Source code for

A Case class.

import sys
import itertools

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.constants import _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM
from openmdao.recorders.sqlite_recorder import blob_to_array
from openmdao.utils.record_util import deserialize, get_source_system
from openmdao.utils.variable_table import write_var_table
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import make_set, match_prom_or_abs
from openmdao.utils.units import unit_conversion, simplify_unit
from openmdao.recorders.sqlite_recorder import format_version as current_version


[docs]class Case(object): """ Case wraps the data from a single iteration of a recording to make it more easily accessible. Parameters ---------- source : str The unique id of the system/solver/driver/problem that did the recording. data : dict-like Dictionary of data for a case. prom2abs : {'input': dict, 'output': dict} Dictionary mapping promoted names of all variables to absolute names. abs2prom : {'input': dict, 'output': dict} Dictionary mapping absolute names of all variables to promoted names. abs2meta : dict Dictionary mapping absolute names of all variables to variable metadata. conns : dict Dictionary of all model connections. auto_ivc_map : dict Dictionary that maps all auto_ivc sources to either an absolute input name for single connections or a promoted input name for multiple connections. This is for output display. var_info : dict Dictionary with information about variables (scaling, indices, execution order). data_format : int A version number specifying the format of array data, if not numpy arrays. Attributes ---------- source : str The unique id of the system/solver/driver/problem that did the recording. name : str The unique identifier for this case. parent : str The iteration coordinate of the parent case for this iteration if any, else None. counter : int The unique sequential index of this case in the recording. timestamp : float Time of execution of the case. success : str Success flag for the case. msg : str Message associated with the case. outputs : PromAbsDict Map of outputs to values recorded. inputs : PromAbsDict or None Map of inputs to values recorded, None if not recorded. residuals : PromAbsDict or None Map of outputs to residuals recorded, None if not recorded. derivatives : PromAbsDict or None Map of (output, input) to derivatives recorded, None if not recorded. parent : str The full unique identifier for the parent this iteration. abs_err : float or None Absolute tolerance (None if not recorded). rel_err : float or None Relative tolerance (None if not recorded). _prom2abs : {'input': dict, 'output': dict} Dictionary mapping promoted names of all variables to absolute names. _abs2prom : {'input': dict, 'output': dict} Dictionary mapping absolute names of all variables to promoted names. _abs2meta : dict Dictionary mapping absolute names of all variables to variable metadata. _conns : dict Dictionary of all model connections. _auto_ivc_map : dict Dictionary that maps all auto_ivc sources to either an absolute input name for single connections or a promoted input name for multiple connections. This is for output display. _var_info : dict Dictionary with information about variables (scaling, indices, execution order). _format_version : int A version number specifying the format of array data, if not numpy arrays. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source, data, prom2abs, abs2prom, abs2meta, conns, auto_ivc_map, var_info, data_format=-1): """ Initialize. """ self.source = source self._format_version = data_format # save VOI dict reference for use by self._scale() self._var_info = var_info if 'iteration_coordinate' in data.keys(): = data['iteration_coordinate'] parts ='|') if len(parts) > 2: self.parent = '|'.join(parts[:-2]) else: self.parent = None elif 'case_name' in data.keys(): = data['case_name'] # problem cases self.parent = None else: = None self.parent = None self.counter = data['counter'] self.timestamp = data['timestamp'] self.success = data['success'] self.msg = data['msg'] # for a solver or problem case self.abs_err = data['abs_err'] if 'abs_err' in data.keys() else None self.rel_err = data['rel_err'] if 'rel_err' in data.keys() else None # rename solver keys if 'solver_inputs' in data.keys(): if not isinstance(data, dict): data = dict(zip(data.keys(), data)) data['inputs'] = data.pop('solver_inputs') data['outputs'] = data.pop('solver_output') data['residuals'] = data.pop('solver_residuals') # default properties to None self.inputs = None self.outputs = None self.residuals = None self.derivatives = None if 'inputs' in data.keys(): if data_format >= 3: inputs = deserialize(data['inputs'], abs2meta, prom2abs, conns) elif data_format in (1, 2): inputs = blob_to_array(data['inputs']) if type(inputs) is np.ndarray and not inputs.shape: inputs = None else: inputs = data['inputs'] if inputs is not None: self.inputs = PromAbsDict(inputs, prom2abs['input'], abs2prom['input']) if 'outputs' in data.keys(): if data_format >= 3: outputs = deserialize(data['outputs'], abs2meta, prom2abs, conns) elif self._format_version in (1, 2): outputs = blob_to_array(data['outputs']) if type(outputs) is np.ndarray and not outputs.shape: outputs = None else: outputs = data['outputs'] if outputs is not None: self.outputs = PromAbsDict(outputs, prom2abs['output'], abs2prom['output'], in_prom2abs=prom2abs['input'], auto_ivc_map=auto_ivc_map) if 'residuals' in data.keys(): if data_format >= 3: residuals = deserialize(data['residuals'], abs2meta, prom2abs, conns) elif data_format in (1, 2): residuals = blob_to_array(data['residuals']) if type(residuals) is np.ndarray and not residuals.shape: residuals = None else: residuals = data['residuals'] if residuals is not None: self.residuals = PromAbsDict(residuals, prom2abs['output'], abs2prom['output'], in_prom2abs=prom2abs['input'], auto_ivc_map=auto_ivc_map) if 'jacobian' in data.keys(): if data_format >= 2: jacobian = blob_to_array(data['jacobian']) if type(jacobian) is np.ndarray and not jacobian.shape: jacobian = None else: jacobian = data['jacobian'] if jacobian is not None: self.derivatives = PromAbsDict(jacobian, prom2abs['output'], abs2prom['output'], in_prom2abs=prom2abs['input'], auto_ivc_map=auto_ivc_map, var_info=var_info) # save var name & meta dict references for use by self._get_variables_of_type() self._prom2abs = prom2abs self._abs2prom = abs2prom self._abs2meta = abs2meta self._conns = conns self._auto_ivc_map = auto_ivc_map
def __str__(self): """ Get string representation of the case. Returns ------- str String representation of the case. """ return ' '.join([self.source,, str(self.outputs)])
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name): """ Get an output/input variable. Parameters ---------- name : str Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace. Returns ------- float or ndarray or any python object the requested output/input variable. """ if self.outputs is not None: try: return self.outputs[name] except KeyError: if name in self._auto_ivc_map: return self.inputs[self._auto_ivc_map[name]] if self.inputs is not None: return self.inputs[name] elif self.inputs is not None: return self.inputs[name] raise KeyError('Variable name "%s" not found.' % name)
[docs] def get_val(self, name, units=None, indices=None): """ Get an output/input variable. Function is used if you want to specify display units. Parameters ---------- name : str Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace. units : str, optional Units to convert to before upon return. indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional Indices or slice to return. Returns ------- float or ndarray The requested output/input variable. """ val = self[name] if indices is not None: val = val[indices] if units is not None: base_units = self._get_units(name) simp_units = simplify_unit(units) if base_units is None: msg = "Can't express variable '{}' with units of 'None' in units of '{}'." raise TypeError(msg.format(name, simp_units)) try: scale, offset = unit_conversion(base_units, simp_units) except TypeError: msg = "Can't express variable '{}' with units of '{}' in units of '{}'." raise TypeError(msg.format(name, base_units, simp_units)) val = (val + offset) * scale return val
def _get_units(self, name): """ Get the units for a variable name. Parameters ---------- name : str Promoted or relative variable name in the root system's namespace. Returns ------- str Unit string. """ meta = self._abs2meta if name in meta: return meta[name]['units'] proms = self._prom2abs if name in proms['output']: abs_name = proms['output'][name][0] return meta[abs_name]['units'] elif name in proms['input']: if len(proms['input'][name]) > 1: # The promoted name maps to multiple absolute names, require absolute name. msg = "Can't get units for the promoted name '%s' because it refers to " + \ "multiple inputs: %s. Access the units using an absolute path name." raise RuntimeError(msg % (name, str(proms['input'][name]))) abs_name = proms['input'][name][0] return meta[abs_name]['units'] raise KeyError('Variable name "{}" not found.'.format(name))
[docs] def get_design_vars(self, scaled=True, use_indices=True): """ Get the values of the design variables, as seen by the driver, for this case. Parameters ---------- scaled : bool If True, then return scaled values. use_indices : bool If True, apply indices. Returns ------- PromAbsDict Map of variables to their values. """ return self._get_variables_of_type('desvar', scaled, use_indices)
[docs] def get_objectives(self, scaled=True, use_indices=True): """ Get the values of the objectives, as seen by the driver, for this case. Parameters ---------- scaled : bool If True, then return scaled values. use_indices : bool If True, apply indices. Returns ------- PromAbsDict Map of variables to their values. """ return self._get_variables_of_type('objective', scaled, use_indices)
[docs] def get_constraints(self, scaled=True, use_indices=True): """ Get the values of the constraints, as seen by the driver, for this case. Parameters ---------- scaled : bool If True, then return scaled values. use_indices : bool If True, apply indices. Returns ------- PromAbsDict Map of variables to their values. """ return self._get_variables_of_type('constraint', scaled, use_indices)
[docs] def get_responses(self, scaled=True, use_indices=True): """ Get the values of the responses, as seen by the driver, for this case. Parameters ---------- scaled : bool If True, then return scaled values. use_indices : bool If True, apply indices. Returns ------- PromAbsDict Map of variables to their values. """ return self._get_variables_of_type('response', scaled, use_indices)
[docs] def list_inputs(self, val=True, prom_name=True, units=False, shape=False, desc=False, hierarchical=True, print_arrays=False, tags=None, includes=None, excludes=None, is_indep_var=None, is_design_var=None, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, print_min=False, print_max=False, return_format='list'): """ Return and optionally log a list of input names and other optional information. Parameters ---------- val : bool, optional When True, display/return input values. Default is True. prom_name : bool, optional When True, display/return the promoted name of the variable. Default is True. units : bool, optional When True, display/return units. Default is False. shape : bool, optional When True, display/return the shape of the value. Default is False. desc : bool, optional When True, display/return description. Default is False. hierarchical : bool, optional When True, human readable output shows variables in hierarchical format. print_arrays : bool, optional When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1. The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm. When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions Default is False. tags : str or list of strs User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only inputs with the given tags will be listed. Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags. includes : str, iter of str, or None Glob patterns for pathnames to include in the check. Default is None, which includes all. excludes : str, iter of str, or None Glob patterns for pathnames to exclude from the check. Default is None, which excludes nothing. is_indep_var : bool or None If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to an output tagged `openmdao:indep_var`. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs tagged `openmdao:indep_var`. is_design_var : bool or None If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables. out_stream : file-like object Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to suppress. print_min : bool, optional When true, if the input value is an array, print its smallest value. print_max : bool, optional When true, if the input value is an array, print its largest value. return_format : str Indicates the desired format of the return value. Can have value of 'list' or 'dict'. If 'list', the return value is a list of (name, metadata) tuples. if 'dict', the return value is a dictionary mapping {name: metadata}. Returns ------- list of (name, metadata) or dict of {name: metadata} List or dict of input names and other optional information about those inputs. """ if return_format not in ('list', 'dict'): badarg = f"'{return_format}'" if isinstance(return_format, str) else f"{return_format}" raise ValueError(f"Invalid value ({badarg}) for return_format, " "must be a string value of 'list' or 'dict'") abs2meta = self._abs2meta inputs = [] # string to display when an attribute is not available (e.g. for a discrete) NA = 'Unavailable' if isinstance(includes, str): includes = [includes, ] if isinstance(excludes, str): excludes = [excludes, ] if self.inputs is not None: print_options = np.get_printoptions() np_precision = print_options['precision'] if is_design_var is not None: des_vars = self._get_variables_of_type('desvar') for var_name in self.inputs.absolute_names(): meta = abs2meta[var_name] # Filter based on tags if tags and not (make_set(tags) & make_set(meta['tags'])): continue var_name_prom = self._abs2prom['input'][var_name] if not match_prom_or_abs(var_name, var_name_prom, includes, excludes): continue # handle is_indep_var if is_indep_var is not None: src_name = self._conns[var_name] src_name_prom = self._abs2prom['output'][src_name] src_meta = abs2meta[src_name] if is_indep_var is True and 'openmdao:indep_var' not in src_meta['tags']: continue elif is_indep_var is False and 'openmdao:indep_var' in src_meta['tags']: continue # handle is_design_var if is_design_var is not None: src_name = self._conns[var_name] src_name_prom = self._abs2prom['output'][src_name] if src_name_prom.startswith('_auto_ivc.'): src_name_prom = self._auto_ivc_map[src_name_prom] if is_design_var is True and src_name_prom not in des_vars: continue elif is_design_var is False and src_name_prom in des_vars: continue var_val = self.inputs[var_name] var_meta = {} if val: var_meta['val'] = var_val if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray): if print_min: var_meta['min'] = np.round(np.min(var_val), np_precision) if print_max: var_meta['max'] = np.round(np.max(var_val), np_precision) if prom_name: var_meta['prom_name'] = var_name_prom if units: var_meta['units'] = meta.get('units', NA) if shape: try: var_meta['shape'] = var_val.shape except AttributeError: var_meta['shape'] = NA if desc: var_meta['desc'] = meta['desc'] inputs.append((var_name, var_meta)) if out_stream: if self.inputs: self._write_table('input', inputs, hierarchical, print_arrays, out_stream) else: ostream = sys.stdout if out_stream is _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM else out_stream ostream.write('WARNING: Inputs not recorded. Make sure your recording ' + 'settings have record_inputs set to True\n') if return_format == 'dict': return dict(inputs) else: return inputs
[docs] def list_outputs(self, explicit=True, implicit=True, val=True, prom_name=True, residuals=False, residuals_tol=None, units=False, shape=False, bounds=False, scaling=False, desc=False, hierarchical=True, print_arrays=False, tags=None, includes=None, excludes=None, is_indep_var=None, is_design_var=None, list_autoivcs=False, out_stream=_DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, print_min=False, print_max=False, return_format='list'): """ Return and optionally log a list of output names and other optional information. Parameters ---------- explicit : bool, optional Include outputs from explicit components. Default is True. implicit : bool, optional Include outputs from implicit components. Default is True. val : bool, optional When True, display/return output values. Default is True. prom_name : bool, optional When True, display/return the promoted name of the variable. Default is False. residuals : bool, optional When True, display/return residual values. Default is False. residuals_tol : float, optional If set, limits the output of list_outputs to only variables where the norm of the resids array is greater than the given 'residuals_tol'. Default is None. units : bool, optional When True, display/return units. Default is False. shape : bool, optional When True, display/return the shape of the value. Default is False. bounds : bool, optional When True, display/return bounds (lower and upper). Default is False. scaling : bool, optional When True, display/return scaling (ref, ref0, and res_ref). Default is False. desc : bool, optional When True, display/return description. Default is False. hierarchical : bool, optional When True, human readable output shows variables in hierarchical format. print_arrays : bool, optional When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1. The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm. When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions Default is False. tags : str or list of strs User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only outputs with the given tags will be listed. Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags. includes : str, iter of str, or None Glob patterns for pathnames to include in the check. Default is None, which includes all. excludes : str, iter of str, or None Glob patterns for pathnames to exclude from the check. Default is None, which excludes nothing. is_indep_var : bool or None If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to an output tagged `openmdao:indep_var`. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs tagged `openmdao:indep_var`. is_design_var : bool or None If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables. list_autoivcs : bool If True, include auto_ivc outputs in the listing. Defaults to False. out_stream : file-like Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to suppress. print_min : bool, optional When true, if the output value is an array, print its smallest value. print_max : bool, optional When true, if the output value is an array, print its largest value. return_format : str Indicates the desired format of the return value. Can have value of 'list' or 'dict'. If 'list', the return value is a list of (name, metadata) tuples. if 'dict', the return value is a dictionary mapping {name: metadata}. Returns ------- list of (name, metadata) or dict of {name: metadata} List or dict of output names and other optional information about those outputs. """ if return_format not in ('list', 'dict'): badarg = f"'{return_format}'" if isinstance(return_format, str) else f"{return_format}" raise ValueError(f"Invalid value ({badarg}) for return_format, " "must be a string value of 'list' or 'dict'") abs2meta = self._abs2meta expl_outputs = [] impl_outputs = [] # string to display when an attribute is not available (e.g. for a discrete) NA = 'Unavailable' if isinstance(includes, str): includes = [includes, ] if isinstance(excludes, str): excludes = [excludes, ] print_options = np.get_printoptions() np_precision = print_options['precision'] if is_design_var is not None: des_vars = self._get_variables_of_type('desvar') for var_name in self.outputs.absolute_names(): if not list_autoivcs and var_name.startswith('_auto_ivc.'): continue meta = abs2meta[var_name] # Filter based on tags if tags and not (make_set(tags) & make_set(meta['tags'])): continue var_name_prom = self._abs2prom['output'][var_name] if not match_prom_or_abs(var_name, var_name_prom, includes, excludes): continue # handle is_indep_var if is_indep_var is not None: if is_indep_var is True and 'openmdao:indep_var' not in meta['tags']: continue elif is_indep_var is False and 'openmdao:indep_var' in meta['tags']: continue # handle is_design_var if is_design_var is not None: var_name_prom = self._abs2prom['output'][var_name] if var_name_prom.startswith('_auto_ivc.'): var_name_prom = self._auto_ivc_map[var_name_prom] if is_design_var is True and var_name_prom not in des_vars: continue elif is_design_var is False and var_name_prom in des_vars: continue # check if residuals were recorded, skip if within specifed tolerance if residuals and self.residuals and var_name in self.residuals.absolute_names(): resids = self.residuals[var_name] if residuals_tol and np.linalg.norm(resids) < residuals_tol: continue else: resids = 'Not Recorded' var_val = self.outputs[var_name] var_meta = {} if val: var_meta['val'] = var_val if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray): if print_min: var_meta['min'] = np.round(np.min(var_val), np_precision) if print_max: var_meta['max'] = np.round(np.max(var_val), np_precision) if prom_name: var_meta['prom_name'] = var_name_prom if residuals: var_meta['resids'] = resids if units: var_meta['units'] = meta.get('units', NA) if shape: try: var_meta['shape'] = var_val.shape except AttributeError: var_meta['shape'] = NA if bounds: var_meta['lower'] = meta.get('lower', NA) var_meta['upper'] = meta.get('upper', NA) if scaling: var_meta['ref'] = meta.get('ref', NA) var_meta['ref0'] = meta.get('ref0', NA) var_meta['res_ref'] = meta.get('res_ref', NA) if desc: var_meta['desc'] = meta['desc'] if meta['explicit']: expl_outputs.append((var_name, var_meta)) else: impl_outputs.append((var_name, var_meta)) if out_stream: if not self.outputs: ostream = sys.stdout if out_stream is _DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM else out_stream ostream.write('WARNING: Outputs not recorded. Make sure your recording ' + 'settings have record_outputs set to True\n') if explicit: self._write_table('explicit', expl_outputs, hierarchical, print_arrays, out_stream) if implicit: self._write_table('implicit', impl_outputs, hierarchical, print_arrays, out_stream) if explicit and implicit: outputs = expl_outputs + impl_outputs elif explicit: outputs = expl_outputs elif implicit: outputs = impl_outputs else: raise RuntimeError('You have excluded both Explicit and Implicit components.') if return_format == 'dict': return dict(outputs) else: return outputs
def _write_table(self, var_type, var_data, hierarchical, print_arrays, out_stream): """ Write table of variable names, values, residuals, and metadata to out_stream. Parameters ---------- var_type : 'input', 'explicit' or 'implicit' Indicates type of variables, input or explicit/implicit output. var_data : list List of (name, dict of vals and metadata) tuples. hierarchical : bool When True, human readable output shows variables in hierarchical format. print_arrays : bool When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1. The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm. When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions Default is False. out_stream : file-like object Where to send human readable output. Set to None to suppress. """ if out_stream is None: return # Make a dict of variables. Makes it easier to work with in this method var_dict = OrderedDict() for name, vals in var_data: var_dict[name] = vals # determine pathname of the system if self.source in ('root', 'driver', 'problem', 'root.nonlinear_solver'): pathname = '' elif '|' in self.source: pathname = get_source_system(self.source) else: pathname = self.source.replace('root.', '') if pathname.endswith('.nonlinear_solver'): pathname = pathname[:-17] # len('.nonlinear_solver') == 17 # vars should be in execution order if 'execution_order' in self._var_info: var_order = self._var_info['execution_order'] var_list = [var_name for var_name in var_order if var_name in var_dict] else: # don't have execution order, just sort for determinism var_list = sorted(var_dict.keys()) top_name = pathname if pathname else 'model' write_var_table(pathname, var_list, var_type, var_dict, hierarchical=hierarchical, top_name=top_name, print_arrays=print_arrays, out_stream=out_stream) def _get_variables_of_type(self, var_type, scaled=False, use_indices=False): """ Get the variables of a given type and their values. Parameters ---------- var_type : str String indicating which value for 'type' should be accepted for a variable to be included in the returned map. Allowed values are: ['desvar', 'objective', 'constraint', 'response']. scaled : bool If True, then return scaled values. use_indices : bool If True, apply indices. Returns ------- PromAbsDict Map of variables to their values. """ if self.outputs is None: return PromAbsDict({}, self._prom2abs, self._abs2prom) abs2meta = self._abs2meta prom2abs_in = self._prom2abs['input'] auto_ivc_map = self._auto_ivc_map ret_vars = {} for name, meta in self._var_info.items(): # FIXME: _var_info contains dvs, responses, and 'execution_order'. It # should be reorganized to prevent dvs and responses from being at the # same level as execution_order. While unlikely, it is possible that # a dv/response could have the name 'execution_order'. Mainly though, # separating them will prevent needing the following kludge. if name == 'execution_order': continue src = meta['source'] if var_type in abs2meta[src]['type']: try: val = self.outputs[src].copy() except KeyError: # not recorded continue if use_indices and meta['indices'] is not None: val = val[meta['indices']] if scaled: if meta['total_adder'] is not None: val += meta['total_adder'] if meta['total_scaler'] is not None: val *= meta['total_scaler'] ret_vars[name] = val return PromAbsDict(ret_vars, self._prom2abs['output'], self._abs2prom['output'], in_prom2abs=prom2abs_in, auto_ivc_map=auto_ivc_map, var_info=self._var_info)
[docs]class PromAbsDict(dict): """ A dictionary that enables accessing values via absolute or promoted variable names. Parameters ---------- values : array or dict Numpy structured array or dictionary of values. prom2abs : dict Dictionary mapping promoted names to absolute names. abs2prom : dict Dictionary mapping absolute names in the output vector to promoted names. data_format : int A version number specifying the OpenMDAO SQL case database version. in_prom2abs : dict Dictionary mapping promoted names in the input vector to absolute names. auto_ivc_map : dict Dictionary that maps all auto_ivc sources to either an absolute input name for single connections or a promoted input name for multiple connections. This is for output display. var_info : dict Dictionary of variable metadata. Needed when there are constraint aliases. Attributes ---------- _values : array or dict Array or dict of values accessible via absolute variable name. _keys : array Absolute variable names that map to the values in the _values array. _prom2abs : dict Dictionary mapping promoted names in the output vector to absolute names. _abs2prom : dict Dictionary mapping absolute names to promoted names. _auto_ivc_map : dict Dictionary that maps all auto_ivc sources to either an absolute input name for single connections or a promoted input name for multiple connections. This is for output display. _var_info : dict Dictionary of variable metadata. Needed when there are constraint aliases. _DERIV_KEY_SEP : str Separator character for derivative keys. """
[docs] def __init__(self, values, prom2abs, abs2prom, data_format=current_version, in_prom2abs=None, auto_ivc_map=None, var_info=None): """ Initialize. """ super().__init__() self._prom2abs = prom2abs self._abs2prom = abs2prom auto_ivc_map = auto_ivc_map if auto_ivc_map is not None else {} self._var_info = var_info self._auto_ivc_map = auto_ivc_map if data_format <= 8: DERIV_KEY_SEP = self._DERIV_KEY_SEP = ',' else: DERIV_KEY_SEP = self._DERIV_KEY_SEP = '!' if isinstance(values, dict): # dict of values, keyed on either absolute or promoted names self._values = {} for key in values.keys(): if key in auto_ivc_map: # key is auto_ivc, so translate to a readable input name. self._values[key] = values[key] in_key = auto_ivc_map[key] super().__setitem__(in_key, values[key]) elif key in abs2prom: # key is absolute name self._values[key] = values[key] prom_key = abs2prom[key] super().__setitem__(prom_key, values[key]) elif key in prom2abs: # key is promoted name for abs_key in prom2abs[key]: self._values[abs_key] = values[key] super().__setitem__(key, values[key]) elif isinstance(key, tuple) or DERIV_KEY_SEP in key: # derivative keys can be either (of, wrt) or 'of!wrt' abs_keys, prom_key = self._deriv_keys(key) for abs_key in abs_keys: self._values[abs_key] = values[key] super().__setitem__(prom_key, values[key]) elif in_prom2abs is not None and key in in_prom2abs: # Auto-ivc outputs, use abs source (which is prom source.) self._values[key] = values[key] super().__setitem__(key, values[key]) else: # Constraint alias support. self._values[key] = values[key] super().__setitem__(key, values[key]) self._keys = self._values.keys() else: # numpy structured array, which will always use absolute names self._values = values[0] self._keys = values.dtype.names for key in self._keys: if key in auto_ivc_map: # key is auto_ivc, so translate to a readable input name. in_key = auto_ivc_map[key] super().__setitem__(in_key, self._values[key]) elif key in abs2prom: prom_key = abs2prom[key] if prom_key in self: # We already set a value for this promoted name, which means # it is an input that maps to multiple absolute names. Set the # value to AMBIGOUS and require access via absolute name. super().__setitem__(prom_key, _AMBIGOUS_PROM_NAME) else: super().__setitem__(prom_key, self._values[key]) elif DERIV_KEY_SEP in key: # derivative keys will be a string in the form of 'of!wrt' abs_keys, prom_key = self._deriv_keys(key) super().__setitem__(prom_key, self._values[key]) elif in_prom2abs is not None and key in in_prom2abs: # Auto-ivc outputs, use abs source (which is prom source.) # TODO - maybe get rid of this by always saving the source name super().__setitem__(key, self._values[key])
def _deriv_keys(self, key): """ Get the absolute and promoted name versions of the provided derivative key. Parameters ---------- key : tuple or string derivative key as either (of, wrt) or 'of!wrt'. Returns ------- list of tuples: list of (of, wrt) mapping the provided key to absolute names. tuple : (of, wrt) mapping the provided key to promoted names. """ prom2abs = self._prom2abs abs2prom = self._abs2prom DERIV_KEY_SEP = self._DERIV_KEY_SEP # derivative could be tuple or string, using absolute or promoted names of, wrt = key if isinstance(key, tuple) else key.split(DERIV_KEY_SEP) if of in abs2prom: # if promoted, will map to all connected absolute names abs_of = [of] prom_of = abs2prom[of] elif of in prom2abs: abs_of = prom2abs[of] prom_of = of else: # Support for constraint aliases. abs_of = [self._var_info[of]['source']] # The "of" part of the key name should be the alias. prom_of = of if wrt in prom2abs: abs_wrt = [prom2abs[wrt]][0] else: abs_wrt = [wrt] abs_keys = [f'{o}{DERIV_KEY_SEP}{w}' for o, w in itertools.product(abs_of, abs_wrt)] if wrt in abs2prom: prom_wrt = abs2prom[wrt] else: prom_wrt = wrt prom_key = (prom_of, prom_wrt) return abs_keys, prom_key
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Use the variable name to get the corresponding value. Parameters ---------- key : str Absolute or promoted variable name. Returns ------- array : An array entry value that corresponds to the given variable name. """ if key in self._keys: # absolute name return self._values[key] elif key in self._auto_ivc_map: # We allow the user to query with auto_ivc varname. src_key = self._auto_ivc_map[key] if src_key in self._keys: return self._values[self._auto_ivc_map[key]] elif key in self: # promoted name val = super().__getitem__(key) if val is _AMBIGOUS_PROM_NAME: msg = "The promoted name '%s' is invalid because it refers to multiple " + \ "inputs: %s. Access the value using an absolute path name or the " + \ "connected output variable instead." raise RuntimeError(msg % (key, str(self._prom2abs[key]))) else: return val elif isinstance(key, tuple) or self._DERIV_KEY_SEP in key: # derivative keys can be either (of, wrt) or 'of!wrt' _, prom_key = self._deriv_keys(key) return super().__getitem__(prom_key) raise KeyError('Variable name "%s" not found.' % key)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set the value for the given key, which may use absolute or promoted names. Parameters ---------- key : str Absolute or promoted variable name. value : any value for variable """ auto_ivc_map = self._auto_ivc_map abs2prom = self._abs2prom prom2abs = self._prom2abs if isinstance(key, tuple): _, prom_key = self._deriv_keys(key) self._values[f"{prom_key[0]}!{prom_key[1]}"] = value super().__setitem__(prom_key, value) elif self._DERIV_KEY_SEP in key: # derivative keys can be either (of, wrt) or 'of!wrt' _, prom_key = self._deriv_keys(key) self._values[f"{prom_key[0]}!{prom_key[1]}"] = value super().__setitem__(prom_key, value) elif key in abs2prom: if key in auto_ivc_map: # key is auto_ivc, so translate to a readable input name. self._values[key] = value in_key = auto_ivc_map[key] super().__setitem__(in_key, self._values[key]) else: # absolute name self._values[key] = value super().__setitem__(self._abs2prom[key], value) elif key in prom2abs: # promoted name, propagate to all connected absolute names for abs_key in self._prom2abs[key]: if abs_key in self._keys: self._values[abs_key] = value super().__setitem__(key, value) else: # Design variable by promoted input name. self._values[key] = value super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def absolute_names(self): """ Yield absolute names for variables contained in this dictionary. Similar to keys() but with absolute variable names instead of promoted names. Yields ------ str absolute names for variables contained in this dictionary. """ DERIV_KEY_SEP = self._DERIV_KEY_SEP for key in self._keys: if DERIV_KEY_SEP in key: # return derivative keys as tuples instead of strings of, wrt = key.split(DERIV_KEY_SEP) if of in self._prom2abs: of = self._prom2abs[of][0] if wrt in self._prom2abs: abswrts = self._prom2abs[wrt] if len(abswrts) == 1: wrt = abswrts[0] # for now, if wrt is ambiguous, leave as promoted yield (of, wrt) else: yield key