Routines to compute coloring for use with simultaneous derivatives.
import datetime
import io
import os
import time
import pathlib
import pickle
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
import webbrowser
import inspect
from itertools import combinations, groupby
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pprint import pprint
from packaging.version import Version
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix
from openmdao.core.constants import INT_DTYPE, _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import _src_name_iter, pattern_filter
import openmdao.utils.hooks as hooks
from openmdao.utils.file_utils import _load_and_exec
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning, OMDeprecationWarning, DerivativesWarning
from openmdao.utils.reports_system import register_report
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import submat_sparsity_iter
from openmdao.devtools.memory import mem_usage
from openmdao.utils.name_maps import rel_name2abs_name
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot
if Version(mpl.__version__) < Version("3.6"):
from matplotlib import cm
except ImportError:
mpl = None
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapper, ColumnDataSource, CustomJSHover, \
Div, HoverTool, PreText
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.palettes import Blues256, Reds256, gray, interp_palette
from bokeh.plotting import figure
import bokeh.resources as bokeh_resources
from bokeh.transform import transform
import bokeh.io
except ImportError:
bokeh_resources = None
author = {Thomas F. Coleman and Arun Verma},
title = {The Efficient Computation of Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation},
journal = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing},
year = 1998,
number = 4,
pages = {1210-1233},
month = 7,
volume = 19
# If this is True, then IF simul coloring is specified, use it.
# If False, don't use it regardless.
# The command line total_coloring command makes this False when generating a
# new coloring.
_use_total_sparsity = True
# If this is True, then IF partial/semi-total coloring is specified, use it.
# If False, don't use it regardless.
# The command line partial_coloring command makes this False when generating a
# new partial/semi-total coloring.
_use_partial_sparsity = True
# If True, ignore use_fixed_coloring if the coloring passed to it is _STD_COLORING_FNAME.
# This is used when the 'openmdao partial_coloring' or 'openmdao total_coloring' commands
# are running, because the intent there is to generate new coloring files regardless of
# whether use_fixed_coloring was called.
_force_dyn_coloring = False
# used as an indicator that we should automatically name coloring file based on class module
# path or system pathname
_default_coloring_imagefile = 'coloring.png'
# default values related to the computation of a sparsity matrix
'tol': 1e-25, # use this tolerance to determine what's a zero when determining sparsity
'orders': None, # num orders += around 'tol' for the tolerance sweep when determining sparsity
'num_full_jacs': 3, # number of full jacobians to generate before computing sparsity
'perturb_size': 1e-9, # size of input/output perturbation during generation of sparsity
'min_improve_pct': 5., # don't use coloring unless at least 5% decrease in number of solves
'show_summary': True, # if True, print a short summary of the coloring
'show_sparsity': False, # if True, show a plot of the sparsity
'use_scaling': False, # if True, use driver scaling when computing sparsity
# (total coloring only)
# A dict containing colorings that have been generated during the current execution.
# When a dynamic coloring is specified for a particular class and per_instance is False,
# this dict can be checked for an existing class version of the coloring that can be used
# for that instance.
[docs]class InvalidColoringError(Exception):
A custom error class that is raised in the event of an invalid coloring.
[docs]class Coloring(object):
Container for all information relevant to a coloring.
sparsity : ndarray or coo_matrix or csc_matrix or csr_matrix
Jacobian sparsity matrix, dtype=bool.
row_vars : list of str or None
Names of variables corresponding to rows.
row_var_sizes : ndarray or None
Sizes of row variables.
col_vars : list of str or None
Names of variables corresponding to columns.
col_var_sizes : ndarray or None
Sizes of column variables.
_shape : tuple of int (nrows, ncols)
Tuple describing the shape of the sparsity matrix.
_nzrows : ndarray of int
Row indices of nonzero entries in the full jac sparsity matrix.
_nzcols : ndarray of int
Column indices of nonzero entries in the full jac sparsity matrix.
_pct_nonzero : float
If known, percentage of nonzero vs total array entries.
_fwd : tuple (col_lists, row_maps) or None
Contains lists of grouped columns and nonzero rows for each column for forward coloring.
_rev : tuple (col_lists, row_maps) or None
Contains lists of grouped columns and nonzero rows for each column for reverse coloring.
_col_vars : list of str or None
Names of variables corresponding to columns.
_col_var_sizes : ndarray or None
Sizes of column variables.
_row_vars : list of str or None
Names of variables corresponding to rows.
_row_var_sizes : ndarray or None
Sizes of row variables.
_meta : dict
Dictionary of metadata used to create the coloring.
_names_array : ndarray or None:
Names of total jacobian rows or columns.
_local_array : ndarray or None:
Indices of total jacobian rows or columns.
_abs2prom : {'input': dict, 'output': dict}
Dictionary mapping absolute names to promoted names.
_subtractions : list
List of subtraction tuples. Only used for the substitution method of bidirectional coloring.
[docs] def __init__(self, sparsity, row_vars=None, row_var_sizes=None, col_vars=None,
Initialize data structures.
self._shape = sparsity.shape
if isinstance(sparsity, np.ndarray):
self._nzrows, self._nzcols = np.nonzero(sparsity)
self._pct_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(sparsity) / (self._shape[0] * self._shape[1]) * 100
else: # sparse
coo = sparsity.tocoo()
self._nzrows = coo.row
self._nzcols = coo.col
self._pct_nonzero = coo.row.size / (self._shape[0] * self._shape[1]) * 100
self._row_vars = row_vars
self._row_var_sizes = row_var_sizes
self._col_vars = col_vars
self._col_var_sizes = col_var_sizes
self._fwd = None
self._rev = None
self._meta = {
'source': '',
self._names_array = {'fwd': None, 'rev': None}
self._local_array = {'fwd': None, 'rev': None}
self._abs2prom = None
self._subtractions = None
[docs] def get_renamed_copy(self, row_translate, col_translate):
Return a new Coloring object with the variables renamed.
row_translate : dict
Dictionary mapping old row names to new row names.
col_translate : dict
Dictionary mapping old column names to new column names.
New Coloring object with the variables renamed.
row_vars = [row_translate[v] for v in self._row_vars]
col_vars = [col_translate[v] for v in self._col_vars]
c = Coloring(self.sparsity, row_vars, self._row_var_sizes, col_vars, self._col_var_sizes)
c._fwd = self._fwd
c._rev = self._rev
c._meta = self._meta.copy()
c._names_array = self._names_array
c._local_array = self._local_array
c._abs2prom = self._abs2prom
return c
[docs] def color_iter(self, direction):
Given a direction, yield an iterator over column (or row) groups.
direction : str
Derivative direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
list of int
Lists of column indices (in fwd mode) or row indices (in rev mode).
if direction == 'fwd':
colors = self._fwd[0]
elif direction == 'rev':
colors = self._rev[0]
raise RuntimeError("Invalid direction '%s' in color_iter" % direction)
yield from colors
[docs] def color_nonzero_iter(self, direction):
Given a direction, yield an iterator over (columns, nz_rows) or (rows, nz_columns).
direction : str
Indicates which coloring subdict ('fwd' or 'rev') to use.
(column or row groups, nonzero row or column lists)
Yields a list of columns/rows and their associated nonzero rows/columns for each
nz_rows = self.get_row_col_map(direction)
for col_chunk in self.color_iter(direction):
yield col_chunk, [nz_rows[c] for c in col_chunk]
[docs] def colored_jac_iter(self, compressed_j, direction, trans=None):
Yield nonzero parts of columns (fwd) or rows (rev) of a colored jacobian.
compressed_j : ndarray
The compressed jacobian.
direction : str
Derivative computation direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
trans : ndarray
Index array to translate from compressed jac in function context to openmdao jac.
Nonzero part of current jacobian column or row.
Indices into full jacobian column or row where nonzero values should be placed.
Index into the full jacobian of the current column or row.
if direction == 'fwd':
for i, (nzs, nzparts) in enumerate(self.color_nonzero_iter(direction)):
for jac_icol, nzpart in zip(nzs, nzparts):
if trans is not None:
jac_icol = trans[jac_icol]
yield compressed_j[nzpart, i], nzpart, jac_icol
else: # rev
for i, (nzs, nzparts) in enumerate(self.color_nonzero_iter(direction)):
for jac_irow, nzpart in zip(nzs, nzparts):
yield compressed_j[i, nzpart], nzpart, jac_irow
[docs] def expand_jac(self, compressed_j, direction):
Expand the given compressed jacobian into a full jacobian.
compressed_j : ndarray
The compressed jacobian.
direction : str
Derivative computation direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
The full jacobian.
if direction == 'fwd':
J = np.zeros(self._shape)
for col, nzpart, icol in self.colored_jac_iter(compressed_j, direction):
J[nzpart, icol] = col
return J
else: # rev
J = np.zeros(self._shape)
for row, nzpart, irow in self.colored_jac_iter(compressed_j, direction):
J[irow, nzpart] = row
return J
[docs] def get_row_col_map(self, direction):
Return mapping of nonzero rows to each column (fwd) or nonzeros columns to each row (rev).
direction : str
Indicator of forward mode ('fwd') or reverse mode ('rev').
list of lists of int
List where each entry contains list of nonzero rows/cols for the index corresponding
to each column/row.
if direction == 'fwd':
return self._fwd[1]
elif direction == 'rev':
return self._rev[1]
raise RuntimeError("Invalid direction '%s' in get_row_col_map" % direction)
[docs] def modes(self):
Return a tuple containing the modes included in this coloring.
Tuple containing some subset of ('fwd', 'rev').
if self._fwd and self._rev:
return ('fwd', 'rev')
elif self._fwd:
return ('fwd',)
elif self._rev:
return ('rev',)
return ()
def _solves_info(self):
Return info about the number of colors given the current coloring scheme.
Total size (minimum chosen based on which mode is better).
Total solves.
Number of forward solves.
Number of reverse solves.
Percent improvment.
rev_size = self._shape[0] # nrows
fwd_size = self._shape[1] # ncols
tot_solves = self.total_solves()
fwd_solves = rev_solves = 0
if tot_solves == 0: # no coloring found
tot_solves = tot_size = min([rev_size, fwd_size])
pct = 0.
fwd_lists = self._fwd[0] if self._fwd else []
rev_lists = self._rev[0] if self._rev else []
if self._meta.get('bidirectional'):
tot_size = min(fwd_size, rev_size)
elif fwd_lists and not rev_lists:
tot_size = fwd_size
elif rev_lists and not fwd_lists:
tot_size = rev_size
tot_size = min(fwd_size, rev_size)
if fwd_lists:
fwd_solves = len(fwd_lists)
if rev_lists:
rev_solves = len(rev_lists)
if tot_size <= 0:
pct = 0.
pct = ((tot_size - tot_solves) / tot_size * 100)
if tot_size < 0:
tot_size = '?'
return tot_size, tot_solves, fwd_solves, rev_solves, pct
[docs] def total_solves(self, fwd=True, rev=True):
Return total number of solves required based on the given coloring info.
fwd : bool
If True, add fwd colors to total.
rev : bool
If True, add rev colors to total.
Total number of solves required to compute the jacobian.
total = 0
if fwd and self._fwd:
total += len(self._fwd[0])
if rev and self._rev:
total += len(self._rev[0])
return total
[docs] @staticmethod
def load(fname):
Read the coloring object from the given pickle file.
fname : str
Name of file to read from.
See docstring for Coloring class.
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
bad = False
coloring = pickle.load(f)
except pickle.UnpicklingError:
bad = True
bad = not isinstance(coloring, Coloring)
if bad:
raise RuntimeError(f"File '{fname}' is not a valid coloring file.")
if 'version' not in coloring._meta:
# old format, have to update color groups
if coloring._fwd:
old = coloring._fwd[0]
newgrps = [[c] for c in old[0]]
coloring._fwd = (newgrps, coloring._fwd[1])
if coloring._rev:
old = coloring._rev[0]
newgrps = [[c] for c in old[0]]
coloring._rev = (newgrps, coloring._rev[1])
if 'timestamp' not in coloring._meta:
file_mtime = pathlib.Path(fname).stat().st_mtime
coloring._meta['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.\
fromtimestamp(file_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if 'source' not in coloring._meta:
coloring._meta['source'] = pathlib.Path(fname).absolute()
return coloring
[docs] def save(self, fname):
Write the coloring object to the given stream, creating intermediate dirs if needed.
fname : str or pathlib.Path
File to save to.
if isinstance(fname, str) or isinstance(fname, pathlib.Path):
color_dir = pathlib.Path(fname).absolute().parent
if not color_dir.exists():
color_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
raise TypeError("Can't save coloring. Expected a string for fname but got a %s" %
def _check_config_total(self, driver, model):
Check the config of this total Coloring vs. the existing driver config.
driver : Driver
Current driver object.
model : Group
Current model object.
Raised if the jacobian structure has changed and the coloring is invalid.
ofs = model._active_responses(driver._get_ordered_nl_responses(), driver._responses)
of_sizes = [m['size'] for m in ofs.values()]
wrts = model._active_desvars(driver._designvars.keys(), driver._designvars)
wrt_sizes = [m['size'] for m in wrts.values()]
self._config_check_msgs(ofs, of_sizes, wrts, wrt_sizes, driver)
def _check_config_partial(self, system):
Check the config of this partial (or semi-total) Coloring vs. the existing model config.
system : System
System being colored.
Raised if the jacobian structure has changed and the coloring is invalid.
# check the contents (vars and sizes) of the input and output vectors of system
info = Partial_ColoringMeta(wrt_patterns=self._meta.get('wrt_patterns', ('*',)))
if system.pathname:
# for partial and semi-total derivs, convert to promoted names
ordered_of_info = system._jac_var_info_abs2prom(system._jac_of_iter())
ordered_wrt_info = \
ordered_of_info = list(system._jac_of_iter())
ordered_wrt_info = list(system._jac_wrt_iter(info.wrt_matches))
of_names = [t[0] for t in ordered_of_info]
wrt_names = [t[0] for t in ordered_wrt_info]
of_sizes = [t[2] - t[1] for t in ordered_of_info]
wrt_sizes = [t[2] - t[1] for t in ordered_wrt_info]
self._config_check_msgs(of_names, of_sizes, wrt_names, wrt_sizes, system)
def _config_check_msgs(self, of_names, of_sizes, wrt_names, wrt_sizes, obj):
msg_suffix = ("Make sure you don't have different problems that have the same coloring "
"directory. Set the coloring directory by setting the value of "
msg = ["%s: Current coloring configuration does not match the "
"configuration of the current model." % obj.msginfo]
of_names = list(of_names)
if of_names != self._row_vars:
of_diff = set(of_names) - set(self._row_vars)
if of_diff:
msg.append(' The following row vars were added: %s.' % sorted(of_diff))
of_diff = set(self._row_vars) - set(of_names)
if of_diff:
msg.append(' The following row vars were removed: %s.' % sorted(of_diff))
msg.append(' The row vars have changed order.')
wrt_names = list(wrt_names)
if wrt_names != self._col_vars:
wrt_diff = set(wrt_names) - set(self._col_vars)
if wrt_diff:
msg.append(' The following column vars were added: %s.' % sorted(wrt_diff))
wrt_diff = set(self._col_vars) - set(wrt_names)
if wrt_diff:
msg.append(' The following column vars were removed: %s.' % sorted(wrt_diff))
msg.append(' The column vars have changed order.')
# check sizes
changed_sizes = []
if of_names == self._row_vars:
for i, (my_sz, sz) in enumerate(zip(self._row_var_sizes, of_sizes)):
if my_sz != sz:
if wrt_names == self._col_vars:
for i, (my_sz, sz) in enumerate(zip(self._col_var_sizes, wrt_sizes)):
if my_sz != sz:
if changed_sizes:
msg.append(' The following variables have changed sizes: %s.' % sorted(changed_sizes))
if len(msg) > 1:
raise InvalidColoringError('\n'.join(msg))
def __repr__(self):
Return a short summary representation of this coloring.
Brief summary.
shape = self._shape
if self._fwd and self._rev:
direction = 'bidirectional'
elif self._fwd:
direction = 'fwd'
direction = 'rev'
return (
f"Coloring (direction: {direction}, ncolors: {self.total_solves()}, shape: {shape}"
f", pct nonzero: {self._pct_nonzero:.2f}, tol: {self._meta.get('good_tol')})"
[docs] def summary(self, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM):
Print a summary of this coloring.
out_stream : file-like or _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM
The destination stream to which the text representation of coloring is to be written.
nrows = self._shape[0]
ncols = self._shape[1]
if out_stream == _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
print(f"\nJacobian shape: ({nrows}, {ncols}) ({self._pct_nonzero:.2f}% nonzero)",
if self._fwd is None and self._rev is None:
tot_size = min(nrows, ncols)
if tot_size < 0:
tot_size = '?'
print(f"Simultaneous derivatives can't improve on the total number of solves "
f"required ({tot_size}) for this configuration", file=out_stream)
tot_size, tot_colors, fwd_solves, rev_solves, pct = self._solves_info()
print(f"FWD solves: {fwd_solves} REV solves: {rev_solves}", file=out_stream)
print(f"Total colors vs. total size: {tot_colors} vs {tot_size} "
f"({pct:.2f}% improvement)",
meta = self._meta
print('', file=out_stream)
good_tol = meta.get('good_tol')
if good_tol is not None:
print(f"Sparsity computed using tolerance: {meta['good_tol']}.", file=out_stream)
if meta['n_tested'] > 1:
jsize = np.prod(self._shape)
print(f"Most common number of nonzero entries ({meta['nz_entries']} of {jsize}) "
f"repeated {meta['nz_matches']} times out of {meta['n_tested']} tolerances "
"tested.\n", file=out_stream)
sparsity_time = meta.get('sparsity_time', None)
if sparsity_time is not None:
print(f"Dense {meta['type']} jacobian for {meta['class']} '{meta['pathname']}' was "
f"computed {meta['num_full_jacs']} times.", file=out_stream)
print(f"Time to compute sparsity: {sparsity_time:8.4f} sec", file=out_stream)
coloring_time = meta.get('coloring_time', None)
if coloring_time is not None:
print(f"Time to compute coloring: {coloring_time:8.4f} sec", file=out_stream)
coloring_mem = meta.get('coloring_memory', None)
if coloring_mem is not None:
print(f"Memory to compute coloring: {coloring_mem:8.4f} MB", file=out_stream)
coloring_timestamp = meta.get('timestamp', None)
if coloring_timestamp is not None:
print(f"Coloring created on: {coloring_timestamp}", file=out_stream)
[docs] def display_txt(self, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, html=False, summary=True,
Print the structure of a boolean array with coloring info for each nonzero value.
Forward mode colored nonzeros are denoted by 'f', reverse mode nonzeros by 'r',
overlapping nonzeros by 'O' and uncolored nonzeros by 'x'. Zeros are denoted by '.'.
Note that x's and O's should never appear unless there is a bug in the coloring
If names and sizes of row and column vars are known, print the name of the row var
alongside each row and print the names of the column vars, aligned with each column,
at the bottom.
out_stream : file-like or _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM
The destination stream to which the text representation of coloring is to be written.
html : bool
If True, the output will be formatted as HTML. If False, the resulting output will
be plain text.
summary : bool
If True, include the coloring summary.
use_prom_names : bool
If True, display promoted names rather than absolute path names for variables.
if out_stream == _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
source_name = self._meta['source']
shape = self._shape
nrows, ncols = shape
if html:
f'<title>total coloring report: {source_name}</title>\n'
f'Total Coloring Report<br>\n'
f'<hr style="width:100%;text-align:left;margin-left:0">\n'
# array of chars the same size as dense jacobian
charr = np.full(shape, '.', dtype=str)
# mark all nonzero entries as 'x' initially, so the 'x' will be left
# if not covered with an 'f' or an 'r'
charr[self._nzrows, self._nzcols] = 'x'
if self._fwd:
full_rows = np.arange(nrows, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
col2row = self._fwd[1]
for grp in self._fwd[0]:
for c in grp:
rows = col2row[c]
if rows is None:
rows = full_rows
charr[rows, c] = 'f'
has_overlap = False
if self._rev:
full_cols = np.arange(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
row2col = self._rev[1]
for grp in self._rev[0]:
for r in grp:
cols = row2col[r]
if cols is None:
cols = full_cols
for c in cols:
# check for any overlapping entries (ones having both a fwd and rev color)
# NOTE: this should never happen unless there's a bug in the coloring!
if charr[r, c] == 'f':
charr[r, c] = 'O' # mark entry as overlapping
has_overlap = True
charr[r, c] = 'r'
if (self._row_vars is None or self._row_var_sizes is None or
self._col_vars is None or self._col_var_sizes is None):
# we don't have var name/size info, so just show the unadorned matrix
for r in range(nrows):
for c in range(ncols):
print(charr[r, c], end='', file=out_stream)
print(' %d' % r, file=out_stream)
# we have var name/size info, so mark rows/cols with their respective variable names
rowstart = rowend = 0
for rv, rvsize in zip(self._row_vars, self._row_var_sizes):
rowend += rvsize
for r in range(rowstart, rowend):
colstart = colend = 0
for _, cvsize in zip(self._col_vars, self._col_var_sizes):
colend += cvsize
for c in range(colstart, colend):
print(charr[r, c], end='', file=out_stream)
colstart = colend
if use_prom_names and self._abs2prom:
row_var_name = self._get_prom_name(rv)
row_var_name = rv
# include row variable with row
print(' %d %s' % (r, row_var_name), file=out_stream)
rowstart = rowend
# now print the column vars below the matrix, with each one spaced over to line up
# with the appropriate starting column of the matrix ('|' marks the start of each var)
start = 0
for name, size in zip(self._col_vars, self._col_var_sizes):
tab = ' ' * start
if use_prom_names and self._abs2prom:
col_var_name = self._get_prom_name(name)
col_var_name = name
print('%s|%s' % (tab, col_var_name), file=out_stream)
start += size
if html:
print('</pre>\n', file=out_stream)
if summary:
if html:
print('<pre>\n', file=out_stream)
if html:
print('</pre>\n', file=out_stream)
if html:
if has_overlap:
raise RuntimeError("Internal coloring bug: jacobian has entries where fwd and rev "
"colorings overlap!")
[docs] def display(self, show=True, fname=_default_coloring_imagefile):
Display a plot of the sparsity pattern, showing grouping by color.
show : bool
If True, show the plot. Otherwise, just save the plot in a file. Default is True.
fname : str
Path to the location where the plot file should be saved.
issue_warning('display is deprecated. Use display_bokeh for rich html displays of coloring'
'or display_txt for a text-based display.', category=OMDeprecationWarning)
if mpl is None:
print("matplotlib is not installed so the coloring viewer is not available. The ascii "
"based coloring viewer can be accessed by calling display_txt() on the Coloring "
"object or by using 'openmdao view_coloring --textview <your_coloring_file>' "
"from the command line.")
nrows, ncols = self._shape
aspect_ratio = ncols / nrows
J = np.ones((nrows, ncols, 3), dtype=float)
tot_size, tot_colors, fwd_solves, rev_solves, pct = self._solves_info()
size = 10
if nrows > ncols:
mult = nrows / size
ysize = nrows / mult
xsize = ysize * aspect_ratio
mult = ncols / size
xsize = ncols / mult
ysize = xsize / aspect_ratio
xsize = max(1, int(xsize))
ysize = max(1, int(ysize))
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(xsize, ysize)) # in inches
ax = pyplot.gca()
# hide tic marks/labels
if self._row_vars is not None and self._col_vars is not None:
# map row/col to corresponding var names
entry_xnames = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
entry_ynames = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
entry_xcolors = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
entry_ycolors = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
# pick two colors for our checkerboard pattern
if Version(mpl.__version__) < Version("3.6"):
sjcolors = [cm.get_cmap('Greys')(0.3), cm.get_cmap('Greys')(0.4)]
sjcolors = [mpl.colormaps['Greys'](0.3), mpl.colormaps['Greys'](0.4)]
colstart = colend = 0
for i, cvsize in enumerate(self._col_var_sizes):
colend += cvsize
entry_xnames[colstart:colend] = i
colstart = colend
# we have var name/size info, so mark rows/cols with their respective variable names
rowstart = rowend = 0
for ridx, rvsize in enumerate(self._row_var_sizes):
rowend += rvsize
entry_ynames[rowstart:rowend] = ridx
colstart = colend = 0
for cidx, cvsize in enumerate(self._col_var_sizes):
colend += cvsize
# display grid that breaks up the Jacobian into subjacs by variable pairs.
# using (ridx+cidx)%2 will give us a nice checkerboard pattern
J[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend] = sjcolors[(ridx + cidx) % 2][:3]
colstart = colend
rowstart = rowend
def on_press(event):
if event.inaxes == ax:
ix = int(event.xdata)
iy = int(event.ydata)
if event.xdata - ix >= .5:
ix += 1
ix = max(0, ix)
ix = min(ncols, ix)
if event.ydata - iy >= .5:
iy += 1
iy = max(0, iy)
iy = min(nrows, iy)
# if J[iy, ix] is not one of the background 'checkerboard' colors, then it
# must be either forward or reverse colored.
if np.all(J[iy, ix] == sjcolors[0][:3]) or np.all(J[iy, ix] == sjcolors[1][:3]):
color_str = ''
# display the color number because sometimes certain colormap colors look
# too similar to the eye.
if entry_xcolors[ix] != 0:
color_str = 'Color: %d (fwd)' % entry_xcolors[ix]
color_str = 'Color: %d (rev)' % entry_ycolors[iy]
# because we have potentially really long pathnames, we just print
# the 'of' and 'wrt' variables to the console instead of trying to display
# them on the plot.
print('\nJ[%d, %d] %s' % (iy, ix, color_str),
'\nOF:', self._row_vars[entry_ynames[iy]],
'\nWRT:', self._col_vars[entry_xnames[ix]])
def on_resize(event):
# set up event handling
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', on_resize)
if self._fwd:
# winter is a blue/green color map
if Version(mpl.__version__) < Version("3.6"):
cmap = cm.get_cmap('winter')
cmap = mpl.colormaps['winter']
icol = 1
full_rows = np.arange(nrows, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
col2row = self._fwd[1]
for i, grp in enumerate(self._fwd[0]):
for c in grp:
rows = col2row[c]
if rows is None:
rows = full_rows
idx = icol / fwd_solves
for r in rows:
J[r, c][:] = cmap(idx)[:3]
entry_xcolors[c] = icol
icol += 1
if self._rev:
# autumn_r is a red/yellow color map
if Version(mpl.__version__) < Version("3.6"):
cmap = cm.get_cmap('autumn_r')
cmap = mpl.colormaps['autumn_r']
icol = 1
full_cols = np.arange(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
row2col = self._rev[1]
for i, grp in enumerate(self._rev[0]):
for r in grp:
cols = row2col[r]
if cols is None:
cols = full_cols
idx = icol / rev_solves
for c in cols:
J[r, c][:] = cmap(idx)[:3]
entry_ycolors[r] = icol
icol += 1
typ = self._meta['type'].upper()[0] + self._meta['type'][1:]
ax.set_title("%s Jacobian Coloring (%d x %d)\n%d fwd colors, %d rev colors "
"(%.1f%% improvement)" %
(typ, self._shape[0], self._shape[1], fwd_solves, rev_solves, pct))
pyplot.imshow(J, interpolation="none")
if show:
[docs] def display_bokeh(source, output_file='total_coloring.html', show=False, max_colors=200,
Display a plot of the sparsity pattern, showing grouping by color.
source : str or Coloring Driver
The source for the coloring information, which can either be a string of the filepath
to the coloring data file, an instance of Coloring, or the Driver containing the
coloring information.
output_file : str or None
The name of the output html file in which the display is written. If None, the resulting
plots will not be saved.
show : bool
If True, a browswer will be opened to display the generated file.
max_colors : int
Bokeh supports at most 256 colors in a colormap. This function reduces that number
to some default length, otherwise both forward and reverse displays may share shades
very near white and be difficult to distinguish. Once the number of forward or reverse
solves exceeds this threshold, the color pattern restarts.
use_prom_names : bool
If True, display promoted names rather than absolute path names for variables.
if bokeh_resources is None:
print("bokeh is not installed so this coloring viewer is not available. The ascii "
"based coloring viewer can be accessed by calling display_txt() on the Coloring "
"object or by using 'openmdao view_coloring --textview <your_coloring_file>' "
"from the command line.")
if isinstance(source, str):
coloring = Coloring.load(source)
source_name = pathlib.Path(source).absolute()
elif isinstance(source, Coloring):
coloring = source
source_name = coloring._meta['source']
elif hasattr(source, '_coloring_info'):
coloring = source._coloring_info.coloring
source_name = source._problem()._metadata['pathname']
raise ValueError(f'display_bokeh was expecting the source to be a valid coloring file '
f'or an instance of driver but instead got f{type(source)}')
if coloring is None:
# Save and show
summary_div = PreText(text='No total derivative coloring found.',
styles={'font-size': '12pt'})
fig = PreText(text='')
nrows, ncols = coloring._shape
aspect_ratio = ncols / nrows
tot_size, tot_colors, fwd_solves, rev_solves, pct = coloring._solves_info()
data = {}
# The row and column indices of the individual jacobian elements
data['col_idx'] = np.tile(np.arange(ncols, dtype=int), nrows)
data['row_idx'] = np.repeat(np.arange(nrows, dtype=int), ncols)
have_vars = None not in (coloring._col_vars, coloring._row_vars,
coloring._col_var_sizes, coloring._row_var_sizes)
# The indices of the responses and desvars obtained by binning the row/col indices
if have_vars:
desvar_idx_bins = [] if coloring._col_var_sizes is None else \
response_idx_bins = [] if coloring._row_var_sizes is None else \
response_idx = np.digitize(data['row_idx'], response_idx_bins)
desvar_idx = np.digitize(data['col_idx'], desvar_idx_bins)
data['pattern'] = np.full(nrows * ncols, '', dtype=str)
data['pattern'][...] = np.asarray(desvar_idx % 2 + response_idx % 2, dtype=str)
data['fwd_color_idx'] = np.full(nrows * ncols, '', dtype=object)
data['rev_color_idx'] = np.full(nrows * ncols, '', dtype=object)
# Add the color group information to the data source
fwd_map = {}
if coloring._fwd is not None:
for idx_fwd, (_cols, _nz_rows) in enumerate(coloring.color_nonzero_iter('fwd')):
for _row_idx, _col_idx in zip(_nz_rows, _cols):
if _row_idx is not None:
fwd_map.update({(i, _col_idx): idx_fwd for i in _row_idx})
rev_map = {}
if coloring._rev is not None:
for idx_rev, (_rows, _nz_cols) in enumerate(coloring.color_nonzero_iter('rev')):
for _row_idx, _col_idx in zip(_rows, _nz_cols):
if _row_idx is not None:
rev_map.update({(_row_idx, j): idx_rev for j in _col_idx})
for i in range(nrows * ncols):
r = data['row_idx'][i]
c = data['col_idx'][i]
if (r, c) in fwd_map:
data['fwd_color_idx'][i] = str(fwd_map[r, c])
if (r, c) in rev_map:
data['rev_color_idx'][i] = str(rev_map[r, c])
data_source = ColumnDataSource(data)
HEIGHT = 600
fig = figure(toolbar_location="above",
x_range=(-1, ncols + 1), y_range=(nrows + 1, -1),
x_axis_location="above", width=int(HEIGHT * aspect_ratio), height=HEIGHT,
fig.xaxis.visible = False
fig.yaxis.visible = False
fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None
# Plot the background pattern
if have_vars:
gray_cm = gray(12)
background_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=[str(i) for i in range(3)],
fig.rect(x='col_idx', y='row_idx', width=1, height=1, source=data_source, alpha=0.5,
line_color=None, fill_color=transform('pattern', background_mapper))
# Plot the fwd solve groups
if fwd_solves > 0:
fwd_colors = interp_palette(list(Blues256)[:max_colors], fwd_solves)
fwd_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=[str(i) for i in range(fwd_solves)],
nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
fwd_rect = fig.rect(x='col_idx', y='row_idx', width=1, height=1,
source=data_source, alpha=1.0, line_color=None,
fill_color=transform('fwd_color_idx', fwd_mapper))
title='forward solves',
), 'right')
# Plot the rev solve groups
if rev_solves > 0:
rev_colors = interp_palette(list(Reds256)[:max_colors], rev_solves)
rev_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=[str(i) for i in range(rev_solves)],
nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
rev_rect = fig.rect(x='col_idx', y='row_idx', width=1, height=1,
source=data_source, alpha=1.0, line_color=None,
fill_color=transform('rev_color_idx', rev_mapper))
title='reverse solves',
), 'right')
# Add a tooltip on hover
if have_vars:
desvar_col_map = {desvar_name: set() for desvar_name in coloring._col_vars}
for col_idx in range(ncols):
desvar_name = coloring._col_vars[np.digitize(col_idx, desvar_idx_bins)]
if use_prom_names and coloring._abs2prom:
desvar_col_map = {coloring._get_prom_name(k): v
for k, v in desvar_col_map.items()}
resvar_col_map = {varname: set() for varname in coloring._row_vars}
for row_idx in range(nrows):
resvar_name = coloring._row_vars[np.digitize(row_idx, response_idx_bins)]
if use_prom_names and coloring._abs2prom:
resvar_col_map = {coloring._get_prom_name(k): v
for k, v in resvar_col_map.items()}
design_var_js = CustomJSHover(code="""
for (var name in varnames_map) {
if (varnames_map[name].has(special_vars.snap_x)) {
return name;
return '';
""", args=dict(varnames_map=desvar_col_map))
response_var_js = CustomJSHover(code="""
for (var name in varnames_map) {
if (varnames_map[name].has(special_vars.snap_y)) {
return name;
return '';
""", args=dict(varnames_map=resvar_col_map))
tooltips = [('Response', '$snap_y{0}'), # {0} triggers the formatter
('Design Var', '$snap_x{0}'),
('Forward solve', '@fwd_color_idx'),
('Reverse solve', '@rev_color_idx'),
('Row', '@row_idx'),
('Col', '@col_idx')]
formatters = {'$snap_y': response_var_js,
'$snap_x': design_var_js}
tooltips = [('Forward solve', '@fwd_color_idx'),
('Reverse solve', '@rev_color_idx'),
('Row', '@row_idx'),
('Col', '@col_idx')]
formatters = {}
fig.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, formatters=formatters))
ss = io.StringIO()
summary_div = PreText(text=ss.getvalue(), styles={'font-size': '12pt'})
header_div = Div(text=f'Total Coloring Report<br>{source_name}',
styles={'font-size': '16pt', 'font-style': 'bold'})
report_layout = column(children=[header_div,
# Save and show
bokeh.io.curdoc().theme = 'light_minimal'
if output_file is not None:
bokeh.io.save(report_layout, filename=output_file,
title=f'total coloring report for {source_name}',
if show:
def sparsity(self):
Return the sparsity matrix as a COO sparse matrix.
The sparsity matrix.
return coo_matrix((np.ones(len(self._nzrows), dtype=np.uint8),
(self._nzrows, self._nzcols)), shape=self._shape)
[docs] def get_dense_sparsity(self, dtype=np.uint8):
Return a dense array representing the full sparsity.
dtype : object
Data type of returned numpy array.
Dense sparsity matrix.
J = np.zeros(self._shape, dtype=dtype)
J[self._nzrows, self._nzcols] = dtype(1)
return J
[docs] def get_subjac_sparsity(self):
Compute the sparsity structure of each subjacobian based on the full jac sparsity.
If row/col variables and sizes are not known, returns None.
dict or None
Mapping of (of, wrt) keys to their corresponding (nzrows, nzcols, shape).
if self._row_vars and self._col_vars and self._row_var_sizes and self._col_var_sizes:
sparsity = {}
for of, wrt, nzrows, nzcols, shape in self._subjac_sparsity_iter():
if of not in sparsity:
sparsity[of] = {}
sparsity[of][wrt] = (nzrows, nzcols, shape)
def _subjac_sparsity_iter(self):
if self._row_vars and self._col_vars and self._row_var_sizes and self._col_var_sizes:
yield from submat_sparsity_iter(zip(self._row_vars, self._row_var_sizes),
zip(self._col_vars, self._col_var_sizes),
self._nzrows, self._nzcols, self._shape)
raise RuntimeError("Coloring doesn't have enough info to compute subjac sparsity.")
[docs] def get_declare_partials_calls(self):
Return a string containing declare_partials() calls based on the subjac sparsity.
A string containing a declare_partials() call for each nonzero subjac. This
string may be cut and pasted into a component's setup() method.
lines = []
for of, wrt, nzrows, nzcols, _ in self._subjac_sparsity_iter():
lines.append(" self.declare_partials(of='%s', wrt='%s', rows=%s, cols=%s)" %
(of, wrt, list(nzrows), list(nzcols)))
return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def get_row_var_coloring(self, varname):
Return the number of fwd and rev solves needed for a particular row variable.
varname : str
Name of the row variable.
Number of forward solves needed for the given variable.
Number of reverse solves needed for the given variable.
fwd_solves = 0
rev_solves = 0
if self._row_vars and self._col_vars and self._row_var_sizes and self._col_var_sizes:
row_slice = col_slice = slice(None)
start = end = 0
for name, size in zip(self._row_vars, self._row_var_sizes):
end += size
if name == varname:
row_slice = slice(start, end)
start = end
raise RuntimeError("Can't find variable '%s' in coloring." % varname)
J = np.zeros(self._shape, dtype=bool)
subJ = J[row_slice, col_slice]
if self._fwd:
nzrows = self._fwd[1]
for color_group in self.color_iter('fwd'):
subJ[:, :] = False
for c in color_group:
J[nzrows[c], c] = True
# if any color in the group has nonzeros in our variable, add a solve
if np.any(subJ):
fwd_solves += 1
if self._rev:
for color_group in self.color_iter('rev'):
subJ[:, :] = False
J[color_group, :] = True
if np.any(subJ):
rev_solves += 1
return fwd_solves, rev_solves
def _local_indices(self, inds, mode):
# this is currently only used when dumping debug info for coloring
if self._names_array[mode] is None:
if mode == 'fwd':
col_info = zip(self._col_vars, self._col_var_sizes)
col_info = zip(self._row_vars, self._row_var_sizes)
names = []
indices = []
for name, size in col_info:
names.append(np.repeat(name, size))
self._names_array[mode] = np.concatenate(names)
self._local_array[mode] = np.concatenate(indices)
if isinstance(inds, list):
var_name_and_sub_indices = \
[(key, [x[1] for x in group]) for key, group in
groupby(zip(self._names_array[mode][inds], self._local_array[mode][inds]),
key=lambda x: x[0])]
var_name_and_sub_indices = [(self._names_array[mode][inds],
return var_name_and_sub_indices
[docs] def tangent_iter(self, direction, arr=None, trans=None):
Given a direction, return input (fwd) or output (rev) tangent arrays.
Each array will contain multiple columns/rows of the identity matrix that share the
same color.
direction : str
Indicates which coloring subdict ('fwd' or 'rev') to use.
arr : ndarray or None
Storage for the current array value.
trans : ndarray or None
Index translation array.
tangent array for inputs (fwd) or outputs (rev)
if direction == 'fwd':
size = self._shape[1]
fwd = True
size = self._shape[0]
fwd = False
if arr is None:
arr = np.empty(size)
elif size != arr.size:
raise RuntimeError("Size of given storage array doesn't match shape of the coloring for"
f" the '{direction}' direction.")
for nzs, nzparts in self.color_nonzero_iter(direction):
if trans is not None:
if fwd:
nzs = trans[nzs]
nzparts = trans[nzparts]
arr[:] = 0
arr[nzs] = 1
yield arr, nzs, nzparts
[docs] def tangent_matrix(self, direction, trans=None):
Return a tangent or cotangent matrix for use with jax.
direction : str
Derivative computation direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
trans : ndarray or None
Index translation array.
The tangent or cotangent matrix.
if direction == 'fwd':
shape = (self.total_solves(rev=False), self._shape[1])
tangent = np.empty(shape)
for i, (arr, _, _) in enumerate(self.tangent_iter(direction, trans=trans)):
tangent[i, :] = arr
else: # rev
shape = (self._shape[0], self.total_solves(fwd=False))
tangent = np.empty(shape)
for i, (arr, _, _) in enumerate(self.tangent_iter(direction, trans=trans)):
tangent[:, i] = arr
tangent = tangent.T
return tangent
def _get_prom_name(self, abs_name):
Get promoted name for specified variable.
abs2prom = self._abs2prom
# if we don't have prom names, just return abs name
if not abs2prom:
return abs_name
# if we can't find a prom name, just return abs name
if abs_name in abs2prom['input']:
return abs2prom['input'][abs_name]
elif abs_name in abs2prom['output']:
return abs2prom['output'][abs_name]
return abs_name
def _apply_subtractions(self, J):
for pos, subs in self._subtractions:
tosub = sum(J[k] for k in subs)
J[pos] -= tosub
def _getV(self):
if self._fwd is None:
vrows = []
vcols = []
for color, columns in enumerate(self._fwd[0]):
vcols.extend(np.full(len(columns), color))
return csc_matrix((np.ones(len(vrows), dtype=np.int8), (vrows, vcols)),
shape=(self._shape[1], len(self._fwd[0])))
def _getW(self):
if self._rev is None:
wrows = []
wcols = []
for color, rows in enumerate(self._rev[0]):
wcols.extend(np.full(len(rows), color))
return csr_matrix((np.ones(len(wrows), dtype=np.int8), (wrows, wcols)),
shape=(self._shape[0], len(self._rev[0])))
def _get_sparse_coloring(self):
Return a sparse matrix with the nonzero structure of all colors.
Sparse matrix is in coo format, and all colored values are set to (color + 1) for fwd
colors and -(color + 1) for rev colors.
Sparse matrix with the nonzero structure for all colors.
Jrows = []
Jcols = []
vals = []
if self._fwd is not None:
column_groups, nzrows = self._fwd
for color, columns in enumerate(column_groups):
v = color + 1
for c in columns:
Jcols.append(np.full(nzrows[c].size, c))
vals.append(np.full(nzrows[c].size, v))
if self._rev is not None:
row_groups, nzcols = self._rev
for color, rows in enumerate(row_groups):
v = -(color + 1)
for r in rows:
Jrows.append(np.full(nzcols[r].size, r))
vals.append(np.full(nzcols[r].size, v))
Jrows = np.hstack(Jrows)
Jcols = np.hstack(Jcols)
vals = np.hstack(vals)
return coo_matrix((vals, (Jrows, Jcols)), shape=self._shape)
def _get_subtractions(self, Jf, Jr):
Return the list of subtractions to be applied to the jacobian.
Jf : coo_matrix
Forward jacobian.
Jr : coo_matrix
Reverse jacobian.
List of subtractions to be applied to the jacobian, keyed on row, col pairs.
subtractions = {}
if (self._fwd is None or self._rev is None):
return subtractions
sparse_coloring = self._get_sparse_coloring()
JrV = Jr.dot(self._getV())
if JrV.data.size > 0:
for color in range(JrV.shape[1]):
JrVcol = JrV.getcol(color) # columns of JrV correspond to colors
nzrows, _ = JrVcol.nonzero() # any nz columns in this row overlap with fwd colors
if nzrows.size > 0:
color_cols = set(self._fwd[0][color])
for nzrow in nzrows:
sprow = sparse_coloring.getrow(nzrow).tocoo()
spcols = sprow.col
spvals = sprow.data
subfrom = spcols[spvals == (color + 1)]
if subfrom.size == 0:
tosub = []
for subc in spcols[spvals < 0]: # get nz vals for rev colors in this row
if subc in color_cols: # make sure it's in the same color group
tosub.append((nzrow, subc))
if tosub:
subfromcol = subfrom[0]
subtractions.setdefault((nzrow, subfromcol), []).extend(tosub)
WTJf = self._getW().T.dot(Jf)
if WTJf.data.size > 0:
for color in range(WTJf.shape[0]):
# any nz columns in this row overlap with fwd colors
_, nzcols = WTJf.getrow(color).nonzero()
if nzcols.size > 0:
color_rows = set(self._rev[0][color])
for nzcol in nzcols:
spcol = sparse_coloring.getcol(nzcol).tocoo()
sprows = spcol.row
spvals = spcol.data
subfrom = sprows[spvals == -(color + 1)]
if subfrom.size == 0:
tosub = []
for subr in sprows[spvals > 0]: # get nz vals for fwd colors in this column
if subr in color_rows: # make sure it's in the same color group
tosub.append((subr, nzcol))
if tosub:
subfromrow = subfrom[0]
subtractions.setdefault((subfromrow, nzcol), []).extend(tosub)
return _sort_subtractions(subtractions)
def _order_by_ID(col_adj_matrix):
Return columns in order of incidence degree (ID).
ID is the number of already colored neighbors (neighbors are dependent columns).
The parameters given are assumed to correspond to a those of a column dependency matrix,
i.e., (i, j) nonzero entries in the matrix indicate that column i is dependent on column j.
col_adj_matrix : csc matrix
CSC column adjacency matrix.
Column index.
Boolean array that's True where the column matches nzcols.
assert isinstance(col_adj_matrix, csc_matrix)
ncols = col_adj_matrix.shape[1]
colored_degrees = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
colored_degrees[col_adj_matrix.indices] = 1 # make sure zero cols aren't considered
for i in range(np.nonzero(colored_degrees)[0].size):
col = colored_degrees.argmax()
colnzrows = col_adj_matrix.getcol(col).indices
colored_degrees[colnzrows] += 1
colored_degrees[col] = -ncols # ensure that this col will never have max degree again
yield col, colnzrows
def _2col_adj_rows_cols(J):
Convert nonzero rows/cols of sparsity matrix to those of a column adjacency matrix.
J : coo_matrix
Sparse matrix to be colored.
Sparse column adjacency matrix.
nrows, ncols = J.shape
nzrows, nzcols = J.row, J.col
adjrows = []
adjcols = []
csr = csr_matrix((np.ones(nzrows.size, dtype=bool), (nzrows, nzcols)), shape=J.shape)
# mark col_matrix entries as True when nonzero row entries make them dependent
for row in np.unique(nzrows):
row_nzcols = csr.getrow(row).indices
if row_nzcols.size > 0:
for c in row_nzcols:
adjcols.append(np.full(row_nzcols.size, c))
if adjrows:
adjrows = np.hstack(adjrows)
adjcols = np.hstack(adjcols)
adjrows = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
adjcols = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
return csc_matrix((np.ones(adjrows.size, dtype=bool), (adjrows, adjcols)), shape=(ncols, ncols))
def _Jc2col_matrix_direct(J, Jrows, Jcols):
Convert a partitioned jacobian sparsity matrix to a column adjacency matrix (direct method).
This creates the column adjacency matrix used for direct jacobian determination
as described in Coleman, T.F., Verma, A. (1998) The efficient Computation of Sparse Jacobian
Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 19(4),
J : coo_matrix
Sparse full matrix, not a partition.
Jrows : ndarray
Nonzero rows of a partition of the matrix being colored.
Jcols : ndarray
Nonzero columns of a partition of the matrix being colored.
(nzrows, nzcols, shape) of column adjacency matrix.
shape = J.shape
_, ncols = shape
allnzr = []
allnzc = []
Jrow = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=bool)
csr = csr_matrix((np.ones(Jrows.size, dtype=bool), (Jrows, Jcols)), shape=shape)
for row in np.unique(Jrows):
nzr = []
nzc = []
partrow = csr.getrow(row).indices
fullrow = J.getrow(row).indices
if fullrow.size > 1:
Jrow[partrow] = True
for col1, col2 in combinations(fullrow, 2):
if Jrow[col1] or Jrow[col2]:
Jrow[partrow] = False
elif partrow.size == 1:
if nzr:
csr = Jrow = None # free up memory
if allnzr:
# matrix is symmetric, so duplicate
rows = np.hstack(allnzr + allnzc)
cols = np.hstack(allnzc + allnzr)
rows = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
cols = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
allnzr = allnzc = None
return csc_matrix((np.ones(rows.size, dtype=bool), (rows, cols)), shape=(ncols, ncols))
def _Jc2col_matrix_substitution(J, part_rows, part_cols, overlap):
Convert partitioned jacobian sparsity matrix to a column adjacency matrix (substitution method).
This creates the column adjacency matrix used for jacobian determination by substitution
as described in Coleman, T.F., Verma, A. (1998) The efficient Computation of Sparse Jacobian
Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 19(4),
J : coo_matrix
Sparse full matrix, not a partition.
part_rows : ndarray
Nonzero rows of a partition of the matrix being colored.
part_cols : ndarray
Nonzero columns of a partition of the matrix being colored.
overlap : set
Nonzero entries indicate overlapping columns.
(nzrows, nzcols, shape) of column adjacency matrix.
shape = J.shape
_, ncols = shape
allnzr = []
allnzc = []
Jrow = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=bool)
part_csr = csr_matrix((np.ones(part_rows.size, dtype=bool), (part_rows, part_cols)),
for row in np.unique(part_rows):
nzr = []
nzc = []
partrow_cols = part_csr.getrow(row).indices
if partrow_cols.size > 1:
Jrow[partrow_cols] = True
# col1 and col2 are both nonzero in the full matrix for this row
for col1, col2 in combinations(J.getrow(row).indices, 2):
if Jrow[col1]:
if Jrow[col2]: # both are in the partition, so cols are dependent
# one is in the partition, the other is not
overlap.add((row, col1))
elif Jrow[col2]:
# one is in the partition, the other is not
overlap.add((row, col2))
Jrow[partrow_cols] = False
else: # partrow_cols.size == 1
overlap.add((row, partrow_cols[0]))
if nzr:
part_csr = Jrow = None # free up memory
if allnzr:
# matrix is symmetric, so duplicate
rows = np.hstack(allnzr + allnzc)
cols = np.hstack(allnzc + allnzr)
rows = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
cols = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
allnzr = allnzc = None
return csc_matrix((np.ones(rows.size, dtype=bool), (rows, cols)), shape=(ncols, ncols))
def _get_full_disjoint_cols(J):
Find sets of disjoint columns in J and their corresponding rows using a col adjacency matrix.
J : coo_matrix
Sparse matrix to be colored.
List of lists of disjoint columns
return _get_full_disjoint_col_matrix_cols(_2col_adj_rows_cols(J))
def _get_full_disjoint_col_matrix_cols(col_adj_matrix):
Find sets of disjoint columns in a column intersection matrix.
col_adj_matrix : csc_matrix
Sparse column adjacency matrix.
List of lists of disjoint columns.
color_groups = []
_, ncols = col_adj_matrix.shape
# -1 indicates that a column has not been colored
colors = np.full(ncols, -1, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
for icol, colnzrows in _order_by_ID(col_adj_matrix):
neighbor_colors = colors[colnzrows]
for color, grp in enumerate(color_groups):
if color not in neighbor_colors:
colors[icol] = color
colors[icol] = len(color_groups)
return color_groups
def _color_partition(J, Jprows, Jpcols, direct=True, overlap=None):
Compute a single directional fwd coloring using partition Jpart.
This routine is used to compute a fwd coloring on Jc and a rev coloring on Jr.T.
J : coo_matrix
Sparse full matrix, not a partition.
Jprows : ndarray
Nonzero rows of a partition of the matrix being colored.
Jpcols : ndarray
Nonzero columns of a partition of the matrix being colored.
direct : bool
If True, use the direct method to compute the column adjacency matrix.
overlap : set or None
Nonzero entries indicate overlapping columns.
List of color groups.
List of nonzero rows for each column (or nonzero columns for each row).
if direct:
col_adj_matrix = _Jc2col_matrix_direct(J, Jprows, Jpcols)
else: # use substitution method
col_adj_matrix = _Jc2col_matrix_substitution(J, Jprows, Jpcols, overlap=overlap)
col_groups = _get_full_disjoint_col_matrix_cols(col_adj_matrix)
col_adj_matrix = None
csc = csc_matrix((np.ones(Jprows.size), (Jprows, Jpcols)), shape=J.shape)
_, ncols = J.shape
col2row = [None] * ncols
for col in np.unique(Jpcols):
col2row[col] = csc.getcol(col).indices
if direct:
for i, group in enumerate(col_groups):
# don't include any columns that have no nonzero row entries in this partition
col_groups[i] = [c for c in sorted(group) if col2row[c] is not None]
# eliminate any empty column groups
col_groups = [cg for cg in col_groups if cg]
return [col_groups, col2row]
def _sort_subtractions(allsubs):
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for pos, subtractions in allsubs.items():
for sub in subtractions:
graph.add_edge(pos, sub)
# from openmdao.visualization.graph_viewer import write_graph
# write_graph(graph)
topo = nx.topological_sort(graph)
sorted_subs = []
for pos in topo:
if pos in allsubs:
sorted_subs.append((pos, allsubs[pos]))
sorted_subs = sorted_subs[::-1]
return sorted_subs
[docs]def MNCO_bidir(J, direct=True):
Compute bidirectional coloring using Minimum Nonzero Count Order (MNCO).
Based on the algorithm found in Coleman, T.F., Verma, A. (1998) The efficient Computation
of Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation. SIAM Journal on Scientific
Computing, 19(4), 1210-1233.
J : coo_matrix
Jacobian sparsity matrix (boolean).
direct : bool
If True, use the direct method to compute the column adjacency matrix of partitions.
Otherwise, use the substitution method. See the paper for descriptions of both methods.
See docstring for Coloring class.
nzrows, nzcols = J.row, J.col
nrows, ncols = J.shape
skip = max(nrows, ncols) + 1
coloring = Coloring(sparsity=J)
M_col_nonzeros = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
M_row_nonzeros = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
sparse = csc_matrix((np.ones(nzrows.size, dtype=bool), (nzrows, nzcols)), shape=J.shape)
for c in range(ncols):
M_col_nonzeros[c] = sparse.getcol(c).size
sparse = sparse.tocsr()
for r in range(nrows):
M_row_nonzeros[r] = sparse.getrow(r).size
sparse = None
M_rows, M_cols = nzrows, nzcols
Jf_rows = [None] * nrows
Jr_cols = [None] * ncols
row_i = col_i = 0
# partition J into Jf and Jr
# Jf is colored by column and those columns will be solved in fwd mode.
# Jr is colored by row and those rows will be solved in reverse mode.
Jf_nz_max = 0 # max row nonzeros in Jf
Jr_nz_max = 0 # max col nonzeros in Jr
rowcols = {}
while M_rows.size > 0:
# the algorithm is minimizing the total of the max number of nonzero
# rows in Jf + the max number of nonzero columns in Jr, so it's basically minimizing
# the upper bound of the number of colors that will be needed.
# get index of row with fewest nonzeros and col with fewest nonzeros
r = M_row_nonzeros.argmin()
c = M_col_nonzeros.argmin()
# get number of nonzeros in the selected row and column
nnz_c = M_col_nonzeros[c]
nnz_r = M_row_nonzeros[r]
if Jr_nz_max + max(Jf_nz_max, nnz_r) < (Jf_nz_max + max(Jr_nz_max, nnz_c)):
Jf_rows[r] = M_cols[M_rows == r] # add a row to Jf
keep = M_rows != r # remove row r from M
M_row_nonzeros[r] = skip # make sure we don't pick this row again
M_col_nonzeros[Jf_rows[r]] -= 1 # -1 all column nonzeros for columns in removed row
if nnz_r > Jf_nz_max:
Jf_nz_max = nnz_r # update max nonzero rows in Jf
row_i += 1
rowcols[r, True] = len(rowcols)
Jr_cols[c] = M_rows[M_cols == c] # add a column to Jr
keep = M_cols != c # remove column c from M
M_col_nonzeros[c] = skip # make sure we don't pick this one again
M_row_nonzeros[Jr_cols[c]] -= 1 # -1 all row nonzeros for rows in removed column
if nnz_c > Jr_nz_max:
Jr_nz_max = nnz_c # update max nonzero columns in Jr
col_i += 1
rowcols[c, False] = len(rowcols)
# M gets smaller by one row or one column
M_rows = M_rows[keep]
M_cols = M_cols[keep]
M_row_nonzeros = M_col_nonzeros = None
nnz_Jf = nnz_Jr = 0
Jfr = []
Jfc = []
if row_i > 0:
# build Jf and do fwd coloring on it
for i, cols in enumerate(Jf_rows):
if cols is not None:
Jfr.append(np.full(cols.size, i, dtype=INT_DTYPE))
nnz_Jf += len(cols)
Jf_rows = None
Jfr = np.hstack(Jfr)
Jfc = np.hstack(Jfc)
Jrr = []
Jrc = []
if col_i > 0:
# build Jr and do rev coloring
for i, rows in enumerate(Jr_cols):
if rows is not None:
Jrc.append(np.full(rows.size, i, dtype=INT_DTYPE))
nnz_Jr += len(rows)
Jr_cols = None
Jrr = np.hstack(Jrr)
Jrc = np.hstack(Jrc)
overlap = set()
if row_i > 0:
coloring._fwd = _color_partition(J, Jfr, Jfc, direct=direct, overlap=overlap)
overlapr = set()
if col_i > 0:
coloring._rev = _color_partition(J.T, Jrc, Jrr, direct=direct, overlap=overlapr)
overlapr = {(c, r) for r, c in overlapr}
if not direct and row_i > 0 and col_i > 0:
full_ovrs = overlap | overlapr
Jf = coo_matrix((np.ones(Jfr.size), (Jfr, Jfc)), shape=J.shape)
Jr = coo_matrix((np.ones(Jrr.size), (Jrr, Jrc)), shape=J.shape)
if len(full_ovrs) > 0:
coloring._subtractions = coloring._get_subtractions(Jf, Jr)
coloring._subtractions = {}
if nzrows.size != nnz_Jf + nnz_Jr:
raise RuntimeError("Nonzero mismatch for J vs. Jf and Jr")
coloring._meta['bidirectional'] = row_i > 0 and col_i > 0
return coloring
def _tol_sweep(arr, tol=_DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['tol'], orders=_DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['orders']):
Find best tolerance 'around' tol to choose nonzero values of arr.
Sweeps over tolerances +- 'orders' orders of magnitude around tol and picks the most
stable one (one corresponding to the most repeated number of nonzero entries).
The array 'arr' must not contain negative numbers.
arr : ndarray
The array requiring computation of nonzero values.
tol : float
Tolerance. We'll sweep above and below this by 'orders' of magnitude.
orders : int
Number of orders of magnitude for one direction of our sweep.
Info about the tolerance and how it was determined.
if orders is None: # skip the sweep. Just use the tolerance given.
good_tol = tol
nz_matches = n_tested = 1
nzeros = []
itol = tol * 10.**orders
smallest = tol / 10.**orders
n_tested = 0
while itol >= smallest:
if itol < 1.:
nz = np.count_nonzero(arr > itol)
if nzeros and nzeros[-1][1] == nz:
nzeros.append(([itol], nz))
n_tested += 1
itol *= .1
# pick lowest tolerance corresponding to the most repeated number of 'zero' entries
sorted_items = sorted(nzeros, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True)
nz_matches = len(sorted_items[0][0])
if nz_matches <= 1:
lst = []
for itols, nz in sorted_items:
entry = ", ".join(['%3.1g' % tol for tol in itols])
if len(itols) > 1:
entry = "[%s]" % entry
lst.append("(%s, %d)" % (entry, nz))
raise RuntimeError("Could not find more than 1 tolerance to match any number of "
"nonzeros. This indicates that your tolerance sweep of +- %d "
"orders, starting from %s is not big enough. To get a 'stable' "
"sparsity pattern, try re-running with a larger tolerance sweep.\n"
"Nonzeros found for each tolerance: [%s]" %
(orders, tol, ", ".join(lst)))
good_tol = sorted_items[0][0][-1]
info = {
'tol': tol,
'orders': orders,
'good_tol': good_tol,
'nz_matches': nz_matches,
'n_tested': n_tested,
return info
def _compute_total_coloring_context(problem, coloring_info):
Context manager for computing total jac sparsity for simultaneous coloring.
problem : Problem
The problem where coloring will be done.
coloring_info : ColoringMeta or None
Metadata object for coloring.
problem._metadata['coloring_randgen'] = np.random.default_rng(41) # set seed for consistency
problem._computing_coloring = True
saved_rand_subjacs = problem._metadata['randomize_subjacs']
saved_rand_seeds = problem._metadata['randomize_seeds']
if coloring_info is not None:
problem._metadata['randomize_subjacs'] = coloring_info.randomize_subjacs
problem._metadata['randomize_seeds'] = coloring_info.randomize_seeds
problem._metadata['coloring_randgen'] = None
problem._computing_coloring = False
problem._metadata['randomize_subjacs'] = saved_rand_subjacs
problem._metadata['randomize_seeds'] = saved_rand_seeds
def _get_total_jac_sparsity(prob, num_full_jacs=_DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['num_full_jacs'],
orders=_DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['orders'], setup=False, run_model=False,
of=None, wrt=None, driver=None):
Return a boolean version of the total jacobian.
The jacobian is computed by calculating a total jacobian using _compute_totals 'num_full_jacs'
times and adding the absolute values of those together, then dividing by 'num_full_jacs',
then converting to a boolean array, specifying all entries below a tolerance as False and all
others as True. Prior to calling _compute_totals, all of the partial jacobians in the
model are modified so that when any of their subjacobians are assigned a value, that
value is populated with positive random numbers in the range [1.0, 2.0).
prob : Problem
The Problem being analyzed.
num_full_jacs : int
Number of times to repeat total jacobian computation.
tol : float
Starting tolerance on values in jacobian. Actual tolerance is computed based on
consistent numbers of zero entries over a sweep of tolerances. Anything smaller in
magnitude than the computed tolerance will be set to 0.0.
orders : int
Number of orders of magnitude for up and down tolerance sweep (default is 5).
setup : bool
If True, run setup before calling compute_totals.
run_model : bool
If True, run run_model before calling compute_totals.
of : iter of str or None
Names of response variables.
wrt : iter of str or None
Names of design variables.
driver : Driver, None, or False
The driver that will be used to compute the total jacobian. If None, the driver
from the problem will be used. If False, compute_totals will be called directly
on the problem.
A boolean composite of 'num_full_jacs' total jacobians.
# clear out any old simul coloring info
if driver is None:
driver = prob.driver
driver._con_subjacs = {}
if not prob._computing_coloring:
if setup:
if run_model:
if of is None or wrt is None:
if driver:
wrt = driver_wrt = list(_src_name_iter(driver._designvars))
of = driver_of = driver._get_ordered_nl_responses()
if not driver or not driver_wrt or not driver_of:
raise RuntimeError("When computing total jacobian sparsity, either 'of' and 'wrt' "
"must be provided or design_vars/constraints/objective must be "
"added to the driver.")
needs_scaling = driver and driver._coloring_info.use_scaling
if driver:
colorinfo = driver._coloring_info
colorinfo = None
start_time = time.perf_counter()
with _compute_total_coloring_context(prob, colorinfo):
fullJ = None
for _ in range(num_full_jacs):
if needs_scaling:
Jabs = driver._compute_totals(of=of, wrt=wrt, return_format='array')
Jabs = prob.compute_totals(of=of, wrt=wrt, return_format='array',
if fullJ is None:
fullJ = np.abs(Jabs)
fullJ += np.abs(Jabs)
Jabs = None
if driver:
# force driver to recreate total jacobian using coloring
driver._total_jac = None
fullJ *= (1.0 / np.max(fullJ))
spmeta = _tol_sweep(fullJ, tol, orders)
spmeta['J_shape'] = fullJ.shape
spmeta['class'] = type(prob).__name__
spmeta['pathname'] = prob._metadata['pathname']
spmeta['nz_entries'] = np.count_nonzero(fullJ)
spmeta['num_full_jacs'] = num_full_jacs
spmeta['sparsity_time'] = time.perf_counter() - start_time
spmeta['type'] = 'total'
nzrows, nzcols = np.nonzero(fullJ > spmeta['good_tol'])
shape = fullJ.shape
fullJ = None
return coo_matrix((np.ones(nzrows.size, dtype=bool), (nzrows, nzcols)), shape=shape), spmeta
def _compute_coloring(J, mode, direct=True):
Compute a good coloring in a specified dominant direction.
J : ndarray or coo_matrix
The sparsity matrix.
mode : str
The direction for solving for total derivatives. Must be 'fwd', 'rev' or 'auto'.
If 'auto', use bidirectional coloring.
direct : bool
If True and doing bidirectional coloring, use the direct method to compute the column
adjacency matrix of partitions, else use the substitution method.
See Coloring class docstring.
start_time = time.perf_counter()
start_mem = mem_usage()
except RuntimeError:
start_mem = None
if mode == 'auto': # use bidirectional coloring
if isinstance(J, np.ndarray):
nzrows, nzcols = np.nonzero(J)
J = coo_matrix((np.ones(nzrows.size, dtype=bool), (nzrows, nzcols)), shape=J.shape)
J = J.tocoo()
coloring = MNCO_bidir(J, direct=direct)
fallback = _compute_coloring(J, 'fwd')
if coloring.total_solves() >= fallback.total_solves():
coloring = fallback
coloring._meta['fallback'] = True
fallback = _compute_coloring(J, 'rev')
if coloring.total_solves() > fallback.total_solves():
coloring = fallback
coloring._meta['fallback'] = True
fallback = None
# record the total time and memory usage for bidir, fwd, and rev
coloring._meta['coloring_time'] = time.perf_counter() - start_time
if start_mem is not None:
coloring._meta['coloring_memory'] = mem_usage() - start_mem
return coloring
rev = mode == 'rev'
coloring = Coloring(sparsity=J)
if rev:
J = J.T
_, ncols = J.shape
if isinstance(J, np.ndarray):
nzrows, nzcols = np.nonzero(J)
J = coo_matrix((np.ones(nzrows.size), (nzrows, nzcols)), shape=J.shape)
nzrows, nzcols = J.row, J.col
col_groups = _get_full_disjoint_cols(J)
col2rows = [None] * ncols # will contain list of nonzero rows for each column
for r, c in zip(nzrows, nzcols):
if col2rows[c] is None:
col2rows[c] = [r]
for c, rows in enumerate(col2rows):
if rows is not None:
col2rows[c] = sorted(rows)
if rev:
coloring._rev = (col_groups, col2rows)
else: # fwd
coloring._fwd = (col_groups, col2rows)
coloring._meta['coloring_time'] = time.perf_counter() - start_time
if start_mem is not None:
coloring._meta['coloring_memory'] = mem_usage() - start_mem
return coloring
[docs]def compute_total_coloring(problem, mode=None, of=None, wrt=None,
setup=False, run_model=False, fname=None,
Compute simultaneous derivative colorings for the total jacobian of the given problem.
problem : Problem
The Problem being analyzed.
mode : str or None
The direction for computing derivatives. If None, use problem._mode.
of : iter of str or None
Names of the 'response' variables.
wrt : iter of str or None
Names of the 'design' variables.
num_full_jacs : int
Number of times to repeat total jacobian computation.
tol : float
Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is nonzero.
orders : int
Number of orders above and below the tolerance to check during the tolerance sweep.
setup : bool
If True, run setup before calling compute_totals.
run_model : bool
If True, run run_model before calling compute_totals.
fname : filename or None
File where output coloring info will be written. If None, no info will be written.
driver : <Driver>, None, or False
The driver associated with the coloring. If None, use problem.driver. If False, no
driver will be used.
See docstring for Coloring class.
if driver is None:
driver = problem.driver
ofs, wrts, _ = problem.model._get_totals_metadata(driver, of, wrt)
model = problem.model
if mode is None:
mode = problem._orig_mode
if mode != problem._orig_mode and mode != problem._mode:
raise RuntimeError("given mode (%s) does not agree with Problem mode (%s)" %
(mode, problem._mode))
if model._approx_schemes: # need to use total approx coloring
if driver and len(ofs) != len(driver._responses):
raise NotImplementedError("Currently there is no support for approx coloring when "
"linear constraint derivatives are computed separately "
"from nonlinear ones.")
_initialize_model_approx(model, driver, ofs, wrts)
if model._coloring_info.coloring is None:
kwargs = {n: v for n, v in model._coloring_info
if n in _DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS and v is not None}
if 'use_scaling' in kwargs:
del kwargs['use_scaling']
kwargs['method'] = list(model._approx_schemes)[0]
if run_model:
coloring = model._compute_coloring(method=list(model._approx_schemes)[0],
num_full_jacs=num_full_jacs, tol=tol, orders=orders)[0]
J, sparsity_info = _get_total_jac_sparsity(problem, num_full_jacs=num_full_jacs, tol=tol,
orders=orders, setup=setup,
run_model=run_model, of=ofs, wrt=wrts,
if driver:
coloring = _compute_coloring(J, mode, direct=driver._coloring_info.direct)
coloring = None
if coloring is not None:
coloring._row_vars = list(ofs)
coloring._row_var_sizes = [m['size'] for m in ofs.values()]
coloring._col_vars = list(wrts)
coloring._col_var_sizes = [m['size'] for m in wrts.values()]
# save metadata we used to create the coloring
if fname is not None:
if ((model._full_comm is not None and model._full_comm.rank == 0) or
(model._full_comm is None and model.comm.rank == 0)):
# save a copy of the abs2prom dict on the coloring object
# so promoted names can be used when displaying coloring data
# (also map auto_ivc names to the prom name of their connected input)
if coloring is not None:
coloring._abs2prom = model._var_allprocs_abs2prom.copy()
# if we're running under MPI, make sure the coloring object is identical on all ranks
# by broadcasting rank 0's coloring to the other ranks.
if problem.comm.size > 1:
if problem.comm.rank == 0:
problem.comm.bcast(coloring, root=0)
coloring = problem.comm.bcast(None, root=0)
if coloring is not None:
coloring._meta['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
coloring._meta['source'] = problem._metadata['pathname']
return coloring
[docs]def dynamic_total_coloring(driver, run_model=True, fname=None, of=None, wrt=None):
Compute simultaneous deriv coloring during runtime.
driver : <Driver>
The driver performing the optimization.
run_model : bool
If True, call run_model before computing coloring.
fname : str or None
Name of file where coloring will be saved.
of : iter of str or None
Names of the 'response' variables.
wrt : iter of str or None
Names of the 'design' variables.
Coloring or None
The computed coloring.
problem = driver._problem()
if not problem.model._use_derivatives:
msg = "Derivatives have been turned off. Skipping dynamic simul coloring."
issue_warning(msg, category=DerivativesWarning)
driver._total_jac = None
problem.driver._coloring_info.coloring = None
num_full_jacs = driver._coloring_info.get('num_full_jacs',
tol = driver._coloring_info.get('tol', _DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['tol'])
orders = driver._coloring_info.get('orders', _DEF_COMP_SPARSITY_ARGS['orders'])
coloring = compute_total_coloring(problem, of=of, wrt=wrt, num_full_jacs=num_full_jacs, tol=tol,
orders=orders, setup=False, run_model=run_model, fname=fname,
driver._coloring_info.coloring = coloring
if coloring is not None:
driver._total_jac = None
return coloring
def _run_total_coloring_report(driver):
reports_dir = driver._problem().get_reports_dir()
htmlpath = reports_dir / 'total_coloring.html'
display_coloring(source=driver, output_file=htmlpath,
as_text=bokeh_resources is None, show=False)
# entry point for coloring report
def _total_coloring_report_register():
register_report('total_coloring', _run_total_coloring_report, 'Total coloring', 'Driver',
'_get_coloring', 'post')
def _total_coloring_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao total_coloring' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('file', nargs=1, help='Python file containing the model.')
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='outfile', help='output file (pickle format)')
parser.add_argument('-n', action='store', dest='num_jacs', type=int,
help='number of times to repeat derivative computation when '
'computing sparsity')
parser.add_argument('--orders', action='store', dest='orders', type=int,
help='Number of orders (+/-) used in the tolerance sweep.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tol', action='store', dest='tolerance', type=float,
help='tolerance used to determine if a jacobian entry is nonzero')
parser.add_argument('--view', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity',
help="Display a visualization of the final jacobian used to "
"compute the coloring.")
parser.add_argument('--textview', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity_text',
help="Display a text-based visualization of the colored jacobian.")
parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store_true', dest='profile',
help="Do profiling on the coloring process.")
def _total_coloring_cmd(options, user_args):
Return the post_setup hook function for 'openmdao total_coloring'.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str
Args to be passed to the user script.
from openmdao.devtools.debug import profiling
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import do_nothing_context
global _use_total_sparsity
_use_total_sparsity = False
def _total_coloring(prob):
if prob.model._use_derivatives:
hooks._unregister_hook('final_setup', 'Problem') # avoid recursive loop
if options.outfile:
outfile = os.path.abspath(options.outfile)
outfile = os.path.join(prob.options['coloring_dir'], 'total_coloring.pkl')
coloring_info = prob.driver._coloring_info.copy()
if options.tolerance is not None:
coloring_info.tol = options.tolerance
if options.orders is not None:
coloring_info.orders = options.orders
if options.num_jacs is not None:
coloring_info.num_full_jacs = options.num_jacs
if options.show_sparsity:
coloring_info.show_sparsity = options.show_sparsity
with profiling('coloring_profile.out') if options.profile else do_nothing_context():
coloring_info.coloring = \
compute_total_coloring(prob, num_full_jacs=coloring_info.num_full_jacs,
tol=coloring_info.tol, orders=coloring_info.orders,
setup=False, run_model=True, fname=outfile,
print("Derivatives are turned off. Cannot compute simul coloring.")
hooks._register_hook('final_setup', 'Problem', post=_total_coloring, exit=True)
_load_and_exec(options.file[0], user_args)
def _partial_coloring_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao partial_color' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('file', nargs=1, help='Python file containing the model.')
parser.add_argument('--no_recurse', action='store_true', dest='norecurse',
help='Do not recurse from the provided system down.')
parser.add_argument('--system', action='store', dest='system', default='',
help='pathname of system to color or to start recursing from.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--class', action='append', dest='classes', default=[],
help='compute a coloring for instances of the given class. '
'This option may be be used multiple times to specify multiple classes. '
'Class name can optionally contain the full module path.')
parser.add_argument('--compute_decl_partials', action='store_true', dest='compute_decls',
help="Display declare_partials() calls required to specify computed "
parser.add_argument('--method', action='store', dest='method',
help='approximation method ("fd" or "cs").')
parser.add_argument('--step', action='store', dest='step',
help='approximation step size.')
parser.add_argument('--form', action='store', dest='form',
help='approximation form ("forward", "backward", "central"). Only applies '
'to "fd" method.')
parser.add_argument('--perturbation', action='store', dest='perturb_size', default=1e-3,
type=float, help='random perturbation size used when computing sparsity.')
parser.add_argument('-n', action='store', dest='num_full_jacs', default=3, type=int,
help='number of times to repeat derivative computation when '
'computing sparsity')
parser.add_argument('--tol', action='store', dest='tol', default=1.e-15, type=float,
help='tolerance used to determine if a jacobian entry is nonzero')
parser.add_argument('--per_instance', action='store', dest='per_instance',
help='Generate a coloring file per instance, rather than a coloring file '
'per class.')
parser.add_argument('--view', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity',
help="Display a visualization of the colored jacobian.")
parser.add_argument('--textview', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity_text',
help="Display a text-based visualization of the colored jacobian.")
parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store_true', dest='profile',
help="Do profiling on the coloring process.")
def _get_partial_coloring_kwargs(system, options):
if options.system != '' and options.classes:
raise RuntimeError("Can't specify --system and --class together.")
kwargs = {}
names = ('method', 'form', 'step', 'num_full_jacs', 'perturb_size', 'tol')
for name in names:
if getattr(options, name) is not None:
kwargs[name] = getattr(options, name)
kwargs['recurse'] = not options.norecurse and system._subsystems_allprocs
per_instance = getattr(options, 'per_instance')
kwargs['per_instance'] = (per_instance is None or
per_instance.lower() not in ['false', '0', 'no'])
return kwargs
def _partial_coloring_cmd(options, user_args):
Return the hook function for 'openmdao partial_color'.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str
Args to be passed to the user script.
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.devtools.debug import profiling
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import do_nothing_context
global _use_partial_sparsity, _force_dyn_coloring
_use_partial_sparsity = False
_force_dyn_coloring = True
def _show(system, options, coloring):
if options.show_sparsity_text and not coloring._meta.get('show_sparsity'):
if options.show_sparsity and not coloring._meta.get('show_sparsity'):
if not coloring._meta.get('show_summary'): # avoids double printing of summary
print("\nApprox coloring for '%s' (class %s)" % (system.pathname,
if options.compute_decls and isinstance(system, Component):
print('\n # add the following lines to class %s to declare sparsity' %
def _partial_coloring(prob):
if prob.model._use_derivatives:
hooks._unregister_hook('final_setup', 'Problem') # avoid recursive loop
prob.run_model() # get a consistent starting values for inputs and outputs
with profiling('coloring_profile.out') if options.profile else do_nothing_context():
if options.system == '':
system = prob.model
if not options.classes:
_initialize_model_approx(system, prob.driver)
system = prob.model._get_subsystem(options.system)
if system is None:
raise RuntimeError("Can't find system with pathname '%s'." % options.system)
kwargs = _get_partial_coloring_kwargs(system, options)
if options.classes:
to_find = set(options.classes)
found = set()
kwargs['recurse'] = False
for s in system.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
for c in options.classes:
klasses = [m.__name__ for m in inspect.getmro(s.__class__)][:-1]
mods = [m.__module__ for m in inspect.getmro(s.__class__)][:-1]
for klass, mod in zip(klasses, mods):
mod = s.__class__.__module__
if c == klass or c == '.'.join([mod, klass]):
if len(s._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']) == 0 or \
len(s._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']) == 0:
print(f"Skipping {s.pathname} <class {klass}> because it "
"has either no inputs or no outputs.")
coloring = s._compute_coloring(**kwargs)[0]
except Exception:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print("The following error occurred while attempting to "
f"compute coloring for {s.pathname}:\n {tb}")
if coloring is not None:
_show(s, options, coloring)
if options.norecurse:
if c in found:
if to_find - found:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to find any instance of classes %s" %
sorted(to_find - found))
colorings = system._compute_coloring(**kwargs)
if not colorings:
print("No coloring found.")
for c in colorings:
if c is not None:
path = c._meta['pathname']
s = prob.model._get_subsystem(path) if path else prob.model
_show(s, options, c)
print("Derivatives are turned off. Cannot compute simul coloring.")
hooks._register_hook('final_setup', 'Problem', post=_partial_coloring, exit=True)
_load_and_exec(options.file[0], user_args)
def _view_coloring_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao view_coloring' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('file', nargs=1, help='coloring file.')
parser.add_argument('--view', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity',
help="Display a visualization of the colored jacobian.")
parser.add_argument('--textview', action='store_true', dest='show_sparsity_text',
help="Display a text-based visualization of the colored jacobian.")
parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true', dest='subjac_sparsity',
help="Display sparsity patterns for subjacs.")
parser.add_argument('-m', action='store_true', dest='show_meta',
help="Display coloring metadata.")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--var', action='store', dest='color_var',
help='show the coloring (number of fwd and rev solves needed) '
'for a particular variable.')
def _view_coloring_exec(options, user_args):
Execute the 'openmdao view_coloring' command.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str
Command line options after '--' (if any). Passed to user script.
coloring = Coloring.load(options.file[0])
if options.show_sparsity_text:
if options.show_sparsity:
if bokeh_resources is not None:
Coloring.display_bokeh(source=options.file[0], show=True)
Coloring.display_txt(source=options.file[0], html=False)
if options.subjac_sparsity:
print("\nSubjacobian sparsity:")
for tup in coloring._subjac_sparsity_iter():
print("(%s, %s)\n rows=%s\n cols=%s" % tup[:4])
if options.color_var is not None:
fwd, rev = coloring.get_row_var_coloring(options.color_var)
print("\nVar: %s (fwd solves: %d, rev solves: %d)\n" % (options.color_var, fwd, rev))
if options.show_meta:
print("\nColoring metadata:")
def _initialize_model_approx(model, driver, of=None, wrt=None):
Set up internal data structures needed for computing approx totals.
if of is None or wrt is None:
of, wrt, _ = model._get_totals_metadata(driver, of, wrt)
# Initialization based on driver (or user) -requested "of" and "wrt".
if (not model._owns_approx_jac or model._owns_approx_of is None or
model._owns_approx_of != of or model._owns_approx_wrt is None or
model._owns_approx_wrt != wrt):
model._owns_approx_of = of
model._owns_approx_wrt = wrt
class _ColSparsityJac(object):
A class to manage the assembly of a sparsity matrix by columns without allocating a dense jac.
def __init__(self, system):
self._coloring_info = system._coloring_info
nrows = sum([end - start for _, start, end, _, _ in system._jac_of_iter()])
end = 0
for _, _, end, _, _, _ in system._jac_wrt_iter(self._coloring_info.wrt_matches):
self._nrows = nrows
self._randgen = None
self._ncols = end
self.shape = (nrows, end)
self._col_list = [None] * self._ncols
def set_col(self, system, i, column):
# record only the nonzero part of the column.
# Depending on user specified tolerance, the number of nonzeros may be further reduced later
nzs = np.nonzero(column)[0]
if nzs.size > 0:
if self._col_list[i] is None:
self._col_list[i] = [nzs, np.abs(column[nzs])]
oldnzs, olddata = self._col_list[i]
if oldnzs.size == nzs.size and np.all(nzs == oldnzs):
olddata += np.abs(column[nzs])
else: # nonzeros don't match
scratch = np.zeros(column.size)
scratch[oldnzs] = olddata
scratch[nzs] += np.abs(column[nzs])
newnzs = np.nonzero(scratch)[0]
self._col_list[i] = [newnzs, scratch[newnzs]]
def set_dense_jac(self, system, jac):
Assign a dense jacobian to this jacobian.
system : System
The system that owns this jacobian.
jac : ndarray
Dense jacobian.
for i in range(jac.shape[1]):
self.set_col(system, i, jac[:, i])
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# ignore any setting of subjacs based on analytic derivs
def get_sparsity(self):
Assemble the sparsity matrix (COO) based on data collected earlier via set_col.
The sparsity matrix.
Metadata describing the sparsity computation.
rows = []
cols = []
data = []
coloring_info = self._coloring_info
for icol, tup in enumerate(self._col_list):
if tup is None:
rowinds, d = tup
cols.append(np.full(rowinds.size, icol))
if rows:
rows = np.hstack(rows)
cols = np.hstack(cols)
data = np.hstack(data)
# scale the data
data *= (1. / np.max(data))
info = _tol_sweep(data, coloring_info.tol, coloring_info.orders)
info['J_shape'] = self.shape
info['nz_entries'] = np.count_nonzero(data)
data = data > info['good_tol'] # data is now a bool
rows = rows[data]
cols = cols[data]
data = data[data]
rows = np.zeros(0, dtype=int)
cols = np.zeros(0, dtype=int)
data = np.zeros(0, dtype=bool)
info = {
'tol': coloring_info.tol,
'orders': coloring_info.orders,
'good_tol': coloring_info.tol,
'nz_matches': 0,
'n_tested': 0,
'nz_entries': 0,
'J_shape': (0, 0),
return coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(self._nrows, self._ncols)), info
[docs]def display_coloring(source, output_file='total_coloring.html', as_text=False, show=True,
Display the coloring information from source to html format.
source : str or Coloring or Driver
The source of the coloring information. If given as a string, source should
be a valid coloring file path. If given as a Driver, display_colroing will
attempt to obtain coloring information from the Driver.
output_file : str or Path or None
The output file to which the coloring display should be sent. If as_text
is True and output_file ends with .html, then the coloring will be sent
to that file as html, otherwise it will
the html file will be saved in a temporary file.
as_text : bool
If True, render the coloring information using plain text.
show : bool
If True, open the resulting html file in the system browser.
max_colors : int
Bokeh colormaps support at most 256 colors. Near the upper end of this interval,
the colors are nearly white and may be difficult to distinguish. This
setting sets the upper limit for the color index before the pattern repeats.
if isinstance(source, str):
coloring = Coloring.load(source)
elif isinstance(source, Coloring):
coloring = source
elif hasattr(source, '_coloring_info'):
coloring = source._coloring_info.coloring
raise ValueError(f'display_coloring was expecting the source to be a valid '
f'coloring file or an instance of Coloring or driver '
f'but instead got f{type(source)}')
if coloring is None:
if as_text or bokeh_resources is None:
if bokeh_resources is None and not as_text:
issue_warning("bokeh is not installed.\n"
"display_coloring will render output in plain text.")
if output_file is None:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.html', delete=False) as f:
output_file = f.name
coloring.display_txt(out_stream=f, html=True)
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
coloring.display_txt(out_stream=f, html=True)
if show:
coloring.display_bokeh(output_file, show=show, max_colors=max_colors)