Source code for openmdao.test_suite.components.polynomial_fit
Component to demonstrate using an ImplicitComponent to perform a polynomial curve fit.
import openmdao.api as om
import numpy as np
[docs]class PolynomialFit(om.ImplicitComponent):
[docs] def initialize(self):
self.options.declare('N_cp', types=int)
self.options.declare('N_predict', types=int)
[docs] def setup(self):
# data to fit, which can also be thought of as the "control points"
# of the fit function
self.add_input('x_cp', shape=self.options['N_cp'])
self.add_input('y_cp', shape=self.options['N_cp'])
# location of the points you want to evaluate the final fit function at
self.add_input('x', shape=self.options['N_predict'])
# computed value of the fitted polynomial at the x points
self.add_output('y', shape=self.options['N_predict'])
# these are the coefficients of the polynomial function you are fitting
self.add_output('A', np.zeros(6)) # assuming a 5th order polynomial
# analytic derivatives are left as an exercise
# using CS here will give accurate partials, but will miss the sparsity pattern
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='cs')
[docs] def apply_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs, residuals):
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = outputs['A']
X_cp = inputs['x_cp']
Y_cp = inputs['y_cp']
Y_computed = a0 + a1*X_cp + a2*X_cp**2 + a3*X_cp**3 + a4*X_cp**4 + a5*X_cp**5
# error = np.sum((Y_computed-Y_cp)**2)
# note that derivatives are showing up in the apply_nonlinear method because
# this is the formulation we use to form the residual.
# We are minimizing the sum of the square of the error: np.sum((Y_computed-Y_cp)**2) w.r.t A
# hence we differentiate the objective w.r.t A and set the resulting system of equations to 0
d_error__d_Y_computed = 2*(Y_computed-Y_cp)
d_Y_computed__d_a0 = np.ones(self.options['N_cp'])
d_Y_computed__d_a1 = X_cp
d_Y_computed__d_a2 = X_cp**2
d_Y_computed__d_a3 = X_cp**3
d_Y_computed__d_a4 = X_cp**4
d_Y_computed__d_a5 = X_cp**5
residuals['A'][0] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a0)
residuals['A'][1] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a1)
residuals['A'][2] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a2)
residuals['A'][3] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a3)
residuals['A'][4] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a4)
residuals['A'][5] = np.sum(d_error__d_Y_computed * d_Y_computed__d_a5)
X = inputs['x']
Y = a0 + a1*X + a2*X**2 + a3*X**3 + a4*X**4 + a5*X**5
residuals['y'] = Y - outputs['y']