Source code for openmdao.approximation_schemes.finite_difference

"""Finite difference derivative approximations."""
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from openmdao.approximation_schemes.approximation_scheme import ApproximationScheme, _is_group

    'forward': 1,
    'backward': 1,
    'central': 2,

def _generate_fd_coeff(form, order, system):
    Create an FDForm namedtuple containing the deltas, coefficients, and current coefficient.

    form : str
        Requested form of FD (e.g. 'forward', 'central', 'backward').
    order : int
        The order of accuracy of the requested FD scheme.
    system : System
        Containing system.

        namedtuple containing the 'deltas', 'coeffs', and 'current_coeff'. These deltas and
        coefficients need to be scaled by the step size.
    FDForm = namedtuple('FDForm', ['deltas', 'coeffs', 'current_coeff'])

    FD_COEFFS = {
        ('forward', 1): FDForm(deltas=np.array([1.0]),
        ('backward', 1): FDForm(deltas=np.array([-1.0]),
        ('central', 2): FDForm(deltas=np.array([1.0, -1.0]),
                               coeffs=np.array([0.5, -0.5]),

        fd_form = FD_COEFFS[form, order]
    except KeyError:
        # TODO: Automatically generate requested form and store in dict.
        raise ValueError('{}: Finite Difference form="{}" and order={} are not '
                         'supported'.format(system.msginfo, form, order))
    return fd_form

[docs]class FiniteDifference(ApproximationScheme): r""" Approximation scheme using finite differences to estimate derivatives. For example, using the 'forward' form with a step size of 'h' will approximate the derivative in the following way: .. math:: f'(x) = \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h} + O(h). Attributes ---------- _starting_outs : ndarray A copy of the starting outputs array used to restore the outputs to original values. _starting_ins : ndarray A copy of the starting inputs array used to restore the inputs to original values. _results_tmp : ndarray An array the same size as the system outputs. Used to store the results temporarily. """ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'step': 1e-6, 'form': 'forward', 'order': None, 'step_calc': 'abs', 'directional': False, 'minimum_step': 1e-12, }
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialize the ApproximationScheme. """ super().__init__() self._starting_ins = self._starting_outs = self._results_tmp = None
[docs] def add_approximation(self, abs_key, system, kwargs, vector=None): """ Use this approximation scheme to approximate the derivative d(of)/d(wrt). Parameters ---------- abs_key : tuple(str,str) Absolute name pairing of (of, wrt) for the derivative. system : System Containing System. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments, to be interpreted by sub-classes. vector : ndarray or None Direction for difference when using directional derivatives. """ options = self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy() options.update(kwargs) if options['order'] is None: # User-submitted options for method=='fd' are all checked here. form = options['form'] if form in DEFAULT_ORDER: options['order'] = DEFAULT_ORDER[options['form']] else: raise ValueError("{}: '{}' is not a valid form of finite difference; must be " "one of {}".format(system.msginfo, form, list(DEFAULT_ORDER.keys()))) step_calc = options['step_calc'] step_calcs = ['abs', 'rel', 'rel_legacy', 'rel_avg', 'rel_element'] if step_calc not in step_calcs: raise ValueError(f"{system.msginfo}: '{step_calc}' is not a valid setting for " f"step_calc; must be one of {step_calcs}.") elif options['directional'] and step_calc == 'rel_element': raise ValueError(f"{system.msginfo}: Option 'directional' is not supported when " "'step_calc' is set to 'rel_element.'") options['vector'] = vector wrt = abs_key[1] if wrt in self._wrt_meta: self._wrt_meta[wrt].update(options) else: self._wrt_meta[wrt] = options self._reset() # force later regen of approx_groups
def _get_approx_data(self, system, wrt, meta): """ Given approximation metadata, compute necessary deltas and coefficients. Parameters ---------- system : System System whose derivatives are being approximated. wrt : str Name of wrt variable. meta : dict Metadata dict. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of the form (deltas, coeffs, current_coeff) """ form = meta['form'] order = meta['order'] step = meta['step'] step_calc = meta['step_calc'] minimum_step = meta['minimum_step'] # FD forms are written as a collection of changes to inputs (deltas) and the associated # coefficients (coeffs). Since we do not need to (re)evaluate the current step, its # coefficient is stored seperately (current_coeff). For example, # f'(x) = (f(x+h) - f(x))/h + O(h) = 1/h * f(x+h) + (-1/h) * f(x) + O(h) # would be stored as deltas = [h], coeffs = [1/h], and current_coeff = -1/h. # A central second order accurate approximation for the first derivative would be stored # as deltas = [-2, -1, 1, 2] * h, coeffs = [1/12, -2/3, 2/3 , -1/12] * 1/h, # current_coeff = 0. fd_form = _generate_fd_coeff(form, order, system) if step_calc != 'abs': var_local = True if system._outputs._contains_abs(wrt): wrt_val = system._outputs._abs_get_val(wrt) elif system._inputs._contains_abs(wrt): wrt_val = system._inputs._abs_get_val(wrt) else: var_local = False if var_local: if step_calc == 'rel_legacy': step *= np.linalg.norm(wrt_val) if step < minimum_step: step = minimum_step elif step_calc == 'rel_avg' or step_calc == 'rel': step *= np.sum(np.abs(wrt_val)) / len(wrt_val) if step < minimum_step: step = minimum_step else: # 'rel_element' step = np.abs(wrt_val) * step idx_zero = np.where(step < minimum_step) if idx_zero: step[idx_zero] = minimum_step if step_calc == 'rel_element': step_divide = 1.0 / step deltas = np.outer(fd_form.deltas, step) coeffs = np.outer(fd_form.coeffs, step_divide) current_coeff = fd_form.current_coeff * step_divide else: deltas = fd_form.deltas * step coeffs = fd_form.coeffs / step current_coeff = fd_form.current_coeff / step return deltas, coeffs, current_coeff
[docs] def compute_approx_col_iter(self, system, under_cs=False): """ Execute the system to compute the approximate sub-Jacobians. Parameters ---------- system : System System on which the execution is run. under_cs : bool True if we're currently under complex step at a higher level. Yields ------ int column index ndarray solution array corresponding to the jacobian column at the given column index """ if not self._wrt_meta: return self._starting_outs = system._outputs.asarray(copy=True) self._starting_resids = system._residuals.asarray(copy=True) self._starting_ins = system._inputs.asarray(copy=True) if _is_group(system): # totals/semitotals self._results_tmp = self._starting_outs.copy() else: self._results_tmp = self._starting_resids.copy() # Turn on finite difference. system._set_finite_difference_mode(True) try: yield from self._compute_approx_col_iter(system, under_cs=under_cs) finally: # Turn off finite difference. system._set_finite_difference_mode(False) # reclaim some memory self._starting_ins = None self._starting_outs = None self._starting_resids = None self._results_tmp = None
def _get_multiplier(self, data): """ Return a multiplier to be applied to the jacobian. Always returns 1.0 for finite difference. Parameters ---------- data : tuple Not used. Returns ------- float 1.0 """ return 1.0 def _transform_result(self, array): """ Return the given array. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Result array after doing a finite difference. Returns ------- array The givan array, unchanged. """ return array.real def _run_point(self, system, idx_info, data, results_array, total, idx_range=range(1)): """ Alter the specified inputs by the given deltas, run the system, and return the results. Parameters ---------- system : System The system having its derivs approximated. idx_info : tuple of (Vector, ndarray of int) Tuple of wrt indices and corresponding data vector to perturb. data : tuple of float Tuple of the form (deltas, coeffs, current_coeff) results_array : ndarray Where the results will be stored. total : bool If True total derivatives are being approximated, else partials. idx_range : range Range of vector indices for this wrt variable. Returns ------- ndarray Copy of the outputs or residuals array after running the perturbed system. """ deltas, coeffs, current_coeff = data rel_element = False if isinstance(current_coeff, np.ndarray) and current_coeff.size > 0: # rel_element - each element has its own relative step. rel_element = True if current_coeff[0]: current_vec = system._outputs if total else system._residuals # copy data from outputs (if doing total derivs) or residuals (if doing partials) results_array[:] = current_vec.asarray() for vec, idxs in idx_info: if vec is not None and idxs is not None: results_array *= current_coeff[idxs - idx_range[0]] # We don't allow mixed fd forms, so first one is all we need. break else: results_array[:] = 0. elif not isinstance(current_coeff, np.ndarray) and current_coeff: current_vec = system._outputs if total else system._residuals # copy data from outputs (if doing total derivs) or residuals (if doing partials) results_array[:] = current_vec.asarray() results_array *= current_coeff else: results_array[:] = 0. # Run the Finite Difference for delta, coeff in zip(deltas, coeffs): results = self._run_sub_point(system, idx_info, delta, total, idx_range=idx_range, rel_element=rel_element) if rel_element: for vec, idxs in idx_info: if vec is not None and idxs is not None: results *= coeff[idxs - idx_range[0]] break else: results *= coeff results_array += results return results_array def _run_sub_point(self, system, idx_info, delta, total, idx_range, rel_element=False): """ Alter the specified inputs by the given delta, run the system, and return the results. Parameters ---------- system : System The system having its derivs approximated. idx_info : tuple of (Vector, ndarray of int) Tuple of wrt indices and corresponding data vector to perturb. delta : float Perturbation amount. total : bool If True total derivatives are being approximated, else partials. idx_range : range Range of vector indices for this wrt variable. rel_element : bool If True, then each element has a different delta. Returns ------- ndarray Copy of the outputs or residuals array after running the perturbed system. """ for vec, idxs in idx_info: if vec is not None and idxs is not None: # Support rel_element stepsizing if rel_element: local_delta = delta[idxs - idx_range[0]] else: local_delta = delta vec.iadd(local_delta, idxs) if total: system.run_solve_nonlinear() self._results_tmp[:] = system._outputs.asarray() else: system.run_apply_nonlinear() self._results_tmp[:] = system._residuals.asarray() system._residuals.set_val(self._starting_resids) # save results and restore starting inputs/outputs system._inputs.set_val(self._starting_ins) system._outputs.set_val(self._starting_outs) return self._results_tmp
[docs] def apply_directional(self, data, direction): """ Apply stepsize to direction and embed into approximation data. Parameters ---------- data : tuple Tuple contains step size, and other info. direction : ndarray Vector containing derivative direction. Returns ------- ndarray New tuple with new step direction. """ deltas, coeffs, current_coeff = data return (np.outer(np.atleast_1d(deltas), direction), coeffs, current_coeff)