OpenMDAO Logo

An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.

OpenMDAO v 1.4.0 Released!

OpenMDAO v 1.4.0 is now available.

API Change
* When using ‘add_desvar’ and ‘add_constraint’, there were inconsistent names for setting
bounds. (low, high vs. lower, upper), which was becoming confusing to users. The new
standard is that all are consistently set using “lower” and “upper”, and the others are deprecated.

Default Setting Changes
* Recording option ‘record_metadata’ now defaults to True for all recorders except CSVRecorder.
* The default linear solver will now be LinearGaussSeidel.

* OpenMDAO 1.3 and onward will be pip-installable, as the project is now indexed on pypi: (installation docs updated)
* Added a “restart” option to the ScipyGMRES solver.
* Added a new real-world example problem (beam-sizing) in the User Guide’s Tutorials section.
* Recorders now have an option to turn off recording of Params, Unknowns, Resids.
* Recorders now include metadata for objectives, design variables, and constraints.
* Parameters may now be declared without val or shape being given.
* Users can now turn on ‘iprint’ recursively for all solvers in a Problem;
do this by calling ‘print_all_convergence’ on a problem after calling setup.
* Users now receive a check_setup warning about any scalar integer variable or any list value.

* Added a much more descriptive error message if a Jacobian item is the incorrect size.
* Improved shape mismatch errors for connections to be much more specific.
* Updated everything in the Examples directory to run without error.
* Fixed a bug with SqliteRecorder that occurred when running in parallel.
* OpenMDAO’s memory footprint has been reduced by removing some data duplication.
* ‘pass_by_obj’ vars may now be added to a gradient-free driver.

As always, even though we are still in alpha, we apologize if our API changes
cause any problems. Feel free to ask questions on our Stack Overflow tag if you experience any difficulties.

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