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An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.

V3.10 – OpenMDAO on Google Collab!

We revamped our docs based on jupyter notebooks, so you can run all our docs code on Google Collab. Just look for the rocket-ship icon in the upper right corner of a docs page!

That will take you to a live notebook of the same docs page so you can try things out in your browser without installing anything locally. Check out the paraboliod optimization example running in the cloud.

New features and APIs

V3.10 has a lot of new features, APIs, and some important deprecations. You can get all the details in the release notes, but here are the highlights.

  • Major redesign of the APIs for distributed components and variables. See POEM_046 for a lot of details. You now specify distributed independently on each variable.
  • We now use val everywhere (before there was a mix of val and value. The older keyword has been deprecated, which gives you a chance to update before the 4.0 release. See POEM_050.
  • An error is raised if you run check_partials and the same settings are used for both the approximated derivatives and the check.
    Note: We found a surprising number of cases where this was happening. The check is useless in this case. So You might get an new error, but you should be glad that you’re finding what is effectively a bug in your code.
  • You can now use “fancy” indices (i.e. multi-dimensional slices) for constraints
  • There is a new flag called under_finite_difference in components to tell you when you’re being finite-differenced (mirrors the existing under_complex_step flag)

New Logo

Have you noticed out new logo? Feel free to stamp it on any thing you like!

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