Driver for a simple genetic algorithm.
This is the Simple Genetic Algorithm implementation based on 2009 AAE550: MDO Lecture notes of
Prof. William A. Crossley.
This basic GA algorithm is compartmentalized into the GeneticAlgorithm class so that it can be
used in more complicated driver.
The following reference is only for the automatic population sizing:
Williams E.A., Crossley W.A. (1998) Empirically-Derived Population Size and Mutation Rate
Guidelines for a Genetic Algorithm with Uniform Crossover. In: Chawdhry P.K., Roy R., Pant R.K.
(eds) Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing. Springer, London.
The following reference is only for the penalty function:
Smith, A. E., Coit, D. W. (1995) Penalty functions. In: Handbook of Evolutionary Computation, 97(1).
The following reference is only for weighted sum multi-objective optimization:
Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J., Morris, A. J., van Tooren, M. J. L. (2015)
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Supported by Knowledge Based Engineering.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from pyDOE3 import lhs
except ModuleNotFoundError:
lhs = None
from openmdao.core.constants import INF_BOUND
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver, RecordingDebugging
from openmdao.utils.concurrent import concurrent_eval
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI
from openmdao.core.analysis_error import AnalysisError
[docs]class SimpleGADriver(Driver):
Driver for a simple genetic algorithm.
**kwargs : dict of keyword arguments
Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the Driver options.
_problem_comm : MPI.Comm or None
The MPI communicator for the Problem.
_concurrent_pop_size : int
Number of points to run concurrently when model is a parallel one.
_concurrent_color : int
Color of current rank when running a parallel model.
_desvar_idx : dict
Keeps track of the indices for each desvar, since GeneticAlgorithm sees an array of
design variables.
_ga : <GeneticAlgorithm>
Main genetic algorithm lies here.
_randomstate : np.random.RandomState, int
Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws.
_nfit : int
Number of successful function evaluations.
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize the SimpleGADriver driver.
if lhs is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires the 'pyDOE3' package, "
"which can be installed with one of the following commands:\n"
" pip install openmdao[doe]\n"
" pip install pyDOE3")
# What we support
self.supports['optimization'] = True
self.supports['integer_design_vars'] = True
self.supports['inequality_constraints'] = True
self.supports['equality_constraints'] = True
self.supports['multiple_objectives'] = True
# What we don't support yet
self.supports['two_sided_constraints'] = False
self.supports['linear_constraints'] = False
self.supports['simultaneous_derivatives'] = False
self.supports['active_set'] = False
self.supports['distributed_design_vars'] = False
self.supports._read_only = True
self._desvar_idx = {}
self._ga = None
# random state can be set for predictability during testing
if 'SimpleGADriver_seed' in os.environ:
self._randomstate = int(os.environ['SimpleGADriver_seed'])
self._randomstate = None
# Support for Parallel models.
self._concurrent_pop_size = 0
self._concurrent_color = 0
self._nfit = 0 # Number of successful function evaluations
def _declare_options(self):
Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method.
self.options.declare('bits', default={}, types=(dict),
desc='Number of bits of resolution. Default is an empty dict, where '
'every unspecified variable is assumed to be integer, and the number '
'of bits is calculated automatically. If you have a continuous var, '
'you should set a bits value as a key in this dictionary.')
self.options.declare('elitism', types=bool, default=True,
desc='If True, replace worst performing point with best from previous'
' generation each iteration.')
self.options.declare('gray', types=bool, default=False,
desc='If True, use Gray code for binary encoding. Gray coding makes'
' the binary representation of adjacent integers differ by one bit.')
self.options.declare('cross_bits', types=bool, default=False,
desc='If True, crossover swaps single bits instead the default'
' k-point crossover.')
self.options.declare('max_gen', default=100,
desc='Number of generations before termination.')
self.options.declare('pop_size', default=0,
desc='Number of points in the GA. Set to 0 and it will be computed '
'as four times the number of bits.')
self.options.declare('run_parallel', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set to True to execute the points in a generation in parallel.')
self.options.declare('procs_per_model', default=1, lower=1,
desc='Number of processors to give each model under MPI.')
self.options.declare('penalty_parameter', default=10., lower=0.,
desc='Penalty function parameter.')
self.options.declare('penalty_exponent', default=1.,
desc='Penalty function exponent.')
self.options.declare('Pc', default=0.1, lower=0., upper=1.,
desc='Crossover rate.')
self.options.declare('Pm', default=0.01, lower=0., upper=1., allow_none=True,
desc='Mutation rate.')
self.options.declare('multi_obj_weights', default={}, types=(dict),
desc='Weights of objectives for multi-objective optimization.'
'Weights are specified as a dictionary with the absolute names'
'of the objectives. The same weights for all objectives are assumed, '
'if not given.')
self.options.declare('multi_obj_exponent', default=1., lower=0.,
desc='Multi-objective weighting exponent.')
self.options.declare('compute_pareto', default=False, types=(bool, ),
desc='When True, compute a set of non-dominated points based on all '
'given objectives and update it each generation. The multi-objective '
'weight and exponents are ignored because the algorithm uses all '
'objective values instead of a composite.')
def _setup_driver(self, problem):
Prepare the driver for execution.
This is the final thing to run during setup.
problem : <Problem>
Pointer to the containing problem.
# check design vars and constraints for invalid bounds
for name, meta in self._designvars.items():
lower, upper = meta['lower'], meta['upper']
for param in (lower, upper):
if param is None or np.all(np.abs(param) >= INF_BOUND):
msg = (f"Invalid bounds for design variable '{name}'. When using "
f"{self.__class__.__name__}, values for both 'lower' and 'upper' "
f"must be specified between +/-INF_BOUND ({INF_BOUND}), "
f"but they are: lower={lower}, upper={upper}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
for name, meta in self._cons.items():
equals, lower, upper = meta['equals'], meta['lower'], meta['upper']
if ((equals is None or np.all(np.abs(equals) >= INF_BOUND)) and
(lower is None or np.all(np.abs(lower) >= INF_BOUND)) and
(upper is None or np.all(np.abs(upper) >= INF_BOUND))):
msg = (f"Invalid bounds for constraint '{name}'. "
f"When using {self.__class__.__name__}, the value for 'equals', "
f"'lower' or 'upper' must be specified between +/-INF_BOUND "
f"({INF_BOUND}), but they are: "
f"equals={equals}, lower={lower}, upper={upper}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
model_mpi = None
comm = problem.comm
if self._concurrent_pop_size > 0:
model_mpi = (self._concurrent_pop_size, self._concurrent_color)
elif not self.options['run_parallel']:
comm = None
self._ga = GeneticAlgorithm(self.objective_callback, comm=comm, model_mpi=model_mpi)
def _setup_comm(self, comm):
Perform any driver-specific setup of communicators for the model.
Here, we generate the model communicators.
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None
The communicator for the Problem.
MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None
The communicator for the Problem model.
self._problem_comm = comm
procs_per_model = self.options['procs_per_model']
if MPI and self.options['run_parallel']:
full_size = comm.size
size = full_size // procs_per_model
if full_size != size * procs_per_model:
raise RuntimeError("The total number of processors is not evenly divisible by the "
"specified number of processors per model.\n Provide a "
"number of processors that is a multiple of %d, or "
"specify a number of processors per model that divides "
"into %d." % (procs_per_model, full_size))
color = comm.rank % size
model_comm = comm.Split(color)
# Everything we need to figure out which case to run.
self._concurrent_pop_size = size
self._concurrent_color = color
return model_comm
self._concurrent_pop_size = 0
self._concurrent_color = 0
return comm
def _setup_recording(self):
Set up case recording.
if MPI:
run_parallel = self.options['run_parallel']
procs_per_model = self.options['procs_per_model']
for recorder in self._rec_mgr:
if run_parallel:
# write cases only on procs up to the number of parallel models
# (i.e. on the root procs for the cases)
if procs_per_model == 1:
recorder.record_on_process = True
size = self._problem_comm.size // procs_per_model
if self._problem_comm.rank < size:
recorder.record_on_process = True
elif self._problem_comm.rank == 0:
# if not running cases in parallel, then just record on proc 0
recorder.record_on_process = True
def _get_name(self):
Get name of current Driver.
Name of current Driver.
return "SimpleGA"
[docs] def run(self):
Execute the genetic algorithm.
Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
model = self._problem().model
ga = self._ga
ga.elite = self.options['elitism']
ga.gray_code = self.options['gray']
ga.cross_bits = self.options['cross_bits']
pop_size = self.options['pop_size']
max_gen = self.options['max_gen']
user_bits = self.options['bits']
compute_pareto = self.options['compute_pareto']
Pm = self.options['Pm'] # if None, it will be calculated in execute_ga()
Pc = self.options['Pc']
if compute_pareto:
self._ga.nobj = len(self._objs)
# Size design variables.
desvars = self._designvars
desvar_vals = self.get_design_var_values()
count = 0
for name, meta in desvars.items():
if name in self._designvars_discrete:
val = desvar_vals[name]
if np.ndim(val) == 0:
size = 1
size = len(val)
size = meta['size']
self._desvar_idx[name] = (count, count + size)
count += size
lower_bound = np.empty((count, ))
upper_bound = np.empty((count, ))
outer_bound = np.full((count, ), np.inf)
bits = np.empty((count, ), dtype=np.int_)
x0 = np.empty(count)
# Figure out bounds vectors and initial design vars
for name, meta in desvars.items():
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
lower_bound[i:j] = meta['lower']
upper_bound[i:j] = meta['upper']
x0[i:j] = desvar_vals[name]
# Bits of resolution
abs2prom = model._var_abs2prom['output']
for name, meta in desvars.items():
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
if name in abs2prom:
prom_name = abs2prom[name]
prom_name = name
if name in user_bits:
val = user_bits[name]
elif prom_name in user_bits:
val = user_bits[prom_name]
# If the user does not declare a bits for this variable, we assume they want it to
# be encoded as an integer. Encoding requires a power of 2 in the range, so we need
# to pad additional values above the upper range, and adjust accordingly. Design
# points with values above the upper bound will be discarded by the GA.
log_range = np.log2(upper_bound[i:j] - lower_bound[i:j] + 1)
val = log_range # default case -- no padding required
mask = log_range % 2 > 0 # mask for vars requiring padding
val[mask] = np.ceil(log_range[mask])
outer_bound[i:j][mask] = upper_bound[i:j][mask]
upper_bound[i:j][mask] = 2**np.ceil(log_range[mask]) - 1 + lower_bound[i:j][mask]
bits[i:j] = val
# Automatic population size.
if pop_size == 0:
pop_size = 4 * np.sum(bits)
desvar_new, obj, self._nfit = ga.execute_ga(x0, lower_bound, upper_bound, outer_bound,
bits, pop_size, max_gen,
self._randomstate, Pm, Pc)
if compute_pareto:
# Just save the non-dominated points.
self.desvar_nd = desvar_new
self.obj_nd = obj
# Pull optimal parameters back into framework and re-run, so that
# framework is left in the right final state
for name in desvars:
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
val = desvar_new[i:j]
self.set_design_var(name, val)
with RecordingDebugging(self._get_name(), self.iter_count, self) as rec:
rec.abs = 0.0
rec.rel = 0.0
self.iter_count += 1
return False
[docs] def objective_callback(self, x, icase):
Evaluate problem objective at the requested point.
In case of multi-objective optimization, a simple weighted sum method is used:
.. math::
f = (\sum_{k=1}^{N_f} w_k \cdot f_k)^a
where :math:`N_f` is the number of objectives and :math:`a>0` is an exponential
weight. Choosing :math:`a=1` is equivalent to the conventional weighted sum method.
The weights given in the options are normalized, so:
.. math::
\sum_{k=1}^{N_f} w_k = 1
If one of the objectives :math:`f_k` is not a scalar, its elements will have the same
weights, and it will be normed with length of the vector.
Takes into account constraints with a penalty function.
All constraints are converted to the form of :math:`g_i(x) \leq 0` for
inequality constraints and :math:`h_i(x) = 0` for equality constraints.
The constraint vector for inequality constraints is the following:
.. math::
g = [g_1, g_2 \dots g_N], g_i \in R^{N_{g_i}}
h = [h_1, h_2 \dots h_N], h_i \in R^{N_{h_i}}
The number of all constraints:
.. math::
N_g = \sum_{i=1}^N N_{g_i}, N_h = \sum_{i=1}^N N_{h_i}
The fitness function is constructed with the penalty parameter :math:`p`
and the exponent :math:`\kappa`:
.. math::
\Phi(x) = f(x) + p \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{N^g}(\delta_k \cdot g_k)^{\kappa}
+ p \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{N^h}|h_k|^{\kappa}
where :math:`\delta_k = 0` if :math:`g_k` is satisfied, 1 otherwise
.. note::
The values of :math:`\kappa` and :math:`p` can be defined as driver options.
x : ndarray
Value of design variables.
icase : int
Case number, used for identification when run in parallel.
Objective value.
Success flag, True if successful.
Case number, used for identification when run in parallel.
model = self._problem().model
success = 1
objs = self.get_objective_values()
nr_objectives = len(objs)
# Single objective, if there is only one objective, which has only one element
if nr_objectives > 1:
is_single_objective = False
for obj in objs.items():
is_single_objective = len(obj) == 1
obj_exponent = self.options['multi_obj_exponent']
if self.options['multi_obj_weights']: # not empty
obj_weights = self.options['multi_obj_weights']
# Same weight for all objectives, if not specified
obj_weights = {name: 1. for name in objs.keys()}
sum_weights = sum(obj_weights.values())
for name in self._designvars:
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
self.set_design_var(name, x[i:j])
# a very large number, but smaller than the result of nan_to_num in Numpy
almost_inf = INF_BOUND
# Execute the model
with RecordingDebugging(self._get_name(), self.iter_count, self) as rec:
self.iter_count += 1
# Tell the optimizer that this is a bad point.
except AnalysisError:
success = 0
obj_values = self.get_objective_values()
if is_single_objective: # Single objective optimization
for i in obj_values.values():
obj = i # First and only key in the dict
elif self.options['compute_pareto']:
obj = np.array([val for val in obj_values.values()]).flatten()
else: # Multi-objective optimization with weighted sums
weighted_objectives = np.array([])
for name, val in obj_values.items():
# element-wise multiplication with scalar
# takes the average, if an objective is a vector
weighted_obj = val * obj_weights[name] / val.size
except KeyError:
msg = ('Name "{}" in "multi_obj_weights" option '
'is not an absolute name of an objective.')
raise KeyError(msg.format(name))
weighted_objectives = np.hstack((weighted_objectives, weighted_obj))
obj = sum(weighted_objectives / sum_weights)**obj_exponent
# Parameters of the penalty method
penalty = self.options['penalty_parameter']
exponent = self.options['penalty_exponent']
if penalty == 0:
fun = obj
constraint_violations = np.array([])
for name, val in self.get_constraint_values().items():
con = self._cons[name]
# The not used fields will either None or a very large number
if (con['lower'] is not None) and np.any(con['lower'] > -almost_inf):
diff = val - con['lower']
violation = np.array([0. if d >= 0 else abs(d) for d in diff])
elif (con['upper'] is not None) and np.any(con['upper'] < almost_inf):
diff = val - con['upper']
violation = np.array([0. if d <= 0 else abs(d) for d in diff])
elif (con['equals'] is not None) and np.any(np.abs(con['equals']) < almost_inf):
diff = val - con['equals']
violation = np.absolute(diff)
constraint_violations = np.hstack((constraint_violations, violation))
fun = obj + penalty * sum(np.power(constraint_violations, exponent))
# Record after getting obj to assure they have
# been gathered in MPI.
rec.abs = 0.0
rec.rel = 0.0
# print("Functions calculated")
# print(x)
# print(obj)
return fun, success, icase
[docs]class GeneticAlgorithm(object):
Simple Genetic Algorithm.
This is the Simple Genetic Algorithm implementation based on 2009 AAE550: MDO Lecture notes of
Prof. William A. Crossley. It can be used standalone or as part of the OpenMDAO Driver.
objfun : function
Objective callback function.
comm : MPI communicator or None
The MPI communicator that will be used objective evaluation for each generation.
model_mpi : None or tuple
If the model in objfun is also parallel, then this will contain a tuple with the the
total number of population points to evaluate concurrently, and the color of the point
to evaluate on this rank.
comm : MPI communicator or None
The MPI communicator that will be used objective evaluation for each generation.
elite : bool
Elitism flag.
gray_code : bool
Gray code binary representation flag.
cross_bits : bool
Crossover swaps bits instead of tails flag. Swapping bits is similar to mutation,
so when used Pc should be increased and Pm reduced.
lchrom : int
Chromosome length.
model_mpi : None or tuple
If the model in objfun is also parallel, then this will contain a tuple with the the
total number of population points to evaluate concurrently, and the color of the point
to evaluate on this rank.
nobj : int
Number of objectives.
npop : int
Population size.
objfun : function
Objective function callback.
[docs] def __init__(self, objfun, comm=None, model_mpi=None):
Initialize genetic algorithm object.
if lhs is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires the 'pyDOE3' package, "
"which can be installed with one of the following commands:\n"
" pip install openmdao[doe]\n"
" pip install pyDOE3")
self.objfun = objfun
self.comm = comm
self.lchrom = 0
self.npop = 0
self.nobj = 1
self.elite = True
self.gray_code = False
self.cross_bits = False
self.model_mpi = model_mpi
[docs] def execute_ga(self, x0, vlb, vub, vob, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state, Pm=None, Pc=0.5):
Perform the genetic algorithm.
x0 : ndarray
Initial design values.
vlb : ndarray
Lower bounds array.
vub : ndarray
Upper bounds array. This includes over-allocation so that every point falls on an
integer value.
vob : ndarray
Outer bounds array. This is purely for bounds check.
bits : ndarray
Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector.
pop_size : int
Number of points in the population.
max_gen : int
Number of generations to run the GA.
random_state : np.random.RandomState, int
Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws.
Pm : float or None
Mutation rate.
Pc : float
Crossover rate.
Best design point.
Objective value at best design point.
Number of successful function evaluations.
comm = self.comm
nobj = self.nobj
self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits))
if nobj > 1:
xopt = []
fopt = []
# Needs to be divisible by number of objectives because of tournament selection
# strategy.
if np.mod(pop_size, nobj) > 0:
pop_size += nobj - np.mod(pop_size, nobj)
xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
fopt = np.inf
# Needs to be divisible by two because tournament selection pits one half of the
# population against the other half.
if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
pop_size += 1
self.npop = int(pop_size)
fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, nobj))
# If mutation rate is not provided as input
if Pm is None:
Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits))
elite = self.elite
new_gen = np.round(lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center',
new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)
# Main Loop
nfit = 0
for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen)
x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits)
# Evaluate fitness of points in this generation.
if comm is not None:
# Parallel
# Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
# and use it on all.
x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0)
cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)
if np.all(item - vob <= 0)]
# Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
# TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
extra = len(cases) % comm.size
if extra > 0:
for j in range(comm.size - extra):
results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm, allgather=True,
fitness[:] = np.inf
for result in results:
returns, traceback = result
if returns:
val, success, ii = returns
if success:
fitness[ii, :] = val
nfit += 1
# Print the traceback if it fails
print('A case failed:')
# Serial
for ii in range(self.npop):
x = x_pop[ii]
if np.any(x - vob > 0):
# Exceeded bounds for integer variables that are over-allocated.
success = False
fitness[ii, :], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0)
if success:
nfit += 1
fitness[ii, :] = np.inf
# Find Pareto front.
if nobj > 1:
xopt, fopt = self.eval_pareto(x_pop, fitness, xopt, fopt)
# Find best objective.
# Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from
# previous generation.
if elite and generation > 0:
max_index = np.argmax(fitness[:, 0])
old_gen[max_index] = min_gen # noqa: F821, min_gen initialized below
x_pop[max_index] = min_x # noqa: F821, min_x initialized below
fitness[max_index, 0] = min_fit # noqa: F821, min_fit initialized below
# Find best performing point in this generation.
min_fit = np.min(fitness)
min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
min_gen = old_gen[min_index] # noqa: F841, used above
min_x = x_pop[min_index]
if min_fit < fopt:
fopt = min_fit
xopt = min_x
# Evolve new generation.
if nobj > 1:
new_gen, new_obj = self.tournament_multi_obj(old_gen, fitness)
new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness[:, 0])
new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc)
new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm)
return xopt, fopt, nfit
[docs] def eval_pareto(self, x, obj, x_nd, obj_nd):
Produce a set of non dominated designs.
x : ndarray
Design points from new generation.
obj : ndarray
Objective values from new generation.
x_nd : ndarray
Non dominated design points from previous pareto evaluation.
obj_nd : ndarray
Non dominated objective values from previous pareto evaluation.
Nondominated design points.
Objective at nondominated design points.
if len(x_nd) > 1:
ypop = np.concatenate((np.array(obj_nd), obj), axis=0)
xpop = np.concatenate((x_nd, x), axis=0)
ypop = obj
xpop = x
n_pts = ypop.shape[0]
i = 0
pot_idx = np.arange(n_pts)
while i < len(ypop):
nd_point_mask = np.any(ypop < ypop[i, :], axis=1)
nd_point_mask[i] = True
# Remove dominated points
pot_idx = pot_idx[nd_point_mask]
ypop = ypop[nd_point_mask]
i = np.sum(nd_point_mask[:i]) + 1
return xpop[pot_idx, :], ypop
[docs] def tournament(self, old_gen, fitness):
Apply tournament selection and keep the best points.
old_gen : ndarray
Points in current generation.
fitness : ndarray
Objective value of each point.
New generation with best points.
new_gen = []
idx = np.array(range(0, self.npop - 1, 2))
for j in range(2):
old_gen, i_shuffled = self.shuffle(old_gen)
fitness = fitness[i_shuffled]
# Each point competes with its neighbor; save the best.
i_min = np.argmin(np.array([[fitness[idx]], [fitness[idx + 1]]]), axis=0)
selected = i_min + idx
return np.concatenate(np.array(new_gen), axis=1).reshape(old_gen.shape)
[docs] def tournament_multi_obj(self, old_gen, obj_val):
Apply tournament selection and keep the best points.
This method is used if there are multiple objectives and the non-dominated set is being
old_gen : ndarray
Points in current generation.
obj_val : ndarray
Objective value of each point.
New generation with best points.
Corresponding objective values.
nobj = self.nobj
npop = self.npop
nrow = npop // nobj
new_gen = []
new_obj = []
idx = np.array(range(0, npop - 1, nobj))
for j in np.arange(nobj):
old_gen, i_shuffled = self.shuffle(old_gen)
obj_val = obj_val[i_shuffled]
# Each point competes with its neighbor; save the best.
i_min = np.argmin(obj_val[:, j].reshape((nrow, nobj)), axis=1)
selected = i_min + idx
return np.concatenate(np.array(new_gen), axis=1).reshape(old_gen.shape), \
np.concatenate(np.array(new_obj), axis=1).reshape(obj_val.shape)
[docs] def crossover(self, old_gen, Pc):
Apply crossover to the current generation.
Crossover swaps tails (k-point crossover) of two adjacent genes.
old_gen : ndarray
Points in current generation.
Pc : float
Probability of crossover.
Current generation with crossovers applied.
new_gen = copy.deepcopy(old_gen)
num_sites = self.npop // 2
sites = np.random.rand(num_sites, self.lchrom)
idx, idy = np.where(sites < Pc)
for ii, jj in zip(idx, idy):
i = 2 * ii
j = i + 1
if self.cross_bits: # swap single bit
new_gen[i][jj] = old_gen[j][jj]
new_gen[j][jj] = old_gen[i][jj]
else: # swap remainder
new_gen[i][jj:] = old_gen[j][jj:]
new_gen[j][jj:] = old_gen[i][jj:]
return new_gen
[docs] def mutate(self, current_gen, Pm):
Apply mutations to the current generation.
A mutation flips the state of the gene from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0.
current_gen : ndarray
Points in current generation.
Pm : float
Probability of mutation.
Current generation with mutations applied.
temp = np.random.rand(self.npop, self.lchrom)
idx, idy = np.where(temp < Pm)
current_gen[idx, idy] = 1 - current_gen[idx, idy]
return current_gen
[docs] def shuffle(self, old_gen):
Shuffle (reorder) the points in the population.
Used in tournament selection.
old_gen : ndarray
Old population.
New shuffled population.
Index array that maps the shuffle from old to new.
temp = np.random.rand(self.npop)
index = np.argsort(temp)
return old_gen[index], index
[docs] def decode(self, gen, vlb, vub, bits):
Decode from binary array to real value array.
gen : ndarray
Population of points, encoded.
vlb : ndarray
Lower bound array.
vub : ndarray
Upper bound array.
bits : ndarray(dtype=int)
Number of bits for decoding.
Decoded design variable values.
pts = gen.copy()
if self.gray_code:
for i in range(np.shape(gen)[0]):
pts[i] = self.from_gray(gen[i])
num_desvar = len(bits)
interval = (vub - vlb) / (2**bits - 1)
x = np.empty((self.npop, num_desvar))
sbit = 0
ebit = 0
for jj in range(num_desvar):
exponents = 2**np.array(range(bits[jj] - 1, -1, -1))
ebit += bits[jj]
fact = exponents * (pts[:, sbit:ebit])
x[:, jj] = np.einsum('ij->i', fact) * interval[jj] + vlb[jj]
sbit = ebit
return x
[docs] def encode(self, x, vlb, vub, bits):
Encode array of real values to array of binary arrays.
The array of arrays represents a single population member.
x : ndarray
Design variable values.
vlb : ndarray
Lower bound array.
vub : ndarray
Upper bound array.
bits : ndarray(dtype=int)
Number of bits for decoding.
Single population member, encoded.
interval = (vub - vlb) / (2**bits - 1)
x = np.maximum(x, vlb)
x = np.minimum(x, vub)
x = np.round((x - vlb) / interval).astype(np.int_)
byte_str = [("0" * b + bin(i)[2:])[-b:] for i, b in zip(x, bits)]
result = np.array([int(c) for s in byte_str for c in s])
if self.gray_code:
result = self.to_gray(result)
return result
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_gray(g):
Convert a binary array representing a single population member to Gray code.
g : binary array
Normal binary array, e.g. np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).
Binary array using Gray code, e.g. np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]).
s = ''.join([str(x) for x in g]) # convert to binary string: '0010'
i = int(s, 2) # convert to Integer: 2
gi = i ^ (i >> 1) # compute gray code Integer: 3
gs = np.binary_repr(gi, len(g)) # convert to binary string: '0011'
return np.array([0 if q == '0' else 1 for q in gs]) # convert to np.array: [0, 0, 1, 1]
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_gray(g):
Convert a Gray coded binary array to normal binary coding.
The input and output arrays represent a single population member.
g : binary array
Gray coded binary array, e.g. np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]).
Binary array using normal coding, e.g. np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).
b = g.copy()
for i in range(1, len(g)):
prev = 1 if b[i - 1] == 0 else 0
b[i] = b[i - 1] if g[i] == 0 else prev
return b