UNDEFINED` will fail if `obj` is an array. Parameters ---------- obj : any Any python object. Returns ------- bool True if the obj is not an array, and obj == _UNDEFINED. """ if isinstance(obj, Iterable): return False return obj == _UNDEFINED
[docs]def shape2tuple(shape): """ Return shape as a tuple. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple The given shape. Returns ------- tuple or None The shape as a tuple or None if shape is None. """ if isinstance(shape, tuple): return shape elif isinstance(shape, int): return (shape,) elif shape is None: return shape else: try: return tuple(shape) except TypeError: if not isinstance(shape, Integral): raise TypeError(f"{type(shape).__name__} is not a valid shape type.") return (shape,)
[docs]def get_connection_owner(system, tgt): """ Return (owner, promoted_src, promoted_tgt) for the given connected target. Note : this is not speedy. It's intended for use only in error messages. Parameters ---------- system : System Any System. The search always goes from the model level down. tgt : str Absolute pathname of the target variable. Returns ------- tuple (owning group, promoted source name, promoted target name). """ from import Group model = system._problem_meta['model_ref']() src = model._conn_global_abs_in2out[tgt] abs2prom = model._var_allprocs_abs2prom if src in abs2prom['output'] and tgt in abs2prom['input'][tgt]: if abs2prom['input'][tgt] != abs2prom['output'][src]: # connection is explicit for g in model.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True, typ=Group): if g._manual_connections: tprom = g._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][tgt] if tprom in g._manual_connections: return g, g._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'][src], tprom return system, src, tgt
[docs]def wing_dbg(): """ Make import of wingdbstub contingent on value of WING_DBG environment variable. Also will import wingdbstub from the WINGHOME directory. """ if env_truthy('WING_DBG'): import sys import os save = sys.path new = sys.path[:] + [os.environ['WINGHOME']] sys.path = new try: import wingdbstub # noqa: F401 finally: sys.path = save
[docs]class LocalRangeIterable(object): """ Iterable object yielding local indices while iterating over local, distributed, or remote vars. The number of iterations for a distributed variable will be the full distributed size of the variable. None will be returned for any indices that are not local to the given rank. Parameters ---------- system : System Containing System. vname : str Name of the variable. use_vec_offset : bool If True, return indices for the given variable within its parent vector, else just return indices within the variable itself, i.e. range(var_size). Attributes ---------- _vname : str Name of the variable. _inds : ndarray Variable indices (unused for distributed variables). _var_size : int Full size of distributed or remote variable. _start : int Starting index of distributed variable on this rank. _end : int Last index + 1 of distributed variable on this rank. _offset : int Offset of this variable into the local vector,. _iter : method The iteration method used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, system, vname, use_vec_offset=True): """ Initialize the iterator. """ self._vname = vname self._var_size = 0 all_abs2meta = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] if vname in all_abs2meta: sizes = system._var_sizes['output'] slices = system._outputs.get_slice_dict() abs2meta = system._var_abs2meta['output'] else: all_abs2meta = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] sizes = system._var_sizes['input'] slices = system._inputs.get_slice_dict() abs2meta = system._var_abs2meta['input'] if all_abs2meta[vname]['distributed']: var_idx = system._var_allprocs_abs2idx[vname] rank = system.comm.rank self._offset = np.sum(sizes[rank, :var_idx]) if use_vec_offset else 0 self._iter = self._dist_iter self._start = np.sum(sizes[:rank, var_idx]) self._end = self._start + sizes[rank, var_idx] self._var_size = np.sum(sizes[:, var_idx]) elif vname not in abs2meta: # variable is remote self._iter = self._remote_iter self._var_size = all_abs2meta[vname]['global_size'] else: self._iter = self._serial_iter if use_vec_offset: self._inds = range(slices[vname].start, slices[vname].stop) else: self._inds = range(slices[vname].stop - slices[vname].start) self._var_size = all_abs2meta[vname]['global_size']
def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of the iterator. Returns ------- str String representation of the iterator. """ if self._iter is self._dist_iter: return f"LocalRangeIterable({self._vname}, dist: {self._start} to {self._end})" elif self._iter is self._remote_iter: return f"LocalRangeIterable({self._vname}, remote: size={self._var_size})" return f"LocalRangeIterable({self._vname}, serial: size={self._var_size})" def _serial_iter(self): """ Iterate over a local non-distributed variable. Yields ------ int Variable index. """ yield from self._inds def _dist_iter(self): """ Iterate over a distributed variable. Yields ------ int or None Variable index or None if index is not local to this rank. """ start = self._start end = self._end for i in range(self._var_size): if i >= start and i < end: yield i - start + self._offset else: yield None def _remote_iter(self): """ Iterate over a remote variable. Yields ------ None Always yields None. """ for _ in range(self._var_size): yield None
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Return an iterator. Returns ------- iterator An iterator over our indices. """ return self._iter()
[docs]def make_traceback(): """ Create a traceback for use later with an exception. The traceback will begin at the stack frame *above* the caller of make_traceback. Returns ------- traceback The newly constructed traceback. """ finfo = getouterframes(currentframe())[2] return TracebackType(None, finfo.frame, finfo.frame.f_lasti, finfo.frame.f_lineno)
if env_truthy('OM_DBG'): def dprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Print only if OM_DBG is truthy in the environment. Parameters ---------- args : list Positional args. kwargs : dict Named args. """ print(*args, **kwargs) else:
[docs] def dprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Print only if OM_DBG is truthy in the environment. Parameters ---------- args : list Positional args. kwargs : dict Named args. """ pass
[docs]def inconsistent_across_procs(comm, arr, tol=1e-15, return_array=True): """ Check serial deriv values across ranks. This should only be run after _apply_linear. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI communicator Communicator belonging to the component that owns the derivs array. arr : ndarray The array being checked for consistency across processes. tol : float Tolerance to determine if diff is 0. return_array : bool If True, return a boolean array on rank 0 indicating which indices are inconsistent. Returns ------- ndarray on rank 0, boolean elsewhere, or bool everywhere if return_array is False On rank 0, boolean array with True in entries that are not consistent across all processes in the communicator. On other ranks, True if there are inconsistent entries. """ if comm.size < 2: return np.zeros(0, dtype=bool) if return_array and comm.rank == 0 else False if comm.rank == 0: result = np.zeros(arr.size, dtype=bool) if return_array else False for rank, val in enumerate(comm.gather(arr, root=0)): if rank == 0: baseval = val elif return_array: result |= (np.abs(baseval - val) > tol).flat else: result |= np.any(np.abs(baseval - val) > tol) if return_array: comm.bcast(np.any(result), root=0) else: comm.bcast(result, root=0) return result comm.gather(arr, root=0) return comm.bcast(None, root=0)
[docs]def get_rev_conns(conns): """ Return a dict mapping each connected output to a list of its connected inputs. Parameters ---------- conns : dict Dict mapping each input to its connected output. Returns ------- dict Dict mapping each connected output to a list of its connected inputs. """ rev = {} for tgt, src in conns.items(): if src in rev: rev[src].append(tgt) else: rev[src] = [tgt] return rev
[docs]def vprint(it, end='\n', getter=None, file=None): """ Iterate over the given iterator and print each item separated by end. Parameters ---------- it : iter Iterator to be printed. end : str String written after each item. getter : function or None If not None, only print the part of each item returned by getter(item). file : file-like or None File to write to. If None, use sys.stdout. """ if file is None: file = sys.stdout for val in it: if getter is not None: val = getter(val) print(val, end=end, file=file)
def _default_predicate(name, obj): """ Determine if a given method should be traced. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the method. obj : object The object being checked. Returns ------- bool True if the method should be traced. """ for n in ['solve', 'apply', 'compute', 'setup', 'coloring', 'linearize', 'get_outputs_dir', 'approx', 'static', 'get_vars', 'abs_get']: if n in name: return True return False _trace_predicate = _default_predicate
[docs]def set_trace_predicate(funct): """ Set the function that determines which methods will be traced. Parameters ---------- funct : function Set of functions to be traced. """ global _trace_predicate _trace_predicate = funct
def _decorate_functs(attrs, predicate, decorator): """ Decorate the functions in the given attribute dict. Parameters ---------- cname : str The name of the class containing the functions. attrs : dict The attribute dict containing the functions to be decorated. predicate : function Function returning True if the function should be decorated. decorator : function The decorator function. """ for name, obj in attrs.items(): if (isfunction(obj) or ismethod(obj)) and predicate(name, obj): attrs[name] = decorator(obj) SystemMetaclass = type ProblemMetaclass = type SolverMetaclass = type DriverMetaclass = type DebugMeta = type def om_dump(*args, **kwargs): r""" Do nothing. Parameters ---------- *args : list Positional args. **kwargs : dict Named args. """ pass def dbg(funct): """ Do nothing. Parameters ---------- funct : function The function being decorated. Returns ------- function The function. """ return funct def _wrap_comm(comm, scope=None): return comm def _unwrap_comm(comm): return comm _om_dump = env_truthy('OPENMDAO_DUMP') # OPENMDAO_DUMP can have values like 'stdout', 'stderr', 'rank', 'pid', 'rank,pid', 'pid,rank' # 'rank' means to include the rank in the dump file name, e.g., om_dump_0.out # 'pid' means to include the pid in the dump file name, e.g., om_dump_12345.out # if rank and pid are both included, the file name will be, e.g., om_dump_0_12345.out # 'stdout' means to dump to stdout (so rank and pid are ignored) # 'stderr' means to dump to stderr (so rank and pid are ignored) # 'trace' means to print function entry and exit # 'args' means to print function entry and exit with args and kwargs if trace is also included # if OPENMDAO_DUMP is just a plain truthy value, like '1', then we dump to a file # named om_dump.out. if _om_dump: parts = [s.strip() for s in os.environ['OPENMDAO_DUMP'].split(',')] trace = 'trace' in parts if 'stdout' in parts: _dump_stream = sys.stdout elif 'stderr' in parts: _dump_stream = sys.stderr else: rankstr = pidstr = '' if 'rank' in parts: from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI rankstr = f"_{MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank if MPI else 0}" if 'pid' in parts: pidstr = f"_{os.getpid()}" _dump_stream = open(f'om_dump{rankstr}{pidstr}.out', 'w') _show_args = 'args' in parts
[docs] def om_dump(*args, **kwargs): """ Dump to a stream if OPENMDAO_DUMP is truthy in the environment. Depending on the value of OPENMDAO_DUMP, output will go to file(s), stdout, or stderr. Parameters ---------- args : list Positional args. kwargs : dict Named args. """ kwargs['file'] = _dump_stream kwargs['flush'] = True print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dbg(cname): """ Decorate function to print function entry and exit. Parameters ---------- cname : str The name of the class containing the function. Returns ------- function The decorated function. """ def _dbg(funct): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: path = args[0].pathname + '.' except Exception: path = '' indent = call_depth2indent() if _show_args: argstr = f"(args={args}, kwargs={kwargs})" else: argstr = '' om_dump(f"{indent}--> {cname}:{path}{funct.__name__}{argstr}") ret = funct(*args, **kwargs) om_dump(f"{indent}<-- {cname}:{path}{funct.__name__}") return ret return wrapper return _dbg
if trace: class DebugMeta(type): """ A metaclass to add trace output to some methods of the class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the class. bases : tuple The base classes of the class. attrs : dict The attributes of the class. Returns ------- class The class with the metaclass applied. """ def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, attrs): """ Add trace output to some methods of the class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the class. bases : tuple The base classes of the class. attrs : dict The attributes of the class. Returns ------- class The class with trace output added to some methods """ _decorate_functs(attrs, _trace_predicate, dbg(name)) return super().__new__(metaclass, name, bases, attrs) SystemMetaclass = DebugMeta ProblemMetaclass = DebugMeta SolverMetaclass = DebugMeta DriverMetaclass = DebugMeta def _comm_debug_decorator(fn, scope): # pragma no cover def _wrap(*args, **kwargs): sc = '' if scope is None else f"{scope}." indent = call_depth2indent() if _show_args: argstr = f"(args={args}, kwargs={kwargs})" else: argstr = '' om_dump(f"{indent}--> {sc}{fn.__name__}{argstr}") ret = fn(*args, **kwargs) om_dump(f"{indent}<-- {sc}{fn.__name__}") return ret return _wrap class _DebugComm(object): # pragma no cover """ Debugging wrapper for an MPI communicator. """ def __init__(self, comm, scope): if isinstance(comm, _DebugComm): self.__dict__['_comm'] = comm._comm else: self.__dict__['_comm'] = comm self.__dict__['_scope'] = scope for name in ['bcast', 'Bcast', 'gather', 'Gather', 'scatter', 'Scatter', 'allgather', 'Allgather', 'Allgatherv', 'allreduce', 'Allreduce', 'send', 'Send', 'recv', 'Recv', 'sendrecv', 'Sendrecv']: self.__dict__[name] = _comm_debug_decorator(getattr(self._comm, name), scope) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._comm, name) def __setattr__(self, name, val): setattr(self._comm, name, val) def _wrap_comm(comm, scope=None): # pragma no cover return _DebugComm(comm, scope) def _unwrap_comm(comm): # pragma no cover if isinstance(comm, _DebugComm): return comm._comm return comm
[docs]def call_depth2indent(tabsize=2, offset=-1): """ Return a string of spaces corresponding to the current call depth. Parameters ---------- tabsize : int Number of spaces per tab. offset : int Offset to add to the call depth. Returns ------- str A string of spaces. """ return ' ' * ((len(stack()) + offset) * tabsize)