Tools for working with code.
- class openmdao.utils.code_utils.LambdaPickleWrapper(lambda_func)[source]
A wrapper for a lambda function that allows it to be pickled.
- Parameters:
- lambda_funcfunction
The lambda function to be wrapped.
- Attributes:
- _funcfunction
The lambda function.
- _srcstr
The isolated source of the lambda function.
- __init__(lambda_func)[source]
Initialize the wrapper.
- Parameters:
- lambda_funcfunction
The lambda function to be wrapped.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.block_filter(tokiter, blocks_to_remove, block_start_tok)[source]
Remove blocks of code from a stream of tokens.
Blocks are removed based on indentation level. If a block’s name matches one in blocks_to_remove, all non-blank lines where the first token is indented to a greater level than the block start token are removed.
- Parameters:
- tokiteriterator
Iterator of tokens.
- blocks_to_removeset
Set of block names to remove.
- block_start_tokstr
The name of the block start token, e.g., ‘def’ or ‘class’.
- Yields:
- tuple
The next token in the stream, unless it is part of a block that should be removed.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.find_block_start(srccode, block_name, block_start_tok)[source]
Find the start of a block of code.
- Parameters:
- srccodestr
Source code to search for block.
- block_namestr
The name of the block to find.
- block_start_tokstr
The name of the block start token, e.g., ‘def’ or ‘class’.
- Returns:
- tuple
A tuple of the form (line number, column number, block start line) or (None, None, None) if the block was not found.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.get_class_attributes(fname, class_dict=None)[source]
Find all referenced attributes in all classes defined in the given file.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
File name.
- class_dictdict or None
Dict mapping class names to attribute names.
- Returns:
- dict
The dict maps class name to a set of attribute names.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.get_func_graph(func, outnames=None, display=False)[source]
Generate a graph between a function’s inputs and outputs.
Uses the AST to analyze the function and build a graph between inputs and outputs, so the function source must be available.
- Parameters:
- funcCallable
The function to be analyzed.
- outnameslist or None
The list of expected output variable names.
- displaybool
If True, display the graph using pydot.
- Returns:
- networkx.DiGraph or None
A graph containing edges from inputs to outputs. Returns None if the function graph couldn’t be determined.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.get_function_deps(func, outputs=None)[source]
Generate tuples of the form (output, input) for the given function.
Only tuples where the output depends on the input are yielded.
Note that currently the function grapher doesn’t recurse into functions and assumes that all outputs of a called function are dependent on all inputs to that function. This may lead to some dependencies being reported that don’t actually exist.
- Parameters:
- funcfunction or method with source available
The function to be analyzed.
- outputslist of str or None
The list of output variable names.
- Yields:
- tuple
A tuple of the form (output, input).
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.get_nested_calls(class_, method_name, stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]
Display the call tree for the specified class method and all ‘self’ class methods it calls.
- Parameters:
- class_class
The starting class.
- method_namestr
The name of the class method.
- streamfile-like
The output stream where output will be displayed.
- Returns:
- networkx.DiGraph
A graph containing edges from methods to their sub-methods.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.get_return_names(func)[source]
Return the names of the variables returned by the given function.
Returns None for any return values that aren’t a simple name.
- Parameters:
- funcfunction
The function to be examined.
- Returns:
- list
The names of the variables returned by the given function.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.is_lambda(f)[source]
Return True if the given function is a lambda function.
- Parameters:
- ffunction
The function to check.
- Returns:
- bool
True if the given function is a lambda function.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.remove_src_blocks(srccode, names, block_start_tok)[source]
Remove blocks from a piece of source code.
- Parameters:
- srccodestr
The source code.
- nameslist of str
List of blocks to be removed.
- block_start_tokstr
The name of the block start token, e.g., ‘def’ or ‘class’.
- Returns:
- str
The modified source code.
- openmdao.utils.code_utils.replace_src_block(srccode, block_name, new_block, block_start_tok)[source]
Replace a block in a piece of source code.
- Parameters:
- srccodestr
The source code.
- block_namestr
The name of the block to be replaced.
- new_blockstr
The replacement block.
- block_start_tokstr
The name of the block start token, e.g., ‘def’ or ‘class’.
- Returns:
- str
The modified source code.