Source code for

"""Define the Group class."""
import sys
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from import Iterable

from itertools import product, chain
from numbers import Number
import inspect
from difflib import get_close_matches

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

from openmdao.core.configinfo import _ConfigInfo
from openmdao.core.system import System, collect_errors
from openmdao.core.component import Component, _DictValues
from openmdao.core.implicitcomponent import ImplicitComponent
from openmdao.core.constants import _UNDEFINED, INT_DTYPE, _SetupStatus
from openmdao.vectors.vector import _full_slice
from openmdao.proc_allocators.default_allocator import DefaultAllocator, ProcAllocationError
from openmdao.jacobians.jacobian import SUBJAC_META_DEFAULTS
from openmdao.jacobians.dictionary_jacobian import DictionaryJacobian
from openmdao.recorders.recording_iteration_stack import Recording
from openmdao.solvers.nonlinear.nonlinear_runonce import NonlinearRunOnce
from openmdao.solvers.linear.linear_runonce import LinearRunOnce
from import DirectSolver
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import array_connection_compatible, _flatten_src_indices, \
    shape_to_len, ValueRepeater
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import common_subpath, \
    convert_src_inds, shape2tuple, get_connection_owner, ensure_compatible, \
    meta2src_iter, get_rev_conns, is_undefined
from openmdao.utils.units import is_compatible, unit_conversion, _has_val_mismatch, _find_unit, \
    _is_unitless, simplify_unit
from openmdao.utils.graph_utils import get_out_of_order_nodes, get_sccs_topo
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI, check_mpi_exceptions, multi_proc_exception_check
import openmdao.utils.coloring as coloring_mod
from openmdao.utils.indexer import indexer, Indexer
from openmdao.utils.relevance import get_relevance
from openmdao.utils.om_warnings import issue_warning, UnitsWarning, UnusedOptionWarning, \
    PromotionWarning, MPIWarning, DerivativesWarning
from openmdao.utils.class_util import overrides_method
from openmdao.utils.jax_utils import jax
from openmdao.core.total_jac import _TotalJacInfo

# regex to check for valid names.
import re
namecheck_rgx = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*')

# use a class with slots instead of a namedtuple so that we can
# change index after creation if needed.
class _SysInfo(object):

    __slots__ = ['system', 'index']

    def __init__(self, system, index):
        self.system = system
        self.index = index

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.system
        yield self.index

class _PromotesInfo(object):
    __slots__ = ['src_indices', 'flat', 'src_shape', 'promoted_from', 'prom']

    def __init__(self, src_indices=None, flat=None, src_shape=None, promoted_from='', prom=None):
        self.flat = flat
        self.src_shape = src_shape
        if src_indices is not None:
            if isinstance(src_indices, Indexer):
                self.src_indices = src_indices
                self.src_indices = indexer(src_indices, src_shape=self.src_shape, flat_src=flat)
            self.src_indices = None
        self.promoted_from = promoted_from  # pathname of promoting system
        self.prom = prom  # local promoted name of input

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.src_indices
        yield self.flat
        yield self.src_shape

    def __repr__(self):  # pragma no cover
        return (f"_PromotesInfo(src_indices={self.src_indices}, flat={self.flat}, "
                f"src_shape={self.src_shape}, promoted_from={self.promoted_from}, "

    def prom_path(self):
        if self.promoted_from is None or self.prom is None:
            return ''
        return '.'.join((self.promoted_from, self.prom)) if self.promoted_from else self.prom

    def copy(self):
        return _PromotesInfo(self.src_indices.copy(), self.flat, self.src_shape, self.promoted_from,

    def set_src_shape(self, shape):
        if self.src_indices is not None:
        self.src_shape = shape

    def compare(self, other):
        Compare attributes in the two objects.

        Two attributes are considered mismatched only if neither is None and their values
        are unequal.

            List of unequal atrribute names.
        mismatches = []

        if self.flat != other.flat:
            if self.flat is not None and other.flat is not None:

        if self.src_shape != other.src_shape:
            if self.src_shape is not None and other.src_shape is not None:

        self_srcinds = None if self.src_indices is None else self.src_indices.as_array()
        other_srcinds = None if other.src_indices is None else other.src_indices.as_array()

        if isinstance(self_srcinds, np.ndarray) and isinstance(other_srcinds, np.ndarray):
            if (self_srcinds.shape != other_srcinds.shape or
                    not np.all(self_srcinds == other_srcinds)):

        return mismatches

[docs]class Group(System): """ Class used to group systems together; instantiate or inherit. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Dict of arguments available here and in all descendants of this Group. Attributes ---------- _mpi_proc_allocator : ProcAllocator Object used to allocate MPI processes to subsystems. _proc_info : dict of subsys_name: (min_procs, max_procs, weight, proc_group) Information used to determine MPI process allocation to subsystems. _subgroups_myproc : list List of local subgroups, (sorted by name if Problem option allow_post_setup_reorder is True). _manual_connections : dict Dictionary of input_name: (output_name, src_indices) connections. _group_inputs : dict Mapping of promoted names to certain metadata (src_indices, units). _static_group_inputs : dict Group inputs added outside of setup/configure. _pre_config_group_inputs : dict Group inputs added inside of setup but before configure. _static_manual_connections : dict Dictionary that stores all explicit connections added outside of setup. _conn_abs_in2out : {'abs_in': 'abs_out'} Dictionary containing all explicit & implicit continuous var connections owned by this system only. The data is the same across all processors. _conn_discrete_in2out : {'abs_in': 'abs_out'} Dictionary containing all explicit & implicit discrete var connections owned by this system only. The data is the same across all processors. _transfers : dict of dict of Transfers First key is mode, second is subname where mode is 'fwd' or 'rev' and subname is the subsystem name or subname can be None for the full, simultaneous transfer. _discrete_transfers : dict of discrete transfer metadata Key is system pathname or None for the full, simultaneous transfer. _setup_procs_finished : bool Flag to check if setup_procs is complete _contains_parallel_group : bool If True, this Group contains a ParallelGroup. Only used to determine if a parallel group or distributed component is below a DirectSolver so that we can raise an exception. _order_set : bool Flag to check if set_order has been called. _auto_ivc_warnings : list List of Auto IVC warnings to be raised later. _shapes_graph : nx.Graph Dynamic shape dependency graph, or None. _pre_components : set of str or None Set of pathnames of components that are executed prior to the optimization loop. Empty unless the 'group_by_pre_opt_post' option is True in the Problem. _post_components : set of str or None Set of pathnames of components that are executed after the optimization loop. Empty unless the 'group_by_pre_opt_post' option is True in the Problem. _iterated_components : set of str or ContainsAll Set of pathnames of components that are executed in the optimization loop if 'group_by_pre_opt_post' is True in the Problem. _fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist : dict If this group is using finite difference to compute derivatives, this is the set of inputs that are upstream of a distributed response within this group, keyed by active response. These determine if contributions from all ranks will be added together to get the correct input values when derivatives in the larger model are being solved using reverse mode. _is_explicit : bool or None True if neither this Group nor any of its descendants contains implicit systems or cycles. _ivcs : dict Dict containing metadata for each independent variable. _bad_conn_vars : set Set of variables involved in invalid connections. _sys_graph_cache : dict Cache for the system graph. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Set the solvers to nonlinear and linear block Gauss--Seidel by default. """ self._mpi_proc_allocator = DefaultAllocator() self._proc_info = {} super().__init__(**kwargs) self._subgroups_myproc = None self._manual_connections = {} self._group_inputs = {} self._pre_config_group_inputs = {} self._static_group_inputs = {} self._static_manual_connections = {} self._conn_abs_in2out = {} self._conn_discrete_in2out = {} self._transfers = {} self._discrete_transfers = {} self._setup_procs_finished = False self._contains_parallel_group = False self._order_set = False self._shapes_graph = None self._pre_components = None self._post_components = None self._iterated_components = None self._fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist = {} self._is_explicit = None self._ivcs = {} self._bad_conn_vars = None self._sys_graph_cache = None # TODO: we cannot set the solvers with property setters at the moment # because our lint check thinks that we are defining new attributes # called nonlinear_solver and linear_solver without documenting them. if not self._nonlinear_solver: self._nonlinear_solver = NonlinearRunOnce() if not self._linear_solver: self._linear_solver = LinearRunOnce() self.options.declare('auto_order', types=bool, default=False, desc='If True the order of subsystems is determined automatically ' 'based on the dependency graph. It will not break or reorder ' 'cycles.')
[docs] def setup(self): """ Build this group. This method should be overidden by your Group's method. The reason for using this method to add subsystem is to save memory and setup time when using your Group while running under MPI. This avoids the creation of systems that will not be used in the current process. You may call 'add_subsystem' to add systems to this group. You may also issue connections, and set the linear and nonlinear solvers for this group level. You cannot safely change anything on children systems; use the 'configure' method instead. Available attributes: name pathname comm options """ pass
[docs] def configure(self): """ Configure this group to assign children settings. This method may optionally be overidden by your Group's method. You may only use this method to change settings on your children subsystems. This includes setting solvers in cases where you want to override the defaults. You can assume that the full hierarchy below your level has been instantiated and has already called its own configure methods. Available attributes: name pathname comm options system hieararchy with attribute access """ pass
[docs] def set_input_defaults(self, name, val=_UNDEFINED, units=None, src_shape=None): """ Specify metadata to be assumed when multiple inputs are promoted to the same name. Parameters ---------- name : str Promoted input name. val : object Value to assume for the promoted input. units : str or None Units to assume for the promoted input. src_shape : int or tuple Assumed shape of any connected source or higher level promoted input. """ meta = {'prom': name, 'auto': False} if is_undefined(val): src_shape = shape2tuple(src_shape) else: if src_shape is not None: # make sure value and src_shape are compatible val, src_shape = ensure_compatible(name, val, src_shape) elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): src_shape = val.shape elif isinstance(val, Number): src_shape = (1,) meta['val'] = val if units is not None: if not isinstance(units, str): raise TypeError('%s: The units argument should be a str or None' % self.msginfo) meta['units'] = simplify_unit(units, msginfo=self.msginfo) if src_shape is not None: meta['src_shape'] = src_shape if self._static_mode: dct = self._static_group_inputs else: dct = self._group_inputs if name in dct: old = dct[name][0] overlap = set(old).intersection(meta) if overlap: issue_warning(f"Setting input defaults for input '{name}' which " f"override previously set defaults for {sorted(overlap)}.", prefix=self.msginfo, category=PromotionWarning) old.update(meta) else: dct[name] = [meta]
def _get_matvec_scope(self, excl_sub=None): """ Find the input and output variables that are needed for a particular matvec product. Parameters ---------- excl_sub : <System> A subsystem whose variables should be excluded from the matvec product. Returns ------- (set, set) Sets of output and input variables. """ if excl_sub is None: cache_key = None else: cache_key = excl_sub.pathname try: iovars, excl = self._scope_cache[cache_key] # Make sure they're the same subsystem instance before returning if excl is excl_sub: return iovars except KeyError: pass if excl_sub is None: # A value of None will be interpreted as 'all outputs'. scope_out = None # All inputs connected to an output in this system scope_in = frozenset(self._conn_global_abs_in2out).intersection( self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']) else: # Empty for the excl_sub scope_out = frozenset() # All inputs connected to an output in this system but not in excl_sub # allins is used to filter out discrete variables that might be found in # self._conn_global_abs_in2out. allins = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] exvars = excl_sub._var_allprocs_abs2idx scope_in = frozenset(abs_in for abs_in, abs_out in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items() if abs_out not in exvars and abs_in in allins) # Use the pathname as the dict key instead of the object itself. When # the object is used as the key, memory leaks result from multiple # calls to setup(). self._scope_cache[cache_key] = ((scope_out, scope_in), excl_sub) return scope_out, scope_in def _compute_root_scale_factors(self): """ Compute scale factors for all variables. Returns ------- dict Mapping of each absolute var name to its corresponding scaling factor tuple. """ # make this a defaultdict to handle the case of access using unconnected inputs scale_factors = defaultdict(lambda: { 'input': (0.0, 1.0), }) for abs_name, meta in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'].items(): ref0 = meta['ref0'] res_ref = meta['res_ref'] a0 = ref0 a1 = meta['ref'] - ref0 scale_factors[abs_name] = { 'output': (a0, a1), 'residual': (0.0, 1.0 if res_ref is None else res_ref), } # Input scaling for connected inputs is added here. # This is a combined scale factor that includes the scaling of the connected source # and the unit conversion between the source output and each target input. if self._has_input_scaling: abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] allprocs_meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] for abs_in, abs_out in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): if abs_in not in abs2meta_in: # we only perform scaling on local, non-discrete arrays, so skip continue meta_in = abs2meta_in[abs_in] meta_out = allprocs_meta_out[abs_out] ref = meta_out['ref'] ref0 = meta_out['ref0'] src_indices = meta_in['src_indices'] if src_indices is not None: if not (np.ndim(ref) == 0 and np.ndim(ref0) == 0): # TODO: if either ref or ref0 are not scalar and the output is # distributed, we need to do a scatter # to obtain the values needed due to global src_indices if meta_out['distributed']: raise RuntimeError("{}: vector scalers with distrib vars " "not supported yet.".format(self.msginfo)) if not src_indices._flat_src: src_indices = _flatten_src_indices(src_indices.as_array(), meta_in['shape'], meta_out['global_shape'], meta_out['global_size']) if np.ndim(ref) > 0: ref = ref[src_indices] else: # ref is scalar so ref0 must be an array ref = np.full(ref0.shape, ref) if np.ndim(ref0) > 0: ref0 = ref0[src_indices] else: # ref0 is scalar so ref must be an array ref0 = np.full(ref.shape, ref0) # Compute scaling arrays for inputs using a0 and a1 # Example: # Let x, x_src, x_tgt be the dimensionless variable, # variable in source units, and variable in target units, resp. # x_src = a0 + a1 x # x_tgt = b0 + b1 x # x_tgt = g(x_src) = d0 + d1 x_src # b0 + b1 x = d0 + d1 a0 + d1 a1 x # b0 = d0 + d1 a0 # b0 = g(a0) # b1 = d0 + d1 a1 - d0 # b1 = g(a1) - g(0) units_in = meta_in['units'] units_out = meta_out['units'] if units_in is None or units_out is None or units_in == units_out: a0 = ref0 a1 = ref - ref0 # No unit conversion, only scaling. Just send the scale factors. scale_factors[abs_in] = { 'input': (a0, a1), } else: factor, offset = unit_conversion(units_out, units_in) a0 = ref0 a1 = ref - ref0 # Send both unit scaling and solver scaling. Linear input vectors need to # treat them differently in reverse mode. scale_factors[abs_in] = { 'input': (a0, a1, factor, offset), } # For adder allocation check. a0 = (ref0 + offset) * factor # Check whether we need to allocate an adder for the input vector. if np.any(np.asarray(a0)): self._has_input_adder = True return scale_factors def _configure(self): """ Configure our model recursively to assign any children settings. Highest system's settings take precedence. """ # reset group_inputs back to what it was just after self.setup() in case _configure # is called multiple times. self._group_inputs = self._pre_config_group_inputs.copy() for n, lst in self._group_inputs.items(): self._group_inputs[n] = lst.copy() self.matrix_free = False self._has_guess = overrides_method('guess_nonlinear', self, Group) for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): subsys._configure() subsys._setup_var_data() self._has_guess |= subsys._has_guess self._has_bounds |= subsys._has_bounds self.matrix_free |= subsys.matrix_free self._problem_meta['setup_status'] = _SetupStatus.POST_CONFIGURE self.configure() # if our configure() has added or promoted any variables, we have to call # _setup_var_data again on any modified systems and their ancestors (only those that # are our descendents). self._problem_meta['config_info']._update_modified_systems(self) def _reset_setup_vars(self): """ Reset all the stuff that gets initialized in setup. """ super()._reset_setup_vars() self._setup_procs_finished = False def _setup_procs(self, pathname, comm, prob_meta): """ Execute first phase of the setup process. Distribute processors, assign pathnames, and call setup on the group. This method recurses downward through the model. Parameters ---------- pathname : str Global name of the system, including the path. comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> MPI communicator object. prob_meta : dict Problem level metadata. """ super()._setup_procs(pathname, comm, prob_meta) nproc = comm.size if self._num_par_fd > 1: info = self._coloring_info if comm.size > 1: # if approx_totals has been declared, or there is an approx coloring, setup par FD if self._owns_approx_jac or info.dynamic or info.static is not None: comm = self._setup_par_fd_procs(comm) else: msg = "%s: num_par_fd = %d but FD is not active." % (self.msginfo, self._num_par_fd) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif not MPI: msg = f"MPI is not active but num_par_fd = {self._num_par_fd}. No parallel " \ f"finite difference will be performed." issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo, category=MPIWarning) self.comm = comm self._subsystems_allprocs = self._static_subsystems_allprocs.copy() self._manual_connections = self._static_manual_connections.copy() self._group_inputs = self._static_group_inputs.copy() # copy doesn't copy the internal list so we have to do it manually (we don't want # a full deepcopy either because we want the internal metadata dicts to be shared) for n, lst in self._group_inputs.items(): self._group_inputs[n] = lst.copy() # Call setup function for this group. self.setup() self._setup_check() # need to save these because _setup_var_data can be called multiple times # during the config process and we don't want to wipe out any group_inputs # that were added during self.setup() self._pre_config_group_inputs = self._group_inputs.copy() for n, lst in self._pre_config_group_inputs.items(): self._pre_config_group_inputs[n] = lst.copy() if MPI: allsubs = list(self._subsystems_allprocs.values()) proc_info = [self._proc_info[] for s, _ in allsubs] # Call the load balancing algorithm try: sub_inds, sub_comm = self._mpi_proc_allocator(proc_info, len(allsubs), comm) except ProcAllocationError as err: if err.sub_inds is None: raise RuntimeError("%s: %s" % (self.msginfo, err.msg)) else: raise RuntimeError("%s: MPI process allocation failed: %s for the following " "subsystems: %s" % (self.msginfo, err.msg, [allsubs[i] for i in err.sub_inds])) self._subsystems_myproc = [allsubs[ind].system for ind in sub_inds] # Define local subsystems if (self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel and not (np.sum([minp for minp, _, _, _ in proc_info]) <= comm.size)): # reorder the subsystems_allprocs based on which procs they live on. If we don't # do this, we can get ordering mismatches in some of our data structures. new_allsubs = {} seen = set() gathered = self.comm.allgather(sub_inds) for inds in gathered: for ind in inds: if ind not in seen: sinfo = allsubs[ind] sinfo.index = len(new_allsubs) new_allsubs[] = sinfo seen.add(ind) self._subsystems_allprocs = new_allsubs else: sub_comm = comm self._subsystems_myproc = [s for s, _ in self._subsystems_allprocs.values()] # need to set pathname correctly even for non-local subsystems for s, _ in self._subsystems_allprocs.values(): s.pathname = '.'.join((self.pathname, if self.pathname else # Perform recursion for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: subsys._setup_procs(subsys.pathname, sub_comm, prob_meta) # build a list of local subgroups to speed up later loops self._subgroups_myproc = [s for s in self._subsystems_myproc if isinstance(s, Group)] if prob_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder']: self._subgroups_myproc.sort(key=lambda x: if nproc > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: self._problem_meta['parallel_groups'].append(self.pathname) allpars = self.comm.allgather(self._problem_meta['parallel_groups']) full = set() for p in allpars: full.update(p) self._problem_meta['parallel_groups'] = sorted(full) if self._problem_meta['parallel_groups']: prefix = self.pathname + '.' if self.pathname else '' for par in self._problem_meta['parallel_groups']: if par.startswith(prefix) and par != prefix: self._contains_parallel_group = True break self._setup_procs_finished = True
[docs] def is_explicit(self): """ Return True if this Group contains only explicit systems and has no cycles. Returns ------- bool True if this is an explicit component. """ if self._is_explicit is None: self._is_explicit = True for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: if not subsys.is_explicit(): self._is_explicit = False break # check for cycles if self._is_explicit: self._is_explicit = nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.compute_sys_graph()) return self._is_explicit
def _configure_check(self): """ Do any error checking on i/o and connections. """ for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: subsys._configure_check() super()._configure_check() def _list_states(self): """ Return list of all local states at and below this system. Returns ------- list List of all states. """ states = [] for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): states.extend(subsys._list_states()) return states def _list_states_allprocs(self): """ Return list of all states at and below this system across all procs. Returns ------- list List of all states. """ if MPI and self.comm.size > 1: all_states = set() byproc = self.comm.allgather(self._list_states()) for proc_states in byproc: all_states.update(proc_states) return all_states else: return self._list_states() def _setup(self, comm, prob_meta): """ Perform setup for this system and its descendant systems. This is only called on the top-level model. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI.Comm or <FakeComm> or None The global communicator. prob_meta : dict Problem level metadata dictionary. """ # save a ref to the problem level options. self._problem_meta = prob_meta self._initial_condition_cache = {} self._sys_graph_cache = None # reset any coloring if a Coloring object was not set explicitly if self._coloring_info.dynamic or self._coloring_info.static is not None: self._coloring_info.coloring = None self.pathname = '' self.comm = comm self._pre_components = None self._post_components = None # Besides setting up the processors, this method also builds the model hierarchy. self._setup_procs(self.pathname, comm, self._problem_meta) prob_meta['config_info'] = _ConfigInfo() try: # Recurse model from the bottom to the top for configuring. self._configure() finally: prob_meta['config_info'] = None prob_meta['setup_status'] = _SetupStatus.POST_CONFIGURE self._configure_check() self._setup_var_data() # have to do this again because we are passed the point in _setup_var_data when this happens self._has_output_scaling = False self._has_output_adder = False self._has_resid_scaling = False self._has_bounds = False for subsys in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True): subsys._apply_output_solver_options() self._has_output_scaling |= subsys._has_output_scaling self._has_output_adder |= subsys._has_output_adder self._has_resid_scaling |= subsys._has_resid_scaling self._has_bounds |= subsys._has_bounds # promoted names must be known to determine implicit connections so this must be # called after _setup_var_data, and _setup_var_data will have to be partially redone # after auto_ivcs have been added, but auto_ivcs can't be added until after we know all of # the connections. self._setup_global_connections() self._setup_dynamic_shapes() self._setup_jax() self._top_level_post_connections() self._setup_var_sizes() self._top_level_post_sizes() # determine which connections are managed by which group, and check validity of connections self._setup_connections() def _check_required_connections(self): conns = self._conn_global_abs_in2out abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] discrete_in = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'] desvar = self.get_design_vars() for abs_tgt, src in conns.items(): if src.startswith('_auto_ivc.'): prom_tgt = abs2prom[abs_tgt] # Ignore inputs that are declared as design vars. if abs_tgt in discrete_in or (desvar and prom_tgt in desvar): continue if abs2meta_in[abs_tgt]['require_connection']: promoted_as = f', promoted as "{prom_tgt}",' if prom_tgt != abs_tgt else '' self._collect_error(f'{self.msginfo}: Input "{abs_tgt}"{promoted_as} ' 'requires a connection but is not connected.', ident=(prom_tgt, abs_tgt)) def _get_dataflow_graph(self): """ Return a graph of all variables and components in the model. Each component is connected to each of its input and output variables, and those variables are connected to other variables based on the connections in the model. This results in a smaller graph (fewer edges) than would be the case for a pure variable graph where all inputs to a particular component would have to be connected to all outputs from that component. This should only be called on the top level Group. Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph Graph of all variables and components in the model. """ assert self.pathname == '', "call _get_dataflow_graph on the top level Group only." graph = nx.DiGraph() comp_seen = set() # locate any components that don't have any inputs or outputs and add them to the graph for subsys in self.system_iter(recurse=True, typ=Component): if not subsys._var_abs2meta['input'] and not subsys._var_abs2meta['output']: graph.add_node(subsys.pathname, local=True) comp_seen.add(subsys.pathname) if self.comm.size > 1: allemptycomps = self.comm.allgather(comp_seen) for compset in allemptycomps: for comp in compset: if comp not in comp_seen: graph.add_node(comp, local=False) comp_seen.add(comp) for direction in ('input', 'output'): isout = direction == 'output' allvmeta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[direction] vmeta = self._var_abs2meta[direction] for vname in self._var_allprocs_abs2prom[direction]: if vname in allvmeta: local = vname in vmeta else: # var is discrete local = vname in self._var_discrete[direction] graph.add_node(vname, type_=direction, local=local) comp = vname.rpartition('.')[0] if comp not in comp_seen: graph.add_node(comp, local=local) comp_seen.add(comp) if isout: graph.add_edge(comp, vname) else: graph.add_edge(vname, comp) for tgt, src in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): # connect the variables src and tgt graph.add_edge(src, tgt) return graph def _check_alias_overlaps(self, responses): """ Check for overlapping indices in aliased responses. If the responses contain aliases, the returned response dict will be a copy with the alias keys removed and any missing alias sources added. This may only be called on the top level Group. Parameters ---------- responses : dict Dictionary of response metadata. Keys don't matter. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of response metadata with alias keys removed. """ assert self.pathname == '', "call _check_alias_overlaps on the top level System only." aliases = set() srcdict = {} discrete_outs = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'] # group all aliases by source so we can compute overlaps for each source individually for meta in responses.values(): src = meta['source'] if src not in discrete_outs: if meta['alias']: aliases.add(meta['alias']) if src in srcdict: srcdict[src].append(meta) else: srcdict[src] = [meta] abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] # loop over any sources having multiple aliases to ensure no overlap of indices for src, metalist in srcdict.items(): if len(metalist) == 1: continue size = abs2meta_out[src]['global_size'] shape = abs2meta_out[src]['global_shape'] mat = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.ushort) for meta in metalist: indices = meta['indices'] if indices is None: mat[:] += 1 else: indices.set_src_shape(shape) mat[indices.flat()] += 1 if np.any(mat > 1): matching_aliases = sorted(m['alias'] for m in metalist if m['alias']) raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Indices for aliases {matching_aliases} are " f"overlapping constraint/objective '{src}'.") return responses def _get_var_offsets(self): """ Compute global offsets for variables. Returns ------- dict Arrays of global offsets keyed by vec_name and deriv direction. """ if self._var_offsets is None: offsets = self._var_offsets = {} for type_ in ['input', 'output']: vsizes = self._var_sizes[type_] if vsizes.size > 0: csum = np.empty(vsizes.size, dtype=INT_DTYPE) csum[0] = 0 csum[1:] = np.cumsum(vsizes)[:-1] offsets[type_] = csum.reshape(vsizes.shape) else: offsets[type_] = np.zeros(0, dtype=INT_DTYPE).reshape((1, 0)) return self._var_offsets def _get_jac_col_scatter(self): """ Return source and target indices for a scatter from output vector to total jacobian column. If the transfer involves remote or distributed variables, the indices will be global. Otherwise they will be converted to local. This is only called on the top level system. Returns ------- ndarray Source indices. ndarray Target indices. int Size of jacobian column. bool True if remote or distributed vars are present. """ myrank = self.comm.rank nranks = self.comm.size owns = self._owning_rank abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx abs2meta = self._var_abs2meta['output'] sizes = self._var_sizes['output'] global_offsets = self._get_var_offsets()['output'] oflist = list(self._jac_of_iter()) tsize = oflist[-1][2] toffset = myrank * tsize has_dist_data = False sinds = [] tinds = [] for name, tstart, tend, jinds, dist_sizes in oflist: vind = abs2idx[name] if dist_sizes is None: if name in abs2meta: owner = myrank else: owner = owns[name] has_dist_data |= nranks > 1 voff = global_offsets[owner, vind] if jinds is _full_slice: vsize = sizes[owner, vind] sinds.append(range(voff, voff + vsize)) else: sinds.append(jinds + voff) tinds.append(range(tstart + toffset, tend + toffset)) assert len(sinds[-1]) == len(tinds[-1]) else: # 'name' refers to a distributed variable has_dist_data |= nranks > 1 dtstart = dtend = tstart dsstart = dsend = 0 for rnk, sz in enumerate(dist_sizes): dsend += sz if sz > 0: voff = global_offsets[rnk, vind] if jinds is _full_slice: dtend += sz sinds.append(range(voff, voff + sz)) tinds.append(range(toffset + dtstart, toffset + dtend)) elif jinds.size > 0: # jinds is a flat array subinds = jinds[jinds >= dsstart] subinds = subinds[subinds < dsend] if subinds.size > 0: dtend += subinds.size sinds.append(subinds + (voff - dsstart)) tinds.append(range(toffset + dtstart, toffset + dtend)) dtstart = dtend dsstart = dsend assert (len(sinds) == 0 and len(tinds) == 0) or len(sinds[-1]) == len(tinds[-1]) sarr = np.array(list(chain(*sinds)), dtype=INT_DTYPE) tarr = np.array(list(chain(*tinds)), dtype=INT_DTYPE) if nranks > 1: # do an allreduce to see if any procs have distrib/remote vars has_dist_data = bool(self.comm.allreduce(int(has_dist_data))) if not has_dist_data: # convert global indices back to local so we can use them to transfer between two # local arrays sysoffset = np.sum(sizes[:myrank, :]) sarr -= sysoffset tarr -= toffset return sarr, tarr, tsize, has_dist_data def _final_setup(self): """ Perform final setup for this system and its descendant systems. This part of setup is called automatically at the start of run_model or run_driver. """ self._setup_residuals() if self._use_derivatives: self._setup_partials() self._setup_vectors(self._get_root_vectors()) self._fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist = {} desvars = self.get_design_vars(get_sizes=False) responses = self._check_alias_overlaps(self.get_responses(get_sizes=False)) self._dataflow_graph = self._get_dataflow_graph() # figure out if we can remove any edges based on zero partials we find # in components. By default all component connected outputs # are also connected to all connected inputs from the same component. self._missing_partials = {} if not self._owns_approx_jac: # don't check for missing partials when doing FD self._get_missing_partials(self._missing_partials) if self._missing_partials: self._update_dataflow_graph(responses) self._problem_meta['relevance'] = get_relevance(self, responses, desvars) # Transfers do not require recursion, but they have to be set up after the vector setup. self._setup_transfers() # Same situation with solvers, partials, and Jacobians. # If we're updating, we just need to re-run setup on these, but no recursion necessary. self._setup_solvers() self._setup_solver_print() if self._use_derivatives: self._setup_jacobians() self._setup_recording() self.set_initial_values() def _update_dataflow_graph(self, responses): """ Update the dataflow graph based on missing partials. Parameters ---------- responses : dict Dictionary of response metadata. """ resps = set(meta2src_iter(responses.values())) missing_responses = set() for pathname, missing in self._missing_partials.items(): inputs = [n for n, _ in self._dataflow_graph.in_edges(pathname)] outputs = [n for _, n in self._dataflow_graph.out_edges(pathname)] self._dataflow_graph.remove_node(pathname) for output in outputs: found = False for inp in inputs: if (output, inp) not in missing: self._dataflow_graph.add_edge(inp, output) found = True if not found and output in resps: missing_responses.add(output) if missing_responses: msg = (f"Constraints or objectives [{', '.join(sorted(missing_responses))}] cannot" " be impacted by the design variables of the problem because no partials " "were defined for them in their parent component(s).") if self._problem_meta['singular_jac_behavior'] == 'error': raise RuntimeError(msg) else: issue_warning(msg, category=DerivativesWarning)
[docs] def set_initial_values(self): """ Set all input and output variables to their declared initial values. """ for abs_name, meta in self._var_abs2meta['input'].items(): self._inputs.set_var(abs_name, meta['val']) for abs_name, meta in self._var_abs2meta['output'].items(): self._outputs.set_var(abs_name, meta['val'])
def _get_root_vectors(self): """ Get the root vectors for the nonlinear and linear vectors for the model. Returns ------- dict of dict of Vector Root vectors: first key is 'input', 'output', or 'residual'; second key is vec_name. """ # save root vecs as an attribute so that we can reuse the nonlinear scaling vecs in the # linear root vec self._root_vecs = root_vectors = {'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'residual': {}} force_alloc_complex = self._problem_meta['force_alloc_complex'] # Check for complex step to set vectors up appropriately. # If any subsystem needs complex step, then we need to allocate it everywhere. nl_alloc_complex = force_alloc_complex if not nl_alloc_complex: for sub in self.system_iter(include_self=True, recurse=True): nl_alloc_complex |= 'cs' in sub._approx_schemes if nl_alloc_complex: break # Linear vectors allocated complex only if subsolvers require derivatives. if nl_alloc_complex and self._use_derivatives: from openmdao.error_checking.check_config import check_allocate_complex_ln ln_alloc_complex = check_allocate_complex_ln(self, force_alloc_complex) else: ln_alloc_complex = False if self._has_input_scaling or self._has_output_scaling or self._has_resid_scaling: self._scale_factors = self._compute_root_scale_factors() else: self._scale_factors = None if self._vector_class is None: self._vector_class = self._local_vector_class vectypes = ('nonlinear', 'linear') if self._use_derivatives else ('nonlinear',) # If any proc's local systems need a complex vector, then all procs need it. if self.comm.size > 1: all_nl_alloc_complex = self.comm.allgather(nl_alloc_complex) if np.any(all_nl_alloc_complex): nl_alloc_complex = True all_ln_alloc_complex = self.comm.allgather(ln_alloc_complex) if np.any(all_ln_alloc_complex): ln_alloc_complex = True for vec_name in vectypes: if vec_name == 'nonlinear': alloc_complex = nl_alloc_complex else: alloc_complex = ln_alloc_complex for key in ['input', 'output', 'residual']: root_vectors[key][vec_name] = self._vector_class(vec_name, key, self, alloc_complex=alloc_complex) if self._use_derivatives: root_vectors['input']['linear']._scaling_nl_vec = \ root_vectors['input']['nonlinear']._scaling return root_vectors def _get_all_promotes(self): """ Create the top level mapping of all promoted names to absolute names for all local systems. This includes all buried promoted names. Returns ------- dict Mapping of all promoted names to absolute names. """ iotypes = ('input', 'output') if self.comm.size > 1: prom2abs = {'input': defaultdict(set), 'output': defaultdict(set)} rem_prom2abs = {'input': defaultdict(set), 'output': defaultdict(set)} myrank = self.comm.rank vars_to_gather = self._vars_to_gather for s in self.system_iter(recurse=True, include_self=True): prefix = s.pathname + '.' if s.pathname else '' for typ in iotypes: # use abs2prom to determine locality since prom2abs is for allprocs sys_abs2prom = s._var_abs2prom[typ] t_remprom2abs = rem_prom2abs[typ] t_prom2abs = prom2abs[typ] for prom, alist in s._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[typ].items(): abs_names = [n for n in alist if n in sys_abs2prom] t_prom2abs[prefix + prom].update(abs_names) t_remprom2abs[prefix + prom].update(n for n in abs_names if n in vars_to_gather and vars_to_gather[n] == myrank) all_proms = self.comm.gather(rem_prom2abs, root=0) if myrank == 0: for typ in iotypes: t_prom2abs = prom2abs[typ] for rankproms in all_proms: for prom, absnames in rankproms[typ].items(): t_prom2abs[prom].update(absnames) for prom, absnames in t_prom2abs.items(): t_prom2abs[prom] = sorted(absnames) # sort to keep order same on all procs self.comm.bcast(prom2abs, root=0) else: prom2abs = self.comm.bcast(None, root=0) else: # serial prom2abs = {'input': defaultdict(list), 'output': defaultdict(list)} for s in self.system_iter(recurse=True, include_self=True): prefix = s.pathname + '.' if s.pathname else '' for typ in iotypes: t_prom2abs = prom2abs[typ] for prom, abslist in s._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[typ].items(): t_prom2abs[prefix + prom] = abslist return prom2abs def _top_level_post_connections(self): # this is called on the top level group after all connections are known self._problem_meta['vars_to_gather'] = self._vars_to_gather self._resolve_group_input_defaults() self._setup_auto_ivcs() self._problem_meta['prom2abs'] = self._get_all_promotes() self._check_prom_masking() self._check_order() def _check_prom_masking(self): """ Raise exception if any promoted variable name masks an absolute variable name. Only called on the top level group. """ prom2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] prom2abs_out = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta for absname in chain(abs2meta['input'], abs2meta['output']): if absname in prom2abs_in: for name in prom2abs_in[absname]: if name != absname: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Absolute variable name '{absname}'" " is masked by a matching promoted name. Try" " promoting to a different name. This can be caused" " by promoting '*' at group level or promoting using" " dotted names.") elif absname in prom2abs_out: if absname != prom2abs_out[absname][0]: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Absolute variable name '{absname}' is" " masked by a matching promoted name. Try" " promoting to a different name. This can be caused" " by promoting '*' at group level or promoting using" " dotted names.") def _check_order(self, reorder=True, recurse=True, out_of_order=None): """ Check if auto ordering is needed, optionally reordering subsystems if appropriate. Parameters ---------- reorder : bool If True, reorder the subsystems based on the computed order. Otherwise just return the out-of-order connections. recurse : bool If True, call this method on all subgroups. out_of_order : dict or None Lists of out-of-order connections keyed by group pathname. Out of order connections are keyed by target system name and have values that are lists of source system names. If incoming value of out_of_order is None, then a new dict is created and returned. Returns ------- dict Lists of out-of-order connections keyed by group pathname. """ if out_of_order is None: out_of_order = {} if self.options['auto_order'] or not reorder: G = self.compute_sys_graph() orders = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(self._subsystems_allprocs)} strongcomps, new_out_of_order = get_out_of_order_nodes(G, orders) if new_out_of_order: # group targets with all of their sources tgts = {} for u, v in new_out_of_order: if v not in tgts: tgts[v] = [] tgts[v].append(u) for t in tgts: tgts[t] = sorted(tgts[t]) out_of_order[self.pathname] = tgts if reorder: self._set_auto_order(strongcomps, orders) if recurse: for s in self._subgroups_myproc: s._check_order(reorder, recurse, out_of_order) return out_of_order def _set_auto_order(self, strongcomps, orders): """ Set the order of the subsystems based on the dependency graph. Parameters ---------- strongcomps : list of list of str List of sets of subsystem names. Each list contains subsystems that are strongly connected. Sets containing 2 or more subsystems indicate a cycle. orders : dict Dictionary mapping subsystem names to their index in the current ordering. """ new_order = [] for strongcomp in strongcomps: if len(strongcomp) > 1: # never change the internal order in a cycle order_list = [(name, orders[name]) for name in strongcomp] new_order.extend([name for name, _ in sorted(order_list, key=lambda x: x[1])]) else: for s in strongcomp: new_order.append(s) if self._problem_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder']: self.set_order(new_order) else: issue_warning(f"{self.msginfo}: A new execution order {new_order} is recommended, but " "auto ordering has been disabled because the Problem option " "'allow_post_setup_reorder' is False. It is recommended to either set " "`allow_post_setup_reorder` to True or to manually set the execution " "order to the recommended order using `set_order`.") def _check_nondist_sizes(self): # verify that nondistributed variables have same size across all procs abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx for io in ('input', 'output'): sizes = self._var_sizes[io] for abs_name, meta in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].items(): if not meta['distributed']: vsizes = sizes[:, abs2idx[abs_name]] unique = set(vsizes) unique.discard(0) if len(unique) > 1: # sizes differ, now find which procs don't agree rnklist = [] for sz in unique: rnklist.append((sz, [i for i, s in enumerate(vsizes) if s == sz])) msg = ', '.join([f"rank(s) {r} have size {s}" for s, r in rnklist]) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Size of {io} '{abs_name}' " f"differs between processes ({msg}).", ident=('size', abs_name)) def _top_level_post_sizes(self): # this runs after the variable sizes are known self._check_nondist_sizes() self._setup_global_shapes() self._resolve_ambiguous_input_meta() all_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] conns = self._conn_global_abs_in2out self._resolve_src_indices() if self.comm.size > 1 and not self._bad_conn_vars: abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx all_abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta all_abs2meta_in = all_abs2meta['input'] # the code below is to handle the case where src_indices were not specified # for a distributed input or an input connected to a distributed auto_ivc # output. This update can't happen until sizes are known. dist_ins = (n for n, m in all_abs2meta_in.items() if m['distributed'] or (conns[n].startswith('_auto_ivc.') and all_abs2meta_out[conns[n]]['distributed'])) dcomp_names = set(d.rpartition('.')[0] for d in dist_ins) if dcomp_names: added_src_inds = [] for comp in self.system_iter(recurse=True, typ=Component): if comp.pathname in dcomp_names: added_src_inds.extend( comp._update_dist_src_indices(conns, all_abs2meta, abs2idx, self._var_sizes)) updated = set() for alist in self.comm.allgather(added_src_inds): updated.update(alist) for a in updated: all_abs2meta_in[a]['has_src_indices'] = True abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] allprocs_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] allprocs_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] if self.comm.size > 1: for abs_in, abs_out in sorted(conns.items()): if abs_out not in allprocs_abs2meta_out: continue # discrete var in_dist = allprocs_abs2meta_in[abs_in]['distributed'] out_dist = allprocs_abs2meta_out[abs_out]['distributed'] # check that src_indices match for dist->serial connection # FIXME: this transfers src_indices from all ranks to the owning rank so we could # run into memory issues if src_indices are large. Maybe try something like # computing a hash in each rank and comparing those? if out_dist and not in_dist: # all non-distributed inputs must have src_indices if they connect to a # distributed output. owner = self._owning_rank[abs_in] if abs_in in abs2meta_in: # input is local src_inds = abs2meta_in[abs_in]['src_indices'] if src_inds is not None: shaped = src_inds.shaped_instance() if shaped is None: self._collect_error(f"For connection from '{abs_out}' to '{abs_in}'" f", src_indices {src_inds} have no source " "shape.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue else: src_inds = shaped else: src_inds = None if self.comm.rank == owner: baseline = None err = 0 for sinds in self.comm.gather(src_inds, root=owner): if sinds is not None: if baseline is None: baseline = sinds.as_array() else: if not np.all(sinds.as_array() == baseline): err = 1 break if baseline is None: # no src_indices were set err = -1 self.comm.bcast(err, root=owner) else: self.comm.gather(src_inds, root=owner) err = self.comm.bcast(None, root=owner) if err == 1: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't connect distributed output " f"'{abs_out}' to non-distributed input '{abs_in}' " "because src_indices differ on different ranks.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) elif err == -1: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't connect distributed output " f"'{abs_out}' to non-distributed input '{abs_in}' " "without specifying src_indices.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) @collect_errors def _resolve_src_indices(self): """ Populate the promotes info list for each absolute input. This is called only at the top level of the system tree. """ all_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] all_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] conns = self._conn_global_abs_in2out for tgt, plist in self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'].items(): src = conns[tgt] smeta = all_abs2meta_out[src] tmeta = all_abs2meta_in[tgt] if not smeta['distributed'] and tmeta['distributed']: root_shape = self._get_full_dist_shape(src, smeta['shape']) else: root_shape = smeta['global_shape'] # plist is a list of (pinfo, shape, use_tgt) tuples, one for each level in the # system tree corresponding to an absolute input name, e.g., a plist for the # input 'abc.def.ghi.x' would look like [tup0, tup1, tup2, tup3] corresponding to # the ['', 'abc', 'abc.def', 'abc.def.ghi'] levels in the tree. # After this routine runs, all pinfo entries will have src_indices wrt the root # shape. # use a _PromotesInfo for the top level even though there really isn't a promote there current_pinfo = _PromotesInfo(src_shape=root_shape, prom=self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][tgt]) if plist[0] is None: # no top level pinfo plist[0] = current_pinfo for i, pinfo in enumerate(plist): if pinfo is None: pass elif current_pinfo.src_indices is None: try: if pinfo.src_shape is None: pinfo.set_src_shape(root_shape) elif pinfo.src_indices is not None and \ not array_connection_compatible(root_shape, pinfo.src_shape): self._collect_error(f"When connecting '{src}' to " f"'{pinfo.prom_path()}': Promoted src_shape of " f"{pinfo.src_shape} for " f"'{pinfo.prom_path()}' differs from src_shape " f"{root_shape} for '{current_pinfo.prom_path()}'.", ident=(src, tgt)) except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error(f"When connecting '{src}' to " f"'{pinfo.prom_path()}': {exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb, ident=(src, tgt)) current_pinfo = pinfo continue elif pinfo.src_indices is None: pinfo.src_indices = current_pinfo.src_indices if pinfo.src_shape is None: pinfo.set_src_shape(current_pinfo.src_shape) current_pinfo = pinfo else: # both have src_indices try: if pinfo.src_shape is None: pinfo.set_src_shape(current_pinfo.src_indices.indexed_src_shape) sinds = convert_src_inds(current_pinfo.src_indices, current_pinfo.src_shape, pinfo.src_indices, pinfo.src_shape) except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error(f"When connecting '{conns[tgt]}' to " f"'{pinfo.prom_path()}': input " f"'{current_pinfo.prom_path()}' src_indices are " f"{current_pinfo.src_indices} and indexing into those " f"failed using src_indices {pinfo.src_indices} from " f"input '{pinfo.prom_path()}'. Error was: " f"{exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb, ident=(conns[tgt], tgt)) continue # final src_indices are wrt original full sized source and are flat, # so use val.shape and flat_src=True # It would be nice if we didn't have to convert these and could just keep # them in their original form and stack them to get the final result. We can # do this when doing a get_val, but it doesn't work when doing a set_val. src_indices = indexer(sinds, src_shape=root_shape, flat_src=True) current_pinfo = _PromotesInfo(src_indices=src_indices, src_shape=root_shape, flat=True, promoted_from=pinfo.promoted_from, prom=pinfo.prom) plist[i] = current_pinfo with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): self._resolve_src_inds() def _resolve_src_inds(self): abs2prom = self._var_abs2prom['input'] tree_level = self.pathname.count('.') + 1 if self.pathname else 0 abs_in2prom_info = self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'] seen = set() for tgt in self._var_abs2meta['input']: if tgt in abs_in2prom_info: prom = abs2prom[tgt] if prom in seen: continue seen.add(prom) plist = abs_in2prom_info[tgt] pinfo = plist[tree_level] if pinfo is not None: inds, flat, shape = pinfo if inds is not None: self._var_prom2inds[prom] = [shape, inds, flat] for s in self._subsystems_myproc: s._resolve_src_inds() def _setup_var_data(self): """ Compute the list of abs var names, abs/prom name maps, and metadata dictionaries. """ if self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list is None: old_prom2abs = {} else: old_prom2abs = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] super()._setup_var_data() var_discrete = self._var_discrete allprocs_discrete = self._var_allprocs_discrete abs2meta = self._var_abs2meta abs2prom = self._var_abs2prom allprocs_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}} self._ivcs = {} allprocs_prom2abs_list = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list for n, lst in self._group_inputs.items(): lst[0]['path'] = self.pathname # used for error reporting self._group_inputs[n] = lst.copy() # must copy the list manually self._has_distrib_vars = False self._has_fd_group = self._owns_approx_jac abs_in2prom_info = self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'] # sort the subsystems alphabetically in order to make the ordering # of vars in vectors and other data structures independent of the # execution order. for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): self._has_output_scaling |= subsys._has_output_scaling self._has_output_adder |= subsys._has_output_adder self._has_resid_scaling |= subsys._has_resid_scaling self._has_distrib_vars |= subsys._has_distrib_vars if len(subsys._subsystems_allprocs) > 0: self._has_fd_group |= subsys._has_fd_group var_maps = subsys._get_promotion_maps() sub_prefix = + '.' for io in ['input', 'output']: abs2meta[io].update(subsys._var_abs2meta[io]) allprocs_abs2meta[io].update(subsys._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io]) subprom2prom = var_maps[io] allprocs_discrete[io].update(subsys._var_allprocs_discrete[io]) var_discrete[io].update({sub_prefix + k: v for k, v in subsys._var_discrete[io].items()}) sub_loc_proms = subsys._var_abs2prom[io] for sub_prom, sub_abs in subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io].items(): if sub_prom in subprom2prom: prom_name, _, pinfo, _ = subprom2prom[sub_prom] if pinfo is not None and io == 'input': pinfo = pinfo.copy() pinfo.promoted_from = subsys.pathname pinfo.prom = sub_prom tree_level = subsys.pathname.count('.') + 1 for abs_in in sub_abs: if abs_in not in abs_in2prom_info: # need a level for each system including '', so we still # add 1 to abs_in.count('.') which includes the var name abs_in2prom_info[abs_in] = [None] * (abs_in.count('.') + 1) abs_in2prom_info[abs_in][tree_level] = pinfo else: prom_name = sub_prefix + sub_prom if prom_name not in allprocs_prom2abs_list[io]: allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][prom_name] = [] allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][prom_name].extend(sub_abs) for abs_name in sub_abs: if abs_name in sub_loc_proms: abs2prom[io][abs_name] = prom_name if isinstance(subsys, Group): # propagate any subsystem 'set_input_defaults' info up to this Group subprom2prom = var_maps['input'] for sub_prom, metalist in subsys._group_inputs.items(): if sub_prom in subprom2prom: key = subprom2prom[sub_prom][0] else: key = sub_prefix + sub_prom if key not in self._group_inputs: self._group_inputs[key] = [{'path': self.pathname, 'prom': key, 'auto': True}] self._group_inputs[key].extend(metalist) # If running in parallel, allgather if self.comm.size > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: if self._gather_full_data(): raw = (allprocs_discrete, allprocs_prom2abs_list, allprocs_abs2meta, self._has_output_scaling, self._has_output_adder, self._has_resid_scaling, self._group_inputs, self._has_distrib_vars, self._has_fd_group) else: raw = ( {'input': {}, 'output': {}}, {'input': {}, 'output': {}}, {'input': {}, 'output': {}}, False, False, False, {}, False, False, ) gathered = self.comm.allgather(raw) # start with a fresh dict to keep order the same in all procs old_abs2meta = allprocs_abs2meta allprocs_abs2meta = {'input': {}, 'output': {}} for io in ['input', 'output']: allprocs_prom2abs_list[io] = {} myrank = self.comm.rank for rank, (proc_discrete, proc_prom2abs_list, proc_abs2meta, oscale, oadd, rscale, ginputs, has_dist_vars, has_fd_group) in enumerate(gathered): self._has_output_scaling |= oscale self._has_output_adder |= oadd self._has_resid_scaling |= rscale self._has_distrib_vars |= has_dist_vars self._has_fd_group |= has_fd_group if rank != myrank: for p, mlist in ginputs.items(): if p not in self._group_inputs: self._group_inputs[p] = [] self._group_inputs[p].extend(mlist) for io in ['input', 'output']: allprocs_abs2meta[io].update(proc_abs2meta[io]) allprocs_discrete[io].update(proc_discrete[io]) for prom_name, abs_names_list in proc_prom2abs_list[io].items(): if prom_name not in allprocs_prom2abs_list[io]: allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][prom_name] = [] allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][prom_name].extend(abs_names_list) for io in ('input', 'output'): if allprocs_abs2meta[io]: # update new allprocs_abs2meta with our local version (now that we have a # consistent order for our dict), so that the 'size' metadata will # accurately reflect this proc's var size instead of one from some other proc. allprocs_abs2meta[io].update(old_abs2meta[io]) self._var_allprocs_abs2meta = allprocs_abs2meta for prom_name, abs_list in allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'].items(): if len(abs_list) > 1: self._collect_error("{}: Output name '{}' refers to " "multiple outputs: {}.".format(self.msginfo, prom_name, sorted(abs_list))) for io in ('input', 'output'): a2p = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom[io] for prom, abslist in self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io].items(): for abs_name in abslist: a2p[abs_name] = prom if self._group_inputs: p2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] extra = [gin for gin in self._group_inputs if gin not in p2abs_in] if extra: # make sure that we don't have a leftover group input default entry from a previous # execution of _setup_var_data before promoted names were updated. ex = set() for e in extra: if e in old_prom2abs: del self._group_inputs[e] # clean up old key using old promoted name else: ex.add(e) if ex: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: The following group inputs, passed to " f"set_input_defaults(), could not be found: {sorted(ex)}.") if self._var_discrete['input'] or self._var_discrete['output']: self._discrete_inputs = _DictValues(self._var_discrete['input']) self._discrete_outputs = _DictValues(self._var_discrete['output']) else: self._discrete_inputs = self._discrete_outputs = {} self._vars_to_gather = self._find_vars_to_gather() # create mapping of indep var names to their metadata self._ivcs = self.get_indep_vars(local=False) def _resolve_group_input_defaults(self, show_warnings=False): """ Resolve any ambiguities in group input defaults throughout the model. Only called at the model level. Parameters ---------- show_warnings : bool Bool to show or hide the auto_ivc warnings. """ skip = set(('path', 'use_tgt', 'prom', 'src_shape', 'src_indices', 'auto')) prom2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] abs_in2prom_info = self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'] abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] self._auto_ivc_warnings = [] for prom, metalist in self._group_inputs.items(): if prom not in prom2abs_in: # this error was already collected in setup_var_data, so just continue here continue try: paths = [(i, m['path']) for i, m in enumerate(metalist) if not m['auto']] top_origin = paths[0][1] top_prom = metalist[paths[0][0]]['prom'] except KeyError: issue_warning("No auto IVCs found", prefix=self.msginfo, category=PromotionWarning) allmeta = set() for meta in metalist: allmeta.update(meta) fullmeta = {n: _UNDEFINED for n in allmeta - skip} for key in sorted(fullmeta): for submeta in metalist: if submeta['auto']: continue if key in submeta: if is_undefined(fullmeta[key]): origin = submeta['path'] origin_prom = submeta['prom'] val = fullmeta[key] = submeta[key] if origin != top_origin: msg = (f"Group '{top_origin}' did not set a default " f"'{key}' for input '{top_prom}', so the value of " f"({val}) from group '{origin}' will be used.") if show_warnings: issue_warning(msg, category=PromotionWarning) else: self._auto_ivc_warnings.append(msg) else: eq = submeta[key] == val if isinstance(eq, np.ndarray): eq = np.all(eq) if not eq: # first, see if origin is an ancestor if not origin or submeta['path'].startswith(origin + '.'): msg = (f"Groups '{origin}' and '{submeta['path']}' " f"called set_input_defaults for the input " f"'{origin_prom}' with conflicting '{key}'. " f"The value ({val}) from '{origin}' will be " "used.") if show_warnings: issue_warning(msg, category=PromotionWarning) else: self._auto_ivc_warnings.append(msg) else: # origin is not an ancestor, so we have an ambiguity if origin_prom != submeta['prom']: prm = f"('{origin_prom}' / '{submeta['prom']}')" else: prm = f"'{origin_prom}'" common = common_subpath((origin, submeta['path'])) if common: sub = self._get_subsystem(common) if sub is not None: for a in prom2abs_in[prom]: if a in sub._var_abs2prom['input']: prom = sub._var_abs2prom['input'][a] break gname = f"Group named '{common}'" if common else 'model' self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: The subsystems {origin} " f"and {submeta['path']} called " f"set_input_defaults for promoted input " f"{prm} with conflicting values for " f"'{key}'. Call <group>.set_input_defaults(" f"'{prom}', {key}=?), where <group> is the " f"{gname} to remove the ambiguity.") # update all metadata dicts with any missing metadata that was filled in elsewhere # and update src_shape and use_tgt in abs_in2prom_info for meta in metalist: tree_level = meta['path'].count('.') + 1 if meta['path'] else 0 prefix = meta['path'] + '.' if meta['path'] else '' src_shape = None if 'val' in meta: abs_in = prom2abs_in[prom][0] if abs_in in abs2meta_in: # it's a continuous variable src_shape = np.asarray(meta['val']).shape elif 'src_shape' in meta: src_shape = meta['src_shape'] if src_shape is not None: # Now update the global promotes info dict for tgt in prom2abs_in[prom]: if tgt in abs_in2prom_info and tgt.startswith(prefix): pinfo = abs_in2prom_info[tgt][tree_level] if pinfo is not None: p2 = abs_in2prom_info[tgt][tree_level + 1] if p2 is not None: # src_shape from a set_input_defaults call actually # must match the promoted src_shape from one level # deeper in the tree. if p2.src_shape is not None and p2.src_shape != src_shape: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: src_shape {src_shape}" f" set by set_input_defaults('{prom}', " f"...) in group '{meta['path']}' " "conflicts with src_shape of " f"{pinfo.src_shape} for promoted input " f"'{pinfo.prom_path()}") p2.set_src_shape(src_shape) else: abs_in2prom_info[tgt][tree_level] = \ _PromotesInfo(src_shape=src_shape, prom=prom, promoted_from=self.pathname) else: # check for discrete targets for tgt in prom2abs_in[prom]: if tgt in self._discrete_inputs: for key, val in meta.items(): # for discretes we can only set the value (not units/src_shape) if key == 'val': self._discrete_inputs[tgt] = val elif key in ('units', 'src_shape'): self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Cannot set '{key}={val}'" f" for discrete variable '{tgt}'.") meta.update(fullmeta) def _find_vars_to_gather(self): """ Return a mapping of var pathname to owning rank. The mapping will contain ONLY systems that are remote on at least one proc. Distributed systems are not included. Returns ------- dict The mapping of variable pathname to owning rank. """ remote_vars = {} if self.comm.size > 1: myproc = self.comm.rank nprocs = self.comm.size for io in ('input', 'output'): abs2prom = self._var_abs2prom[io] abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io] # var order must be same on all procs sorted_names = sorted(self._var_allprocs_abs2prom[io]) locality = np.zeros((nprocs, len(sorted_names)), dtype=bool) for i, name in enumerate(sorted_names): if name in abs2prom: locality[myproc, i] = True my_loc = locality[myproc, :].copy() self.comm.Allgather(my_loc, locality) for i, name in enumerate(sorted_names): nzs = np.nonzero(locality[:, i])[0] if name in abs2meta and abs2meta[name]['distributed']: pass elif 0 < nzs.size < nprocs: remote_vars[name] = nzs[0] return remote_vars @collect_errors def _setup_var_sizes(self): """ Compute the arrays of variable sizes for all variables/procs on this system. """ self._var_offsets = None abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx = {} all_abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta self._var_sizes = { 'input': np.zeros((self.comm.size, len(all_abs2meta['input'])), dtype=INT_DTYPE), 'output': np.zeros((self.comm.size, len(all_abs2meta['output'])), dtype=INT_DTYPE), } for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): subsys._setup_var_sizes() iproc = self.comm.rank for io, sizes in self._var_sizes.items(): abs2meta = self._var_abs2meta[io] for i, name in enumerate(self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io]): abs2idx[name] = i if name in abs2meta: sz = abs2meta[name]['size'] sizes[iproc, i] = 0 if sz is None else sz if self.comm.size > 1: my_sizes = sizes[iproc, :].copy() self.comm.Allgather(my_sizes, sizes) if self.comm.size > 1: if (self._has_distrib_vars or self._contains_parallel_group or not np.all(self._var_sizes['output']) or not np.all(self._var_sizes['input'])): if self._distributed_vector_class is not None: self._vector_class = self._distributed_vector_class else: raise RuntimeError("{}: Distributed vectors are required but no distributed " "vector type has been set.".format(self.msginfo)) else: self._vector_class = self._local_vector_class self._compute_owning_ranks() def _compute_owning_ranks(self): abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta abs2discrete = self._var_allprocs_discrete if self.comm.size > 1: owns = self._owning_rank self._owned_sizes = self._var_sizes['output'].copy() abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx for io in ('input', 'output'): sizes = self._var_sizes[io] for name, meta in abs2meta[io].items(): dist = meta['distributed'] i = abs2idx[name] for rank in range(self.comm.size): if sizes[rank, i] > 0: owns[name] = rank if not dist and io == 'output': self._owned_sizes[rank + 1:, i] = 0 # zero out all dups break if abs2discrete[io]: prefix = self.pathname + '.' if self.pathname else '' for rank, names in enumerate(self.comm.allgather(self._var_discrete[io])): if prefix: toadd = {prefix + n for n in names}.difference(owns) else: toadd = set(names).difference(owns) for n in toadd: owns[n] = rank else: self._owned_sizes = self._var_sizes['output'] def _owned_size(self, abs_name): """ Return the size of the variable on the owning rank. Parameters ---------- abs_name : str The absolute name of the variable. Returns ------- int The size of the variable on this rank, 0 if this is not the owning rank. """ return self._owned_sizes[self.comm.rank, self._var_allprocs_abs2idx[abs_name]] def _setup_global_connections(self, parent_conns=None): """ Compute dict of all connections between this system's inputs and outputs. Parameters ---------- parent_conns : dict Dictionary of connections passed down from parent group. """ global_abs_in2out = defaultdict(set) allprocs_prom2abs_list_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] allprocs_prom2abs_list_out = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] allprocs_discrete_in = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'] allprocs_discrete_out = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'] abs_in2prom_info = self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'] pathname = self.pathname abs_in2out = {} new_conns = {} prefix = pathname + '.' if pathname else '' path_len = len(prefix) if parent_conns is not None: for abs_in, abs_out in parent_conns.items(): if abs_in.startswith(prefix) and abs_out.startswith(prefix): global_abs_in2out[abs_in].add(abs_out) in_subsys, _, _ = abs_in[path_len:].partition('.') out_subsys, _, _ = abs_out[path_len:].partition('.') # if connection is contained in a subgroup, add to conns # to pass down to subsystems. if in_subsys == out_subsys: if in_subsys not in new_conns: new_conns[in_subsys] = {abs_in: abs_out} else: new_conns[in_subsys][abs_in] = abs_out # Add implicit connections (only ones owned by this group) for prom_name, out_list in allprocs_prom2abs_list_out.items(): if prom_name in allprocs_prom2abs_list_in: # names match ==> a connection abs_out = out_list[0] out_subsys, _, _ = abs_out[path_len:].partition('.') for abs_in in allprocs_prom2abs_list_in[prom_name]: in_subsys, _, _ = abs_in[path_len:].partition('.') global_abs_in2out[abs_in].add(abs_out) if out_subsys == in_subsys: in_subsys, _, _ = abs_in[path_len:].partition('.') out_subsys, _, _ = abs_out[path_len:].partition('.') # if connection is contained in a subgroup, add to conns # to pass down to subsystems. if in_subsys == out_subsys: if in_subsys not in new_conns: new_conns[in_subsys] = {abs_in: abs_out} else: new_conns[in_subsys][abs_in] = abs_out else: # this group will handle the transfer abs_in2out[abs_in] = abs_out src_ind_inputs = set() abs2meta = self._var_abs2meta['input'] allprocs_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] self._bad_conn_vars = set() # Add explicit connections (only ones declared by this group) for prom_in, (prom_out, src_indices, flat) in self._manual_connections.items(): # throw an exception if either output or input doesn't exist # (not traceable to a connect statement, so provide context) if not (prom_out in allprocs_prom2abs_list_out or prom_out in allprocs_discrete_out): if (prom_out in allprocs_prom2abs_list_in or prom_out in allprocs_discrete_in): msg = f"{self.msginfo}: Attempted to connect from '{prom_out}' to " + \ f"'{prom_in}', but '{prom_out}' is an input. " + \ "All connections must be from an output to an input." else: guesses = get_close_matches(prom_out, list(allprocs_prom2abs_list_out.keys()) + list(allprocs_discrete_out.keys())) msg = f"{self.msginfo}: Attempted to connect from '{prom_out}' to " + \ f"'{prom_in}', but '{prom_out}' doesn't exist. Perhaps you meant " + \ f"to connect to one of the following outputs: {guesses}." self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) self._collect_error(msg) continue if not (prom_in in allprocs_prom2abs_list_in or prom_in in allprocs_discrete_in): if (prom_in in allprocs_prom2abs_list_out or prom_in in allprocs_discrete_out): msg = f"{self.msginfo}: Attempted to connect from '{prom_out}' to " + \ f"'{prom_in}', but '{prom_in}' is an output. " + \ "All connections must be from an output to an input." else: guesses = get_close_matches(prom_in, list(allprocs_prom2abs_list_in.keys()) + list(allprocs_discrete_in.keys())) msg = f"{self.msginfo}: Attempted to connect from '{prom_out}' to " + \ f"'{prom_in}', but '{prom_in}' doesn't exist. Perhaps you meant " + \ f"to connect to one of the following inputs: {guesses}." self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) self._collect_error(msg) continue # Throw an exception if output and input are in the same system # (not traceable to a connect statement, so provide context) # and check if src_indices is defined in both connect and add_input. abs_out = allprocs_prom2abs_list_out[prom_out][0] out_comp, _, _ = abs_out.rpartition('.') out_subsys, _, _ = abs_out[path_len:].partition('.') for abs_in in allprocs_prom2abs_list_in[prom_in]: in_comp, _, _ = abs_in.rpartition('.') if out_comp == in_comp: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Output and input are in the same System for connection " f"from '{prom_out}' to '{prom_in}'.") self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) continue if src_indices is not None: a2m = allprocs_abs2meta_in[abs_in] if (a2m['shape_by_conn'] or a2m['compute_shape']): self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Setting of 'src_indices' along with 'shape_by_conn', " f"'copy_shape', or 'compute_shape' for variable '{abs_in}' " "is unsupported.") self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) continue if abs_in in abs2meta: if abs_in not in abs_in2prom_info: abs_in2prom_info[abs_in] = [None] * (abs_in.count('.') + 1) # place a _PromotesInfo at the top level to handle the src_indices if abs_in2prom_info[abs_in][0] is None: try: abs_in2prom_info[abs_in][0] = _PromotesInfo(src_indices=src_indices, flat=flat, prom=abs_in) except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error( f"When connecting from '{prom_out}' to '{prom_in}': {exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb, ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) continue meta = abs2meta[abs_in] meta['manual_connection'] = True meta['src_indices'] = src_indices meta['flat_src_indices'] = flat src_ind_inputs.add(abs_in) if abs_in in abs_in2out: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Input '{abs_in}' cannot be connected to '{abs_out}' " f"because it's already connected to '{abs_in2out[abs_in]}'.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) self._bad_conn_vars.update((prom_in, prom_out)) continue abs_in2out[abs_in] = abs_out # if connection is contained in a subgroup, add to conns to pass down to subsystems. if abs_in[path_len:].partition('.')[0] == out_subsys: if out_subsys not in new_conns: new_conns[out_subsys] = {abs_in: abs_out} else: new_conns[out_subsys][abs_in] = abs_out # Compute global_abs_in2out by first adding this group's contributions, # then adding contributions from systems above/below, then allgathering. for tgt, src in abs_in2out.items(): global_abs_in2out[tgt].add(src) for subgroup in self._subgroups_myproc: if in new_conns: subgroup._setup_global_connections(parent_conns=new_conns[]) else: subgroup._setup_global_connections() for tgt, src in subgroup._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): global_abs_in2out[tgt].add(src) dup_info = [(n, srcs) for n, srcs in global_abs_in2out.items() if len(srcs) > 1] if dup_info: dup = ["%s from %s" % (tgt, sorted(srcs)) for tgt, srcs in dup_info] dupstr = ', '.join(dup) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: The following inputs have multiple " f"connections: {dupstr}.", ident=dupstr) if self.comm.size > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: # If running in parallel, allgather if self._gather_full_data(): raw = (global_abs_in2out, src_ind_inputs) else: raw = ({}, ()) gathered = self.comm.allgather(raw) all_src_ind_ins = set() for myproc_global_abs_in2out, src_ind_ins in gathered: for tgt, srcs in myproc_global_abs_in2out.items(): global_abs_in2out[tgt].update(srcs) all_src_ind_ins.update(src_ind_ins) src_ind_inputs = all_src_ind_ins for inp in src_ind_inputs: allprocs_abs2meta_in[inp]['has_src_indices'] = True self._conn_global_abs_in2out = {name: srcs.pop() for name, srcs in global_abs_in2out.items()}
[docs] def get_indep_vars(self, local): """ Return a dict of independant variables contained in this group or any of its subgroups. Parameters ---------- local : bool If True, return only the variables local to the current process. Returns ------- dict Dict of all independant variables in this group and their corresponding metadata. """ abs2meta = self._var_abs2meta['output'] if local else self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] return {n: meta for n, meta in abs2meta.items() if 'openmdao:indep_var' in meta['tags']}
[docs] def get_boundary_vars(self, io, local): """ Return a set of inputs or outputs connected to variables outside of this Group. Parameters ---------- io : str Either 'input' or 'output'. local : bool If True, return only the variables local to the current process. Returns ------- set Set of absolute inputs or outputs connected to variables outside of this Group. """ assert io in ('input', 'output'), \ f"io must be either 'input' or 'output', but '{io}' was given." # _var_*_abs2prom contains both continuous and discrete variables vnames = self._var_abs2prom[io] if local else self._var_allprocs_abs2prom[io] return set(vnames).difference(self._conn_global_abs_in2out)
def _setup_jax(self): if jax is None: return # recurse down the tree and setup # jax anywhere below where it's active, then return. for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: if isinstance(subsys, Group) or subsys.options['derivs_method'] == 'jax': subsys._setup_jax() def _setup_dynamic_shapes(self): """ Dynamically add shape/size metadata for variables. This only happens if the user has set shape_by_conn, copy_shape, or compute_shape for a variable. """ def get_group_input_shape(prom, gshapes): """ Get the shape of the given promoted group input. Parameters ---------- prom : str Promoted name of the group input. gshapes : dict Mapping of group input name to shape. Returns ------- tuple or None If the shape of the variable is known, return the shape. Otherwise, return None. """ if prom in gshapes: return gshapes[prom] if prom in self._group_inputs: for d in self._group_inputs[prom]: if 'src_shape' in d: return d['src_shape'] elif 'val' in d: return np.asarray(d['val']).shape def compute_var_meta(graph, to_var, shapes, func): """ Compute shape info for the given variable using the given function. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph containing all variables with shape info. to_var : str Name of variable to compute shape info for. shapes : dict Mapping of variable name to shape. func : function Function to use to compute the shape. Returns ------- tuple or None If the shape of the variable is known, return the shape. Otherwise, return None. """ compname = to_var.rpartition('.')[0] try: from_shape = func(shapes) except KeyError as err: abs_name = f"{compname}.{err.args[0]}" self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't compute shape of variable '{to_var}': " f"variable '{abs_name}' doesn't exist.") return except Exception as err: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Error occurred while computing the shape " f"of variable '{to_var}': {err}") return else: graph.nodes[to_var]['shape'] = from_shape return from_shape def copy_var_meta(graph, from_var, to_var, distrib_sizes): """ Copy shape info from from_var's metadata to to_var's metadata in the graph. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph containing all variables with shape info. from_var : str Name of variable to copy shape info from. to_var : str Name of variable to copy shape info to. distrib_sizes : dict Mapping of distributed variable name to sizes in each rank. Returns ------- tuple or None If the shape of the variable is known, return the shape. Otherwise, return None. """ if to_var.startswith('#'): return nprocs = self.comm.size from_meta = graph.nodes[from_var] from_dist = nprocs > 1 and from_meta['distributed'] from_shape = from_meta['shape'] from_io = from_meta['io'] to_meta = graph.nodes[to_var] to_dist = nprocs > 1 and to_meta['distributed'] to_io = to_meta['io'] # known dist output to/from non-distributed input. We don't allow this case because # non-distributed variables must have the same value on all procs and the only way # this is possible is if the src_indices on each proc are identical, but that's not # possible if we assume 'always local' transfer (see POEM 46). if from_dist and not to_dist: if from_io == 'output': self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: dynamic sizing of non-distributed {to_io} '{to_var}' " f"from distributed {from_io} '{from_var}' is not supported.") return else: # serial_out <- dist_in # all input rank sizes must be the same if not np.all(distrib_sizes[from_var] == distrib_sizes[from_var][0]): if from_io == 'output': ident = (from_var, to_var) else: ident = (to_var, from_var) self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: dynamic sizing of non-distributed {to_io} '{to_var}' " f"from distributed {from_io} '{from_var}' is not supported because not " f"all {from_var} ranks are the same size " f"(sizes={distrib_sizes[from_var]}).", ident=ident) return to_meta['shape'] = from_shape if from_var in distrib_sizes: distrib_sizes[to_var] = distrib_sizes[from_var] return from_shape def get_unresolved_knowns(graph, nodes=None): """ Return all unresolved nodes with known shape. Unresolved means that the node has known shape and at least one successor with unknown shape. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph containing all variables with shape info. nodes : list of str or None List of nodes to check. If None, check all nodes in the graph. Returns ------- set of str Set of nodes with known shape but at least one successor with unknown shape. """ gnodes = graph.nodes if nodes is None: nodes = graph.nodes() unresolved = set() for node in nodes: if gnodes[node]['shape'] is not None: # node has known shape for succ in graph.successors(node): if gnodes[succ]['shape'] is None: unresolved.add(node) break return unresolved def get_actives(graph, knowns): """ Return all active single edges and active multi nodes. Active edges are those that are connected on one end to a known shape variable and on the other end to an unknown shape variable. Active nodes are those that have unknown shape but are connected to a known shape variable. Single edges correspond to 'shape_by_conn' and 'copy_shape' connections. Multi nodes are variables that have 'compute_shape' set to True so they connect to multiple nodes of the opposite io type in a component. For example a 'compute_shape' output variable will connect to all inputs in the component and each of those edges will be labeled as 'multi'. So a multi node is a node that has 'multi' incoming edges. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph containing all variables with shape info. knowns : list of str List of nodes with known shape. Returns ------- active_single_edges : set of (str, str) Set of active 'single' edges (for copy_shape and shape_by_conn). active_multi_nodes : set of str Set of active nodes with 'multi' edges (for compute_shape). """ active_single_edges = set() active_multi_nodes = set() for known in knowns: for succ in graph.successors(known): if nodes[succ]['shape'] is None: if edges[known, succ]['multi']: active_multi_nodes.add(succ) else: active_single_edges.add((known, succ)) return active_single_edges, active_multi_nodes def is_unresolved(graph, node): """ Return True if the given node is unresolved. Unresolved means that the node has at least one successor with unknown shape. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph containing all variables with shape info. node : str Node to check. Returns ------- bool True if the node is unresolved. """ for s in graph.successors(node): if graph.nodes[s]['shape'] is None: return True return False def meta2node_data(meta): """ Return a dict containing select metadata for the given variable. Parameters ---------- meta : dict Metadata for the variable. Returns ------- dict Dict containing select metadata for the variable. """ return { 'distributed': meta['distributed'], 'shape': meta['shape'], 'compute_shape': meta['compute_shape'], 'shape_by_conn': meta['shape_by_conn'], 'copy_shape': meta['copy_shape'], } all_abs2prom_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] nprocs = self.comm.size conn = self._conn_global_abs_in2out rev_conn = None self._shapes_graph = graph = nx.DiGraph() knowns = set() dist_sz = {} # local distrib sizes my_abs2meta_out = self._var_abs2meta['output'] my_abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] all_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] all_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] grp_shapes = {} compute_shape_functs = {} component_io = defaultdict(list) # find all variables that have an unknown shape (across all procs) and connect them # to other unknown and known shape variables to form a directed graph. for io in ('input', 'output'): for name, meta in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].items(): compname = name.rpartition('.')[0] component_io[compname, io].append(name) if meta['shape_by_conn']: graph.add_node(name, io=io, **meta2node_data(meta)) if name in conn: # it's a connected input abs_from = conn[name] if abs_from not in graph: from_meta = all_abs2meta_out[abs_from] graph.add_node(abs_from, io='output', **meta2node_data(from_meta)) graph.add_edge(abs_from, name, multi=False) else: if rev_conn is None: rev_conn = get_rev_conns(self._conn_global_abs_in2out) if name in rev_conn: # connected output for inp in rev_conn[name]: inmeta = all_abs2meta_in[inp] graph.add_node(inp, io='input', **meta2node_data(inmeta)) graph.add_edge(inp, name, multi=False) elif not meta['compute_shape'] and not meta['copy_shape']: # check to see if we can get shape from _group_inputs fail = True if io == 'input': prom = all_abs2prom_in[name] grp_shape = get_group_input_shape(prom, grp_shapes) if grp_shape is not None: # use '#' to designate this as an entry that's not a variable gnode = f"#{prom}" graph.add_node(gnode, io='input', shape=grp_shape, distributed=False, shape_by_conn=None, compute_shape=None) graph.add_edge(gnode, name, multi=False) grp_shapes[prom] = grp_shape fail = False else: # see if there are any connected inputs with known shape for n in self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'][prom]: if n != name: m = all_abs2meta_in[n] if not (m['distributed'] or m['has_src_indices'] or m['shape_by_conn'] or m['compute_shape'] or m['copy_shape']): fail = False graph.add_node(n, io='input', known_count=0, **meta2node_data(all_abs2meta_in[n])) graph.add_edge(n, name, multi=False) break if fail and name not in self._bad_conn_vars: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: 'shape_by_conn' was set for " f"unconnected variable '{name}'.") if meta['copy_shape']: # variable whose shape is being copied must be on the same component, and # name stored in 'copy_shape' entry must be the relative name. abs_from = name.rpartition('.')[0] + '.' + meta['copy_shape'] if abs_from in all_abs2meta_in or abs_from in all_abs2meta_out: a2m = all_abs2meta_in if abs_from in all_abs2meta_in else all_abs2meta_out if name not in graph: graph.add_node(name, io=io, **meta2node_data(meta)) if abs_from not in graph: from_io = 'input' if abs_from in all_abs2meta_in else 'output' from_meta = a2m[abs_from] graph.add_node(abs_from, io=from_io, **meta2node_data(from_meta)) graph.add_edge(abs_from, name, multi=False) else: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't copy shape of variable " f"'{abs_from}'. Variable doesn't exist or is not " "continuous.") elif meta['compute_shape']: compute_shape_functs[name] = meta['compute_shape'] if name not in graph: graph.add_node(name, shape=meta['shape'], io=io, compute_shape=meta['compute_shape'], distributed=meta['distributed']) # store known distributed size info needed for computing shapes if nprocs > 1: my_abs2meta = my_abs2meta_in if name in my_abs2meta_in else my_abs2meta_out if name in my_abs2meta: sz = my_abs2meta[name]['size'] if sz is not None: dist_sz[name] = sz else: dist_sz[name] = 0 # loop over any 'compute_shape' variables and add edges to the graph for name in compute_shape_functs: comp_name = name.rpartition('.')[0] # get 'opposite' io variables to use as inputs to compute_shape function io = 'input' if name in all_abs2meta_out else 'output' for abs_name in component_io[comp_name, io]: meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io][abs_name] if abs_name not in graph: graph.add_node(abs_name, io=io, **meta2node_data(meta)) graph.add_edge(abs_name, name, multi=True) if graph.order() == 0: # we don't have any shape_by_conn or copy_shape variables, so we're done return if nprocs > 1: distrib_sizes = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(nprocs, dtype=INT_DTYPE)) for rank, dsz in enumerate(self.comm.allgather(dist_sz)): for n, sz in dsz.items(): distrib_sizes[n][rank] = sz else: distrib_sizes = {} knowns = {n for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True) if d['shape'] is not None} all_knowns = knowns.copy() nodes = graph.nodes edges = graph.edges # connected_components needs an undirected graph, so create a temporary one here for comps in nx.connected_components(nx.Graph(graph)): # treat all knowns initially as unresolved unresolved_knowns = all_knowns.intersection(comps) if not unresolved_knowns: # no knowns in this component, so we fail. continue progress = 1 while progress: progress = 0 unresolved_knowns = get_unresolved_knowns(graph, unresolved_knowns) active_single_edges, active_multi_nodes = get_actives(graph, unresolved_knowns) for k, u in active_single_edges: shp = copy_var_meta(graph, k, u, distrib_sizes) if shp is not None: if is_unresolved(graph, u): unresolved_knowns.add(u) all_knowns.add(u) progress += 1 for mnode in active_multi_nodes: for k, _, data in graph.in_edges(mnode, data=True): if nodes[k]['shape'] is None and data['multi']: break else: # all 'compute_shape' preds are known so compute shape shapes = { n.rpartition('.')[-1]: nodes[n]['shape'] for n in graph.predecessors(mnode) } shp = compute_var_meta(graph, mnode, shapes, nodes[mnode]['compute_shape']) if shp is not None: if is_unresolved(graph, mnode): unresolved_knowns.add(mnode) all_knowns.add(mnode) progress += 1 # now perform a consistency check on all computed/copied shapes mismatches = set() for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True): if not data['multi']: ushape = nodes[u]['shape'] vshape = nodes[v]['shape'] if ushape != vshape and ushape is not None and vshape is not None: udist = nodes[u]['distributed'] vdist = nodes[v]['distributed'] if not (udist ^ vdist): mismatches.add(tuple(sorted((u, v)))) if mismatches: for u, v in mismatches: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Shape mismatch, {nodes[u]['shape']} vs. " f"{nodes[v]['shape']} for variables '{u}' and '{v}' during " "dynamic shape determination.") # update variable metadata based on graph shapes for node, data in graph.nodes(data=True): if node.startswith('#'): continue io = data['io'] allmeta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io][node] shape = data['shape'] size = shape_to_len(shape) allmeta['shape'] = shape allmeta['size'] = size try: meta = self._var_abs2meta[io][node] except KeyError: pass # node is not local, so no need to update local metadata else: meta['shape'] = shape meta['size'] = size # Passing None into shape arguments as an alias for () is deprecated (Numpy 1.20) shape = shape if shape is not None else () meta['val'] = np.full(shape, meta['val'], dtype=float) # save graph info for possible later plotting self._shapes_graph = graph unresolved = set(graph.nodes()) - all_knowns if unresolved: unresolved = sorted(unresolved) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Failed to resolve shapes for {unresolved}. " "To see the dynamic shape dependency graph, " "do 'openmdao view_dyn_shapes <your_py_file>'.") @collect_errors @check_mpi_exceptions def _setup_connections(self): """ Compute dict of all connections owned by this Group. Also, check shapes of connected variables. """ abs_in2out = self._conn_abs_in2out = {} self._conn_discrete_in2out = {} global_abs_in2out = self._conn_global_abs_in2out pathname = self.pathname allprocs_discrete_in = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'] allprocs_discrete_out = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'] for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): subsys._setup_connections() path_dot = pathname + '.' if pathname else '' path_len = len(path_dot) allprocs_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] allprocs_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] abs2meta_out = self._var_abs2meta['output'] nproc = self.comm.size # Check input/output units here, and set _has_input_scaling # to True for this Group if units are defined and different, or if # ref or ref0 are defined for the output. for abs_in, abs_out in global_abs_in2out.items(): # Check that they are in different subsystems of this system. out_subsys = abs_out[path_len:].partition('.')[0] in_subsys = abs_in[path_len:].partition('.')[0] if out_subsys != in_subsys: if abs_in in allprocs_discrete_in: self._conn_discrete_in2out[abs_in] = abs_out elif abs_out in allprocs_discrete_out: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Can't connect discrete output '{abs_out}' " f"to continuous input '{abs_in}'.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue else: abs_in2out[abs_in] = abs_out if nproc > 1 and self._vector_class is None: # check for any cross-process data transfer. If found, use # self._problem_meta['distributed_vector_class'] as our vector class. if (abs_in not in abs2meta_in or abs_out not in abs2meta_out or abs2meta_in[abs_in]['distributed'] or abs2meta_out[abs_out]['distributed']): self._vector_class = self._distributed_vector_class # if connected output has scaling then we need input scaling if not self._has_input_scaling and not (abs_in in allprocs_discrete_in or abs_out in allprocs_discrete_out): out_units = allprocs_abs2meta_out[abs_out]['units'] in_units = allprocs_abs2meta_in[abs_in]['units'] # if units are defined and different, or if a connected output has any scaling, # we need input scaling. self._has_input_scaling = self._has_output_scaling or self._has_resid_scaling or \ (in_units and out_units and in_units != out_units) # check compatability for any discrete connections for abs_in, abs_out in self._conn_discrete_in2out.items(): in_type = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'][abs_in]['type'] try: out_type = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'][abs_out]['type'] except KeyError: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Can't connect continuous output '{abs_out}' " f"to discrete input '{abs_in}'.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue if not issubclass(in_type, out_type): self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Type '{out_type.__name__}' of output '{abs_out}' is " f"incompatible with type '{in_type.__name__}' of input '{abs_in}'.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) # check unit/shape compatibility, but only for connections that are # either owned by (implicit) or declared by (explicit) this Group. # This way, we don't repeat the error checking in multiple groups. for abs_in, abs_out in abs_in2out.items(): all_meta_out = allprocs_abs2meta_out[abs_out] all_meta_in = allprocs_abs2meta_in[abs_in] # check unit compatibility out_units = all_meta_out['units'] in_units = all_meta_in['units'] if out_units: if not in_units: if not _is_unitless(out_units): msg = f"Output '{abs_out}' with units of '{out_units}' " + \ f"is connected to input '{abs_in}' which has no units." issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo, category=UnitsWarning) elif not is_compatible(in_units, out_units): self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: Output units of '{out_units}' for '{abs_out}' " f"are incompatible with input units of '{in_units}' for '{abs_in}'.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue elif in_units is not None: if not _is_unitless(in_units): msg = f"Input '{abs_in}' with units of '{in_units}' is " + \ f"connected to output '{abs_out}' which has no units." issue_warning(msg, prefix=self.msginfo, category=UnitsWarning) # check shape compatibility if abs_in in abs2meta_in: meta_in = abs2meta_in[abs_in] # get output shape from allprocs meta dict, since it may # be distributed (we want global shape) out_shape = all_meta_out['global_shape'] # get input shape and src_indices from the local meta dict # (input is always local) if meta_in['distributed']: # if output is non-distributed and input is distributed, make output shape the # full distributed shape, i.e., treat it in this regard as a distributed output out_shape = self._get_full_dist_shape(abs_out, all_meta_out['shape']) in_shape = meta_in['shape'] src_indices = meta_in['src_indices'] if src_indices is None and out_shape != in_shape: # out_shape != in_shape is allowed if there's no ambiguity in storage order if (in_shape is None or out_shape is None or not array_connection_compatible(in_shape, out_shape)): with np.printoptions(legacy='1.21'): self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: The source and target shapes do not match or " f"are ambiguous for the connection '{abs_out}' to '{abs_in}'. " f"The source shape is {out_shape} " f"but the target shape is {in_shape}.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue elif src_indices is not None: try: shp = (out_shape if all_meta_out['distributed'] else all_meta_out['global_shape']) src_indices.set_src_shape(shp, dist_shape=out_shape) src_indices = src_indices.shaped_instance() except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() s, src, tgt = get_connection_owner(self, abs_in) abs_out = self._conn_global_abs_in2out[tgt] self._collect_error( f"{s.msginfo}: When connecting '{src}' to '{tgt}': {exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb, ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue if src_indices.indexed_src_size == 0: continue if src_indices.indexed_src_size != shape_to_len(in_shape): # initial dimensions of indices shape must be same shape as target for idx_d, inp_d in zip(src_indices.indexed_src_shape, in_shape): if idx_d != inp_d: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: The source indices {meta_in['src_indices']} " f"do not specify a valid shape for the connection '{abs_out}' " f"to '{abs_in}'. The target shape is {in_shape} but indices " f"are shape {src_indices.indexed_src_shape}.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) break else: self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: src_indices shape {src_indices.indexed_src_shape}" f" does not match {abs_in} shape {in_shape}.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) continue # any remaining dimension of indices must match shape of source if not src_indices._flat_src and (len(src_indices.indexed_src_shape) > len(out_shape)): self._collect_error( f"{self.msginfo}: The source indices {meta_in['src_indices']} do not " f"specify a valid shape for the connection '{abs_out}' to '{abs_in}'. " f"The source has {len(out_shape)} dimensions but the indices expect at " f"least {len(src_indices.indexed_src_shape)}.", ident=(abs_out, abs_in)) def _transfer(self, vec_name, mode, sub=None): """ Perform a vector transfer. Parameters ---------- vec_name : str Name of the vector RHS on which to perform a transfer. mode : str Either 'fwd' or 'rev' sub : None or str If None, perform a full transfer. If str, perform a partial transfer to named subsystem for linear Gauss--Seidel. """ xfer = self._transfers[mode] if sub in xfer: xfer = xfer[sub] else: if mode == 'fwd' and self._conn_discrete_in2out and vec_name == 'nonlinear': self._discrete_transfer(sub) return vec_inputs = self._vectors['input'][vec_name] if mode == 'fwd': if xfer is not None: if self._has_input_scaling: vec_inputs.scale_to_norm() xfer._transfer(vec_inputs, self._vectors['output'][vec_name], mode) vec_inputs.scale_to_phys() else: xfer._transfer(vec_inputs, self._vectors['output'][vec_name], mode) if self._conn_discrete_in2out and vec_name == 'nonlinear': self._discrete_transfer(sub) else: # rev if xfer is not None: if self._has_input_scaling: vec_inputs.scale_to_norm(mode='rev') xfer._transfer(vec_inputs, self._vectors['output'][vec_name], mode) if self._problem_meta['parallel_deriv_color'] is None: key = (sub, '@nocolor') if key in self._transfers['rev']: xfer = self._transfers['rev'][key] xfer._transfer(vec_inputs, self._vectors['output'][vec_name], mode) if self._has_input_scaling: vec_inputs.scale_to_phys(mode='rev') def _discrete_transfer(self, sub): """ Transfer discrete variables between components. This only occurs in fwd mode. Parameters ---------- sub : None or str If None, perform a full transfer. If not, perform a partial transfer for linear Gauss--Seidel. """ comm = self.comm key = None if sub is None else self._subsystems_allprocs[sub] if comm.size == 1: for src_sys_name, src, tgt_sys_name, tgt in self._discrete_transfers[key]: tgt_sys = self._subsystems_allprocs[tgt_sys_name].system src_sys = self._subsystems_allprocs[src_sys_name].system # note that we are not copying the discrete value here, so if the # discrete value is some mutable object, for example not an int or str, # the downstream system will have a reference to the same object # as the source, allowing the downstream system to modify the value as # seen by the source system. tgt_sys._discrete_inputs[tgt] = src_sys._discrete_outputs[src] else: # MPI allprocs_recv = self._allprocs_discrete_recv[key] discrete_out = self._var_discrete['output'] if key in self._discrete_transfers: xfers, remote_send = self._discrete_transfers[key] if allprocs_recv: sendvars = [(n, discrete_out[n]['val']) for n in remote_send] allprocs_send = comm.gather(sendvars, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: allprocs_dict = {} for i in range(comm.size): allprocs_dict.update(allprocs_send[i]) recvs = [{} for i in range(comm.size)] for rname, ranks in allprocs_recv.items(): val = allprocs_dict[rname] for i in ranks: recvs[i][rname] = val data = comm.scatter(recvs, root=0) else: data = comm.scatter(None, root=0) else: data = None for src_sys_name, src, tgt_sys_name, tgt in xfers: tgt_sys, _ = self._subsystems_allprocs[tgt_sys_name] if tgt_sys._is_local: if tgt in tgt_sys._discrete_inputs: abs_src = '.'.join((src_sys_name, src)) if data is not None and abs_src in data: src_val = data[abs_src] else: src_sys, _ = self._subsystems_allprocs[src_sys_name] src_val = src_sys._discrete_outputs[src] tgt_sys._discrete_inputs[tgt] = src_val def _setup_transfers(self): """ Compute all transfers that are owned by this system. """ for subsys in self._subgroups_myproc: subsys._setup_transfers() self._vector_class.TRANSFER._setup_transfers(self) if self._conn_discrete_in2out: self._vector_class.TRANSFER._setup_discrete_transfers(self)
[docs] @collect_errors def promotes(self, subsys_name, any=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None, src_shape=None): """ Promote a variable in the model tree. Parameters ---------- subsys_name : str The name of the child subsystem whose inputs/outputs are being promoted. any : Sequence of str or tuple A Sequence of variable names (or tuples) to be promoted, regardless of if they are inputs or outputs. This is equivalent to the items passed via the `promotes=` argument to add_subsystem. If given as a tuple, we use the "promote as" standard of "('real name', 'promoted name')*[]:". inputs : Sequence of str or tuple A Sequence of input names (or tuples) to be promoted. Tuples are used for the "promote as" capability. outputs : Sequence of str or tuple A Sequence of output names (or tuples) to be promoted. Tuples are used for the "promote as" capability. src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None This argument applies only to promoted inputs. The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from. A value of None implies this input depends on all entries of source. Default is None. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match, and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'. flat_src_indices : bool This argument applies only to promoted inputs. If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the flattened source. Otherwise each entry must be a tuple or list of size equal to the number of dimensions of the source. src_shape : int or tuple Assumed shape of any connected source or higher level promoted input. """ if isinstance(any, str): self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Trying to promote any='{any}', " "but an iterator of strings and/or tuples is required.") return if isinstance(inputs, str): self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Trying to promote inputs='{inputs}', " "but an iterator of strings and/or tuples is required.") return if isinstance(outputs, str): self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Trying to promote outputs='{outputs}', " "but an iterator of strings and/or tuples is required.") return src_shape = shape2tuple(src_shape) if src_indices is None: prominfo = None if flat_src_indices is not None or src_shape is not None: issue_warning("ignored flat_src_indices and/or src_shape because" " src_indices was not specified.", prefix=self.msginfo, category=UnusedOptionWarning) else: promoted = inputs if inputs else any try: src_indices = indexer(src_indices, flat_src=flat_src_indices) except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: When promoting {promoted} from " f"'{subsys_name}': {exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb, ident=(self.pathname, tuple(promoted))) if outputs: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Trying to promote outputs {outputs} while " f"specifying src_indices {src_indices} is not meaningful.") return try: prominfo = _PromotesInfo(src_indices, flat_src_indices, src_shape) except Exception as err: lst = [] if any is not None: lst.extend(any) if inputs is not None: lst.extend(inputs) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: When promoting {sorted(lst)}: {err}", ident=(self.pathname, tuple(lst))) return try: subsys = getattr(self, subsys_name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"{self.msginfo}: subsystem '{subsys_name}' does not exist.") if any: subsys._var_promotes['any'].extend((a, prominfo) for a in any) if inputs: subsys._var_promotes['input'].extend((i, prominfo) for i in inputs) if outputs: subsys._var_promotes['output'].extend((o, None) for o in outputs) # check for attempt to promote with different alias list_comp = [i if isinstance(i, tuple) else (i, i) for i, _ in subsys._var_promotes['input']] for original, new in list_comp: for original_inside, new_inside in list_comp: if original == original_inside and new != new_inside: self._collect_error("%s: Trying to promote '%s' when it has been aliased to " "'%s'." % (self.msginfo, original_inside, new)) continue # if this was called during configure(), mark this group as modified if self._problem_meta is not None and self._problem_meta['config_info'] is not None: self._problem_meta['config_info']._prom_added(self.pathname)
[docs] def add_subsystem(self, name, subsys, promotes=None, promotes_inputs=None, promotes_outputs=None, min_procs=1, max_procs=None, proc_weight=1.0, proc_group=None): """ Add a subsystem. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the subsystem being added. subsys : <System> An instantiated, but not-yet-set up system object. promotes : iter of (str or tuple), optional A list of variable names specifying which subsystem variables to 'promote' up to this group. If an entry is a tuple of the form (old_name, new_name), this will rename the variable in the parent group. promotes_inputs : iter of (str or tuple), optional A list of input variable names specifying which subsystem input variables to 'promote' up to this group. If an entry is a tuple of the form (old_name, new_name), this will rename the variable in the parent group. promotes_outputs : iter of (str or tuple), optional A list of output variable names specifying which subsystem output variables to 'promote' up to this group. If an entry is a tuple of the form (old_name, new_name), this will rename the variable in the parent group. min_procs : int Minimum number of MPI processes usable by the subsystem. Defaults to 1. max_procs : int or None Maximum number of MPI processes usable by the subsystem. A value of None (the default) indicates there is no maximum limit. proc_weight : float Weight given to the subsystem when allocating available MPI processes to all subsystems. Default is 1.0. proc_group : str or None Name of a processor group such that any system with that processor group name within the same parent group will be allocated on the same mpi process(es). If this is not None, then any other systems sharing the same proc_group must have identical values of min_procs, max_procs, and proc_weight or an exception will be raised. Returns ------- <System> The subsystem that was passed in. This is returned to enable users to instantiate and add a subsystem at the same time, and get the reference back. """ if self._setup_procs_finished: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Cannot call add_subsystem in " "the configure method.") if inspect.isclass(subsys): raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Subsystem '{name}' should be an instance, but a " f"{subsys.__name__} class object was found.") if name in self._subsystems_allprocs or name in self._static_subsystems_allprocs: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Subsystem name '{name}' is already used.") if hasattr(self, name) and not isinstance(getattr(self, name), System): # replacing a subsystem is ok (e.g. resetup) but no other attribute raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Can't add subsystem '{name}' because an attribute " f"with that name already exits.") if not isinstance(subsys, System): raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Subsystem '{name}' should be a System instance, but " f"an instance of type {type(subsys).__name__} was found.") if subsys is self: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: System '{name}' can't be added to itself.") if proc_group is not None and not isinstance(proc_group, str): raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: proc_group must be a str or None, but is of type " f"'{type(proc_group).__name__}'.") match = namecheck_rgx.match(name) if match is None or != name: raise NameError(f"{self.msginfo}: '{name}' is not a valid sub-system name.") = subsys.pathname = name if isinstance(promotes, str) or \ isinstance(promotes_inputs, str) or \ isinstance(promotes_outputs, str): raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: promotes must be an iterator of strings and/or " "tuples.") prominfo = None # Note, the declared order in any of these promotes arguments shouldn't matter. However, # the order does matter when using system.promotes during configure. There, you are # permitted to promote '*' then promote_to an alias afterwards, but not in the reverse. # To make this work, we sort the promotes lists for this subsystem to put the wild card # entries at the beginning. if promotes: subsys._var_promotes['any'] = [(p, prominfo) for p in sorted(promotes, key=lambda x: '*' not in x)] if promotes_inputs: subsys._var_promotes['input'] = [(p, prominfo) for p in sorted(promotes_inputs, key=lambda x: '*' not in x)] if promotes_outputs: subsys._var_promotes['output'] = [(p, prominfo) for p in sorted(promotes_outputs, key=lambda x: '*' not in x)] if self._static_mode: subsystems_allprocs = self._static_subsystems_allprocs else: subsystems_allprocs = self._subsystems_allprocs subsystems_allprocs[] = _SysInfo(subsys, len(subsystems_allprocs)) if not isinstance(min_procs, int) or min_procs < 1: raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: min_procs must be an int > 0 but ({min_procs}) was " "given.") if max_procs is not None and (not isinstance(max_procs, int) or max_procs < min_procs): raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: max_procs must be None or an int >= min_procs but " f"({max_procs}) was given.") if isinstance(proc_weight, Number) and proc_weight < 0: raise TypeError(f"{self.msginfo}: proc_weight must be a float > 0. but ({proc_weight}) " "was given.") self._proc_info[name] = (min_procs, max_procs, proc_weight, proc_group) setattr(self, name, subsys) return subsys
[docs] def connect(self, src_name, tgt_name, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None): """ Connect source src_name to target tgt_name in this namespace. Parameters ---------- src_name : str Name of the source variable to connect. tgt_name : str or [str, ... ] or (str, ...) Name of the target variable(s) to connect. src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match, and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'. flat_src_indices : bool If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the flattened source. Otherwise it must be a tuple or list of size equal to the number of dimensions of the source. """ # if src_indices argument is given, it should be valid if isinstance(src_indices, str): if isinstance(tgt_name, str): tgt_name = [tgt_name] tgt_name.append(src_indices) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: src_indices must be a slice, int, or index array." f" Did you mean connect('{src_name}', '{tgt_name}')?") return # if multiple targets are given, recursively connect to each if not isinstance(tgt_name, str) and isinstance(tgt_name, Iterable): for name in tgt_name: self.connect(src_name, name, src_indices, flat_src_indices=flat_src_indices) return if src_indices is not None: try: src_indices = indexer(src_indices, flat_src=flat_src_indices) except Exception: type_exc, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: When connecting from '{src_name}' to " f"'{tgt_name}': {exc}", exc_type=type_exc, tback=tb) return # target should not already be connected for manual_connections in [self._manual_connections, self._static_manual_connections]: if tgt_name in manual_connections: srcname = manual_connections[tgt_name][0] self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Input '{tgt_name}' is already connected to " f"'{srcname}'.") return # source and target should not be in the same system if src_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] == tgt_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]: self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: Output and input are in the same System for " f"connection from '{src_name}' to '{tgt_name}'.") return if self._static_mode: manual_connections = self._static_manual_connections else: manual_connections = self._manual_connections manual_connections[tgt_name] = (src_name, src_indices, flat_src_indices)
[docs] def set_order(self, new_order): """ Specify a new execution order for subsystems in this group. Parameters ---------- new_order : list of str List of system names in desired new execution order. """ if self._problem_meta is not None and not self._problem_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder'] \ and self._problem_meta['setup_status'] == _SetupStatus.POST_CONFIGURE: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.msginfo}: Cannot call set_order in the configure method.") # Make sure the new_order is valid. It must contain all subsystems # in this model. newset = set(new_order) if self._static_mode: olddict = self._static_subsystems_allprocs else: olddict = self._subsystems_allprocs oldset = set(olddict) if oldset != newset: msg = [] missing = oldset - newset if missing: msg.append("%s: %s expected in subsystem order and not found." % (self.msginfo, sorted(missing))) extra = newset - oldset if extra: msg.append("%s: subsystem(s) %s found in subsystem order but don't exist." % (self.msginfo, sorted(extra))) raise ValueError('\n'.join(msg)) # Don't allow duplicates either. if len(newset) < len(new_order): dupes = [key for key, val in Counter(new_order).items() if val > 1] raise ValueError("%s: Duplicate name(s) found in subsystem order list: %s" % (self.msginfo, sorted(dupes))) subsystems = {} # need a fresh one to keep the right order if self._static_mode: self._static_subsystems_allprocs = subsystems else: self._subsystems_allprocs = subsystems for i, name in enumerate(new_order): sinfo = olddict[name] subsystems[name] = sinfo sinfo.index = i if not self._static_mode: self._subsystems_myproc = [s for s, _ in self._subsystems_allprocs.values()] self._order_set = True if self._problem_meta is not None and not self._problem_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder']: # order has been changed so we need a new full setup self._problem_meta['setup_status'] = _SetupStatus.PRE_SETUP
def _get_subsystem(self, name): """ Return the system called 'name' in the current namespace. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the desired system in the current namespace. Returns ------- System or None System if found else None. """ system = self for subname in name.split('.'): try: system = system._subsystems_allprocs[subname].system except KeyError: try: system = system._static_subsystems_allprocs[subname].system except KeyError: if name == '': return self return None return system
[docs] def run_linearize(self, sub_do_ln=True, driver=None): """ Compute jacobian / factorization. This calls _linearize, but with the model assumed to be in an unscaled state. Parameters ---------- sub_do_ln : bool Flag indicating if the children should call linearize on their linear solvers. driver : Driver or None If this system is the top level system and approx derivatives have not been initialized, the driver for this model must be supplied in order to properly initialize the approximations. """ if driver is not None and self.pathname == '' and self._owns_approx_jac: self._tot_jac = _TotalJacInfo(driver._problem(), None, None, 'flat_dict', approx=True) try: super().run_linearize(sub_do_ln=sub_do_ln) finally: self._tot_jac = None
def _apply_nonlinear(self): """ Compute residuals. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state. """ self._transfer('nonlinear', 'fwd') # Apply recursion for subsys in self._relevance.filter(self._subsystems_myproc): subsys._apply_nonlinear() self.iter_count_apply += 1 def _solve_nonlinear(self): """ Compute outputs. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state. """ name = self.pathname if self.pathname else 'root' with Recording(name + '._solve_nonlinear', self.iter_count, self): with self._nonlinear_solver._solve_with_cache_check() # Iteration counter is incremented in the Recording context manager at exit. def _guess_nonlinear(self): """ Provide initial guess for states. """ # let any lower level systems do their guessing first if self._has_guess: for sname, sinfo in self._subsystems_allprocs.items(): sub = sinfo.system # TODO: could gather 'has_guess' information during setup and be able to # skip transfer for subs that don't have guesses... self._transfer('nonlinear', 'fwd', sname) if sub._is_local and sub._has_guess: sub._guess_nonlinear() # call our own guess_nonlinear method, after the recursion is done to # all the lower level systems and the data transfers have happened complex_step = self._inputs._under_complex_step if complex_step: self._inputs.set_complex_step_mode(False) self._residuals.set_complex_step_mode(False) self._outputs.set_complex_step_mode(False) try: if self._discrete_inputs or self._discrete_outputs: self.guess_nonlinear(self._inputs, self._outputs, self._residuals, self._discrete_inputs, self._discrete_outputs) else: self.guess_nonlinear(self._inputs, self._outputs, self._residuals) finally: if complex_step: self._inputs.set_complex_step_mode(True) self._residuals.set_complex_step_mode(True) self._outputs.set_complex_step_mode(True)
[docs] def guess_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs, residuals, discrete_inputs=None, discrete_outputs=None): """ Provide initial guess for states. Override this method to set the initial guess for states. Parameters ---------- inputs : Vector Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key]. outputs : Vector Unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key]. residuals : Vector Unscaled, dimensional residuals written to via residuals[key]. discrete_inputs : dict or None If not None, dict containing discrete input values. discrete_outputs : dict or None If not None, dict containing discrete output values. """ pass
def _iter_call_apply_linear(self): """ Return whether to call _apply_linear on this Group from within linear block GS/Jac. Linear block solvers call _apply_linear then _solve_linear (fwd) or _solve_linear then _apply_linear (rev) during an iteration. This will tell those solvers whether they should call _apply_linear on this group when they're calling _apply_linear on their subsystems. Note that _apply_linear will still be called from within a subsystem's _solve_linear. Returns ------- bool True if _apply_linear should be called from within a parent _apply_linear. """ return (self._owns_approx_jac and self._jacobian is not None) or \ self._assembled_jac is not None or not self._linear_solver.does_recursive_applies() def _apply_linear(self, jac, mode, scope_out=None, scope_in=None): """ Compute jac-vec product. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state. Parameters ---------- jac : Jacobian or None If None, use local jacobian, else use assembled jacobian jac. mode : str 'fwd' or 'rev'. scope_out : set or None Set of absolute output names in the scope of this mat-vec product. If None, all are in the scope. scope_in : set or None Set of absolute input names in the scope of this mat-vec product. If None, all are in the scope. """ if self._owns_approx_jac: jac = self._jacobian elif jac is None and self._assembled_jac is not None: jac = self._assembled_jac if jac is not None: with self._matvec_context(scope_out, scope_in, mode) as vecs: d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = vecs jac._apply(self, d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode) # _fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist is used to correct for the fact that we don't # do reverse transfers internal to an FD group. Reverse transfers # are constructed such that derivative values are correct when transferred into # system doutput variables, taking into account distributed inputs. # Since the transfers are not correcting for those issues, we need to do it here. # If we have a distributed constraint/obj within the FD group and that con/obj is, # active, we perform essentially an allreduce on the d_inputs vars that connect to # outside systems so they'll include the contribution from all procs. if self._fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist and mode == 'rev': seed_vars = self._problem_meta['seed_vars'] if seed_vars is not None: seed_vars = [n for n in seed_vars if n in self._fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist] slices = self._dinputs.get_slice_dict() inarr = self._dinputs.asarray() data = {} for seed_var in seed_vars: for inp in self._fd_rev_xfer_correction_dist[seed_var]: if inp not in data: if inp in slices: # inp is a local input arr = inarr[slices[inp]] if np.any(arr): data[inp] = arr else: data[inp] = None # don't send an array of zeros else: data[inp] = None # prevent possible MPI hangs if data: myrank = self.comm.rank for rank, d in enumerate(self.comm.allgather(data)): if rank != myrank: for n, val in d.items(): if val is not None and n in slices: inarr[slices[n]] += val # Apply recursion else: if mode == 'fwd': self._transfer('linear', mode) for s in self._relevance.filter(self._subsystems_myproc, relevant=False): # zero out dvecs of irrelevant subsystems s._dresiduals.set_val(0.0) for s in self._relevance.filter(self._subsystems_myproc, relevant=True): s._apply_linear(jac, mode, scope_out, scope_in) if mode == 'rev': self._transfer('linear', mode) for s in self._relevance.filter(self._subsystems_myproc, relevant=False): # zero out dvecs of irrelevant subsystems s._doutputs.set_val(0.0) def _solve_linear(self, mode, scope_out=_UNDEFINED, scope_in=_UNDEFINED): """ Apply inverse jac product. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state. Parameters ---------- mode : str 'fwd' or 'rev'. scope_out : set, None, or _UNDEFINED Outputs relevant to possible lower level calls to _apply_linear on Components. scope_in : set, None, or _UNDEFINED Inputs relevant to possible lower level calls to _apply_linear on Components. """ if self._owns_approx_jac: # No subsolves if we are approximating our jacobian. Instead, we behave like an # ExplicitComponent and pass on the values in the derivatives vectors. d_outputs = self._doutputs d_residuals = self._dresiduals if mode == 'fwd': if self._has_resid_scaling: with self._unscaled_context(outputs=[d_outputs], residuals=[d_residuals]): d_outputs.set_vec(d_residuals) else: d_outputs.set_vec(d_residuals) # ExplicitComponent jacobian defined with -1 on diagonal. d_outputs *= -1.0 else: # rev if self._has_resid_scaling: with self._unscaled_context(outputs=[d_outputs], residuals=[d_residuals]): d_residuals.set_vec(d_outputs) else: d_residuals.set_vec(d_outputs) # ExplicitComponent jacobian defined with -1 on diagonal. d_residuals *= -1.0 else: self._linear_solver._set_matvec_scope(scope_out, scope_in) with self._linear_solver.solve(mode, None) def _linearize(self, jac, sub_do_ln=True): """ Compute jacobian / factorization. The model is assumed to be in a scaled state. Parameters ---------- jac : Jacobian or None If None, use local jacobian, else use assembled jacobian jac. sub_do_ln : bool Flag indicating if the children should call linearize on their linear solvers. """ if (self._tot_jac is not None and self._owns_approx_jac and not isinstance(self._jacobian, coloring_mod._ColSparsityJac)): self._jacobian = self._tot_jac elif self._jacobian is None: self._jacobian = DictionaryJacobian(self) self._check_first_linearize() # Group finite difference if self._owns_approx_jac: jac = self._jacobian if self.pathname == "": for approximation in self._approx_schemes.values(): approximation.compute_approximations(self, jac=jac) else: # When an approximation exists in a submodel (instead of in root), the model is # in a scaled state. with self._unscaled_context(outputs=[self._outputs]): for approximation in self._approx_schemes.values(): approximation.compute_approximations(self, jac=jac) else: if self._assembled_jac is not None: jac = self._assembled_jac relevance = self._relevance with subs = list(relevance.filter(self._subsystems_myproc)) # Only linearize subsystems if we aren't approximating the derivs at this level. for subsys in subs: do_ln = sub_do_ln and (subsys._linear_solver is not None and subsys._linear_solver._linearize_children()) subsys._linearize(jac, sub_do_ln=do_ln) # Update jacobian if self._assembled_jac is not None: self._assembled_jac._update(self) if sub_do_ln: for subsys in subs: if subsys._linear_solver is not None: subsys._linear_solver._linearize() def _check_first_linearize(self): if self._first_call_to_linearize: self._first_call_to_linearize = False # only do this once coloring = self._get_coloring() if coloring_mod._use_partial_sparsity else None if coloring is not None: self._setup_approx_coloring() # TODO: for top level FD, call below is unnecessary, but we need this # for some tests that just call run_linearize directly without calling # compute_totals. elif self._approx_schemes: self._setup_approx_derivs()
[docs] def approx_totals(self, method='fd', step=None, form=None, step_calc=None): """ Approximate derivatives for a Group using the specified approximation method. Parameters ---------- method : str The type of approximation that should be used. Valid options include: 'fd': Finite Difference, 'cs': Complex Step. step : float Step size for approximation. Defaults to None, in which case, the approximation method provides its default value. form : str Form for finite difference, can be 'forward', 'backward', or 'central'. Defaults to None, in which case, the approximation method provides its default value. step_calc : str Step type for computing the size of the finite difference step. It can be 'abs' for absolute, 'rel_avg' for a size relative to the absolute value of the vector input, or 'rel_element' for a size relative to each value in the vector input. In addition, it can be 'rel_legacy' for a size relative to the norm of the vector. For backwards compatibilty, it can be 'rel', which is now equivalent to 'rel_avg'. Defaults to None, in which case the approximation method provides its default value. """ self._has_approx = True self._approx_schemes = {} approx_scheme = self._get_approx_scheme(method) default_opts = approx_scheme.DEFAULT_OPTIONS kwargs = {} for name, attr in (('step', step), ('form', form), ('step_calc', step_calc)): if attr is not None: if name in default_opts: kwargs[name] = attr else: raise RuntimeError("%s: '%s' is not a valid option for '%s'" % (self.msginfo, name, method)) self._owns_approx_jac = True self._owns_approx_jac_meta = kwargs
def _setup_partials(self): """ Call setup_partials in components. """ self._subjacs_info = info = {} for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): subsys._setup_partials() info.update(subsys._subjacs_info) if self._has_distrib_vars and self._owns_approx_jac: # We currently cannot approximate across a group with a distributed component if the # inputs are distributed via src_indices. for iname, meta in self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'].items(): if meta['has_src_indices'] and \ meta['distributed'] and \ iname not in self._conn_abs_in2out: msg = "{}: Approx_totals is not supported on a group with a distributed " msg += "component whose input '{}' is distributed using src_indices. " raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.msginfo, iname)) def _setup_residuals(self): """ Call setup_residuals in components. """ for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): subsys._setup_residuals() def _declared_partials_iter(self): """ Iterate over all declared partials. Yields ------ key : tuple (of, wrt) Subjacobian key. """ for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: yield from subsys._declared_partials_iter() def _get_missing_partials(self, missing): """ Provide (of, wrt) tuples for which derivatives have not been declared in the system. Parameters ---------- missing : dict Dictionary containing list of missing derivatives keyed by system pathname. """ if self._has_approx: return for subsys in self._subsystems_myproc: subsys._get_missing_partials(missing) def _approx_subjac_keys_iter(self): yield from self._subjac_keys_iter() def _subjac_keys_iter(self): # yields absolute keys (no aliases) totals = self.pathname == '' wrt = set() ivc = set(self.get_indep_vars(local=False)) pro2abs = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list if totals: # When computing totals, weed out inputs connected to anything inside our system unless # the source is an indepvarcomp. if self._owns_approx_wrt: wrt = {m['source'] for m in self._owns_approx_wrt.values()} diff = wrt.difference(ivc) if diff: bad = [n for n, m in self._owns_approx_wrt.items() if m['source'] in diff] raise RuntimeError("When computing total derivatives for the model, the " "following wrt variables are not independent variables or " "do not have an independant variable as a source: " f"{sorted(bad)}") wrt = wrt.intersection(ivc) else: wrt = ivc else: for abs_inps in pro2abs['input'].values(): if abs_inps[0] not in self._conn_abs_in2out: # If connection is inside of this Group, perturbation of all implicitly # connected inputs will be handled properly via internal transfers. # Otherwise, we need to add all implicitly connected inputs separately. wrt.update(abs_inps) # get rid of any old stuff in here self._owns_approx_of = self._owns_approx_wrt = None if self._owns_approx_of: # can only be total at this point of = set(m['source'] for m in self._owns_approx_of.values()) else: of = set(self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output']) # Skip indepvarcomp res wrt other srcs of -= ivc if totals: yield from product(of, wrt.union(of)) else: for key in product(of, wrt.union(of)): # Create approximations for the ones we need. _of, _wrt = key # Skip res wrt outputs if _wrt in of and _wrt not in ivc: # Support for specifying a desvar as an obj/con. if _wrt not in wrt or _of == _wrt: continue yield key def _jac_of_iter(self): """ Iterate over (name, start, end, idxs, dist_sizes) for each 'of' (row) var in the jacobian. idxs will usually be the var slice into the full variable in the result array, except in cases where _owns_approx__idx has a value for that variable, in which case it'll be indices into the variable. Yields ------ str Absolute name of 'of' variable source. int Starting index. int Ending index. slice or ndarray A full slice or indices for the 'of' variable. ndarray or None Distributed sizes if var is distributed else None """ if self._owns_approx_of: total = self.pathname == '' abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx sizes = self._var_sizes['output'] szname = 'global_size' if total else 'size' # we're computing totals/semi-totals (vars may not be local) start = end = 0 for name, ofmeta in self._owns_approx_of.items(): if total: src = ofmeta['source'] else: src = name if not total and src not in self._var_abs2meta['output']: continue meta = abs2meta[src] if meta['distributed']: dist_sizes = sizes[:, abs2idx[src]] else: dist_sizes = None indices = ofmeta['indices'] if indices is not None: # of in approx_of_idx: end += indices.indexed_src_size yield src, start, end, indices.shaped_array().ravel(), dist_sizes else: end += abs2meta[src][szname] yield src, start, end, _full_slice, dist_sizes start = end else: yield from super()._jac_of_iter() def _jac_wrt_iter(self, wrt_matches=None): """ Iterate over (name, offset, end, vec, idxs, dist_sizes) for each column var in the jacobian. Parameters ---------- wrt_matches : set or None Only include row vars that are contained in this set. This will determine what the actual offsets are, i.e. the offsets will be into a reduced jacobian containing only the matching columns. Yields ------ str Name of 'wrt' variable. int Starting index. int Ending index. Vector Either the _outputs or _inputs vector. slice or ndarray A full slice or indices for the 'wrt' variable. ndarray or None Distributed sizes if var is distributed else None """ total = self.pathname == '' if self._owns_approx_wrt: sizes = self._var_sizes toidx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta local_ins = self._var_abs2meta['input'] local_outs = self._var_abs2meta['output'] szname = 'global_size' if total else 'size' seen = set() start = end = 0 if self.pathname: # doing semitotals, so include output columns for of, _start, _end, _, dist_sizes in self._jac_of_iter(): if wrt_matches is None or of in wrt_matches: seen.add(of) end += (_end - _start) vec = self._outputs if of in local_outs else None yield of, start, end, vec, _full_slice, dist_sizes start = end for wrt, wrtmeta in self._owns_approx_wrt.items(): if total: wrt = wrtmeta['source'] if wrtmeta['remote']: vec = None else: vec = self._outputs else: if wrt in local_ins: vec = self._inputs elif wrt in local_outs: vec = self._outputs else: vec = None # remote wrt if (wrt_matches is None or wrt in wrt_matches) and wrt not in seen: io = 'input' if wrt in abs2meta['input'] else 'output' meta = abs2meta[io][wrt] if total and wrtmeta['indices'] is not None: sub_wrt_idx = wrtmeta['indices'].as_array() size = sub_wrt_idx.size sub_wrt_idx = sub_wrt_idx else: sub_wrt_idx = _full_slice size = abs2meta[io][wrt][szname] if vec is None: sub_wrt_idx = ValueRepeater(None, size) end += size dist_sizes = sizes[io][:, toidx[wrt]] if meta['distributed'] else None yield wrt, start, end, vec, sub_wrt_idx, dist_sizes start = end else: yield from super()._jac_wrt_iter(wrt_matches) def _promoted_wrt_iter(self): if not (self._owns_approx_of or self.pathname): return abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom seen = set() for _, wrt in self._get_approx_subjac_keys(): if wrt not in seen: seen.add(wrt) if wrt in abs2prom['output']: yield abs2prom['output'][wrt] else: yield abs2prom['input'][wrt] def _setup_approx_derivs(self): """ Add approximations for all approx derivs. """ if self._jacobian is None: self._jacobian = DictionaryJacobian(system=self) abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta total = self.pathname == '' nprocs = self.comm.size if self._coloring_info.coloring is not None and (self._owns_approx_of is None or self._owns_approx_wrt is None): method = self._coloring_info.method else: method = list(self._approx_schemes)[0] wrt_matches = self._get_static_wrt_matches() approx = self._get_approx_scheme(method) # reset the approx if necessary approx._wrt_meta = {} approx._reset() sizes_out = self._var_sizes['output'] sizes_in = self._var_sizes['input'] abs2idx = self._var_allprocs_abs2idx self._cross_keys = set() approx_keys = self._get_approx_subjac_keys() for key in approx_keys: left, right = key if not total and nprocs > 1 and self._has_fd_group: sout = sizes_out[:, abs2idx[left]] sin = sizes_in[:, abs2idx[right]] if np.count_nonzero(sout[sin == 0]) > 0 and np.count_nonzero(sin[sout == 0]) > 0: # we have of and wrt that exist on different procs. Now see if they're relevant # to each other for _, _, rel in self._relevance.iter_seed_pair_relevance(inputs=True, outputs=True): if left in rel and right in rel: self._cross_keys.add(key) break if key in self._subjacs_info: meta = self._subjacs_info[key] else: meta = SUBJAC_META_DEFAULTS.copy() if left == right: size = abs2meta['output'][left]['size'] meta['rows'] = meta['cols'] = np.arange(size) # All group approximations are treated as explicit components, so we # have a -1 on the diagonal. meta['val'] = np.full(size, -1.0) self._subjacs_info[key] = meta meta['method'] = method meta.update(self._owns_approx_jac_meta) if wrt_matches is None or right in wrt_matches: self._update_approx_coloring_meta(meta) if meta['val'] is None: if not total and right in abs2meta['input']: sz = abs2meta['input'][right]['size'] else: sz = abs2meta['output'][right]['size'] shape = (abs2meta['output'][left]['size'], sz) meta['shape'] = shape if meta['rows'] is not None: # subjac is sparse meta['val'] = np.zeros(len(meta['rows'])) else: meta['val'] = np.zeros(shape) approx.add_approximation(key, self, meta) if not total: # we're taking semi-total derivs for this group. Update _owns_approx_of # and _owns_approx_wrt so we can use the same approx code for totals and # semi-totals. Also, the order must match order of vars in the output and # input vectors. abs_outs = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] abs_ins = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] abs2prom_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'] abs2prom_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] self._owns_approx_of = {} for n, m in abs_outs.items(): self._owns_approx_of[n] = dct = m.copy() dct['name'] = abs2prom_out[n] dct['source'] = n dct['indices'] = None wrtset = set([k[1] for k in approx_keys]) self._owns_approx_wrt = {} for n, m in abs_ins.items(): if n in wrtset: self._owns_approx_wrt[n] = dct = m.copy() dct['name'] = abs2prom_in[n] dct['source'] = n dct['indices'] = None self._owns_approx_jac = True def _setup_approx_coloring(self): """ Ensure that if coloring is declared, approximations will be set up. """ if self._coloring_info.coloring is not None: self.approx_totals(self._coloring_info.method, self._coloring_info.get('step'), self._coloring_info.get('form')) self._setup_approx_derivs() def _setup_check(self): """ Do any error checking on user's setup, before any other recursion happens. """ if (self._coloring_info.static or self._coloring_info.dynamic) and self.pathname != '': msg = f"{self.msginfo}: semi-total coloring is currently not supported." raise RuntimeError(msg) def _update_approx_coloring_meta(self, meta): """ Update metadata for a subjac based on coloring metadata. Parameters ---------- meta : dict Metadata for a subjac. """ info = self._coloring_info meta['coloring'] = True for name in ('method', 'step', 'form'): if name in info: meta[name] = info[name]
[docs] def compute_sys_graph(self, comps_only=False, add_edge_info=True): """ Compute a dependency graph for subsystems in this group. Variable connection information is stored in each edge of the system graph if comps_only is True and add_edge_info is True. Parameters ---------- comps_only : bool (False) If True, return a graph of all components within this group or any of its descendants. No sub-groups will be included. Otherwise, a graph containing only direct children (both Components and Groups) of this group will be returned. add_edge_info : bool (True) If True and comps_only is also True, store variable connection information in each edge of the system graph. Returns ------- DiGraph A directed graph containing names of subsystems and their connections. """ graph = nx.DiGraph() if comps_only: # add all components as nodes in the graph so they'll be there even if unconnected. comps = set(v.rpartition('.')[0] for v in chain(self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'], self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'])) graph.add_nodes_from(comps) if add_edge_info: edge_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for in_abs, src_abs in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): src_sys = src_abs.rpartition('.')[0] tgt_sys = in_abs.rpartition('.')[0] # store var connection data in each system to system edge. edge_data[(src_sys, tgt_sys)][src_abs].append(in_abs) for (src_sys, tgt_sys), data in edge_data.items(): graph.add_edge(src_sys, tgt_sys, conns=data) else: for in_abs, src_abs in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): graph.add_edge(src_abs.rpartition('.')[0], in_abs.rpartition('.')[0]) else: if self._sys_graph_cache is None: # add all systems as nodes in the graph so they'll be there even if unconnected. graph.add_nodes_from(self._subsystems_allprocs) glen = self.pathname.count('.') + 1 if self.pathname else 0 for in_abs, src_abs in self._conn_global_abs_in2out.items(): src_sys = src_abs.split('.', glen + 1)[glen] tgt_sys = in_abs.split('.', glen + 1)[glen] if src_sys != tgt_sys: graph.add_edge(src_sys, tgt_sys) self._sys_graph_cache = graph else: graph = self._sys_graph_cache return graph
def _get_auto_ivc_out_val(self, tgts, vars_to_gather): # all tgts are continuous variables # only called from top level group info = None src_idx_found = [] max_size = -1 found_dup = False abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] abs_in2prom_info = self._problem_meta['abs_in2prom_info'] start_val = val = None val_shape = None chosen_tgt = None # first, find the auto_ivc output shape loc_tgts = [t for t in tgts if t in abs2meta_in] full_tgts = [t for t in loc_tgts if t not in abs_in2prom_info] if full_tgts: # full variable connections without any src_indices val_shape = abs2meta_in[full_tgts[0]]['shape'] for tgt in full_tgts: if tgt not in vars_to_gather: found_dup = True chosen_tgt = tgt break else: plist_tgts = [tgt for tgt in loc_tgts if tgt in abs_in2prom_info] if plist_tgts: plists = [abs_in2prom_info[tgt] for tgt in plist_tgts] plens = [len(plist) for plist in plists] nlevels = max(plens) # find highest specification of src_shape in bfs order to shape the auto_ivc output for i in range(nlevels): for tgt, plist, plen in zip(plist_tgts, plists, plens): if i < plen: pinfo = plist[i] if pinfo is not None and pinfo.src_shape is not None: val_shape = pinfo.src_shape break if val_shape is not None: chosen_tgt = tgt break if val_shape is not None: start_val = val = np.ones(val_shape) info = None for tgt in tgts: if tgt in abs2meta_in: # tgt is local meta = abs2meta_in[tgt] size = meta['size'] value = meta['val'] src_indices = None if tgt in abs_in2prom_info: # traverse down the promotes list, (abs_in2prom_info[tgt]), to get the # final src_indices down at the component level so we can set the value of # that component input into the appropriate place(s) in the auto_ivc output. # If a tgt has no src_indices anywhere, it will not be found in # abs_in2prom_info. newshape = val_shape for pinfo in abs_in2prom_info[tgt]: if pinfo is None: continue inds, _, shape = pinfo if inds is not None: if shape is None: shape = newshape if inds._src_shape is None: try: inds.set_src_shape(shape) except IndexError: exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() self._collect_error(f"When promoting '{pinfo.prom}' from " f"system '{pinfo.promoted_from}' with " f"src_indices {inds} and src_shape " f"{shape}: {exc}", exc_type=exc_class, tback=tb, ident=(pinfo.prom, pinfo.promoted_from)) if src_indices is None: src_indices = inds else: sinds = convert_src_inds(src_indices, newshape, inds, shape) # final src_indices are wrt original full sized source and are flat, # so use val_shape and flat_src=True src_indices = indexer(sinds, src_shape=val_shape, flat_src=True) newshape = src_indices.indexed_src_shape if src_indices is None: src_indices = meta['src_indices'] if src_indices is not None: if val is None: if val_shape is None and not found_dup: src_idx_found.append(tgt) val = value else: try: if src_indices._flat_src: val.ravel()[src_indices.flat()] = value.flat else: # Squeeze out singleton dimensions so that we can assign # values of different shapes when the storage order is unambiguous. np.squeeze(val[src_indices()])[...] = np.squeeze(value) except Exception as err: src = self._conn_global_abs_in2out[tgt] msg = f"{self.msginfo}: The source indices " + \ f"{src_indices} do not specify a " + \ f"valid shape for the connection '{src}' to " + \ f"'{tgt}'. (target shape=" + \ f"{meta['shape']}, indices_shape=" + \ f"{src_indices.indexed_src_shape}): {err}" self._collect_error(msg, ident=(src, tgt)) continue else: if val is None: val = value elif np.ndim(value) == 0: if val.size > 1: src = self._conn_global_abs_in2out[tgt] self._collect_error(f"Shape of input '{tgt}', (), doesn't match shape " f"{val.shape}.", ident=(src, tgt)) continue elif np.squeeze(val).shape != np.squeeze(value).shape: src = self._conn_global_abs_in2out[tgt] self._collect_error(f"Shape of input '{tgt}', {value.shape}, doesn't match " f"shape {val.shape}.", ident=(src, tgt)) continue if val is not value: if val.shape: val = np.reshape(value, val.shape) else: val = value if tgt not in vars_to_gather: found_dup = True if tgt == chosen_tgt or (chosen_tgt is None and size > max_size): max_size = size info = (tgt, val, False) keep_val = val val = start_val if tgt in vars_to_gather: # tgt var is remote somewhere (but not distributed) owner = vars_to_gather[tgt] if owner == self.comm.rank: # this rank 'owns' the var val = keep_val self.comm.bcast(val, root=owner) else: val = self.comm.bcast(None, root=owner) info = (tgt, val, False) if src_idx_found: # auto_ivc connected to local vars with src_indices self._collect_error("Attaching src_indices to inputs requires that the shape of the " "source variable is known, but the source shape for inputs " f"{src_idx_found} is unknown. You can specify the src shape for " "these inputs by setting 'val' or 'src_shape' in a call to " "set_input_defaults, or by adding an IndepVarComp as the source.", ident=(self.pathname, tuple(src_idx_found))) return None return info def _setup_auto_ivcs(self): # only happens at top level from openmdao.core.indepvarcomp import _AutoIndepVarComp if self.comm.size > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: raise RuntimeError("The top level system must not be a ParallelGroup.") # create the IndepVarComp that will contain all auto-ivc outputs self._auto_ivc = auto_ivc = _AutoIndepVarComp() = '_auto_ivc' auto_ivc.pathname = prom2auto = {} count = 0 auto2tgt = {} abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] all_abs2meta = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] conns = self._conn_global_abs_in2out auto_conns = {} for tgt in all_abs2meta: if tgt in conns or tgt in self._bad_conn_vars: continue all_meta = all_abs2meta[tgt] if all_meta['distributed']: # OpenMDAO currently can't create an automatic IndepVarComp for inputs on # distributed components. if tgt not in self._bad_conn_vars: prom_name = abs2prom[tgt] promoted_as = f', promoted as "{prom_name}",' if prom_name != tgt else '' raise RuntimeError(f'Distributed component input "{tgt}"' f'{promoted_as} is not connected.') prom = abs2prom[tgt] if prom in prom2auto: # multiple connected inputs w/o a src. Connect them to the same IVC src = prom2auto[prom][0] auto_conns[tgt] = src else: src = f"_auto_ivc.v{count}" count += 1 prom2auto[prom] = (src, tgt) auto_conns[tgt] = src if src in auto2tgt: auto2tgt[src].append(tgt) else: auto2tgt[src] = [tgt] conns.update(auto_conns) auto_ivc.auto2tgt = auto2tgt vars2gather = self._vars_to_gather for src, tgts in auto2tgt.items(): prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][tgts[0]] ret = self._get_auto_ivc_out_val(tgts, vars2gather) if ret is None: # setup error occurred. Try to continue continue tgt, val, remote = ret prom = abs2prom[tgt] if prom not in self._group_inputs: self._group_inputs[prom] = [{'use_tgt': tgt, 'auto': True, 'path': self.pathname, 'prom': prom}] else: self._group_inputs[prom][0]['use_tgt'] = tgt gmeta = self._group_inputs[prom][0] if 'units' in gmeta: units = gmeta['units'] else: units = all_abs2meta[tgt]['units'] if not remote and 'val' in gmeta: val = gmeta['val'] if self.comm.size > 1: tgt_local_procs = set() # do a preliminary check to avoid the allgather if we can for t in tgts: if t in vars2gather: tgt_local_procs.add(vars2gather[t]) else: # t is duplicated in all procs break else: if len(tgt_local_procs) < self.comm.size: # don't have a local var in each proc tgt_local_procs = set() for t in self.comm.allgather(tgt): if t in vars2gather: tgt_local_procs.add(vars2gather[t]) if len(tgt_local_procs) > 1: # the 'local' val can only exist on 1 proc (distrib auto_ivcs not # allowed), so must consolidate onto one proc rank = sorted(tgt_local_procs)[0] if rank != self.comm.rank: val = np.zeros(0) remote = True relsrc = src.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] auto_ivc.add_output(relsrc, val=np.atleast_1d(val), units=units) if remote: auto_ivc._add_remote(relsrc) # have to sort to keep vars in sync because we may be doing bcasts for abs_in in sorted(self._var_allprocs_discrete['input']): if abs_in not in conns: # unconnected, so connect the input to an _auto_ivc output prom = abs2prom[abs_in] val = _UNDEFINED if prom in prom2auto: # multiple connected inputs w/o a src. Connect them to the same IVC # check if they have different metadata, and if they do, there must be # a group input defined that sets the default, else it's an error conns[abs_in] = prom2auto[prom][0] else: ivc_name = f"_auto_ivc.v{count}" loc_out_name = ivc_name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] count += 1 prom2auto[prom] = (ivc_name, abs_in) conns[abs_in] = ivc_name if abs_in in self._var_abs2prom['input']: # var is local val = self._var_discrete['input'][abs_in]['val'] else: val = None if abs_in in vars2gather: if vars2gather[abs_in] == self.comm.rank: self.comm.bcast(val, root=vars2gather[abs_in]) else: val = self.comm.bcast(None, root=vars2gather[abs_in]) auto_ivc.add_discrete_output(loc_out_name, val=val) src = conns[abs_in] if src in auto2tgt: auto2tgt[src].append(abs_in) else: auto2tgt[src] = [abs_in] if not prom2auto: return auto_ivc auto_ivc._setup_procs(auto_ivc.pathname, self.comm, self._problem_meta) auto_ivc._configure() auto_ivc._configure_check() auto_ivc._setup_var_data() # now update our own data structures based on the new auto_ivc component variables old = self._subsystems_allprocs self._subsystems_allprocs = allsubs = {} allsubs['_auto_ivc'] = _SysInfo(auto_ivc, 0) for i, (name, s) in enumerate(old.items()): allsubs[name] = s s.index = i + 1 self._subsystems_myproc = [auto_ivc] + self._subsystems_myproc io = 'output' # auto_ivc has only output vars old = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io] p2abs = {} for name in auto_ivc._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io]: p2abs[name] = [name] p2abs.update(old) self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io] = p2abs # set up auto_ivc abs2prom such that promoted name of the auto_ivc output is the same # as the promoted name of the input that it is connected to abs2prom = self._var_abs2prom[io] abs2prom_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] for n in auto_ivc._var_abs2prom[io]: abs2prom[n] = abs2prom_in[auto2tgt[n][0]] all_abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom[io] for n in auto_ivc._var_allprocs_abs2prom[io]: all_abs2prom[n] = abs2prom_in[auto2tgt[n][0]] self._var_discrete[io].update({'_auto_ivc.' + k: v for k, v in auto_ivc._var_discrete[io].items()}) self._var_allprocs_discrete[io].update(auto_ivc._var_allprocs_discrete[io]) old = self._var_abs2meta[io] self._var_abs2meta[io] = {} self._var_abs2meta[io].update(auto_ivc._var_abs2meta[io]) self._var_abs2meta[io].update(old) old = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io] self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io] = {} self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].update(auto_ivc._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io]) self._var_allprocs_abs2meta[io].update(old) # add all auto_ivc vars to our _loc_ivcs self._ivcs.update(auto_ivc._var_abs2meta[io]) self._approx_subjac_keys = None # this will force re-initialization self._setup_procs_finished = True return auto_ivc @collect_errors def _resolve_ambiguous_input_meta(self): """ Resolve ambiguous input units and values for auto_ivcs with multiple targets. This should only be called on the top level Group. """ all_abs2meta_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input'] all_abs2meta_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] abs2meta_in = self._var_abs2meta['input'] all_discrete_outs = self._var_allprocs_discrete['output'] all_discrete_ins = self._var_allprocs_discrete['input'] for src, tgts in self._auto_ivc.auto2tgt.items(): if len(tgts) < 2: continue if src not in all_discrete_outs: smeta = all_abs2meta_out[src] sunits = smeta['units'] if 'units' in smeta else None sval = self.get_val(src, kind='output', get_remote=True, from_src=False) errs = set() prom = abs2prom[tgts[0]] if prom in self._group_inputs: gmeta = self._group_inputs[prom][0] else: gmeta = {'path': self.pathname, 'prom': prom, 'auto': True} for tgt in tgts: tval = self.get_val(tgt, kind='input', get_remote=True, from_src=False) if tgt in all_discrete_ins: if 'val' not in gmeta and sval != tval: errs.add('val') else: tmeta = all_abs2meta_in[tgt] tunits = tmeta['units'] if 'units' in tmeta else None if 'units' not in gmeta and sunits != tunits: # Detect if either Source or Targe units are None. if sunits is None or tunits is None: errs.add('units') elif _find_unit(sunits) != _find_unit(tunits): errs.add('units') if 'val' not in gmeta: if tval.shape == sval.shape: if _has_val_mismatch(tunits, tval, sunits, sval): errs.add('val') else: if all_abs2meta_in[tgt]['has_src_indices'] and tgt in abs2meta_in: if abs2meta_in[tgt]['flat_src_indices']: srcpart = sval.ravel()[abs2meta_in[tgt]['src_indices'].flat()] else: srcpart = sval[abs2meta_in[tgt]['src_indices']()] if _has_val_mismatch(tunits, tval, sunits, srcpart): errs.add('val') if errs: self._show_ambiguity_msg(prom, errs, tgts) elif src not in all_discrete_outs: gmeta['units'] = sunits def _show_ambiguity_msg(self, prom, metavars, tgts, metadata=None): errs = sorted(metavars) if metadata is None: meta = errs else: meta = sorted(metadata) inputs = sorted(tgts) gpath = common_subpath(tgts) if gpath == self.pathname: g = self else: g = self._get_subsystem(gpath) gprom = None # get promoted name relative to g if MPI and self.comm.size > 1: if g is not None and not g._is_local: g = None if self.comm.allreduce(int(g is not None)) < self.comm.size: # some procs have remote g if g is not None: gprom = g._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][inputs[0]] proms = self.comm.allgather(gprom) for p in proms: if p is not None: gprom = p break if gprom is None: gprom = g._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][inputs[0]] gname = f"Group named '{gpath}'" if gpath else 'model' args = ', '.join([f'{n}=?' for n in errs]) self._collect_error(f"{self.msginfo}: The following inputs, {inputs}, promoted " f"to '{prom}', are connected but their metadata entries {meta}" f" differ. Call <group>.set_input_defaults('{gprom}', {args}), " f"where <group> is the {gname} to remove the ambiguity.") def _ordered_comp_name_iter(self): """ Yield contained component pathnames in order of execution. For components within ParallelGroups, true execution order is unknown so components will be ordered by rank within a ParallelGroup. """ for s in self._subsystems_myproc: if isinstance(s, Group): yield from s._ordered_comp_name_iter() else: yield s.pathname def _sorted_sys_iter(self): """ Yield subsystems in sorted order if Problem option allow_post_setup_reorder is True. Otherwise, yield subsystems in the order they were added to their parent group. Yields ------ System A subsystem. """ if self._problem_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder']: for s in sorted(self._subsystems_myproc, key=lambda s: yield s else: yield from self._subsystems_myproc def _sorted_sys_iter_all_procs(self): """ Yield subsystem names in sorted order if Problem option allow_post_setup_reorder is True. Otherwise, yield subsystem names in the order they were added to their parent group. Yields ------ System A subsystem. """ if self._problem_meta['allow_post_setup_reorder']: for s in sorted(self._subsystems_allprocs): yield s else: yield from self._subsystems_allprocs def _all_subsystem_iter(self): """ Iterate over all subsystems, local and nonlocal. Yields ------ System A subsystem. """ for s, _ in self._subsystems_allprocs.values(): yield s def _get_relevance_modifiers(self, grad_groups, always_opt_comps): """ Collect information from the model that will modify the relevance graph of the model. Parameters ---------- grad_groups : set Set of groups having nonlinear solvers that use gradients. always_opt_comps : set Set of components that are to be included in every iteration of the optimization, even if they aren't relevant in terms of data flow. """ if self.nonlinear_solver is not None and self.nonlinear_solver.supports['gradients']: grad_groups.add(self.pathname) elif self.linear_solver is not None and isinstance(self.linear_solver, DirectSolver): grad_groups.add(self.pathname) for s in self._subsystems_myproc: if isinstance(s, Group): s._get_relevance_modifiers(grad_groups, always_opt_comps) elif s.options['always_opt']: always_opt_comps.add(s.pathname) @property def model_options(self): """ Get the model options from self._problem_meta. The user may change the contents of model_options to impact values sent to subsystems of this Group. Returns ------- dict The model options metadata provided by the associated Problem object. """ return self._problem_meta['model_options'] def _gather_full_data(self): """ Return True if this system should contribute full data to a collective MPI call. This prevents sending a lot of unnecessary data across the network when the data is duplicated across multiple processes. Returns ------- bool True if this system should contribute its full data. Otherwise it should contribute only an 'empty' version of the data. What 'empty' means depends on the structure of the data being gathered. """ if self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: if self._subsystems_myproc and self._subsystems_myproc[0].comm.rank == 0: return self._subsystems_myproc[0]._full_comm is None or \ self._subsystems_myproc[0]._full_comm.rank == 0 return False def _get_prom_name(self, abs_name): """ Get promoted name for specified variable. """ abs2prom = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom if abs_name in abs2prom['input']: return abs2prom['input'][abs_name] elif abs_name in abs2prom['output']: return abs2prom['output'][abs_name] else: return abs_name def _prom_names_list(self, lst): """ Convert a list of variable names to promoted names. """ return [self._get_prom_name(n) for n in lst] def _prom_names_dict(self, dct): """ Convert a dictionary keyed on variable names to be keyed on promoted names. """ return {self._get_prom_name(k): v for k, v in dct.items()} def _prom_names_jac(self, jac): """ Convert a nested dict jacobian keyed on variable names to be keyed on promoted names. """ new_jac = {} for of in jac: new_jac[self._get_prom_name(of)] = of_dict = {} for wrt in jac[of]: of_dict[self._get_prom_name(wrt)] = jac[of][wrt] return new_jac
[docs] def get_design_vars(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True): """ Get the DesignVariable settings from this system. Retrieve all design variable settings from the system and, if recurse is True, all of its subsystems. Parameters ---------- recurse : bool If True, recurse through the subsystems and return the path of all design vars relative to the this Group. get_sizes : bool, optional If True, compute the size of each design variable. use_prom_ivc : bool Use promoted names for inputs, else convert to absolute source names. Returns ------- dict The design variables defined in the current system and, if recurse=True, its subsystems. """ out = super().get_design_vars(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if recurse: abs2prom_in = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'] abs2prom_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'] if (self.comm.size > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel): # For parallel groups, we need to make sure that the design variable dictionary is # assembled in the same order under mpi as for serial runs. out_by_sys = {} for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): sub_out = {} name = dvs = subsys.get_design_vars(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if use_prom_ivc: # have to promote subsystem prom name to this level sub_pro2abs_in = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] sub_pro2abs_out = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] for dv, meta in dvs.items(): if dv in sub_pro2abs_in: abs_dv = sub_pro2abs_in[dv][0] sub_out[abs2prom_in[abs_dv]] = meta elif dv in sub_pro2abs_out: abs_dv = sub_pro2abs_out[dv][0] sub_out[abs2prom_out[abs_dv]] = meta else: sub_out[dv] = meta else: sub_out.update(dvs) out_by_sys[name] = sub_out out_by_sys_by_rank = self.comm.allgather(out_by_sys) all_outs_by_sys = {} for outs in out_by_sys_by_rank: for name, meta in outs.items(): all_outs_by_sys[name] = meta for subsys_name in self._sorted_sys_iter_all_procs(): for name, meta in all_outs_by_sys[subsys_name].items(): if name not in out: out[name] = meta else: for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): dvs = subsys.get_design_vars(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if use_prom_ivc: # have to promote subsystem prom name to this level sub_pro2abs_in = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] sub_pro2abs_out = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] for dv, meta in dvs.items(): if dv in sub_pro2abs_in: abs_dv = sub_pro2abs_in[dv][0] out[abs2prom_in[abs_dv]] = meta elif dv in sub_pro2abs_out: abs_dv = sub_pro2abs_out[dv][0] out[abs2prom_out[abs_dv]] = meta else: out[dv] = meta else: out.update(dvs) model = self._problem_meta['model_ref']() if self is model: abs2meta_out = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'] for outmeta in out.values(): src = outmeta['source'] if src in abs2meta_out and "openmdao:allow_desvar" not in abs2meta_out[src]['tags']: prom_src, prom_tgt = outmeta['orig'] if prom_src is None: self._collect_error(f"Design variable '{prom_tgt}' is connected to '{src}'," f" but '{src}' is not an IndepVarComp or ImplicitComp " "output.") else: self._collect_error(f"Design variable '{prom_src}' is not an IndepVarComp " "or ImplicitComp output.") return out
[docs] def get_responses(self, recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=False): """ Get the response variable settings from this system. Retrieve all response variable settings from the system as a dict, keyed by either absolute variable name, promoted name, or alias name, depending on the value of use_prom_ivc and whether the original key was a promoted output, promoted input, or an alias. Parameters ---------- recurse : bool, optional If True, recurse through the subsystems and return the path of all responses relative to the this system. get_sizes : bool, optional If True, compute the size of each response. use_prom_ivc : bool Translate ivc names to their promoted input names. Returns ------- dict The responses defined in the current system and, if recurse=True, its subsystems. """ out = super().get_responses(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if recurse: abs2prom_out = self._var_allprocs_abs2prom['output'] if self.comm.size > 1 and self._mpi_proc_allocator.parallel: # For parallel groups, we need to make sure that the response dictionary is # assembled in the same order under mpi as for serial runs. out_by_sys = {} for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): name = sub_out = {} resps = subsys.get_responses(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if use_prom_ivc: # have to promote subsystem prom name to this level sub_pro2abs_out = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] for res, meta in resps.items(): if res in sub_pro2abs_out: abs_resp = sub_pro2abs_out[res][0] sub_out[abs2prom_out[abs_resp]] = meta else: sub_out[res] = meta else: for rkey, rmeta in resps.items(): if rkey in out: tdict = {'con': 'constraint', 'obj': 'objective'} rpath = rmeta['parent'] rname = '.'.join((rpath, rmeta['name'])) if rpath else rkey rtype = tdict[rmeta['type']] ometa = sub_out[rkey] opath = ometa['parent'] oname = '.'.join((opath, ometa['name'])) if opath else ometa['name'] otype = tdict[ometa['type']] raise NameError(f"The same response alias, '{rkey}' was declared" f" for {rtype} '{rname}' and {otype} '{oname}'.") sub_out[rkey] = rmeta out_by_sys[name] = sub_out out_by_sys_by_rank = self.comm.allgather(out_by_sys) all_outs_by_sys = {} for outs in out_by_sys_by_rank: for name, meta in outs.items(): all_outs_by_sys[name] = meta for subsys_name in self._sorted_sys_iter_all_procs(): for name, meta in all_outs_by_sys[subsys_name].items(): out[name] = meta else: for subsys in self._sorted_sys_iter(): resps = subsys.get_responses(recurse=recurse, get_sizes=get_sizes, use_prom_ivc=use_prom_ivc) if use_prom_ivc: # have to promote subsystem prom name to this level sub_pro2abs_out = subsys._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output'] for res, meta in resps.items(): if res in sub_pro2abs_out: out[abs2prom_out[sub_pro2abs_out[res][0]]] = meta else: out[res] = meta else: for rkey, rmeta in resps.items(): if rkey in out: tdict = {'con': 'constraint', 'obj': 'objective'} rpath = rmeta['parent'] rname = '.'.join((rpath, rmeta['name'])) if rpath else rkey rtype = tdict[rmeta['type']] ometa = out[rkey] opath = ometa['parent'] oname = '.'.join((opath, ometa['name'])) if opath else ometa['name'] otype = tdict[ometa['type']] raise NameError(f"The same response alias, '{rkey}' was declared" f" for {rtype} '{rname}' and {otype} '{oname}'.") out[rkey] = rmeta return out
def _get_totals_metadata(self, driver=None, of=None, wrt=None): if isinstance(of, str): of = [of] if isinstance(wrt, str): wrt = [wrt] if not driver: if of is None or wrt is None: raise RuntimeError("driver must be specified if of and wrt variables are not " "provided.") if driver is False: # force to not use any existing desvar or response metadata return self._active_responses(of, responses=False), \ self._active_desvars(wrt, designvars=False), True return self._active_responses(of), self._active_desvars(wrt), True has_custom_derivs = False list_wrt = list(wrt) if wrt is not None else [] list_of = list(of) if of is not None else [] lincons = [d for d, meta in driver._cons.items() if meta['linear']] if lincons and list_of == lincons: # this is for a linear jacobian driver_wrt = list(driver._get_lin_dvs()) else: driver_wrt = list(driver._get_nl_dvs()) if wrt is None: wrt = driver_wrt if not wrt: raise RuntimeError("No design variables were passed to compute_totals and " "the driver is not providing any.") else: if list_wrt != driver_wrt: wrt_src_names = [driver._designvars[n]['source'] for n in driver_wrt] if list_wrt != wrt_src_names: has_custom_derivs = True driver_ordered_nl_resp_names = driver._get_ordered_nl_responses() if of is None: of = driver_ordered_nl_resp_names if not of: raise RuntimeError("No response variables were passed to compute_totals and " "the driver is not providing any.") else: of_src_names = [m['source'] for n, m in driver._responses.items() if n in driver_ordered_nl_resp_names] of = list(of) if of != driver_ordered_nl_resp_names and of != of_src_names: has_custom_derivs = True return self._active_responses(of, driver._responses), \ self._active_desvars(wrt, driver._designvars), has_custom_derivs def _active_desvars(self, user_dv_names, designvars=None): """ Return a design variable dictionary. Whatever names match the names of design variables in this system will use the metadata from the design variable. For other variables that have not been registered as design variables, metadata will be constructed based on variable metadata. Parameters ---------- user_dv_names : iter of str Iterator of user facing design variable names. designvars : dict, None, or False Dictionary of design variables. If None, get_design_vars will be called. If False, no design vars will be used. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of design variables. """ # do this to keep ordering the same as in the user list active_dvs = {n: None for n in user_dv_names} if designvars is None: designvars = self.get_design_vars(recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True) if designvars: # use any matching metadata from existing design vars for name, meta in designvars.items(): if name in active_dvs: active_dvs[name] = meta.copy() elif meta['name'] in active_dvs: active_dvs[meta['name']] = meta.copy() elif meta['source'] in active_dvs: active_dvs[meta['source']] = meta.copy() prom2abs_in = self._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'] for name, meta in active_dvs.items(): if meta is None: meta = { 'parallel_deriv_color': None, 'indices': None, 'name': name, 'cache_linear_solution': False, } self._update_dv_meta(meta, get_size=True) if name in prom2abs_in: meta['ivc_print_name'] = name else: meta['ivc_print_name'] = None active_dvs[name] = meta meta['remote'] = meta['source'] not in self._var_abs2meta['output'] return active_dvs def _active_responses(self, user_response_names, responses=None): """ Return a response dictionary containing the given variables. Whatever names match the names of responses in this system, use the metadata from the response. For other variables that have not been registered as responses, construct metadata based on variable metadata. Parameters ---------- user_response_names : iter of str Iterator of user facing response names. Aliases are allowed. responses : dict, None, or False. Dictionary of responses. If None, get_responses will be called. If False, no responses will be used. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of responses. """ # do this to keep ordering the same as in the user list active_resps = {n: None for n in user_response_names} if responses is None: responses = self.get_responses(recurse=True, get_sizes=True, use_prom_ivc=True) if responses: for name, meta in responses.items(): if name in active_resps: active_resps[name] = meta.copy() for name, meta in active_resps.items(): if meta is None: # no response exists for this name, so create metadata with default values and # update size, etc. based on the variable metadata. meta = { 'parallel_deriv_color': None, 'indices': None, 'alias': None, 'name': name, 'cache_linear_solution': False, 'linear': False, } self._update_response_meta(meta, get_size=True) active_resps[name] = meta meta['remote'] = meta['source'] not in self._var_abs2meta['output'] return active_resps def _get_graph_node_meta(self): """ Return metadata to add to this system's graph node. Returns ------- dict Metadata for this system's graph node. """ meta = super()._get_graph_node_meta() # TODO: maybe set 'implicit' based on whether there are any implicit comps anywhere # inside of the group or its children. meta['base'] = 'Group' return meta
[docs]def iter_solver_info(system): """ Return solver information for this System. Parameters ---------- system : System Return solver information for this System. Returns ------- str System pathname. str Class name. list of sets of str Strongly connected components in this Group's subsystem graph. If not a Group, this will be an empty list. str Linear solver class name. str Nonlinear solver class name. int Linear solver max iterations. int Nonlinear solver max iterations. int Number of subsystems that are not part of any strongly connected component. If this number is greater than 0 and strongly connected components exist in this group, it indicates that this group contains subcycles and that it may be more efficient to separate those subcyles into their own groups and apply iterative solvers to them. bool True if this is a Group, False if it is an ImplicitComponent. bool True if the linear solver found for this System can solve a cycle or implicit component. bool True if the nonlinear solver found for this System can solve a cycle or implicit component. """ sccs = [] missing = 0 lnmaxiter = nlmaxiter = 1 nl_can_solve = lin_can_solve = False nlslvname = lnslvname = None if isinstance(system, Group): isgrp = True for s in get_sccs_topo(system.compute_sys_graph()): if len(s) > 1: sccs.append(s) else: missing += 1 elif isinstance(system, ImplicitComponent): isgrp = False else: return (system.pathname, system.__class__.__name__, sccs, None, None, 0, 0, 0, False, False, False) if system.nonlinear_solver: if isgrp: nl_can_solve = system.nonlinear_solver.can_solve_cycle() else: nl_can_solve = system.nonlinear_solver.supports['implicit_components'] nlslvname = system.nonlinear_solver.__class__.__name__ if 'maxiter' in system.nonlinear_solver.options: nlmaxiter = system.nonlinear_solver.options['maxiter'] if system.linear_solver: if isgrp: lin_can_solve = system.linear_solver.can_solve_cycle() else: lin_can_solve = system.linear_solver.supports['implicit_components'] lnslvname = system.linear_solver.__class__.__name__ if lnslvname and 'maxiter' in system.linear_solver.options: lnmaxiter = system.linear_solver.options['maxiter'] if not isgrp: if lnslvname is None and system._has_solve_linear: lnslvname = 'solve_linear' lin_can_solve = True if nlslvname is None and system._has_solve_nl: nlslvname = 'solve_nonlinear' nl_can_solve = True return (system.pathname, system.__class__.__name__, sccs, lnslvname, nlslvname, lnmaxiter, nlmaxiter, missing, isgrp, nl_can_solve, lin_can_solve)