An ImplicitComponent that uses JAX for derivatives.
import sys
import inspect
from types import MethodType
from itertools import chain
from openmdao.core.implicitcomponent import ImplicitComponent
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning
from openmdao.utils.jax_utils import jax, jit, _jax_register_pytree_class, \
_compute_sparsity, get_vmap_tangents, _update_subjac_sparsity, \
_jax_derivs2partials, _ensure_returns_tuple
[docs]class JaxImplicitComponent(ImplicitComponent):
Base class for implicit components when using JAX for derivatives.
fallback_derivs_method : str
The method to use if JAX is not available. Default is 'fd'.
**kwargs : dict
Additional arguments to be passed to the base class.
_tangents : dict
The tangents for the inputs and outputs.
_sparsity : coo_matrix or None
The sparsity of the Jacobian.
_jac_func_ : function or None
The function that computes the jacobian.
_orig_compute_primal : function
The original compute_primal method.
_ret_tuple_compute_primal : function
The compute_primal method that returns a tuple.
[docs] def __init__(self, fallback_derivs_method='fd', **kwargs): # noqa
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
raise RuntimeError("JaxImplicitComponent requires Python 3.9 or newer.")
self._tangents = {'fwd': None, 'rev': None}
self._sparsity = None
self._orig_compute_primal = self.compute_primal
self._ret_tuple_compute_primal = \
MethodType(_ensure_returns_tuple(self.compute_primal.__func__), self)
self.compute_primal = self._ret_tuple_compute_primal
# if derivs_method is explicitly passed in, just use it
if 'derivs_method' in kwargs:
if jax:
self.options['derivs_method'] = 'jax'
issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: JAX is not available, so "
f"'{fallback_derivs_method}' will be used for derivatives.")
self.options['derivs_method'] = fallback_derivs_method
def _setup_jax(self):
self._sparsity = None
if self.compute_primal is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: compute_primal is not defined for this component.")
if self.matrix_free:
if self._coloring_info.use_coloring():
issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: coloring has been set but matrix_free is True, "
"so coloring will be ignored.")
self.apply_linear = self._jax_apply_linear
if self._coloring_info.use_coloring():
# ensure coloring (and sparsity) is computed before partials
raise RuntimeError("Coloring not currently supported for JAX implicit components.")
# self._get_coloring()
# if self.best_partial_deriv_direction() == 'fwd':
# self.linearize = self._jacfwd_colored
# else:
# self.linearize = self._jacrev_colored
if not self._subjacs_info:
# auto determine subjac sparsities
self.linearize = self._jax_linearize
self._has_linearize = True
if self.options['use_jit']:
static_argnums = []
idx = len(self._var_rel_names['input']) + len(self._var_rel_names['output']) + 1
static_argnums.extend(range(idx, idx + len(self._discrete_inputs)))
self.compute_primal = MethodType(jit(self.compute_primal.__func__,
static_argnums=static_argnums), self)
def _check_compute_primal_args(self):
Check that the compute_primal method args are in the correct order.
args = list(inspect.signature(self._orig_compute_primal).parameters)
if args and args[0] == 'self':
args = args[1:]
compargs = self._get_compute_primal_argnames()
if args != compargs:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: compute_primal method args {args} don't match "
f"the args {compargs} mapped from this component's inputs. To "
"map inputs to the compute_primal method, set the name used in "
"compute_primal to the 'primal_name' arg when calling "
"add_input/add_discrete_input. This is only necessary if the "
"declared component input name is not a valid Python name.")
def _get_jacobian_func(self):
# TODO: modify this to use relevance and possibly compile multiple jac functions depending
# on DV/response so that we don't compute any derivatives that are always zero.
if self._jac_func_ is None:
fjax = jax.jacfwd if self.best_partial_deriv_direction() == 'fwd' else jax.jacrev
wrt_idxs = list(range(1, len(self._var_abs2meta['input']) +
len(self._var_abs2meta['output']) + 1))
primal_func = self.compute_primal.__func__
self._jac_func_ = MethodType(fjax(primal_func, argnums=wrt_idxs), self)
if self.options['use_jit']:
static_argnums = tuple(range(1 + len(wrt_idxs), 1 + len(wrt_idxs) +
self._jac_func_ = MethodType(jit(self._jac_func_.__func__,
return self._jac_func_
def _update_subjac_sparsity(self, sparsity_iter):
if self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax':
_update_subjac_sparsity(sparsity_iter, self.pathname, self._subjacs_info)
[docs] def compute_sparsity(self, direction=None, num_iters=1, perturb_size=1e-9):
Get the sparsity of the Jacobian.
direction : str
The direction to compute the sparsity for.
num_iters : int
The number of times to run the perturbation iteration.
perturb_size : float
The size of the perturbation to use.
The sparsity of the Jacobian.
if self._sparsity is None:
self._sparsity = _compute_sparsity(self, direction, num_iters, perturb_size)
return self._sparsity
def _get_tangents(self, direction):
if self._tangents[direction] is None:
if direction == 'fwd':
self._tangents[direction] = get_vmap_tangents(tuple(chain(self._inputs.values(),
direction, fill=1.)
self._tangents[direction] = get_vmap_tangents(tuple(self._outputs.values()),
direction, fill=1.)
return self._tangents[direction]
[docs] def declare_coloring(self, **kwargs):
Declare coloring for this component.
The 'method' argument is set to 'jax' and passed to the base class.
**kwargs : dict
Additional arguments to be passed to the base class.
kwargs['method'] = 'jax'
def _jax_linearize(self, inputs, outputs, partials, discrete_inputs=None,
Compute sub-jacobian parts for an implicit component.
The model is assumed to be in an unscaled state.
inputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key].
outputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key].
partials : partial Jacobian
Sub-jac components written to jacobian[output_name, input_name].
discrete_inputs : dict or None
If not None, dict containing discrete input values.
discrete_outputs : dict or None
If not None, dict containing discrete output values.
derivs = self._get_jacobian_func()(*self._get_compute_primal_invals(inputs, outputs,
_jax_derivs2partials(self, derivs, partials, self._var_rel_names['output'],
chain(self._var_rel_names['input'], self._var_rel_names['output']))
def _jax_apply_linear(self, inputs, outputs, d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode):
Compute jac-vector product (implicit). The model is assumed to be in an unscaled state.
If mode is:
'fwd': (d_inputs, d_outputs) \|-> d_residuals
'rev': d_residuals \|-> (d_inputs, d_outputs)
inputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key].
outputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key].
d_inputs : Vector
See inputs; product must be computed only if var_name in d_inputs.
d_outputs : Vector
See outputs; product must be computed only if var_name in d_outputs.
d_residuals : Vector
See outputs.
mode : str
Either 'fwd' or 'rev'.
if mode == 'fwd':
dx = tuple(chain(d_inputs.values(), d_outputs.values()))
full_invals = tuple(self._get_compute_primal_invals(inputs, outputs,
x = full_invals[:len(dx)]
other = full_invals[len(dx):]
_, deriv_vals = jax.jvp(lambda *args: self.compute_primal(*args, *other),
primals=x, tangents=dx)
if isinstance(deriv_vals, tuple):
d_residuals.asarray()[:] = deriv_vals.flatten()
inhash = (inputs.get_hash(), outputs.get_hash()) + tuple(self._discrete_inputs.values())
if inhash != self._vjp_hash:
# recompute vjp function only if inputs or outputs have changed
dx = tuple(chain(d_inputs.values(), d_outputs.values()))
full_invals = tuple(self._get_compute_primal_invals(inputs, outputs,
x = full_invals[:len(dx)]
other = full_invals[len(dx):]
_, self._vjp_fun = jax.vjp(lambda *args: self.compute_primal(*args, *other), *x)
self._vjp_hash = inhash
if self._compute_primals_out_shape is None:
shape = jax.eval_shape(lambda *args: self.compute_primal(*args, *other), *x)
if isinstance(shape, tuple):
shape = (tuple(s.shape for s in shape), True,
shape = (shape.shape, False, len(self._var_rel_names['input']))
self._compute_primals_out_shape = shape
shape, istup, ninputs = self._compute_primals_out_shape
if istup:
deriv_vals = (self._vjp_fun(tuple(d_residuals.values())))
deriv_vals = self._vjp_fun(tuple(d_residuals.values())[0])