Source code for openmdao.utils.assert_utils

Functions for making assertions about OpenMDAO Systems.

import sys
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import warnings
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

    from jaxlib.xla_extension import ArrayImpl
except ImportError:
    ArrayImpl = None

from openmdao.core.component import Component
from import Group
from openmdao.jacobians.dictionary_jacobian import DictionaryJacobian
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import add_border, get_max_widths, strs2row_iter
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import reset_warning_registry, issue_warning
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI
from openmdao.utils.testing_utils import snum_equal

[docs]@contextmanager def assert_warning(category, msg, contains_msg=False, ranks=None): """ Context manager asserting that a warning is issued. Parameters ---------- category : class The class of the expected warning. msg : str The text of the expected warning. contains_msg : bool Set to True to check that the warning text contains msg, rather than checking equality. ranks : int or list of int, optional The global ranks on which the warning is expected. Yields ------ None Raises ------ AssertionError If the expected warning is not raised. """ with reset_warning_registry(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") yield if ranks is not None: if MPI is None: raise RuntimeError("ranks argument has been specified but MPI is not active") else: if not isinstance(ranks, list): ranks = [ranks] if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank not in ranks: return for warn in w: if contains_msg: warn_clause = msg in str(warn.message) else: warn_clause = str(warn.message) == msg if (issubclass(warn.category, category) and warn_clause): break else: msg = f"Did not see expected {category.__name__}:\n{msg}" if w: ws = '\n'.join([str(ww.message) for ww in w]) categories = '\n'.join([str(ww.category.__name__) for ww in w]) msg += f"\nDid see warnings [{categories}]:\n{ws}" raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]@contextmanager def assert_warnings(expected_warnings): """ Context manager asserting that expected warnings are issued. Parameters ---------- expected_warnings : iterable of (class, str) The category and text of the expected warnings. Yields ------ None Raises ------ AssertionError If all the expected warnings are not raised. """ with reset_warning_registry(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") yield for category, msg in expected_warnings: for warn in w: if (issubclass(warn.category, category) and str(warn.message) == msg): break else: raise AssertionError("Did not see expected %s: %s" % (category.__name__, msg))
[docs]@contextmanager def assert_no_warning(category, msg=None, contains=False): """ Context manager asserting that a warning is not issued. Parameters ---------- category : class The class of the warning. msg : str or None The text of the warning. If None then only the warning class will be checked. contains : bool If True, check that the warning text contains msg, rather than checking equality. Yields ------ None Raises ------ AssertionError If the warning is raised. """ with reset_warning_registry(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") yield for warn in w: if issubclass(warn.category, category): if msg is None: raise AssertionError(f"Found warning: {category} {str(warn.message)}") elif contains: if msg in str(warn.message): raise AssertionError(f"Found warning: {category} containing '{msg}'") elif str(warn.message) == msg: raise AssertionError(f"Found warning: {category} {msg}")
def _filter_np_err(msg): # remove extraneous lines from numpy error message lines = [] for line in msg.split('\n'): if not line.startswith('Not equal to tolerance'): line = line.strip() if line: lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) def _parse_assert_allclose_error(msg): """ Parse the error message from an assert_allclose failure. Parameters ---------- msg : str The error message. Returns ------- (float, float) The max absolute error and the max relative error. """ for line in msg.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('Max'): continue parts = line.split() # Note change in format of assert_allclose error message for NumPy 2.x # Numpy 1.x format: # ---------------- # Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-06 # # Mismatched elements: 15 / 15 (100%) # Max absolute difference: 2.7 # Max relative difference: 1. # Numpy 2.x format: # ---------------- # Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-06 # # Mismatched elements: 15 / 15 (100%) # Max absolute difference among violations: 2.7 # Max relative difference among violations: 1. if parts[1] == 'absolute': abs_err = float(parts[-1]) elif parts[1] == 'relative': rel_err = float(parts[-1]) return abs_err, rel_err
[docs]def assert_check_partials(data, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, verbose=False, max_display_shape=(20, 20)): """ Raise assertion if any entry from the return from check_partials is above a tolerance. Parameters ---------- data : dict of dicts of dicts First key: is the component name; Second key: is the (output, input) tuple of strings; Third key: is one of ['tol violation', 'magnitude', 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev', 'vals_at_max_error', 'directional_fd_fwd', 'directional_fd_rev', 'directional_fwd_rev', 'rank_inconsistent', 'matrix_free', 'directional', 'steps', and 'rank_inconsistent']. For 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev' the value is a numpy array representing the computed Jacobian for the three different methods of computation. For 'tol violation' and 'vals_at_max_error' the value is a tuple containing values for forward - fd, reverse - fd, forward - reverse. For 'magnitude' the value is a tuple indicating the maximum magnitude of values found in Jfwd, Jrev, and Jfd. atol : float Absolute error. Default is 1e-6. rtol : float Relative error. Default is 1e-6. verbose : bool When True, display more jacobian information. max_display_shape : tuple of int Maximum shape of the jacobians to display directly in the error message. Default is (20, 20). Only active if verbose is True. """ error_strings = [] if isinstance(data, tuple): if len(data) != 2: raise RuntimeError(f"partials data format error (tuple of size {len(data)})") data = data[0] for comp in data: bad_derivs = [] inconsistent_derivs = set() # Find all derivatives whose errors exceed tolerance. for key, pair_data in data[comp].items(): if pair_data.get('rank_inconsistent'): inconsistent_derivs.add(key) J_fds = pair_data['J_fd'] J_fwd = pair_data.get('J_fwd') J_rev = pair_data.get('J_rev') dir_fd_fwds = pair_data.get('directional_fd_fwd') dir_fd_revs = pair_data.get('directional_fd_rev') dir_fwd_rev = pair_data.get('directional_fwd_rev') directional = pair_data.get('directional') if not isinstance(J_fds, list): J_fds = [J_fds] dir_fd_fwds = [dir_fd_fwds] dir_fd_revs = [dir_fd_revs] else: if dir_fd_fwds is None: dir_fd_fwds = [dir_fd_fwds] if dir_fd_revs is None: dir_fd_revs = [dir_fd_revs] dirstr = ' directional' if directional else '' jacs = [(f'J_fwd{dirstr}', J_fwd, f'Forward{dirstr}'), (f'J_rev{dirstr}', J_rev, f'Reverse{dirstr}')] steps = pair_data.get('steps', [None]) nrows, ncols = J_fds[0].shape if isinstance(max_display_shape, int): maxrows = maxcols = max_display_shape else: try: maxrows, maxcols = max_display_shape except ValueError: issue_warning("max_display_shape must be an int or a tuple of two ints, but " f"got {max_display_shape}. Defaulting to (20, 20).") for J_fd, step, dfwd, drev in zip(J_fds, steps, dir_fd_fwds, dir_fd_revs): if step is not None: stepstr = f" (step={step})" else: stepstr = "" analytic_found = False for Jname, J, direction in jacs: fwd = direction.startswith('Forward') if J is not None: analytic_found = True try: if fwd and dfwd is not None: J1, J2 = dfwd np.testing.assert_allclose(J1, J2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) elif not fwd and drev is not None: J1, J2 = drev np.testing.assert_allclose(J1, J2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) else: J1, J2 = J, J_fd np.testing.assert_allclose(J1, J2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) except Exception as err: abserr, relerr = _parse_assert_allclose_error(err.args[0]) if abserr < atol and not (np.any(J1) or np.any(J2)): # if one array is all zeros and we don't violate the absolute # tolerance, then don't flag the relative error. continue if verbose: bad_derivs.append(f"\n{direction} derivatives of '{key[0]}' wrt " f"'{key[1]}' do not match finite " f"difference{stepstr}.\n") bad_derivs[-1] += _filter_np_err(err.args[0]) if nrows <= maxrows and ncols <= maxcols: with np.printoptions(linewidth=10000): bad_derivs[-1] += f'\nJ_fd - {Jname}:\n' + \ np.array2string(J_fd - J) else: bad_derivs.append([f"{key[0]} wrt {key[1]}", "abs", f"fd-{Jname[2:]}", f"{abserr}"]) bad_derivs.append([f"{key[0]} wrt {key[1]}", "rel", f"fd-{Jname[2:]}", f"{relerr}"]) if not analytic_found: # check if J_fd is all zeros. If not, then we have a problem. abserr = np.max(np.abs(J_fd)) if abserr > atol: if verbose: bad_derivs.append(f"\nAnalytic deriv for '{key[0]}' wrt '{key[1]}' " f"is assumed zero, but finite difference{stepstr} " "is nonzero.\n") if nrows <= maxrows and ncols <= maxcols: with np.printoptions(linewidth=10000): bad_derivs[-1] += '\nJ_fd - J_analytic:\n' + \ np.array2string(J_fd) else: abserr = np.max(np.abs(J_fd)) bad_derivs.append([f"{key[0]} wrt {key[1]}", "abs", "fd-fwd", f"{abserr}"]) if pair_data.get('matrix_free') is not None and J_fwd is not None and J_rev is not None: try: if dir_fwd_rev is not None: dJfwd, dJrev = dir_fwd_rev either_zero = not (np.any(dJfwd) or np.any(dJrev)) np.testing.assert_allclose(dJfwd, dJrev, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) else: either_zero = not (np.any(J_fwd) or np.any(J_rev)) np.testing.assert_allclose(J_fwd, J_rev, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) except Exception as err: abserr, relerr = _parse_assert_allclose_error(err.args[0]) if abserr < atol and either_zero: # if one array is all zeros and we don't violate the absolute # tolerance, then don't flag the relative error. continue if verbose: bad_derivs.append(f"\nForward and Reverse derivatives of '{key[0]}' wrt " f"'{key[1]}' do not match.\n") bad_derivs[-1] += _filter_np_err(err.args[0]) if nrows <= maxrows and ncols <= maxcols: with np.printoptions(linewidth=10000): bad_derivs[-1] += '\nJ_fwd - J_rev:\n' + \ np.array2string(J_fwd - J_rev) else: bad_derivs.append([f"{key[0]} wrt {key[1]}", "abs", "fwd-rev", f"{abserr}"]) bad_derivs.append([f"{key[0]} wrt {key[1]}", "rel", "fwd-rev", f"{relerr}"]) if bad_derivs or inconsistent_derivs: error_strings.extend(['', add_border(f'Component: {comp}', '-')]) if bad_derivs: if verbose: error_strings[-1] += '\n'.join(bad_derivs) else: header = ['< output > wrt < variable >', 'max abs/rel', 'diff', 'value'] widths = get_max_widths(chain([header], bad_derivs)) header_str = list(strs2row_iter([header], widths, delim=' | '))[0] error_strings.append(add_border(header_str, '-', above=False)) error_strings.extend(strs2row_iter(bad_derivs, widths, delim=' | ')) if inconsistent_derivs: error_strings[-1] += ( "\nInconsistent derivs across processes for keys: " f"{sorted(inconsistent_derivs)}.\nCheck that distributed outputs are properly " "reduced when computing\nderivatives of serial inputs.") if error_strings: header = add_border('assert_check_partials failed for the following Components\n' f'with absolute tolerance = {atol} and relative tolerance = {rtol}') err_string = '\n'.join(error_strings) raise ValueError(f"\n{header}\n{err_string}")
[docs]def assert_check_totals(totals_data, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, max_display_shape=(20, 20)): """ Raise assertion if any entry from the return from check_totals is above a tolerance. Parameters ---------- totals_data : Dict of Dicts of Tuples of Floats First key: is the (output, input) tuple of strings; Second key: is one of ['tol violation', 'magnitude', 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev', 'vals_at_max_error', 'directional_fd_fwd', 'directional_fd_rev', 'directional_fwd_rev', 'rank_inconsistent', 'matrix_free', 'directional', 'steps', and 'rank_inconsistent']. For 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev' the value is a numpy array representing the computed Jacobian for the three different methods of computation. For 'tol violation' and 'vals_at_max_error' the value is a tuple containing values for forward - fd, reverse - fd, forward - reverse. For 'magnitude' the value is a tuple indicating the maximum magnitude of values found in Jfwd, Jrev, and Jfd. atol : float Absolute error. Default is 1e-6. rtol : float Relative error. Default is 1e-6. max_display_shape : tuple of int Maximum shape of the jacobians to display directly in the error message. Default is (20, 20). """ fails = [] incon_keys = set() for key, dct in totals_data.items(): if 'inconsistent_keys' in dct: incon_keys = dct['inconsistent_keys'] J_fd = dct['J_fd'] if isinstance(J_fd, list): J_fd = J_fd[0] try: nrows, ncols = J_fd.shape except ValueError: nrows = J_fd.shape ncols = 1 break if isinstance(max_display_shape, int): maxrows = maxcols = max_display_shape else: try: maxrows, maxcols = max_display_shape except ValueError: issue_warning("max_display_shape must be an int or a tuple of two ints, but " f"got {max_display_shape}. Defaulting to (20, 20).") jacs = [('J_fwd', dct.get('J_fwd'), 'Forward'), ('J_rev', dct.get('J_rev'), 'Reverse')] for Jname, J, direction in jacs: if J is not None: try: np.testing.assert_allclose(J, J_fd, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, verbose=False, equal_nan=False) except Exception as err: abserr, relerr = _parse_assert_allclose_error(err.args[0]) if abserr < atol and not (np.any(J) or np.any(J_fd)): # if one array is all zeros and we don't violate the absolute # tolerance, then don't flag the relative error. continue fails.append(f"\n{direction} derivatives of '{key[0]}' w.r.t '{key[1]}' " "do not match finite difference.\n") fails[-1] += _filter_np_err(err.args[0]) if nrows <= maxrows and ncols <= maxcols: with np.printoptions(linewidth=10000): fails[-1] += f'\n{Jname} - J_fd:\n' + np.array2string(J - J_fd) if incon_keys: ders = [f"{sof} wrt {swrt}" for sof, swrt in sorted(incon_keys)] fails.append(f"During total derivative computation, the following partial derivatives " f"resulted in serial inputs that were inconsistent across processes: {ders}.") if fails: raise ValueError('\n\n'.join(fails))
[docs]def assert_no_approx_partials(system, include_self=True, recurse=True, method='any', excludes=None): """ Raise assertion error if any component within system is using approximated partials. Parameters ---------- system : System The system under which to search for approximated partials. include_self : bool If True, include this system in the iteration. recurse : bool If True, iterate over the whole tree under this system. method : str Specifically look for Components with this method of approx partials. Values can be 'cs', 'fd', or 'any'. 'any' means either 'cs' or 'fd'. The default is 'any'. excludes : str, iter of str, or None Glob patterns for pathnames to exclude from the check. Default is None, which excludes nothing. Raises ------ AssertionError If a subsystem of group is found to be using approximated partials. """ if isinstance(excludes, str): excludes = [excludes, ] has_approx_partials = False msg = 'The following components use approximated partials:\n' for s in system.system_iter(include_self=include_self, recurse=recurse): if isinstance(s, Component): if excludes is not None and any(fnmatch(s.pathname, exclude) for exclude in excludes): continue if s._approx_schemes: if method == 'any' or method in s._approx_schemes: has_approx_partials = True approx_partials = [(k, v['method']) for k, v in s._declared_partials_patterns.items() if 'method' in v and v['method']] msg += ' ' + s.pathname + '\n' for key, method in approx_partials: key = (str(key[0]), str(key[1])) msg += ' of={0:12s} wrt={1:12s} method={2:2s}\n'.format(key[0], key[1], method) if has_approx_partials: raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]def assert_no_dict_jacobians(system, include_self=True, recurse=True): """ Raise an assertion error if any Group within system is found to be using dictionary jacobians. Parameters ---------- system : System The system under which to search for approximated partials. include_self : bool If True, include this system in the iteration. recurse : bool If True, iterate over the whole tree under this system. Raises ------ AssertionError If a subsystem of group is found to be using approximated partials. """ parts = ['The following groups use dictionary jacobians:\n'] for s in system.system_iter(include_self=include_self, recurse=recurse, typ=Group): if isinstance(s._jacobian, DictionaryJacobian): parts.append(' ' + s.pathname) if len(parts) > 1: raise AssertionError('\n'.join(parts))
[docs]def assert_near_equal(actual, desired, tolerance=1e-15, tol_type='rel'): """ Check relative error. Determine that the relative error between `actual` and `desired` is within `tolerance`. If `desired` is zero, then use absolute error. Can handle some data structures. Generates warnings for data types it cannot handle. Parameters ---------- actual : float, array-like, dict The value from the test. desired : float, array-like, dict The value expected. tolerance : float Maximum relative or absolute error. For relative tolerance: ``(actual - desired) / desired``. For absolute tolerance: ``(actual - desired)``. tol_type : {'rel', 'abs'} Type of error to use: 'rel' for relative error, 'abs' for absolute error. Default is set to 'rel'. Returns ------- float The error. """ # Try to make similar things of the same type so they can be compared # make arrays out of scalars if type(actual) in [int, float, np.int64, np.float64, np.int32, np.complex128]: actual = np.atleast_1d(actual) if type(desired) in [int, float, np.int64, np.float64, np.int32, np.complex128]: desired = np.atleast_1d(desired) # Handle jax arrays, if available if ArrayImpl is not None: if isinstance(actual, ArrayImpl): actual = np.atleast_1d(actual) if isinstance(desired, ArrayImpl): desired = np.atleast_1d(desired) # if desired is numeric list or tuple, make ndarray out of it if isinstance(actual, (list, tuple)): actual = np.asarray(actual) if isinstance(desired, (list, tuple)): desired = np.asarray(desired) # In case they are PromAbsDict and other dict-like objects if isinstance(actual, dict) and type(actual) is not dict: actual = dict(actual) if isinstance(desired, dict) and type(desired) is not dict: desired = dict(desired) if type(actual) is not type(desired): raise ValueError(f'actual {type(actual)}, desired {type(desired)} have different types') if isinstance(actual, type) and isinstance(desired, type): if actual != desired: raise ValueError( 'actual type %s, and desired type %s are different' % (actual, desired)) return 0 # The code below can only handle these data types _supported_types = [dict, set, str, bool, np.ndarray, type(None)] if type(actual) not in _supported_types: warnings.warn( f"The function, assert_near_equal, does not support the actual value type: '" f"{type(actual)}'.") return 0 if type(desired) not in _supported_types: warnings.warn( f"The function, assert_near_equal, does not support the desired value type: '" f"{type(actual)}'.") return 0 if isinstance(actual, dict) and isinstance(desired, dict): actual_keys = set(actual.keys()) desired_keys = set(desired.keys()) if actual_keys.symmetric_difference(desired_keys): msg = 'Actual and desired keys differ. Actual extra keys: {}, Desired extra keys: {}' actual_extra = actual_keys.difference(desired_keys) desired_extra = desired_keys.difference(actual_keys) raise KeyError(msg.format(actual_extra, desired_extra)) error = 0. for key in actual_keys: try: new_error = assert_near_equal(actual[key], desired[key], tolerance, tol_type) error = max(error, new_error) except ValueError as exception: msg = '{}: '.format(key) + str(exception) raise ValueError(msg) from None except KeyError as exception: msg = '{}: '.format(key) + str(exception) raise KeyError(msg) from None elif isinstance(actual, set) and isinstance(desired, set): if actual.symmetric_difference(desired): actual_extra = actual.difference(desired) desired = desired.difference(actual) raise KeyError("Actual and desired sets differ. " f"Actual extra values: {actual_extra}, " f"Desired extra values: {desired_extra}") error = 0. elif isinstance(actual, str) and isinstance(desired, str): if actual != desired: raise ValueError( 'actual %s, desired %s strings have different values' % (actual, desired)) error = 0.0 elif isinstance(actual, bool) and isinstance(desired, bool): if actual != desired: raise ValueError( 'actual %s, desired %s booleans have different values' % (actual, desired)) error = 0.0 elif actual is None and desired is None: error = 0.0 # array values elif isinstance(actual, np.ndarray) and isinstance(desired, np.ndarray): if actual.dtype == object or desired.dtype == object: if actual.dtype == object: warnings.warn( f"The function, assert_near_equal, does not support the actual value ndarray " f"type of: '" f"{type(actual.dtype)}'.") if desired.dtype == object: warnings.warn( f"The function, assert_near_equal, does not support the desired value ndarray " f"type of: '" f"{type(desired.dtype)}'.") error = 0.0 else: actual = np.atleast_1d(actual) desired = np.atleast_1d(desired) if actual.shape != desired.shape: raise ValueError( 'actual and desired have differing shapes.' ' actual {}, desired {}'.format(actual.shape, desired.shape)) # check to see if the entire array is made of floats. If not, loop through all values if not np.all(np.isnan(actual) == np.isnan(desired)): if actual.size == 1 and desired.size == 1: raise ValueError('actual %s, desired %s' % (actual, desired)) else: raise ValueError('actual and desired values have non-matching nan' ' values') if np.linalg.norm(desired) == 0 or tol_type == 'abs': error = np.linalg.norm(actual - desired) else: error = np.linalg.norm(actual - desired) / np.linalg.norm(desired) if abs(error) > tolerance: if actual.size < 10 and desired.size < 10: raise ValueError('actual %s, desired %s, %s error %s, tolerance %s' % (actual, desired, tol_type, error, tolerance)) else: raise ValueError('arrays do not match, rel error %.3e > tol (%.3e)' % (error, tolerance)) elif isinstance(actual, tuple) and isinstance(desired, tuple): error = 0.0 for act, des in zip(actual, desired): new_error = assert_near_equal(act, des, tolerance, tol_type) error = max(error, new_error) else: raise ValueError( 'actual and desired have unexpected types: %s, %s' % (type(actual), type(desired))) return error
[docs]def assert_sparsity_matches_fd(system, direction='fwd', outstream=sys.stdout): """ Assert that the sparsity of the system matches the finite difference sparsity. Parameters ---------- system : System The system to check. direction : str The direction to check. 'fwd' or 'rev'. outstream : file The stream to write the output to. If None, no output is written. """ assert system.sparsity_matches_fd(direction=direction, outstream=outstream), \ f"{system.msginfo}: Sparsity does not match finite difference sparsity"
[docs]def assert_equal_arrays(a1, a2): """ Check that two arrays are equal. This is a simplified method useful when the arrays to be compared may not be numeric. It simply compares the shapes of the two arrays and then does a value by value comparison. Parameters ---------- a1 : array The first array to compare. a2 : array The second array to compare. """ assert a1.shape == a2.shape for x, y in zip(a1.flat, a2.flat): assert x == y
[docs]def assert_equal_numstrings(s1, s2, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6): """ Check that two strings containing numbers are equal after convering numerical parts to floats. Parameters ---------- s1 : str The first numeric string to compare. s2 : str The second numeric string to compare. atol : float Absolute error tolerance. Default is 1e-6. rtol : float Relative error tolerance. Default is 1e-6. """ assert snum_equal(s1, s2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
[docs]def skip_helper(msg): """ Raise a SkipTest. Parameters ---------- msg : str The skip messaage. Raises ------ SkipTest """ raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
[docs]class SkipParameterized(object): """ Replaces the parameterized class, skipping decorated test cases. """
[docs] @classmethod def expand(cls, input, name_func=None, doc_func=None, skip_on_empty=False, **legacy): """ Decorate a test so that it raises a SkipTest. Parameters ---------- input : iterable Not used (part of parameterized API). name_func : function Not used (part of parameterized API). doc_func : function Not used (part of parameterized API). skip_on_empty : bool Not used (part of parameterized API). **legacy : dict Not used (part of parameterized API). Returns ------- function The wrapper function. """ skip_msg = "requires 'parameterized' (install openmdao[test])" def parameterized_expand_wrapper(f, instance=None): """ Wrap a function so that it raises a SkipTest. f : function Function to be wrapped. instance : None Not used (part of parameterized API). Returns ------- function The wrapped function. """ return wraps(f)(lambda f: skip_helper(skip_msg)) return parameterized_expand_wrapper