"""Define the Problem class and a FakeComm class for non-MPI users."""
import __main__
import shutil
import sys
import pprint
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import weakref
import pathlib
import textwrap
import traceback
import time
import atexit
from itertools import chain
from io import TextIOBase, StringIO
import numpy as np
from openmdao.core.constants import _SetupStatus
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver, record_iteration
from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent
from openmdao.core.system import System, _iter_derivs
from openmdao.core.group import Group
from openmdao.core.total_jac import _TotalJacInfo
from openmdao.core.constants import _DEFAULT_COLORING_DIR, _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, \
from openmdao.approximation_schemes.complex_step import ComplexStep
from openmdao.approximation_schemes.finite_difference import FiniteDifference
from openmdao.solvers.solver import SolverInfo
from openmdao.vectors.default_vector import DefaultVector
from openmdao.error_checking.check_config import _default_checks, _all_checks, \
from openmdao.recorders.recording_iteration_stack import _RecIteration
from openmdao.recorders.recording_manager import RecordingManager, record_viewer_data, \
from openmdao.utils.deriv_display import _print_deriv_table, _deriv_display, _deriv_display_compact
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI, FakeComm, multi_proc_exception_check, check_mpi_env
from openmdao.utils.name_maps import name2abs_names
from openmdao.utils.options_dictionary import OptionsDictionary
from openmdao.utils.units import simplify_unit
from openmdao.utils.logger_utils import get_logger, TestLogger
from openmdao.utils.hooks import _setup_hooks, _reset_all_hooks
from openmdao.utils.record_util import create_local_meta
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import scatter_dist_to_local
from openmdao.utils.class_util import overrides_method
from openmdao.utils.reports_system import get_reports_to_activate, activate_reports, \
clear_reports, _load_report_plugins
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import pad_name, _find_dict_meta, env_truthy, add_border, \
match_includes_excludes, ProblemMetaclass, is_undefined
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning, DerivativesWarning, warn_deprecation, \
import openmdao.utils.coloring as coloring_mod
from openmdao.utils.file_utils import _get_outputs_dir, text2html, get_work_dir
from openmdao.utils.testing_utils import _fix_comp_check_data
from openmdao.vectors.petsc_vector import PETScVector
except ImportError:
PETScVector = None
CITATION = """@article{openmdao_2019,
Author={Justin S. Gray and John T. Hwang and Joaquim R. R. A.
Martins and Kenneth T. Moore and Bret A. Naylor},
Title="{OpenMDAO: An Open-Source Framework for Multidisciplinary
Design, Analysis, and Optimization}",
Journal="{Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization}",
note= {In Press}
# Used for naming Problems when no explicit name is given
# Also handles sub problems
_problem_names = []
def _clear_problem_names():
global _problem_names
_problem_names = []
def _get_top_script():
Return the absolute pathname of the top level script.
Path or None
The absolute path, or None if it can't be resolved.
return pathlib.Path(__main__.__file__).resolve()
except Exception:
# this will error out in some cases, e.g. inside of a jupyter notebook, so just
# return None in that case.
def _default_prob_name():
Return the default problem name.
The default problem name.
def_prob_name = os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_DEFAULT_PROBLEM', '')
if def_prob_name:
return def_prob_name
name = _get_top_script()
if name is None or env_truthy('TESTFLO_RUNNING'):
return 'problem'
return name.stem
[docs]class Problem(object, metaclass=ProblemMetaclass):
Top-level container for the systems and drivers.
model : <System> or None
The top-level <System>. If not specified, an empty <Group> will be created.
driver : <Driver> or None
The driver for the problem. If not specified, a simple "Run Once" driver will be used.
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None
The MPI communicator for this Problem. If not specified, comm will be MPI.COMM_WORLD if
MPI is active, else it will be None.
name : str
Problem name. Can be used to specify a Problem instance when multiple Problems
reports : str, bool, None, _UNDEFINED
If _UNDEFINED, the OPENMDAO_REPORTS variable is used. Defaults to _UNDEFINED.
If given, reports overrides OPENMDAO_REPORTS. If boolean, enable/disable all reports.
Since none is acceptable in the environment variable, a value of reports=None
is equivalent to reports=False. Otherwise, reports may be a sequence of
strings giving the names of the reports to run.
**options : named args
All remaining named args are converted to options.
model : <System>
Pointer to the top-level <System> object (root node in the tree).
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm>
The global communicator.
_driver : <Driver>
Slot for the driver. The default driver is `Driver`, which just runs
the model once.
_mode : 'fwd' or 'rev'
Derivatives calculation mode, 'fwd' for forward, and 'rev' for
reverse (adjoint).
_orig_mode : 'fwd', 'rev', or 'auto'
Derivatives calculation mode assigned by the user. If set to 'auto', _mode will be
automatically assigned to 'fwd' or 'rev' based on relative sizes of design variables vs.
cite : str
Listing of relevant citations that should be referenced when
publishing work that uses this class.
options : <OptionsDictionary>
Dictionary with general options for the problem.
model_options : dict
A dictionary of options to be passed to subsystems in the problem's model during
the setup process.
This dictionary is keyed by a path pattern string, and the associated value for each path
pattern is a dictionary of {option_name: option_val}. Those subsystems within the
hierarchy which match the path pattern and that have an option of the given name, will
have the value of that option overridden by value given in the dictionary.
recording_options : <OptionsDictionary>
Dictionary with problem recording options.
_rec_mgr : <RecordingManager>
Object that manages all recorders added to this problem.
_reports : list of str
Names of reports to activate for this Problem.
_check : bool
If True, call check_config at the end of final_setup.
_filtered_vars_to_record : dict
Dictionary of lists of design vars, constraints, etc. to record.
_logger : object or None
Object for logging config checks if _check is True.
_name : str
Problem name. If no name given, a default name of the form 'problemN', where N is an
integer, will be given to the problem so it can be referenced in command line tools
that have an optional problem name argument
_metadata : dict
Problem level metadata.
_run_counter : int
The number of times run_driver or run_model has been called.
_warned : bool
Bool to check if `value` deprecation warning has occured yet
_computing_coloring : bool
When True, we are computing coloring.
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None, driver=None, comm=None, name=None, reports=_UNDEFINED,
Initialize attributes.
global _problem_names
# this function doesn't do anything after the first call
self._driver = None
self._reports = get_reports_to_activate(reports)
self.cite = CITATION
self._warned = False
self._computing_coloring = False
if comm is None:
use_mpi = check_mpi_env()
if use_mpi is False:
comm = FakeComm()
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
comm = FakeComm()
self.comm = comm
if model is None:
self.model = Group()
elif isinstance(model, Group):
from openmdao.core.parallel_group import ParallelGroup
if isinstance(model, ParallelGroup):
raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: The value provided for 'model' "
"cannot be a ParallelGroup.")
self.model = model
raise TypeError(self.msginfo +
": The value provided for 'model' is not a Group.")
if driver is None:
driver = Driver()
elif not isinstance(driver, Driver):
raise TypeError(self.msginfo +
": The value provided for 'driver' is not a valid Driver.")
# can't use driver property here without causing a lint error, so just do it manually
self._driver = driver
self._metadata = {'setup_status': _SetupStatus.PRE_SETUP}
self._run_counter = -1
self._rec_mgr = RecordingManager()
# General options
self.options = OptionsDictionary(parent_name=type(self).__name__)
self.options.declare('coloring_dir', types=str,
default=os.path.join(get_work_dir(), 'coloring_files'),
desc='Directory containing coloring files (if any) for this Problem.')
self.options.declare('group_by_pre_opt_post', types=bool,
desc="If True, group subsystems of the top level model into "
"pre-optimization, optimization, and post-optimization, and only "
"iterate over the optimization subsystems during optimization. This "
"applies only when the top level nonlinear solver is of type"
self.options.declare('allow_post_setup_reorder', types=bool,
desc="If True, the execution order of direct subsystems of any group "
"that sets its 'auto_order' option to True will be automatically "
"ordered according to data dependencies. If this option is False, the "
"'auto_order' option will be ignored and a warning will be issued for "
"each group that has set it to True. Note that subsystems of a Group "
"that form a cycle will never be reordered, regardless of the value of"
" the 'auto_order' option.")
# Options passed to models
self.model_options = {}
# Case recording options
self.recording_options = OptionsDictionary(parent_name=type(self).__name__)
self.recording_options.declare('record_desvars', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record design variables at the '
'problem level')
self.recording_options.declare('record_objectives', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record objectives at the problem level')
self.recording_options.declare('record_constraints', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record constraints at the '
'problem level')
self.recording_options.declare('record_responses', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set True to record constraints and objectives at the '
'problem level.')
self.recording_options.declare('record_inputs', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set True to record inputs at the '
'problem level.')
self.recording_options.declare('record_outputs', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set True to record outputs at the '
'problem level.')
self.recording_options.declare('record_residuals', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set True to record residuals at the '
'problem level.')
self.recording_options.declare('record_derivatives', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set to True to record derivatives for the problem '
self.recording_options.declare('record_abs_error', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record absolute error of '
'model nonlinear solver')
self.recording_options.declare('record_rel_error', types=bool, default=True,
desc='Set to True to record relative error of model \
nonlinear solver')
self.recording_options.declare('includes', types=list, default=['*'],
desc='Patterns for variables to include in recording. \
Uses fnmatch wildcards')
self.recording_options.declare('excludes', types=list, default=[],
desc='Patterns for vars to exclude in recording '
'(processed post-includes). Uses fnmatch wildcards')
# register hooks for any reports
activate_reports(self._reports, self)
# So Problem and driver can have hooks attached to their methods
# call cleanup at system exit, if requested
if 'cleanup' in os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_ATEXIT', '').split(','):
def _set_name(self, name):
if not MPI or self.comm.rank == 0:
# Set the Problem name so that it can be referenced from command line tools (e.g. check)
# that accept a Problem argument, and to name the corresponding outputs subdirectory.
if name: # if name hasn't been used yet, use it. Otherwise, error
if name in _problem_names:
issue_warning(f"The problem name '{name}' already exists")
self._name = name
else: # No name given: look for a name, of the form, 'problemN', that hasn't been used
problem_counter = len(_problem_names) + 1 if _problem_names else ''
base = _default_prob_name()
_name = f"{base}{problem_counter}"
if _name in _problem_names: # need to make it unique so append string of form '.N'
i = 1
while True:
_name = f"{base}{problem_counter}.{i}"
if _name not in _problem_names:
i += 1
self._name = _name
if self.comm.size > 1:
self._name = self.comm.bcast(self._name, root=0)
self._name = self.comm.bcast(None, root=0)
def _has_active_report(self, name):
Return True if named report is active for this Problem.
name : str
Name of the report.
True if the named report is active for this Problem.
return name in self._reports
def _get_var_abs_name(self, name):
if name in self.model._var_allprocs_abs2meta:
return name
elif name in self.model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']:
return self.model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'][name][0]
elif name in self.model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']:
abs_names = self.model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'][name]
if len(abs_names) == 1:
return abs_names[0]
raise KeyError(f"{self.msginfo}: Using promoted name `{name}' is ambiguous and "
f"matches unconnected inputs {sorted(abs_names)}. Use absolute name "
"to disambiguate.")
raise KeyError(f'{self.msginfo}: Variable "{name}" not found.')
def driver(self):
Get the Driver for this Problem.
return self._driver
def _update_reports(self, driver):
if self._driver is not None:
# remove any reports on previous driver
activate_reports(self._reports, driver)
def driver(self, driver):
Set this Problem's Driver.
driver : <Driver>
Driver to be set to our _driver attribute.
self._driver = driver
def msginfo(self):
Return info to prepend to messages.
Info to prepend to messages.
if self._name is None:
return type(self).__name__
return f'{type(self).__name__} {self._name}'
def _mode(self):
Return the derivative mode.
Derivative mode, 'fwd' or 'rev'.
if self._metadata is None:
return None
return self._metadata['mode']
def _get_inst_id(self):
return self._name
[docs] def is_local(self, name):
Return True if the named variable or system is local to the current process.
name : str
Name of a variable or system.
True if the named system or variable is local to this process.
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: is_local('{name}') was called before setup() "
abs_name = self._get_var_abs_name(name)
except KeyError:
sub = self.model._get_subsystem(name)
return sub is not None and sub._is_local
# variable exists, but may be remote
return abs_name in self.model._var_abs2meta['input'] or \
abs_name in self.model._var_abs2meta['output']
def _recording_iter(self):
return self._metadata['recording_iter']
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name):
Get an output/input variable.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
float or ndarray or any python object
the requested output/input variable.
return self.get_val(name, get_remote=None)
[docs] def get_val(self, name, units=None, indices=None, get_remote=False):
Get an output/input variable.
Function is used if you want to specify display units.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
units : str, optional
Units to convert to before return.
indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional
Indices or slice to return.
get_remote : bool or None
If True, retrieve the value even if it is on a remote process. Note that if the
variable is remote on ANY process, this function must be called on EVERY process
in the Problem's MPI communicator.
If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part
of the value that's on the current process for a distributed variable.
If None and the variable is remote or distributed, a RuntimeError will be raised.
The value of the requested output/input variable.
if self._metadata['setup_status'] == _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
abs_names = name2abs_names(self.model, name)
if abs_names:
val = self.model._get_cached_val(name, abs_names, get_remote=get_remote)
if not is_undefined(val):
if indices is not None:
val = val[indices]
if units is not None:
val = self.model.convert2units(name, val, simplify_unit(units))
raise KeyError(f'{self.model.msginfo}: Variable "{name}" not found.')
val = self.model.get_val(name, units=units, indices=indices, get_remote=get_remote,
if is_undefined(val):
if get_remote:
raise KeyError(f'{self.msginfo}: Variable name "{name}" not found.')
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.model.msginfo}: Variable '{name}' is not local to "
f"rank {self.comm.rank}. You can retrieve values from "
"other processes using `get_val(<name>, get_remote=True)`.")
return val
[docs] def __setitem__(self, name, value):
Set an output/input variable.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
value : float or ndarray or any python object
value to set this variable to.
self.set_val(name, value)
[docs] def set_val(self, name, val=None, units=None, indices=None):
Set an output/input variable.
Function is used if you want to set a value using a different unit.
name : str
Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace.
val : object
Value to set this variable to.
units : str, optional
Units that value is defined in.
indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional
Indices or slice to set to specified value.
if self._metadata is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: '{name}' Cannot call set_val before setup.")
self.model.set_val(name, val, units=units, indices=indices)
def _set_initial_conditions(self):
Set all initial conditions that have been saved in cache after setup.
for value, set_units, pathname, name in self.model._initial_condition_cache.values():
if pathname:
system = self.model._get_subsystem(pathname)
if system is None:
self.model.set_val(pathname + '.' + name, value, units=set_units)
system.set_val(name, value, units=set_units)
self.model.set_val(name, value, units=set_units)
# Clean up cache
self.model._initial_condition_cache = {}
def _check_collected_errors(self):
If any collected errors are found, raise an exception containing all of them.
if self._metadata['saved_errors'] is None:
unique_errors = self._get_unique_saved_errors()
# set the errors to None so that all future calls will immediately raise an exception.
self._metadata['saved_errors'] = None
if unique_errors:
final_msg = [f"\nCollected errors for problem '{self._name}':"]
for _, msg, exc_type, tback in unique_errors:
final_msg.append(f" {msg}")
# if there's only one error, include its traceback if it exists.
if len(unique_errors) == 1:
if isinstance(tback, str):
final_msg.append('Traceback (most recent call last):')
raise exc_type('\n'.join(final_msg)).with_traceback(tback)
raise RuntimeError('\n'.join(final_msg))
[docs] def run_model(self, case_prefix=None, reset_iter_counts=True):
Run the model by calling the root system's solve_nonlinear.
case_prefix : str or None
Prefix to prepend to coordinates when recording. None means keep the preexisting
reset_iter_counts : bool
If True and model has been run previously, reset all iteration counters.
if not self.model._have_output_solver_options_been_applied():
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": Before calling `run_model`, the `setup` method must be called "
"if set_output_solver_options has been called.")
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
if self.model._order_set:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Cannot call set_order without calling setup "
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": The `setup` method must be called before `run_model`.")
old_prefix = self._recording_iter.prefix
if case_prefix is not None:
if not isinstance(case_prefix, str):
raise TypeError(self.msginfo + ": The 'case_prefix' argument should be a string.")
self._recording_iter.prefix = case_prefix
if self.model.iter_count > 0 and reset_iter_counts:
self.driver.iter_count = 0
self._run_counter += 1
record_model_options(self, self._run_counter)
self._recording_iter.prefix = old_prefix
[docs] def run_driver(self, case_prefix=None, reset_iter_counts=True):
Run the driver on the model.
case_prefix : str or None
Prefix to prepend to coordinates when recording. None means keep the preexisting
reset_iter_counts : bool
If True and model has been run previously, reset all iteration counters.
Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
model = self.model
driver = self.driver
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": The `setup` method must be called before `run_driver`.")
if not model._have_output_solver_options_been_applied():
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": Before calling `run_driver`, the `setup` method must be called "
"if set_output_solver_options has been called.")
if 'singular_jac_behavior' in driver.options:
self._metadata['singular_jac_behavior'] = driver.options['singular_jac_behavior']
old_prefix = self._recording_iter.prefix
if case_prefix is not None:
if not isinstance(case_prefix, str):
raise TypeError(self.msginfo + ": The 'case_prefix' argument should be a string.")
self._recording_iter.prefix = case_prefix
if model.iter_count > 0 and reset_iter_counts:
driver.iter_count = 0
# for optimizing drivers, check that constraints are affected by design vars
if driver.supports['optimization'] and self._metadata['use_derivatives']:
self._run_counter += 1
record_model_options(self, self._run_counter)
return driver._run()
self._recording_iter.prefix = old_prefix
[docs] def compute_jacvec_product(self, of, wrt, mode, seed):
Given a seed and 'of' and 'wrt' variables, compute the total jacobian vector product.
of : list of str
Variables whose derivatives will be computed.
wrt : list of str
Derivatives will be computed with respect to these variables.
mode : str
Derivative direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
seed : dict or list
Either a dict keyed by 'wrt' varnames (fwd) or 'of' varnames (rev), containing
dresidual (fwd) or doutput (rev) values, OR a list of dresidual or doutput
values that matches the corresponding 'wrt' (fwd) or 'of' (rev) varname list.
The total jacobian vector product, keyed by variable name.
if mode == 'fwd':
if len(wrt) != len(seed):
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": seed and 'wrt' list must be the same length in fwd mode.")
lnames, rnames = of, wrt
lkind, rkind = 'output', 'residual'
else: # rev
if len(of) != len(seed):
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": seed and 'of' list must be the same length in rev mode.")
lnames, rnames = wrt, of
lkind, rkind = 'residual', 'output'
rvec = self.model._vectors[rkind]['linear']
lvec = self.model._vectors[lkind]['linear']
conns = self.model._conn_global_abs_in2out
# set seed values into dresids (fwd) or doutputs (rev)
# seed may have keys that are inputs and must be converted into auto_ivcs
except (IndexError, TypeError):
for i, name in enumerate(rnames):
if name in conns:
rvec[conns[name]] = seed[i]
rvec[name] = seed[i]
for name in rnames:
if name in conns:
rvec[conns[name]] = seed[name]
rvec[name] = seed[name]
# We apply a -1 here because the derivative of the output is minus the derivative of
# the residual in openmdao.
data = rvec.asarray()
data *= -1.
if mode == 'fwd':
return {n: lvec[n].copy() for n in lnames}
# may need to convert some lnames to auto_ivc names
return {n: lvec[conns[n] if n in conns else n].copy() for n in lnames}
def _setup_recording(self):
Set up case recording.
if self._rec_mgr.has_recorders():
self._filtered_vars_to_record = self.driver._get_vars_to_record(self)
self._rec_mgr.startup(self, self.comm)
[docs] def add_recorder(self, recorder):
Add a recorder to the problem.
recorder : CaseRecorder
A recorder instance.
[docs] def cleanup(self):
Clean up resources prior to exit.
# shut down all recorders
# clean up driver and model resources
for system in self.model.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
[docs] def record(self, case_name):
Record the variables at the Problem level.
Must be called after `final_setup` has been called. This can either
happen automatically through `run_driver` or `run_model`, or it can be
called manually.
case_name : str
Name used to identify this Problem case.
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Problem.record() cannot be called before "
"`Problem.run_model()`, `Problem.run_driver()`, or "
record_iteration(self, self, case_name)
def _get_recorder_metadata(self, case_name):
Return metadata from the latest iteration for use in the recorder.
case_name : str
Name of current case.
Metadata dictionary for the recorder.
return create_local_meta(case_name)
[docs] def setup(self, check=None, logger=None, mode='auto', force_alloc_complex=False,
distributed_vector_class=PETScVector, local_vector_class=DefaultVector,
derivatives=True, parent=None):
Set up the model hierarchy.
When `setup` is called, the model hierarchy is assembled, the processors are allocated
(for MPI), and variables and connections are all assigned. This method traverses down
the model hierarchy to call `setup` on each subsystem, and then traverses up the model
hierarchy to call `configure` on each subsystem.
check : None, bool, list of str, or the strs ‘all’
Determines what config checks, if any, are run after setup is complete.
If None: no checks are run unless the 'checks' report is active, in which case the
default reports will be run.
If False, no checks are run
If True, the default checks ('out_of_order', 'system', 'solvers', 'dup_inputs',
'missing_recorders', 'unserializable_options', 'comp_has_no_outputs',
'auto_ivc_warnings') are run
If list of str, run those config checks
If ‘all’, all the checks ('auto_ivc_warnings', 'comp_has_no_outputs', 'cycles',
'dup_inputs', 'missing_recorders', 'all_unserializable_options', 'out_of_order',
'promotions', 'solvers', 'system', 'unconnected_inputs') are run.
logger : object
Object for logging config checks if check is True.
mode : str
Derivatives calculation mode, 'fwd' for forward, and 'rev' for
reverse (adjoint). Default is 'auto', which will pick 'fwd' or 'rev' based on
the direction resulting in the smallest number of linear solves required to
compute derivatives.
force_alloc_complex : bool
If True, sufficient memory will be allocated to allow nonlinear vectors to store
complex values while operating under complex step.
distributed_vector_class : type
Reference to the <Vector> class or factory function used to instantiate vectors
and associated transfers involved in interprocess communication.
local_vector_class : type
Reference to the <Vector> class or factory function used to instantiate vectors
and associated transfers involved in intraprocess communication.
derivatives : bool
If True, perform any memory allocations necessary for derivative computation.
parent : Problem, System, Solver, or None
The "parent" object of this problem instance in a tree of potentially nested problems.
This enables the user to instantiate and setup in one line.
model = self.model
comm = self.comm
if not isinstance(self.model, Group):
raise TypeError("The model for this Problem is of type "
f"'{self.model.__class__.__name__}'. "
"The model must be a Group or a sub-class of Group.")
# A distributed vector type is required for MPI
if comm.size > 1:
if distributed_vector_class is PETScVector and PETScVector is None:
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: Attempting to run in parallel under MPI but "
"PETScVector could not be imported.")
elif not distributed_vector_class.distributed:
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: The `distributed_vector_class` argument must be "
"a distributed vector class like `PETScVector` when running in "
f"parallel under MPI but '{distributed_vector_class.__name__}' "
"was specified which is not distributed.")
if mode not in ['fwd', 'rev', 'auto']:
msg = f"{self.msginfo}: Unsupported mode: '{mode}'. Use either 'fwd' or 'rev'."
raise ValueError(msg)
self._orig_mode = mode
# this metadata will be shared by all Systems/Solvers in the system tree
self._metadata = {
'name': self._name, # the name of this Problem
'pathname': None, # the pathname of this Problem in the current tree of Problems
'comm': comm,
'coloring_dir': _DEFAULT_COLORING_DIR, # directory for input coloring files
'recording_iter': _RecIteration(comm.rank), # manager of recorder iterations
'local_vector_class': local_vector_class,
'distributed_vector_class': distributed_vector_class,
'solver_info': SolverInfo(),
'use_derivatives': derivatives,
'force_alloc_complex': force_alloc_complex, # forces allocation of complex vectors
'vars_to_gather': {}, # vars that are remote somewhere. does not include distrib vars
'prom2abs': {'input': {}, 'output': {}}, # includes ALL promotes including buried ones
'static_mode': False, # used to determine where various 'static'
# and 'dynamic' data structures are stored.
# Dynamic ones are added during System
# setup/configure. They are wiped out and re-created during
# each Problem setup. Static ones are added outside of
# Problem setup and they are never wiped out or re-created.
'config_info': None, # used during config to determine if additional updates required
'parallel_groups': [], # list of pathnames of parallel groups in this model (all procs)
'setup_status': _SetupStatus.PRE_SETUP,
'model_ref': weakref.ref(model), # ref to the model (needed to get out-of-scope
# src data for inputs)
'has_par_deriv_color': False, # True if any dvs/responses have parallel deriv colors
'mode': mode, # mode (derivative direction) set by the user. 'auto' by default
'orig_mode': mode, # mode (derivative direction) set by the user. 'auto' by default
'abs_in2prom_info': {}, # map of abs input name to list of length = sys tree height
# down to var location, to allow quick resolution of local
# src_shape/src_indices due to promotes. For example,
# for abs_in of a.b.c.d, dict entry would be
# [None, None, None], corresponding to levels
# a, a.b, and a.b.c, with one of the Nones replaced
# by promotes info. Dict entries are only created if
# src_indices are applied to the variable somewhere.
'reports_dir': None, # directory where reports will be written
'saved_errors': [], # store setup errors here until after final_setup
'checking': False, # True if check_totals or check_partials is running
'model_options': self.model_options, # A dict of options passed to all systems in tree
'allow_post_setup_reorder': self.options['allow_post_setup_reorder'], # see option
'singular_jac_behavior': 'warn', # How to handle singular jac conditions
'parallel_deriv_color': None, # None unless derivatives involving a parallel deriv
# colored dv/response are currently being computed.
'seed_vars': None, # set of names of seed variables. Seed variables are those that
# have their derivative value set to 1.0 at the beginning of the
# current derivative solve.
'coloring_randgen': None, # If total coloring is being computed, will contain a random
# number generator, else None.
'randomize_subjacs': True, # If True, randomize subjacs before computing total sparsity
'randomize_seeds': False, # If True, randomize seed vectors when computing total
# sparsity
'group_by_pre_opt_post': self.options['group_by_pre_opt_post'], # see option
'relevance_cache': {}, # cache of relevance objects
'rel_array_cache': {}, # cache of relevance arrays
'ncompute_totals': 0, # number of times compute_totals has been called
'jax_group': None, # not None if a Group is currently performing a jax operation
model_comm = self.driver._setup_comm(comm)
if parent:
if isinstance(parent, Problem):
parent_prob_meta = parent._metadata
elif isinstance(parent, System):
parent_prob_meta = parent._problem_meta
raise ValueError('Problem parent must be another Problem or System instance.')
parent_prob_meta = None
if parent_prob_meta and parent_prob_meta['pathname']:
self._metadata['pathname'] = parent_prob_meta['pathname'] + f'/{self._name}'
self._metadata['pathname'] = self._name
# We don't want to delete the outputs directory because we may be using the coloring files
# from a previous run.
# Start setup by deleting any existing reports so that the files
# that are in that directory are all from this run and not a previous run
reports_dirpath = self.get_reports_dir(force=False)
if not MPI or (self.comm is not None and self.comm.rank == 0):
if os.path.isdir(reports_dirpath):
except FileNotFoundError:
# Folder already removed by another proccess
self._metadata['reports_dir'] = self.get_reports_dir(force=False)
model._setup(model_comm, self._metadata)
# whenever we're outside of model._setup, static mode should be True so that anything
# added outside of _setup will persist.
self._metadata['static_mode'] = True
# Cache all args for final setup.
self._check = check
self._logger = logger
self._metadata['setup_status'] = _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP
return self
[docs] def final_setup(self):
Perform final setup phase on problem in preparation for run.
This is the second phase of setup, and is done automatically at the start of `run_driver`
and `run_model`. At the beginning of final_setup, we have a model hierarchy with defined
variables, solvers, case_recorders, and derivative settings. During this phase, the vectors
are created and populated, the drivers and solvers are initialized, and the recorders are
started, and the rest of the framework is prepared for execution.
driver = self.driver
model = self.model
responses = model.get_responses(recurse=True, use_prom_ivc=True)
designvars = model.get_design_vars(recurse=True, use_prom_ivc=True)
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
response_size, desvar_size = driver._update_voi_meta(model, responses, designvars)
# update mode if it's been set to 'auto'
if self._orig_mode == 'auto':
mode = 'rev' if response_size < desvar_size else 'fwd'
mode = self._orig_mode
self._metadata['mode'] = mode
# If set_solver_print is called after an initial run, in a multi-run scenario,
# this part of _final_setup still needs to happen so that change takes effect
# in subsequent runs
if self._metadata['setup_status'] >= _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
if coloring_mod._use_total_sparsity:
coloring = driver._coloring_info.coloring
if coloring is not None:
# if we're using simultaneous total derivatives then our effective size is less
# than the full size
if coloring._fwd and coloring._rev:
pass # we're doing both!
elif mode == 'fwd' and coloring._fwd:
desvar_size = coloring.total_solves()
elif mode == 'rev' and coloring._rev:
response_size = coloring.total_solves()
if ((mode == 'fwd' and desvar_size > response_size) or
(mode == 'rev' and response_size > desvar_size)):
issue_warning(f"Inefficient choice of derivative mode. You chose '{mode}' for a "
f"problem with {desvar_size} design variables and {response_size} "
"response variables (objectives and nonlinear constraints).",
if (not self._metadata['allow_post_setup_reorder'] and
self._metadata['setup_status'] == _SetupStatus.PRE_SETUP and self.model._order_set):
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Cannot call set_order without calling setup after")
# set up recording, including any new recorders since last setup
# TODO: We should be smarter and only setup the recording when new recorders have
# been added.
if self._metadata['setup_status'] >= _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
self._metadata['setup_status'] = _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP
if self._check and 'checks' not in self._reports:
if self._check is True:
checks = _default_checks
checks = self._check
if self.comm.rank == 0:
logger = self._logger
logger = TestLogger()
self.check_config(logger, checks=checks)
[docs] def check_partials(self, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, includes=None, excludes=None,
compact_print=False, abs_err_tol=1e-6, rel_err_tol=1e-6,
method='fd', step=None, form='forward', step_calc='abs',
minimum_step=1e-12, force_dense=True, show_only_incorrect=False):
Check partial derivatives comprehensively for all components in your model.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. By default it goes to stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
includes : None or list_like
List of glob patterns for pathnames to include in the check. Default is None, which
includes all components in the model.
excludes : None or list_like
List of glob patterns for pathnames to exclude from the check. Default is None, which
excludes nothing.
compact_print : bool
Set to True to just print the essentials, one line per input-output pair.
abs_err_tol : float
Threshold value for absolute error. Errors about this value will have a '*' displayed
next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Default is 1.0E-6.
rel_err_tol : float
Threshold value for relative error. Errors about this value will have a '*' displayed
next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Note at times there may be a
significant relative error due to a minor absolute error. Default is 1.0E-6.
method : str
Method, 'fd' for finite difference or 'cs' for complex step. Default is 'fd'.
step : None, float, or list/tuple of float
Step size(s) for approximation. Default is None, which means 1e-6 for 'fd' and 1e-40 for
form : str
Form for finite difference, can be 'forward', 'backward', or 'central'. Default
step_calc : str
Step type for computing the size of the finite difference step. It can be 'abs' for
absolute, 'rel_avg' for a size relative to the absolute value of the vector input, or
'rel_element' for a size relative to each value in the vector input. In addition, it
can be 'rel_legacy' for a size relative to the norm of the vector. For backwards
compatibilty, it can be 'rel', which is now equivalent to 'rel_avg'. Defaults to None,
in which case the approximation method provides its default value.
minimum_step : float
Minimum step size allowed when using one of the relative step_calc options.
force_dense : bool
If True, analytic derivatives will be coerced into arrays. Default is True.
show_only_incorrect : bool, optional
Set to True if output should print only the subjacs found to be incorrect.
dict of dicts of dicts
First key is the component name.
Second key is the (output, input) tuple of strings.
The third key is one of:
'rel error', 'abs error', 'magnitude', 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev', 'vals_at_max_abs',
'vals_at_max_rel', and 'rank_inconsistent'.
For 'rel error', 'abs error', 'vals_at_max_abs' and 'vals_at_max_rel' the value is a
tuple containing values for forward - fd, adjoint - fd, forward - adjoint. For
'magnitude' the value is a tuple indicating the maximum magnitude of values found in
Jfwd, Jrev, and Jfd.
The boolean 'rank_inconsistent' indicates if the derivative wrt a serial variable is
inconsistent across MPI ranks.
model = self.model
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP or model.iter_count == 0:
if not model._use_derivatives:
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo +
": Can't check partials. Derivative support has been turned off.")
includes = [includes] if isinstance(includes, str) else includes
excludes = [excludes] if isinstance(excludes, str) else excludes
partials_data = {}
# OPENMDAO_CHECK_ALL_PARTIALS overrides _no_check_partials (used for testing)
force_check_partials = env_truthy('OPENMDAO_CHECK_ALL_PARTIALS')
if out_stream == _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
worst = None
incorrect_msg = "\n** The following partial Jacobians are incorrect **\n"
for comp in model.system_iter(typ=Component, include_self=True):
if comp._no_check_partials and not force_check_partials:
# skip any Component with no outputs
if len(comp._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']) == 0:
# skip any ExplicitComponent with no inputs (e.g. IndepVarComp)
if (len(comp._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']) == 0 and
isinstance(comp, ExplicitComponent)):
if not match_includes_excludes(comp.pathname, includes, excludes):
comp_stream = None if out_stream is None else StringIO()
partials, wrst = comp.check_partials(out_stream=comp_stream,
abs_err_tol=abs_err_tol, rel_err_tol=rel_err_tol,
method=method, step=step, form=form,
if out_stream is not None:
comp_content = comp_stream.getvalue()
if comp_content:
if show_only_incorrect:
if incorrect_msg:
print(incorrect_msg, file=out_stream, end='')
incorrect_msg = ''
print(comp_content, file=out_stream)
if wrst is not None:
if worst is None or wrst[0] > worst[0]:
worst = wrst + (type(comp).__name__, comp.pathname)
if worst is not None:
_, table_data, headers, ctype, cpath = worst
print(add_border(f"Sub Jacobian with Largest Relative Error: {ctype} '{cpath}'", '#'),
_print_deriv_table([table_data[:-1]], headers[:-1], out_stream)
if step is None or isinstance(step, (float, int)):
return partials_data
[docs] def check_totals(self, of=None, wrt=None, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, compact_print=False,
driver_scaling=False, abs_err_tol=1e-6, rel_err_tol=1e-6, method='fd',
step=None, form=None, step_calc='abs', show_progress=False,
show_only_incorrect=False, directional=False, sort=True):
Check total derivatives for the model vs. finite difference.
of : list of variable name str or None
Variables whose derivatives will be computed. Default is None, which
uses the driver's objectives and constraints.
wrt : list of variable name str or None
Variables with respect to which the derivatives will be computed.
Default is None, which uses the driver's desvars.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. By default it goes to stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
compact_print : bool
Set to True to just print the essentials, one line per input-output pair.
driver_scaling : bool
When True, return derivatives that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler
or the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and
add_constraint were called on the model. Default is False, which is unscaled.
abs_err_tol : float
Threshold value for absolute error. Errors about this value will have a '*' displayed
next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Default is 1.0E-6.
rel_err_tol : float
Threshold value for relative error. Errors about this value will have a '*' displayed
next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Note at times there may be a
significant relative error due to a minor absolute error. Default is 1.0E-6.
method : str
Method, 'fd' for finite difference or 'cs' for complex step. Default is 'fd'.
step : None, float, or list/tuple of float
Step size for approximation. Default is None, which means 1e-6 for 'fd' and 1e-40 for
form : str
Form for finite difference, can be 'forward', 'backward', or 'central'. Default
None, which defaults to 'forward' for FD.
step_calc : str
Step type for computing the size of the finite difference step. It can be 'abs' for
absolute, 'rel_avg' for a size relative to the absolute value of the vector input, or
'rel_element' for a size relative to each value in the vector input. In addition, it
can be 'rel_legacy' for a size relative to the norm of the vector. For backwards
compatibilty, it can be 'rel', which is now equivalent to 'rel_avg'. Defaults to None,
in which case the approximation method provides its default value..
show_progress : bool
True to show progress of check_totals.
show_only_incorrect : bool, optional
Set to True if output should print only the subjacs found to be incorrect.
directional : bool
If True, compute a single directional derivative for each 'of' in rev mode or each
'wrt' in fwd mode.
sort : bool
If True, sort the subjacobian keys alphabetically.
Dict of Dicts of Tuples of Floats
First key:
is the (output, input) tuple of strings;
Second key:
'rel error', 'abs error', 'magnitude', 'J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'J_rev', 'vals_at_max_abs',
'vals_at_max_rel', and 'rank_inconsistent'.
For 'rel error', 'abs error', 'vals_at_max_abs' and 'vals_at_max_rel' the value is a
tuple containing values for forward - fd, reverse - fd, forward - reverse. For
'magnitude' the value is a tuple indicating the maximum magnitude of values found in
Jfwd, Jrev, and Jfd.
if out_stream == _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
# Check to see if approximation options are the same as that used to compute totals
# If yes, issue a warning
if self.model._owns_approx_jac and method in self.model._approx_schemes:
scheme = self.model._get_approx_scheme(method)
# get approx options. Fill in with defaults, as needed
approx_options = scheme.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()
# get check options. Fill in with defaults, as needed
check_options = scheme.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()
if step:
check_options['step'] = step
if method == 'fd':
if form:
check_options['form'] = form
if step_calc:
check_options['step_calc'] = step_calc
# Compare the approx and check options
all_same = True
if approx_options['step'] != check_options['step']:
all_same = False
elif method == 'fd':
if approx_options['form'] != check_options['form']:
all_same = False
if approx_options['step_calc'] != check_options['step_calc']:
all_same = False
if all_same:
msg = "Checking totals using the same " \
"method and options as are used to compute the " \
"totals will not provide any relevant " \
"information on the " \
"accuracy.\n" \
"To correct this, change the options to do the " \
"check_totals or on the call to approx_totals " \
"for the model."
issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo,
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(self.msginfo + ": run_model must be called before total "
"derivatives can be checked.")
model = self.model
if method == 'cs' and not model._outputs._alloc_complex:
msg = "\n" + self.msginfo + ": To enable complex step, specify "\
"'force_alloc_complex=True' when calling " + \
"setup on the problem, e.g. 'problem.setup(force_alloc_complex=True)'"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if model.iter_count < 1:
if wrt is None:
if not self.driver._designvars:
raise RuntimeError("Driver is not providing any design variables "
"for compute_totals.")
lcons = []
if of is None:
if not self.driver._responses:
raise RuntimeError("Driver is not providing any response variables "
"for compute_totals.")
lcons = [n for n, meta in self.driver._cons.items() if meta['linear']]
if lcons:
# if driver has linear constraints, construct a full list of driver responses
# in order to avoid using any driver coloring that won't include the linear
# constraints. (The driver coloring would only be used if the supplied of and
# wrt lists were None or identical to the driver's lists.)
of = list(self.driver._responses)
# Calculate Total Derivatives
total_info = _TotalJacInfo(self, of, wrt, return_format='flat_dict',
driver_scaling=driver_scaling, directional=directional)
self._metadata['checking'] = True
Jcalc = total_info.compute_totals()
self._metadata['checking'] = False
Jcalc_name = f"J_{total_info.mode}"
if step is None:
if method == 'cs':
steps = [ComplexStep.DEFAULT_OPTIONS['step']]
steps = [FiniteDifference.DEFAULT_OPTIONS['step']]
elif isinstance(step, (float, int)):
steps = [step]
steps = step
approx = model._owns_approx_jac
approx_of = model._owns_approx_of
approx_wrt = model._owns_approx_wrt
approx_jac_meta = model._owns_approx_jac_meta
old_jac = model._jacobian
old_subjacs = model._subjacs_info.copy()
old_schemes = model._approx_schemes
Jfds = []
# prevent form from showing as None in check_totals output
if form is None and method == 'fd':
form = FiniteDifference.DEFAULT_OPTIONS['form']
for step in steps:
# Approximate FD
fd_args = {
'step': step,
'form': form,
'step_calc': step_calc,
'method': method,
'directional': directional,
model._approx_schemes = {}
model.approx_totals(method=method, step=step, form=form,
step_calc=step_calc if method == 'fd' else None)
fd_tot_info = _TotalJacInfo(self, of, wrt, return_format='flat_dict',
approx=True, driver_scaling=driver_scaling,
if directional:
# for fd, use the same fwd mode seeds as the analytical derives used
fd_tot_info.seeds = total_info.seeds
Jcalc, Jcalc_slices = total_info._get_as_directional()
if show_progress:
Jfd = fd_tot_info.compute_totals(progress_out_stream=out_stream)
Jfd = fd_tot_info.compute_totals()
if directional:
Jfd, Jfd_slices = fd_tot_info._get_as_directional(total_info.mode)
Jfds.append((fd_tot_info.J, step))
Jfds.append((Jfd, step))
# reset the _owns_approx_jac flag after approximation is complete.
if not approx:
model._jacobian = old_jac
model._owns_approx_jac = False
model._owns_approx_of = approx_of
model._owns_approx_wrt = approx_wrt
model._owns_approx_jac_meta = approx_jac_meta
model._subjacs_info = old_subjacs
model._approx_schemes = old_schemes
# Assemble and Return all metrics.
data = {'': {}}
resp = self.driver._responses
do_steps = len(Jfds) > 1
Jcalc_items = Jcalc.items()
if sort:
Jcalc_items = sorted(Jcalc_items, key=lambda x: x[0])
for Jfd, step in Jfds:
for key, val in Jcalc_items:
if key not in data['']:
data[''][key] = {}
meta = data[''][key]
if 'J_fd' not in meta:
meta['J_fd'] = []
meta['steps'] = []
if directional:
if self._mode == 'fwd':
if 'directional_fd_fwd' not in meta:
meta['directional_fd_fwd'] = []
_, wrt = key
# check directional fwd against fd (one must have negative seed)
meta['J_fwd'] = total_info.J[:, Jcalc_slices['wrt'][wrt].start]
meta['J_fd'].append(Jfd[:, Jcalc_slices['wrt'][wrt].start])
meta['directional_fd_fwd'].append((meta['J_fd'][-1], meta['J_fwd']))
else: # rev
if 'directional_fd_rev' not in meta:
meta['directional_fd_rev'] = []
of, _ = key
# check directional rev against fd (different seeds)
dhat = total_info.J[Jcalc_slices['of'][of].start, :] # first row of 'of'
d = total_info.seeds['fwd'] # used as direction for fd
mhat = Jfd[Jfd_slices['of'][of], 0]
m = total_info.seeds['rev'][Jcalc_slices['of'][of]]
dhat_dot_d = dhat.dot(d)
mhat_dot_m = mhat.dot(m)
# Dot product test for adjoint validity.
meta['directional_fd_rev'].append((mhat_dot_m, dhat_dot_d))
meta['J_rev'] = dhat_dot_d
meta[Jcalc_name] = val
# Display whether indices were declared when response was added.
of = key[0]
if of in resp and resp[of]['indices'] is not None:
data[''][key]['indices'] = resp[of]['indices'].indexed_src_size
incon_keys = model._get_inconsistent_keys()
# force iterator to run so that error info will be added to partials_data
err_iter = list(_iter_derivs(data[''], show_only_incorrect, fd_args, True,
set(), model.matrix_free, abs_err_tol, rel_err_tol,
incon_keys, sort=sort))
if out_stream is not None:
if compact_print:
_deriv_display_compact(model, err_iter, data[''], out_stream,
totals=True, show_only_incorrect=show_only_incorrect)
_deriv_display(model, err_iter, data[''], rel_err_tol, abs_err_tol,
out_stream, fd_args, totals=True, lcons=lcons,
if not do_steps:
if incon_keys:
# insert inconsistent key info into first (of, wrt) entry in data to avoid
# having to change the format of the data dict.
for key, meta in data[''].items():
meta['inconsistent_keys'] = incon_keys
return data['']
[docs] def compute_totals(self, of=None, wrt=None, return_format='flat_dict', debug_print=False,
driver_scaling=False, use_abs_names=False, get_remote=True,
Compute derivatives of desired quantities with respect to desired inputs.
of : list of variable name str or None
Variables whose derivatives will be computed. Default is None, which
uses the driver's objectives and constraints.
wrt : list of variable name str or None
Variables with respect to which the derivatives will be computed.
Default is None, which uses the driver's desvars.
return_format : str
Format to return the derivatives. Can be 'dict', 'flat_dict', or 'array'.
Default is a 'flat_dict', which returns them in a dictionary whose keys are
tuples of form (of, wrt).
debug_print : bool
Set to True to print out some debug information during linear solve.
driver_scaling : bool
When True, return derivatives that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler
or the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and
add_constraint were called on the model. Default is False, which is unscaled.
use_abs_names : bool
This is deprecated and has no effect.
get_remote : bool
If True, the default, the full distributed total jacobian will be retrieved.
coloring_info : ColoringMeta, None, or False
If False, do no coloring. If None, use driver coloring info to compute the coloring.
Otherwise use the given coloring info object to provide the coloring, if it exists.
Derivatives in form requested by 'return_format'.
if use_abs_names:
warn_deprecation("The use_abs_names argument to compute_totals is deprecated and has "
"no effect.")
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm):
total_info = _TotalJacInfo(self, of, wrt, return_format, approx=self.model._owns_approx_jac,
driver_scaling=driver_scaling, get_remote=get_remote,
debug_print=debug_print, coloring_info=coloring_info)
return total_info.compute_totals()
[docs] def set_solver_print(self, level=2, depth=1e99, type_='all'):
Control printing for solvers and subsolvers in the model.
level : int
Iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1
to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing
except for failures, and set to -1 to disable all printing including failures.
depth : int
How deep to recurse. For example, you can set this to 0 if you only want
to print the top level linear and nonlinear solver messages. Default
prints everything.
type_ : str
Type of solver to set: 'LN' for linear, 'NL' for nonlinear, or 'all' for all.
self.model.set_solver_print(level=level, depth=depth, type_=type_)
[docs] def list_problem_vars(self,
Print all design variables and responses (objectives and constraints).
show_promoted_name : bool
If True, then show the promoted names of the variables.
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions.
Default is False.
driver_scaling : bool, optional
When True, return values that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler or
the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and
add_constraint were called on the model. Default is True.
desvar_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the desvars table.
Allowed values are:
['lower', 'upper', 'ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler', 'parallel_deriv_color',
'cache_linear_solution', 'units', 'min', 'max'].
cons_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the cons table.
Allowed values are:
['lower', 'upper', 'equals', 'ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler',
'linear', 'parallel_deriv_color', 'cache_linear_solution', 'units', 'min', 'max'].
objs_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the objs table.
Allowed values are:
['ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler', 'units',
'parallel_deriv_color', 'cache_linear_solution'].
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
Name, size, val, and other requested parameters of design variables, constraints,
and objectives.
warn_deprecation(msg='Method `list_problem_vars` has been renamed `list_driver_vars`.\n'
'Please update your code to use list_driver_vars to avoid this warning.')
return self.list_driver_vars(show_promoted_name=show_promoted_name,
[docs] def list_driver_vars(self,
Print all design variables and responses (objectives and constraints).
show_promoted_name : bool
If True, then show the promoted names of the variables.
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions.
Default is False.
driver_scaling : bool, optional
When True, return values that are scaled according to either the adder and scaler or
the ref and ref0 values that were specified when add_design_var, add_objective, and
add_constraint were called on the model. Default is True.
desvar_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the desvars table.
Allowed values are:
['lower', 'upper', 'ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler', 'parallel_deriv_color',
'cache_linear_solution', 'units', 'min', 'max'].
cons_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the cons table.
Allowed values are:
['lower', 'upper', 'equals', 'ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler',
'linear', 'parallel_deriv_color', 'cache_linear_solution', 'units', 'min', 'max'].
objs_opts : list of str
List of optional columns to be displayed in the objs table.
Allowed values are:
['ref', 'ref0', 'indices', 'adder', 'scaler', 'units',
'parallel_deriv_color', 'cache_linear_solution'].
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
Name, size, val, and other requested parameters of design variables, constraints,
and objectives.
if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Problem.list_driver_vars() cannot be called "
"before `Problem.run_model()`, `Problem.run_driver()`, or "
default_col_names = ['name', 'val', 'size']
# Design vars
desvars = self.driver._designvars
vals = self.driver.get_design_var_values(get_remote=True, driver_scaling=driver_scaling)
if not driver_scaling:
desvars = deepcopy(desvars)
for meta in desvars.values():
scaler = meta['scaler'] if meta.get('scaler') is not None else 1.
adder = meta['adder'] if meta.get('adder') is not None else 0.
if 'lower' in meta:
meta['lower'] = meta['lower'] / scaler - adder
if 'upper' in meta:
meta['upper'] = meta['upper'] / scaler - adder
header = "Design Variables"
def_desvar_opts = [opt for opt in ('indices',) if opt not in desvar_opts and
_find_dict_meta(desvars, opt)]
col_names = default_col_names + def_desvar_opts + desvar_opts
if out_stream:
self._write_var_info_table(header, col_names, desvars, vals,
col_spacing=2, out_stream=out_stream)
des_vars = [[i, j] for i, j in desvars.items()]
for d in des_vars:
d[1] = {i: j for i, j in d[1].items() if i in col_names}
d[1]['val'] = vals[d[0]]
des_vars = [tuple(d) for d in des_vars]
# Constraints
cons = self.driver._cons
vals = self.driver.get_constraint_values(driver_scaling=driver_scaling)
if not driver_scaling:
cons = deepcopy(cons)
for meta in cons.values():
scaler = meta['scaler'] if meta.get('scaler') is not None else 1.
adder = meta['adder'] if meta.get('adder') is not None else 0.
if 'lower' in meta:
meta['lower'] = meta['lower'] / scaler - adder
if 'upper' in meta:
meta['upper'] = meta['upper'] / scaler - adder
header = "Constraints"
# detect any cons that use aliases
def_cons_opts = [opt for opt in ('indices', 'alias') if opt not in cons_opts and
_find_dict_meta(cons, opt)]
col_names = default_col_names + def_cons_opts + cons_opts
if out_stream:
self._write_var_info_table(header, col_names, cons, vals,
col_spacing=2, out_stream=out_stream)
cons_vars = [[i, j] for i, j in cons.items()]
for c in cons_vars:
c[1] = {i: j for i, j in c[1].items() if i in col_names}
c[1]['val'] = vals[c[0]]
cons_vars = [tuple(c) for c in cons_vars]
objs = self.driver._objs
vals = self.driver.get_objective_values(driver_scaling=driver_scaling)
header = "Objectives"
def_obj_opts = [opt for opt in ('indices',) if opt not in objs_opts and
_find_dict_meta(objs, opt)]
col_names = default_col_names + def_obj_opts + objs_opts
if out_stream:
self._write_var_info_table(header, col_names, objs, vals,
col_spacing=2, out_stream=out_stream)
obj_vars = [[i, j] for i, j in objs.items()]
for o in obj_vars:
o[1] = {i: j for i, j in o[1].items() if i in col_names}
o[1]['val'] = vals[o[0]]
obj_vars = [tuple(o) for o in obj_vars]
prob_vars = {'design_vars': des_vars,
'constraints': cons_vars,
'objectives': obj_vars}
return prob_vars
def _write_var_info_table(self, header, col_names, meta, vals, print_arrays=False,
show_promoted_name=True, col_spacing=1,
Write a table of information for the problem variable in meta and vals.
header : str
The header line for the table.
col_names : list of str
List of column labels.
meta : dict
Dictionary of metadata for each problem variable.
vals : dict
Dictionary of values for each problem variable.
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions
Default is False.
show_promoted_name : bool
If True, then show the promoted names of the variables.
col_spacing : int
Number of spaces between columns in the table.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
if out_stream is None:
elif out_stream is _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
elif not isinstance(out_stream, TextIOBase):
raise TypeError("Invalid output stream specified for 'out_stream'")
abs2prom = self.model._var_abs2prom
# Gets the current numpy print options for consistent decimal place
# printing between arrays and floats
print_options = np.get_printoptions()
np_precision = print_options['precision']
# Get the values for all the elements in the tables
rows = []
for name, meta in meta.items():
row = {}
vname = meta['name'] if meta.get('alias') else name
for col_name in col_names:
if col_name == 'name':
if show_promoted_name:
if vname in abs2prom['input']:
row[col_name] = abs2prom['input'][vname]
elif vname in abs2prom['output']:
row[col_name] = abs2prom['output'][vname]
# Promoted auto_ivc name. Keep it promoted
row[col_name] = vname
row[col_name] = vname
elif col_name == 'val':
row[col_name] = vals[name]
elif col_name == 'min':
min_val = min(vals[name])
# Rounding to match float precision to numpy precision
row[col_name] = np.round(min_val, np_precision)
elif col_name == 'max':
max_val = max(vals[name])
# Rounding to match float precision to numpy precision
row[col_name] = np.round(max_val, np_precision)
row[col_name] = meta[col_name]
col_space = ' ' * col_spacing
print(add_border(header, '-'), file=out_stream)
# loop through the rows finding the max widths
max_width = {}
for col_name in col_names:
max_width[col_name] = len(col_name)
for row in rows:
for col_name in col_names:
cell = row[col_name]
if isinstance(cell, np.ndarray) and cell.size > 1:
norm = np.linalg.norm(cell)
out = f'|{np.round(norm, np_precision)}|'
out = str(cell)
max_width[col_name] = max(len(out), max_width[col_name])
# print col headers
header_div = ''
header_col_names = ''
for col_name in col_names:
header_div += '-' * max_width[col_name] + col_space
header_col_names += pad_name(col_name, max_width[col_name], quotes=False) + col_space
print(header_col_names, file=out_stream)
print(header_div[:-1], file=out_stream)
# print rows with var info
for row in rows:
have_array_values = [] # keep track of which values are arrays
row_string = ''
for col_name in col_names:
cell = row[col_name]
if isinstance(cell, np.ndarray) and cell.size > 1:
norm = np.linalg.norm(cell)
out = f'|{np.round(norm, np_precision)}|'
out = str(cell)
row_string += pad_name(out, max_width[col_name], quotes=False) + col_space
print(row_string, file=out_stream)
if print_arrays:
spaces = (max_width['name'] + col_spacing) * ' '
for col_name in have_array_values:
print(f"{spaces}{col_name}:", file=out_stream)
print(textwrap.indent(pprint.pformat(row[col_name]), spaces), file=out_stream)
[docs] def load_case(self, case):
Pull all input and output variables from a case into the model.
case : Case or dict
A Case from a CaseReader, or a dictionary with key 'inputs' mapped to the
output of problem.model.list_inputs and key 'outputs' mapped to the output
of prob.model.list_outputs. Both list_inputs and list_outputs should be called
with `prom_name=True` and `return_format='dict'`.
model = self.model
# if model overrides load_case, then call the overloaded method
if overrides_method('load_case', model, System):
# find all subsystems that override the load_case method
system_overrides = {}
for subsys in model.system_iter(include_self=False, recurse=True):
if overrides_method('load_case', subsys, System):
system_overrides[subsys.pathname] = subsys
def set_later(var_name):
# determine if variable should be set later via an overridden load_case method
for pathname in system_overrides:
if var_name.startswith(pathname + '.'):
return True
return False
if isinstance(case, dict):
# case data comes from list_inputs/list_outputs, keyed on absolute pathname
# we need it to be keyed on promoted name
if 'inputs' in case:
inputs = {meta['prom_name']: meta for meta in case['inputs'].values()}
inputs = None
if 'outputs' in case:
outputs = {meta['prom_name']: meta for meta in case['outputs'].values()}
outputs = None
inputs = case.inputs
outputs = case.outputs
abs2idx = model._var_allprocs_abs2idx
prom2abs_in = model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']
prom2abs_out = model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']
abs2meta_in = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']
abs2meta_out = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
abs2meta_disc_in = model._var_allprocs_discrete['input']
abs2meta_disc_out = model._var_allprocs_discrete['output']
if inputs:
for name in inputs:
if set_later(name):
if name in abs2meta_in or name in abs2meta_disc_in:
abs_name = name
if isinstance(case, dict):
val = inputs[name]['val']
val = case.inputs[abs_name]
varmeta = abs2meta_in[abs_name]
except KeyError:
# Var may be discrete
varmeta = abs2meta_disc_in[abs_name]
if varmeta.get('distributed') and model.comm.size > 1:
sizes = model._var_sizes['input'][:, abs2idx[abs_name]]
model.set_val(abs_name, scatter_dist_to_local(val, model.comm, sizes))
model.set_val(abs_name, val)
issue_warning(f"{model.msginfo}: Input variable, '{name}', recorded "
"in the case is not found in the model.")
if outputs:
for name in outputs:
if set_later(name):
# auto_ivc output may point to a promoted input name
if name in prom2abs_out:
prom2abs = prom2abs_out
is_output = True
prom2abs = prom2abs_in
is_output = False
if name in prom2abs:
if isinstance(case, dict):
val = outputs[name]['val']
val = outputs[name]
for abs_name in prom2abs[name]:
if set_later(abs_name):
if is_output:
varmeta = abs2meta_out[abs_name]
except KeyError:
varmeta = abs2meta_disc_out[abs_name]
varmeta = abs2meta_in[abs_name]
except KeyError:
varmeta = abs2meta_disc_in[abs_name]
if varmeta.get('distributed') and model.comm.size > 1:
sizes = model._var_sizes['output'][:, abs2idx[abs_name]]
model.set_val(abs_name, scatter_dist_to_local(val, model.comm, sizes))
model.set_val(abs_name, val)
issue_warning(f"{model.msginfo}: Output variable, '{name}', recorded "
"in the case is not found in the model.")
# call the overridden load_case method on applicable subsystems (in top-down order)
for sys_name in sorted(system_overrides.keys()):
[docs] def check_config(self, logger=None, checks=_default_checks, out_file='openmdao_checks.out'):
Perform optional error checks on a Problem.
logger : object
Logging object.
checks : list of str or None or the str 'all'
Determines what config checks are run.
If None, no checks are run
If list of str, run those config checks
If ‘all’, all the checks ('auto_ivc_warnings', 'comp_has_no_outputs', 'cycles',
'dup_inputs', 'missing_recorders', 'out_of_order', 'promotions', 'solvers',
'system', 'unconnected_inputs') are run.
out_file : str or None
If not None, output will be written to this file in addition to stdout.
if checks is None:
reports_dir_exists = os.path.isdir(self.get_reports_dir())
check_file_path = None
if logger is None:
if out_file is not None:
if reports_dir_exists:
check_file_path = str(self.get_reports_dir() / out_file)
check_file_path = out_file
logger = get_logger('check_config', out_file=check_file_path, use_format=True)
if checks == 'all':
checks = sorted(_all_non_redundant_checks)
if logger is None and checks:
check_file_path = None if out_file is None else str(self.get_outputs_dir() / out_file)
logger = get_logger('check_config', out_file=check_file_path, use_format=True)
for c in checks:
if c not in _all_checks:
print(f"WARNING: '{c}' is not a recognized check. Available checks are: "
logger.info(f'checking {c}...')
beg = time.perf_counter()
_all_checks[c](self, logger)
end = time.perf_counter()
logger.info(f" {c} check complete ({(end - beg):.6f} sec).")
if checks and check_file_path is not None and reports_dir_exists:
# turn text file written to reports dir into an html file to be viewable from the
# 'openmdao view_reports' command
with open(check_file_path, 'r') as f:
txt = f.read()
path = self.get_reports_dir() / 'checks.html'
with open(path, 'w') as f:
[docs] def set_complex_step_mode(self, active):
Turn on or off complex stepping mode.
active : bool
Complex mode flag; set to True prior to commencing complex step.
if self._metadata is None or \
self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: set_complex_step_mode cannot be called before "
"`Problem.run_model()`, `Problem.run_driver()`, or "
if active and not self.model._outputs._alloc_complex:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: To enable complex step, specify "
"'force_alloc_complex=True' when calling setup on the problem, "
"e.g. 'problem.setup(force_alloc_complex=True)'")
[docs] def get_reports_dir(self, force=False):
Get the path to the directory where the report files should go.
If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
force : bool
If True, create the reports directory if it doesn't exist, even if this Problem does
not have any active reports. This can happen when running testflo.
The path to the directory where reports should be written.
return self.get_outputs_dir('reports', mkdir=force or len(self._reports) > 0)
[docs] def get_outputs_dir(self, *subdirs, mkdir=True):
Get the path under which all output files of this problem are to be placed.
*subdirs : str
Subdirectories nested under the relevant problem output directory.
To create {prob_output_dir}/a/b one would pass `prob.get_outputs_dir('a', 'b')`.
mkdir : bool
If True, attempt to create this directory if it does not exist.
The path of the outputs directory for the problem.
return _get_outputs_dir(self, *subdirs, mkdir=mkdir)
[docs] def get_coloring_dir(self, mode, mkdir=False):
Get the path to the directory for the coloring files.
mode : str
Must be one of 'input' or 'output'. A problem will always write its coloring files to
its standard output directory in `{prob_name}_out/coloring_files`, but input coloring
files to be loaded may be read from a different directory specifed by the problem's
`coloring_dir` option.
mkdir : bool
If True, attempt to create this directory if it does not exist.
The path to the directory where reports should be written.
if mode == 'input':
return pathlib.Path(self.options['coloring_dir'])
elif mode == 'output':
return self.get_outputs_dir('coloring_files', mkdir=mkdir)
raise ValueError(f"{self.msginfo}: get_coloring_dir requires mode"
"to be one of 'input' or 'output'.")
[docs] def list_indep_vars(self, include_design_vars=True, options=None,
print_arrays=False, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM):
Retrieve the independent variables in the Problem.
Returns a dictionary mapping the promoted names of indep_vars which the user is
expected to provide to the metadata for the associated independent variable.
A output is designated as an independent variable if it is tagged with
'openmdao:indep_var'. This includes IndepVarComp by default, and users are
able to apply this tag to their own component outputs if they wish
to provide components with IndepVarComp-like capability.
include_design_vars : bool
If True, include design variables in the list of problem inputs.
The user may provide values for these but ultimately they will
be overwritten by the Driver.
Default is False.
options : list of str or None
List of optional columns to be displayed in the independent variable table.
Allowed values are:
['name', 'units', 'shape', 'size', 'desc', 'ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref',
'distributed', 'lower', 'upper', 'tags', 'shape_by_conn', 'copy_shape', 'compute_shape',
'global_size', 'global_shape', 'value'].
print_arrays : bool, optional
When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1.
The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm.
When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected
by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions.
out_stream : file-like object
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout.
Set to None to suppress.
A dictionary mapping the promoted names of all independent variables
in the model to their metadata.
model = self.model
if model._outputs is None:
raise RuntimeError("list_indep_vars requires that final_setup has been "
"run for the Problem.")
design_vars = model.get_design_vars(recurse=True,
problem_indep_vars = []
col_names = ['name', 'units', 'val']
if options is not None:
abs2meta = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
abs2prom = model._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']
abs2disc = model._var_allprocs_discrete['output']
seen = set()
for absname, meta in chain(abs2meta.items(), abs2disc.items()):
if 'openmdao:indep_var' in meta['tags']:
name = abs2prom[absname]
if (include_design_vars or name not in design_vars) and name not in seen:
meta = {key: meta[key] for key in col_names if key in meta}
meta['val'] = self.get_val(name)
problem_indep_vars.append((name, meta))
if out_stream is not None:
header = f'Problem {self._name} Independent Variables'
if problem_indep_vars:
meta = {key: meta for key, meta in problem_indep_vars}
vals = {key: self.get_val(key) for key in meta}
self._write_var_info_table(header, col_names, meta, vals, print_arrays=print_arrays,
show_promoted_name=True, col_spacing=1,
if out_stream is _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM:
out_stream = sys.stdout
hr = '-' * len(header)
print(f'{hr}\n{header}\n{hr}', file=out_stream)
print('None found', file=out_stream)
return problem_indep_vars
[docs] def iter_count_iter(self, include_driver=True, include_solvers=True, include_systems=False):
Yield iteration counts for driver, solvers and/or systems.
include_driver : bool
If True, include the driver in the iteration counts.
include_solvers : bool
If True, include solvers in the iteration counts.
include_systems : bool
If True, include systems in the iteration counts.
Name of the object.
Name of the counter.
Value of the counter.
if include_driver:
yield ('Driver', 'iter_count', self.driver.iter_count)
if include_solvers or include_systems:
for s in self.model.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True):
if include_systems:
for it in ('iter_count', 'iter_count_apply'):
val = getattr(s, it)
if val > 0:
yield (s.pathname, it, val)
if include_solvers:
prefix = s.pathname + '.' if s.pathname else ''
if s.nonlinear_solver is not None and s.nonlinear_solver._iter_count > 0:
yield (prefix + 'nonlinear_solver', '_iter_count',
if s.linear_solver is not None and s.linear_solver._iter_count > 0:
yield (prefix + 'linear_solver', '_iter_count',
[docs] def list_pre_post(self, outfile=None):
Display the pre and post optimization components.
outfile : file-like or str or None
Where to send human readable output. Default is None, which sends output to stdout.
if self._metadata is None or self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_SETUP:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: list_pre_post can't be called before setup.")
if outfile is None:
out = sys.stdout
out = open(outfile, 'w')
model = self.model
if model._pre_components:
print("\nPre-optimization components:", file=out)
for name in sorted(model._pre_components):
print(f" {name}", file=out)
print("\nPre-optimization components: []", file=out)
if model._post_components:
print("\nPost-optimization components:", file=out)
for name in sorted(model._post_components):
print(f" {name}", file=out)
print("\nPost-optimization components: []", file=out)
def _any_rank_has_saved_errors(self):
Return True if any rank has saved errors.
True if any rank has errors.
if self._metadata is None:
return False
if MPI and self.comm is not None and self.comm.size > 1:
if self._metadata['saved_errors'] is None:
nerrs = 0
nerrs = len(self._metadata['saved_errors'])
return self.comm.allreduce(nerrs, op=MPI.SUM) > 0
return bool(self._metadata['saved_errors'])
def _get_unique_saved_errors(self):
Get a list of unique saved errors.
List of unique saved errors.
unique_errors = []
if self._metadata is not None:
if self._any_rank_has_saved_errors():
# traceback won't pickle, so convert to string
if self.comm.size > 1:
saved = [(ident, msg, exc_type, ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tback)))
for ident, msg, exc_type, tback in self._metadata['saved_errors']]
all_errors = self.comm.allgather(saved)
all_errors = [self._metadata['saved_errors']]
seen = set()
for errors in all_errors:
for ident, msg, exc_type, tback in errors:
if (ident is None and msg not in seen) or ident not in seen:
unique_errors.append((ident, msg, exc_type, tback))
return unique_errors
[docs] def get_total_coloring(self, coloring_info=None, of=None, wrt=None, run_model=None):
Get the total coloring.
If necessary, dynamically generate it.
coloring_info : dict
Coloring metadata dict.
of : list of str or None
List of response names.
wrt : list of str or None
List of design variable names.
run_model : bool or None
If False, don't run model. If None, use problem._run_counter to determine if model
should be run.
Coloring or None
Coloring object, possibly dynamically generated, or None.
if coloring_mod._use_total_sparsity:
coloring = None
# if no coloring_info is supplied, copy the coloring_info from the driver but
# remove any existing coloring, and force dynamic coloring
if coloring_info is None:
coloring_info = self.driver._coloring_info.copy()
coloring_info.coloring = None
coloring_info.dynamic = True
if coloring_info.do_compute_coloring():
if coloring_info.dynamic:
do_run = run_model if run_model is not None else self._run_counter < 0
coloring = \
self.driver, run_model=do_run,
of=of, wrt=wrt)
return coloring_info.coloring
return coloring
def _fix_check_data(data):
Modify the data dict to match the old format if there is only one fd step size.
data : dict
Dictionary containing derivative information keyed by system name.
for sdata in data.values():
for dct in sdata.values():