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An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.

Release of OpenMDAO 2.1.0

OpenMDAO 2.1.0 was released today. Documentation for this version can be found here. If you have any trouble with the release, feel free to contact us for support via our Stack Overflow tag, “openmdao.”

Here are the release notes for 2.1.0:

New Features:
– Configure setup hook allowing changing of solver settings after hierarchy tree is instantiated.
– Component metadata system for specifying init_args with error checking.
– Parallel Groups were added.
– Units Reference added to the docs.
– Case recording now records all variables by default.
– `openmdao` console script that can activate useful debugging features
(e.g. view_model) without editing the run script.
– Scipy COBYLA optimizer converts des var bounds to constraints (the algorithm doesn’t natively handle bounds)
– StructuredMetaModel component offers a simple spline interpolation routine for structured data.

Backwards-Compatible API Changes:
– `NonlinearRunOnce` changed `NonLinearRunOnce` for consistency (old class deprecated).
– `types_` argument to `self.metadata.declare` changed to `types`. (old argument deprecated).
– `types` and `values` arguments to `self.metadata.declare`
– `BalanceComp` has a `use_mult` argument to control if it has a `mult` input, defaulting to false
(the mult input isn’t used most of the time)
– Renamed `MetaModel` to `UnstructuredMetaModel` and `MultiFiMetaModel` to `UnStructuredMultiFiMetaModel`

Backwards-Incompatible API Changes:
– Case Recording options API updated with `.recording_options` attribute on Driver, Solver, and System classes
– `get_subsystem` changed to a private method, removed from public API of System.
– `check_partials` now has a `method` argument that controls which type of check.

Bug Fixes:
– Improved error msg on a corner case for when user doesn’t declare a partial derivative.
– Fixed docs embedding bug when `<>` included in the output text.

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