Various functions for working with entry points.
import sys
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
from importlib import import_module
from os.path import dirname, abspath
from inspect import getmembers, isclass
import textwrap
from openmdao.utils.file_utils import package_iter, get_module_path, _iter_entry_points
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent
from openmdao.core.implicitcomponent import ImplicitComponent
from openmdao.core.group import Group
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver
from openmdao.solvers.solver import LinearSolver, NonlinearSolver, BlockLinearSolver
from openmdao.recorders.base_case_reader import BaseCaseReader
from openmdao.recorders.case_recorder import CaseRecorder
from openmdao.surrogate_models.surrogate_model import SurrogateModel
from openmdao.solvers.linesearch.backtracking import LinesearchSolver
from openmdao.visualization.tables.table_builder import generate_table
_epgroup_bases = {
Component: 'openmdao_component',
Group: 'openmdao_group',
SurrogateModel: 'openmdao_surrogate_model',
LinearSolver: 'openmdao_lin_solver',
NonlinearSolver: 'openmdao_nl_solver',
Driver: 'openmdao_driver',
BaseCaseReader: 'openmdao_case_reader',
CaseRecorder: 'openmdao_case_recorder',
_allowed_types = {g.split('_', 1)[1]: g for g in _epgroup_bases.values()}
_allowed_types['command'] = 'openmdao_command'
_allowed_types['report'] = 'openmdao_report'
_github_topics = {k: v.replace('_', '-') for k, v in _allowed_types.items()}
_github_topics['openmdao'] = 'openmdao'
def split_ep(entry_point):
Split an entry point string into name, module, target.
entry_point : EntryPoint
Entry point object.
(entry_point_name, module_name, target_name).
# entry point could come from either pkg_resources or importlib.metadata and their EntryPoint
# classes have different APIs
epstr = str(entry_point)
if epstr.startswith('EntryPoint'): # from importlib.metadata
epstr = f"{entry_point.name} = {entry_point.value}"
name, rest = epstr.split('=', 1)
name = name.strip()
module, target = rest.strip().split(':', 1)
return name, module, target
def _filtered_ep_iter(epgroup, includes=None, excludes=()):
Yield a filtered list of entry points and their attributes.
epgroup : str
Entry point group name.
includes : iter of str or None
Sequence of package names to include.
excludes : iter of str or None
Sequence of package names to exclude.
(EntryPoint, name, module, target)
if excludes is None:
excludes = ()
for ep in _iter_entry_points(epgroup):
name, module, target = split_ep(ep)
for ex in excludes:
if module.startswith(ex + '.'):
if includes:
for inc in includes:
if module.startswith(inc + '.'):
yield ep, name, module, target
yield ep, name, module, target
def compute_entry_points(package, dir_excludes=(), outstream=sys.stdout):
Display what the entry point dict should be based on classes that exist in package.
package : str
The package name.
dir_excludes : iter of str
Glob patterns for directory exclusion.
outstream : file-like
Output stream. Defaults to stdout.
Mapping of entry point groups to entry point strings.
check = tuple(_epgroup_bases)
seen = set(check)
seen.update((ImplicitComponent, ExplicitComponent, BlockLinearSolver, LinesearchSolver))
# Driver and Group are instantiatable, so we should have entry points for them
groups = defaultdict(list)
pkg = import_module(package)
except Exception:
raise RuntimeError("Problem during import of package '{}'. "
"package must be an installed python package.".format(package))
start_dir = abspath(dirname(pkg.__file__))
for f in package_iter(start_dir, dir_excludes=dir_excludes):
modpath = get_module_path(f)
mod = import_module(modpath)
except Exception:
print("failed to import {} (file {}).\n{}".format(modpath, f, traceback.format_exc()))
for cname, c in getmembers(mod, isclass):
# if class isn't defined in this module, skip it
if not c.__module__ == modpath:
if issubclass(c, check) and c not in seen:
for klass, epgroup in _epgroup_bases.items():
if issubclass(c, klass):
groups[epgroup].append((modpath, cname))
if outstream is None:
def printfunc(*args, **kwargs):
def printfunc(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, **kwargs)
# do our own printing here instead of using pprint so we can control sort order
dct = {}
printfunc("entry_points={", file=outstream)
for g, eps in sorted(groups.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
dct[g] = eplist = []
printfunc(f" '{g}': [", file=outstream)
for modpath, cname in sorted(eps, key=lambda x: x[0] + x[1]):
eplist.append(f"{cname.lower()} = {modpath}:{cname}")
printfunc(f" '{eplist[-1]}',", file=outstream)
printfunc(" ],", file=outstream)
printfunc("}", file=outstream)
return dct
def _get_epinfo(type_, includes, excludes):
epinfo = []
for ep, name, module, target in _filtered_ep_iter(_allowed_types[type_],
includes=includes, excludes=excludes):
pkg = module.split('.', 1)[0]
mod = import_module(pkg)
obj = ep.load()
except ImportError:
print("Import of %s failed.\n%s" % (pkg, traceback.format_exc()))
version = mod.__version__
except AttributeError:
version = '?'
if type_ != 'command':
name = target
epinfo.append((name, pkg, version, module, obj.__doc__))
return epinfo
def _display_epinfo(type_, epinfo, show_docs, *titles):
cwids = []
unders = []
for i in range(len(titles)):
cwids.append(max(len(t[i]) for t in epinfo))
unders.append('-' * len(titles[i]))
if len(titles[i]) > cwids[-1]:
cwids[-1] = len(titles[i])
template = " " + ' '.join(['{:<{cwids[%d]}}' % i for i in range(len(cwids))])
# sort displayed values by module_name + target so that entry points will be grouped
# by module and sorted by target name within each module.
ordered = sorted(epinfo, key=lambda x: x[1] + x[3] + x[0])
print("Installed {}s:".format(type_))
for pkg, group in itertools.groupby(ordered, lambda x: x[1]):
group = list(group)
print("\n Package:", pkg, " Version:", group[0][2], '\n')
for i, (name, pkg, version, module, docs) in enumerate(group):
if i == 0:
print(template.format(*titles, cwids=cwids))
print(template.format(*unders, cwids=cwids))
print(template.format(name, module, cwids=cwids))
if show_docs and docs:
docs = textwrap.dedent(docs)
indented = [' ' + d for d in docs.splitlines()]
print('\n ', '-' * 80, '\n')
def _compute_entry_points_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao compute_entry_points' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('package', nargs=1,
help='Compute entry points for this package.')
parser.add_argument('-o', action='store',
dest='outfile', help='output file.')
def _compute_entry_points_exec(options, user_args):
Run the `openmdao compute_entry_points` command.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str (ignored)
Args to be passed to the user script.
The hook function.
if options.outfile:
with open(options.outfile, 'w') as f:
compute_entry_points(options.package[0], outstream=f)
def list_installed(types=None, includes=None, excludes=(), show_docs=False):
Print a table of installed entry points.
types : iter of str or None
Sequence of entry point type names, e.g., component, group, driver, etc.
includes : iter of str or None
Sequence of packages to include.
excludes : iter of str
Sequence of packages to exclude.
show_docs : bool
If True, display docstring after each entry.
Nested dict of the form dct[eptype][target] = (name, module, docs).
if not types:
types = list(_allowed_types)
typdict = {}
for type_ in types:
if type_ not in _allowed_types:
raise RuntimeError("Type '{}' is not a valid type. Try one of {}."
.format(type_, sorted(_allowed_types)))
typdict[type_] = epinfo = _get_epinfo(type_, includes, excludes)
titles = [
'Class or Function',
if type_ == 'command':
titles[0] = 'Command'
if epinfo:
_display_epinfo(type_, epinfo, show_docs, *titles)
return typdict
def _list_installed_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao list_installed' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('types', nargs='*', help='List these types of installed classes. '
'Allowed types are {}.'.format(sorted(_allowed_types)))
parser.add_argument('-d', '--docs', action='store_true', dest='show_docs',
help="Display the class docstrings.")
parser.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', default=[], action='append', dest='excludes',
help='Package to exclude.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', default=[], action='append', dest='includes',
help='Package to include.')
def _list_installed_cmd(options, user_args):
Run the `openmdao list_installed` command.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str (ignored)
Args to be passed to the user script.
The hook function.
list_installed(options.types, options.includes, options.excludes, options.show_docs)
def find_repos(types=None, tablefmt='tabulator'):
Search github for repositories containing OpenMDAO plugins.
types : iter of str or None
Sequence of entry point type names, e.g., component, group, driver, etc.
tablefmt : str
Format for generated table. Defaults to 'tabulator' which generates a sortable,
filterable web-based table.
Nested dict of the form dct[eptype] = list of URLs.
if not types:
queries = ['topic:openmdao', 'openmdao in:description']
queries = []
for type_ in types:
if type_ not in _github_topics:
raise RuntimeError("Type '{}' is not a valid type. Try one of {}."
.format(type_, sorted(_github_topics)))
import requests
allowed_set = set(_github_topics.values())
rows = []
seen = set()
headers = ['Pkg Name', 'URL', 'Topics', 'Last Update', 'Description']
for query in queries:
response = requests.get('https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q={}'.format(query),
headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json'},
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Query '{}' failed with response code {}.".format(query, response.status_code))
resdict = response.json()
items = resdict.get('items', None)
if not items:
print(f"Query '{query}' returned no items.")
for item in items:
topics = '\n'.join([t for t in item['topics']
if t in allowed_set and t != 'openmdao'])
if item['name'] in seen:
rows.append((item['name'], item['html_url'], topics, item['pushed_at'][:10],
incomplete = resdict.get('incomplete_results', None)
if incomplete:
print("\nResults are incomplete.\n")
if rows:
if tablefmt == 'tabulator':
column_meta = [{'header': h} for h in headers]
column_meta[0]['formatter'] = 'link'
column_meta[0]['formatterParams'] = {'urlField': 'c1', 'target': '_blank'}
column_meta[1]['visible'] = False # url is only used for a tooltip, so hide it
column_meta[3]['align'] = 'center'
column_meta[4]['width'] = '500'
if not rows:
column_meta = []
kwargs = {'rows': rows, 'tablefmt': tablefmt, 'column_meta': column_meta}
kwargs['title'] = "OpenMDAO Related Github Repositories"
kwargs['center'] = True
table = generate_table(**kwargs)
table._table_meta['initialSort'] = [
{'column': 'c0', 'dir': "asc"}, # first sort by package name
{'column': 'c3', 'dir': "desc"}, # then show most recently updated first
generate_table(rows, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt).display()
print("No matching packages found.")
return rows
def _find_repos_setup_parser(parser):
Set up the openmdao subparser for the 'openmdao find_repos' command.
parser : argparse subparser
The parser we're adding options to.
parser.add_argument('topics', nargs='*', help='Find github repos with these topics. '
'Allowed topics are {}.'.format(sorted(_github_topics)))
def _find_repos_exec(options, user_args):
Run the `openmdao find_repos` command.
options : argparse Namespace
Command line options.
user_args : list of str (ignored)
Args to be passed to the user script.
The hook function.