Source code for openmdao.utils.graph_utils

Various graph related utilities.
import networkx as nx

[docs]def get_sccs_topo(graph): """ Return strongly connected subsystems of the given Group in topological order. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.DiGraph Directed graph of Systems. Returns ------- list of sets of str A list of strongly connected components in topological order. """ # Tarjan's algorithm returns SCCs in reverse topological order, so # the list returned here is reversed. sccs = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)) sccs.reverse() return sccs
[docs]def get_out_of_order_nodes(graph, orders): """ Return a list of nodes that are out of order. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.DiGraph Directed graph of Systems. orders : dict A dict of order values keyed by node name. Returns ------- list of sets of str A list of strongly connected components in topological order. list of str A list of nodes that are out of order. """ strongcomps = get_sccs_topo(graph) out_of_order = [] for strongcomp in strongcomps: for u, v in graph.edges(strongcomp): # for any connection between a system in this strongcomp and a system # outside of it, the target must be ordered after the source. if u in strongcomp and v not in strongcomp and orders[u] > orders[v]: out_of_order.append((u, v)) return strongcomps, out_of_order