Source code for openmdao.visualization.tables.table_builder

Table building classes.

import sys
import os
import json
import textwrap
from itertools import zip_longest, chain
from html import escape
from dataclasses import dataclass
from numbers import Number, Integral
from openmdao.utils.notebook_utils import notebook, display, HTML, IFrame, colab
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning

_align2symbol = {
    'center': '^',
    'right': '>',
    'left': '<'

_default_align = {
    'int': 'right',
    'real': 'right',
    'bool': 'center',
    'other': 'left',

_big_table_height = 600
_row_height_px = 45  # use to size the IFrame in a notebook

def _num_cols(rows):
    ncols = None
    for row in rows:
        i = 0
        for _ in row:
            i += 1
        if ncols is None or ncols < i:
            ncols = i
    return 0 if ncols is None else ncols

[docs]class TableBuilder(object): """ Base class for all table builders. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters Data used to fill table cells. headers : iter of str, 'keys', or None If not None, header strings for all columns. Size must match number of columns in each row of data in rows. A value of 'keys' means that rows is either a dict or a list of dicts and the keys of that/those dict(s) should be used as headers. column_meta : iter of dict or None If not None, contains a dict for each table column and the dict contains values of metadata for that column. precision : int or str Precision applied to all columns of real numbers. May be overridden by column metadata for a specific column. Defaults to 4. missing_val : str A value that will replace any cell data having a value of None. Defaults to ''. max_width : int or None If not None, specifies the maximum width, in characters, allowed for the table. If the table cannot meet the max width requirement by resizing columns, the max_width is ignored. Attributes ---------- missing_val : str String to replace any data values of None. max_width : int or None If not None, specifies the maximum allowable width, in characters, of the table. _ncols : int Number of columns. _raw_rows : iter of iters Table row data from the caller, possibly converted to list of lists if caller passed in dict or iter of dicts. _rows : list of lists Table row data after initial formatting. _column_meta : dict Metadata for each column, keyed by column index, starting at 0. _data_widths : list of int Width of widest data cell in each column. _header_widths : list of int Width of each column header. _default_formats : dict Dict mapping each column type to its default format string. """ allowed_col_meta = {'header', 'align', 'header_align', 'width', 'format', 'max_width', 'min_width', 'fixed_width'} def __init__(self, rows, headers=None, column_meta=None, precision=4, missing_val='', max_width=None): """ Initialize all attributes. """ if headers in ('keys', 'firstrow'): rows, headers = self._to_rows(rows, headers) elif isinstance(headers, str): raise RuntimeError("If 'headers' is a string, it must be one of ['keys', 'firstrow'].") self._raw_rows = [] for row in rows: self._raw_rows.append(list(row)) self._ncols = _num_cols(self._raw_rows) self._rows = None # rows after initial formatting (total width not set) self._column_meta = {} self._data_widths = None # width of data in each cell before a uniform column width is set self._header_widths = None # width of headers before a uniform column width is set self.missing_val = missing_val self.max_width = max_width # these are the default format strings for the first formatting stage, # before the column width is set self._default_formats = { 'real': f"{{:.{precision}}}", 'int': "{}", 'bool': "{}", 'other': "{}", } # for convenience, allow a user to specify header strings without putting them # inside a metadata dict if headers is not None: headers = list(headers) hlen = len(headers) if hlen != self._ncols: raise RuntimeError("Number of headers and number of data columns must match, but " f"{hlen} != {self._ncols}.") for i, h in enumerate(headers): if not isinstance(h, str): h = str(h) self.update_column_meta(i, header=h) if column_meta is not None: column_meta = list(column_meta) clen = len(column_meta) if clen != self._ncols: raise RuntimeError("Number of column metadata dicts and number of data columns " f"must match, but {clen} != {self._ncols}.") for i, meta in enumerate(column_meta): self.update_column_meta(i, **meta) if headers is not None and column_meta is not None and hlen != clen: raise RuntimeError("Number of headers and number of column metadata dicts must match " f"if both are provided, but {hlen} != {clen}.") def display(self, outfile=None): """ Display this table. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None If None, print this table to stdout, else write it to the named file. """ raise NotImplementedError("The display method is not defined for class " f"'{type(self).__name__}'.") def _to_rows(self, rows, headers): """ Convert dict or iter of dicts into expected row and header data format. Parameters ---------- rows : dict or iter of dicts Table cell and header data. headers : str Either 'keys' or 'firstrow'. Returns ------- list of lists Table data cells. list of str Table headers. """ new_rows = [] if headers == 'firstrow': for i, row in enumerate(rows): if i == 0: headers = list(row) else: new_rows.append(list(row)) return new_rows, headers headers = [] if isinstance(rows, dict): # each value is a column, so re-arrange to be row major, and allow columns of # unequal length (to be compatible with tabulate). headers = list(rows.keys()) # First, get max column length maxcol = 0 for col in rows.values(): clen = len(list(col)) if clen > maxcol: maxcol = clen for col in rows.values(): if not new_rows: new_rows = [[] for i in range(maxcol)] for row, cell in zip_longest(new_rows, col, fillvalue=''): row.append(cell) else: # handle case where rows is an iter of dicts try: for row in rows: headers = list(row.keys()) break except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Since headers == 'keys', table builder was expecting an iter " f"of dicts, but got an iter of {type(row).__name__}.") for row in rows: new_rows.append(list(row.values())) return new_rows, headers def sorted_meta(self): """ Return the column metadata sorted in ascending column order. Returns ------- list The sorted column metadata. """ return [m for _, m in sorted(self._column_meta.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])] def _get_formatted_rows(self): """ Get table rows with cells after initial formatting, before final width setting. Returns ------- list The list of table rows where each cell has been formatted. """ if self._rows is None: self._update_col_meta_from_rows() sorted_cols = self.sorted_meta() self._rows = [] unequal = False maxcols = 0 for row in self._raw_rows: if self.missing_val is not None: row = [self.missing_val if v is None else v for v in row] if self._rows and len(row) != len(self._rows[-1]): unequal = True if len(row) > maxcols: maxcols = len(row) self._rows.append([self._format_cell(meta, cell) for meta, cell in zip(sorted_cols, row)]) if unequal: # make all rows have same number of cells for row in self._rows: if len(row) < maxcols: row.extend([self.missing_val] * (maxcols - len(row))) return self._rows def _cell_width(self, cell): """ Return the width of the cell. Returns ------- int The width of the cell. """ return len(cell) def _get_cell_types(self): """ Yield the type of cells each column contains. If columns have mixed types, yield 'other'. Yields ------ str The type of the current column. """ types = [] for row in self._raw_rows: if not types: types = [set() for r in row] if row is not None else [] for i, cell in enumerate(row): if isinstance(cell, Number): if isinstance(cell, bool): types[i].add('bool') elif isinstance(cell, Integral): types[i].add('int') else: types[i].add('real') elif cell is None: pass # don't add to types if cell is None else: types[i].add('other') for tset in types: if len(tset) > 1 or len(tset) == 0: yield 'other' # mixed type column (or all Nones), so just use "{}" format else: yield tset.pop() def update_column_meta(self, col_idx, **options): r""" Update metadata for the column at the specified index (starting at index 0). Parameters ---------- col_idx : int The index of the column, starting at 0. **options : dict The metadata dict will be updated with these options. """ if col_idx < 0: # allow negative indices col_idx = self._ncols + col_idx if col_idx < 0 or col_idx >= self._ncols: raise IndexError(f"Index '{col_idx}' is not a valid table column index for a table with" f" {self._ncols} columns.") if col_idx not in self._column_meta: self._column_meta[col_idx] = {} meta = self._column_meta[col_idx] for name, val in options.items(): meta[name] = val def _set_widths(self, force_set_max=False): """ Set data and header widths to their final values. Parameters ---------- force_set_max : bool If True, compute the max column widths even if the table max_width limit is violated. """ if self._data_widths is not None: return # widths already computed rows = self._get_formatted_rows() if self._rows and len(self._rows[0]) != self._ncols: raise RuntimeError(f"Number of row entries ({len(self._rows[0])}) must match number of " f"columns ({self._ncols}) in TableBuilder.") self._data_widths = [0] * self._ncols self._header_widths = [0] * self._ncols for row in rows: for i, cell in enumerate(row): wid = self._cell_width(cell) if wid > self._data_widths[i]: self._data_widths[i] = wid # set widths and min widths for i, meta in enumerate(self.sorted_meta()): self._header_widths[i] = 0 if meta['header'] is None else len(meta['header']) self._set_min_widths() self._set_max_column_widths(force_set_max) def _format_cell(self, meta, cell): """ Apply the initial formatting (before final width setting) to a cell. Parameters ---------- meta : dict Column metadata dict. cell : object Data contained in a table cell. """ if cell is None: return '' try: return meta['format'].format(cell) except Exception: return f'{cell}' def _update_col_meta_from_rows(self): """ Fill in missing column metadata based on the data types of column contents. """ for i, col_type in enumerate(self._get_cell_types()): align = _default_align[col_type] meta = { 'header': None, 'format': self._default_formats[col_type], 'align': align, 'header_align': align, 'max_width': None, 'col_type': col_type } if i in self._column_meta: meta.update(self._column_meta[i]) self._column_meta[i] = meta def needs_wrap(self): """ Return True if the width of the table or any column exceeds the its specified max_width. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether or not this table requires word wrapping to fit the maximum width. """ needs_wrap = self.max_width is not None and self.max_width < self._get_total_width() if not needs_wrap: for meta in self._column_meta.values(): if meta['max_width'] is not None: return True return needs_wrap def _set_min_widths(self): """ Set minimum width for columns. """ for meta, wcell in zip(self.sorted_meta(), self._data_widths): header = meta['header'] # check if header is splittable into words, and if so, allow for min_width using a # split header if min_width will be > min data width. if header is not None and header.strip(): longest_part = max(len(word) for word in header.strip().split()) else: longest_part = 0 if meta['col_type'] == 'other': # strings meta['min_width'] = max(10, longest_part) else: meta['min_width'] = max(wcell, longest_part) def _set_max_column_widths(self, force_set_max=False): """ Set the maximum allowable column widths based on the table max_width. Parameters ---------- force_set_max : bool If True, compute the max column widths even if the table max_width limit is violated. """ # check for case where total table width is specified and we have to set max_width on # column(s) as a result if self.max_width is not None and self.max_width < self._get_total_width(): winfo = [[i, w, meta['min_width']] for (i, meta), w in zip(enumerate(self.sorted_meta()), self._get_column_widths()) if not meta.get('fixed_width')] fixed_width = self._get_total_width() - sum([w for _, w, _ in winfo]) allowed_width = self.max_width - fixed_width # subtract 1 from the widest column until we meet the total max_width requirement, # or get as close as we can without violating a minimum allowed width. while sum([w for _, w, _ in winfo]) > allowed_width: for info in sorted(winfo, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): _, width, min_width = info if width - 1 >= min_width: info[1] -= 1 break else: break if force_set_max or sum([w for _, w, _ in winfo]) <= allowed_width: for i, w, _ in winfo: self._column_meta[i]['max_width'] = w def _get_column_widths(self): """ Return the width of each column. Returns ------- list The column widths. """ return [max(wd, wh) for wd, wh in zip(self._data_widths, self._header_widths)] def write(self, outfile=None): """ Write this table to the given output file. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None The output file. If None, assume table should be sent to stdout. Returns ------- str or None The output file name or None if written to stdout. """ if outfile is None: sys.stdout.write(str(self)) else: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self)) return outfile
@dataclass(frozen=True) class Line: """ Information about a line in the table. Parameters ---------- left : str Left border string. sep : str Column separator. right : str Right border string. hline : str Horizontal line string. Attributes ---------- left : str Left border string. sep : str Column separator. right : str Right border string. hline : str Horizontal line string. """ left: str = '' sep: str = '' right: str = '' hline: str = '' def get_border_line(self, widths): """ Return a border line given the column widths. Parameters ---------- widths : list of int Column widths. Returns ------- str The border line. """ line = self.sep.join([(self.hline * w)[:w] for w in widths]) return ''.join((self.left, line, self.right)) def get_data_line(self, cells): """ Return a table line containing the given cells. Parameters ---------- cells : list of str Contents of table columns for the current row. Returns ------- str The table line containing the cells, with separators and left and right borders. """ return ''.join((self.left, self.sep.join(cells), self.right))
[docs]class TextTableBuilder(TableBuilder): r""" Base class for all text-based table builders. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters Data used to fill table cells. top_border : Line Top border info. header_bottom_border : Line Header bottom border info. bottom_border : Line Bottom border info. header_line : Line Header line info. data_row_line : Line Data row line info. row_separator : Line or None If not None, info for lines between data rows. **kwargs : dict Keyword args for the base class. Attributes ---------- top_border : Line Top border info. header_bottom_border : Line Header bottom border info. bottom_border : Line Bottom border info. header_line : Line Header line info. data_row_line : Line Data row line info. row_separator : Line or None If not None, info for lines between data rows. """ def __init__(self, rows, top_border=Line('| ', '---', ' |', '-'), header_bottom_border=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |', '-'), bottom_border=Line('| ', '---', ' |', '-'), header_line=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), data_row_line=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), row_separator=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. """ super().__init__(rows, **kwargs) self.top_border = top_border self.header_line = header_line self.header_bottom_border = header_bottom_border self.bottom_border = bottom_border self.data_row_line = data_row_line self.row_separator = row_separator def _get_total_width(self): """ Return the total table width in characters. """ tot = sum(self._get_column_widths()) tot += (len(self._column_meta) - 1) * len(self.top_border.sep) tot += len(self.top_border.left) + len(self.top_border.right) return tot def _get_fixed_width_cell(self, col_meta, cell, width, align_name): """ Return a string of the specified width and alignment for the given cell. Parameters ---------- col_meta : dict Metadata for the current column. cell : object The cell data. width : int The desired width of the returned cell string. align_name : str The name of the alignment metadata, either 'align' or 'header_align', used to retrieve the corresponding alignment symbol needed for string formatting. Returns ------- str A string of the specified width containing the cell data, aligned as specified. """ align = col_meta.get(align_name, 'left') try: sym = _align2symbol[align] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Expected one of ['left', 'right', 'center'] for '{align_name}' " f"metadata, but got '{align}'.") return f"{cell:{sym}{width}}" def get_lengthened_columns(self, sorted_cols, header_cells, widths): """ Yield as many rows of cells as needed to allow for multi-line cells due to word wrapping. Parameters ---------- sorted_cols : list of dict List of sorted column metadata. header_cells : list of str List of header strings. widths : list of int Column widths. Yields ------ list Each row after expanding due to word wrapping. """ cell_lists = [] for meta, cell, wid in zip(sorted_cols, header_cells, widths): maxwid = meta['max_width'] if maxwid is not None and maxwid < len(cell): lines = textwrap.wrap(cell, maxwid) wid = maxwid elif '\n' in cell: lines = cell.split('\n') else: cell_lists.append([cell]) continue sym = _align2symbol[meta['header_align']] if sym == '^': # center lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] # ensure all cells have same width in this column cell_lists.append([f"{line:{sym}{wid}}" for line in lines]) # now find longest column maxlen = max([len(lst) for lst in cell_lists]) for r in range(maxlen): cells = [] for clist in cell_lists: if len(clist) > r: cells.append(clist[r]) else: cells.append(' ' * len(clist[0])) yield cells def _stringified_header_iter(self): """ Yield one or more rows of header cells. Yields ------ list Each header row after expanding due to word wrapping. """ header_cells = [None] * self._ncols self._set_widths() widths = self._get_column_widths() sorted_cols = self.sorted_meta() for i, meta in enumerate(sorted_cols): header = meta['header'] if header is not None: header_cells[i] = self._get_fixed_width_cell(meta, header, widths[i], 'header_align') yield from self.get_lengthened_columns(sorted_cols, header_cells, widths) def _stringified_row_iter(self): """ Yield rows of data cells, allowing for multi-line rows due to word wrapping. The cells are all strings with the same width as their column. Yields ------ list List of cells for the current row. """ self._set_widths() widths = self._get_column_widths() row_cells = [None] * len(self._column_meta) sorted_cols = self.sorted_meta() for row in self._get_formatted_rows(): for i, meta in enumerate(sorted_cols): row_cells[i] = self._get_fixed_width_cell(meta, row[i], widths[i], 'align') cell_lists = [] for meta, cell, wid in zip(sorted_cols, row_cells, widths): maxwid = meta['max_width'] if maxwid is not None and maxwid < len(cell): lines = textwrap.wrap(cell, maxwid) if not lines: # empty cell or whitespace lines = [''] wid = maxwid elif '\n' in cell: lines = cell.split('\n') else: cell_lists.append([cell]) continue sym = _align2symbol[meta['align']] if sym == '^': # center lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] # ensure all cells have same width in this column cell_lists.append([f"{line:{sym}{wid}}" for line in lines]) # now find longest column maxlen = max([len(lst) for lst in cell_lists]) cell_list_group = [] for r in range(maxlen): cells = [] for clist in cell_lists: if len(clist) > r: cells.append(clist[r]) else: w = len(clist[0]) if clist else 0 cells.append(' ' * w) cell_list_group.append(cells) yield cell_list_group def get_top_border(self, widths): """ Return the top border string for this table. Parameters ---------- widths : list of int Column widths. Returns ------- str The top border string. """ return self.top_border.get_border_line(widths) def get_header_bottom_border(self, widths): """ Return the header bottom border string for this table. Parameters ---------- widths : list of int Column widths. Returns ------- str The header bottom border string. """ return self.header_bottom_border.get_border_line(widths) def get_bottom_border(self, widths): """ Return the bottom border string for this table. Parameters ---------- widths : list of int List of column widths. Returns ------- str The bottom border string. """ return self.bottom_border.get_border_line(widths) def __str__(self): """ Return this table to a string. Returns ------- str This table as a string. """ header_lines = [] data_lines = [] row_cells = None row_list = list(self._stringified_row_iter()) if row_list: widths = [len(c) for c in row_list[0][0]] else: widths = [] for i, cell_list_group in enumerate(row_list): if i > 0 and self.row_separator: data_lines.append(self.row_separator.get_border_line(widths)) for row_cells in cell_list_group: data_lines.append(self.data_row_line.get_data_line(row_cells)) if self.bottom_border: data_lines.append(self.get_bottom_border(widths)) if row_cells is not None and self.top_border: header_lines.append(self.get_top_border(widths)) if sum(self._header_widths) > 0: for header_cells in self._stringified_header_iter(): header_lines.append(self.header_line.get_data_line(header_cells)) if self.header_bottom_border: header_lines.append(self.get_header_bottom_border(widths)) return '\n'.join(chain(header_lines, data_lines)) def display(self, outfile=None): """ Display this table. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None If None, print this table to stdout, else write it to the named file. Returns ------- str or None The name of the file where the table was written, or None if it was written to stdout. """ if outfile is None: sys.stdout.write(str(self)) sys.stdout.write('\n') return with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self)) f.write('\n') return outfile
class GithubTableBuilder(TextTableBuilder): r""" Class that generates a table in Github markdown format. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters Data used to fill table cells. **kwargs : dict Keyword args for the base class. """ def __init__(self, rows, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. """ super().__init__(rows, top_border=None, header_bottom_border=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |', '-'), bottom_border=None, header_line=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), data_row_line=Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), **kwargs) def _repr_markdown_(self): return str(self) def get_header_bottom_border(self, widths): """ Return the header bottom border string. Parameters ---------- widths : list of int Column widths. Returns ------- str The header bottom border string. """ parts = [] for i, width in enumerate(widths): meta = self._column_meta[i] align = meta['align'] left = right = '' size = width if align == 'left': left = ':' size -= 1 elif align == 'right': right = ':' size -= 1 else: # center left = right = ':' size -= 2 parts.append(left + (self.header_bottom_border.hline * size) + right) return ''.join((self.header_bottom_border.left, self.header_bottom_border.sep.join(parts), self.header_bottom_border.right)) def needs_wrap(self): """ Return False. This table does not allow word wrapping. Returns ------- False No wrapping will be used. """ return False # github tables seem to have no support for text wrapping in columns def _to_inline_style(dct): """ For the given dict, return an inline HTML style string. Parameters ---------- dct : dict The dict containing style parameters and their values. Returns ------- str The inline style string. """ parts = ' '.join([f"{name}: {val};" for name, val in dct.items()]) if parts: return f' style="{parts}"' return '' _default_html_table = 'table.html'
[docs]class HTMLTableBuilder(TableBuilder): r""" Class that generates a table in plain HTML format. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters Data used to fill table cells. html_id : str or None If not None, the HTML id for the <table> block. title : str or None If not None, the title appearing above the table on the web page. center : bool If True, center the table on the page. style : dict or None If not None, a dict mapping table style parameters to their values. safe : bool If True (the default), html escape text in the cells. **kwargs : dict Keyword args for the base class. Attributes ---------- _html_id : str or None If not None, this is the html id of the table block. _title : str or None If not None, this is the title that will appear on the web page above the table. _safe : bool If True (the default), html escape text in the cells. _data_style : dict Contains style metadata for <td> blocks. _header_style : dict Contains style metadata for <th> blocks. _style : dict or None Contains style metadata for the table. """ allowed_col_meta = TableBuilder.allowed_col_meta.union({ 'header_style', 'style', }) def __init__(self, rows, html_id=None, title='', center=False, style=None, safe=True, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. """ super().__init__(rows, **kwargs) self._data_style = { 'border': '1px solid #999', 'border-collapse': 'collapse', 'padding': '5px', } self._header_style = { 'border': '1px solid #999', 'border-collapse': 'collapse', 'padding': '5px', 'background-color': '#E9E9E9', } tstyle = { 'border': '1px solid #999', 'border-collapse': 'collapse', } if center: tstyle['margin'] = 'auto' if style is not None: tstyle.update(style) self._style = tstyle self._html_id = html_id self._title = title self._safe = safe def _repr_html_(self): return str(self) def _stringified_row_iter(self): """ Yield rows of string data cells whose width matches their column width. Yields ------ list List of cells for the current row. """ for row in self._get_formatted_rows(): yield row def _assemble(self): rlines = [] def _escape(s): if s is None: return '' elif self._safe: return escape(s) return s for irow, row_cells in enumerate(self._stringified_row_iter()): row_style = {'background-color': '#F3F3F3' if irow % 2 else 'ghostwhite'} parts = [f" <tr{_to_inline_style(row_style)}>"] for cell, meta in zip(row_cells, self.sorted_meta()): style = self._data_style.copy() style['text-align'] = meta['align'] parts.append(f'<td{_to_inline_style(style)}>{_escape(cell)}</td>') parts.append("</tr>") rlines.append(''.join(parts)) lines = [] html_id = f' id="{self._html_id}"' if self._html_id else '' lines.append(f'<table{html_id}{_to_inline_style(self._style)}>') # we do the header out-of-order with the rows here because we need to # query the rows first to determine column data type to fill in missing # parts of the column metadata. # First, make sure we actually have a header has_header = False for meta in self.sorted_meta(): if meta['header'] is not None: has_header = True break if has_header: hparts = [" <tr>"] for meta in self.sorted_meta(): style = self._header_style.copy() style['text-align'] = meta['header_align'] if 'header_style' in meta and meta['header_style']: style.update(meta['header_style']) header_style = _to_inline_style(style) hparts.append(f"<th{header_style}>{_escape(meta['header'])}</th>") hparts.append("</tr>") lines.append(''.join(hparts)) lines.extend(rlines) # now add the rows back in lines.append("</table>") return '\n'.join(lines) def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the Table. """ return textwrap.dedent(""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> h2 {{ text-align: center; }} </style> </head> <body> <h2>{}</h2> {} </body> </html> """).format(self._title, textwrap.indent(self._assemble(), ' ')) def write(self, outfile=_default_html_table): """ Write this table to the given output file. If outfile is not given, write this table to 'table.html' in the current directory. Parameters ---------- outfile : str The output file where the HTML will be written. Returns ------- str The name of the file where the table was written. """ with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(self)) return outfile def display(self, outfile=None): """ Display this table, either in a notebook or a browser. This table will also be written to outfile. If outfile is not supplied, the table will be written to 'table.html' in the current directory. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None Table will be written to this file. If None, write this table to '{_default_html_table}'. Returns ------- str The name of the file where the table was written. """ if outfile is None: outfile = _default_html_table self.write(outfile) if notebook: if not colab: height = min(_big_table_height, len(self._rows) * _row_height_px) display(IFrame(src=outfile, width="100%", height=height)) else: display(HTML(outfile)) else: # open it up in the browser from openmdao.utils.webview import webview webview(outfile) return outfile
_tabulator_typemeta = { 'bool': { 'align': 'center', 'formatter': 'tickCross', 'formatterParams': {'crossElement': False}, 'titleFormatter': 'textarea', 'filter': 'tickCross', 'headerFilterParams': {'tristate': True}, 'sorter': 'string', }, 'int': { 'align': 'right', 'formatter': 'plaintext', 'titleFormatter': 'textarea', 'filter': False, 'sorter': 'number', }, 'real': { 'align': 'right', 'formatter': 'plaintext', 'titleFormatter': 'textarea', 'filter': False, 'sorter': 'number', }, 'other': { 'align': 'left', 'formatter': 'textarea', 'titleFormatter': 'textarea', 'filter': 'input', 'sorter': 'string', } } _default_tabulator_file = 'tabulator_table.html'
[docs]class TabulatorJSBuilder(TableBuilder): r""" Class that generates an interactive table using Tabulator.js. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters Data used to fill table cells. html_id : str or None If not None, the HTML id for the <table> block. title : str or None If not None, the title appearing above the table on the web page. filter : bool If True, include filter fields in the column headers where it makes sense. sort : bool If True, add sorting to column headers. center : bool If True, center the table on the page. table_meta : dict or None If not None, a dict of Tabulator.js metadata names mapped to their values. **kwargs : dict Keyword args for the base class. Attributes ---------- _html_id : str or None If not None, this is the html id of the table block. _title : str or None If not None, this is the title that will appear on the web page above the table. _filter : bool If True, include filter fields in the column headers where it makes sense. _sort : bool If True, add sorting to column headers. _center : bool If True, center the table on the page. _table_meta : dict Metadata for the table. font_size : int The font size used by the table. """ allowed_col_meta = TableBuilder.allowed_col_meta.union({ 'filter', 'header_align', 'sorter', 'formatter', 'formatterParams', 'labelField', 'target', }) def __init__(self, rows, html_id='tabul-table', title='', filter=True, sort=True, center=False, table_meta=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize all attributes. """ super().__init__(rows, **kwargs) self._html_id = html_id if html_id.startswith('#') else '#' + html_id self._title = title self._filter = filter self._sort = sort self._center = center self._table_meta = { 'autoResize': True, } if table_meta is not None: self._table_meta.update(table_meta) self.font_size = 14 def _cell_width(self, cell): """ Return given cell's width in characters. This table's bool cells are left as bools instead of converted to strings in order to make the Tabulator.js table filtering work properly for bool columns, so this method will return a width for bool cells. Parameters ---------- cell : str or bool The contents of the current table cell. Returns ------- int The width of the cell. """ # special handling for bool cells if isinstance(cell, bool): return 5 return len(cell) def _format_cell(self, meta, cell): """ Return the string formatted form of the cell, but leave bool cells unmodified. Parameters ---------- meta : dict The metadata for the current column. cell : str or bool The current table cell. Returns ------- str or bool The formatted cell if it's a str, else the unmodified cell. """ if isinstance(cell, bool): return cell return super()._format_cell(meta, cell) def _get_total_width(self): """ Return the total table width in characters. Returns ------- int The total table width. """ return sum(self._get_column_widths()) def _stringified_row_iter(self): """ Yield rows of string data cells. Yields ------ list List of cells for the current row. """ self._set_widths(force_set_max=True) for row in self._get_formatted_rows(): yield row def _update_col_meta_from_rows(self): """ Fill in missing column metadata based on the data types of column contents. """ for i, col_type in enumerate(self._get_cell_types()): meta = _tabulator_typemeta[col_type].copy() meta['format'] = self._default_formats[col_type] meta['header_align'] = meta['align'] meta['max_width'] = None meta['col_type'] = col_type meta['header'] = None if i in self._column_meta: meta.update(self._column_meta[i]) self._column_meta[i] = meta def _get_table_data(self): """ Return table data in a format that can be converted to json for Tabulator.js to use. Returns ------- dict A dict to be converted to json and provided to Tabulator.js. """ rows = [] idx = 1 # unique ID for use by Tabulator for row_cells in self._stringified_row_iter(): dct = {'id': idx} for i, cell in enumerate(row_cells): dct[f'c{i}'] = cell rows.append(dct) idx += 1 if 'layout' not in self._table_meta: if self.needs_wrap(): self._table_meta['layout'] = 'fitColumns' else: self._table_meta['layout'] = 'fitDataTable' if self._table_meta['layout'] == 'fitColumns': self._setup_fit_columns_layout() cols = [] for i, meta in enumerate(self.sorted_meta()): cmeta = { 'field': f'c{i}', # can't eliminate headers from tabulator.js tables, so just set to ' ' if None. # Setting to '' results in the header containing '&nbsp' which doesn't look great. 'title': ' ' if meta['header'] is None else meta['header'], 'hozAlign': meta['align'], 'headerHozAlign': meta['header_align'], 'headerFilter': meta['filter'] if self._filter else False, 'sorter': meta['sorter'] if self._sort else False, 'headerSort': self._sort, 'formatter': meta['formatter'], # plaintext, textarea, html, money, image, link, # tickCross, traffic, star, progress, color, # buttonTick, buttonCross, 'formatterParams': meta.get('formatterParams'), 'titleFormatter': meta.get('titleFormatter'), 'titleFormatterParams': meta.get('titleFormatterParams'), 'editor': meta.get('editor'), 'editorParams': meta.get('editorParams'), 'headerFilterParams': meta.get('headerFilterParams'), 'widthGrow': meta.get('widthGrow'), 'widthShrink': meta.get('widthShrink'), 'tooltip': meta.get('tooltip'), 'visible': meta.get('visible', True), } width = meta.get('width') if width is not None: cmeta['width'] = width cols.append(cmeta) # for big tables, use virtual DOM for speed (setting height activates it) if idx - 1 > 60 and ('height' not in self._table_meta or self._table_meta['height'] is None): self._table_meta['height'] = _big_table_height self._table_meta['data'] = rows self._table_meta['columns'] = cols return { 'id': self._html_id, 'title': self._title, 'meta': self._table_meta, } def _setup_fit_columns_layout(self): smeta = self.sorted_meta() maxws = [m['max_width'] for m in smeta] if None in maxws: issue_warning("Can't use 'layout' of 'fitColumns' with columns that have no " "max_width set. Switching to layout of 'fitDataTable'.") self._table_meta['layout'] = 'fitDataTable' return mx = sum(maxws) pcts = [int(w / mx * 100) for w in maxws] rempcts = 100 - sum(pcts) while rempcts > 0: for i in range(len(pcts)): if rempcts > 0: pcts[i] += 1 rempcts -= 1 else: break for pct, meta in zip(pcts, smeta): meta['width'] = f"{pct}%" def write(self, outfile=_default_tabulator_file): """ Write this table to the given output file. If outfile is not given, write this table to 'tabulator_table.html' in the current directory. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None If not None, the output file where the HTML will be written. Returns ------- str The output file name. """ outfile = os.path.relpath(outfile) with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(self)) return outfile def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the Table. Returns ------- str This table as a string. """ import openmdao.visualization code_dir = os.path.dirname(openmdao.visualization.__file__) libs_dir = os.path.join(code_dir, 'common', 'libs') style_dir = os.path.join(code_dir, 'common', 'style') format_dct = {} if self._center: format_dct['table_div_style'] = 'class="center"' else: format_dct['table_div_style'] = '' with open(os.path.join(code_dir, 'tables', 'generic_table.template'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: template = with open(os.path.join(libs_dir, 'tabulator.5.4.4.min.js'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: tabulator_src = format_dct['tabulator_src'] = tabulator_src with open(os.path.join(style_dir, 'tabulator.5.4.4.min.css'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: tabulator_style = format_dct['tabulator_style'] = tabulator_style jsontxt = json.dumps(self._get_table_data()) format_dct['table_data'] = jsontxt return template.format(**format_dct) def display(self, outfile=None): """ Display this table, either in a notebook or a browser. This table will also be written to outfile. If outfile is not supplied, the table will be written to '{_default_tabulator_file}' in the current directory. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or None If None, write this table to '{_default_tabulator_file}'. Returns ------- str The name of the file where the table was written. """ if outfile is None: outfile = _default_tabulator_file self.write(outfile) if notebook: if not colab: height = min(_big_table_height, len(self._rows) * _row_height_px) display(IFrame(src=outfile, width="100%", height=height)) else: display(HTML(outfile)) else: # open it up in the browser from openmdao.utils.webview import webview webview(outfile) return outfile
[docs]def generate_table(rows, tablefmt='text', **options): r""" Return the specified table builder class. Parameters ---------- rows : iter of iters This specifies the cells in each table row. tablefmt : str This determines which table builder object will be returned. **options : dict Named arguments specific to a given table builder class. Returns ------- TableBuilder A table builder object. """ _text_formats = { 'rst': { 'top_border': Line('', ' ', '', '='), 'header_line': Line('', ' ', ''), 'header_bottom_border': Line('', ' ', '', '='), 'bottom_border': Line('', ' ', '', '='), 'data_row_line': Line('', ' ', '') }, 'grid': { 'top_border': Line('+-', '-+-', '-+', '-'), 'header_line': Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), 'header_bottom_border': Line('+=', '=+=', '=+', '='), 'bottom_border': Line('+-', '-+-', '-+', '-'), 'data_row_line': Line('| ', ' | ', ' |'), 'row_separator': Line('+-', '-+-', '-+', '-') }, 'simple_grid': { 'top_border': Line("┌─", "─┬─", "─┐", "─"), 'header_line': Line("│ ", " │ ", " │"), 'header_bottom_border': Line("├─", "─┼─", "─┤", "─"), 'row_separator': Line("├─", "─┼─", "─┤", "─"), 'bottom_border': Line("└─", "─┴─", "─┘", "─"), 'data_row_line': Line("│ ", " │ ", " │"), }, 'heavy_grid': { 'top_border': Line("┏━", "━┳━", "━┓", "━"), 'header_line': Line("┃ ", " ┃ ", " ┃"), 'header_bottom_border': Line("┣━", "━╋━", "━┫", "━"), 'row_separator': Line("┣━", "━╋━", "━┫", "━"), 'bottom_border': Line("┗━", "━┻━", "━┛", "━"), 'data_row_line': Line("┃ ", " ┃ ", " ┃"), }, 'double_grid': { 'top_border': Line("╔═", "═╦═", "═╗", "═"), 'header_line': Line("║ ", " ║ ", " ║"), 'header_bottom_border': Line("╠═", "═╬═", "═╣", "═"), 'row_separator': Line("╠═", "═╬═", "═╣", "═"), 'bottom_border': Line("╚═", "═╩═", "═╝", "═"), 'data_row_line': Line("║ ", " ║ ", " ║"), }, 'box_grid': { 'top_border': Line("╔═", "═╤═", "═╗", "═"), 'header_line': Line("║ ", " ┊ ", " ║"), 'header_bottom_border': Line("╠═", "═╪═", "═╣", "═"), 'row_separator': Line("╟┈", "┈┿┈", "┈╢", "┈"), 'bottom_border': Line("╚═", "═╧═", "═╝", "═"), 'data_row_line': Line("║ ", " ┊ ", " ║"), }, } for fmt in list(_text_formats): if 'grid' in fmt: dct = _text_formats[fmt].copy() dct['row_separator'] = None _text_formats[fmt.replace('grid', 'outline')] = dct _table_types = { 'text': TextTableBuilder, 'github': GithubTableBuilder, 'tabulator': TabulatorJSBuilder, 'html': HTMLTableBuilder, } if tablefmt in _text_formats: kwargs = _text_formats[tablefmt].copy() kwargs['rows'] = rows kwargs.update(**options) return TextTableBuilder(**kwargs) try: builder = _table_types[tablefmt] except Exception: raise KeyError(f"'{tablefmt}' is not a valid type choice for generate_table. Valid " f"choices are: {sorted(_table_types)}.") return builder(rows, **options)