Source code for openmdao.core.parallel_group

"""Define the ParallelGroup class."""

from import Group
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning

[docs]class ParallelGroup(Group): """ Class used to group systems together to be executed in parallel. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Dict of arguments available here and in all descendants of this Group. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Set the mpi_proc_allocator option to 'parallel'. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel = True
def _configure(self): """ Configure our model recursively to assign any children settings. Highest system's settings take precedence. """ super()._configure() if self.comm.size > 1: self._has_guess = any(self.comm.allgather(self._has_guess)) def _get_sys_promotion_tree(self, tree): tree = super()._get_sys_promotion_tree(tree) if self.comm.size > 1: prefix = self.pathname + '.' if self.pathname else '' subtree = {n: data for n, data in tree.items() if n.startswith(prefix)} for sub in self.comm.allgather(subtree): # TODO: make this more efficient for n, data in sub.items(): if n not in tree: tree[n] = data return tree def _ordered_comp_name_iter(self): """ Yield contained component pathnames in order of execution. For components within ParallelGroups, true execution order is unknown so components will be ordered by rank within a ParallelGroup. """ if self.comm.size > 1: names = [] for s in self._subsystems_myproc: if isinstance(s, Group): names.extend(s._ordered_comp_name_iter()) else: names.append(s.pathname) seen = set() for ranknames in self.comm.allgather(names): for name in ranknames: if name not in seen: yield name seen.add(name) else: yield from super()._ordered_comp_name_iter() def _check_order(self, reorder=True, recurse=True, out_of_order=None): """ Check if auto ordering is needed and if so, set the order appropriately. Parameters ---------- reorder : bool If True, reorder the subsystems based on the new order. Otherwise just return the out-of-order connections. recurse : bool If True, call this method on all subgroups. out_of_order : dict Lists of out-of-order connections keyed by group pathname. Returns ------- dict Lists of out-of-order connections keyed by group pathname. """ if self.options['auto_order']: issue_warning("auto_order is not supported in ParallelGroup. " "Ignoring auto_order option.", prefix=self.msginfo) if out_of_order is None: out_of_order = {} if recurse: for s in self._subgroups_myproc: s._check_order(reorder, recurse, out_of_order) return out_of_order
[docs] def comm_info_iter(self): """ Yield comm size and rank for this system and all subsystems. Yields ------ tuple A tuple of the form (abs_name, comm_size). """ if self.comm.size > 1: for info in self.comm.allgather(list(super().comm_info_iter())): yield from info else: yield from super().comm_info_iter()
def _declared_partials_iter(self): """ Iterate over all declared partials. Yields ------ key : tuple (of, wrt) Subjacobian key. """ if self.comm.size > 1: if self._gather_full_data(): gathered = self.comm.allgather(list(self._subjacs_info.keys())) else: gathered = self.comm.allgather([]) seen = set() for keylist in gathered: for key in keylist: if key not in seen: yield key seen.add(key) else: yield from super()._declared_partials_iter() def _get_missing_partials(self, missing): """ Store information about any missing partial derivatives in the 'missing' dict. Parameters ---------- missing : dict Dictionary containing list of missing derivatives (of, wrt) keyed by system pathname. """ if self.comm.size > 1: msng = {} super()._get_missing_partials(msng) if self._gather_full_data(): gathered = self.comm.allgather(msng) else: gathered = self.comm.allgather({}) seen = set() for rankdict in gathered: for sysname, mset in rankdict.items(): if sysname not in seen: missing[sysname] = mset seen.add(sysname) else: super()._get_missing_partials(missing) def _get_relevance_modifiers(self, grad_groups, always_opt_comps): """ Collect information from the model that will modify the relevance graph of the model. Parameters ---------- grad_groups : set Set of groups having nonlinear solvers that use gradients. always_opt_comps : set Set of components that are to be included in every iteration of the optimization, even if they aren't relevant in terms of data flow. """ if self.comm.size > 1: gg = set() aoc = set() super()._get_relevance_modifiers(gg, aoc) if self._gather_full_data(): gathered = self.comm.allgather((gg, aoc)) else: gathered = self.comm.allgather((set(), set())) for g, a in gathered: grad_groups.update(g) always_opt_comps.update(a) else: super()._get_relevance_modifiers(grad_groups, always_opt_comps)
[docs] def is_explicit(self): """ Return True if this Group contains only explicit systems and has no cycles. Returns ------- bool True if this is an explicit component. """ if self._is_explicit is None: self._is_explicit = super().is_explicit() if self.comm.size > 1: self._is_explicit = self.comm.allreduce(int(self._is_explicit)) > 0 return self._is_explicit
def _sys_tree_visitor(self, func, predicate=None, recurse=True, include_self=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply a function to all subsystems that satisfy a predicate. Parameters ---------- func : callable A callable that takes a System, args, and kwargs as arguments and returns an object. predicate : callable or None A callable that takes a System as its only argument and returns -1, 0, or 1. If it returns 1, apply the function to the system. If it returns 0, don't apply the function, but continue on to the system's subsystems. If it returns -1, don't apply the function and don't continue on to the system's subsystems. If predicate is None, the function is always applied. recurse : bool If True, function is applied to all subsystems of subsystems. include_self : bool If True, apply the function to the System itself. args : list Positional args to be passed to the callable. kwargs : dict Keyword args to be passed to the callable. Yields ------ object The result of the function called on each system. """ if self.comm.size > 1: lst = list(super()._sys_tree_visitor(func, predicate, recurse=recurse, include_self=include_self, *args, **kwargs)) if self._gather_full_data(): gathered = self.comm.allgather(lst) else: gathered = self.comm.allgather([]) for ranklist in gathered: for obj in ranklist: yield obj else: yield from super()._sys_tree_visitor(func, predicate, recurse=recurse, include_self=include_self, *args, **kwargs)