Viewer graphs of a group's model hierarchy and connections.
from itertools import chain
import pydot
except ImportError:
pydot = None
import networkx as nx
from openmdao.solvers.nonlinear.nonlinear_runonce import NonlinearRunOnce
from openmdao.solvers.linear.linear_runonce import LinearRunOnce
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import all_ancestors
from openmdao.utils.file_utils import _load_and_exec
import openmdao.utils.hooks as hooks
from openmdao.utils.graph_utils import get_cycle_tree
# mapping of base system type to graph display properties
_base_display_map = {
'ExplicitComponent': {
'fillcolor': '"aquamarine3:aquamarine"',
'style': 'filled',
'shape': 'box',
'ImplicitComponent': {
'fillcolor': '"lightblue:lightslateblue"',
'style': 'filled',
'shape': 'box',
'IndepVarComp': {
'fillcolor': '"chartreuse2:chartreuse4"',
'style': 'filled',
'shape': 'box',
'Group': {
'fillcolor': 'gray75',
'style': 'filled',
'shape': 'box',
[docs]class GraphViewer(object):
A class for viewing the model hierarchy and connections in a group.
group : <Group>
The Group with graph to be viewed.
_group : <Group>
The Group with graph to be viewed.
[docs] def __init__(self, group):
Initialize the GraphViewer.
group : <Group>
The Group with graph to be viewed.
self._group = group
[docs] def write_graph(self, gtype='dataflow', recurse=True, show_vars=False,
display=True, show_boundary=False, exclude=(), outfile=None):
Use pydot to create a graphical representation of the specified graph.
gtype : str
The type of graph to create. Options include 'system', 'component', 'nested',
and 'dataflow'.
recurse : bool
If True, recurse into subsystems when gtype is 'dataflow'.
show_vars : bool
If True, show all variables in the graph. Only relevant when gtype is 'dataflow'.
display : bool
If True, pop up a window to view the graph.
show_boundary : bool
If True, include connections to variables outside the boundary of the Group.
exclude : iter of str
Iter of pathnames to exclude from the generated graph.
outfile : str or None
The name of the file to write the graph to. The format is inferred from the extension.
Default is None, which writes to '<system_path>_<gtype>_graph.html', where system_path
is 'model' for the top level group, and any '.' in the pathname is replaced with '_'.
pydot.Dot or None
The pydot graph that was created.
if pydot is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self._group.msginfo}: write_graph requires pydot. Install pydot "
"using 'pip install pydot'. Note that pydot requires graphviz, which"
" is a non-Python application.\nIt can be installed at the system "
"level or via a package manager like conda.")
group = self._group
if gtype == 'tree':
G = self._get_tree_graph(exclude)
elif gtype == 'dataflow':
if show_vars:
# get dvs and responses so we can color them differently
dvs = group.get_design_vars(recurse=True, get_sizes=False, use_prom_ivc=True)
desvars = set(dvs)
desvars.update(m['source'] for m in dvs.values())
resps = group.get_responses(recurse=True, get_sizes=False, use_prom_ivc=True)
responses = set(resps)
responses.update(m['source'] for m in resps.values())
prefix = group.pathname + '.' if group.pathname else ''
lenpre = len(prefix)
G = group._problem_meta['model_ref']()._get_dataflow_graph()
if not recurse:
# layout graph from left to right
gname = 'model' if group.pathname == '' else group.pathname
G.graph['graph'] = {'rankdir': 'LR', 'label': f"Dataflow for '{gname}'",
'center': 'True'}
# keep all direct children and their variables
keep = {n for n in G.nodes() if n[lenpre:].count('.') == 0 and
keep.update({n for n, d in G.nodes(data=True) if 'type_' in d and
n.rpartition('.')[0] in keep})
promconns = self._get_prom_conns(group._conn_abs_in2out)
for prom_in, (abs_out, abs_ins) in promconns.items():
nins = len(abs_ins)
the_in = abs_ins[0] if nins == 1 else prom_in
if the_in not in G:
G.add_node(the_in, type_='input', label=prom_in)
label = prom_in[:lenpre] if prom_in.startswith(prefix) else prom_in
G.nodes[the_in]['label'] = label
sysout = prefix + abs_out[lenpre:].partition('.')[0]
prom_out = group._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'][abs_out]
if sysout not in G:
G.add_node(sysout, **_base_display_map['Group'])
label = prom_out[:lenpre] if prom_out.startswith(prefix) else prom_out
G.nodes[abs_out]['label'] = label
G.add_edge(sysout, abs_out)
for abs_in in abs_ins:
sysin = prefix + abs_in[lenpre:].partition('.')[0]
if sysin not in G:
G.add_node(sysin, **_base_display_map['Group'])
if nins == 1:
G.add_edge(abs_ins[0], sysin)
G.add_edge(prom_in, sysin)
if prom_in in G and nins > 1:
G.nodes[prom_in]['fontcolor'] = 'red'
G.nodes[prom_in]['tooltip'] = '\n'.join(abs_ins)
if group.pathname == '':
if not recurse:
G = nx.subgraph(G, keep)
# we're not the top level group, so get our subgraph of the top level graph
ournodes = {n for n in G.nodes() if n.startswith(prefix)}
if not recurse:
G = nx.subgraph(G, ournodes)
if show_boundary and group.pathname:
incoming, outgoing = self._get_boundary_conns()
G = _add_boundary_nodes(group.pathname, G.copy(), incoming, outgoing, exclude)
G, node_info = self._decorate_graph_for_display(G, exclude=exclude,
dvs=desvars, responses=responses)
if recurse:
G = self._apply_clusters(G, node_info)
G = _to_pydot_graph(G)
elif recurse:
G = group.compute_sys_graph(comps_only=True, add_edge_info=False)
if show_boundary and group.pathname:
incoming, outgoing = self._get_boundary_conns()
# convert var abs names to system abs names
incoming = [(in_abs.rpartition('.')[0], out_abs.rpartition('.')[0])
for in_abs, out_abs in incoming]
outgoing = [(in_abs.rpartition('.')[0], out_abs.rpartition('.')[0])
for in_abs, out_abs in outgoing]
G = _add_boundary_nodes(group.pathname, G.copy(), incoming, outgoing, exclude)
G, node_info = self._decorate_graph_for_display(G, exclude=exclude)
G = self._apply_clusters(G, node_info)
G = group.compute_sys_graph(comps_only=False, add_edge_info=False)
G, _ = self._decorate_graph_for_display(G, exclude=exclude, abs_graph_names=False)
G = _to_pydot_graph(G)
elif gtype == 'cycle':
Gcomps, group_tree_dict = get_cycle_tree(group)
G, node_info = self._decorate_graph_for_display(Gcomps, exclude=exclude,
G = self._apply_scc_clusters(Gcomps, group_tree_dict, node_info)
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized graph type '{gtype}'. Allowed types are ['tree', "
"'dataflow', 'cycle'].")
if G is None:
if outfile is None:
name = group.pathname.replace('.', '_') if group.pathname else 'model'
outfile = f"{name}_{gtype}_graph.html"
return write_graph(G, prog='dot', display=display, outfile=outfile)
def _get_prom_conns(self, conns):
Return a dict of promoted connections.
conns : dict
Dictionary containing absolute connections.
Dictionary of promoted connections.
group = self._group
abs2prom_in = group._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input']
prom2abs_in = group._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input']
prefix = group.pathname + '.' if group.pathname else ''
prom_conns = {}
for inp, out in conns.items():
prom = abs2prom_in[inp]
prom_conns[prom] = (out, [i for i in prom2abs_in[prom] if i.startswith(prefix)])
return prom_conns
def _get_graph_display_info(self, display_map=None):
Return display related metadata for this Group and all of its children.
display_map : dict or None
A map of classnames to pydot node attributes.
Metadata keyed by system pathname.
group = self._group
node_info = {}
for s in group.system_iter(recurse=True, include_self=True):
meta = s._get_graph_node_meta()
if display_map and meta['classname'] in display_map:
elif display_map and meta['base'] in display_map:
_get_node_display_meta(s, meta)
ttlist = [f"Name: {s.pathname}"]
ttlist.append(f"Class: {meta['classname']}")
if s.linear_solver is not None and not isinstance(s.linear_solver, NonlinearRunOnce):
ttlist.append(f"Linear Solver: {type(s.linear_solver).__name__}")
if s.nonlinear_solver is not None and not isinstance(s.nonlinear_solver,
ttlist.append(f"Nonlinear Solver: {type(s.nonlinear_solver).__name__}")
meta['tooltip'] = '\n'.join(ttlist)
node_info[s.pathname] = meta.copy()
if group.comm.size > 1:
abs2prom = group._var_abs2prom
all_abs2prom = group._var_allprocs_abs2prom
if (len(all_abs2prom['input']) != len(abs2prom['input']) or
len(all_abs2prom['output']) != len(abs2prom['output'])):
# not all systems exist in all procs, so must gather info from all procs
if group._gather_full_data():
all_node_info = group.comm.allgather(node_info)
all_node_info = group.comm.allgather({})
for info in all_node_info:
for pathname, meta in info.items():
if pathname not in node_info:
node_info[pathname] = meta
return node_info
def _get_cluster_tree(self, node_info):
Create a nested collection of pydot Cluster objects to represent the tree of groups.
node_info : dict
A dict of metadata keyed by pathname.
pydot.Dot, dict
The pydot graph and a dict of groups keyed by pathname.
group = self._group
pydot_graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph')
mypath = group.pathname
prefix = mypath + '.' if mypath else ''
groups = {}
if not mypath:
groups[''] = pydot.Cluster('', label='Model', style='filled',
for varpath in chain(group._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'],
group = varpath.rpartition('.')[0].rpartition('.')[0]
if group not in groups:
# reverse the list so parents will exist before children
ancestor_list = list(all_ancestors(group))[::-1]
for path in ancestor_list:
if path.startswith(prefix) or path == mypath:
if path not in groups:
parent, _, name = path.rpartition('.')
groups[path] = pydot.Cluster(path,
label=path if path == mypath else name,
if parent and parent.startswith(prefix):
elif parent == mypath and parent in groups:
return pydot_graph, groups
def _get_tree_graph(self, exclude, display_map=None):
Create a pydot graph of the system tree (without clusters).
exclude : iter of str
Iter of pathnames to exclude from the generated graph.
display_map : dict or None
A map of classnames to pydot node attributes.
The pydot tree graph.
node_info = self._get_graph_display_info(display_map)
exclude = set(exclude)
group = self._group
systems = {}
pydot_graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph', center=True)
prefix = group.pathname + '.' if group.pathname else ''
label = group.name if group.name else 'Model'
top_node = pydot.Node(label, label=label,
systems[group.pathname] = top_node
for varpath in chain(group._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'],
system = varpath.rpartition('.')[0]
if system not in systems and system not in exclude:
# reverse the list so parents will exist before children
ancestor_list = list(all_ancestors(system))[::-1]
for path in ancestor_list:
if path.startswith(prefix):
if path not in systems:
parent, _, name = path.rpartition('.')
kwargs = _filter_meta4dot(node_info[path])
systems[path] = pydot.Node(path, label=name, **kwargs)
if parent.startswith(prefix) or parent == group.pathname:
pydot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(systems[parent], systems[path]))
return pydot_graph
def _decorate_graph_for_display(self, G, exclude=(), abs_graph_names=True, dvs=None,
responses=None, display_map=None):
Add metadata to the graph for display.
Returned graph will have any variable nodes containing certain characters relabeled with
explicit quotes to avoid issues with dot.
G : nx.DiGraph
The graph to be decorated.
exclude : iter of str
Iter of pathnames to exclude from the generated graph.
abs_graph_names : bool
If True, use absolute pathnames for nodes in the graph.
dvs : dict
Dict of design var metadata keyed on promoted name.
responses : list of str
Dict of response var metadata keyed on promoted name.
display_map : dict or None
A map of classnames to pydot node attributes.
nx.DiGraph, dict
The decorated graph and a dict of node metadata keyed by pathname.
node_info = self._get_graph_display_info(display_map)
exclude = set(exclude)
prefix = self._group.pathname + '.' if self._group.pathname else ''
replace = {}
for node, meta in G.nodes(data=True):
if not abs_graph_names:
node = prefix + node
if node in node_info:
if not ('label' in meta and meta['label']):
meta['label'] = f'"{node.rpartition(".")[2]}"'
meta['label'] = f'"{meta["label"]}"'
if 'type_' in meta: # variable node
if node.rpartition('.')[0] in exclude:
exclude.add(node) # remove all variables of excluded components
# quote node names containing certain characters for use in dot
if (':' in node or '<' in node) and node not in exclude:
replace[node] = f'"{node}"'
if dvs and node in dvs:
meta['shape'] = 'cds'
elif responses and node in responses:
meta['shape'] = 'cds'
meta['shape'] = 'plain' # just text for variables, otherwise too busy
if replace:
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, replace, copy=True)
if exclude:
if not replace:
G = G.copy()
return G, node_info
def _apply_clusters(self, G, node_info):
Group nodes in the graph into clusters.
G : nx.DiGraph
A pydot graph will be created based on this graph.
node_info : dict
A dict of metadata keyed by pathname.
The corresponding pydot graph with clusters added.
pydot_graph, groups = self._get_cluster_tree(node_info)
prefix = self._group.pathname + '.' if self._group.pathname else ''
boundary_nodes = {'_Incoming', '_Outgoing'}
pydot_nodes = {}
for node, meta in G.nodes(data=True):
noquote_node = node.strip('"')
kwargs = _filter_meta4dot(meta)
if 'type_' in meta: # variable node
group = noquote_node.rpartition('.')[0].rpartition('.')[0]
group = noquote_node.rpartition('.')[0]
pdnode = pydot_nodes[node] = pydot.Node(node, **kwargs)
if group and group.startswith(prefix):
elif self._group.pathname in groups and node not in boundary_nodes:
for u, v, meta in G.edges(data=True):
pydot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pydot_nodes[u], pydot_nodes[v],
# layout graph from left to right
return pydot_graph
def _add_sub_clusters(self, parent, group_tree_dict, path, idx, node_info, pydot_nodes):
children, scc, unique, pidx, _, _ = group_tree_dict[path][idx]
lstr = path if path else '<model>'
cluster = pydot.Cluster(f"{path}_{pidx}",
label=f"{lstr} ({pidx + 1} of {len(group_tree_dict[path])})",
style='filled', fillcolor=_cluster_color(path),
for node in unique:
kwargs = _filter_meta4dot(node_info[node])
kwargs['label'] = f'"{node.rpartition(".")[2]}"'
pydot_nodes[node] = pydot.Node(node, **kwargs)
for _, _, _, pidx, chpath, _ in children:
self._add_sub_clusters(cluster, group_tree_dict, chpath, pidx, node_info,
def _apply_scc_clusters(self, G, group_tree_dict, node_info):
Group strongly connected nodes in the graph into clusters.
G : nx.DiGraph
A pydot graph will be created based on this graph.
group_tree_dict : dict
A dict of group paths mapped to list of (scc, children) tuples.
node_info : dict
A dict of metadata keyed by pathname.
The corresponding pydot graph with clusters added.
pydot_graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph')
pydot_nodes = {}
for path, lst in group_tree_dict.items():
for _, _, _, idx, _, parpath in lst:
if parpath is None: # this is a top level scc
self._add_sub_clusters(pydot_graph, group_tree_dict, path, idx, node_info,
for u, v, meta in G.edges(data=True):
if u not in pydot_nodes:
if u.startswith('_auto_ivc'):
kwargs = _filter_meta4dot(node_info[u])
kwargs['label'] = f'"{u.rpartition(".")[2]}"'
pydot_nodes[u] = pydot.Node(u, **kwargs)
if v not in pydot_nodes:
if v.startswith('_auto_ivc'):
kwargs = _filter_meta4dot(node_info[v])
kwargs['label'] = f'"{v.rpartition(".")[2]}"'
pydot_nodes[v] = pydot.Node(v, **kwargs)
pydot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pydot_nodes[u], pydot_nodes[v],
# layout graph from left to right
return pydot_graph
def _get_boundary_conns(self):
Return lists of incoming and outgoing boundary connections.
A tuple of (incoming, outgoing) boundary connections.
if not self._group.pathname:
return ([], [])
top = self._group._problem_meta['model_ref']()
prefix = self._group.pathname + '.'
incoming = []
outgoing = []
for abs_in, abs_out in top._conn_global_abs_in2out.items():
if abs_in.startswith(prefix) and not abs_out.startswith(prefix):
incoming.append((abs_in, abs_out))
if abs_out.startswith(prefix) and not abs_in.startswith(prefix):
outgoing.append((abs_in, abs_out))
return incoming, outgoing
def _get_node_display_meta(s, meta):
if meta['base'] in _base_display_map:
if s.nonlinear_solver is not None and not isinstance(s.nonlinear_solver, NonlinearRunOnce):
meta['shape'] = 'box3d'
elif s.linear_solver is not None and not isinstance(s.linear_solver, LinearRunOnce):
meta['shape'] = 'box3d'
[docs]def write_graph(G, prog='dot', display=True, outfile='graph.html'):
Write the graph to a file and optionally display it.
G : nx.DiGraph or pydot.Dot
The graph to be written.
prog : str
The graphviz program to use for layout.
display : bool
If True, display the graph after writing it.
outfile : str
The name of the file to write. Default is 'graph.html'.
The graph that was written.
if pydot is None:
raise RuntimeError("write_graph requires pydot. Install pydot using "
"'pip install pydot'. Note that pydot requires graphviz, which is a "
"non-Python application.\nIt can be installed at the system level "
"or via a package manager like conda.")
ext = outfile.rpartition('.')[2]
if not ext:
ext = 'html'
if isinstance(G, nx.Graph):
pydot_graph = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(G)
pydot_graph = G
ext_conv = {'html': 'svg', 'png': 'png', 'pdf': 'pdf', 'svg': 'svg'}
create_func = f"create_{ext_conv[ext]}"
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"Can't create a pydot graph file of type '{ext}'.")
pstr = getattr(pydot_graph, create_func)(prog=prog)
with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
if display:
from openmdao.utils.webview import webview
return pydot_graph
def _to_pydot_graph(G):
gmeta = G.graph.get('graph', {}).copy()
gmeta['graph_type'] = 'digraph'
pydot_graph = pydot.Dot(**gmeta)
pydot_nodes = {}
for node, meta in G.nodes(data=True):
pdnode = pydot_nodes[node] = pydot.Node(node, **_filter_meta4dot(meta))
for u, v, meta in G.edges(data=True):
pydot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pydot_nodes[u], pydot_nodes[v],
**_filter_meta4dot(meta, arrowsize=0.5)))
# layout graph from left to right
return pydot_graph
def _filter_meta4dot(meta, **kwargs):
Remove unnecessary metadata from the given metadata dict before passing to pydot.
meta : dict
Metadata dict.
kwargs : dict
Additional metadata that will be added only if they are not already present.
Metadata dict with unnecessary items removed.
skip = {'type_', 'local', 'base', 'classname'}
dct = {k: v for k, v in meta.items() if k not in skip}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k not in dct:
dct[k] = v
return dct
def _add_boundary_nodes(pathname, G, incoming, outgoing, exclude=()):
Add boundary nodes to the graph.
pathname : str
Pathname of the current group.
G : nx.DiGraph
The graph.
incoming : list of (str, str)
List of incoming connections.
outgoing : list of (str, str)
List of outgoing connections.
exclude : list of str
List of pathnames to exclude from the graph.
The modified graph.
lenpre = len(pathname) + 1 if pathname else 0
for ex in exclude:
expre = ex + '.'
incoming = [(in_abs, out_abs) for in_abs, out_abs in incoming
if in_abs != ex and out_abs != ex and
not in_abs.startswith(expre) and not out_abs.startswith(expre)]
outgoing = [(in_abs, out_abs) for in_abs, out_abs in outgoing
if in_abs != ex and out_abs != ex and
not in_abs.startswith(expre) and not out_abs.startswith(expre)]
if incoming:
tooltip = ['External Connections:']
connstrs = set()
for in_abs, out_abs in incoming:
if in_abs in G:
connstrs.add(f" {out_abs} -> {in_abs[lenpre:]}")
tooltip += sorted(connstrs)
tooltip = '\n'.join(tooltip)
if connstrs:
G.add_node('_Incoming', label='Incoming', shape='rarrow', fillcolor='peachpuff3',
style='filled', tooltip=f'"{tooltip}"', rank='min')
for in_abs, out_abs in incoming:
if in_abs in G:
G.add_edge('_Incoming', in_abs, style='dashed', arrowhead='lnormal',
if outgoing:
tooltip = ['External Connections:']
connstrs = set()
for in_abs, out_abs in outgoing:
if out_abs in G:
connstrs.add(f" {out_abs[lenpre:]} -> {in_abs}")
tooltip += sorted(connstrs)
tooltip = '\n'.join(tooltip)
G.add_node('_Outgoing', label='Outgoing', shape='rarrow', fillcolor='peachpuff3',
style='filled', tooltip=f'"{tooltip}"', rank='max')
for in_abs, out_abs in outgoing:
if out_abs in G:
G.add_edge(out_abs, '_Outgoing', style='dashed', arrowhead='lnormal', arrowsize=0.5)
return G
def _cluster_color(path):
Return the color of the cluster that contains the given path.
The idea here is to make nested clusters stand out wrt their parent cluster.
path : str
Pathname of a variable.
The color of the cluster that contains the given path.
depth = path.count('.') + 1 if path else 0
ncolors = 10
maxcolor = 98
mincolor = 40
col = maxcolor - (depth % ncolors) * (maxcolor - mincolor) // ncolors
return f"gray{col}"
def _graph_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao graph' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.description = 'This command requires pydot and graphviz to be installed.'
parser.add_argument('file', nargs=1, help='Python file containing the model.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--problem', action='store', dest='problem', help='Problem name')
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='outfile', help='file containing graph output.')
parser.add_argument('--group', action='store', dest='group', help='pathname of group to graph.')
parser.add_argument('--type', action='store', dest='type', default='dataflow',
help='type of graph (dataflow, tree, cycle). Default is dataflow.')
parser.add_argument('--no-display', action='store_false', dest='show',
help="don't display the graph.")
parser.add_argument('--no-recurse', action='store_false', dest='recurse',
help="don't recurse from the specified group down. This only applies to "
"the dataflow graph type.")
parser.add_argument('--show-vars', action='store_true', dest='show_vars',
help="show variables in the graph. This only applies to the dataflow graph."
" Default is False.")
parser.add_argument('--show-boundary', action='store_true', dest='show_boundary',
help="show connections to variables outside of the graph. This only "
"applies to the dataflow graph. Default is False.")
parser.add_argument('--autoivc', action='store_true', dest='auto_ivc',
help="include the _auto_ivc component in the graph. This applies to "
"graphs of the top level group only. Default is False.")
def _graph_cmd(options, user_args):
Return the post_setup hook function for 'openmdao graph'.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str
Args to be passed to the user script.
def _view_graph(problem):
group = problem.model._get_subsystem(options.group) if options.group else problem.model
if not options.auto_ivc:
exclude = {'_auto_ivc'}
exclude = set()
GraphViewer(group).write_graph(gtype=options.type, recurse=options.recurse,
show_vars=options.show_vars, display=options.show,
exclude=exclude, show_boundary=options.show_boundary,
# register the hooks
hooks._register_hook('final_setup', 'Problem', post=_view_graph, exit=True)
_load_and_exec(options.file[0], user_args)