"""Define the ExplicitFuncComp class."""
import sys
import traceback
import numpy as np
from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent
import openmdao.func_api as omf
from openmdao.components.func_comp_common import _check_var_name, _copy_with_ignore, \
jac_forward, jac_reverse, _get_tangents, _ensure_iter
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import shape_to_len
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning
import jax
from jax import jit
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) # jax by default uses 32 bit floats
except Exception:
_, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
if not isinstance(err, ImportError):
jax = None
if jax is not None:
from jax import Array as JaxArray
except ImportError:
# versions of jax before 0.3.18 do not have the jax.Array base class
raise RuntimeError("An unsupported version of jax is installed. "
"OpenMDAO requires 'jax>=4.0' and 'jaxlib>=4.0'. "
"Try 'pip install openmdao[jax]' with Python>=3.8.")
[docs]class ExplicitFuncComp(ExplicitComponent):
A component that wraps a python function.
compute : function
The function to be wrapped by this Component.
compute_partials : function or None
If not None, call this function when computing partials.
**kwargs : named args
Args passed down to ExplicitComponent.
_compute : callable
The function wrapper used by this component.
_compute_jax : callable
Function decorated to ensure use of jax numpy.
_compute_partials : function or None
If not None, call this function when computing partials.
_tangents : tuple
Tuple of parts of the tangent matrix cached for jax derivative computation.
_tangent_direction : str
Direction of the last tangent computation.
[docs] def __init__(self, compute, compute_partials=None, **kwargs):
Initialize attributes.
self._compute = omf.wrap(compute)
# in case we're doing jit, force setup of wrapped func because we compute output shapes
# during setup and that won't work on a jit compiled function
if self._compute._call_setup:
if self._compute._use_jax:
self.options['derivs_method'] = 'jax'
if self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax':
if jax is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: jax is not installed. "
"Try 'pip install openmdao[jax]' with Python>=3.8.")
self._compute_jax = omf.jax_decorate(self._compute._f)
self._tangents = None
self._tangent_direction = None
self._compute_partials = compute_partials
if self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax' and self.options['use_jit']:
static_argnums = [i for i, m in enumerate(self._compute._inputs.values())
if 'is_option' in m]
self._compute_jax = jit(self._compute_jax, static_argnums=static_argnums)
except Exception as err:
issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: failed jit compile of compute function: {err}. "
"Falling back to using non-jitted function.")
def _mode(self):
Return the current system mode.
The current system mode, 'fwd' or 'rev'.
return self.best_partial_deriv_direction()
[docs] def setup(self):
Define out inputs and outputs.
optignore = {'is_option'}
use_jax = self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax' and jax is not None
for name, meta in self._compute.get_input_meta():
_check_var_name(self, name)
if 'is_option' in meta and meta['is_option']:
kwargs = _copy_with_ignore(meta, omf._allowed_declare_options_args,
self.options.declare(name, **kwargs)
kwargs = omf._filter_dict(meta, omf._allowed_add_input_args)
if use_jax:
# make sure internal openmdao values are numpy arrays and not jax Arrays
self.add_input(name, **kwargs)
for i, (name, meta) in enumerate(self._compute.get_output_meta()):
_check_var_name(self, name)
kwargs = _copy_with_ignore(meta, omf._allowed_add_output_args, ignore=('resid',))
if use_jax:
# make sure internal openmdao values are numpy arrays and not jax Arrays
self.add_output(name, **kwargs)
def _setup_jax(self):
# TODO: this is here to prevent the ExplicitComponent base class from trying to do its
# own jax setup if derivs_method is 'jax'. We should probably refactor this...
def _dev_arrays_to_np_arrays(self, meta):
if 'val' in meta:
if isinstance(meta['val'], JaxArray):
meta['val'] = np.asarray(meta['val'])
def _linearize(self, jac=None, sub_do_ln=False):
Compute jacobian / factorization. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state.
jac : Jacobian or None
sub_do_ln : bool
Flag indicating if the children should call linearize on their linear solvers.
if self.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax':
if self._mode != self._tangent_direction:
# force recomputation of coloring and tangents
self._first_call_to_linearize = True
self._tangents = None
super()._linearize(jac, sub_do_ln)
def _jax_linearize(self):
Compute the jacobian using jax.
This updates self._jacobian.
inames = list(self._compute.get_input_names())
# argnums specifies which position args are to be differentiated
argnums = [i for i, m in enumerate(self._compute._inputs.values()) if 'is_option' not in m]
# keep this around for use locally even if we pass None as argnums to jax
argidxs = argnums
if len(argnums) == len(inames):
argnums = None # speedup if there are no static args
osize = len(self._outputs)
isize = len(self._inputs)
invals = list(self._func_values(self._inputs))
coloring = self._coloring_info.coloring
func = self._compute_jax
if self._mode == 'rev': # use reverse mode to compute derivs
outvals = tuple(self._outputs.values())
tangents = self._get_tangents(outvals, 'rev', coloring)
if coloring is None:
j = np.empty((osize, isize), dtype=float)
cstart = cend = 0
for i, a in zip(argidxs, jac_reverse(func, argnums, tangents)(*invals)):
if isinstance(invals[i], np.ndarray):
cend += invals[i].size
else: # must be a scalar
cend += 1
a = np.asarray(a)
if a.ndim < 2:
j[:, cstart:cend] = a.reshape((a.size, 1))
j[:, cstart:cend] = a.reshape((a.shape[0], cend - cstart))
cstart = cend
j = [np.asarray(a).reshape((a.shape[0], shape_to_len(a.shape[1:])))
for a in jac_reverse(func, argnums, tangents)(*invals)]
j = coloring.expand_jac(np.hstack(j), 'rev')
tangents = self._get_tangents(invals, 'fwd', coloring, argnums)
if coloring is None:
j = np.empty((osize, isize), dtype=float)
start = end = 0
for a in jac_forward(func, argnums, tangents)(*invals):
a = np.asarray(a)
if a.ndim < 2:
a = a.reshape((1, a.size))
a = a.reshape((shape_to_len(a.shape[:-1]), a.shape[-1]))
end += a.shape[0]
if osize == 1:
j[0, start:end] = a
j[start:end, :] = a
start = end
j = [np.asarray(a).reshape((shape_to_len(a.shape[:-1]), a.shape[-1]))
for a in jac_forward(func, argnums, tangents)(*invals)]
j = coloring.expand_jac(np.vstack(j), 'fwd')
self._jacobian.set_dense_jac(self, j)
def _get_tangents(self, vals, direction, coloring=None, argnums=None):
Return a tuple of tangents values for use with vmap.
vals : list
List of function input values.
direction : str
Derivative computation direction ('fwd' or 'rev').
coloring : Coloring or None
If not None, the Coloring object used to compute a compressed tangent array.
argnums : list of int or None
Indices of dynamic (differentiable) function args.
tuple of ndarray or ndarray
The tangents values to be passed to vmap.
if self._tangents is None:
self._tangents = _get_tangents(vals, direction, coloring, argnums)
self._tangent_direction = direction
return self._tangents
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
Compute the result of calling our function with the given inputs.
inputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional input variables.
outputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional output variables.
def _setup_partials(self):
Check that all partials are declared.
for kwargs in self._compute.get_declare_partials():
kwargs = self._compute.get_declare_coloring()
if kwargs is not None:
[docs] def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
Compute sub-jacobian parts. The model is assumed to be in an unscaled state.
inputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key].
partials : Jacobian
Sub-jac components written to partials[output_name, input_name].
if self._compute_partials is None:
self._compute_partials(*self._func_values(inputs), partials)
def _func_values(self, inputs):
Yield current function input args.
inputs : Vector
The input vector.
Value of current function input variable.
inps = inputs.values()
for name, meta in self._compute._inputs.items():
if 'is_option' in meta:
yield self.options[name]
yield next(inps)
def _compute_coloring(self, recurse=False, **overrides):
Compute a coloring of the partial jacobian.
This assumes that the current System is in a proper state for computing derivatives.
It just calls the base class version and then resets the tangents so that after coloring
a new set of compressed tangents values can be computed.
recurse : bool
If True, recurse from this system down the system hierarchy. Whenever a group
is encountered that has specified its coloring metadata, we don't recurse below
that group unless that group has a subsystem that has a nonlinear solver that uses
**overrides : dict
Any args that will override either default coloring settings or coloring settings
resulting from an earlier call to declare_coloring.
list of Coloring
The computed colorings.
ret = super()._compute_coloring(recurse, **overrides)
self._tangents = None # reset to compute new colored tangents later
return ret