Base class used to define the interface for derivative approximation schemes.

class openmdao.approximation_schemes.approximation_scheme.ApproximationScheme[source]

Bases: object

Base class used to define the interface for derivative approximation schemes.


A list of approximation tuples ordered into groups of ‘of’s matching the same ‘wrt’.

_colored_approx_groups: list

A list containing info for all colored approximation groups.


Flag indicates whether approx_groups was generated under complex step from higher in the model hieararchy.


A dict that maps wrt name to its fd/cs metadata.

_progress_outNone or file-like object

Attribute to output the progress of check_totals


Data needed to scatter values from results array to a total jacobian column.


If directional total derivatives are being computed, this will contain the direction keyed by mode (‘fwd’ or ‘rev’).

_totals_directional_modestr or None

If directional total derivatives are being computed, this will contain the top level mode (‘fwd’ or ‘rev’), else None.


Initialize the ApproximationScheme.

add_approximation(abs_key, system, kwargs)[source]

Use this approximation scheme to approximate the derivative d(of)/d(wrt).


Absolute name pairing of (of, wrt) for the derivative.


Containing System.


Additional keyword arguments, to be interpreted by sub-classes.

compute_approximations(system, jac=None)[source]

Execute the system to compute the approximate sub-Jacobians.


System on which the execution is run.

jacNone or dict-like

If None, update system with the approximated sub-Jacobians. Otherwise, store the approximations in the given dict-like object.