Source code for openmdao.utils.file_utils

Utilities for working with files.

import sys
import os
import importlib
import types
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile, split, splitext, abspath

[docs]def get_module_path(fpath): """ Given a module filename, return its full Python module path. This includes enclosing packages and is based on existence of ```` files. Parameters ---------- fpath : str Pathname of file. Returns ------- str or None Full module path of the given file. Returns None if the file is not part of a package. """ fpath = abspath(fpath) if basename(fpath).startswith('__init__.'): pnames = [] else: pnames = [splitext(basename(fpath))[0]] path = dirname(fpath) initfile = join(path, '') if not isfile(initfile): return None while isfile(initfile): path, pname = split(path) pnames.append(pname) initfile = join(path, '') return '.'.join(pnames[::-1])
[docs]def package_iter(start_dir='.', dir_includes=None, dir_excludes=(), file_includes=None, file_excludes=()): """ Iterate over python files in packages (recursively) starting in start_dir. NOTE : all *_includes and *_excludes are applied to *local* directory and file names. Parameters ---------- start_dir : str Starting directory. dir_includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for directory inclusion. Be careful here because dir names are local, so, for example, if includes=('foo',), then directory 'foo' would be included, but any subdirectories of 'foo' that were not also named 'foo' would not. dir_excludes : iter of str Glob patterns for directory exclusion. file_includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for file inclusion. file_excludes : iter of str Glob patterns for file exclusion. Yields ------ str Filenames (full path from start_dir). """ file_includes = set() if file_includes is None else set(file_includes) file_includes.add('*.py') file_excludes = set() if file_excludes is None else set(file_excludes) file_excludes.update(('_*', 'test_*', '', '')) dir_excludes = set() if dir_excludes is None else set(dir_excludes) dir_excludes.update(('test', 'tests')) for f in files_iter(start_dir, dir_includes=dir_includes, dir_excludes=dir_excludes, file_includes=file_includes, file_excludes=file_excludes, package_only=True): yield f
[docs]def files_iter(start_dir='.', dir_includes=None, dir_excludes=(), file_includes=None, file_excludes=(), package_only=False): """ Iterate over files (recursively) starting in start_dir. NOTE : all *_includes and *_excludes are applied to *local* directory and file names. Parameters ---------- start_dir : str Starting directory. dir_includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for directory inclusion. Be careful here because dir names are local, so, for example, if includes=('foo',), then directory 'foo' would be included, but any subdirectories of 'foo' that were not also named 'foo' would not. dir_excludes : iter of str Glob patterns for directory exclusion. file_includes : iter of str or None Glob patterns for file inclusion. file_excludes : iter of str Glob patterns for file exclusion. package_only : bool If True, only yield files that are contained in a python package. Yields ------ str Filenames (full path from start_dir). """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(start_dir): if package_only and '' not in files: dirs[:] = [] continue for pat in dir_excludes: dirs[:] = sorted([d for d in dirs if not fnmatch(d, pat)]) if dir_includes: incdirs = set() for pat in dir_includes: incdirs.update(d for d in dirs if fnmatch(d, pat)) dirs[:] = sorted(incdirs) for f in files: for pat in file_excludes: if fnmatch(f, pat): break else: if file_includes: for pat in file_includes: if fnmatch(f, pat): yield join(root, f) else: yield join(root, f)
def _to_filename(spec): """ Return the filename part of the given testspec or the full string if the string is a filename. Parameters ---------- spec : str The filename or testspec. Returns ------- str The filename. """ if ':' in spec and not os.path.isfile(spec): fname, _ = spec.rsplit(':', 1) if not fname.endswith('.py'): try: mod = importlib.import_module(fname) return mod.__file__ except ImportError: return spec return fname return spec def _load_and_exec(script_name, user_args): """ Load and exec the given script as __main__. Parameters ---------- script_name : str The name of the script to load and exec. user_args : list of str Args to be passed to the user script. """ if ':' in script_name and not os.path.isfile(script_name): return _load_and_run_test(script_name) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(script_name)) sys.argv[:] = [script_name] + user_args with open(script_name, 'rb') as fp: code = compile(, script_name, 'exec') globals_dict = { '__file__': script_name, '__name__': '__main__', '__package__': None, '__cached__': None, } exec(code, globals_dict) # nosec: private, internal use only
[docs]def fname2mod_name(fname): """ Convert a string to a valid python module name. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename to convert. Returns ------- str A valid module name corresponding to the given filename. """ to_replace = ['-', ' ', '.', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '=', '+' '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '~', '`', ';', ':', '"', "'", '<', '>', '?', '/', '\\', '|'] if not fname.endswith('.py'): raise ValueError(f"'{s}' does not end with '.py'") s = os.path.basename(fname).rsplit('.', 1)[0] for c in to_replace: s = s.replace(c, '_') return s
def _load_and_run_test(testspec): """ Load and run an individual test function. Parameters ---------- testspec : str <fpath_or_modpath>:<testcase>.<method> OR <fpath_or_modpath>:<function> """ syspath_save = sys.path[:] modpath, funcpath = testspec.rsplit(':', 1) orig_modpath = modpath if modpath.endswith('.py'): modpath = get_module_path(modpath) if modpath is None: # create a module dynamically modpath = fname2mod_name(orig_modpath) mod = types.ModuleType(modpath) sys.modules[modpath] = mod mod.__file__ = modpath mod.__name__ = modpath mod.__package__ = None mod.__cached__ = None with open(orig_modpath, 'rb') as fp: code = compile(, orig_modpath, 'exec') exec(code, mod.__dict__) # nosec: private, internal use only else: mod = importlib.import_module(modpath) else: mod = importlib.import_module(modpath) try: return _run_test_func(mod, funcpath) finally: sys.path = syspath_save def _run_test_func(mod, funcpath): """ Run the given TestCase method or test function in the given module. Parameters ---------- mod : module The module where the test resides. funcpath : str Either <testcase>.<method_name> or <func_name>. Returns ------- object In the case of a module level function call, returns whatever the function returns. """ parts = funcpath.split('.', 1) if len(parts) == 2: tcase_name, method_name = parts testcase = getattr(mod, tcase_name)(methodName=method_name) setup = getattr(testcase, 'setUp', None) if setup is not None: setup() getattr(testcase, method_name)() teardown = getattr(testcase, 'tearDown', None) if teardown: teardown() else: funcname = parts[0] return getattr(mod, funcname)() if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from importlib.metadata import entry_points if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): def _eps_get(group): eps = entry_points().select(group=group) for name in eps.names: yield eps[name] else: def _eps_get(group): eps = entry_points() if group in eps: yield from eps[group] def _iter_entry_points(group): # there seems to be a bug currently where entry points can show up more than # once in the iterator, so keep track of the ones we've already seen. # TODO: revisit later to see if we can remove the check seen = set() for ep in _eps_get(group): if not in seen: seen.add( yield ep else: try: import pkg_resources except ImportError: def _iter_entry_points(group): issue_warning("Can't retrieve entry points because pkg_resources is not installed. " "Either install it using 'pip install setuptools' or upgrade to python " "3.8 or newer.") return () else: def _iter_entry_points(group): yield from pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group)
[docs]def text2html(text, title='', style=None): """ Wrap the given text for display as an html file. Returns an html syntax string that can be written to a file. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be displayed. title : str Title to display above text. style : str or None If not None, use as the contents of the style block for the enclosing <pre> tag. Returns ------- str Content string to create an html file. """ if style is None: style = """ display: block; font-family: monospace; font-size: 1.5em; white-space: pre; margin: 1em 0; """ return """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> .center { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 90%; } h2 {text-align: center;} pre {""" + style + """ } </style> </head> <body> <h2>""" + title + """</h2> <pre> """ + text + """ </pre> </body> </html> """
[docs]def image2html(imagefile, title='', alt=''): """ Wrap the given image for display as an html file. Returns an html syntax string that can be written to a file. Parameters ---------- imagefile : str Name of image file to be displayed. title : str The page title. alt : str Set the alt text for the image. Returns ------- str Content string to create an html file. """ return """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> h2 {text-align: center;} .center { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 80%; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>""" + title + "</h2>" + f""" <img src="{imagefile}" alt="{alt}" class="center"></img> </body> </html> """