Source code for openmdao.utils.indexer

Classes that handle array indexing.

import sys
import numpy as np
from numbers import Integral
from itertools import zip_longest

from openmdao.utils.general_utils import shape2tuple
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import shape_to_len
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning

[docs]def array2slice(arr): """ Try to convert an array to slice. Conversion is only attempted for a 1D array. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray The index array to be represented as a slice. Returns ------- slice or None If slice conversion is possible, return the slice, else return None. """ if arr.ndim == 1 and arr.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u'): if arr.size > 1: # see if 1D array will convert to slice if arr[0] >= 0 and arr[1] >= 0: span = arr[1] - arr[0] else: return None if np.all((arr[1:] - arr[:-1]) == span): if span > 0: # array is increasing with constant span return slice(arr[0], arr[-1] + 1, span) elif span < 0: # array is decreasing with constant span return slice(arr[0], arr[-1] - 1, span) elif arr.size == 1: if arr[0] >= 0: return slice(arr[0], arr[0] + 1) else: return slice(0, 0)
def _truncate(s): if len(s) > 40: return s[:20] + ' ... ' + s[-20:] return s
[docs]def combine_ranges(ranges): """ Combine a list of (start, end) tuples into the smallest possible list of contiguous ranges. The ranges are assumed to be non-overlapping and in ascending order. Parameters ---------- ranges : list List of (start, end) tuples. Returns ------- list of tuples List of combined ranges. """ rnglist = [] if not ranges: return rnglist cstart, cend = ranges[0] for start, end in ranges[1:]: if start == cend: cend = end else: rnglist.append((cstart, cend)) cstart, cend = start, end rnglist.append((cstart, cend)) return rnglist
[docs]def ranges2indexer(ranges, src_shape=None): """ Convert a list of ranges to an indexer. Parameters ---------- ranges : list List of (start, end) tuples. src_shape : tuple or None The shape of the source array. Returns ------- Indexer Indexer object. """ ranges = combine_ranges(ranges) if len(ranges) == 1: idx = slice(ranges[0][0], ranges[0][1]) elif len(ranges) == 0: idx = slice(0, 0) else: idx = np.concatenate([np.arange(start, end) for start, end in ranges]) if src_shape is None: src_shape = (ranges[-1][1] - ranges[0][0],) return indexer(idx, src_shape=src_shape, flat_src=True)
[docs]class Indexer(object): """ Abstract indexing class. Parameters ---------- flat_src : bool True if we're treating the source as flat. Attributes ---------- _src_shape : tuple or None Shape of the 'source'. Used to determine actual index or slice values when indices are negative or slice contains negative start or stop values or ':' or '...'. _shaped_inst : Indexer or None Cached shaped_instance if we've computed it before. _flat_src : bool If True, index is into a flat source array. _dist_shape : tuple Distributed shape of the source. """
[docs] def __init__(self, flat_src=None): """ Initialize attributes. """ self._src_shape = None self._dist_shape = None self._shaped_inst = None self._flat_src = flat_src
def __call__(self): """ Return the indices in their most efficient form. For example, if the original indices were an index array that is convertable to a slice, then a slice would be returned. This could be either an int, a slice, an index array, or a multidimensional 'fancy' index. """ raise NotImplementedError("No implementation of '__call__' found.") def __repr__(self): """ Return simple string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {str(self)}"
[docs] def copy(self, *args): """ Copy this Indexer. Parameters ---------- *args : position args Args that are specific to initialization of a derived Indexer. Returns ------- Indexer A copy of this Indexer. """ inst = self.__class__(*args) inst.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return inst
def _set_attrs(self, parent): """ Copy certain attributes from the parent to self. Parameters ---------- parent : Indexer Parent of this indexer. Returns ------- Indexer This indexer. """ self._src_shape = parent._src_shape self._flat_src = parent._flat_src self._dist_shape = parent._dist_shape return self @property def indexed_src_shape(self): """ Return the shape of the result if the indices were applied to a source array. Returns ------- tuple The shape of the result. """ s = self.shaped_instance() if s is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Can't get indexed_src_shape of {self} because source shape " "is unknown.") if self._flat_src: return resolve_shape(shape_to_len(self._src_shape)).get_shape(self.flat()) else: return resolve_shape(self._src_shape).get_shape(self()) @property def indexed_src_size(self): """ Return the size of the result if the index were applied to the source. Returns ------- int Size of flattened indices. """ return shape_to_len(self.indexed_src_shape)
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return index array or slice into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. """ raise NotImplementedError("No implementation of 'flat' found.")
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. This should be overridden for all non-shaped derived classes. Returns ------- Indexer The 'shaped' Indexer type. 'shaped' Indexers know the extent of the array that they are indexing into, or they don't care what the extent is because they don't contain negative indices, negative start or stop, ':', or '...'. """ return self
[docs] def shaped_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array version of the indices that index into a flattened array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray Version of these indices that index into a flattened array. """ s = self.shaped_instance() if s is None: raise ValueError(f"Can't get shaped array of {self} because it has no source shape.") return s.as_array(copy=copy, flat=flat)
[docs] def apply(self, subidxer): """ Apply a sub-Indexer to this Indexer and return the resulting indices. Parameters ---------- subidxer : Indexer The Indexer to be applied to this one. Returns ------- ndarray The resulting indices (always flat). """ arr = self.shaped_array().ravel() return arr[subidxer.flat()]
[docs] def set_src_shape(self, shape, dist_shape=None): """ Set the shape of the 'source' array . Parameters ---------- shape : tuple or int The shape of the 'source' array. dist_shape : tuple or None If not None, the full distributed shape of the source. Returns ------- Indexer Self is returned to allow chaining. """ sshape, self._dist_shape, = self._get_shapes(shape, dist_shape) if shape is not None: if self._flat_src is None: self._flat_src = len(sshape) <= 1 if sshape != self._src_shape: self._src_shape = sshape try: self._check_bounds() except Exception: self._src_shape = None self._dist_shape = None raise self._shaped_inst = None return self
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. """ raise NotImplementedError("No implementation of 'to_json' found.")
def _get_shapes(self, shape, dist_shape): if shape is None: return None, None shape = shape2tuple(shape) if self._flat_src: shape = (shape_to_len(shape),) if dist_shape is None: return shape, shape dist_shape = shape2tuple(dist_shape) if self._flat_src: dist_shape = (shape_to_len(dist_shape),) return shape, dist_shape
[docs]class ShapedIntIndexer(Indexer): """ Int indexing class. Parameters ---------- idx : int The index. flat_src : bool If True, source is treated as flat. Attributes ---------- _idx : int The integer index. """
[docs] def __init__(self, idx, flat_src=None): """ Initialize attributes. """ super().__init__(flat_src) self._idx = idx
def __call__(self): """ Return this index. Returns ------- int This index. """ return self._idx def __str__(self): """ Return string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return f"{self._idx}"
[docs] def apply_offset(self, offset, flat=True): """ Apply an offset to this index. Parameters ---------- offset : int The offset to apply. flat : bool If True, return a flat index. Returns ------- int The offset index. """ return self._idx + offset
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy this Indexer. Returns ------- Indexer A copy of this Indexer. """ return super().copy(self._idx)
@property def min_src_dim(self): """ Return the number of source dimensions. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions expected in the source array. """ return 1 @property def indexed_src_shape(self): """ Return the shape of the index (). Returns ------- tuple The shape of the index. """ if self._flat_src: return (1,) return super().indexed_src_shape
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array. """ return np.array([self._idx])
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. Returns ------- ndarray The index into a flat array. """ return np.array([self._idx])
def _check_bounds(self): """ Check that indices are within the bounds of the source shape. """ if self._src_shape is not None and (self._idx >= self._dist_shape[0] or self._idx < -self._dist_shape[0]): raise IndexError(f"index {self._idx} is out of bounds of the source shape " f"{self._dist_shape}.")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. Returns ------- int Int version of self. """ return self._idx
[docs]class IntIndexer(ShapedIntIndexer): """ Int indexing class that may or may not be 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- idx : int The index. flat_src : bool or None If True, treat source as flat. """
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. Returns ------- ShapedIntIndexer or None Will return a ShapedIntIndexer if possible, else None. """ if self._shaped_inst is not None: return self._shaped_inst if self._src_shape is None: return None if self._idx < 0: self._shaped_inst = ShapedIntIndexer(self._idx + self._src_shape[0]) else: self._shaped_inst = ShapedIntIndexer(self._idx) return self._shaped_inst._set_attrs(self)
[docs]class ShapedSliceIndexer(Indexer): """ Abstract slice class that is 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- slc : slice The slice. flat_src : bool If True, source is treated as flat. Attributes ---------- _slice : slice The wrapped slice object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, slc, flat_src=None): """ Initialize attributes. """ super().__init__(flat_src) if slc.step is None: slc = slice(slc.start, slc.stop, 1) self._slice = slc
def __call__(self): """ Return this slice. Returns ------- slice This slice. """ return self._slice def __str__(self): """ Return string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return f"{self._slice}"
[docs] def apply_offset(self, offset, flat=True): """ Apply an offset to this index. Parameters ---------- offset : int The offset to apply. flat : bool If True, return a flat index. Returns ------- slice The offset slice. """ return slice(self._slice.start + offset, self._slice.stop + offset, self._slice.step)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy this Indexer. Returns ------- Indexer A copy of this Indexer. """ return super().copy(self._slice)
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array. """ if len(self._src_shape) == 1: # Case 1: Requested flat or nonflat indices but src_shape is None or flat # return a flattened arange slc = self._slice if slc.stop is None and slc.step < 0: # special case - neg step down to -1 return np.arange(self._src_shape[0], dtype=int)[slc] else: # use maxsize here since a shaped slice always has positive int start and stop return np.arange(*slc.indices(sys.maxsize), dtype=int) else: src_size = shape_to_len(self._src_shape) arr = np.arange(src_size, dtype=int).reshape(self._src_shape)[self._slice].ravel() if flat: # Case 2: Requested flattened indices of multidimensional array # Return indices into a flattened src. return arr else: # Case 3: Requested non-flat indices of multidimensional array # This is never called within OpenMDAO return np.unravel_index(arr, shape=self._src_shape)
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return a slice into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. Returns ------- slice The slice into a flat array. """ # slices are immutable, so ignore copy arg return self._slice
@property def min_src_dim(self): """ Return the number of source dimensions. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions expected in the source array. """ return 1 def _check_bounds(self): """ Check that indices are within the bounds of the source shape. """ # a slice with start or stop outside of the source range is allowed in numpy arrays # and just results in an empty array, but in OpenMDAO that behavior would probably be # unintended, so for now make it an error. if self._src_shape is not None: start = self._slice.start stop = self._slice.stop sz = shape_to_len(self._dist_shape) if (start is not None and (start >= sz or start < -sz) or (stop is not None and (stop > sz or stop < -sz))): raise IndexError(f"{self._slice} is out of bounds of the source shape " f"{self._dist_shape}.")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. Returns ------- list of int or int List or int version of self. """ return self.as_array().tolist()
[docs]class SliceIndexer(ShapedSliceIndexer): """ Abstract slice class that may or may not be 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- slc : slice The slice. flat_src : bool or None If True, treat source as flat. """
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. Returns ------- ShapedSliceIndexer or None Will return a ShapedSliceIndexer if possible, else None. """ if self._shaped_inst is not None: return self._shaped_inst if self._src_shape is None: return None slc = self._slice if slc.stop is None and slc.step < 0: # special backwards indexing case self._shaped_inst = \ ShapedSliceIndexer(slc) elif (slc.start is not None and slc.start < 0) or slc.stop is None or slc.stop < 0: self._shaped_inst = \ ShapedSliceIndexer(slice(*self._slice.indices(self._src_shape[0]))) else: self._shaped_inst = ShapedSliceIndexer(slc) return self._shaped_inst._set_attrs(self)
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array. """ return self.shaped_array(copy=copy, flat=flat)
@property def indexed_src_shape(self): """ Return the shape of the result of indexing into the source. Returns ------- tuple The shape of the index. """ slc = self._slice if self._flat_src and slc.start is not None and slc.stop is not None: return (len(range(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step)),) return super().indexed_src_shape
[docs]class ShapedArrayIndexer(Indexer): """ Abstract index array class that knows its source shape. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray The index array. flat_src : bool If True, source is treated as flat. Attributes ---------- _arr : ndarray The wrapped index array object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, arr, flat_src=None): """ Initialize attributes. """ super().__init__(flat_src) ndarr = np.asarray(arr) # check type if ndarr.dtype.kind not in ('i', 'u'): raise TypeError(f"Can't create an index array using indices of " f"non-integral type '{ndarr.dtype.type.__name__}'.") self._arr = ndarr
def __call__(self): """ Return this index array. Returns ------- int This index array. """ return self._arr def __str__(self): """ Return string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return _truncate(f"{self._arr}".replace('\n', ''))
[docs] def apply_offset(self, offset, flat=True): """ Apply an offset to this index. Parameters ---------- offset : int The offset to apply. flat : bool If True, return a flat index. Returns ------- slice The offset slice. """ return self.as_array(flat=flat) + offset
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy this Indexer. Returns ------- Indexer A copy of this Indexer. """ return super().copy(self._arr)
@property def min_src_dim(self): """ Return the number of source dimensions. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions expected in the source array. """ return 1
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array. """ if flat: arr = self._arr.ravel() else: arr = self._arr if copy: return arr.copy() return arr
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. Returns ------- ndarray The index into a flat array. """ if copy: return self._arr.ravel().copy() return self._arr.ravel()
def _check_bounds(self): """ Check that indices are within the bounds of the source shape. """ if self._src_shape is not None and self._arr.size > 0: src_size = shape_to_len(self._dist_shape) amax = np.max(self._arr) ob = None if amax >= src_size or -amax < -src_size: ob = amax if ob is None: amin = np.min(self._arr) if amin < 0 and -amin > src_size: ob = amin if ob is not None: raise IndexError(f"index {ob} is out of bounds for source dimension of size " f"{src_size}.")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. Returns ------- list of int or int List or int version of self. """ return self().tolist()
[docs]class ArrayIndexer(ShapedArrayIndexer): """ Abstract index array class that may or may not be 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray The index array. flat_src : bool or None If True, treat source as flat. """
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. Returns ------- ShapedArrayIndexer or None Will return a ShapedArrayIndexer if possible, else None. """ if self._shaped_inst is not None: return self._shaped_inst if self._src_shape is None: return None negs = self._arr < 0 if np.any(negs): sharr = self._arr.copy() sharr[negs] += self._src_shape[0] else: sharr = self._arr self._shaped_inst = ShapedArrayIndexer(sharr) return self._shaped_inst._set_attrs(self)
@property def indexed_src_shape(self): """ Return the shape of the result of indexing into the source. Returns ------- tuple The shape of the index. """ return self._arr.shape
[docs]class ShapedMultiIndexer(Indexer): """ Abstract multi indexer class that is 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- tup : tuple Tuple of indices/slices. flat_src : bool If True, treat source array as flat. Attributes ---------- _tup : tuple The wrapped tuple of indices/slices. _idx_list : list List of Indexers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tup, flat_src=False): """ Initialize attributes. """ if flat_src and len(tup) > 1: raise RuntimeError(f"Can't index into a flat array with an indexer expecting {len(tup)}" " dimensions.") super().__init__(flat_src) self._tup = tup self._set_idx_list()
def _set_idx_list(self): self._idx_list = [] for i in self._tup: if isinstance(i, (np.ndarray, list)): # need special handling here for ndim > 1 arrays self._idx_list.append(ArrayIndexer(i, flat_src=self._flat_src)) else: self._idx_list.append(indexer(i, flat_src=self._flat_src)) def __call__(self): """ Return this multidimensional index. Returns ------- int This multidimensional index. """ return tuple(i() for i in self._idx_list) def __str__(self): """ Return string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return str(self._tup)
[docs] def apply_offset(self, offset, flat=True): """ Apply an offset to this index. Parameters ---------- offset : int The offset to apply. flat : bool If True, return a flat index. Returns ------- ndarray The offset array. """ if flat: return self.flat() + offset return self.as_array(flat=False) + offset
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy this Indexer. Returns ------- Indexer A copy of this Indexer. """ return super().copy(self._tup)
@property def min_src_dim(self): """ Return the number of source dimensions. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions expected in the source array. """ return len(self._idx_list)
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array into a flat array. """ if self._src_shape is None: raise ValueError("Can't determine extent of array because source shape is not known.") idxs = np.arange(shape_to_len(self._src_shape), dtype=np.int32).reshape(self._src_shape) if flat: return idxs[self()].ravel() else: return idxs[self()]
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. Returns ------- ndarray An index array into a flat array. """ return self.shaped_array(copy=copy, flat=True)
[docs] def set_src_shape(self, shape, dist_shape=None): """ Set the shape of the 'source' array . Parameters ---------- shape : tuple or int The shape of the 'source' array. dist_shape : tuple or None If not None, the full distributed shape of the source. Returns ------- Indexer Self is returned to allow chaining. """ self._check_src_shape(shape2tuple(shape)) super().set_src_shape(shape, dist_shape) if shape is None: return self if self._flat_src: for i in self._idx_list: i.set_src_shape(self._src_shape, self._dist_shape) else: for i, s, ds in zip(self._idx_list, self._src_shape, self._dist_shape): i.set_src_shape(s, ds) return self
def _check_src_shape(self, shape): if shape is not None and not self._flat_src and len(shape) < len(self._idx_list): raise ValueError(f"Can't set source shape to {shape} because indexer {self} expects " f"{len(self._idx_list)} dimensions.") def _check_bounds(self): """ Check that indices are within the bounds of the source shape. """ if self._src_shape is not None: for i in self._idx_list: i._check_bounds()
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. Returns ------- list of int or int List or int version of self. """ return self.as_array().tolist()
[docs]class MultiIndexer(ShapedMultiIndexer): """ Abstract multi indexer class that may or may not be 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- tup : tuple Tuple of indices/slices. flat_src : bool If True, treat source array as flat. """
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. Returns ------- ShapedMultiIndexer or None Will return a ShapedMultiIndexer if possible, else None. """ if self._shaped_inst is not None: return self._shaped_inst if self._src_shape is None: return None try: self._shaped_inst = ShapedMultiIndexer(tuple(idxer.shaped_instance()() for idxer in self._idx_list), flat_src=self._flat_src) except Exception: self._shaped_inst = None else: self._shaped_inst.set_src_shape(self._src_shape) self._shaped_inst._set_attrs(self) return self._shaped_inst
[docs]class EllipsisIndexer(Indexer): """ Abstract multi indexer class that is 'shaped'. Parameters ---------- tup : tuple Tuple of indices/slices. flat_src : bool If True, treat source array as flat. Attributes ---------- _tup : tuple The wrapped tuple of indices/slices (it contains an ellipsis). """
[docs] def __init__(self, tup, flat_src=None): """ Initialize attributes. """ super().__init__(flat_src) tlist = [] # convert any internal lists/tuples to arrays for i, v in enumerate(tup): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): v = np.atleast_1d(v) tlist.append(v) self._tup = tuple(tlist)
def __call__(self): """ Return the 'default' form of the indices. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of indices and/or slices. """ return self._tup def __str__(self): """ Return string representation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return f"{self._tup}"
[docs] def apply_offset(self, offset, flat=True): """ Apply an offset to this index. Parameters ---------- offset : int The offset to apply. flat : bool If True, return a flat index. Returns ------- ndarray The offset array. """ return self.as_array(flat=flat) + offset
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy this Indexer. Returns ------- EllipsisIndexer A copy of this Indexer. """ return super().copy(self._tup)
@property def min_src_dim(self): """ Return the number of source dimensions. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions expected in the source array. """ mn = len(self._tup) - 1 return mn if mn > 1 else 1
[docs] def shaped_instance(self): """ Return a 'shaped' version of this Indexer type. Returns ------- A shaped Indexer or None Will return some kind of shaped Indexer if possible, else None. """ if self._shaped_inst is not None: return self._shaped_inst if self._src_shape is None: return None lst = [None] * len(self._src_shape) # number of full slice dimensions nfull = len(self._src_shape) - len(self._tup) + 1 i = 0 for ind in self._tup: if ind is ...: for j in range(nfull): lst[i] = slice(None) i += 1 else: lst[i] = ind i += 1 if len(lst) == 1: idxer = indexer(lst[0]) else: idxer = indexer(tuple(lst)) idxer.set_src_shape(self._src_shape) self._shaped_inst = idxer.shaped_instance() return self._shaped_inst._set_attrs(self)
[docs] def as_array(self, copy=False, flat=True): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. flat : bool If True, return a flat array. Returns ------- ndarray The index array. """ return self.shaped_array(copy=copy, flat=flat)
[docs] def flat(self, copy=False): """ Return an index array into a flat array. Parameters ---------- copy : bool If True, make sure the array returned is a copy. Returns ------- ndarray An index array into a flat array. """ return self.as_array(copy=copy)
def _check_bounds(self): """ Check that indices are within the bounds of the source shape. """ s = self.shaped_instance() if s is not None: s._check_bounds()
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Return a JSON serializable version of self. Returns ------- list of int or int A list or int version of self. """ return self.as_array().tolist()
[docs]class IndexMaker(object): """ A Factory for Indexer objects. """ def __call__(self, idx, src_shape=None, flat_src=False): """ Return an Indexer instance based on the passed indices/slices. Parameters ---------- idx : int, ndarray, slice, or tuple Some sort of index/indices/slice. src_shape : tuple or None Source shape if known. flat_src : bool If True, indices are into a flat source. Returns ------- Indexer The Indexer instance we created based on the args. """ if idx is ...: idxer = EllipsisIndexer((idx,), flat_src=flat_src) elif isinstance(idx, int): idxer = IntIndexer(idx, flat_src=flat_src) elif isinstance(idx, slice): idxer = SliceIndexer(idx, flat_src=flat_src) elif isinstance(idx, tuple): multi = len(idx) > 1 for i in idx: if i is ...: multi = len(idx) > 2 # ... doesn't count toward limit of dimensions idxer = EllipsisIndexer(idx, flat_src=flat_src) break else: idxer = MultiIndexer(idx, flat_src=flat_src) if flat_src and multi: raise RuntimeError("Can't use a multdimensional index into a flat source.") else: arr = np.atleast_1d(idx) if arr.ndim == 1: idxer = ArrayIndexer(arr, flat_src=flat_src) else: issue_warning("Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is " "deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the " "future this will be interpreted as an array index, " "`arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a " "different result.") idxer = MultiIndexer(tuple(idx), flat_src=flat_src) if src_shape is not None: if flat_src: src_shape = (shape_to_len(src_shape),) idxer.set_src_shape(src_shape) return idxer
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Return an Indexer based on idx. Parameters ---------- idx : int, ndarray, slice or tuple The passed indices/slices. Returns ------- Indexer The Indexer instance we created based on the args. """ return self(idx)
indexer = IndexMaker() def _convert_ellipsis_idx(shape, idx): lst = [None] * len(shape) # number of full slice dimensions nfull = len(shape) - len(idx) + 1 i = 0 for ind in idx: if ind is ...: for j in range(nfull): lst[i] = slice(None) i += 1 else: lst[i] = ind i += 1 return tuple(lst)
[docs]class resolve_shape(object): """ Class that computes the result shape from a source shape and an index. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the source. Attributes ---------- _shape : tuple The shape of the source. """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape): """ Initialize attributes. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple or int Shape of the source. """ self._shape = shape2tuple(shape)
[docs] def get_shape(self, idx): """ Return the shape of the result of indexing into the source with index idx. Parameters ---------- idx : int, slice, tuple, ndarray The index into the source. Returns ------- tuple The shape after indexing. """ if not isinstance(idx, tuple): idx = (idx,) is_tup = False else: is_tup = True for i in idx: if i is ...: idx = _convert_ellipsis_idx(self._shape, idx) break if len(self._shape) < len(idx): raise ValueError(f"Index {idx} dimension too large to index into shape {self._shape}.") lens = [] seen_arr = False arr_shape = None # to handle multi-indexing where individual sub-arrays have a shape for dim, ind in zip_longest(self._shape, idx): if ind is None: lens.append(dim) elif isinstance(ind, slice): lens.append(len(range(*ind.indices(dim)))) elif isinstance(ind, np.ndarray): if not seen_arr: seen_arr = True if ind.ndim > 1: if arr_shape is not None and arr_shape != ind.shape: raise ValueError("Multi-index has index sub-arrays of different " f"shapes ({arr_shape} != {ind.shape}).") arr_shape = ind.shape else: # only first array idx counts toward shape lens.append(ind.size) # int indexers don't count toward shape (scalar array has shape ()) elif not isinstance(ind, Integral): raise TypeError(f"Index {ind} of type '{type(ind).__name__}' is invalid.") if arr_shape is not None: return arr_shape if is_tup or len(lens) >= 1: return tuple(lens) elif is_tup: return () return (1,)
# Since this is already user facing we'll leave it as is, and just use the output of # __getitem__ to initialize our Indexer object that will be used internally.
[docs]class Slicer(object): """ Helper class that can be used when a slice is needed for indexing. """
[docs] def __getitem__(self, val): """ Pass through indices or slice. Parameters ---------- val : int or slice object or tuples of slice objects Indices or slice to return. Returns ------- indices : int or slice object or tuples of slice objects Indices or slice to return. """ return val
# instance of the Slicer class to be used by users slicer = Slicer()