Source code for openmdao.test_suite.components.cycle_comps

"""Components for use in `CycleGroup`. For details, see `CycleGroup`."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

import unittest

from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent

PSI = 1.

_vec_terms = {}

def _compute_vector_terms(system_size):
    # Try/Except pattern is much faster than if key in ... if the key is present (which it will be
    # outside of the first invocation).
        return _vec_terms[system_size]
    except KeyError:
        u = np.zeros(system_size)
        u[[0, -1]] = np.sqrt(2)/2

        v = np.zeros(system_size)
        v[1:-1] = 1 / np.sqrt(system_size - 2)

        cross_terms = np.outer(v, u) - np.outer(u, v)
        same_terms = np.outer(u, u) + np.outer(v, v)

        _vec_terms[system_size] = u, v, cross_terms, same_terms

        return u, v, cross_terms, same_terms

def _compute_A(system_size, theta):
    u, v, cross_terms, same_terms = _compute_vector_terms(system_size)
    return (np.eye(system_size)
            + np.sin(theta) * cross_terms
            + (np.cos(theta) - 1) * same_terms)

def _compute_dA(system_size, theta):
    u, v, cross_terms, same_terms = _compute_vector_terms(system_size)
    return np.cos(theta) * cross_terms - np.sin(theta) * same_terms

[docs]def array_idx(i, var_size): return slice(i * var_size, (i + 1) * var_size)
[docs]class ExplicitCycleComp(ExplicitComponent): def _inputs_to_vector(self, inputs): var_shape = self.options['var_shape'] num_var = self.options['num_var'] size = x = np.zeros(num_var * size) for i in range(num_var): x_i = inputs[self._cycle_names['x'].format(i)].flat x[size * i:size * (i + 1)] = x_i return x def _vector_to_outputs(self, vec, outputs): var_shape = self.options['var_shape'] num_var = self.options['num_var'] size = for i in range(num_var): y_i = vec[size * i:size * (i + 1)].reshape(var_shape) outputs[self._cycle_names['y'].format(i)] = y_i def __str__(self): return 'Explicit Cycle Component'
[docs] def initialize(self): self.options.declare('jacobian_type', default='matvec', values=['matvec', 'dense', 'sparse-csc'], desc='method of assembling derivatives') self.options.declare('partial_type', default='array', values=['array', 'sparse', 'aij'], desc='type of partial derivatives') self.options.declare('num_var', types=int, default=1, desc='Number of variables per component') self.options.declare('var_shape', types=tuple, default=(3,), desc='Shape of each variable') self.options.declare('index', types=int, desc='Index of the component. Used for testing implicit connections') self.options.declare('connection_type', default='explicit', values=['explicit', 'implicit'], desc='How to connect variables.') self.options.declare('partial_method', default='exact', values=('exact', 'fd', 'cs'), desc='How derivatives should be solved (exact, fd, or cs)') self.options.declare('num_comp', types=int, default=2, desc='Total number of components') self.angle_param = 'theta' self._cycle_names = {}
def _init_parameterized(self): self.num_var = self.options['num_var'] self.var_shape = self.options['var_shape'] self.size = self.num_var * if self.options['jacobian_type'] == 'matvec': self.compute_jacvec_product = self.jacvec_product self.matrix_free = True if self.options['connection_type'] == 'implicit': idx = self.options['index'] self._cycle_names['x'] = 'x_{}_{{}}'.format(idx) self._cycle_names['y'] = 'x_{}_{{}}'.format(idx + 1) self._cycle_names['theta'] = 'theta_{}'.format(idx) self._cycle_names['theta_out'] = 'theta_{}'.format(idx + 1) num_var = self.options['num_var'] self._cycle_promotes_in = [self._cycle_names['x'].format(i) for i in range(num_var)] self._cycle_promotes_out = [self._cycle_names['y'].format(i) for i in range(num_var)] self._cycle_promotes_in.append(self._cycle_names['theta']) self._cycle_promotes_out.append(self._cycle_names['theta_out']) else: self._cycle_names['x'] = 'x_{}' self._cycle_names['y'] = 'y_{}' self._cycle_names['theta'] = 'theta' self._cycle_names['theta_out'] = 'theta_out' self._cycle_promotes_in = self._cycle_promotes_out = []
[docs] def setup(self): for i in range(self.num_var): self.add_input(self._cycle_names['x'].format(i), shape=self.var_shape) self.add_output(self._cycle_names['y'].format(i), shape=self.var_shape) self.add_input(self._cycle_names['theta'], val=1.) self.add_output(self._cycle_names['theta_out'], shape=(1,))
[docs] def setup_partials(self): # Setup partials pd_type = self.options['partial_type'] if self.options['partial_method'] != 'exact': if self.options['jacobian_type'] == 'matvec': raise unittest.SkipTest('not testing FD and matvec') if pd_type != 'array': raise unittest.SkipTest('only dense FD supported') self.declare_partials('*', '*', method=self.options['partial_method']) elif self.options['jacobian_type'] != 'matvec' and pd_type != 'array': num_var = self.num_var var_shape = self.var_shape var_size = A = np.ones((self.size, self.size)) dA_x = np.ones((self.size, 1)) dtheta = np.array([[1.]]) angle_param = self._cycle_names[self.angle_param] # if our subjacs are not dense, we must assign values here that # match their type (data values don't matter, only structure). # Otherwise, we assume they are dense and we'll get an error later # when we assign a subjac with a type that doesn't match. for out_idx in range(num_var): out_var = self._cycle_names['y'].format(out_idx) for in_idx in range(num_var): in_var = self._cycle_names['x'].format(in_idx) Aij = A[array_idx(out_idx, var_size), array_idx(in_idx, var_size)] self.declare_partials(out_var, in_var, **self._array2kwargs(Aij, pd_type, 'exact')) self.declare_partials(out_var, angle_param, **self._array2kwargs(dA_x[array_idx(out_idx, var_size)], pd_type, 'exact')) self.declare_partials(self._cycle_names['theta_out'], self._cycle_names['theta'], **self._array2kwargs(dtheta, pd_type, 'exact')) else: # Declare everything self.declare_partials(of='*', wrt='*')
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs): theta = inputs[self._cycle_names['theta']] A = _compute_A(self.size, theta) x = self._inputs_to_vector(inputs) y = self._vector_to_outputs(y, outputs) outputs[self._cycle_names['theta_out']] = theta
[docs] def jacvec_product(self, inputs, d_inputs, d_outputs, mode): angle_param = self._cycle_names[self.angle_param] x = self._inputs_to_vector(inputs) angle = inputs[angle_param] A = _compute_A(self.size, angle) dA = _compute_dA(self.size, angle) var_shape = self.options['var_shape'] var_size = num_var = self.options['num_var'] x_name = self._cycle_names['x'] y_name = self._cycle_names['y'] theta_name = self._cycle_names['theta'] theta_out_name = self._cycle_names['theta_out'] if mode == 'fwd': for j in range(num_var): x_j = x_name.format(j) if x_j in d_inputs: dx = d_inputs[x_j].flat[:] for i in range(num_var): y_i = y_name.format(i) if y_i in d_outputs: Aij = A[array_idx(i, var_size), array_idx(j, var_size)] d_outputs[y_i] += if theta_name in d_inputs and theta_out_name in d_outputs: dtheta = d_inputs[theta_name] d_outputs[theta_out_name] += dtheta if angle_param in d_inputs: dangle = d_inputs[angle_param] dy_dangle = ( * dangle for i in range(num_var): y_i = y_name.format(i) if y_i in d_outputs: d_outputs[y_i] += dy_dangle[array_idx(i, var_size)].reshape(var_shape) elif mode == 'rev': for i in range(num_var): y_i = y_name.format(i) if y_i in d_outputs: dy_i = d_outputs[y_i].flat[:] for j in range(num_var): x_j = x_name.format(j) if x_j in d_inputs: Aij = A[array_idx(i, var_size), array_idx(j, var_size)] d_inputs[x_j] += if angle_param in d_inputs: dAij = dA[array_idx(i, var_size), array_idx(j, var_size)] x_j_vec = inputs[x_j].flat[:] d_inputs[angle_param] += if theta_out_name in d_outputs and theta_name in d_inputs: dtheta_out = d_outputs[theta_out_name] d_inputs[theta_name] += dtheta_out
[docs] def make_jacobian_entry(self, A, pd_type): if pd_type == 'aij': return self.make_sub_jacobian(A, pd_type)[0] return self.make_sub_jacobian(A, pd_type)
[docs] def make_sub_jacobian(self, A, pd_type): if pd_type == 'array': return A if pd_type == 'sparse': return sparse.csr_matrix(A) if pd_type == 'aij': data = [] rows = [] cols = [] A = np.atleast_2d(A) for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): if np.abs(A[i, j]) > 1e-15: data.append(A[i, j]) rows.append(i) cols.append(j) return [np.array(data), np.array(rows), np.array(cols)] raise ValueError('Unknown partial_type: {}'.format(pd_type))
def _array2kwargs(self, arr, pd_type, method): jac = self.make_sub_jacobian(arr, pd_type) if pd_type == 'aij': return {'val': jac[0], 'rows': jac[1], 'cols': jac[2], 'method': method} else: return {'val': jac, 'method': method}
[docs] def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): if self.options['jacobian_type'] != 'matvec' and self.options['partial_method'] == 'exact': angle_param = self._cycle_names[self.angle_param] angle = inputs[angle_param] num_var = self.num_var var_shape = self.var_shape var_size = x = self._inputs_to_vector(inputs) size = self.size A = _compute_A(size, angle) dA = _compute_dA(size, angle) dA_x = np.atleast_2d( pd_type = self.options['partial_type'] dtheta = np.array([[1.]]) y_name = self._cycle_names['y'] x_name = self._cycle_names['x'] for out_idx in range(num_var): out_var = y_name.format(out_idx) for in_idx in range(num_var): in_var = x_name.format(in_idx) Aij = A[array_idx(out_idx, var_size), array_idx(in_idx, var_size)] J_y_x = self.make_jacobian_entry(Aij, pd_type) J_y_angle = self.make_jacobian_entry(dA_x[array_idx(out_idx, var_size)], pd_type) partials[out_var, in_var] = J_y_x partials[out_var, angle_param] = J_y_angle theta_out = self._cycle_names['theta_out'] theta = self._cycle_names['theta'] partials[theta_out, theta] = self.make_jacobian_entry(dtheta, pd_type)
[docs]class ExplicitFirstComp(ExplicitCycleComp): def __str__(self): return 'Explicit Cycle Component - First'
[docs] def setup(self): self.add_input('psi', val=1.) self.angle_param = 'psi' self._cycle_names['psi'] = 'psi' super().setup()
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs): theta = inputs[self._cycle_names['theta']] psi = inputs[self._cycle_names['psi']] A = _compute_A(self.size, psi) y = self._vector_to_outputs(y, outputs) outputs[self._cycle_names['theta_out']] = theta
[docs]class ExplicitLastComp(ExplicitFirstComp): def __str__(self): return 'Explicit Cycle Component - Last'
[docs] def setup(self): super().setup() self.add_output('x_norm2', shape=(1,)) self._n = 1
[docs] def setup_partials(self): # Setup partials super().setup_partials() pd_type = self.options['partial_type'] method = self.options['partial_method'] if self.options['jacobian_type'] != 'matvec' and pd_type != 'array': x = np.ones(self.var_shape) for i in range(self.options['num_var']): in_var = self._cycle_names['x'].format(i) self.declare_partials('x_norm2', in_var, **self._array2kwargs(x.flatten(), pd_type, method)) self.declare_partials(self._cycle_names['theta_out'], self._cycle_names['psi'], **self._array2kwargs(np.array([1.]), pd_type, method))
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs): theta = inputs[self._cycle_names['theta']] psi = inputs[self._cycle_names['psi']] k = self.options['num_comp'] x = self._inputs_to_vector(inputs) outputs['x_norm2'] = 0.5*,x) # theta_out has 1/2 the error as theta does to the correct angle. outputs[self._cycle_names['theta_out']] = theta / 2 + (self._n * 2 * np.pi - psi) / (2 * k - 2)
[docs] def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): if self.options['jacobian_type'] != 'matvec' and self.options['partial_method'] == 'exact': pd_type = self.options['partial_type'] for i in range(self.options['num_var']): in_var = self._cycle_names['x'].format(i) partials['x_norm2', in_var] = self.make_jacobian_entry(inputs[in_var].flat[:], pd_type) k = self.options['num_comp'] theta_out = self._cycle_names['theta_out'] theta = self._cycle_names['theta'] partials[theta_out, theta] = self.make_jacobian_entry(np.array([.5]), pd_type) partials[theta_out, self._cycle_names['psi']] = \ self.make_jacobian_entry(np.array([-1/(2*k-2)]), pd_type)
[docs] def jacvec_product(self, inputs, d_inputs, d_outputs, mode): if self.options['jacobian_type'] == 'matvec': k = self.options['num_comp'] num_var = self.options['num_var'] theta_out = self._cycle_names['theta_out'] theta = self._cycle_names['theta'] psi = self._cycle_names['psi'] if mode == 'fwd': if theta_out in d_outputs: if theta in d_inputs: d_outputs[theta_out] += 0.5 * d_inputs[theta] if psi in d_inputs: d_outputs[theta_out] += -d_inputs[psi] / (2 * k - 2) for i in range(num_var): in_var = self._cycle_names['x'].format(i) if in_var in d_inputs and 'x_norm2' in d_outputs: d_outputs['x_norm2'] +=[in_var].flat, d_inputs[in_var].flat) elif mode == 'rev': if 'x_norm2' in d_outputs: dxnorm = d_outputs['x_norm2'] for i in range(num_var): x_i_name = self._cycle_names['x'].format(i) if x_i_name in d_inputs: d_inputs[x_i_name] += inputs[x_i_name] * dxnorm if theta_out in d_outputs: dtheta_out = d_outputs[theta_out] if theta in d_inputs: d_inputs[theta] += .5*dtheta_out if psi in d_inputs: d_inputs[psi] += -dtheta_out/(2*k-2)