Source code for openmdao.solvers.linear.petsc_ksp

"""LinearSolver that uses PetSC KSP to solve for a system's derivatives."""

import numpy as np

from openmdao.solvers.solver import LinearSolver
from openmdao.solvers.linear.linear_rhs_checker import LinearRHSChecker
from openmdao.utils.mpi import check_mpi_env

use_mpi = check_mpi_env()
if use_mpi is not False:
        import petsc4py
        from petsc4py import PETSc
    except ImportError:
        PETSc = None
        if use_mpi is True:
            raise ImportError("Importing petsc4py failed and OPENMDAO_USE_MPI is true.")
    PETSc = None


def _get_petsc_vec_array_new(vec):
    Get the array of values for the given PETSc vector.

    Helper function to handle a petsc backwards incompatibility.

    vec : petsc vector
        Vector whose data is being requested.

        A readonly copy of the array of values from vec.
    return vec.getArray(readonly=True)

def _get_petsc_vec_array_old(vec):
    Get the array of values for the given PETSc vector.

    Helper function to handle a petsc backwards incompatibility.

    vec : petsc vector
        Vector whose data is being requested.

        An array of values from vec.
    return vec.getArray()

if PETSc:
        petsc_version = petsc4py.__version__
    except AttributeError:  # hack to fix doc-tests
        petsc_version = "3.5"

if PETSc and int((petsc_version).split('.')[1]) >= 6:
    _get_petsc_vec_array = _get_petsc_vec_array_new
    _get_petsc_vec_array = _get_petsc_vec_array_old

[docs]class Monitor(object): """ Prints output from PETSc's KSP solvers. Callable object given to KSP as a callback for printing the residual. Parameters ---------- solver : object The openmdao solver. Attributes ---------- _solver : _solver The openmdao solver. _norm : float The current norm. _norm0 : float The norm for the first iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, solver): """ Store pointer to the openmdao solver and initialize norms. """ self._solver = solver self._norm = 1.0 self._norm0 = 1.0
def __call__(self, ksp, counter, norm): """ Store norm if first iteration, and print norm. Parameters ---------- ksp : object the KSP solver. counter : int the counter. norm : float the norm. """ if counter == 0 and norm != 0.0: self._norm0 = norm self._norm = norm self._solver._mpi_print(counter, norm, norm / self._norm0) self._solver._iter_count += 1
[docs]class PETScKrylov(LinearSolver): """ LinearSolver that uses PetSC KSP to solve for a system's derivatives. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Dictionary of options set by the instantiating class/script. Attributes ---------- precon : Solver Preconditioner for linear solve. Default is None for no preconditioner. _ksp : dist Dictionary of KSP instances (keyed on vector name). _lin_rhs_checker : LinearRHSChecker or None Object for checking the right-hand side of the linear solve. """ SOLVER = 'LN: PETScKrylov'
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Declare the solver options. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if PETSc is None: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: PETSc is not available. " "Set shell variable OPENMDAO_USE_MPI=1 to detect earlier.") self._ksp = None self.precon = None self._lin_rhs_checker = None
def _declare_options(self): """ Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method. """ super()._declare_options() self.options.declare('ksp_type', default='fgmres', values=KSP_TYPES, desc="KSP algorithm to use. Default is 'fgmres'.") self.options.declare('restart', default=1000, types=int, desc='Number of iterations between restarts. Larger values increase ' 'iteration cost, but may be necessary for convergence') self.options.declare('precon_side', default='right', values=['left', 'right'], desc='Preconditioner side, default is right.') self.options.declare('rhs_checking', types=(bool, dict), default=False, desc="If True, check RHS vs. cache and/or zero to avoid some solves." "Can also be set to a dict of options for the LinearRHSChecker to " "allow finer control over it. Allowed options are: " f"{LinearRHSChecker.options}") # changing the default maxiter from the base class self.options['maxiter'] = 100 self.supports['implicit_components'] = True def _assembled_jac_solver_iter(self): """ Return a generator of linear solvers using assembled jacs. """ if self.options['assemble_jac']: yield self if self.precon is not None: for s in self.precon._assembled_jac_solver_iter(): yield s
[docs] def use_relevance(self): """ Return True if relevance should be active. Returns ------- bool True if relevance should be active. """ return False
def _setup_solvers(self, system, depth): """ Assign system instance, set depth, and optionally perform setup. Parameters ---------- system : <System> pointer to the owning system. depth : int depth of the current system (already incremented). """ super()._setup_solvers(system, depth) if self.precon is not None: self.precon._setup_solvers(self._system(), self._depth + 1) self._lin_rhs_checker = LinearRHSChecker.create(self._system(), self.options['rhs_checking']) def _set_solver_print(self, level=2, type_='all'): """ Control printing for solvers and subsolvers in the model. Parameters ---------- level : int iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1 to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing except for failures, and set to -1 to disable all printing including failures. type_ : str Type of solver to set: 'LN' for linear, 'NL' for nonlinear, or 'all' for all. """ super()._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_) if self.precon is not None and type_ != 'NL': self.precon._set_solver_print(level=level, type_=type_)
[docs] def mult(self, mat, in_vec, result): """ Apply Jacobian matrix (KSP Callback). The following attributes must be defined when solve is called to provide information used in this callback: _system : System pointer to the owning system. _vec_name : str the right-hand-side (RHS) vector name. _mode : str 'fwd' or 'rev'. Parameters ---------- mat : PETSc.Mat PETSc matrix object. in_vec : PetSC Vector Incoming vector. result : PetSC Vector Empty array into which we place the matrix-vector product. """ # assign x and b vectors based on mode system = self._system() if self._mode == 'fwd': x_vec = system._doutputs b_vec = system._dresiduals else: # rev x_vec = system._dresiduals b_vec = system._doutputs # set value of x vector to KSP provided value x_vec.set_val(_get_petsc_vec_array(in_vec)) # apply linear scope_out, scope_in = system._get_matvec_scope() system._apply_linear(self._assembled_jac, self._mode, scope_out, scope_in) # stuff resulting value of b vector into result for KSP result.array[:] = b_vec.asarray()
def _linearize_children(self): """ Return a flag that is True when we need to call linearize on our subsystems' solvers. Returns ------- bool Flag for indicating child linerization """ return (self.precon is not None) and (self.precon._linearize_children()) def _linearize(self): """ Perform any required linearization operations such as matrix factorization. """ if self.precon is not None: self.precon._linearize() if self._lin_rhs_checker is not None: self._lin_rhs_checker.clear()
[docs] def solve(self, mode, rel_systems=None): """ Solve the linear system for the problem in self._system(). The full solution vector is returned. Parameters ---------- mode : str Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'. rel_systems : set of str Names of systems relevant to the current solve. Deprecated. """ self._mode = mode system = self._system() options = self.options if system.under_complex_step: raise RuntimeError('{}: PETScKrylov solver is not supported under ' 'complex step.'.format(self.msginfo)) maxiter = options['maxiter'] atol = options['atol'] rtol = options['rtol'] # assign x and b vectors based on mode if self._mode == 'fwd': x_vec = system._doutputs b_vec = system._dresiduals else: # rev x_vec = system._dresiduals b_vec = system._doutputs if self._lin_rhs_checker is not None: sol_array, is_zero = self._lin_rhs_checker.get_solution(b_vec.asarray(), system) if is_zero: x_vec.set_val(0.0) return if sol_array is not None: x_vec.set_val(sol_array) return rhs_array = b_vec.asarray(copy=True) sol_array = x_vec.asarray(copy=True) # create PETSc vectors from numpy arrays sol_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(sol_array, comm=system._comm) rhs_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(rhs_array, comm=system._comm) # run PETSc solver self._iter_count = 0 ksp = self._get_ksp_solver(system) ksp.setTolerances(max_it=maxiter, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) ksp.solve(rhs_petsc_vec, sol_petsc_vec) # stuff the result into the x vector x_vec.set_val(sol_array) # as of petsc4py v3.20, the 'converged' attribute has been renamed to 'is_converged' if hasattr(self._ksp, 'is_converged'): if not self._ksp.is_converged: self._convergence_failure() elif not self._ksp.converged: self._convergence_failure() sol_petsc_vec = rhs_petsc_vec = None if not system.under_complex_step and self._lin_rhs_checker is not None and mode == 'rev': self._lin_rhs_checker.add_solution(rhs_array, sol_array, copy=False)
[docs] def apply(self, mat, in_vec, result): """ Apply preconditioner. Parameters ---------- mat : PETSc.Mat PETSc matrix object. in_vec : PETSc.Vector Incoming vector. result : PETSc.Vector Empty vector in which the preconditioned in_vec is stored. """ if self.precon: system = self._system() mode = self._mode # Need to clear out any junk from the inputs. system._dinputs.set_val(0.0) # assign x and b vectors based on mode if mode == 'fwd': x_vec = system._doutputs b_vec = system._dresiduals else: # rev x_vec = system._dresiduals b_vec = system._doutputs # set value of b vector to KSP provided value b_vec.set_val(_get_petsc_vec_array(in_vec)) # call the preconditioner self._solver_info.append_precon() self.precon.solve(mode) self._solver_info.pop() # stuff resulting value of x vector into result for KSP result.array[:] = x_vec.asarray() else: # no preconditioner, just pass back the incoming vector result.array[:] = _get_petsc_vec_array(in_vec)
def _get_ksp_solver(self, system): """ Get an instance of the KSP solver in `system`. Instances will be created on first request and cached for future use. Parameters ---------- system : `System` Parent `System` object. Returns ------- KSP the KSP solver instance. """ # use cached instance if available if self._ksp: return self._ksp iproc = system.comm.rank lsize = np.sum(system._var_sizes['output'][iproc, :]) size = np.sum(system._var_sizes['output']) jac_mat = PETSc.Mat().createPython([(lsize, size), (lsize, size)], comm=system.comm) jac_mat.setPythonContext(self) jac_mat.setUp() ksp = self._ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=system.comm) ksp.setOperators(jac_mat) ksp.setType(self.options['ksp_type']) ksp.setGMRESRestart(self.options['restart']) if self.options['precon_side'] == 'left': ksp.setPCSide(PETSc.PC.Side.LEFT) else: ksp.setPCSide(PETSc.PC.Side.RIGHT) ksp.setMonitor(Monitor(self)) ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True) pc_mat = ksp.getPC() pc_mat.setType('python') pc_mat.setPythonContext(self) return ksp