Source code for openmdao.utils.graph_utils

Various graph related utilities.
import networkx as nx
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import all_ancestors, common_subpath

[docs]def get_sccs_topo(graph): """ Return strongly connected subsystems of the given Group in topological order. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.DiGraph Directed graph of Systems. Returns ------- list of sets of str A list of strongly connected components in topological order. """ # Tarjan's algorithm returns SCCs in reverse topological order, so # the list returned here is reversed. sccs = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)) sccs.reverse() return sccs
[docs]def get_out_of_order_nodes(graph, orders): """ Return a list of nodes that are out of order. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.DiGraph Directed graph of Systems. orders : dict A dict of order values keyed by node name. Returns ------- list of sets of str A list of strongly connected components in topological order. list of str A list of nodes that are out of order. """ strongcomps = get_sccs_topo(graph) out_of_order = [] for strongcomp in strongcomps: for u, v in graph.edges(strongcomp): # for any connection between a system in this strongcomp and a system # outside of it, the target must be ordered after the source. if u in strongcomp and v not in strongcomp and orders[u] > orders[v]: out_of_order.append((u, v)) return strongcomps, out_of_order
[docs]def get_cycle_tree(group): """ Compute the tree of cycles for the given group. Parameters ---------- group : <Group> The specified Group. Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph The component graph for the given Group. dict A mapping of group path name to a tuple of the form (children, recursive_scc, unique_scc, scc_index, path, parent path or None). """ from import iter_solver_info, Group G = group.compute_sys_graph(comps_only=True, add_edge_info=False) topo = get_sccs_topo(G) topsccs = [s for s in topo if len(s) > 1] common_paths = [common_subpath(s) for s in topsccs] cpathdict = {} for cpath, s in zip(common_paths, topsccs): if cpath not in cpathdict: cpathdict[cpath] = [] cpathdict[cpath].append(s) topname = group.pathname group_tree_dict = {} for cpath, cpsccs in cpathdict.items(): group_tree_dict[cpath] = [([], scc, set(scc), i, cpath, None) for i, scc in enumerate(cpsccs)] it = group._sys_tree_visitor(iter_solver_info, predicate=lambda s: isinstance(s, Group), yield_none=False) for tup in sorted(it, key=lambda x: (x[0].count('.'), len(x[0]))): path = tup[0] if not tup[2]: # no sccs continue for ans in all_ancestors(path): if ans in group_tree_dict: parent_tree = group_tree_dict[ans] break else: parent_tree = group_tree_dict[topname] tree = group_tree_dict[path] if path in group_tree_dict else None prefix = path + '.' if path else '' for children, parent_scc, unique, _, parpath, _ in parent_tree: if prefix: matching_comps = [c for c in parent_scc if c.startswith(prefix)] else: matching_comps = parent_scc if matching_comps: subgraph = G.subgraph(matching_comps) sub_sccs = [s for s in get_sccs_topo(subgraph) if len(s) > 1] for sub_scc in sub_sccs: if not sub_scc.isdisjoint(parent_scc) and sub_scc != parent_scc: if tree is None: group_tree_dict[path] = tree = ([]) tree.append(([], sub_scc, set(sub_scc), len(tree), path, parpath)) children.append(tree[-1]) # remmove the childs scc comps from the parent 'unique' scc unique.difference_update(sub_scc) return G, group_tree_dict