KS Function Component.
import numpy as np
from openmdao.core.explicitcomponent import ExplicitComponent
from openmdao.utils.units import valid_units
@conference {Martins:2005:SOU,
title = {On Structural Optimization Using Constraint Aggregation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary
year = {2005},
month = {May},
address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
author = {Joaquim R. R. A. Martins and Nicholas M. K. Poon}
[docs]def check_option(option, value):
Check option for validity.
option : str
The name of the option.
value : any
The value of the option.
if option == 'units' and value is not None and not valid_units(value):
raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid." % value)
[docs]class KSfunction(object):
Helper class for KSComp.
Helper class that can be used to aggregate constraint vectors with a
Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser Function.
def _compute_values(g, rho):
Compute values needed by the KS function for the given array of constraints.
g : ndarray
Array of constraint values, where negative means satisfied and positive means violated.
rho : float
Constraint Aggregation Factor.
g_max, g_diff, exponents and summation as needed by compute and derivates functions.
g_max = np.max(np.atleast_2d(g), axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis]
g_diff = g - g_max
exponents = np.exp(rho * g_diff)
summation = np.sum(exponents, axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis]
return g_max, g_diff, exponents, summation
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute(g, rho=50.0):
Compute the value of the KS function for the given array of constraints.
g : ndarray
Array of constraint values, where negative means satisfied and positive means violated.
rho : float
Constraint Aggregation Factor.
Value of KS function.
g_max, g_diff, exponents, summation = KSfunction._compute_values(g, rho)
KS = g_max + 1.0 / rho * np.log(summation)
return KS
[docs] @staticmethod
def derivatives(g, rho=50.0):
Compute elements of [dKS_gd, dKS_drho] for the given array of constraints.
g : ndarray
Array of constraint values, where negative means satisfied and positive means violated.
rho : float
Constraint Aggregation Factor.
Derivative of KS function with respect to parameter values.
g_max, g_diff, exponents, summation = KSfunction._compute_values(g, rho)
dsum_dg = rho * exponents
dKS_dsum = 1.0 / (rho * summation)
dKS_dg = dKS_dsum * dsum_dg
dsum_drho = np.sum(g_diff * exponents, axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis]
dKS_drho = dKS_dsum * dsum_drho
return dKS_dg, dKS_drho
[docs]class KSComp(ExplicitComponent):
KS function component.
Component that aggregates a number of functions to a single value via the
Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser Function. This new constraint is satisfied when it
is less than or equal to zero.
**kwargs : dict of keyword arguments
Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the Component options.
cite : str
Listing of relevant citations that should be referenced when publishing
work that uses this class.
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize the KS component.
self.cite = CITATIONS
self._no_check_partials = True
[docs] def initialize(self):
Declare options.
self.options.declare('width', types=int, default=1, desc='Width of constraint vector.')
self.options.declare('vec_size', types=int, default=1,
desc='The number of rows to independently aggregate.')
self.options.declare('minimum', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Return the minimum instead of the maximum by multiplying both '
'the inputs and output by -1. It is not recommended to use both '
'this option and the lower_flag option (it will return the '
'negative of the aggregated max.)')
self.options.declare('lower_flag', types=bool, default=False,
desc='Set to True to reverse sign of input constraints.')
self.options.declare('rho', 50.0, desc="Constraint Aggregation Factor.")
self.options.declare('upper', 0.0, desc="Upper bound for constraint, default is zero.")
self.options.declare('add_constraint', types=bool, default=False,
desc='If True, add a constraint on the resulting output of the KSComp.'
' If False, the user will be expected to add a constraint '
self.options.declare('units', types=str, allow_none=True, default=None,
desc='Units to be assigned to all variables in this component. '
'Default is None, which means variables are unitless.',
self.options.declare('scaler', types=(int, float), allow_none=True, default=None,
desc="Scaler for constraint, if added, default is one.")
self.options.declare('adder', types=(int, float), allow_none=True, default=None,
desc="Adder for constraint, if added, default is zero.")
self.options.declare('ref0', types=(int, float), allow_none=True, default=None,
desc="Zero-reference for constraint, if added, default is zero.")
self.options.declare('ref', types=(int, float), allow_none=True, default=None,
desc="Unit reference for constraint, if added, default is one.")
self.options.declare('parallel_deriv_color', types=str, allow_none=True, default=None,
desc='If specified, this design var will be grouped for parallel '
'derivative calculations with other variables sharing the same '
[docs] def setup(self):
Declare inputs, outputs, and derivatives for the KS component.
opts = self.options
width = opts['width']
vec_size = opts['vec_size']
units = opts['units']
# Inputs
self.add_input('g', shape=(vec_size, width), units=units,
desc="Array of function values to be aggregated")
# Outputs
self.add_output('KS', shape=(vec_size, 1), units=units,
desc="Value of the aggregate KS function")
if opts['add_constraint']:
self.add_constraint(name='KS', upper=0.0, scaler=opts['scaler'], adder=opts['adder'],
ref0=opts['ref0'], ref=opts['ref'],
rows = np.zeros(width, dtype=int)
cols = range(width)
rows = np.tile(rows, vec_size) + np.repeat(np.arange(vec_size), width)
cols = np.tile(cols, vec_size) + np.repeat(np.arange(vec_size), width) * width
self.declare_partials(of='KS', wrt='g', rows=rows, cols=cols)
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
Compute the output of the KS function.
inputs : `Vector`
`Vector` containing inputs.
outputs : `Vector`
`Vector` containing outputs.
opt = self.options
con_val = inputs['g'] - opt['upper']
if opt['lower_flag']:
con_val = -con_val
if opt['minimum']:
con_val = -con_val
ks_val = KSfunction.compute(con_val, opt['rho'])
if opt['minimum']:
ks_val = -ks_val
outputs['KS'] = ks_val
[docs] def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
Compute sub-jacobian parts. The model is assumed to be in an unscaled state.
inputs : Vector
Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key].
partials : Jacobian
Sub-jac components written to partials[output_name, input_name].
opt = self.options
con_val = inputs['g'] - opt['upper']
if opt['lower_flag']:
con_val = -con_val
if opt['minimum']:
con_val = -con_val
derivs = KSfunction.derivatives(con_val, opt['rho'])[0]
if self.options['lower_flag']:
derivs = -derivs
partials['KS', 'g'] = derivs.flatten()