Source code for openmdao.matrices.csr_matrix

"""Define the CSRmatrix class."""

from openmdao.matrices.coo_matrix import COOMatrix

[docs]class CSRMatrix(COOMatrix): """ Sparse matrix in Compressed Row Storage format. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> Communicator of the top-level system that owns the <Jacobian>. is_internal : bool If True, this is the int_mtx of an AssembledJacobian. """ def _build(self, num_rows, num_cols, in_ranges, out_ranges): """ Allocate the matrix. Parameters ---------- num_rows : int number of rows in the matrix. num_cols : int number of cols in the matrix. in_ranges : dict Maps input var name to column range. out_ranges : dict Maps output var name to row range. """ super()._build(num_rows, num_cols, in_ranges, out_ranges) self._coo = self._matrix def _pre_update(self): """ Do anything that needs to be done at the end of AssembledJacobian._update. """ self._matrix = self._coo def _post_update(self): """ Do anything that needs to be done at the end of AssembledJacobian._update. """ # this will add any repeated entries together self._matrix = self._coo.tocsc()