OpenMDAO Wrapper for the scipy.optimize.minimize family of local optimizers.
- class openmdao.drivers.scipy_optimizer.ScipyOptimizeDriver(**kwargs)[source]
Driver wrapper for the scipy.optimize.minimize family of local optimizers.
Inequality constraints are supported by COBYLA and SLSQP, but equality constraints are only supported by SLSQP. None of the other optimizers support constraints.
- ScipyOptimizeDriver supports the following:
equality_constraints inequality_constraints
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict of keyword arguments
Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the Driver options.
- Attributes:
- failbool
Flag that indicates failure of most recent optimization.
- iter_countint
Counter for function evaluations.
- _scipy_optimize_resultOptimizeResult
Result returned from scipy.optimize call.
- opt_settingsdict
Dictionary of solver-specific options. See the scipy.optimize.minimize documentation.
- _check_jacbool
Used internally to control when to perform singular checks on computed total derivs.
- _con_cachedict
Cached result of constraint evaluations because scipy asks for them in a separate function.
- _con_idxdict
Used for constraint bookkeeping in the presence of 2-sided constraints.
- _grad_cache{}
Cached result of nonlinear constraint derivatives because scipy asks for them in a separate function.
- _exc_info3 item tuple
Storage for exception and traceback information.
- _obj_and_nlconslist
List of objective + nonlinear constraints. Used to compute total derivatives for all except linear constraints.
- _dvlistlist
Copy of _designvars.
- _lincongrad_cachenp.ndarray
Pre-calculated gradients of linear constraints.
- _desvar_array_cachenp.ndarray
Cached array for setting design variables.
- __init__(**kwargs)[source]
Initialize the ScipyOptimizeDriver.
- add_recorder(recorder)
Add a recorder to the driver.
- Parameters:
- recorderCaseRecorder
A recorder instance.
- check_relevance()
Check if there are constraints that don’t depend on any design vars.
This usually indicates something is wrong with the problem formulation.
- cleanup()
Clean up resources prior to exit.
- declare_coloring(num_full_jacs=3, tol=1e-25, orders=None, perturb_size=1e-09, min_improve_pct=5.0, show_summary=True, show_sparsity=False, use_scaling=False, randomize_subjacs=True, randomize_seeds=False, direct=True)
Set options for total deriv coloring.
- Parameters:
- num_full_jacsint
Number of times to repeat partial jacobian computation when computing sparsity.
- tolfloat
Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is nonzero during sparsity determination.
- ordersint
Number of orders above and below the tolerance to check during the tolerance sweep.
- perturb_sizefloat
Size of input/output perturbation during generation of sparsity.
- min_improve_pctfloat
If coloring does not improve (decrease) the number of solves more than the given percentage, coloring will not be used.
- show_summarybool
If True, display summary information after generating coloring.
- show_sparsitybool
If True, display sparsity with coloring info after generating coloring.
- use_scalingbool
If True, use driver scaling when generating the sparsity.
- randomize_subjacsbool
If True, use random subjacobians corresponding to their declared sparsity patterns.
- randomize_seedsbool
If True, use random seeds when computing the sparsity.
- directbool
If using bidirectional coloring, use the direct method when computing the column adjacency matrix instead of the substitution method.
- get_constraint_values(ctype='all', lintype='all', driver_scaling=True)
Return constraint values.
- Parameters:
- ctypestr
Default is ‘all’. Optionally return just the inequality constraints with ‘ineq’ or the equality constraints with ‘eq’.
- lintypestr
Default is ‘all’. Optionally return just the linear constraints with ‘linear’ or the nonlinear constraints with ‘nonlinear’.
- driver_scalingbool
When True, return values that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler or the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and add_constraint were called on the model. Default is True.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary containing values of each constraint.
- get_design_var_values(get_remote=True, driver_scaling=True)
Return the design variable values.
- Parameters:
- get_remotebool or None
If True, retrieve the value even if it is on a remote process. Note that if the variable is remote on ANY process, this function must be called on EVERY process in the Problem’s MPI communicator. If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part of the value that’s on the current process for a distributed variable.
- driver_scalingbool
When True, return values that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler or the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and add_constraint were called on the model. Default is True.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary containing values of each design variable.
- get_driver_derivative_calls()
Return number of derivative evaluations made during a driver run.
- Returns:
- int
Number of derivative evaluations made during a driver run.
- get_driver_objective_calls()
Return number of objective evaluations made during a driver run.
- Returns:
- int
Number of objective evaluations made during a driver run.
- get_exit_status()
Return exit status of driver run.
- Returns:
- str
String indicating result of driver run.
- get_objective_values(driver_scaling=True)
Return objective values.
- Parameters:
- driver_scalingbool
When True, return values that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler or the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and add_constraint were called on the model. Default is True.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary containing values of each objective.
- get_reports_dir()
Get the path to the directory where the report files should go.
If it doesn’t exist, it will be created.
- Returns:
- str
The path to the directory where reports should be written.
- property msginfo
Return info to prepend to messages.
- Returns:
- str
Info to prepend to messages.
- record_derivatives()
Record the current total jacobian.
- record_iteration()
Record an iteration of the current Driver.
- run()[source]
Optimize the problem using selected Scipy optimizer.
- Returns:
- bool
Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
- scaling_report(outfile='driver_scaling_report.html', title=None, show_browser=True, jac=True)
Generate a self-contained html file containing a detailed connection viewer.
Optionally pops up a web browser to view the file.
- Parameters:
- outfilestr, optional
The name of the output html file. Defaults to ‘driver_scaling_report.html’.
- titlestr, optional
Sets the title of the web page.
- show_browserbool, optional
If True, pop up a browser to view the generated html file. Defaults to True.
- jacbool
If True, show jacobian information.
- Returns:
- dict
Data used to create html file.
- set_design_var(name, value, set_remote=True)
Set the value of a design variable.
‘name’ can be a promoted output name or an alias.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Global pathname of the design variable.
- valuefloat or ndarray
Value for the design variable.
- set_remotebool
If True, set the global value of the variable (value must be of the global size). If False, set the local value of the variable (value must be of the local size).
- use_fixed_coloring(coloring=<openmdao.utils.coloring.STD_COLORING_FNAME object>)
Tell the driver to use a precomputed coloring.
- Parameters:
- coloringstr or Coloring
A coloring filename or a Coloring object. If no arg is passed, filename will be determined automatically.
- openmdao.drivers.scipy_optimizer.signature_extender(fcn, extra_args)[source]
Closure function, which appends extra arguments to the original function call.
The first argument is the design vector. The possible extra arguments from the callback of
are not passed to the function.Some algorithms take a sequence of
as input for the constraints. For this class it is not possible to pass additional arguments. With this function the signature will be correct for both scipy and the driver.
- Parameters:
- fcncallable
Function, which takes the design vector as the first argument.
- extra_argstuple or list
Extra arguments for the function.
- Returns:
- callable
The function with the signature expected by the driver.