SSTO Lunar Ascent with Linear Tangent Guidance#

The following example implements a minimum time, single-stage to orbit ascent problem for launching from the lunar surface. Unlike the SSTO Earth Ascent example, here we use knowledge of the solution to simplify the optimization.

Instead of optimizing the thrust angle at any point in time as a dynamic control, we use our knowledge that the form of the solution is a linear tangent. See section 4.6 of Longuski, Guzmán, and Prussing [ALGuzmanP14] for more explanation. In short, we’ve simplified the problem by finding the optimal value of \(\theta\) at many points into optimizing the value of just two scalar parameters, \(a\) and \(b\).

\[\theta = \arctan{\left(a * t + b\right)}\]

Implementing this modified control scheme requires only a few changes. Rather than declaring \(\theta\) as a controllable parameter for the ODE system, we implement a new component, LinearTangentGuidanceComp that accepts \(a\) and \(b\) as parameters to be optimized. It calculates \(\theta\), which is then connected to the equations of motion component.

Extended Design Structure Matrix#

The XDSM diagram for the ODE system in the SSTO inear tangent problem.

In the XDSM for the ODE system for the SSTO linear tangent problem, the only significant change is that we have a new component, guidance, which accepts \(a\), \(b\), and \(time\), and computes \(\theta\).

Solving the problem#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openmdao.api as om
import dymos as dm
from dymos.examples.plotting import plot_results

g = 1.61544  # lunar gravity, m/s**2

class LaunchVehicle2DEOM(om.ExplicitComponent):
    Simple 2D Cartesian Equations of Motion for a launch vehicle subject to thrust and drag.
    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare('num_nodes', types=int)

    def setup(self):
        nn = self.options['num_nodes']

        # Inputs
                       desc='x velocity',

                       desc='y velocity',


                       desc='pitch angle',

                       val=2100000 * np.ones(nn),

                       val=265.2 * np.ones(nn),
                       desc='specific impulse',

        # Outputs
                        desc='velocity component in x',

                        desc='velocity component in y',

                        desc='x acceleration magnitude',

                        desc='y acceleration magnitude',

                        desc='mass rate of change',

        # Setup partials
        ar = np.arange(self.options['num_nodes'])

        self.declare_partials(of='xdot', wrt='vx', rows=ar, cols=ar, val=1.0)
        self.declare_partials(of='ydot', wrt='vy', rows=ar, cols=ar, val=1.0)

        self.declare_partials(of='vxdot', wrt='vx', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vxdot', wrt='m', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vxdot', wrt='theta', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vxdot', wrt='thrust', rows=ar, cols=ar)

        self.declare_partials(of='vydot', wrt='m', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vydot', wrt='theta', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vydot', wrt='vy', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='vydot', wrt='thrust', rows=ar, cols=ar)

        self.declare_partials(of='mdot', wrt='thrust', rows=ar, cols=ar)
        self.declare_partials(of='mdot', wrt='Isp', rows=ar, cols=ar)

    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        theta = inputs['theta']
        cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
        sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
        vx = inputs['vx']
        vy = inputs['vy']
        m = inputs['m']
        F_T = inputs['thrust']
        Isp = inputs['Isp']

        outputs['xdot'] = vx
        outputs['ydot'] = vy
        outputs['vxdot'] = F_T * cos_theta / m
        outputs['vydot'] = F_T * sin_theta / m - g
        outputs['mdot'] = -F_T / (g * Isp)

    def compute_partials(self, inputs, jacobian):
        theta = inputs['theta']
        cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
        sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
        m = inputs['m']
        F_T = inputs['thrust']
        Isp = inputs['Isp']

        # jacobian['vxdot', 'vx'] = -CDA * rho * vx / m
        jacobian['vxdot', 'm'] = -(F_T * cos_theta) / m ** 2
        jacobian['vxdot', 'theta'] = -(F_T / m) * sin_theta
        jacobian['vxdot', 'thrust'] = cos_theta / m

        # jacobian['vydot', 'vy'] = -CDA * rho * vy / m
        jacobian['vydot', 'm'] = -(F_T * sin_theta) / m ** 2
        jacobian['vydot', 'theta'] = (F_T / m) * cos_theta
        jacobian['vydot', 'thrust'] = sin_theta / m

        jacobian['mdot', 'thrust'] = -1.0 / (g * Isp)
        jacobian['mdot', 'Isp'] = F_T / (g * Isp ** 2)

class LinearTangentGuidanceComp(om.ExplicitComponent):
    """ Compute pitch angle from static controls governing linear expression for
        pitch angle tangent as function of time.

    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare('num_nodes', types=int)

    def setup(self):
        nn = self.options['num_nodes']

                       desc='linear tangent slope',

                       desc='tangent of theta at t=0',


                        desc='pitch angle',

        # Setup partials
        arange = np.arange(self.options['num_nodes'])

        self.declare_partials(of='theta', wrt='a_ctrl', rows=arange, cols=arange, val=1.0)
        self.declare_partials(of='theta', wrt='b_ctrl', rows=arange, cols=arange, val=1.0)
        self.declare_partials(of='theta', wrt='time_phase', rows=arange, cols=arange, val=1.0)

    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        a = inputs['a_ctrl']
        b = inputs['b_ctrl']
        t = inputs['time_phase']
        outputs['theta'] = np.arctan(a * t + b)

    def compute_partials(self, inputs, jacobian):
        a = inputs['a_ctrl']
        b = inputs['b_ctrl']
        t = inputs['time_phase']

        x = a * t + b
        denom = x ** 2 + 1.0

        jacobian['theta', 'a_ctrl'] = t / denom
        jacobian['theta', 'b_ctrl'] = 1.0 / denom
        jacobian['theta', 'time_phase'] = a / denom

class LaunchVehicleLinearTangentODE(om.Group):
    The LaunchVehicleLinearTangentODE for this case consists of a guidance component and
    the EOM.  Guidance is simply an OpenMDAO ExecComp which computes the arctangent of the
    tan_theta variable.
    def initialize(self):
        self.options.declare('num_nodes', types=int,
                             desc='Number of nodes to be evaluated in the RHS')

    def setup(self):
        nn = self.options['num_nodes']
        self.add_subsystem('guidance', LinearTangentGuidanceComp(num_nodes=nn))
        self.add_subsystem('eom', LaunchVehicle2DEOM(num_nodes=nn))
        self.connect('guidance.theta', 'eom.theta')

# Setup and solve the optimal control problem
p = om.Problem(model=om.Group())

p.driver = om.pyOptSparseDriver()

traj = dm.Trajectory()
p.model.add_subsystem('traj', traj)

phase = dm.Phase(ode_class=LaunchVehicleLinearTangentODE,
                 transcription=dm.GaussLobatto(num_segments=10, order=5, compressed=True))

traj.add_phase('phase0', phase)

phase.set_time_options(fix_initial=True, duration_bounds=(10, 1000),

phase.add_state('x', fix_initial=True, lower=0, rate_source='eom.xdot', units='m')
phase.add_state('y', fix_initial=True, lower=0, rate_source='eom.ydot', units='m')
phase.add_state('vx', fix_initial=True, lower=0, rate_source='eom.vxdot', targets=['eom.vx'], units='m/s')
phase.add_state('vy', fix_initial=True, rate_source='eom.vydot', targets=['eom.vy'], units='m/s')
phase.add_state('m', fix_initial=True, rate_source='eom.mdot', targets=['eom.m'], units='kg')

phase.add_boundary_constraint('y', loc='final', equals=1.85E5, linear=True)
phase.add_boundary_constraint('vx', loc='final', equals=1627.0)
phase.add_boundary_constraint('vy', loc='final', equals=0)

phase.add_parameter('a_ctrl', units='1/s', opt=True, targets=['guidance.a_ctrl'])
phase.add_parameter('b_ctrl', units=None, opt=True, targets=['guidance.b_ctrl'])
phase.add_parameter('thrust', units='N', opt=False, val=3.0 * 50000.0 * 1.61544, targets=['eom.thrust'])
phase.add_parameter('Isp', units='s', opt=False, val=1.0E6, targets=['eom.Isp'])

phase.add_objective('time', index=-1, scaler=0.01)

p.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()

phase.add_timeseries_output('guidance.theta', units='deg')


phase.set_time_val(initial=0.0, duration=500.0)
phase.set_state_val('x', [0, 350000.0])
phase.set_state_val('y', [0, 185000.0])
phase.set_state_val('vx', [0, 1627.0])
phase.set_state_val('vy', [1.0E-6, 0.0])
phase.set_state_val('m', 50000)
phase.set_parameter_val('a_ctrl', -0.01)
phase.set_parameter_val('b_ctrl', 3.0)

dm.run_problem(p, simulate=True)
--- Constraint Report [traj] ---
    --- phase0 ---
        [final]   1.8500e+05 == y [m]
        [final]   1.6270e+03 == vx [m/s]
        [final]   0.0000e+00 == vy [m/s]

'rhs_checking' is disabled for 'DirectSolver in <model> <class Group>' but that solver has redundant adjoint solves. If it is expensive to compute derivatives for this solver, turning on 'rhs_checking' may improve performance.

INFO: checking out_of_order
INFO: checking system
INFO: checking solvers
INFO: checking dup_inputs
INFO: checking missing_recorders
WARNING: The Problem has no recorder of any kind attached
INFO: checking unserializable_options
INFO: checking comp_has_no_outputs
INFO: checking auto_ivc_warnings
Model viewer data has already been recorded for Driver.
INFO: checking out_of_order
INFO: checking system
INFO: checking solvers
INFO: checking dup_inputs
INFO: checking missing_recorders
WARNING: The Problem has no recorder of any kind attached
INFO: checking unserializable_options
INFO: checking comp_has_no_outputs
INFO: checking auto_ivc_warnings
Full total jacobian for problem 'problem' was computed 3 times, taking 0.056637357999989035 seconds.
Total jacobian shape: (103, 103) 
Jacobian shape: (103, 103)  (11.07% nonzero)
FWD solves: 17   REV solves: 0
Total colors vs. total size: 17 vs 103  (83.50% improvement)

Sparsity computed using tolerance: 1e-25
Time to compute sparsity:   0.0566 sec
Time to compute coloring:   0.0689 sec
Memory to compute coloring:   0.2500 MB
Coloring created on: 2024-08-15 12:53:34
Optimization Problem -- Optimization using pyOpt_sparse
    Objective Function: _objfunc

    Total Time:                    0.3409
       User Objective Time :       0.0072
       User Sensitivity Time :     0.3079
       Interface Time :            0.0116
       Opt Solver Time:            0.0142
    Calls to Objective Function :       6
    Calls to Sens Function :            5

      Index  Name                     Value
          0  traj.phase0.t     4.817168E+00

   Variables (c - continuous, i - integer, d - discrete)
      Index  Name                              Type      Lower Bound            Value      Upper Bound     Status
          0  traj.phase0.t_duration_0             c     1.000000E+01     4.817168E+02     1.000000E+03           
          1  traj.phase0.parameters:a_ctrl_0      c    -1.000000E+21    -8.280511E-03     1.000000E+21           
          2  traj.phase0.parameters:b_ctrl_0      c    -1.000000E+21     2.747399E+00     1.000000E+21           
          3  traj.phase0.states:x_0               c     0.000000E+00     4.914075E+02     1.000000E+21           
          4  traj.phase0.states:x_1               c     0.000000E+00     2.010769E+03     1.000000E+21           
          5  traj.phase0.states:x_2               c     0.000000E+00     4.632596E+03     1.000000E+21           
          6  traj.phase0.states:x_3               c     0.000000E+00     8.441819E+03     1.000000E+21           
          7  traj.phase0.states:x_4               c     0.000000E+00     1.353576E+04     1.000000E+21           
          8  traj.phase0.states:x_5               c     0.000000E+00     2.002641E+04     1.000000E+21           
          9  traj.phase0.states:x_6               c     0.000000E+00     2.804305E+04     1.000000E+21           
         10  traj.phase0.states:x_7               c     0.000000E+00     3.773482E+04     1.000000E+21           
         11  traj.phase0.states:x_8               c     0.000000E+00     4.927264E+04     1.000000E+21           
         12  traj.phase0.states:x_9               c     0.000000E+00     6.284916E+04     1.000000E+21           
         13  traj.phase0.states:x_10              c     0.000000E+00     7.867365E+04     1.000000E+21           
         14  traj.phase0.states:x_11              c     0.000000E+00     9.695801E+04     1.000000E+21           
         15  traj.phase0.states:x_12              c     0.000000E+00     1.178897E+05     1.000000E+21           
         16  traj.phase0.states:x_13              c     0.000000E+00     1.415942E+05     1.000000E+21           
         17  traj.phase0.states:x_14              c     0.000000E+00     1.681011E+05     1.000000E+21           
         18  traj.phase0.states:x_15              c     0.000000E+00     1.973350E+05     1.000000E+21           
         19  traj.phase0.states:x_16              c     0.000000E+00     2.291382E+05     1.000000E+21           
         20  traj.phase0.states:x_17              c     0.000000E+00     2.633083E+05     1.000000E+21           
         21  traj.phase0.states:x_18              c     0.000000E+00     2.996321E+05     1.000000E+21           
         22  traj.phase0.states:x_19              c     0.000000E+00     3.379071E+05     1.000000E+21           
         23  traj.phase0.states:y_0               c     0.000000E+00     8.484836E+02     1.000000E+21           
         24  traj.phase0.states:y_1               c     0.000000E+00     3.376666E+03     1.000000E+21           
         25  traj.phase0.states:y_2               c     0.000000E+00     7.554202E+03     1.000000E+21           
         26  traj.phase0.states:y_3               c     0.000000E+00     1.334336E+04     1.000000E+21           
         27  traj.phase0.states:y_4               c     0.000000E+00     2.069660E+04     1.000000E+21           
         28  traj.phase0.states:y_5               c     0.000000E+00     2.955320E+04     1.000000E+21           
         29  traj.phase0.states:y_6               c     0.000000E+00     3.983444E+04     1.000000E+21           
         30  traj.phase0.states:y_7               c     0.000000E+00     5.143680E+04     1.000000E+21           
         31  traj.phase0.states:y_8               c     0.000000E+00     6.422234E+04     1.000000E+21           
         32  traj.phase0.states:y_9               c     0.000000E+00     7.800565E+04     1.000000E+21           
         33  traj.phase0.states:y_10              c     0.000000E+00     9.253734E+04     1.000000E+21           
         34  traj.phase0.states:y_11              c     0.000000E+00     1.074866E+05     1.000000E+21           
         35  traj.phase0.states:y_12              c     0.000000E+00     1.224307E+05     1.000000E+21           
         36  traj.phase0.states:y_13              c     0.000000E+00     1.368636E+05     1.000000E+21           
         37  traj.phase0.states:y_14              c     0.000000E+00     1.502346E+05     1.000000E+21           
         38  traj.phase0.states:y_15              c     0.000000E+00     1.620065E+05     1.000000E+21           
         39  traj.phase0.states:y_16              c     0.000000E+00     1.717075E+05     1.000000E+21           
         40  traj.phase0.states:y_17              c     0.000000E+00     1.789562E+05     1.000000E+21           
         41  traj.phase0.states:y_18              c     0.000000E+00     1.834600E+05     1.000000E+21           
         42  traj.phase0.states:y_19              c     0.000000E+00     1.850000E+05     1.000000E+21           
         43  traj.phase0.states:vx_0              c     0.000000E+00     4.125858E+01     1.000000E+21           
         44  traj.phase0.states:vx_1              c     0.000000E+00     8.541812E+01     1.000000E+21           
         45  traj.phase0.states:vx_2              c     0.000000E+00     1.328751E+02     1.000000E+21           
         46  traj.phase0.states:vx_3              c     0.000000E+00     1.841006E+02     1.000000E+21           
         47  traj.phase0.states:vx_4              c     0.000000E+00     2.396544E+02     1.000000E+21           
         48  traj.phase0.states:vx_5              c     0.000000E+00     3.001984E+02     1.000000E+21           
         49  traj.phase0.states:vx_6              c     0.000000E+00     3.665047E+02     1.000000E+21           
         50  traj.phase0.states:vx_7              c     0.000000E+00     4.394465E+02     1.000000E+21           
         51  traj.phase0.states:vx_8              c     0.000000E+00     5.199484E+02     1.000000E+21           
         52  traj.phase0.states:vx_9              c     0.000000E+00     6.088531E+02     1.000000E+21           
         53  traj.phase0.states:vx_10             c     0.000000E+00     7.066397E+02     1.000000E+21           
         54  traj.phase0.states:vx_11             c     0.000000E+00     8.129513E+02     1.000000E+21           
         55  traj.phase0.states:vx_12             c     0.000000E+00     9.260354E+02     1.000000E+21           
         56  traj.phase0.states:vx_13             c     0.000000E+00     1.042511E+03     1.000000E+21           
         57  traj.phase0.states:vx_14             c     0.000000E+00     1.157984E+03     1.000000E+21           
         58  traj.phase0.states:vx_15             c     0.000000E+00     1.268376E+03     1.000000E+21           
         59  traj.phase0.states:vx_16             c     0.000000E+00     1.371019E+03     1.000000E+21           
         60  traj.phase0.states:vx_17             c     0.000000E+00     1.464847E+03     1.000000E+21           
         61  traj.phase0.states:vx_18             c     0.000000E+00     1.549945E+03     1.000000E+21           
         62  traj.phase0.states:vx_19             c     0.000000E+00     1.627000E+03     1.000000E+21           
         63  traj.phase0.states:vy_0              c    -1.000000E+21     7.028492E+01     1.000000E+21           
         64  traj.phase0.states:vy_1              c    -1.000000E+21     1.394373E+02     1.000000E+21           
         65  traj.phase0.states:vy_2              c    -1.000000E+21     2.071905E+02     1.000000E+21           
         66  traj.phase0.states:vy_3              c    -1.000000E+21     2.731933E+02     1.000000E+21           
         67  traj.phase0.states:vy_4              c    -1.000000E+21     3.369762E+02     1.000000E+21           
         68  traj.phase0.states:vy_5              c    -1.000000E+21     3.979035E+02     1.000000E+21           
         69  traj.phase0.states:vy_6              c    -1.000000E+21     4.551033E+02     1.000000E+21           
         70  traj.phase0.states:vy_7              c    -1.000000E+21     5.073683E+02     1.000000E+21           
         71  traj.phase0.states:vy_8              c    -1.000000E+21     5.530247E+02     1.000000E+21           
         72  traj.phase0.states:vy_9              c    -1.000000E+21     5.897782E+02     1.000000E+21           
         73  traj.phase0.states:vy_10             c    -1.000000E+21     6.145998E+02     1.000000E+21           
         74  traj.phase0.states:vy_11             c    -1.000000E+21     6.238029E+02     1.000000E+21           
         75  traj.phase0.states:vy_12             c    -1.000000E+21     6.135685E+02     1.000000E+21           
         76  traj.phase0.states:vy_13             c    -1.000000E+21     5.810350E+02     1.000000E+21           
         77  traj.phase0.states:vy_14             c    -1.000000E+21     5.254906E+02     1.000000E+21           
         78  traj.phase0.states:vy_15             c    -1.000000E+21     4.487217E+02     1.000000E+21           
         79  traj.phase0.states:vy_16             c    -1.000000E+21     3.541772E+02     1.000000E+21           
         80  traj.phase0.states:vy_17             c    -1.000000E+21     2.457161E+02     1.000000E+21           
         81  traj.phase0.states:vy_18             c    -1.000000E+21     1.267600E+02     1.000000E+21           
         82  traj.phase0.states:vy_19             c    -1.000000E+21     0.000000E+00     1.000000E+21           
         83  traj.phase0.states:m_0               c    -1.000000E+21     4.999639E+04     1.000000E+21           
         84  traj.phase0.states:m_1               c    -1.000000E+21     4.999277E+04     1.000000E+21           
         85  traj.phase0.states:m_2               c    -1.000000E+21     4.998916E+04     1.000000E+21           
         86  traj.phase0.states:m_3               c    -1.000000E+21     4.998555E+04     1.000000E+21           
         87  traj.phase0.states:m_4               c    -1.000000E+21     4.998194E+04     1.000000E+21           
         88  traj.phase0.states:m_5               c    -1.000000E+21     4.997832E+04     1.000000E+21           
         89  traj.phase0.states:m_6               c    -1.000000E+21     4.997471E+04     1.000000E+21           
         90  traj.phase0.states:m_7               c    -1.000000E+21     4.997110E+04     1.000000E+21           
         91  traj.phase0.states:m_8               c    -1.000000E+21     4.996748E+04     1.000000E+21           
         92  traj.phase0.states:m_9               c    -1.000000E+21     4.996387E+04     1.000000E+21           
         93  traj.phase0.states:m_10              c    -1.000000E+21     4.996026E+04     1.000000E+21           
         94  traj.phase0.states:m_11              c    -1.000000E+21     4.995665E+04     1.000000E+21           
         95  traj.phase0.states:m_12              c    -1.000000E+21     4.995303E+04     1.000000E+21           
         96  traj.phase0.states:m_13              c    -1.000000E+21     4.994942E+04     1.000000E+21           
         97  traj.phase0.states:m_14              c    -1.000000E+21     4.994581E+04     1.000000E+21           
         98  traj.phase0.states:m_15              c    -1.000000E+21     4.994219E+04     1.000000E+21           
         99  traj.phase0.states:m_16              c    -1.000000E+21     4.993858E+04     1.000000E+21           
        100  traj.phase0.states:m_17              c    -1.000000E+21     4.993497E+04     1.000000E+21           
        101  traj.phase0.states:m_18              c    -1.000000E+21     4.993136E+04     1.000000E+21           
        102  traj.phase0.states:m_19              c    -1.000000E+21     4.992774E+04     1.000000E+21           

   Constraints (i - inequality, e - equality)
      Index  Name                                              Type          Lower           Value           Upper    Status  Lagrange Multiplier (N/A)
          0  traj.phases.phase0->final_boundary_constraint->y     e   1.850000E+05    1.850000E+05    1.850000E+05              9.00000E+100
          1  traj.phases.phase0->final_boundary_constraint->vx    e   1.627000E+03    1.627000E+03    1.627000E+03              9.00000E+100
          2  traj.phases.phase0->final_boundary_constraint->vy    e   0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          3  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    8.557009E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          4  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    3.422804E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          5  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    3.422804E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          6  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          7  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    2.053682E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          8  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -4.107364E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
          9  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    5.476486E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         10  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    2.738243E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         11  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -5.476486E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         12  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -5.476486E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         13  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -8.214729E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         14  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    1.369121E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         15  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -2.190594E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         16  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    6.297959E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         17  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -5.476486E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         18  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -8.762377E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         19  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    6.024134E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         20  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -1.642946E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         21  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         22  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x         e   0.000000E+00   -2.738243E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         23  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -1.711402E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         24  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -3.422804E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         25  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    6.845607E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         26  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    6.845607E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         27  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    2.738243E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         28  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -6.845607E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         29  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -6.845607E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         30  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    1.369121E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         31  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -2.738243E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         32  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    1.095297E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         33  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    2.738243E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         34  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    1.916770E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         35  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         36  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    3.285892E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         37  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -4.928837E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         38  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    7.393256E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         39  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -6.024134E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         40  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    9.173114E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         41  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00   -4.723469E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         42  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y         e   0.000000E+00    8.625465E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         43  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    2.674065E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         44  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         45  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         46  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    7.487383E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         47  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -3.208878E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         48  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -1.069626E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         49  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    2.139252E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         50  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -7.487383E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         51  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         52  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    1.497477E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         53  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -2.353178E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         54  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    8.557009E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         55  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         56  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -6.417757E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         57  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -4.064579E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         58  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    1.711402E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         59  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    3.636729E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         60  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -7.273458E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         61  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00    2.353178E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         62  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vx        e   0.000000E+00   -4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         63  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.069626E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         64  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -3.208878E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         65  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.069626E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         66  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         67  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    2.139252E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         68  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    1.604439E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         69  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.069626E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         70  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    2.139252E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         71  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         72  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    4.813318E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         73  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    3.743692E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         74  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.952068E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         75  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.337033E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         76  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -1.443995E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         77  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -4.278505E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         78  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    2.139252E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         79  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -6.417757E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         80  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -6.417757E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         81  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00   -8.557009E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         82  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:vy        e   0.000000E+00    8.557009E-14    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         83  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.957416E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         84  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.259351E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         85  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    2.015176E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         86  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.258950E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         87  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    9.237559E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         88  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.961427E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         89  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.805128E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         90  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.259351E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         91  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.957416E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         92  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.650968E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         93  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.076712E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         94  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.965438E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         95  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -7.137080E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         96  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.957416E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         97  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -3.499015E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         98  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.957416E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
         99  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.390514E-13    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
        100  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00    1.957416E-12    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
        101  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.259351E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100
        102  traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:m         e   0.000000E+00   -1.259351E-11    0.000000E+00              9.00000E+100

   Exit Status
      Inform  Description
           0  Optimization terminated successfully.
INFO: checking out_of_order
INFO: checking system
INFO: checking solvers
INFO: checking dup_inputs
INFO: checking missing_recorders
WARNING: The Problem has no recorder of any kind attached
INFO: checking unserializable_options
INFO: checking comp_has_no_outputs
INFO: checking auto_ivc_warnings
Simulating trajectory traj
Model viewer data has already been recorded for Driver.
INFO: checking out_of_order
INFO: checking system
INFO: checking solvers
INFO: checking dup_inputs
INFO: checking missing_recorders
WARNING: The Problem has no recorder of any kind attached
INFO: checking unserializable_options
INFO: checking comp_has_no_outputs
INFO: checking auto_ivc_warnings
Done simulating trajectory traj
Problem: problem
Driver:  pyOptSparseDriver
  success     : True
  iterations  : 8
  runtime     : 5.0996E-01 s
  model_evals : 8
  model_time  : 6.8015E-03 s
  deriv_evals : 6
  deriv_time  : 5.3618E-02 s
  exit_status : SUCCESS
Hide code cell source
sol = om.CaseReader('dymos_solution.db').get_case('final')
sim = om.CaseReader('dymos_simulation.db').get_case('final')

fig, [traj_ax, control_ax, param_ax] = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 8))



traj_ax.set_xlabel('range (m)')
traj_ax.set_ylabel('altitude (m)')



control_ax.set_ylabel(r'$\theta$ (deg)')

a = sol.get_val('traj.phase0.parameters:a_ctrl')
b = sol.get_val('traj.phase0.parameters:b_ctrl')
t = sol.get_val('traj.phase0.timeseries.time_phase')
tan_theta_sol = a + b * t

a = sim.get_val('traj.phase0.parameters:a_ctrl')
b = sim.get_val('traj.phase0.parameters:b_ctrl')
t = sim.get_val('traj.phase0.timeseries.time_phase')
tan_theta_sim = a + b * t



param_ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')

plt.suptitle('Single Stage to Orbit Solution Using Linear Tangent Control')
fig.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=2)



James M Longuski, José J Guzmán, and John E Prussing. Optimal control with aerospace applications. Springer, 1 edition, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4939-4917-5. doi: