Source code for openmdao.utils.testing_utils

"""Define utils for use in testing."""
import json
import functools
import builtins
import os
import shutil
import re
from itertools import zip_longest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

    from parameterized import parameterized
except ImportError:
    parameterized = None

from openmdao.utils.general_utils import env_truthy, env_none
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI

def _cleanup_workdir(self):

    if self.old_workdir:
        os.environ['OPENMDAO_WORKDIR'] = self.old_workdir

    if MPI is None:
        rank = 0
        # make sure everyone's out of that directory before rank 0 deletes it
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank

    if rank == 0:
        if not os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_KEEPDIRS'):
            except OSError:

def _new_setup(self):
    import os
    import tempfile

    from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI, multi_proc_exception_check
    self.startdir = os.getcwd()
    self.old_workdir = os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_WORKDIR', '')

    if MPI is None:
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    elif MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(self.tempdir, root=0)
        self.tempdir = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(None, root=0)

    # on mac tempdir is a symlink which messes some things up, so
    # use resolve to get the real directory path
    os.environ['OPENMDAO_WORKDIR'] = str(Path(self.tempdir).resolve())
        if hasattr(self, 'original_setUp'):
            if MPI is not None and MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1:
                with multi_proc_exception_check(MPI.COMM_WORLD):
    except Exception:

def _new_teardown(self):
    from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI, multi_proc_exception_check

        if hasattr(self, 'original_tearDown'):
            if MPI is not None and MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1:
                with multi_proc_exception_check(MPI.COMM_WORLD):

[docs]def use_tempdirs(cls): """ Decorate each test in a unittest.TestCase so it runs in its own directory. TestCase methods setUp and tearDown are replaced with _new_setup and _new_teardown, above. Method _new_setup creates a temporary directory in which to run the test, stores it in self.tempdir, and then calls the original setUp method. Method _new_teardown first runs the original tearDown method, and then returns to the original starting directory and deletes the temporary directory. Attributes ---------- cls : TestCase TestCase being decorated to use a tempdir for each test. Returns ------- TestCase The decorated TestCase class. """ if env_truthy('USE_TEMPDIRS') or env_none('USE_TEMPDIRS'): if getattr(cls, 'setUp', None): setattr(cls, 'original_setUp', getattr(cls, 'setUp')) setattr(cls, 'setUp', _new_setup) if getattr(cls, 'tearDown', None): setattr(cls, 'original_tearDown', getattr(cls, 'tearDown')) setattr(cls, 'tearDown', _new_teardown) return cls
[docs]def require_pyoptsparse(optimizer=None): """ Decorate test to raise a skiptest if a required pyoptsparse optimizer cannot be imported. Parameters ---------- optimizer : str Pyoptsparse optimizer string. Default is None, which just checks for pyoptsparse. Returns ------- TestCase or TestCase.method The decorated TestCase class or method. """ def decorator(obj): import unittest try: from pyoptsparse import OPT except Exception: msg = "pyoptsparse is not installed." if not isinstance(obj, type): @functools.wraps(obj) def skip_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): raise unittest.SkipTest(msg) obj = skip_wrapper obj.__unittest_skip__ = True obj.__unittest_skip_why__ = msg return obj if optimizer: try: OPT(optimizer) except Exception: msg = "pyoptsparse is not providing %s" % optimizer if not isinstance(obj, type): @functools.wraps(obj) def skip_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): raise unittest.SkipTest(msg) obj = skip_wrapper obj.__unittest_skip__ = True obj.__unittest_skip_why__ = msg return obj return decorator
if parameterized:
[docs] def parameterized_name(testcase_func, num, param): """ Generate a name for a parameterized test from the parameters. Parameters ---------- testcase_func : str the root test function name num : int parameter number param : any parameter value Returns ------- TestCase or TestCase.method The decorated TestCase class or method. """ return "%s_%s" % ( testcase_func.__name__, parameterized.to_safe_name("_".join(str(x) for x in param.args)), )
else: parameterized_name = None
[docs]class set_env_vars(object): """ Decorate a function to temporarily set some environment variables. Parameters ---------- **envs : dict Keyword args corresponding to environment variables to set. Attributes ---------- envs : dict Saved mapping of environment var name to value. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **envs): """ Initialize attributes. """ self.envs = envs
def __call__(self, fnc): """ Apply the decorator. Parameters ---------- fnc : function The function being wrapped. """ @functools.wraps(fnc) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): saved = {} try: for k, v in self.envs.items(): saved[k] = os.environ.get(k) os.environ[k] = v # will raise exception if v is not a string return fnc(*args, **kwargs) finally: # put environment back as it was for k, v in saved.items(): if v is None: del os.environ[k] else: os.environ[k] = v return wrap
[docs]@contextmanager def set_env_vars_context(**kwargs): """ Context to temporarily set some environment variables. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Keyword args corresponding to environment variables to set. Yields ------ None """ saved = {} try: for k, v in kwargs.items(): saved[k] = os.environ.get(k) os.environ[k] = v # will raise exception if v is not a string yield finally: # put environment back as it was for k, v in saved.items(): if v is None: del os.environ[k] else: os.environ[k] = v
[docs]@set_env_vars(OPENMDAO_CHECK_ALL_PARTIALS="1") def force_check_partials(prob, *args, **kwargs): r""" Force the checking of partials even for components with _no_check_partials set. Parameters ---------- prob : Problem The Problem being checked. *args : list Positional args. **kwargs : dict Keyword args. Returns ------- dict Total derivative comparison data. """ return prob.check_partials(*args, **kwargs)
def _fix_comp_check_data(data): """ Modify the data dict to match the problem format if there is only one fd step size. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary containing derivative information keyed by subjac. """ names = ['J_fd', 'abs error', 'rel error', 'magnitude', 'magnitude_rel', 'directional_fd_fwd', 'directional_fd_rev', 'denom_idx', 'vals_at_max_abs', 'vals_at_max_rel'] for name in names: if name in data: data[name] = data[name][0] if 'steps' in data: del data['steps']
[docs]def compare_prob_vs_comp_check_partials(probdata, compdata, comp): """ Compare the check_partials output for a Problem and a Component. Parameters ---------- probdata : dict Problem check_partials data. compdata : dict Component check_partials data. comp : Component The component being checked. Returns ------- dict Comparison data. """ from openmdao.utils.assert_utils import assert_near_equal try: probcompdata = probdata[comp.pathname] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Component '{comp.pathname}' not found in Problem check_partials data.") compdata = compdata[comp.pathname] # check that the keys are the same assert set(probcompdata.keys()) == set(compdata.keys()), \ f"Subjac keys don't match for {comp.pathname}" # check that the values are the same for key, probval in probcompdata.items(): compval = compdata[key] if 'steps' not in probval: # if there is only one FD step, 'steps' gets removed from problem data compval = compval.copy() _fix_comp_check_data(compval) # check that the keys are the same assert set(probval.keys()) == set(compval.keys()), \ f"For subjac key '{key}', inner dict keys don't match: {sorted(probval.keys())} " \ f"!= {sorted(compval.keys())}." for key2 in probval: probval2 = probval[key2] compval2 = compval[key2] if key2 in ('J_fd', 'J_fwd', 'denom_idx'): assert_near_equal(probval2, compval2, 1e-6, 1e-6) else: for i in range(3): p = probval2[i] c = compval2[i] if p is None and c is None: continue assert_near_equal(p, c, 1e-6, 1e-6), \ f"For key '{key}/{key2}', {probval2} != {compval2}."
class _ModelViewerDataTreeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Special JSON encoder for writing model viewer data.""" def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class MissingImports(object): """ ContextManager that emulates missing python packages or modules. Each import is checked to see if it starts with a missing import. For instance: >>> with MissingImports('matplotlib'): >>> from matplotlib.pyplot import plt will fail because 'matplotlib.pyplot'.startswith('matplotlib') is True. This implementation modifies builtins.__import__ which is allowed but highly discouraged according to the documentation, but implementing a MetaPathFinder seemed like overkill. Use at your own risk. Parameters ---------- missing_imports : str or Sequence of str A string or sequence of strings that denotes modules that should appear to be absent for testing purposes. Attributes ---------- missing_imports : str or Sequence of str A string or sequence of strings that denotes modules that should appear to be absent for testing purposes. _cached_import : None or builtin A cached import to emulate the missing import """
[docs] def __init__(self, missing_imports): """ Initialize attributes. """ if isinstance(missing_imports, str): self.missing_imports = set([missing_imports]) else: self.missing_imports = set(missing_imports) self._cached_import = None
def __enter__(self): """ Set cached import. """ self._cached_import = builtins.__import__ builtins.__import__ = self._emulate_missing_import def _emulate_missing_import(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0): for mi in self.missing_imports: if name.startswith(mi): raise ImportError(f'No module named {name} due to missing import {mi}.') return self._cached_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Exit the runtime context related to this object. Parameters ---------- type : Exception class The type of the exception. value : Exception instance The exception instance raised. traceback : regex pattern Traceback object. """ builtins.__import__ = self._cached_import
# this recognizes ints and floats with or without scientific notation. # it does NOT recognize hex or complex numbers num_rgx = re.compile(r"[-]?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?")
[docs]def snum_iter(s): """ Iterate through a string, yielding numeric strings as numbers along with non-numeric strings. Parameters ---------- s : str The string to iterate through. Yields ------ str The next number or non-number. bool True if the string is a number, False otherwise. """ if not s: return end = 0 for m in num_rgx.finditer(s): mstart = m.start() if end != mstart: # need to output the non-num string prior to this match yield (s[end:mstart], False) yield (float(, True) end = m.end() if end < len(s): # yield any non-num at end of string yield (s[end:], False)
[docs]def snum_equal(s1, s2, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6): """ Compare two strings, and if they contain numbers, compare the numbers subject to tolerance. Also compare the non-number parts of the strings exactly. Parameters ---------- s1 : str First string to compare. s2 : str Second string to compare. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance. The default is 1e-6. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance. The default is 1e-6. Returns ------- bool True if the strings are equal within the tolerance, False otherwise. """ for (s1, isnum1), (s2, isnum2) in zip_longest(snum_iter(s1), snum_iter(s2), fillvalue=("", False)): if isnum1 and isnum2: if rtol is None and atol is None: if s1 != s2: return False else: if rtol is not None and rel_num_diff(s1, s2) > rtol: return False if atol is not None and abs(s1 - s2) > atol: return False elif s1 != s2: return False return True
[docs]def rel_num_diff(n1, n2): """ Return the relative numerical difference between two numbers. Parameters ---------- n1 : float First number to compare. n2 : float Second number to compare. Returns ------- float Relative difference between the numbers. """ if n1 == 0.: return 0. if n2 == 0. else 1.0 else: return abs(n2 - n1) / abs(n1)