"""Define a function to view connections."""
import os
import json
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import IFrame, display, HTML
except ImportError:
IFrame = display = None
from openmdao.core.problem import Problem
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import printoptions
from openmdao.utils.notebook_utils import notebook, colab
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning
from openmdao.utils.reports_system import register_report
def _val2str(val):
if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
if val.size > 5:
return 'array %s' % str(val.shape)
return np.array2string(val)
return str(val)
[docs]def view_connections(root, outfile='connections.html', show_browser=True,
show_values=True, precision=6, title=None):
Generate an html or csv file containing a detailed connection viewer.
Optionally pops up a web browser to view the file.
root : System or Problem
The root for the desired tree.
outfile : str, optional
The name of the output file. Defaults to 'connections.html'.
The extension specified in the file name will determine the output file format.
show_browser : bool, optional
If True, pop up a browser to view the generated html file.
Defaults to True.
show_values : bool, optional
If True, retrieve the values and display them.
precision : int, optional
Sets the precision for displaying array values.
title : str, optional
Sets the title of the web page.
if MPI and MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank != 0:
# since people will be used to passing the Problem as the first arg to
# the N2 diagram funct, allow them to pass a Problem here as well.
if isinstance(root, Problem):
system = root.model
system = root
connections = system._problem_meta['model_ref']()._conn_global_abs_in2out
src2tgts = defaultdict(list)
units = defaultdict(lambda: '')
for io in ('input', 'output'):
for n, data in system._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].items():
u = data.get('units', '')
if u is not None:
units[n] = u
vals = {}
prefix = system.pathname + '.' if system.pathname else ''
all_vars = {}
for io in ('input', 'output'):
all_vars[io] = chain(system._var_abs2meta[io],
[prefix + n for n in system._var_discrete[io]])
if show_values and system._outputs is None:
issue_warning("Values will not be shown because final_setup has not been called yet.",
with printoptions(precision=precision, suppress=True, threshold=10000):
for t in all_vars['input']:
s = connections[t]
if show_values and system._outputs is not None:
if s.startswith('_auto_ivc.'):
val = system.get_val(t, flat=True, get_remote=True, from_src=False)
val = system.get_val(t, flat=True, get_remote=True)
# if there's a unit conversion, express the value in the
# units of the target
if units[t] and s in system._outputs:
val = system.get_val(t, flat=True, units=units[t], get_remote=True)
val = system.get_val(t, flat=True, get_remote=True)
val = ''
vals[t] = val
tprom = system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input']
sprom = system._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output']
table = []
prom_trees = {}
idx = 1 # unique ID for use by Tabulator
for tgt, src in connections.items():
usrc = units[src]
utgt = units[tgt]
if usrc != utgt:
# prepend these with '!' so they'll be colored red
if usrc:
usrc = '!' + units[src]
if utgt:
utgt = '!' + units[tgt]
tgtprom = tprom[tgt]
srcprom = sprom[src]
if (tgtprom, srcprom) in prom_trees:
sys_prom_map = prom_trees[(tgtprom, srcprom)]
sys_prom_map = system.get_promotions(tgtprom, srcprom)
prom_trees[(tgtprom, srcprom)] = sys_prom_map
row = {'id': idx, 'src': src, 'sprom': srcprom,
'outpromto': '',
'sunits': usrc,
'val': _val2str(vals[tgt]), 'tunits': utgt,
'system': '', 'inpromto': '',
'tprom': tgtprom, 'tgt': tgt}
children = []
keep = {'sprom', 'tprom', 'src', 'tgt'}
for spath, (inpromto, subins, outpromto, subout) in sys_prom_map.items():
r = {n: v if n in keep else '' for n, v in row.items()}
implicitconn = (inpromto and outpromto and
inpromto.rpartition(' ')[2] == outpromto.rpartition(' ')[2])
if inpromto:
subins = list(subins)
if len(subins) > 1:
subins = '(' + ', '.join(subins) + ')'
elif len(subins) == 1:
subins = subins[0]
subins = ''
inpromto = f"{subins} ↑ {inpromto}"
inpromto = ''
if outpromto:
if len(subout) == 1:
subout = list(subout)[0]
subout = ''
outpromto = f"{subout} ↑ {outpromto}"
outpromto = ''
if implicitconn:
spath = '!' + spath
inpromto = '!' + inpromto
outpromto = '!' + outpromto
r['system'] = spath
r['inpromto'] = inpromto
r['outpromto'] = outpromto
if children and outfile.endswith('.html'):
row['_children'] = children
idx += 1
# clean up promotion tree memory
system._promotion_tree = None
if title is None:
title = ''
data = {
'title': title,
'table': table,
'show_values': show_values,
if outfile.endswith('.html'):
viewer = 'connect_table.html'
code_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
libs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(code_dir), 'common', 'libs')
style_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(code_dir), 'common', 'style')
with open(os.path.join(code_dir, viewer), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
template = f.read()
with open(os.path.join(libs_dir, 'tabulator.5.4.4.min.js'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
tabulator_src = f.read()
with open(os.path.join(style_dir, 'tabulator.5.4.4.min.css'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
tabulator_style = f.read()
jsontxt = json.dumps(data)
with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
s = template.replace("<connection_data>", jsontxt)
s = s.replace("<tabulator_src>", tabulator_src)
s = s.replace("<tabulator_style>", tabulator_style)
if notebook:
# display in Jupyter Notebook
if not colab:
display(IFrame(src=outfile, width=1000, height=1000))
elif show_browser:
# open it up in the browser
from openmdao.utils.webview import webview
elif outfile.endswith('.csv'):
import csv
column_headings = list(table[0].keys())
# open the file in the write mode
with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for var_dict in table:
row = var_dict.values()
raise RuntimeError("Invalid file extension for output file, should be '.html' or '.csv'")
# connections report definition
def _run_connections_report(prob, report_filename='connections.html'):
path = prob.get_reports_dir() / report_filename
view_connections(prob, show_browser=False, outfile=path,
title=f'Connection Viewer for {prob._name}')
def _connections_report_register():
register_report('connections', _run_connections_report, 'Connections viewer',
'Problem', 'final_setup', 'post')