Provide generators for use with AnalysisDriver.
These generators are pythonic, lazy generators which, when provided with a dictionary of variables and values to be tested, produce some set of sample values to be evaluated.
- class openmdao.drivers.analysis_generator.AnalysisGenerator(var_dict)[source]
Provide a generator which provides case data for AnalysisDriver.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary whose keys are promoted paths of variables to be set, and whose values are the arguments to set_val.
- Attributes:
- _iterIterator
The underlying iterator for variable values.
- _run_countint
A running count of the samples obtained from the iterator.
- _var_dictdict
An internal copy of the var_dict used to create the generator.
- __init__(var_dict)[source]
Instantiate the base class for AnalysisGenerators.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary mapping a variable name to values to be assumed, as well as optional units and indices specifications.
- __iter__()
- class openmdao.drivers.analysis_generator.CSVGenerator(filename, has_units=False, has_indices=False)[source]
A generator which provides cases for AnalysisDriver by pulling rows from a CSV file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
The filename for the CSV file containing the variable data.
- has_unitsbool
If True, the second line of the CSV contains the units of each variable.
- has_indicesbool
If True, the line after units (if present) contains the indices being set.
- Attributes:
- _filenamestr
The filename of the CSV file providing the samples.
- _has_unitsbool
True if the CSV file contains a row of the units for each variable.
- _has_indicesbool
True if the CSV file contains a row of indices being provided for each variable. If units are present, indices will be on the line following units.
- _csv_filefile
The file object for the CSV file.
- _csv_readerDictReader
The reader object for the CSV file.
- _var_namesset of str
The set of variable names provided by this CSVGenerator.
- _ret_valdict
The dict which is returned by each call to __next__.
- __init__(filename, has_units=False, has_indices=False)[source]
Instantiate CSVGenerator.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
The filename for the CSV file containing the variable data.
- has_unitsbool
If True, the second line of the CSV contains the units of each variable.
- has_indicesbool
If True, the line after units (if present) contains the indices being set.
- __iter__()
- class openmdao.drivers.analysis_generator.ProductGenerator(var_dict)[source]
A generator which provides full-factorial case data for AnalysisDriver.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary which maps promoted path names of variables to be set in each itearation with their values to be assumed (required), units (optional), and indices (optional).
- __init__(var_dict)
Instantiate the base class for AnalysisGenerators.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary mapping a variable name to values to be assumed, as well as optional units and indices specifications.
- __iter__()
- class openmdao.drivers.analysis_generator.SequenceGenerator(container)[source]
A generator which provides samples from python lists or tuples.
Internally this generator converts the list or tuple to a deque and then consumes it as it iterates over it.
- Parameters:
- containercontainer
A python container, excluding strings, bytes, or bytearray.
- Raises:
- StopIteration
When given list or tuple is exhausted.
- Attributes:
- _sampled_varslist(str)
A list of the variables in the model being sampled.
- _iterIterator
The internal iterator over the users case data.
- __init__(container)[source]
Instantiate a SequenceGenerator with the given container of samples.
- __iter__()[source]
Provide the python iterator for this instance.
- class openmdao.drivers.analysis_generator.ZipGenerator(var_dict)[source]
A generator which provides case data for AnalysisDriver by zipping values of each factor.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary which maps promoted path names of variables to be set in each itearation with their values to be assumed (required), units (optional), and indices (optional).
- __init__(var_dict)
Instantiate the base class for AnalysisGenerators.
- Parameters:
- var_dictdict
A dictionary mapping a variable name to values to be assumed, as well as optional units and indices specifications.
- __iter__()