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An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.

December 11, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO Version 0.9.2 Released

OpenMDAO version 0.9.2 has been released today.  This is again mostly a maintenance release, with a couple of small new features.  We want to thank our users for finding and submitting some great real-world bugs that have helped us greatly … Continue reading

December 5, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO Releases 0.9.1 Bugfix Release.

Check out the downloads section for the latest version of OpenMDAO from Thursday, December 5, 2013.  This release is mostly to fix several bugs/installation issues that cropped up as a result of the release of the major new functionality contained … Continue reading

November 13, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO 0.9.0 Brings Large Amounts of New Functionality

This release incorporates a brand new capability for calculating the gradient of your models based on the work of John Hwang and Dr. Joaquim Martins at the University of Michigan. This change was 5 months in the making and represents … Continue reading

October 10, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO on fedora

Some intrepid OpenMDAO user out there wrote up an install process for fedora linux builds. We don’t normally test on fedora machines, but we’re glad to hear it works on them!

October 9, 2013
by Justin Gray
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Hyperloop in OpenMDAO

Some of the OpenMDAO team worked on a Hyperloop model in their spare time. The initial results from the activity are pretty encouraging. Although not everything worked out as well as had been guessed in the original Tesla/Space-X proposal, it … Continue reading

August 27, 2013
by Justin Gray
Comments Off on Version 0.8.1 And Beyond

Version 0.8.1 And Beyond

OpenMDAO version 0.8.1 was released today. In it, there are several improvements to help with installation issues, significant improvements to the geometry viewer, and a few minor bug fixes. This is mostly a maintenance release for the framework, including a … Continue reading

July 29, 2013
by Justin Gray
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External Contribution from Dr. Young-Ki Lee

Dr. Young Ki Lee, of the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has earned the distinction of becoming the very first external contributor to the OpenMDAO project. Dr. Lee sent a pull request for a bug … Continue reading

July 20, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO v 0.8.0 released!

OpenMDAO version 0.8.0 has been released. There are several things of note that have happened in this release. This is a maintenance release focusing heavily on improving our installation process. Updating Dependencies A number of our dependencies were causing some … Continue reading

June 10, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO v0.7.0 released!

June 10th marks the release of OpenMDAO 0.7.0, which contains several new things of note, including a few backwards-incompatible changes, several important new features (some straight from the forums), and of course, a few bug fixes. Please stop by the … Continue reading

May 13, 2013
by Justin Gray
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OpenMDAO 0.6.2 bug-fix release

Today’s release of OpenMDAO, v0.6.2, is mostly put out as a bug-fix release. Issues addressed mostly bugs, specifically setting vartree values in the GUI. New features include the introduction of an early version of geometry visualization in the GUI. Drop … Continue reading

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