"""Base class used to define the interface for derivative approximation schemes."""
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from openmdao.core.constants import INT_DTYPE
from openmdao.vectors.vector import _full_slice
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import get_input_idx_split, ValueRepeater
import openmdao.utils.coloring as coloring_mod
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import LocalRangeIterable
from openmdao.utils.mpi import check_mpi_env
from openmdao.utils.rangemapper import RangeMapper
use_mpi = check_mpi_env()
if use_mpi is False:
PETSc = None
from petsc4py import PETSc
except ImportError:
if use_mpi:
raise ImportError("Importing petsc4py failed and OPENMDAO_USE_MPI is true.")
PETSc = None
[docs]class ApproximationScheme(object):
Base class used to define the interface for derivative approximation schemes.
_approx_groups : list
A list of approximation tuples ordered into groups of 'of's matching the same 'wrt'.
_colored_approx_groups: list
A list containing info for all colored approximation groups.
_approx_groups_cached_under_cs : bool
Flag indicates whether approx_groups was generated under complex step from higher in the
model hieararchy.
_wrt_meta : dict
A dict that maps wrt name to its fd/cs metadata.
_progress_out : None or file-like object
Attribute to output the progress of check_totals
_jac_scatter : tuple
Data needed to scatter values from results array to a total jacobian column.
_totals_directions : dict
If directional total derivatives are being computed, this will contain the direction keyed
by mode ('fwd' or 'rev').
_totals_directional_mode : str or None
If directional total derivatives are being computed, this will contain the top level
mode ('fwd' or 'rev'), else None.
[docs] def __init__(self):
Initialize the ApproximationScheme.
self._approx_groups = None
self._colored_approx_groups = None
self._approx_groups_cached_under_cs = False
self._wrt_meta = {}
self._progress_out = None
self._jac_scatter = None
self._totals_directions = {}
self._totals_directional_mode = None
def __bool__(self):
Return True if the approximation scheme contains any approximations.
True if the approximation scheme contains any approximations, False otherwise.
return bool(self._wrt_meta)
def __repr__(self):
Return a simple string representation.
String containing class name and added approximation keys.
return f"at {id(self)}, {self.__class__.__name__}: {list(self._wrt_meta.keys())}"
def _reset(self):
Get rid of any existing approx groups.
self._colored_approx_groups = None
self._approx_groups = None
def _get_approx_groups(self, system, under_cs=False):
Retrieve data structure that contains all the approximations.
This data structure is regenerated if we transition to or from being under a complex step
from higher in the model hierarchy.
system : <System>
Group or component instance.
under_cs : bool
Flag that indicates if we are under complex step.
Tuple (approx_groups, colored_approx_groups)
Each approx_groups entry contains specific data for a wrt var.
Each colored_approx_groups entry contains data for a group of columns.
if under_cs != self._approx_groups_cached_under_cs:
if coloring_mod._use_partial_sparsity:
if self._colored_approx_groups is None and coloring_mod._use_partial_sparsity:
if self._approx_groups is None:
self._approx_groups_cached_under_cs = under_cs
return self._approx_groups, self._colored_approx_groups
[docs] def add_approximation(self, abs_key, system, kwargs):
Use this approximation scheme to approximate the derivative d(of)/d(wrt).
abs_key : tuple(str,str)
Absolute name pairing of (of, wrt) for the derivative.
system : System
Containing System.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments, to be interpreted by sub-classes.
raise NotImplementedError("add_approximation has not been implemented")
def _init_colored_approximations(self, system):
# don't do anything if the coloring doesn't exist yet, or if there is no
# forward coloring
coloring = system._coloring_info.coloring
if coloring is None or coloring._fwd is None:
is_total = system.pathname == ''
is_semi = _is_group(system) and not is_total
self._colored_approx_groups = []
wrt_ranges = []
wrt_matches = system._coloring_info._update_wrt_matches(system)
out_slices = system._outputs.get_slice_dict()
# this maps column indices into colored jac into indices into full jac
if wrt_matches is not None:
ccol2jcol = np.empty(coloring._shape[1], dtype=INT_DTYPE)
# colored col to out vec idx
if is_total:
ccol2outvec = np.empty(coloring._shape[1], dtype=INT_DTYPE)
if is_total or wrt_matches is not None:
colored_start = colored_end = 0
for abs_wrt, cstart, cend, _, cinds, _ in system._jac_wrt_iter():
if wrt_matches is None or abs_wrt in wrt_matches:
colored_end += cend - cstart
if wrt_matches is not None:
ccol2jcol[colored_start:colored_end] = range(cstart, cend)
if is_total and abs_wrt in out_slices:
slc = out_slices[abs_wrt]
if cinds is not None:
rng = np.arange(slc.start, slc.stop)[cinds]
rng = range(slc.start, slc.stop)
wrt_ranges.append((abs_wrt, slc.stop - slc.start))
ccol2outvec[colored_start:colored_end] = rng
colored_start = colored_end
row_var_sizes = {v: sz for v, sz in zip(coloring._row_vars, coloring._row_var_sizes)}
row_map = np.empty(coloring._shape[0], dtype=INT_DTYPE)
abs2prom = system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']
if is_total:
it = ((of, end - start) for of, start, end, _, _ in system._jac_of_iter())
rangemapper = RangeMapper.create(wrt_ranges)
it = ((n, arr.size) for n, arr in system._outputs._abs_item_iter())
start = end = colorstart = colorend = 0
for name, sz in it:
end += sz
prom = name if is_total else abs2prom[name]
if prom in row_var_sizes:
colorend += row_var_sizes[prom]
row_map[colorstart:colorend] = range(start, end)
colorstart = colorend
start = end
for wrt, meta in self._wrt_meta.items():
if wrt_matches is None or wrt in wrt_matches:
# data is the same for all colored approxs so we only need the first
data = self._get_approx_data(system, wrt, meta)
outputs = system._outputs
inputs = system._inputs
from openmdao.core.implicitcomponent import ImplicitComponent
use_full_cols = is_semi or isinstance(system, ImplicitComponent)
for cols, nzrows in coloring.color_nonzero_iter('fwd'):
nzrows = [row_map[r] for r in nzrows]
jaccols = cols if wrt_matches is None else ccol2jcol[cols]
if is_total:
vcols = ccol2outvec[cols]
seed_vars = tuple(rangemapper.inds2keys(cols))
vcols = jaccols
seed_vars = None
vec_ind_list = get_input_idx_split(vcols, inputs, outputs, use_full_cols, is_total)
self._colored_approx_groups.append((data, jaccols, vec_ind_list, nzrows, seed_vars))
def _init_approximations(self, system):
Prepare for later approximations.
system : System
The system having its derivs approximated.
total = system.pathname == ''
in_slices = system._inputs.get_slice_dict()
out_slices = system._outputs.get_slice_dict()
coloring = system._get_static_coloring()
self._approx_groups = []
self._nruns_uncolored = 0
if system._during_coloring:
wrt_matches = system._coloring_info.wrt_matches
wrt_matches = None
if self._totals_directional_mode == 'rev':
wrts_directional = []
in_inds_directional = []
vec_inds_directional = defaultdict(list)
# wrt here is an absolute name (source if total)
for wrt, start, end, vec, sinds, _ in system._jac_wrt_iter(wrt_matches):
if wrt in self._wrt_meta:
meta = self._wrt_meta[wrt]
if coloring is not None and 'coloring' in meta:
if vec is system._inputs:
slices = in_slices
slices = out_slices
data = self._get_approx_data(system, wrt, meta)
directional = meta['directional'] or self._totals_directions
in_idx = range(start, end)
if total and sinds is not _full_slice:
if vec is None:
vec_idx = ValueRepeater(None, sinds.size)
# local index into var
vec_idx = sinds.copy()
# convert into index into input or output vector
vec_idx += slices[wrt].start
# Directional derivatives for quick deriv checking.
# Place the indices in a list so that they are all stepped at the same time.
if directional:
in_idx = [list(in_idx)]
vec_idx = [vec_idx]
vec_idx = LocalRangeIterable(system, wrt)
if directional and vec is not None:
vec_idx = [v for v in vec_idx if v is not None]
# Directional derivatives for quick deriv checking.
# Place the indices in a list so that they are all stepped at the same time.
if directional:
in_idx = [list(in_idx)]
vec_idx = [list(vec_idx)]
if directional:
self._nruns_uncolored += 1
self._nruns_uncolored += end - start
if self._totals_directional_mode == 'rev':
data_directional = data
if self._totals_directions:
direction = self._totals_directions['fwd'][start:end]
direction = meta['vector']
self._approx_groups.append(((wrt,) if directional else wrt, data, in_idx,
[(vec, vec_idx)], directional, direction))
if total:
if self._totals_directional_mode == 'rev':
self._nruns_uncolored = 1
vector = self._totals_directions['fwd']
self._approx_groups = [(tuple(wrts_directional), data_directional,
[in_inds_directional], list(vec_inds_directional.items()),
True, vector)]
# compute scatter from the results vector into a column of the total jacobian
sinds, tinds, colsize, has_dist_data = system._get_jac_col_scatter()
if has_dist_data:
src_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(np.zeros(len(system._outputs), dtype=float),
tgt_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(np.zeros(colsize, dtype=float),
src_inds = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(sinds, comm=system._comm)
tgt_inds = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(tinds, comm=system._comm)
self._jac_scatter = (has_dist_data,
PETSc.Scatter().create(src_vec, src_inds, tgt_vec, tgt_inds),
src_vec, tgt_vec)
self._jac_scatter = (has_dist_data, sinds, tinds)
self._jac_scatter = None
def _colored_column_iter(self, system, colored_approx_groups):
Perform colored approximations and yields (column_index, column) for each jac column.
system : System
System where this approximation is occurring.
colored_approx_groups : list of tuples of the form (data, jaccols, vec_ind_list, nzrows)
data -> metadata needed to perform cs or fd
jaccols -> jacobian columns corresponding to a colored solve
vec_ind_list -> list of tuples of the form (Vector, ndarray of int)
Tuple of wrt indices and corresponding data vector to perturb.
nzrows -> rows containing nonzero values for each column in jaccols
column index
solution array corresponding to the jacobian column at the given column index
total = system.pathname == ''
total_or_semi = total or _is_group(system)
if total:
tot_result = np.zeros(sum([end - start for _, start, end, _, _
in system._jac_of_iter()]))
scratch = tot_result.copy()
scratch = np.empty(len(system._outputs))
# Clean vector for results (copy of the outputs or resids)
vec = system._outputs if total_or_semi else system._residuals
results_array = vec.asarray(copy=True)
use_parallel_fd = system._num_par_fd > 1 and (system._full_comm is not None and
system._full_comm.size > 1)
num_par_fd = system._num_par_fd if use_parallel_fd else 1
par_fd_w_serial_model = use_parallel_fd and system._num_par_fd == system._full_comm.size
fd_count = 0
mycomm = system._full_comm if use_parallel_fd else system.comm
nruns = len(colored_approx_groups)
tosend = None
for data, jcols, vec_ind_list, nzrows, seed_vars, in colored_approx_groups:
mult = self._get_multiplier(data)
if fd_count % num_par_fd == system._par_fd_id:
# run the finite difference
with system._relevance.seeds_active(fwd_seeds=seed_vars):
result = self._run_point(system, vec_ind_list, data, results_array,
if par_fd_w_serial_model or not use_parallel_fd:
result = self._transform_result(result)
if mult != 1.0:
result *= mult
if total:
result = self._get_total_result(result, tot_result)
tosend = (fd_count, result)
else: # parallel model (some vars are remote)
raise NotImplementedError("simul approx coloring with parallel FD/CS is "
"only supported currently when using "
"a serial model, i.e., when "
"num_par_fd == number of MPI procs.")
fd_count += 1
# check if it's time to collect parallel FD columns
if use_parallel_fd and (nruns < num_par_fd or fd_count % num_par_fd == 0 or
fd_count == nruns):
allres = mycomm.allgather(tosend)
tosend = None
allres = [tosend]
for tup in allres:
if tup is None:
i, res = tup
_, jcols, _, nzrows, _ = colored_approx_groups[i]
for i, col in enumerate(jcols):
scratch[:] = 0.0
scratch[nzrows[i]] = res[nzrows[i]]
yield col, scratch
def _vec_ind_iter(self, vec_ind_list):
Yield the vector index list as one chunk if doing directional totals.
If not, yield each index individually, along with the vector to index into.
vec_ind_list : list
List of (Vector, indices) tuples.
[[Vector, inds]]
if self._totals_directions:
yield vec_ind_list, vec_ind_list[0][1]
entry = [[None, None]]
ent0 = entry[0]
for vec, vec_idxs in vec_ind_list:
if vec_idxs is None:
for vinds in vec_idxs:
ent0[0] = vec
ent0[1] = vinds
yield entry, vinds
def _uncolored_column_iter(self, system, approx_groups):
Perform approximations and yield (column_index, column) for each jac column.
system : System
System where this approximation is occurring.
approx_groups : list of tuples of the form (wrt, data, jaccols, vec, vec_idx, directional,
wrt -> name of the 'with respect to' variable
data -> metadata needed to perform cs or fd
jaccols -> jacobian columns corresponding to all solves for the 'wrt' variable
vec -> Vector being perturbed
vec_idx -> indices where the vector will be perturbed (one per approximation)
directional -> if True we're computing a directional derivative (one approx for the
whole wrt variable instead of 1 per entry in the variable)
dir_vector -> if directional is True, this may contain the direction vector
column index
solution array corresponding to the jacobian column at the given column index
total = system.pathname == ''
if total:
for _, _, end, _, _ in system._jac_of_iter():
tot_result = np.zeros(end)
total_or_semi = total or _is_group(system)
# Clean vector for results (copy of the outputs or resids)
results_array = system._outputs.asarray(copy=True) if total_or_semi \
else system._residuals.asarray(copy=True)
use_parallel_fd = system._num_par_fd > 1 and (system._full_comm is not None and
system._full_comm.size > 1)
num_par_fd = system._num_par_fd if use_parallel_fd else 1
nruns = self._nruns_uncolored
tosend = None
fd_count = 0
mycomm = system._full_comm if use_parallel_fd else system.comm
# now do uncolored solves
for group_i, tup in enumerate(approx_groups):
wrt, data, jcol_idxs, vec_ind_list, directional, direction = tup
if self._progress_out:
start_time = time.perf_counter()
if direction is not None:
app_data = self.apply_directional(data, direction)
app_data = data
mult = self._get_multiplier(data)
jidx_iter = iter(range(len(jcol_idxs)))
for vec_ind_info, vecidxs in self._vec_ind_iter(vec_ind_list):
if fd_count % num_par_fd == system._par_fd_id:
# run the finite difference
if total:
seeds = wrt if directional else (wrt,)
with system._relevance.seeds_active(fwd_seeds=seeds):
result = self._run_point(system, vec_ind_info,
app_data, results_array, total_or_semi,
result = self._run_point(system, vec_ind_info,
app_data, results_array, total_or_semi,
result = self._transform_result(result)
if direction is not None or mult != 1.0:
result *= mult
if total:
result = self._get_total_result(result, tot_result)
if vecidxs is None and not total_or_semi:
tosend = (group_i, None, None)
tosend = (group_i, next(jidx_iter), result) # use local jac row var index
if self._progress_out:
end_time = time.perf_counter()
if wrt in system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']:
prom_name = system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'][wrt]
prom_name = system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][wrt]
self._progress_out.write(f"{fd_count + 1}/{len(result)}: Checking "
f"derivatives with respect to: "
f"'{prom_name} [{vecidxs}]' ... "
f"{round(end_time - start_time, 4)} seconds\n")
elif use_parallel_fd:
next(jidx_iter) # skip this column index
fd_count += 1
# check if it's time to collect parallel FD columns
if use_parallel_fd:
if fd_count == nruns or fd_count % num_par_fd == 0:
allres = mycomm.allgather(tosend)
tosend = None
allres = [tosend]
for tup in allres:
if tup is None:
gi, icount, res = tup
if icount is None:
continue # skip yield for non-local partial jac column
# approx_groups[gi] -> (wrt, data, jcol_idxs, vec_ind_list, direction)
# [2] -> jcol_idxs, and [icount] -> actual indices used for the fd run.
jinds = approx_groups[gi][2][icount]
if directional:
yield jinds[0], res
yield jinds, res
[docs] def compute_approximations(self, system, jac=None):
Execute the system to compute the approximate sub-Jacobians.
system : System
System on which the execution is run.
jac : None or dict-like
If None, update system with the approximated sub-Jacobians. Otherwise, store the
approximations in the given dict-like object.
if not self._wrt_meta:
if system._tot_jac is not None:
jac = system._tot_jac
elif jac is None:
jac = system._jacobian
for ic, col in self.compute_approx_col_iter(system,
jac.set_col(system, ic, col)
def _compute_approx_col_iter(self, system, under_cs):
# This will either generate new approx groups or use cached ones
approx_groups, colored_approx_groups = self._get_approx_groups(system, under_cs)
if colored_approx_groups:
yield from self._colored_column_iter(system, colored_approx_groups)
yield from self._uncolored_column_iter(system, approx_groups)
def _get_total_result(self, outarr, totarr):
Convert output array into a column array that matches the size of the total jacobian.
Also gather any remote vars, if necessary, into the column array.
outarr : ndarray
Array containing local results from the outputs vector.
totarr : ndarray
Array sized to fit a total jac column.
totarr, now filled with current values, potentially from other mpi procs.
if self._jac_scatter[0]: # dist data passing
_, scatter, svec, tvec = self._jac_scatter
svec.array = outarr
tvec.array[:] = totarr
scatter.scatter(svec, tvec, addv=False, mode=False)
totarr[:] = tvec.array
_, sinds, tinds = self._jac_scatter
totarr[tinds] = outarr[sinds]
return totarr
def _is_group(obj):
Return True if the given object is Group.
obj : object
Object to be checked.
from openmdao.core.group import Group
return isinstance(obj, Group)