"""Define the DictionaryJacobian class."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from openmdao.jacobians.jacobian import Jacobian
from openmdao.core.constants import INT_DTYPE
[docs]class DictionaryJacobian(Jacobian):
No global <Jacobian>; use dictionary of user-supplied sub-Jacobians.
system : System
Parent system to this jacobian.
**kwargs : dict
Options dictionary.
_iter_keys : list of (vname, vname) tuples
List of tuples of variable names that match subjacs in the this Jacobian.
_key_owner : dict
Dict mapping subjac keys to the rank where that subjac is local.
[docs] def __init__(self, system, **kwargs):
Initialize all attributes.
super().__init__(system, **kwargs)
self._iter_keys = None
self._key_owner = None
def _iter_abs_keys(self, system):
Iterate over subjacs keyed by absolute names.
This includes only subjacs that have been set and are part of the current system.
system : System
System that is updating this jacobian.
List of keys matching this jacobian for the current system.
if self._iter_keys is None:
# determine the set of remote keys (keys where either of or wrt is remote somewhere)
# only if we're under MPI with comm size > 1 and the given system is a Group that
# computes its derivatives using finite difference or complex step.
include_remotes = system.pathname and \
system.comm.size > 1 and system._owns_approx_jac and system._subsystems_allprocs
subjacs = self._subjacs_info
keys = []
if include_remotes:
ofnames = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']
wrtnames = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta
ofnames = system._var_abs2meta['output']
wrtnames = system._var_abs2meta
for res_name in ofnames:
for type_ in ('output', 'input'):
for name in wrtnames[type_]:
key = (res_name, name)
if key in subjacs:
self._iter_keys = keys
if include_remotes:
local_out = system._var_abs2meta['output']
local_in = system._var_abs2meta['input']
remote_keys = []
for key in keys:
of, wrt = key
if of not in local_out or (wrt not in local_in and wrt not in local_out):
abs2idx = system._var_allprocs_abs2idx
sizes_out = system._var_sizes['output']
sizes_in = system._var_sizes['input']
owner_dict = {}
for keys in system.comm.allgather(remote_keys):
for key in keys:
if key not in owner_dict:
of, wrt = key
ofsizes = sizes_out[:, abs2idx[of]]
if wrt in ofnames:
wrtsizes = sizes_out[:, abs2idx[wrt]]
wrtsizes = sizes_in[:, abs2idx[wrt]]
for rank, (ofsz, wrtsz) in enumerate(zip(ofsizes, wrtsizes)):
# find first rank where both of and wrt are local
if ofsz and wrtsz:
owner_dict[key] = rank
else: # no rank was found where both were local. Use 'of' local rank
owner_dict[key] = np.min(np.nonzero(ofsizes)[0])
self._key_owner = owner_dict
self._key_owner = {}
return self._iter_keys
def _apply(self, system, d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode):
Compute matrix-vector product.
system : System
System that is updating this jacobian.
d_inputs : Vector
inputs linear vector.
d_outputs : Vector
outputs linear vector.
d_residuals : Vector
residuals linear vector.
mode : str
'fwd' or 'rev'.
fwd = mode == 'fwd'
d_out_names = d_outputs._names
d_res_names = d_residuals._names
d_inp_names = d_inputs._names
if not d_out_names and not d_inp_names:
rflat = d_residuals._abs_get_val
oflat = d_outputs._abs_get_val
iflat = d_inputs._abs_get_val
subjacs_info = self._subjacs_info
is_explicit = system.is_explicit()
do_randomize = self._randgen is not None and system._problem_meta['randomize_subjacs']
with system._unscaled_context(outputs=[d_outputs], residuals=[d_residuals]):
for abs_key in self._iter_abs_keys(system):
res_name, other_name = abs_key
if other_name in d_out_names:
wrtvec = oflat(other_name)
elif other_name in d_inp_names:
wrtvec = iflat(other_name)
wrtvec = None
ofvec = rflat(res_name) if res_name in d_res_names else None
if fwd and is_explicit and res_name is other_name and wrtvec is not None:
# skip the matvec mult completely for identity subjacs
ofvec -= wrtvec
if abs_key in self._key_owner and abs_key in system._cross_keys:
wrtowner = system._owning_rank[other_name]
if system.comm.rank == wrtowner:
system.comm.bcast(wrtvec, root=wrtowner)
wrtvec = system.comm.bcast(None, root=wrtowner)
if fwd:
left_vec = ofvec
right_vec = wrtvec
else: # rev
left_vec = wrtvec
right_vec = ofvec
if left_vec is not None and right_vec is not None:
subjac_info = subjacs_info[abs_key]
if do_randomize:
subjac = self._randomize_subjac(subjac_info['val'], abs_key)
subjac = subjac_info['val']
rows = subjac_info['rows']
if rows is not None: # our homegrown COO format
linds, rinds = rows, subjac_info['cols']
if not fwd:
linds, rinds = rinds, linds
if self._under_complex_step:
# bincount only works with float, so split into parts
prod = right_vec[rinds] * subjac
left_vec[:].real += np.bincount(linds, prod.real,
left_vec[:].imag += np.bincount(linds, prod.imag,
left_vec[:] += np.bincount(linds, right_vec[rinds] * subjac,
if fwd:
left_vec += subjac.dot(right_vec)
else: # rev
left_vec += subjac.T.dot(right_vec)
if abs_key in self._key_owner:
owner = self._key_owner[abs_key]
if owner == system.comm.rank:
system.comm.bcast(left_vec, root=owner)
elif owner is not None:
left_vec = system.comm.bcast(None, root=owner)
if left_vec is not None:
if fwd:
if res_name in d_res_names:
d_residuals._abs_set_val(res_name, left_vec)
else: # rev
if other_name in d_out_names:
d_outputs._abs_set_val(other_name, left_vec)
elif other_name in d_inp_names:
d_inputs._abs_set_val(other_name, left_vec)
class _CheckingJacobian(DictionaryJacobian):
A special type of Jacobian that we use only inside of check_partials.
It checks during set_col to make sure that any user specified rows/cols don't mask any
nonzero values found in the column being set.
def __init__(self, system, uncovered_threshold=1.0E-16):
self._subjacs_info = self._subjacs_info.copy()
self._uncovered_threshold = uncovered_threshold
# Convert any scipy.sparse subjacs to OpenMDAO's interal COO specification.
for key, subjac in self._subjacs_info.items():
if sp.issparse(subjac['val']):
coo_val = subjac['val'].tocoo()
self._subjacs_info[key]['rows'] = coo_val.row
self._subjacs_info[key]['cols'] = coo_val.col
self._subjacs_info[key]['val'] = coo_val.data
def __iter__(self):
for key, _ in self.items():
yield key
def items(self):
from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent
explicit = isinstance(self._system(), ExplicitComponent)
for key, meta in self._subjacs_info.items():
if explicit and key[0] == key[1]:
rows = meta['rows']
if rows is None:
yield key, meta['val']
elif 'directional' in meta:
yield key, np.atleast_2d(meta['val']).T
dense = np.zeros(meta['shape'])
dense[rows, meta['cols']] = meta['val']
yield key, dense
def _setup_index_maps(self, system):
from openmdao.core.component import Component
if isinstance(system, Component):
local_opts = system._get_check_partial_options()
local_opts = None
for of, start, end, _, _ in system._jac_of_iter():
nrows = end - start
for wrt, wstart, wend, _, _, _ in system._jac_wrt_iter():
if local_opts:
loc_wrt = wrt.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
directional = (loc_wrt in local_opts and
directional = False
key = (of, wrt)
if key not in self._subjacs_info:
ncols = wend - wstart
# create subjacs_info objects for matrix_free systems that don't have them
self._subjacs_info[key] = {
'rows': None,
'cols': None,
'val': np.zeros((nrows, 1 if directional else ncols)),
elif directional:
shape = self._subjacs_info[key]['val'].shape
if shape[-1] != 1:
self._subjacs_info[key] = meta = self._subjacs_info[key].copy()
if len(shape) > 1:
meta['val'] = np.atleast_2d(meta['val'][:, 0]).T
meta['val'] = np.atleast_1d(meta['val'])
def set_col(self, system, icol, column):
Set a column of the jacobian.
The column is assumed to be the same size as a column of the jacobian.
If the column has any nonzero values that are outside of specified sparsity patterns for
any of the subjacs, the information will be saved in subjacs_info so we can report it
during the derivative test.
system : System
The system that owns this jacobian.
icol : int
Column index.
column : ndarray
Column value.
if self._col_varnames is None:
wrt = self._col_varnames[self._col2name_ind[icol]]
loc_idx = icol - self._col_var_offset[wrt] # local col index into subjacs
scratch = np.zeros(column.shape)
# If we are doing a directional derivative, then the sparsity will be violated.
# Skip sparsity check if that is the case.
options = system._get_check_partial_options()
loc_wrt = wrt.rpartition('.')[2]
directional = (options is not None and loc_wrt in options and
for of, start, end, _, _ in system._jac_of_iter():
key = (of, wrt)
if key in self._subjacs_info:
subjac = self._subjacs_info[key]
if subjac['cols'] is None:
if subjac['val'] is None: # can happen for matrix free comp
subjac['val'] = np.zeros(subjac['shape'])
subjac['val'][:, loc_idx] = column[start:end]
match_inds = np.nonzero(subjac['cols'] == loc_idx)[0]
if match_inds.size > 0:
row_inds = subjac['rows'][match_inds]
if subjac['val'] is None:
subjac['val'] = np.zeros(len(subjac['rows']))
subjac['val'][match_inds] = column[start:end][row_inds]
row_inds = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
if directional:
subjac['directional'] = True
arr = scratch[start:end]
arr[:] = column[start:end]
arr[row_inds] = 0. # zero out the rows that are covered by sparsity
nzs = np.where(np.abs(arr) > self._uncovered_threshold)[0]
if nzs.size > 0:
if 'uncovered_nz' not in subjac:
subjac['uncovered_nz'] = []
subjac['uncovered_threshold'] = self._uncovered_threshold
subjac['uncovered_nz'].extend(list(zip(nzs, loc_idx * np.ones_like(nzs))))