Driver for a differential evolution genetic algorithm.
TODO: add better references than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_evolution
Most of this driver (except execute_ga) is based on SimpleGA, so the following may still apply:
The following reference is only for the penalty function:
Smith, A. E., Coit, D. W. (1995) Penalty functions. In: Handbook of Evolutionary Computation, 97(1).
The following reference is only for weighted sum multi-objective optimization:
Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J., Morris, A. J., van Tooren, M. J. L. (2015)
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Supported by Knowledge Based Engineering.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from pyDOE3 import lhs
except ModuleNotFoundError:
lhs = None
from openmdao.core.constants import INF_BOUND
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver, RecordingDebugging
from openmdao.utils.concurrent import concurrent_eval
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI
from openmdao.core.analysis_error import AnalysisError
[docs]class DifferentialEvolutionDriver(Driver):
Driver for a differential evolution genetic algorithm.
This algorithm requires that inputs are floating point numbers.
**kwargs : dict of keyword arguments
Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the Driver options.
_problem_comm : MPI.Comm or None
The MPI communicator for the Problem.
_concurrent_pop_size : int
Number of points to run concurrently when model is a parallel one.
_concurrent_color : int
Color of current rank when running a parallel model.
_desvar_idx : dict
Keeps track of the indices for each desvar, since DifferentialEvolution sees an array of
design variables.
_ga : <DifferentialEvolution>
Main genetic algorithm lies here.
_nfit : int
Number of successful function evaluations.
_randomstate : int
Seed-number which controls the random draws.
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize the DifferentialEvolutionDriver driver.
if lhs is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires the 'pyDOE3' package, "
"which can be installed with one of the following commands:\n"
" pip install openmdao[doe]\n"
" pip install pyDOE3")
# What we support
self.supports['optimization'] = True
self.supports['inequality_constraints'] = True
self.supports['equality_constraints'] = True
self.supports['multiple_objectives'] = True
# What we don't support yet
self.supports['integer_design_vars'] = False
self.supports['two_sided_constraints'] = False
self.supports['linear_constraints'] = False
self.supports['simultaneous_derivatives'] = False
self.supports['active_set'] = False
self.supports['distributed_design_vars'] = False
self.supports._read_only = True
self._desvar_idx = {}
self._ga = None
self._nfit = 0
# random state can be set for predictability during testing
if 'DifferentialEvolutionDriver_seed' in os.environ:
self._randomstate = int(os.environ['DifferentialEvolutionDriver_seed'])
self._randomstate = None
# Support for Parallel models.
self._concurrent_pop_size = 0
self._concurrent_color = 0
def _declare_options(self):
Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method.
self.options.declare('max_gen', default=100,
desc='Number of generations before termination.')
self.options.declare('pop_size', default=0,
desc='Number of points in the GA. Set to 0 and it will be computed '
'as 20 times the total number of inputs.')
self.options.declare('run_parallel', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set to True to execute the points in a generation in parallel.')
self.options.declare('procs_per_model', default=1, lower=1,
desc='Number of processors to give each model under MPI.')
self.options.declare('penalty_parameter', default=10., lower=0.,
desc='Penalty function parameter.')
self.options.declare('penalty_exponent', default=1.,
desc='Penalty function exponent.')
self.options.declare('Pc', default=0.9, lower=0., upper=1.,
desc='Crossover probability.')
self.options.declare('F', default=0.9, lower=0., upper=1., allow_none=True,
desc='Differential rate.')
self.options.declare('multi_obj_weights', default={}, types=(dict),
desc='Weights of objectives for multi-objective optimization.'
'Weights are specified as a dictionary with the absolute names'
'of the objectives. The same weights for all objectives are assumed, '
'if not given.')
self.options.declare('multi_obj_exponent', default=1., lower=0.,
desc='Multi-objective weighting exponent.')
def _setup_driver(self, problem):
Prepare the driver for execution.
This is the final thing to run during setup.
problem : <Problem>
Pointer to the containing problem.
# check design vars and constraints for invalid bounds
for name, meta in self._designvars.items():
lower, upper = meta['lower'], meta['upper']
for param in (lower, upper):
if param is None or np.all(np.abs(param) >= INF_BOUND):
msg = (f"Invalid bounds for design variable '{name}'. When using "
f"{self.__class__.__name__}, values for both 'lower' and 'upper' "
f"must be specified between +/-INF_BOUND ({INF_BOUND}), "
f"but they are: lower={lower}, upper={upper}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
for name, meta in self._cons.items():
equals, lower, upper = meta['equals'], meta['lower'], meta['upper']
if ((equals is None or np.all(np.abs(equals) >= INF_BOUND)) and
(lower is None or np.all(np.abs(lower) >= INF_BOUND)) and
(upper is None or np.all(np.abs(upper) >= INF_BOUND))):
msg = (f"Invalid bounds for constraint '{name}'. "
f"When using {self.__class__.__name__}, the value for 'equals', "
f"'lower' or 'upper' must be specified between +/-INF_BOUND "
f"({INF_BOUND}), but they are: "
f"equals={equals}, lower={lower}, upper={upper}.")
raise ValueError(msg)
model_mpi = None
comm = problem.comm
if self._concurrent_pop_size > 0:
model_mpi = (self._concurrent_pop_size, self._concurrent_color)
elif not self.options['run_parallel']:
comm = None
self._ga = DifferentialEvolution(self.objective_callback, comm=comm, model_mpi=model_mpi)
def _setup_comm(self, comm):
Perform any driver-specific setup of communicators for the model.
Here, we generate the model communicators.
comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None
The communicator for the Problem.
MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None
The communicator for the Problem model.
self._problem_comm = comm
procs_per_model = self.options['procs_per_model']
if MPI and self.options['run_parallel']:
full_size = comm.size
size = full_size // procs_per_model
if full_size != size * procs_per_model:
raise RuntimeError("The total number of processors is not evenly divisible by the "
"specified number of processors per model.\n Provide a "
"number of processors that is a multiple of %d, or "
"specify a number of processors per model that divides "
"into %d." % (procs_per_model, full_size))
color = comm.rank % size
model_comm = comm.Split(color)
# Everything we need to figure out which case to run.
self._concurrent_pop_size = size
self._concurrent_color = color
return model_comm
self._concurrent_pop_size = 0
self._concurrent_color = 0
return comm
def _setup_recording(self):
Set up case recording.
if MPI:
run_parallel = self.options['run_parallel']
procs_per_model = self.options['procs_per_model']
for recorder in self._rec_mgr:
if run_parallel:
# write cases only on procs up to the number of parallel models
# (i.e. on the root procs for the cases)
if procs_per_model == 1:
recorder.record_on_process = True
size = self._problem_comm.size // procs_per_model
if self._problem_comm.rank < size:
recorder.record_on_process = True
elif self._problem_comm.rank == 0:
# if not running cases in parallel, then just record on proc 0
recorder.record_on_process = True
def _get_name(self):
Get name of current Driver.
Name of current Driver.
return "DifferentialEvolution"
[docs] def run(self):
Execute the genetic algorithm.
Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
ga = self._ga
pop_size = self.options['pop_size']
max_gen = self.options['max_gen']
F = self.options['F']
Pc = self.options['Pc']
# Size design variables.
desvars = self._designvars
desvar_vals = self.get_design_var_values()
count = 0
for name, meta in desvars.items():
size = meta['size']
self._desvar_idx[name] = (count, count + size)
count += size
lower_bound = np.empty((count, ))
upper_bound = np.empty((count, ))
x0 = np.empty(count)
# Figure out bounds vectors and initial design vars
for name, meta in desvars.items():
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
lower_bound[i:j] = meta['lower']
upper_bound[i:j] = meta['upper']
x0[i:j] = desvar_vals[name]
# Automatic population size.
if pop_size == 0:
pop_size = 20 * count
desvar_new, obj, self._nfit = ga.execute_ga(x0, lower_bound, upper_bound,
pop_size, max_gen,
self._randomstate, F, Pc)
# Pull optimal parameters back into framework and re-run, so that
# framework is left in the right final state
for name in desvars:
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
val = desvar_new[i:j]
self.set_design_var(name, val)
with RecordingDebugging(self._get_name(), self.iter_count, self) as rec:
rec.abs = 0.0
rec.rel = 0.0
self.iter_count += 1
return False
[docs] def objective_callback(self, x, icase):
Evaluate problem objective at the requested point.
In case of multi-objective optimization, a simple weighted sum method is used:
.. math::
f = (\sum_{k=1}^{N_f} w_k \cdot f_k)^a
where :math:`N_f` is the number of objectives and :math:`a>0` is an exponential
weight. Choosing :math:`a=1` is equivalent to the conventional weighted sum method.
The weights given in the options are normalized, so:
.. math::
\sum_{k=1}^{N_f} w_k = 1
If one of the objectives :math:`f_k` is not a scalar, its elements will have the same
weights, and it will be normed with length of the vector.
Takes into account constraints with a penalty function.
All constraints are converted to the form of :math:`g_i(x) \leq 0` for
inequality constraints and :math:`h_i(x) = 0` for equality constraints.
The constraint vector for inequality constraints is the following:
.. math::
g = [g_1, g_2 \dots g_N], g_i \in R^{N_{g_i}}
h = [h_1, h_2 \dots h_N], h_i \in R^{N_{h_i}}
The number of all constraints:
.. math::
N_g = \sum_{i=1}^N N_{g_i}, N_h = \sum_{i=1}^N N_{h_i}
The fitness function is constructed with the penalty parameter :math:`p`
and the exponent :math:`\kappa`:
.. math::
\Phi(x) = f(x) + p \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{N^g}(\delta_k \cdot g_k)^{\kappa}
+ p \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{N^h}|h_k|^{\kappa}
where :math:`\delta_k = 0` if :math:`g_k` is satisfied, 1 otherwise
.. note::
The values of :math:`\kappa` and :math:`p` can be defined as driver options.
x : ndarray
Value of design variables.
icase : int
Case number, used for identification when run in parallel.
Objective value.
Success flag, True if successful.
Case number, used for identification when run in parallel.
model = self._problem().model
success = 1
objs = self.get_objective_values()
nr_objectives = len(objs)
# Single objective, if there is only one objective, which has only one element
if nr_objectives > 1:
is_single_objective = False
for obj in objs.items():
is_single_objective = len(obj) == 1
obj_exponent = self.options['multi_obj_exponent']
if self.options['multi_obj_weights']: # not empty
obj_weights = self.options['multi_obj_weights']
# Same weight for all objectives, if not specified
obj_weights = {name: 1. for name in objs.keys()}
sum_weights = sum(obj_weights.values())
for name in self._designvars:
i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
self.set_design_var(name, x[i:j])
# a very large number, but smaller than the result of nan_to_num in Numpy
almost_inf = INF_BOUND
# Execute the model
with RecordingDebugging(self._get_name(), self.iter_count, self) as rec:
self.iter_count += 1
# Tell the optimizer that this is a bad point.
except AnalysisError:
success = 0
obj_values = self.get_objective_values()
if is_single_objective: # Single objective optimization
for i in obj_values.values():
obj = i # First and only key in the dict
else: # Multi-objective optimization with weighted sums
weighted_objectives = np.array([])
for name, val in obj_values.items():
# element-wise multiplication with scalar
# takes the average, if an objective is a vector
weighted_obj = val * obj_weights[name] / val.size
except KeyError:
msg = ('Name "{}" in "multi_obj_weights" option '
'is not an absolute name of an objective.')
raise KeyError(msg.format(name))
weighted_objectives = np.hstack((weighted_objectives, weighted_obj))
obj = sum(weighted_objectives / sum_weights)**obj_exponent
# Parameters of the penalty method
penalty = self.options['penalty_parameter']
exponent = self.options['penalty_exponent']
if penalty == 0:
fun = obj
constraint_violations = np.array([])
for name, val in self.get_constraint_values().items():
con = self._cons[name]
# The not used fields will either None or a very large number
if (con['lower'] is not None) and np.any(con['lower'] > -almost_inf):
diff = val - con['lower']
violation = np.array([0. if d >= 0 else abs(d) for d in diff])
elif (con['upper'] is not None) and np.any(con['upper'] < almost_inf):
diff = val - con['upper']
violation = np.array([0. if d <= 0 else abs(d) for d in diff])
elif (con['equals'] is not None) and np.any(np.abs(con['equals']) < almost_inf):
diff = val - con['equals']
violation = np.absolute(diff)
constraint_violations = np.hstack((constraint_violations, violation))
fun = obj + penalty * sum(np.power(constraint_violations, exponent))
# Record after getting obj to assure they have
# been gathered in MPI.
rec.abs = 0.0
rec.rel = 0.0
return fun, success, icase
[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(object):
Differential Evolution Genetic Algorithm.
TODO : add better references than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_evolution
objfun : function
Objective callback function.
comm : MPI communicator or None
The MPI communicator that will be used objective evaluation for each generation.
model_mpi : None or tuple
If the model in objfun is also parallel, then this will contain a tuple with the the
total number of population points to evaluate concurrently, and the color of the point
to evaluate on this rank.
comm : MPI communicator or None
The MPI communicator that will be used objective evaluation for each generation.
lchrom : int
Chromosome length.
model_mpi : None or tuple
If the model in objfun is also parallel, then this will contain a tuple with the the
total number of population points to evaluate concurrently, and the color of the point
to evaluate on this rank.
npop : int
Population size.
objfun : function
Objective function callback.
[docs] def __init__(self, objfun, comm=None, model_mpi=None):
Initialize genetic algorithm object.
if lhs is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires the 'pyDOE3' package, "
"which can be installed with one of the following commands:\n"
" pip install openmdao[doe]\n"
" pip install pyDOE3")
self.objfun = objfun
self.comm = comm
self.lchrom = 0
self.npop = 0
self.model_mpi = model_mpi
[docs] def execute_ga(self, x0, vlb, vub, pop_size, max_gen, random_state, F=0.5, Pc=0.5):
Perform the genetic algorithm.
x0 : ndarray
Initial design values.
vlb : ndarray
Lower bounds array.
vub : ndarray
Upper bounds array.
pop_size : int
Number of points in the population.
max_gen : int
Number of generations to run the GA.
random_state : int
Seed-number which controls the random draws.
F : float
Differential rate.
Pc : float
Crossover rate.
Best design point.
Objective value at best design point.
Number of successful function evaluations.
comm = self.comm
xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
fopt = np.inf
self.lchrom = len(x0)
if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
pop_size += 1
self.npop = int(pop_size)
if self.comm is not None and self.comm.size > 1:
if random_state is None:
# if no random_state is given, generate one on rank 0 and broadcast it to all
# ranks. Because we add the rank to the starting random state, no ranks will
# have the same seed.
rng = np.random.default_rng()
random_state = rng.integers(2**31) # Must be less than 2^32-1
if self.comm.rank == 0:
self.comm.bcast(random_state, root=0)
random_state = self.comm.bcast(None, root=0)
# add rank to ensure different seed in each MPI process
seed = random_state + self.comm.rank
seed = random_state
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# create LHS initial population (scaled to bounds) + user initial condition
population = lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop - 1, criterion='center', random_state=seed)
population = population * (vub - vlb) + vlb # scale to bounds
population = np.vstack((population, x0))
fitness = np.ones(self.npop) * np.inf # initialize fitness to infinitely bad
# Main Loop
nfit = 0
for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
# Evaluate fitness of points in this generation
if comm is not None: # Parallel
# Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
# and use it on all.
population = comm.bcast(population, root=0)
cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(population)]
# Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
# TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
extra = len(cases) % comm.size
if extra > 0:
for j in range(comm.size - extra):
results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm,
allgather=True, model_mpi=self.model_mpi)
fitness[:] = np.inf
for result in results:
returns, traceback = result
if returns:
val, success, ii = returns
if success:
fitness[ii] = val
nfit += 1
# Print the traceback if it fails
print('A case failed:')
else: # Serial
for ii in range(self.npop):
fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(population[ii], 0)
nfit += 1
# Find best performing point in this generation.
min_fit = np.min(fitness)
min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
min_gen = population[min_index]
# Update overall best.
if min_fit < fopt:
fopt = min_fit
xopt = min_gen
if generation == max_gen: # finished
# Selection: new generation members replace parents, if better (implied elitism)
if generation == 0:
parentPop = copy.deepcopy(population)
parentFitness = copy.deepcopy(fitness)
for ii in range(self.npop):
if fitness[ii] < parentFitness[ii]: # if child is better, else parent unchanged
parentPop[ii] = population[ii]
parentFitness[ii] = fitness[ii]
# Evolve new generation.
population = np.zeros(np.shape(parentPop))
fitness = np.ones(self.npop) * np.inf
for ii in range(self.npop):
# randomly select 3 different population members other than the current choice
a, b, c = ii, ii, ii
while a == ii:
a = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
while b == ii or b == a:
b = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
while c == ii or c == a or c == b:
c = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
# randomly select chromosome index for forced crossover
r = rng.integers(0, self.lchrom)
# crossover and mutation
population[ii] = parentPop[ii] # start the same as parent
# clip mutant so that it cannot be outside the bounds
mutant = np.clip(parentPop[a] + F * (parentPop[b] - parentPop[c]), vlb, vub)
# sometimes replace parent's feature with mutant's
rr = rng.random(self.lchrom)
idx = np.where(rr < Pc)
population[ii][idx] = mutant[idx]
population[ii][r] = mutant[r] # always replace at least one with mutant's
return xopt, fopt, nfit