Source code for openmdao.utils.record_util
Utility functions related to recording or execution metadata.
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
import os
import re
import json
import numpy as np
# Regular expression used for splitting iteration coordinates, removes separator and iter counts
_coord_split_re = re.compile('\\|\\d+\\|*')
# regular expression used to determine if a node in an iteration coordinate represents a system
_coord_system_re = re.compile('(\\._solve_nonlinear|\\._apply_nonlinear)$')
[docs]def get_source_system(iteration_coordinate):
Get pathname of system that is the source of the iteration.
iteration_coordinate : str
The full unique identifier for this iteration.
The pathname of the system that is the source of the iteration.
# find the last part of the coordinate that contains a solve/apply nonlinear call
parts = _coord_split_re.split(iteration_coordinate)
for part in reversed(parts):
match =
if (match):
# take the part up to "._solve_nonlinear" or "._apply_nonlinear"
part = part[:match.span()[0]]
# get rid of 'rank#:'
if ':' in part:
part = part.split(':')[1]
# system pathname must always start with "root"
return part if part == 'root' or part.startswith('root.') else f'root.{part}'
return 'root'
[docs]def check_valid_sqlite3_db(filename):
Raise an IOError if the given filename does not reference a valid SQLite3 database file.
filename : str
The path to the file to be tested.
If the given filename does not reference a valid SQLite3 database file.
# check that the file exists
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise IOError('File does not exist({0})'.format(filename))
# check that the file is large enough (SQLite database file header is 100 bytes)
if os.path.getsize(filename) < 100:
raise IOError('File does not contain a valid sqlite database ({0})'.format(filename))
# check that the first 100 bytes actually contains a valid SQLite database header
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
header =
if header[:16] != b'SQLite format 3\x00':
raise IOError('File does not contain a valid sqlite database ({0})'.format(filename))
[docs]def check_path(path, includes, excludes, include_all_path=False):
Calculate whether `path` should be recorded.
path : str
Path proposed to be recorded.
includes : list
List of things to be included in recording list.
excludes : list
List of things to be excluded from recording list.
include_all_path : bool
If set to True, will return True unless it is in excludes.
True if path should be recorded, False if it's been excluded.
for ex_pattern in excludes:
if fnmatchcase(path, ex_pattern):
return False
if not include_all_path:
for pattern in includes:
if fnmatchcase(path, pattern):
return True
return include_all_path
[docs]def has_match(pattern, names):
Determine whether `pattern` matches at least one name in `names`.
pattern : str
The glob pattern to match.
names : list
List of names to to check for a match.
True if there is a match.
for name in names:
if fnmatchcase(name, pattern):
return True
return False
[docs]def deserialize(json_data, abs2meta, prom2abs, conns):
Deserialize recorded data from a JSON formatted string.
If all data values are arrays then a numpy structured array will be returned,
otherwise a dictionary mapping variable names to values will be returned.
json_data : str
JSON encoded data.
abs2meta : dict
Dictionary mapping absolute variable names to variable metadata.
prom2abs : dict
Dictionary mapping promoted input names to absolute. Needed to resolve auto_ivc outputs
that are recorded with their promoted input name.
conns : dict
Dictionary of all model connections.
array or dict
Variable names and values parsed from the JSON string.
values = json.loads(json_data)
if not values:
return None
all_array = True
for name, value in values.items():
has_shape = 'shape' in abs2meta[name]
except KeyError:
abs_name = prom2abs['input'][name]
src_name = conns[abs_name[0]]
has_shape = 'shape' in abs2meta[src_name]
if isinstance(value, list) and has_shape:
values[name] = np.asarray(value) # array will be proper shape based on list structure
all_array = False
if all_array:
return dict_to_structured_array(values)
return values
[docs]def dict_to_structured_array(values):
Convert a dict of variable names and values into a numpy structured array.
values : dict
Dict of variable names and values.
Numpy structured array containing the same names and values as the input values dict.
if values:
dtype_tuples = [(str(name), f'{value.shape}f8') for name, value in values.items()]
array = np.zeros((1,), dtype=dtype_tuples)
for name, value in values.items():
array[name] = value
return array
return None